HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-12-17, Page 7gbb:auttZtin0 , A . .W014-014.4 ONT41111110, WV1014$40—, PNCENR-Sat. lita 41)14 '41 OP finely chopped celery, 'Ar exv soedlosto raisins kuni % to teasPoon ginger. 141x well together and let stand overnight,, or longer, in refrigerator tq blend .flaVours. Make about t claps. 'OLOTTTI*X Of-IPTMY Does . your ramify llhe relishes.. With 14i, different Maw Pr? dIteaff4lp yoUr cranberry .44 Way: To g cups of cranberry .sauce .44 1 .ellP finely shopped Onfleeled fiip.!ip}igiliimqfislIWW.A.11111,11,14!1)01A.1010tilil . BUFFALO STEAK, a real treat lb $1.00 COTTAGE ROLLS . ... . . , , . . lb. 60c GROUND BEEF , „ • . , , 3 lbs. $1.25 FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY SAUSAGE „ . . ... , . 3 lbs. $1.25 LARD . , . , . „ .. , „ . 2 lbs. 25c On Friday and Saturday - SUET , „ lb. 25c Let, us fill .yoult, LARD PAIL at 10c per lb. Lockndge'S Butcher Shop The Best of Fresh and Cured Meats Always. on Hand. • wish to extend their sincere greetings to the Ratepayers of Morris Township for MERRY CHRISTMAS • and . a HAPPY NEW YEAR Bailie' Parrott, Reeve Ross Duncan Stewart Proctor Gordon Wilkinson Walter Shortreed, Councillors HOW DONE-,-Ronald Alton demonstrates how to put on a head bandage and an arm sling on his partner, Robert H. Currie at the St. John's Ambulance first aid test last ThursdaY night. Both men are from Luelthow. CHECK LISTS,--lierh.Fidler left, and Harry West rightoiecretary and assistant secretary of the first aid -course which wati held here during the past month, check the jilt of Canis° member; with: C. H. Magee, course instructor, at the public school Thursday evening; when exar,il' [nations for the.group were held; - Neighbors 'Gather At ,Poxtan Home steasuntesnoretegotaxistsassessiationitasafaaffaltaafial Hold on to your Life Insurance too ... with both hands ;" Several neighbors and friends dropped' in •unexpectedly on • Mr;' and Mrs, Harold "Ilind'r Foxton on Friday evening, When a pleasant evening was Spent playing, euchre and other genies, Mr. and Mrs': Foxton and -their, three 'children}'. Marie, Stephen 7 and Brian,' have taken up residence in London; where_ Bud has •seollted ,a•pUsitiorr. • A. dainty iunch was 'served by .".the. ladles and Mrs:,Dorothy. Willie „Orr behalf of those preient ekpressed regret that the. Foxton faMily waS leaving Wingliarn and wished them: well in their new home. 1Vird, Wilt tie' and Mrs.:Ether :Ste'wart• Rented Mr. and Mrs. Foxton, with an automatic toaster, two TV anac; tables and a, chrome smokinistand:. The Foxtonsleft Wingham: on' Saturday morning., ' : !BROKEN '/4EGrS, weuld be tied- .rip like this if no splints ware ' available, by members of the first aid bourse with* was edriipleted here last weeif. Neil M. Gros s and his patient, Donald W McDonald, both of Lis- towel' deniestatraiii-OreViiithiditliiiiiieSthedi-' Part' (if f'he, tests. - • • Struck by Car . . Nancy Gardner; the, four-year,! old " daughter: ot, Mr, and, Mrs., Lorne, GlaKchier,;Winghami was ad-, mitted to the local hospital fernb- servation,04 ThiitedaY' of last *41i..' The. miltd- rainunaittkim:4itrih of car. • It was found that she had- siiffered a mild" coneusston and' shuck, SKI 'RESORT OPENS AT EAGLES NEST Your life insurance policy is very valuable proPerty • because if anything happens to you, your depen-, deritt will receive not merely what you saved, liut all the money that you planned for .their benefit,. either in cash or as an income. • tlecellse;iii•ii6liCi441aVirig,ttlarsantaed Cash values, • your savings stie, protected against casual, spending, yet are alWayS there to Use in a financial enlergency, • because the payment of every dollar that yOur poli- cies promise'you at' retirement is also guaranteed' ". Guaranteed family security and guaranteed savings makei life insurance the number one gilt-edged investment for, ' over PA million Canadians. This valuable • property is worth holding an to with both hands. - F T L Agg' „ . • , . Christmas .'88 will be remem- bered forever if you give her .the world's most precious article A PERFECT DIAMOND • ..From $55.00 For that Extra Little Item SELECT A SET OF LINKS irons 'our 'varied selection From $1.00 Christmas Concert At Baptist Church On Friday evening the annual Sunday School Christmas enter- tainment was held :in the Wingham Baptist Church with Frank 'Collar, superintendent, in charge. The pro- gram opened with the singing of carols and words of welcome by the chairman. The nursery department, under the leadership of Mrs. Reg. Collar and Mrs. Glenn Schifele gave , a welcome recitation by Billy Bur- chill, an exercise entitled ."Christ- mas" by a group of the scholars, and the entire class joined in "the singing Of "Away in a Manger". Miss Mary Stapleton's Beginners' class presented a recitation, "Wel- come Wish", by Brian Crispin a class recitation entitled "Christ- mas Mother Goose", a solo "0 Little Town of Bethlehem" by Don- ald Collar, and a recitation "Good Night, Merry Christmas" by Linda Pellett, • WATCH REPAIRS: REASONABI,E' OiliA131ES George Williams , Located in Masteri's Siore. 'Owing, to lank' :''spa(Ce, small decks and waliehes only. Lorne Howe of Teeswater, who purchased the Eagle's Nest, locat- ed in the Alps section of Cuiross and home of the late Peter Fisher, has recently opened a public win- ter resort at the •property. THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES, IN CANADA Mr, Howe has made the cottage itself into a comfortable club house complete with canteen. He has erected a 330 foot rope tow for ski- ers and the runs are about 600 feet. It lies been reported by several people that skiing at the Eagle's Nest has been excellent. The new winter resort is open to the public every Wednesday after- noon, Saturdays and Sundays and during the week between Christ- mas and New Years will be open each day, 'The owner feels that there may be many school age children in the district who would like to learn to ski and has generously offered them free skiing on Saturday Mor- nings, Mr, Howe.` does not claim to be a professional skier himself but will give the children some in- struction if they desire it. If the resort proves popular Mr, Howe plans to improve the grounds by planting trees on the-premises and build a few barbecues so that wiener roasts and picnics may be held there during the summer months. A FEW SUGGESTIONS Electric Razors - Musical Jewel Cases Bone China Teas and Saucers Travel and Alarm Clocks Full Lead Crystalware Hand-Hammered Aluminum Manicure Sets - Signet Rings - Watches Jewellery of every description. For the Gift that is Sure to Please, visit us to-day. 14$1:ifiVACifigUlit-U-A14%.14-WIMA4114**MACIAM-M-AMMOKil "Finest Quality and Service" Hafermehl's Jewellery EVENING DIAMOND APPOINTMENTS ON REQUEST ‘34-/400..Vit-AMPAM-Vri.MMIXIIMMIXAMBilaMiliWiA-niVIAMBOViik The class exercise "Christmas Means Christ" was given by the junior boys and girls of : Miss Mary Hotchitiss'a class followed by a piano duet 'by Doug, and Faye Procter. Mrs. Frank Collar's intermediate girls presented the class recitation "If I Had Been Thee" and a dialogue entitled "Signs of Christ- mas". Karen and Grant Kilpatrick rendered a piano duet. The climax of the program was the play "His Best Christmas" which was well presented by the young people of the Sunday Sehool under the direction of Mrs. D, Sinclair, Most of us are beginning to learn that the cost of experience has gone up like everything else. Officers,:Elected At w;A:. ,met!pg Intended 'for last 'Week. ' • FORDWICH,--The regular meet- ing' Of "the W.A".".of :the Pordwith United, ChUreh -"Was' held in the bhurch parlours: • It was opened with ' call to wership • and the carol "0 Little Town,w of Bethle- hein.": 'Tele ,story of the' Eniniincia- tion and the Magniticat .were :read by Mrs. Ge'o, Richards. Mrs, Glenn Johnston 1.ft:1k:the : comments en- titled-"Seelf•of Thought": ;She 'said that thOughts help us to hear celestial • Music 'so that we may better bear the cries of help for the earthly' needs of the people, The minutes were read by Mrs. Wm. Campbell. The business was discussed. It was decided to hold the January meeting on :Ian. 15th. It will take the form of a New Year's party fOr all the women of the church., •Mrs. A. E. Gardiner conducted the election of officers for the coining year, Mrs, Earld Patterson presented the nominat- ing committee's report. It was accepted as follows: Past president,. Mrs. Geo. 'Rich- ards: ,president, Mrs, Glenn John- ston; vice, president, Mrs, Wm. Wilson; secretary, Mrs. Wm. Camp- bell ;• treasurer, Mrs, Jag, Warrell; pianist, Mrs. A. F. Gardiner; work committee, Mrs, A. Stinson, .Mrs. W. Cooper, Mrs. Geo, Pittendreigh; gift committee, Mrs. Scott Clark- son,. Mrs. Elmer Harding; cards, Mrs.' Nkman Harding; flower committee, Mrs, Wm, Wilson, Mrs. Glenn Johnston, Mrs. Austin Stin- son; preas, MiSs Minnie McElwain; lunch Committee, Mrs.. E. Patter- son, Mrs, N, Harding,. Mrs, H. Fraser; parsonage committee; Mrs, N, Harding, Mrs. A. Stinson, Mrs. WM. Campbell, Mrs. Glenn Johna- ton; nominating .coninnittee, Miss Minnie MCIDIWain, 'Mrs. Elmer Harding„ Mrs. Scott Clarkson, ' -The meeting closed With the carol "Silent. Night" arid, the bene- diction. Lunch Was served by lilts, F'. Johnston, • Aires. Win, Camp- bell, Mrs. Jas. Warrell and Mrs. W. E, Htil i toclt. Some time was spent in preparing for the battier which was held on ,Saturday. In spite of the stormy weather a good crowd attended and the association realized $.120;06 for their Work. , pititirtitS SttPittidt • Saute whole parboiled carrots in .butter Or, Margarine lo which add light brown sugar, a pinall earth of ginger and poscriererl dry mustard, Toss In the skillet Until Well Coated and • tender. • Oarnish With parsley, PREVENT FROZEN SAS LINES BEFORE, THEY START ! ADD A CAN OT KLEEN-FL6 TO EVERY TANKFUL OF GASOLINE. ON SALE AT GARAGES 'AND SERVICE STATIONS EVERYWHERE! T PRICES' Mrill/11EP "Red can make it for dinner, dear!" A faithful bringing you daily comfort and convenience I • • your telephone ! "Hi Helen ... enisa over far tOffeel" It is niitaril to take for granted its everyday uses. 'Yet-. perhaps it is in, these many Hide ways that we are most often re. minded ofthe wonderful value of that friendly !'ntenther.of.die.family" the telephone.