HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-12-10, Page 9••••
`44'i • ,1M • •
ZrOF,•,••••7•31, ,,et'
'The .WhIghain 4.44.14100-"I Piet V-0010$11 TWINS CRENATE
'for Anil for C`
Patrick St., Wingluo
Phone 710
'hy a son Lawrence, on the home-
Stolid; two :daughters, Mrs, Obaclea
Malian (gVelY0 of Ooderich 11
and Mrs. Kenneth Sword (Lenore)
of 'PPICKitil nook Falls, • and tea
Dr, R, S, Hilt; conducted the
funeral-service with interment la
Union Cemetery, Blyth. Pallbearers
were Maurice Bean, Percy Walden,:.
Lewis ,RUddy,.John Hallahan, lDI-
lictt Lapp and Charles Scott.
114.44*.=1,14,414-e4=r4-ism diOafitneeeenlifok
ed ront
sage. Tie began his address by corm:
Plinleliting the Society on its work
on the beautiful flower gardens in
the village, especially the New Man,
cheater Gardens, which replaecd
the ruins of the old foresters' lead
He told the Christmas story as
related by Matthew to the
people, and Luke „to the _Greeks ane
the Gentiles. He spoke of the
changing Christmas customs as
during the Puritan era, the Middle
Ages -with its mystery •playa, down
to the modern CliriOnms legend of
the other Wiseman, which Was thS'
fourth one, who searched for 33
years until he fOund his King,
The meeting was closed with the
singing of "Holy Night", and "God.
Save the Queen", Santa assisted
by Miss Mutch, distributed gifts
Dr. Hiltz pronounced the grace
and all ^sat down to the Christmas
table, Lunch was served. by Mrs
WM. 'I'. Robison, Mrs, William
Straughah and Mrs, Kenneth Scott,
Miss Margaret R; Jackson thanked
the ,ladies for their lovely 'hind)
and the beautiful decorations.
Officers Elected
Honorary presidents, Mrs, Wm
T, Robison, rMs.' George Grange;
paist president, Mrs, Gordon R. Tay-
lor; president, Mrs, Bert Craig;
1st vice; Mrs, Kenneth Scott; and
vice, Mrs, Duncan MacKay; 3rd.
vice, Mrs. Ed, Davies; pianist, Mrs
Robert Phillips; recording see.,
Miss Elms Mutch; treas. and corr,
'sec„ Miss Margaret R. Jackson;
assistant, Mrs. Chas M. Straughan;
auditors, Mrs, Sidney Lansing and.
Mrs. R, D. Mimic); directors, Mrs
Edgar Lawson, Mrs. W. T, Rob-
son, Mrs. Herbert Govier, Mrs. Wes
Bradnock, Mrs. Frank Itaithby
Late for last -week
; Atiburn,--Mrs. George Sturdy and.
Mrs, Ames Raithby, twine. ,cele,.•
.bested their 86th .birthdays Sun.-
day, November 34311. Mrs. Sturdy,
the. former Ddith Ball, and Mrs.
13.eithbY, Evelyn Ball, are daugh.,
tees of the late lAir, and Mrs, Wm;
Ball and were born in Hallett.
Township,. They attended soltool at
. •
In 1900. Evelyn married James
Reithh7 and resided hi .Dast a.
wanosh and ''Hullett, where they
farmed until 15 years ago when
they moved to Auburn, They have .
two song,- Olen and Lloyd of Lon-
don and five grandchildren .and
two.. great grandchildren. She is a
member of the .AuburnBaptist''.
Church, •
In 1907 Edith was married -to the
late George Sturdy and took' up
residence in East Wawanosh, Since
the death of Mr. Sturdy, she has
made her home with her only. sort,
Harry, Three years ago they moved
to Clinton, She is a member- of Au-
burn United Church.
Both -of, these, ladies .are enjoying.
fairly good health and the best
wishes of the ' community ..go to
them on this occasios,
FOr the serious a •mateur
Reflex Cameras
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590 WA keep Down the. Upkeep Delivery
sSII Order Your . Christmas o
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SAVE 20e—
Nestles CHOCOLATE QU'IX , .; 2 lbs. 89c
SAVE) lie— 20 oz.
Aylmer CHOICE PEAS 6 fOr $1.00
Hunts Fancy TOMATO JUICE 48 oz. ... 29c
Aylmer KETCHUP 11 oz. — 2 for 354
Beehive CORN SYRUP 5 lbs, 71c
Maple Leaf MINCEMEAT (2 pie size) ..... 47c
Dream Whip DESSERT TOPPING,• 2 oz. , 2k
Portugal FIGS lb. 21c
Australian SEEDED RAISINS ; • ... lb. 3Tc
Fresh ROASTED PEANUTS lb. 3'l c.,
Sunkist NAVEL ORANGES, 163's ... doz. 29c
The Donnybrook Sunday School
Is planning to hold a concert on
Monday evening, December 22.
The W.M.S. and W,A. met at the
home of Mrs. Sam Thompson on
Wednesday afternoon. A bazaar
was held, and the proceeds will
be used for the bale which will
be sent soon, The election of offi-
cers for 1959 resulted In the re-
election of this year's officers with
Mrs. Chas, Jefferson as president,
and Mrs, Stuart. Chamney, secre-
Services in Donnybrook Church
have been cancelled the past two
Sundays due to the weather and
road conditions.
Mr, and Mrs, Donald Jefferson
have moved from London and have
taken up residence on the 9th con-
cession of W. Wawanosh, in the
house on the farm of Mr. Harris
Purdon. •
Mrs. Verna Doerr of Niagara
Falls and son Gerald of the RCMP,
and Miss Betty Anne Stoddart of
Ottawa, were recent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney and
other relatives.
Mrs. Herbert Mogridge, Mrs. 'Roht.
J. Phillips, Mrs. Wm. Straughan,
Mrs. C. M, Straughan and Mrs.
Arthur Grange.
Florida Seedless. GRAPEFRUIT, 96's - 5 for 29c
F. L. Plaetzer
Buried in Blyth
Late for last week
AUBURN—Funeral services were
held on. Sunday, November 30th at
the J, K. Arthur funeral home, fo'r
Frederick Lawrence Plaetser, who
passed away at his residence in
Auburn on November 27th, Mr.
Plaetzer was born April 6, 1891 in
Hullett Township and was the only
son of the late Lawrence Plaetzer
and Caroline Denstedt.,He attended
school at U.S.S. No. 5 Hullett. He
was a farmer for 'many years and
also operated a threshing machine.
On June 3, 1920, he married Lena
Plunkett and they resided on the
family farm in Hullett on, the Au-
burn-Blyth road. Thirty-three years
ago he received a severe injury in
an accident in a northern bush
while working on a project and has
been a semi-invalid for many
years. cA few years ago they retired
to their, new home in Auburn. He
was a member of Knox United
Church here.
Besides his wife he is, survived
and pleasure. With. so many wonderful new
electric appliances to choose from you'll havano
sew and More Spacious Bodies by Fisher
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W• Arigharn
Phone 139
ST. liAbTroNS. The December
meeting of the local branch Of .the
Worner4 Intstitute was held in the
community ban on. Thursday with
two guest speakers, Mrs, Het*
Kregt told. of Christmas customs in
Holland, and Mrs, :Gordon Kirkland,
demonstrated table. centres, and
Other Christmas decorations, Both
speakers -were very interesting and
were- thanked and each WAS pre-
sented with .a cup and Sal,W0'! by
Mrs, Fred MeQuillln and Mrs, •Ross
The Toll call was answered by
naming .a .favorite'.christrims carpi,
A solo, "Silent night" was. sung•Iry.
Mrs, De Beer, The motto was pre,
pared by Miss Beatrice McQuillia
and read by Mrs. Chas, McDonald,'
It consisted of three appropriate
Christmas readings, "Going to Be
Goad", "Christmas Love" and "The
'17riza Spirit of Christmas", . .
After the singing of. the national
Anthem and Institute. grace, an ex
change of Christmas gifts was held
followed by a lovely lunch, aerved.
by the hostesses, 'Mrs, Chas, Mc-
Donald, Mrs. Fred IVIcQuillia and
Mrs-, Lorne Woods, .
Late for last Week
AUBURN— The Orange Hall was
prettily cleeOrated for the annual
Christmas party of the AUburr
Horticultural 'Society on Monday
evening, Decernber fat, A large
Santa Claus smiled on a table
centred with a miniature-tree dee-
orated with colored balls, flanked
on either side with 41-Ito() tapers
in sliver candelabra' and red poin.
settias, The guests 'were Welcomed
at the door by Santa and escorted
to a ehair.
The meeting was opened, by the
president, Mrs. Bert Craig, with the
singing of "O Canada", Mrs, Robt
J, Fhiliips, presiding at the piano.
The minutes of the previous meet-
ing were read by the secretary
Miss Elma Match, and approved
The correspondence was read.
An invitation to attend the or-
ganization meeting of the Luck-
now lioricnitural Society was ac-
cepted. Everyone was urged to
decorate their homes for the holi-
day season, Mrs. Kenneth Scott
1st vice president, presided for the
election of officers. Mrs. Wes.
Bradnock gave the report of the
nominating committee, which was
accepted as read.
Mrs. Craig then presided for the
program which started with ..the
singing of Christmas carols. A
duet " Silver Bells" was sung by
Mrs, 'Duncan MacKay and Miss
Sadie Carter. Dr. R. $, Hilts was
the guest speaker and brought a
very inspirational Christmas mes-'
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