HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-12-17, Page 10HUIVALE Mr, an Mrs. Alan Neelon at- tended; the. funeral of a relative at London on Friday. Mr, and Mrs, Raymond Elliott, JaMea. Elliott, Mac Scott and Mrs. M. L, Aitken, Mr. and Mrs, Eldred Nichol and Mr, and Mrs. William Dettman spent Sunday afternoon in Seaforth, Mr. James Elliott and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Elliott attended tIK funeral service of Miss Florence Fowler at Seaforth on Monday. Dr. E. M. MacLennan, of Wing- ham, held a clinic in the corrumin- ity hall last week when 18 eats and 27 dogs were inoculated for the prevention of rabies, Mrs. Alex IliteCrackin and Mrs. Jos, 'Hor- ton were assistants., A carol service will be held in Hnok Presbyterian Church on. Sun- day evening, December 21st at 3 o'clock. On Monday evening the annual Christmas concert will be held in the church schoolroom, Tea The nan Advalie-Zowe, yeklMesaay. Dee. 1.7-. 194 3 AT ALEXANDER'S HARDWARE YOUR ONE=STOP CHRISTMAS GIFT CENTRE GIFTS FOR EVERY BIEMTIER OF 'MT; FAMILY For the Kiddies - for Morn - for Dad for Grandma and Grandpa. Alexander's Hardware of(EyS MADE 'WHITE YOU WAIT't .-xvi,..to-mnyommviwnvng,,vvvvxm,m47.onnovnro 6debkate with KIST BEVERAGES so outer o "i4IIIIMOI11111.01.014,11111Pol1lkmity111eggim11111/1111/08100008PritiollatIP:411-8191C9r11191.1111111t111100111/011 MR111111110 D r. Ferti izer ea er. Did you know that a new modern fertilizer Plant has been erected three miles west of dr. angeville on No. 9 Highway? We manufacture a full line of dried granular and semi-granular' fertilizers, meeting govern- ment tests. In many areas this will mean:, 1. Lower cost , 2. Faster more convenient service 3. Bulk fertilizer available • Agencies open in- many sections. Why'not see us,soon. Grand Valley Fertilizers LIMITED Box 720, Orangeville Phone 964 1- iii , iii lozegoreolirozwAmf.e.Ywortvwegz.valcomr4:=-:talowsoy THIS - WINTER MIX, IT FEED' IT MAKE. 'MORE MONEY • - Market your Grain through Livestock - the high profit way The SHUR-GAIN Way (2CAIT/Yand ECONOMY 6)mhinect BALANCED FEEDING HEADQUARTERS • . FURNITURE LEGS - 6%" long to 28" - 4 to Set long 6%" Plainwood finish ii . . ., $2.25 'set 151/$" Plainwood finish _.. _ $3.05 set , „ , $2.85 set I 1 11%" Plainwood finish . , 20%" Plainwood finish• ; , . , , . — . $3.60 set 28" Plainwood finish .... . . .. . , .4. . $5.30 ,set FINA Service GASOLINE - OIL - LUBRICATION %pr.. Join out Christmas Club now : ; , hos a happy solutiohi TORONTO-DOMINION THE •-111ANk LOOKS ,AHEAD BAN K • a. It..ItLINSTEDTLEttollittotiger Witightuti Ittautcht. A. E. GRAHAM',. Ili age Gorr ie • II-03861 Tuckey Beverages 451 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario Phone Exeter 515 , • It's possible that a college edu- cation doesn't always pay, but that doesn't release Pop from hia.finan- cial obligation, Miss F. Fowler Dies in Seaforth 13LUEVALE' Miss Florence Fowler died in Scott IVIemoria' Hospital, Seaforth, on December 12 after a brief illness, She was ar her 72nd year. Surviving are two brothers Elmer of 'Seaforth and Henry of London, a nephew and three nieces. The, funeral was' held in the Whitney funeral home in Seaforth on Monday, Rev, ,T, H, James, o! Seaforth Anglican Church, of which deceased was a member, officiating Temporary entombment Was it Mitchell cemetery. Permanent bur- ial to he in Harpurhey Cemetery, Miss Fowler lived for several years with her brother Elmer on the fourth, line of Turnberry. Her neighbors here will long remember her for her cheerfulness and kind- ness of heart, I OUR BUSINESS INSURANCE DEPT. has been organized to I give helpful specialized service for the protection of PARTNER- SI-UPS - KEY MEN - SOLE OWNERSHIPS - Be ASSURED Consult— • FRANK C. HOPPER —Representative— Canada Life WINGHAM, :ONT. Phone 462 Mr. Neelon Chairman For School Concert w,,U4VALZ---The Christmas en- tertainment given, ;13Y the pupils ofEluevale school in the eolrinnin- ity hail on December 9th. was said to be the beet ever. The preeenta- thin of dialogues, recitations and musical numbers gratified parentS and friends who attended in gooc nuinbers thoUgh the weather was unfavorable. Mr, Alan Neelon was chairman The teacher Miss I3erva Gallagher and the music supervisor, Mrs Nora Moffatt, had the responsibil- ity of training the children, The singing was especially good. The lighted tree, the appearance of Santa Claus and the presenta. tion of gifts made all the young hearts glad, W.A. DONATES TO CHILDREN'S AID FLUE — The Christmas meeting of the Wemen's Institutr held at the home of Mrs. -Harr' Elliott on Dee, 11th, was ,a vet enjoyable one with a gobd atten- dance.' The president, Mrs, Spar ling Johnston, presided, The roll call was answered by gifts for cheer boxes for the sick and gifts for the Children's Ale Society at Goderieh. Mrs. Alex McCrackin, Miss Dorothy Greena- way and Mrs. Harry Elliott Were appointed to pack the cheer laves and Mrs. Alex Corrigan to send the gifts to the Children's Aid, Mrs, McCrackin gave a detailed "eport of the area convention Which she attended at Guelph in NoYern: ber, describing the demonstra- tions, addresses and social func- tions which she enjoyed, M-rs, El- dred Nichol gave the motto, "Good cheer is contagious", emphasizing 'he influence of a cheerful and generous outlook at Christmas time. A group of ladies gave an amus- ing skit, !`Silver and Gold", which had a Christmas theme, The play- ers were Mrs. Bernard Thomas Mrs, Bert Garniss, Mrs. William Elston, Mrs., Harvey Edgar, Mrs. M, Craig, Mrs, James Elston, Mrs 'Roy Purvey and Mrs. R. S. McMur- ray, Christmas carols wore.sung under the direction of Mrs, Alex Corrigan Refreshments were served by thel hostesi and the committee, Mrs. Frank Stamper, Miss Dorothy Greenaway and Mrs. M. L. Aitken, GORE Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ro- bert Graham and other relatives were Mr.--Pancl Mrs. Eldon Graham and children of Toronto. Mr. James Graham and son Alex of -To- ronto and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Brown of Beamsville. Alex Strong, son of Mr2and Mrs John Strong, was the winner of a cash prize for ' second highest standing for 4-11 Calf Club work in six counties. The award was made at the Banner Counties Ayrshire Club -annual dinner at Atwood. Mr. John Strong was elected a rice- president. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart, nee Helen Ludwig of Molesworth were honored by friends and neighbors at a shower in the Gorrie commun- ity hall on Thursday night. They were presented with a lazy-boy- chair and a step'-up stool. Dancing was enjoyed with Mr. and , Mrs. Sam Timm and Charles McIntosh providing, music. Wingham 4=14 Club Holds Meeting The fifth meeting of the "Wing- ham Willing Workers" was held on Friday at Mrs, Lapp's home, with eleven girls present. . The Meeting was opened 'with singing "0 Canada" followed by re- neating the 4-H pledge and motto in unison, The roll call was:• My list of food products from wheat, oats and corn, The minutes were read and adopted. We all went to the kitchen and Mrs. Currie de- monstrated how to make date and oatmeal squares, Macaroni and cheese was demonstrated by Betty Ann Lapp and porridge was made by Anne Currie. Mrs, Currie ,then reviewed some of our work. After sampling our food, we sang Christmas Carols. For homme assignment we are to: 1, make one dish from rolled oats; 2. prepare a macaroni dish and record; 8. find your favourite recipe for fruit loaf (Quick Bread). 4=H Members Make Rice Pudding BELMORE—On Tuesday evening of last Week the l3elmore Baking Belles opened their meeting with the 441 pledge, The minutes of the Previous meeting were road 'and the roll called. , "Three things I have learned about flour!', was the answer to the roll call r this Meeting and the one for next Meeting will he a list of food pro- dads made front Wheat, Oats and corn. A colleCtion was taken to help pay for the use of the ,to room. The home assignment was' giVen and the date for the next meeting was set for the afternoon of Deeerliber 22, at the hotne of Mrs. Johann. "Breakfast foods frern wheat; oats and oat Prochicla and corn and its products" was the topic, 'this brought out Some of the ev., erday cereals, the We of barley, rye, buckwheat, rice, tapioca and sago Was also discussed, Several Ways' of serving porridge, with brown sugar •and frOits Were &eta, ShirleY ShirthriOna and titergitta Monet •dettabliatrated• Making a tled pildditige The pudding Was eget* latef *AM cookies lattpplled Sy the leklebl.. The meeting lid with hatioaisi Jluttliiels (.1:nitea Church News WROXElTER—The Wroxeter ited Church was decorated with miniature Christmas trees, for a pre-Christmas, service on Sunday -with Rev, Hird ,opeaking on a Christmas theme and the singing of Christmas carols aMong which was a solo, "Away in a Manger", by Ian Howes, Following the mor- ning service, the White Gift service of the Sunday School was conduct- ed. Final Euchre HELORAVE— 'The final euchre party for 1958 was held in the community centre last Wednesday with five tables in play, High prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs, Mark Armstrong and consolation prizes went to Mrs. Albert Vincent anNdoCvaelrtlyPiprorcizteer.winner was Jack McocmCmalelunmee. in the eeaseew pyaeratrieosn Jwani11 nary 7th, BORAH The members of Trinity Angli- can Church* will hold their Christ, mas party in the community centre on December ,2nd. Mr. David Armstrong is a patient' in the Wingharn General Hospital There will be special Christmas services in Trinity Anglican Church on Sunday, Dec. 28. The choir will provide special music and Rev, R, Meally will be in Charge, CROWN Theatre - Harriston WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY December 17 and 18 - "CRY TERROR" James Mak)* Inger Stevens Taut Well Made Suspen'se Adult Entertainment FRIDAY and SATURDAY - December 19 and 20 "THE SAVAGE" Technicolor Starring Charlton Heston "THE GYPSY and THE. GENTLEMAN" Tedhnicolor Evening 7.00 p.pa. FREE MATINEE SAT. 2.15 p.m. • MON. - TUES. - WED. December 22 - 23.-.24 Two All Time Laugh Greats "Doctor 'hi The House" Plus • "Doctor At Sea" • Both in TechnicolOr • Evening 7.00 p.m. . a ` • ,00 this year, from our wide choice of easy-to-work- with material plus lots of ideas and plans :0 We have:— Plywood, Plywood Edge Trim, Arborite„ Contact Adhesives — no cramps or nails **4 See us for• All.- •Y our Building Needs! HAKL$AWMfEtL77X . . . IS IMPORTANT to , an expert body repair job. You can rely on the finest in equipment when you bring your vehicle to us for repair. Prompt and reliable service guaranteed at • t ody Wingham ook ahead with THE BANK to next Christmas! By joining our Christmas Club now, at, any Toronto-Dominion Bank, you can have enough to have a Merry Christmas and a Ha* New year! Look ahead to next Christmas now with The Bank that looks ahead!. COME IN AND ASK ABOUT: JOINING OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB! • Deposit this much money each week 50 $1,00 $2.00 $5.00 $10.60 Rectiye this much in 50 weeks • $25,00 450.0) $100,00 $250.00 $500.00 aortilit ICI IT 0 cm') NEW SCHEDULE FOR CHURCH GROUPS 13ELGRAVE—MrS. Clifford. Lo- gan welcomed the members of the Belgrave Evening Auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society of <nox Unieed Church to her home Thursday 'evening for their Christ- mas and annual meeting, The pm- Sident, Mrs. Gordon Bosnian, was iann dc hopaergneed °if wt ab ithusiness a npde riod the Lord's prayer in unison, The treasurer's report was read by Mrs, Clifford Logan, and the minutes by Mrs. Clarence Hanna, There were two home and eleven hospital visits to the sick and Shut- in recorded, A new schedule, plan- ning for the places for the meet- ings to be held, was drawn up os follows: January, Mrs, Kenneth, Barbour; February, Mrs. John Nix- on; March, Mrs, Harald Vincent; April and May meetings will be held in the church; June, Mrs, Ross Anderson, The nominating committee re- port was as follows: Past pres., Mrs. Ross Anderson; pres., Mrs. Gordon Bosm'an; first vice-pres., Mrs. Clifford Logan; second vice- pres., Mrs. Jack Taylor; see,, Mrs Clarence Hanna; assistant see,, Mrs, Ralph McCrea; treas„ Mrs. Robert Grasby; Associate Helpers' sec., Mrs, James Coultes; Christian stewardship sec.," Mrs, Albert Bie- man ; Christian citizenship sec., Mrs. Ted rear; community friend, ship sec, Mrs George Johnston: literature sec., Mrs. Sam Pletch; supply sec., Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse; pianist, Mrs, George Johnston; auditors, Mrs. Ralph McCrea and Mrs. Sam. Pletch; group leaders, Mrs. Clifford Logan, Mrs, Kenneth Barbour, Mrs. John Nixon and Mrs. Eldon Cook. The group was reminded to save the stamps from their Christmas mail, to be out from the envelopes, leaving a quarter inch -:margin around the •stamp. It was suggest- ed that the .group join the film board if it meets with the approval of the, other organizations. The of- fering was received and dedicated, and -prayer by the president closed this part of the meeting, Mrs. Clarence Hanna's group was in charge of the worship period, and it was all taken from the Hymnary, opening ,by singing , a, hymn and reading a hymn respon- sively, followed by a prayer.of gen- eral thanksgiving. ,Mrs, Ross Rob- inson, Mrs. Clifford Logan and Mrs: Roy MeSween read Scripture lessons, The Christmas story, "The Little. Grey Lamb", was read. by Mrs. Gor- don Bosnian, • She also, told how Christmas is celebrated in different lands. The, film; "CopPeibelt" was shown by Mrs, Clifford Logan. A lunch was served. SHUIGAIN Plan For BALANCING Grain To-day! WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. William Halt were week-end guests of_ Mr, and Mrs. Billy Hart, Oshawa. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heath, Mr, and Mrs. Jack. Lucas, Listowel, spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Coates, . Mr. and Mrs. Bert , Abel and Janey, Mr. and Mrs. 'Lyle. Hart and Patti, Listowel, -.were', Sunday guests of Mrs. R..Newton. Mrs. Henry Sage, iLstowel, is visiting at present at the home of Ross Torrian. • Mr. Harry Walker, Gowanstown, spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Walker. Mr. and Mrs Ross Coates were Sunday visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Jack Lucas, Listowel, Mr. Mac Allan of Montreal has engaged Mr. Dalton Dickison to manage his farm on the outskirts of the village, purchased a few years ago from the late Edwin Pal- mer. Mr. and. Mrs. Dickison and their two small sons, Donny and Jimmy, recently Moved here from Teesivater. We welcome them to the community. BALANCE YOUR GRAIN WITH SHUR-GAIN CONCENTRATES "A good crop of grain - - -" is reported from almost every county 'in Ontario this year. Now you want to get the best out of your grains during this whiter. You can do it too by BALANCING them with SHUR- GAIN CONCENTRATES to ensure that you are feeding a COMPLETE RATION - - - complete with the PROTEINS, MINERALS AND VITA- MINS that your GRAINS LACK but that are so necessary to the best health and productivity of your stock or flock. So - - - Call In and Pick-Up Your Copy of The CANADA ,.PACKERS LIMITED ONTARIO Your 5H U R-GA I Niea: ervic Mill - - SAVE FEEDING TIME — SAVE FEEDING DOLLARS waders' Supply Why not MAKE your Christmas Gifts EQUIPMENT Phone 746 SID ADAMS, Prop. Just tell us where — and we'll be there.