HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-12-10, Page 12.4 KENWOOD BLANKETS iviik,better gift than a famous DENWOOD? She'll, be.delighted with the wonderful shades and: the feel of this luxurious blanket. Priced from $12,50 to $20.95 PILLOW SLIPS • k A very attractive selection of smart Pillow Slips — in boxed sets $2.98 Priced at • Also popular Wabasso quality in plain or hemstitched: $1.39 $2.15 Priced from Ird,WroWNO•iWuno •M'r,•••••., ,CUSHIONS Smart little Throw Cushions, corduroy covered in a won- derful'selection bf shades. Price $1,49 12,24•2•2•IN/2.21;r2•4•2•122,,,••••••••22,••••,/,•••••• Chenille Spreads Plain Similes including Whites With self pattern or rich looking shades with fancy trim in contrasting colours. Priced from • $9.95 to $12.95 IRST 0 lie YOITC11 REPAIRS AilooNikinx cuiwous George Williams Lovi,ted Som. Owing to lack Of Space, small °weirs and waloches Only, and Mrs, T. a., $0,14eld and cousins: last week. The stormy weather again caused the cancellation Of the church ser- vice on Sunday, Miss. Webb was home from Guelph for the weekend, Mr. and MI'S. Ronald Perrott of Goelerieh were recent visitors with Mr, Wm. Forster :and daughters. Miss .Donna Woods was home from Kitchener fci,r the week-end, 13,0 ea CUocotates isout 6c, 0.00 • B e a really smart Santa! Shop here where you'll find gift ideas galore ' . sure-fire winners to delight everyone on your Christmas list! They're all •tops in quality • .. and priced to please your budget ED, SULLIVAN'S CAMERA LINE MOVIES It STILL Itage birag shop a:01%TX +GIFT SET Elizabeth Arden Perfume and. Colognes $1.00 — $5.09 Yardley DUSTING POWDER $2.00 FABERGE COLOGNES From $1.75 Can be refilled. 2C1 $1.75 SMOKES AND SHAVE SETS FOR MEN 75c $4.00 they Christmas .Catt(tiO$ B..4440 season Is yatially a period of extra 'candy eating, children and adtiltS should' remember that they are endanger, log their dental health unleSs the toothbrush works overtime. Teeth should he brushed immediately, af- ter eating, since ,partieles of food and especially sugars, May start tc form„tooth destroying acids +with- In a few minutes. wilITEPIURCH j,DReecrott, John McGee, Alex Robertson and john Taylor, ail of this district, attended the banquet of the Huron County Sod and Orop Improvement 44$9elation on Wed, nesday eVetting lest, held in 4.00n., desboro hall, Ten tables were in play on' l."ri, day night at the euchre party at $.S, l\TO. 5; East Wavvilnosh. Miss. Ruth Taylor and Mr, Albert Ilan held high points and Mrs, Robert B131'011111 and Mr. Norman Coul- tes held low points, Linda Coultes had the most euchres, All enjoyed the social time and decided not to hold another party until atter Christmas. Mrs. CharleS 4iillespie of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, J, G, Gillespie and other re- latives here, t Miss Winnifred Farrier of To- ronto spent thp week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W, R, Far- rier, Mr. end Mrs. Hugh David Mc- Donald, of Milton, spent the week- end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Coulter and with his mother, Mrs. McDonald of St, Hel- ens. Leroy Rintoul, also of Milton, accompanied them and visited with his :parent's, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Rintoul. Mr, and Mrs. Ross McMichael and children of Sarnia visited on Wednesday last -with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gershom Johnston and Mrs. McMichael and children, stayed here to visit for this 'week, MRS. 1 II. CRAWFORD PRESIDES FOR IIVMS 2t The setting for the Christmas meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society in Wingham United Church was very impressive, comprising flowers, lighted candles and Christmas angels. Mrs. J, H. Craw- ford, who had prepared this in- Westing meeting, presided and in- troduced the Christmas theme, The story of the nativity as 'told in the Gospel of St; Luke was read by Mrs. W. VanWyek, followed with prayer„by Rev, T. G. Husser, A very instructive colored mov- ing 'picture was shown which por- trayed the life of Jesus from the • prophesy by Isaiah, highlighting the manger scene and ending with the visit of the shepherds. Mrs, Crawford introduced the special speaker, Envoy Newman of the local' Salvation Army, who, spoke from the subject, "Thoughts which challenge our minds and hearts at the Christmas season". He' said that righteousness and justice are the foundations of our Christian faith and asked that everyone follow the example, of, un- selfish love which Jesus left for us. An appropriate solo, "The Gentle Carpenter of Bethlehem",.was sung by Mrs. J. W. Callan and was very much enjoyed. The thanks of the meeting was expressed by Mrs. Roulston to all who had taken part in the program, The president, Mrs. Fingland, -4, owned the business. The supply Secretary reported that six cartons of clothing had been sent to Over- leas Reuel, three to Korea and one to the Muncey Indian Reserve. A gift, of money was voted to the program, "Story Time", conducted over CKNX. 'The report of the nominating committee -was presented by ,Mrs, W. D. Clarke and the following or incrs were elected for 1959: President, Mrs, Colin Fingland; vice presidents, Mrs, W. J. Roul- ston, Mrs. E. S. Lewis, Mrs. G. N. Underwood; rec. sec., Mrs. Chas Hopper; corres, ,sec., Mrs. Frank Edgar; treas,, Mrs. L, Hingstod; systematic givings sec,, Mrs. J. A. Fox, Mrs. Geo. Ross; Associate Helpers, Mrs. R, A. Spotton, Mrs. W. 3. 'Brown; community friend- 'ship, Mrs. J, H, CraWford; temper- ance, Mrs, Jas, Henry; literature, Mrs, Bert Armstrong; Christian stewardship, Mrs. R. Chamney; communion, Mrs, W. F. turgynan;' supply, Mrs. N, T, McLaughlin; expense fund, Mrs. F, R. Howson; pianist, Mrs. W, W, Currie; audi- tor, Mrs, W. VariWyck; social, Md. Jas, Halliday, Mrs. O. ilaselgrove; press, Mrs. W. J. Greer; Mission. Band leaders, Mrs, S. Beattie, Mrs. H. Kerr; Baby Band, Mrs. William Conron, Mrs. W, H. McArthur; C.G.I.T„ Mrs. G, W. Tiffin, Mrs. V erwri Reid, Mrs. A. D, McMur- chey, Mrs. Jack Reavie, The next meeting' will be held on January 6th and the special speak- er will be Mrs, Jaek Thompson of London ,vVh.0 will tell of the work of the Bible Society, YCEUM Theatre wo shows each +night starting at 7.15 p.m, THEATRE 'CLOSED MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, EACH WEEK t2; tiarAre4444, LOgriViere‘c• -1144.0,—*4101401kretWeilaVVAtrigif§Mi. .42 Put extra hours of leisure under the tree for MOM An Electric ApptiOnce, o save her time and 'lighten her tasks. It's the present with the happiest future of all.! 4ftlitiaettegaiSek***604,0t040100.° The Appliance Store with the Stock la If /.f 64 to RADIO •and ELECTRIC "Servirig you since 1935" 4 , • • • • . • Vie have the Loveliest Gifts in Town . . tzwonnvoAlrekvf 2,evern.^.222ofroseser.••••••••w•••••••••••••••• CARDIGANS "Perry Conao't or 'regular stYleS 'plain and cable stitch designs, of a very high grade botany .Price $9,95 & $10.95 &tart "Perry Como° sleeveless' Vests in. Orlon. Priced at-$6,95 W=1400'4 00'4W PAJAMAS PULLOVERS stYled flannelette or Polo Pa- A , got/0 selection of smartly $4.95 and '$5.95, jalnits, at Len" Sweaters in the season's Orion, wool or' Popular "Ban' top shadeS. .triiC*1,104,%fl GLOVE'S A wonderful choice of Gloves in leather -With wool or fleece lin- ing or knitted with leather palm. ' .From $2.50 . IMAKIfeMACAIZOCUlfsM04.14.1414a4 lkirll TWOra Ti Win AdVAineeeThnce Wedpelday Pee 15 ST, HELENS Mr, Murray Gaunt returned' on Friday 'frog n Cliicago.. where he had spent the past week. Murray won the trip by having UK high- est score in seed and livestock judging competitions. in a two-year period in Huron County. Mr, Herbert Shoplapd. of Roches- ter, Alta,, was a. visitor with Mr, WALLETS with engraving FREE $1.00 & UP TRAVELLING ALARM 'CLOCK $5.75 ELECTRIC SHAVERS ,„,,D„u,,, ,„;„, AT REGULAR PRICES PHOTO ALBUMS $2.00 & UP HAND WRITING KITS Leather = from $2.75 PENS Schaeffer and Waterman .1 ,,,POPAVE-Yrolt04,t3.--!2=0M-:"APLIPA-WWW-P-APAW--WVi-j $7,95 to $10.95 uzzozuocz Shirts - Ties Sox Belts -, Jewellery Scarves - Etc. turigxuar4toeggeomodom 04ifliroCe,4 444tk*ifil:40* HATS• "Billmore" the famous 'name Jo; in Men's Haig, See the Viand? some new selection; we sug-i gest a certificate for a smart gift (idea. , From $6,95 THUD% %ILL - SAT. December 11 1 - 13 DOuble Dili Aandolph ,Scott, Karen Steele In "DECISION AT 'SUNDOWN° • A Rugged Western. Melodrama Molly Bee arid Allan Reed Jr. in `GOINU STEADY" A h.rally-tyte eaMedy atarria, about two teeiragera, —411111.111111.101111.1.110111111111111. AKOOrr0rNr'*Vrk4VrNrrt*:*,A,*kNVNI PHONE 55 WINGHAM • ED IGH (W1NGHAM)' Ltd. • "Op Men*. Story FFERS