HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-01-28, Page 1STRATHROY MAN BUYS PURDON STORE During the past week William Gordon,' of Sti'athrey, Purobased Purdon's, Ladies' and Children's Wear In Wing/nun, , Mr, Gordon 'will continue to operate his pre- sent briskness in Strathroy as well as, the Wingham store, He as- sWales•eharge of the new' business on February 2nd, WOMAN. FOUND ALMOST ;FROZEN Miss Dena l eKenzie of Lucknow was admitted to the Wingham General Hospital in serious condi- tion after neighbors had found her lying on the floor of her home nearly frown and only partly con- scious, -Miss McKenzie, who is 62 years of age, had not been s seen since Friday and where neighbors no- ticed on Monday that there was no smoke ,issuing frpen the chim- aey.of her house•they notified ve- le° and the home was entered. She had'apparently been lying Sor many hours with no heat in the build- ing; Idea ,condition is described by hospital officials, as "only. fair", FOUND DEAD IN BED • GORRIE--Norman Charles, a farmer on the Howiek-Walleee Boundary, was found dead in bed Monday morning. - His wife was with him, very seriously ill; and was taken to the Listowel IvIemor- ial Hospital, A post mortem was conducted by Dr. J. L. Peniston .of Stratford Ceneial Hospital-to ascertain cause of death, Which is believed to have occurred on Friday. Neighbors investigated when they suspected something Was wrong. A brother, • Lewis, Charles, was called from Listovvel, who came and entered the house, Livestock at the barn•had slot been fed, Two brothers, Walter a n d Herbert Charles, live at Gerrie, Mr. Charlea was 54 and with firs wife had moved to the home in Howiek about 12 years ago, Pre- viouslY they resided in Manitoba. or OMFINlS INSTITUTE :EUCHRE n the council chamber, Friday, anuarY 30t1; at 8.15 iiiiiirp. Ad- mission. 50 cents. Everyone wel- OeinC, ' F28b. 14,0101 OF ANisitiAi. Take notice that the annual meeting of the ShareholderS of the Wreketer Telephone Co., Ltd., will be. held ,in the Town Hail, Wrox- eteri..on' Friday,' Jahuary '30, 1959, -2.311'-gAn.' for the purpose of eiecthigsie, board of directors and ihreaCtitMg• such ,basinesS -that may u' o,hrcinglit before the •sharelfelderS. p28b IRECIP4sFOR M' LApy !':.Tlifrit,-Glena Johnston' of Gorrie vlll ,i,deationstrate a recipe on CKNX-TV on TireSday: • February 3rd,' Our stndio. audience thai.day, will include members of the 'Gerrie Women's Institute. Program; time 2.30. ' F28b F,RP011r IVEETING ,AT„TOI,a7N HALL , organizations and individuals in•Wingham and district, whether or trot they are Menthol's .of the .fecal Film Council, are aSked to Meet.- at' the council ,,,tharnber on Wednesday evening,: i'lit3(rtilAiSenas ways and lneans of OtiSint,Mciney for the purchase of trIrofeetor. The machine current- fly in :tee' is on loan and has ,to be igetitthed soon. , Ualesa sa machine purchased the "advantages offeeed•• by the ROM Ceiineil wilt - be+;ldst to tlie,communitY, 'F2128b iilbtliATION AORICtitittitU A, hfoetitig of „the , Township ilUrnberry Federation' of Agricul- titvrvi be held hi Gilmouris teitOiiroo Thuts4ay, January 29, 'iitfitki• Pan, This is an important sineetiiie,t0 , fainters- in. Turn- berry to arrange and. appoint tan- Yesaera to Make /toren County tr. "Briteellotie free area, interested fanners please attend this meeting' show 'your interest in your .FederatjOii of Agrintilthre. F28b tiN$614.4iONIECNt , — 'MN and IVO& 'red smith, of 1100k06f, wish tb ariamined the Ortlage of their ditOghter,- Norma tel Me, trues Votiitorrierk„ ,pf; Wrexeter, the ritartiage to take pit' a SathrdaY, :Fabled** 't,• at the „boos ot.the bride's PllC iitt#r ,ntib With which is amolganukted Vied. ette WrOXeter N JANIALCY 28i IOW W.111011Abli 0.14TAILIOF WED, caner enet.w oviick B40._ Burns. ALO 0 , THE MAIN' DRAG ,tok, Th. ,pedestrian R0144;01JT Trix, Bmut:EL., ., T,frear, l'oeiir firemen crgpt'ed,g goed deal of fen over a gueSeiag .game as tai' when the spring:, break-up. would ^take place apn,' the, Maitland. To mark the eventsa-colored bairel Was pleced on the lee of Howeonte. pond end ifeketeeffere 1044' the,•••intiny per- loneWh0, Wanted to, hazard a guess iktiont „the. time it would go over the Thew are repeating the 404:again this year and the fonds so raised will be turned Over to • the. fund :for a eveimming pool in it '0 •• , 0 • ANN*, (4'NT YOUR irtea have a meeoperlY en fox. hunts? ).e'rhaps, What 'about the lady who looked throUgh her kit- Chen, window ,and saw Reddy in, itei•garden. She grabbed a gun, aimed; And one more fox Went to the .:happy hunting ground O's, 0 • It Enoat HOttilAs-• •.:TheiWilighani. and District Re= tarried' Children's' AsSeeicition ro- c:01W•teceivect •a donation of $50 fir*the'TQWnsilip of Morris. The other toWnshiP councils in'tbis ills- tri4'.h4Ve also been contacted in this 'regard. r" DANCE IN WROXETElt A dance will he held in the doinrimility hall on Friday, Janu- aOth. Music by Carruthers 10i0tie. Lunch „booth and enech rodtn r in" the hall, Admission 75e. T, ,T, Schaefer of near Fordwieh on the fourth eeneeasion of Howe ick suffered a heavy, loss on we- day orthis week when his large barn containing a large clnant0 of hay and straw was levelled by • fire, Mr, Schaefer and his wife hurl left at 2,00 p.m. for Kitehenerand the Wingham fire brigade ree. ect the. cell at 3.15. Mr, Schae4r • stated that he had no idea 'home' the fire, Started. everythiv •bitcl apparently been alright when he ;left fme. He had been in the barn at 0,00 a.m. feeding his ,pigs, The loss2iS Partly ebyered by in- surance. ' The' building Consisted of 'the main barn, which was 60x50 'feet and a: smaller straw shed 20100 feet: The barn was filled with hay to the •'extent 'of 10 'or 80 tons and some 1400 bushels of grain. Also lost in the blaze were a, self-pro- pelled combine, .a hammer mill. trailers scales and grain augur. The . owner did not have any cattle In the •building but a number of pigs and five sows add their litters were destroyed. The alarm was sent in: by a neighbor, but, by the time the local fire fighters• drove to the scene the building was beyond saving. However, the brigade stood by 'to protect the driving shed which was situated nearby, and the faint- fly residence.' Fortunately the wind was not blowing embers to- ward the house. Mr, Portion Purchased the store from Norm'an Welwoocl seven.years ago,' However, in the interval he entered' the contracting business' 'in Sarriia and *IVO' his. Wilily, to that 'city. Previous to owningsthe dry goods , and. clothing, husioess Mr. Purdon was the proprietor Of what is now MacIrityre's 13akery, Seafortli Doctor.:Speo,14 n Trip the 'the blaze after the large structure had collapsed. The. Wingham Fire Brigade attended, but the buildingwas nearly in ruins when they arrived.---Advance-Times photo. FORDVVICH "FIRE—The large bank barn owned by T. J. Schaefer on the 4th Concession of Howickp a Mile south of Fordwieh fell- victim to fire on Monday afternoon. • No, estimate of the, loss , was Available, As Mr. Schaefer was away at the time of the fire. The picture shoWs are followers of the . Buddha or Shinto faiths, or both., Dr. McMester, of Seaforth, was the guest speaker at the meeting of the local .LiOns Citib held in the United Church base- ment, on Friday evening, He was F28b County Council Moves PARK COMMITTEE TO SPONSOR FMB Mrs. Wm. Dawson Was in 105th Year A:resident of Wingham foe" al- Most 60 , years, Mrs, Ellen Jane Davison, died on Tuesday of last week ,at the Mason Villa, Private Hospital in London. Mrs, Daw- ion had celebrated her 104th birth- 'day, on May 24th, 1958, o -Hold Five Sessions •AND DANCE: 'ithe telgrave Wainen',s: Institute will sponsor a euchre and dance on Friday, February .6th ,at in the- ...FoTester's' HO- Lad les plenae bring Ihnob. Adniiesidn'50(3. • at Gilanottra School, The Minutes $37.00'for Brownies Farming, said the speaker, is carried on in an ,intensive fashion, with .not a square inch of arable introdueted by? Dr, W. A. Craw- ,land wasted. Average earnings.. for ford, first vine-president of the insedrlid 'workers range from club; who also presided over the nigh of $80,00 per month to as low gathering, in the absence of the as $20,00, president, • September, of this 'year Dr. kelVfaster attended, a inediee1 con- ference in Tolcy.p :and went 'on to Nisit other countries in'the• Orient. He spoke.of ,the immense value of travel as a, means' toward; better ,understanding between, -rapes,- and• 'described a, Lions Club meeting which •he had attended, in Tokyo, The City is one of the largest in the, world, with a population of nine' million' 'people, increasing at the rate of a quarter Million 'each year. He told of the congested traffic and the strange mixture of modern' architecture and shack dwellings, ' ".. One or the things which had irri- After his talk. Dr. Mckaste'r were elected as,..follows: A ''Sfie`rWas -botn-lit TOWiiship in 1851, the eldest datigh.:. ter of "Edward' ' C. and. Margaret Hudgins Logan. Her 'father was r The annual meeting of the. Turn- berry Park was held January 19th Hullett Township will .be Tepree of the last anmfal .meeting .wete " , seated by a county warden for lithe read, followed by the financial NORMAN CHARLES titne.,#2,reeeayears. stateinciit. The Officers for KineitesR4ise:'. Mrs, 'Maurice ...Stainton. !held a .euchre her,,lhoine Wednesday eVerting. when 29 were present„ with seven tables in play. The euchre was one' of, several to be held before February 14th by' members of the Kinette , Club to raise money for Brownie funds. The proceeds of Wednesday night's ;party alriounted to $14;75.- Mrs. George Guest and Mrs. Ernie Lewis wen the• prlies for 'high scores and Mrs. Matthew Bell won the consoiatiOnprize. Salad plates.; sandwiches, coffee and tea were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs.' Percy. Stainton and Miss "Barbara Stainton: MI'S. Freddie Ternpleman and Mrs. Bruce MacDonald were host- esses at 'a euchre on 'F'riday, Jan. 16 at the former's home when three tables were' in, play and $0.75 was raised for the ce.use. Winners with high scores were Mrs. SteWart Forsyth and Mrs. Don McKay with Mrs. Ron Somers of Londern claim- ing the consolation prize. Salad Plates and hot rolls were served. On Thursday evening Mrs. Cal Burke, Mrs. Bob Gutpell and Mrs. jaCk Walker jointly held a mixed euchre and bride party at the lat- ter's, residence. Four tables in Jewiti, reeve or thaemunicipal- ity, was elected On the setOnd as cOtinty council Opened In. Godericii• last week: ;tiefealed Reeve Cecil Blake a of Reeve Bailie Parrott of ito'iria eliminated' en -the fleet ballot • In his inaugural atictreSS the warden warned that 'this year would be a, busy one for the coun- ty, since an addition to the county homed a .buildilig preject the county 'inurseum . are both-, under • consideration, • 'New meinbers of, the `council were introdueed;*.John ,Hereletson, Hensall; Frank Walkem,,Goeterich; Ralph Jewell, Celborne; .W. J. Forbes; Goderfeh Township; Her- vey Taylor, Stahley; Edward Gill,, ,Stephee; .Clarence .Manna,,; East Wawanosh and Williarri Le Miller and Melviii Ctieli, both of• Clinton. Hold Mill Rate No change in th6 comity mill rate was predicted in the tents,. tive budget submitted by the coup, 7 "I! ty treasurer, It is expected that the mill rate Will ,136 6.9 for gener- al purposes and 6,5 for highways, President, George Onderwood; vice-president, Doug McPherson; secretary, Don Fortune; treasurer, George. Day; directors, Oscar Kief- fer; ..We Paulin, Glenn Appleby; Lorne :Metcalfe, Bill Mundell, El» cared iCathers, E. Walker, Eiirl Welts, Allan McGill, DISCUgSiOn. of financing the 'coin- ing year's work folloWed and it was' decided that Ouelires shOuld be held again, beginning January 30th. . F284b • WINGRAiktb.us. txiNcritt* 'The students' of the Wingham District High School." Will'prederit their : annual „Variety :Concert on i Thursday , and Friday evenings,. February 26 and 27, lb the School Auditorium, ;There will be a more detailed • announcement regarping '-the programme later. , ..,F281) Showea• colored privies taken in the eourSe hi's ipeereyting trip, The appreciation of the' elUb,was fittingly' expresSed by ,Lion Guests' at the. meeting were V. .f. Platt of Tabor, Alta.,' Meer La; tome' of Zeafor61 and Thigh Gage, formerly 'of 'CKN,X, who delighted' the Lions ' with two• violin selec tions. Before he piayed, Mr, Gage paid tribute to the iate 11,1r. Schatte of Wingham, Who :had ,made the violin Mr. Gage wes using, • Lions T. A. Ourrie extracted the fines in his capacity as tail twister, Harold Victor Priv was at, the piano and Harry MeArtitus acted pressed the doctor was the tremon- as song leader. dons number of industrial plants A letter of thanks was read from in Japan, where one is seldom out -Michael McPhail, president of the of sight of the buildings and chim- Winghain and DiStriet Retarded neyi of factories. He said that the' Children's .Association; for a sec- ond grant from the Lions Club of $100,00. ,• streets and homes are spotlessly clean and that there is a. very high level of education in the country as a whole•He had attended a very interesting dinner, where the food Was prepared at the tables and serVed, 'by geisha girls, Ninety-five per cent of ,the population, lie said, —Mr. Freddie Terripleman 'was -in Toronto at the ititniture show , , . from Wednesday to Friday of last week. Progress made last year was dis- cussed and those, in charge report- ed what had so far gone into the park. This included a cement 'bottom on the river bed 75',x°100'; 3,000 -Yards, . of fill, grass seed, ,fertilizer, :300 man hours of labour, 65 • tractor hours, 35 bulldozer hours, picnic tables,' trash barrels, and the partial construction of the Kinsmen Raise $45.00 In Club Auction Sale it iVfain event at the regular Meet- ing of the local Kinsmen's, Club last Friday evening was an auc- tion sale of articles .brought by the members and sold during the Meeting, The, proceeds, which amounted to nearly $45.00. will be 'used for the spring eonveetion, Co be' held in Detroit, in May, * The meeting took the form of 'Vice-presidents' Night and was chaired by First; Vice Sim Currie and Second Vice Freddie Temple- man, Kin Matt Boyd acted as sergeri n t-at-arms and Paused quite a commotion with his tom foolery. A sensational new four-piece band, known as the Four 'Kin, ren- dered some strictly, classical mu, sin which was enjoyed by all, It was reported that the Wing,- ham club will be represented at the curling bonspiels at Stratford and Listowel, Following a general discussion the, executive was asked to con- sider the possibility of having a, club member as it:nonlinee for the office of District Deputy Governor. Following the meeting the club members were 'organized Into foams for bowling at the local lanes,' Kin George Stokes won a prize for the highest individual score and a prize for highest team. Wire Went to Don ltae, to)) Gutpell, Jack 'Walker and SIM Currie. The boys tarried borne valtitubie trophies for their athletic aehieVerrientS, p I INQUEST DETERMINES HAIN BY PNEUMONIA a total of 13.4 mills. Striking committee for thii year was named as follows; Reeve Wile lfam Morritt, Blyth ; Reeve Roy Adair; Wingham; Reeve.W. 5, Mil- ler; Reeve Ivan Forsyth of Tuelt- ersmith and Deputy Reeve Alex Mouseau of flay Township. A letter from J, H, Neill, Huron County Museum curator, asked the lc:Pencil to consider the erection of an addition to tile building on North Street in Goderich. The letter suggested a 60x62 foot addl., tion, ' at an `a.ppratimate cost of $6,000, To show that he was in earnest Mr, Neill offered to .erect the building himself. The matter was referred to, committee for , consideration, Local reeves Appointed to stand- ing conirnittees were as foltcrive: Exoeutive, l3ailie Parrott; legisia. tive, Jack Willits, Turnberry, Clan. ence Hanna; finance, Arthur Gib- soil and Harvey McMichael, Howe telt; county home, Roy Adair; agri- culture, Harvey McMichael, Jack Willits; library, Bailie Parrott, Clarence ttalisit, Arthur Gib4Onl, equalization, jack Willits; health, Roy Adair, Bailie Parrott, Joseph Kerr, Wingiuut: cehtuitatiVe, 5, Kerr; histerle, II, McMichael; elle it defence, R Adair. Delay County Heine , surprise development took shape. When the :county 'Connell re- Cltiested the nouitty home commit. (Please tur.1, to Page TOM Plaitrialg ;for the coming year gave . Priorliy to 'completing and 'equipping th6..bathhouse, planting shrubs and trees and 'installing playground equipnient as lax as funds will 'allow. The meeting then ii.djourned, as :pioneer school teacher ins that. township“ Followine:14r marriage 'to sWil- limn Dawson,* the 'couple. farmed 'in KinlosS 'Township and later retired '5''. tcrWingharn. Mr. Dawson died in bath 1.retrae. :January 1919: Mrs, 'Dawson was a member of 8, Paul's Anglican Church while, she:resided here and was active in ,the work. of the, church` until this 'ease netted $9.00, for the about 12 years ago. She lived 'in Brownie fund,. Mrs. Lillian Un- her home on Shiner Street; itow the derwood won the• high prize in residence of Mrs, Irene :Johnston, bridge 'and Mrs. Freddie Temple-. until about three and a half years man captured the prize for high ago, when she went to the Mc- score in euchre. The hostesses Cormick Heme In London, • served a salad lunch, * Her only survivors are severs, Still another party was • held on nephews and nieces, Saturday evening When Mrs, Ivan *I0itileral service was held on Gardner sponsored a mixed euchre, Thursday with the Very Rev. R. C with both men and women being Brown, Dean. of Huron, officiating present. There Were three tables Interment was in St, John's Cc- 'with $5.00 being received for the rnetery at Arva, °Marie. fund. ,Other members of the Witigham New Year's Baby Alr InqueSt was held at Wing- ham 'on Monday to determine tin, cause of death of Charles Pearce, 84-year-old Wordwich man, who was found lying on the street in that village on the night of Jan- nary 10th,' Removed to the Lis- towel Memorial. Hospital, he died the following Thursday. Presiding at the inquest was the coroner, Dr. 'W. A. Crawford of Winghain and H. Glen Hays, Q.C„ county crown attorney, of Coderieh, Was present. Farming the jury were Don Xing, S. aert Graham, haroki Pollock, Crosby' Sothern, t'larl Moore, all of Forrlwieh. Evidence Was fit/Witted by Dr, D, Porde, jack Wilson and Rob- ert Sanderson Of Ifordwieh, The jury coneinded that 'death was due to "hypostatic pneumonia arising from a fail 'on the street." They Were linable to determine whether the fall was Oeekeieried by physi- cal ihtirmity mishap. I III kindle Club will be holding sim- ilar 'parties in the next couple of weeks, TO . ntiLli ANNUAL The annual Meeting of Kees Presbyterian Church, thleVate, Wilt be held on Friday,Jail. 30th at 8.30 P.M. for the "traiiseetion of general busineaS, the cleetiOir of board of managers and elders, Ladies pietist' bring lunch. ' F28b SERVES OF *, tiettitts TO AID FUND Again this year Turnberry resi- dents are sponsoring Mielites le 'aid of the Tiirlibetry park. • The first euchreS will be held at Xir. tort's and, Gilitiones schools on PeidaY evening, Jan, '90th, at 8.30. Mine 'out arid meet the ',friends you Made at the park hist summer. Vigi34 Mist; *lean troas, 'pins Miss done Iterr's cap in phiee lit the eitro, jilliigoeteliirtnileS• held at the Whighain General Hospital last Wediries, day. Mire. COOSS itt the histructer fair the 1l0-month eon* for Certified AttirSing: AssiStafits, Adyiritee,Thicies Photo. In London Hospital Bradley Paul, infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Cerson 6f Tees- waterd Underwent an operation at St. Joseph's Hospital, London on Monday morning of this Week, His condition is reported as Witte- factory; . Bradley Was the first baby bbril ilit, 'Winghtt n ni General hospital i S. A. MtirraY received the sad news on Wednesday, of her nephew, Elmer Chilton being kill- ed is' a, oar accident three miles &tat of Aden ori his way'home front Work at 'Melton Airport. Me, and Mrs. Patti Vanstorie and Mrs. Gordon Iterr attended the Itineral. whielt Was held on Saturday from the Hattistoil funeral hob% 1