HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-12-17, Page 10, * .e • • title: 'which is amsl'gaiertia W* iimi1ii,' QNTAi °, triie:Vedette and wlraaceter News ,1;'I/A'1(`, DEvEmmt 171 1s>,9N .A41110 THE MAIN DRAG By ',bhp Redestrlan HOUSAND DOLLARS iIY£N BY IIQNS � L FEND TO ('OLL, I. 1r FOR POOL The Wingham Girl' Guides , will mike a collection of baskets, poo. • battles, and » newspapers early in the 'New Year Proceeds of the .'.,collection will, be for the swimming pool' Lund, 0 7 0. - 0 INt3 TO SHUT-INS*-, r young people of the United, Bop t,ist , and Anglican. Churches Will 'join • with Presbyterian Young J'eople. on Wednesday 'evening and wilt 'go. out carol`singing for the • shut-ins, The Presbyterians: have Invited them: back to the church for lunch after the outing, • 040-0 , LONGEST' HOLIDAY ' Students at .the Iopal school will end. their studies., for the' year on • 'riday, -to commence ,•the longest possible ('hristmasholiday.- ,They do hot go back until' ,January 5th.. • GREETINGS NEXT Next week's edition , of The Ad- vanes -Times will carry the Christ- .; mas greetings •of many'businesses' and individuals throughout; the en- tire ,conimunity, tate' to the fact that Christmas next week makes it neeossary to go , toress n little earlierthan usual,. greetings will have to be ordered. not, tater than ;Thurada"Y of this geek, BLAME THE: WEATHERMAN— Last week's issue• of, The 44 did not reach subscribers at the us nal time. Due to the very rough, weather on Tuesday night the em ployees were.''not permitted to do .the somewhat extensive, traveling { "6essary for production 'of- the per. It does prove a point,. how ever, for .out -office was beaeiged by protesting Would-be readers who demanded 'to know" the" reason ter ' tits hold, -up.• 'FREE TAXI SERVICE TO J EGiION' FOWL BINGO You„' .don't 'have to plow your,. way ttroygh' snowdrifts to ;attend the: ••L.ggion • Fowl ,.• Rin'go , at the Wingljam..Diptrict'High schoot to-. night... Call ^768 for free taxi, ser- vice and come out;.to aid the Loi: gioq•and win"youcsr'tf a'•Cii%tst7ii ' dinner, F17b CAROL SERVICE line. Senior Choir of•Knox`'Pres b erian. Church; • Blirevale, : will. hold the annual carol service on Sunday,at 8 p.m. The' juniorchoir will; sing at the 11 a.rii,' service. • F17* DISTRICT Bum SCHOOL MANCE The Literary Society of the Wingham District •High Sehool will Bold their .annual Christmas .Dance blithe School auditorium on, Friday, evening, ,December 19th from 9.30 to 1,00., Music will be 'furnished by. the"Onkors", Alt' former: students ,i.• of the school andtheir friends are invited • to attend: • F17b 'Y HOLY D.. tJHRISTMAS IN *LAN Sgt, Jack Ernest of the Royal, Canadian Signal Corps, recently returned after serving with the United' Nations Emergency Force hi the Middle East, will be a guest an QVI:'Lady on Monday, 'December 22nd, speaking primarily on Christ - hies in 'the Holy .Land. F17b CONCERT :. • Salvation Army Christintis con cert Thursday, December 18 at 8.0() p.m. Everybody welcome. 17b DANCE IN- WROXETIEIC Dance In the Wroxeter Commun- ity. hall Thursday, Dec, 18, spoin- &oiled by the hall board. Music by iNilliott Carruthers and his orches= Pa. Admission 75c. Booth and thetk room in the hall Keep Jan, 2 open: also for al dance in Wrox- icier. F17b. OWING FOR CHILDREN • School-age Children who With to learn to Ski are invited' to The Eagle's Nest, one .mile south of Teeswater, two avid a 'half Miles *nee Where they may enjoy 'free skis each Saturday morning. a, • BALL DANCE ' • The Howick 'Lions Club. annual Sno bail will be held Friday, Dec, 26 in the Wroxeter community' hall With Elliott Carruthers' Otciiestra 1'Wo door prizes; one drstw 10,30; other lucky draWs, 'Cheek room,; lunch booth. Dress, :optional, Adm. 50c till 10.80, 15e after' 10 30, " Fig ;17;24b WROkE tri STORIO/1661118 • Stokes Will be open all day Thurs-- dajw edrriniencing »eoeniber 4. Open. 'Wednesday 'nights. until December. 81k also .Monday aild. Tuesday nights, De4 ember 22 and •28, Stares Will be' dosed .Boxing Day,. Decem. ter 26, '3-10=1711' -v. L D` -lit ON M A MitaAeries Willianisdrt and her g Grade 7 pupils of the Wingham P ublic' School, along 'With Mrs, Carl beagles,. .,,nantiler aupervisor, Will Pteeent a Chriatntait regram ern M'Lady, CKNX*TV 'iylr' Frldl y, .December l,9th at 3.30. • F17b At their regular meeting held at e United Church -on Friday eve - n g the members of the Lions dub accepted the 'recommendation the board of directors to donate :000,00 tp .the Wingham Com- unity Swimming Pool Fund for 8. The cheque, for the donation been issued and turned over the ',lt4 ids finance cornniittee. hd appreciation of the club was. so.•,expressed' to the members of ,Woman's Association of the urch for the, fine turkey /dinner hich'was enjoYed. resident Bill `Conron presided r the gathering, Lion Hap Swat- ge acted as pianist and Lion airy McArthur led the singing. ion Tom Currie was tail twister ad extracted ,the penalties for var- sous misdemeanours. A painting Was 'presented to Mrs, Whitney Grose by the first vice - 'resident, Lion W. A. Crawford, in ppreciation of the fine catering ,,*vice which she has provided for tie club at the Hotel Brunswick (ring the past year. 'l he guest speaker of the evening es Rev, T. G. Husser.of the Wing,; am United Church, who spoke on Christmas theme, "The Three IncMen". He was introduced, by n Bill Cruikshank a recta and P p ,tb n was' expressed`.:by 'Lion . Nor m e lwood; �. • and FI I FOX C n9 r u'o i � r' Le �. n'": RABID , e v ti 'officer W. R h d s le.Reynolds' ow i •tAie'a .RST n r . , W 4 r?�wert � . 1 shown n. bo photo with a,rabid'fox. which trttacked Mr Reynold 's car inst. Thursday, The animal had been. woun` and hart' tomo otrt second tient in ;1 battle with a pore,fpinie; las it 'l. is 11111 'of porcupine . quills', This is :,olid first infected lox known. to ,have been, int1t communiby. Reports of suoli' curences'have heatr ,eval. in' other. centres to the r ortli.-Plioto ,by Ca,ntelon. ' OUCH:—That :seems to be the expression on the foe e, of Arnold Bruce's pet collie as Dr: H. K. Mitchell of the Health of Animals Branch of the Dept. of Ag `rlculttlre gives' the dog his rabies shot at the ' clinic held in the Wingham town hall last Wednesday, 1Vir. Bruce hails from Belgrave and Dr, Mitchell from North Bay, I NOT SO SIJRi--Iiorvser, the pet dog brought to the rabies clinic tiara last Wednesday, b ' Theodore Solids. left and Bill; Veit- in, deems to be Y, Solids little' lit doubt about tile whole olwration, nowevor tih0 •'*shod' only on i ' f Seconds and didn't hurt too' fte muck ar• all. tool[ a,c 1l0 0 45th Anniversary Mr and MPS, Pred Dustow, Of the second concession of Carrick Tower ship near Belntorc, celebrated, their 45th Wedding anniversary bit Ttiles. dajr Of this week, The family" cele. 'rated the 'nee bolt With. a tilt.. b � key dinner held err Sunday at the home of their klat 1- »'. vir1 " i . Mrr and S r6. Charles Fel`rott,. Alfred. Street, Wingham,: • Present were fir. and Mrs. Mgr - don Grant (Myrtle) , Of Teeswater: Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Robb (Bea,. trice) of, Ambcrl'ey, 'Mr'. and Mrs. Horner Yack (Dc'tls) Of Kitchener: Mr. Oliver DustdW of Carrick g Ida. Ashl... Township ii 1 r' , til' e otw., sh p a .c1 '�'#� l y of Waikerton, aS Well as Mr, and Mrs. Dustow's> aeveii grandchild. ten, Suitable gift,* Were presented. Guides Entertain Mothers at Banquet Mrs. Norman Pocock, captain of the Wingham Girl Guides, was mist. tress of ceremonies on Monday evening for the annual Mother and: Daughter banquet which was held at the Legion Home. The members of the Legion Auxiliary served a delicious dinner. The special guest was Mrs. Dixon of Harriston, Divisional Commis- sioner, • She gave a short talk, on Guiding, Duets were sung by Janice Hen- derson and Judy Callan and by Joan Chittick and Brenda Conron, Lynda Green did a Scottish dance: Bob Macintyre delighted the ga- thering with several feats of ma - i ' gsThe Guides will welcome all girls between the Ages of 11 and 16 who wish to'join'the company, at their meeting on January 7th at the An, glican Church a 7 p.m, An RCAF search party found the body, of, FO. Leslie (Ted), Buck man, 2g of Watford on Saturday, half a mile southeast of the spot where his` CF -100 crashed Monday,. ending a six-day search. An ,airforce spokesman said the pilot's body was still - in the ejec- tion seat -which, . had worked suc- cessfully when he bailed out after •the aircraft !developed engine), trouble. • mut the ejection seat struck the' *round with considerable impact and it . is 41,4 •known whether the "-parachute was fully .opened. during, the .:descent, ; An autopsy has :dis- ,wd-the ,pilot died instantly xrSgdn,-L.R •dr, . M. McDonald' said" the- body was found about• 2 p.m. 'in a small open area surrounded by bush.• The plane's navigator, Sgdn..Ldr. Robert Burnette of St,. James, Man., also bailed out and landed safely near a farmhouse.. The plane was found.15'Miles southwest of North Bay. Sqdn. Ldr: McDonald said nor= maily .a 'Military funeral would be held for Buckman in North Bay but the air force was awaiting word froth- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Buckman of Watford, F.O. Buckman•attended school in Wingham when his parents resided on Edward St, hereand was later a student of London's H. B. Beal Technical School. and. Commercial High School, while his father was a non-commissioned officer with the Army at 27 COD, Highbury Ave. On Saturday 275 members of the air force and 150. army personnel took part in the search. FO. Buckman's mother is the former Kathleen Kerr of East Wa- wanosh. SANTA AT WROXETER Santawill visit Wroxeter on Saturday; December 20, .at 1,30. There will be a picture show and treats for all the children. F3 -10-17b LEGION PARTY A Christmas party for Branch 180 Canadian Legion members' children, fourteen and under will be held at the Legion Home on Saturday, Dec. 20, from 3 to 4.30 • in the afternoon. F17b GARBAGE COLLECTION DATES CHANGED If your garbage collection would ordinarily occur on December 25th. and January 1st, you are asked to note that these Thursday collet- `tions will be made on the two pre- vious days, Dec. 24th and Dec. 31st. F17 :24b Retiring Reeve 'Fe#ed At • BelgrAve Linner. I,etiring Reeve Orval Taylor, of East Wawanosh and Mr., Taylor Were feted at a speeial dinner sponsored by members of the down= :011 and township 'officials on Mon- day evening of this week. The din- ner was hold at the home of Mr, and Mrs, 1.1, Irwih itt Belgrave Vollow1ng the dinner Mr, arid Mrs, Taylor 'Were presented With fine Wool blankets by Coaridiller Orval McCoWaii and Clerk R, ill Tltontpsotl, Reeve Taylor Is retiring this yeah after serving the muhicipalit r 10 years soveri of thein as reeve and three as councillor, He WAS to offit Milt tlmee by 'ac returnede Y e1am'atioar . Present :for theoccasion were Councillors. John Buchanan, Aldir, Purdon, Orval McCowan, Clarence Janna, incoining reeve, and Simon Hallahan, incoming councillor. Al- ai on hand were II, Irwin, tax col, lector, It, Vincent, assessor, L Vanrian, Set =treas .of the Belgrave arena board, R, 0, 'Thompson, the clerk and Stuart ]McBurney, rout superintendent, Mr. Taylor Was congratulated on his long years of faithful service to the municipality and "thanked for the which h a 'Work w ch ne has done for the community at large., .. .. ,, Pictures of the resentat#oh ytllll. p . appear in not week'aa edition of The MdVrance=Times. 4 First Ra Inside Town .RAB1ES. VACCINE HeThh of Anmas ls pDeirvaisteodn boyf he GIVEN TO .PETS Canadian Dept. of Agriculture;' On linty for the day were Dr. K, M. MacLennan, V,S,. of 'Wingham, Dr, H. R. Mitchell of North .Bay The clinic for innoculation of and Dr, J. i, Mitchell of Lambeth, pets• against rabies, which -Was held both. of the Health of Animals in the basement of the town hall branch, Assisting the veterinarians, last Wednesday was consiilered were Conservation Officers Robert highly supeessfui as over 200 dogs -Gunther of Walkerton and W. R. and nearly 104 ,cats repeived :their. Wormworth of Wingham, . Keeping ishots, The clinic was in opera- records and making out certifi- tion both morning and afternooncates were Mrs; Carl Casemore, and saw a steady streamof pet Mrs, Harold ,Burrell, Mrs, D. Mil - owners bringing their animals for ler, Mrs,. R. G. Gannett and Mrs. treatment, I John Tiffin,. f ; Town Council Informed. Snow'CostS' Are:High could be takento fires where a water shortage was anticipated. Fee To Be Charged 'Fol o s 1 wing • a discussion on, the problems relative to the motuaay atthe cemetery Councillors Burg man and Reeve Adair moved that a fee of $15.00 be charged for the storage of bodies in the mortuary; if the families involved were from outside, Wingham and the burial was not going to be made in ,the' town's. cemetery, Also included in the motion was a' limit of 15 bodies from outside points. Councillor Conron, reporting •for t'ecreatidn said that :the Recrea- tion Commission was sponsoring a juvenile'team this year.. Friday, December 26th,Boxing Day, was declared a public holiday on motion of Callan and. Conron, A'short discussion brought a mo-, tion ,from Adair and Callan that the by-law relative to voting hours be .changed in' order that the polis would not• close until 6.00 p.m• in- stead of 5:00 p.m. as in the past. 'M`Mayor,•McKinney.--said.•:, that --he- felt that more park benches should be made' available; and Councillor Conron .said that the Loris Club intended to place 12 more benches at the disposal of the town this summer. • Sees No Increase The mayor Stated that some dif- ficultres can be fo're'seen in regard to the liillcrest.:development. when the final municipal payments are Made next March. • . He alsospoke of the tax' rate for next ,year and suggested that if ail' went Well he could "see no rea- sofi• why. the rate would have to': be increased. Mayor, 1Vlel1inney also said that every effort wbuld have to be made after the first. of the Year 'to collect taxes that are in arrears. Both Mayor McKinney and Reeve Adair expressed their sincere re- grets to the members of the Coun- cil cit' who are 'retiring, and thanked them for their cooperation in the past. He said that he hoped that at some ffuture date they would be back in council chairs. confronted with a. major; problem of cars beingleft overnight on the town's strets by olocal gresidents, Wingham's town council ordered police to ticket all vehicles which come to their attention for this of- fence. The order wap given at the council's last meeting of the; year, held on Monday nightof this week. . Mayor , R, E, , McKinney presided at the meeting which was attend- ed by all members except Deputy Reeve Kerr and Councillor Earl • Hamilton, The mayor 'pointed oat: that overnight parking inthe town is illegal and hampers snow plow- ing 'operations. One side of , Ed- ward Street and • the, •town. .park- ing lot behind the Merkley gar- age have been specified as, parking areas during the winter. In connection with this same problem, on a motion by Callan and' Gorbutt, parking on John Street from Josephine one block east will be prohibited for'' the winter. months: The reason for .the move' is that the hiltis steep, and pari€lig, oh either side':of'the •streeE'impedes. traffic!. - - After reading a communication from the Crbwn Trust Co., the coun- cil decided' to re -invest thefunds of the .permanent care of the ceme- tery with this firm at four and three-quarters per cent interest -for a five-year period. Reporting for the public works committee, Councillor Elmer Wil- kinson pointed to, the cost of snow removal which was exceptional for this time of year. He said that the cost of machinery alone has already amounted to $1040. The financial report was read and accounts ordered paid on mo- tion of Councillors Callan and Con- ron. Councillor Gorbutt, chairman .3f the fire comrhittee; spoke briefly. of the McKay home which had been lost by fire . due to lack of water and said that the brigade, hoped to work out something in the near future to overcome this problem. His suggestion was the purchase of a mobile tank that Local Couple Mark 55th `,Anniversary On Tuesday of this week one of Wingham's most esteemed elderly. couples, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Johnston, marked a most happy occasion when they celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary at their Minnie Street residence. The bride of '55,years ago was the former Margaret Robinson, a daughter of the late Mr; and Mrs, John Robinson of Turnberry Town- ship and the groom a son of the ate Mr, and Mrs, Willner Johns= ton,- also of Turnbetrry, The wedding took place at the bride's home on the 8th concession of Turnberry and following their marriage the couple took up resi- dence on the 10th concession, The couple operated a farm .at .this lo- cation until they retired to Wing- ham some nine years ago, Both Mr, and MrS. Johnston,. who admit being in their 80's •(and don't look much over 70) are in excellent health, With Mrs. Johns* ton still doing, her household du- ties, Mt, Joleston remarked that On the day they were married there was more snout than at present. Be also said that times have. changed a great deal Slate he Was a .young man, and he recalls the times When his father `cradled the grain and cut hay with a scythe, The Advent of farm machinery and ears 'has changed the way people live, he said, Mr, and Mrs. Johnston have two children, Mrs, 'fi, Tanner of NeW. ton (Alba) and Elgin, now opera- ting the home farm in Turnberry. There are six grandchildren and two great grandbhildren.. The ce- lebrants are nienibers, of St, peal's Anglican Chiurelt In Wingham,. CHRISTINE 7lttfN1'ROG11I•STEDTLER RA ON TELEVISION.. f h Rus stl r 0 ss Lhrl n tedtlo e Ml 1be guest soloist on 'Viting}iati will g . M'Lady Deeem er 23. M Lady ou 'Tuesday, b 117b. The epidemic of rabies which has ,t gradually been spreading from Abe north cropped up in Wingham for the first time last Thursday when a, fox that was ;apparently infected was killed near the `Lower Wing,, harp bridge. The animal attacked..& •ear driven by Leslie Reynolds and fortunately was killed in the impact, However it previously had been seen la the woodshed at the home of Fred Ohm on Victoria Street. Theani- mal had apparently been wounded earlier and .had alsobeen in corn - tact with. a porcupine, as "its face was full of quills, In a normal state a fox will never attack 'a porcupine, Conservation Officer. Wormworth was called to dispose of the carcass. habid foxes have, been destroyed inneighboring townships and "sev- eral have beep seen in Teeswater, but this wad the first to come to attention in this community. The episode followed on the heels of the Wednesday rabies clinic and t** dal up' the necessity, for ac- Also .pointed up by the detection of the fox is :tire town by-law which, requires all dogs to be kept tied, for if a dog hadbeen in contact with t e #ox the disease could eas- ily s- ily be spread throughout the town. The same day as the rabid fox was killed Rae Gurney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. W, Gurney, Victoria St., was slightly injured by a, .cat as she was on her way to school.. This episode created quite 'a scare for a time. However, the child was ,placed under medical care, and it was later decided that the cat 'Ivan not in a rabid state, with the re- sult that Rae did not have to un- dergo the painfulani-rabies, injec- tions.' 'LARGE GROUP TAKES • FIR T AID TESTS.' STS Solite 42 niers out of a total of 44. who • have been taking a• 'first' aid 'course here: for the past. -month took „their SL ,Tohn' Ambtrlanee • assts etiie irh gliam Pub"liFScPI of " on Thursday evening of last week.:, Examining doctors were Dr.' A. D. McMurci y, Dr. W. A McKib- bon and Dr. E. W. Pedley, all of Wingham, The course which carried on for two nights each week for three weeks, saw nen from Wingham, Dungannon,, Teeswater, Lucknow, Bluevale, Iolyrood, Listowel and Cargill in Attendance, for instrue tion by C,H, Magee of Clinton. Herbert Puller and Harry West of Berry Door .Co, Ltd,, acted ,as sec- retary arid :assistant secretary for the course:, The 45 men represented the fol- lowing industries, Silverwoods Dai- ries. Ltd, • Beatty Bros. Ltd:;; Berry Door Co., Ltd., .C. Lloyd & Son Ltd., SpinrlteYarns and Dyers Ltd., Fry & Hlaok'Hali Ltd.,Andrew Mal- ' colni Furniture Ltd, Teeswater Fire Dept,, and Western Foundy Co. Ltd; Following the examinations the three doctors commented on the efficiency of the group and their first aid ability. LIC' Huth --That Was the eeM let a Wil 'W>, 1 , Mo*ibbo'fi 'left 'as 16 f _.. i he.lit 't . artif'lclat respiration 'to Itrii 'Il::.Johnston o i • euro A rated 1" IFJ °e. . the drat el test hod here Iasi T, rr . r ,ham at the d d 1 dy. The I�ttlentl lilt '4blb tate 'il'Itli Donald Th.Ontpltnn Te+esliattr, sx.