HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-12-10, Page 81 V E to fight TB ehithihn44, seah, 71. *ass 'Ditto wipook, Ativolee4lows, Weanegibly. Dec. 16, litg48 Mrs, 'T, Represents Wingham At Convention On. Friday, 'Nov. the annual convention of the ,Ontario Assecia., Om for Teachers of Retarded Children -WAS held. in the Pity of Toronto at, Metrepelltan School for Retarded 'Children,. Mrs, .:T. Gar- nett 'HUsser„ teacher of the 'Wing, ham Circle Schoo4 Wet the lapel representative, There Were t69 teachers present and many more were unable to attend. The purpose of tbe convention was to give the Ontario teachers an opportunity to - observe work being dope in elii„ssroome in, the oldest school, which was opened in To- ronto in 1948. Lectures were also • given by the guest speakers; Miss, Clara Binnie, Miss ,T. Nansop, and. Mrs. Staulker. The latter is tl'e inspector of Retarded Schools and tamstgroglige,zoiogoomwza-trovezmAs*4-4.-segAmascrei t.thr.'..(f.11ristuttui GIFT SUGGESTIONS COME INTO THE WALLPAPER SHOP A olivr FOE EVERYONE j Many new items in Crystal, Pottery, Hammered Aluminum and Snail Gift Items. For a gift that lasts, give Floor Covering tt Newest designs in Inlaid and Printed Linoleum. SANDRAN—the newest Plastic Floor. Covering in a wide range of patterns, in 6' and 9' widths ONLY $1.89 per sq. yd. A For a Bright Christmas enjoy a Bright New Floor from &L,WV-rolVe`riP),APAn.74-W.Mele7OWTe`Iee-10., The Wallpaper Shop rf=i6elreAroMEMarekW=i=f,‘-foreWlfnV,RAMr.‘"`,40M-AfralrillliffifraWii Rush Ready-to-Wear Pre-Christmas Sale , 4 Out own regular stock at Special `Sale Prices. LAST 3 DAYS — THURS., FRI., SAT., DECEMBER 11th to 13th fi FOR MOTHER — Coats, Dresses, Hats 1 FOR THE GOOD WIFE — Dresses, Hats 4 - ,,, A FOR DAUGHTER :-- A Party Dress or Head- g kot , r Chr istmas • t it . Gress I-Ot t he party. 0 4 ' 4 Our furrier will be here with-- iit FUR COATS - — STOLES and JACKETS r„1. Your present fur coat may be remodelled or traded on anew one. A It Rush Ready to dear ; etl Phone 33 Wingham norgrzw.nr,tme..morotoma rotommowrl CONCERT PRESENTED AT UNITED CHURCH The Christmas concert of the Un- ited ,Chiirch Sunday School Was held on Friday evening with a ea,. parity crowd of parents and inter- ested friends, Russell Zeriorigg, stiperintendent, was1aoy' andgsIn'qrigrles the Beginners'calio nh Class,' with Mrs, Albert tin._ toal as teacher, for the motion songs "Away in a Manger" and "Running Over", The boys of Mrs. Howard Walker's class gave a Class recita- tion called "T e. Bo 'S Complaint", followed by the girls of Miss M. Blenls Russet's class singing' "jingin • Mrs. A, Green's class of girls gave a. musical skit, "I Came to 'Your Wedding", while, the girls of Miss. Ferne Vanstone's class sang "Here Comes Santa Claus". The boys of Ross Gordon's elass were a busy group of ;carpenters, com- ing up with a sign, "Merry Christ- mas", followed by the boys of Miss. Margaret Machan's and' Verne Reid's classes singing the lovely carol "0 Little Town of Bethle- hem". Rev. T. G. Hu$ser spoke very briefly to the children. "The First Christmas" was well given in „song and story by the young people of Miss Phyllis Johns' and Rev, sees classes. Miss Lois Walker's girls pre- sented a play, "Buying Christmas Gifts", followed by a class recita- tion, "So Many Ways", by Miss Mary Alice Armstrong's girls and boys: The "Ed Sullivan Program" was depicted by the boys of Ray- mond Walker and Charles Rin- toul's class. A drill, "Christmas Bells", was well presented by the girls of Mrs. Harold Burrell and Mrs. D, Mc- Taggart's classes. Wilford Cas- lick's class of boys presented the play, "The Christmas Tree", fol- lowed fly a "Pantomipe" by the boys of Jack- Currie's class. A dialogue was giyen by Mrs. A. Lunn's girls entitled, "The Wed- ding at Wayback", after which the boys of Lovell McGuire's class gave some last minute current ev- ents while enjoying an old-fash- ioned' quilting. Santa Claus' arrival with bags Of candy for the children was the climax of a very enjoyable eVening. CLOTHING NEEDED FOR BUILDING PROJECT St. Paul's Anglican Church W.A. held its annual meeting at the' rectory on Wednesday of last week when Mrs. Powell presided. She opened the meeting with pray- er, remembering ' especially the prayer partner, Mrs. Wade of Palanpur, India.- Scripture from Luke 2 on the birth of Jesus was read by Mrs. H.. Jensen. Several. donations were made to various appeals. Ten dollars was voted to the self-denial fund; $10 to the cent-a-day fund and $15 to the Diocese of the Arctic. An appeal was read from the rector-of St. John's Church, Mathe- son, for used clothing to be used for a rummage sale to .assist with the ,building of a rectory. It was decided to leave the matter till the January meeting when used clothing will be gratefully accepted. Rev, C. F. Johnson read a Christ- mas story describing the cele- bration of Christmas in other lands and the variety of bells used throughout the world to peel out the Christmas message. Last year's officers were return- ed for another term. They, are Hon. pres„ Mrs. C. F. Johnson; pres., Mrs. R. A. Powell! 1st vice, Mrs, Lance Grain; 2nd vice, Mrs. Nash; treas., Mrs. R. E. Armitage; sec., Mrs. C. Hinde; Dorcus sec., Mrs, Mitchell; life membership sec., Mrs. Wm. Connell; prayer partners' sec., Mrs. Johnson. At the close of the Meeting the ladies enjoyed a social time and Mrs. Johnson served tea. Mrs. Emily Elston Retires as Pres. The Christmas party of the Mary Hastings Rainbow Club was held in the Legion. home With 50 rnern- het% present, Tables were very tastefully decorated for Christmas and Legion ladies served a delicious turkey dinner. After dinner the business part of the meeting was held. Money Was Voted to War Memorial Hospital, London, and Salvation Ariny, Wing ham. Mrs. Iteta Drehmattri gave reading. Mrt. Lola Sanderson played for Christmas Carols and Mrs, Carrie Cruickshank Played Several selections, Mrs, trnily Elston, retiring pre sident, expressed good wishes to the new officers and thanked her executive members for their of forts, Mrs. Calritt. won, the draw of cro& dieted doilie and Mrs. Elston Won a etIO arid Sander. Exelitinge of gifts was held and everyone seeth- ed pleased with the evening's er-. tertairirnent, IflOtt, meeting *111 be held on laiithiry the OddlelloWs with. MrS, Mae tlateliford, Mrs. Lein, 8anderSetly blive Waltzer, la- iii'lia it Oittuton And• EVa EWA as joint hostesses, Etitish Mortgage & Trust rounded lit rite rid °Meet attnotord,omatio 41/2% for terms of 5 to 7 years 41/4% for terms of .3 or 4 years. 4% for terms of 1 or 2 years Don't delay your money earns interest "from the day you make the investment. To invest just send in your cheque. British Mortgage does the rest. YOU • are the person who will benefit from investing in a guaranteed certificate at British Mortgage & Trust. Your money will earn for terms of 8 to 10' years • Lois Maxine Fitch Weds W W. E. Hanna The Rev, Canon Mixer 'officiated In a double-ring ceremony at St John's 'Anglican. Church, Kitchener, when marriage vows were exchang- ed by Lois Maxine Fitch and Wil- liam Edward Hanna, The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Jas Fitch of Wingham and the groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hanna, of Kitchener. The bride chose ., a floor-length gown of nylon net `over •taffeta, styled with a fitted lace bodice and matching jacket. A crown of rhine- stones, pearls and sequins held her shoulder-length net veil and she carried her sister's white prayer book, crested with red rosebuds and streamers, Miss Joan Robertson of Arthur attended the bride. e She wore a strapless blue self-embroidered silk organza dress over taffeta with a matching net stole and white feath- er hat. She carried a nosegay of pink and white carnations and streamers, Jim Hanna, brother of the grooin, was best man and Hugh George of Kitchener, ushered. For travelling the bride chose a blue ensemble with black mohair coat, white accessories and a cor- sage of pink and white carnations. The couple will live in. Kitchener. gottageta gift? Then don't beat weary feet looking around. Instead, send a bouquet of flowers, a love's' corsage or a flowering plant, the Perfect gift everywher‘ev- ery_ time! Jun stop in or phone us. Your fresh flowers and per, sonal message will arrive at the time specified, /OM iflotuer0 Phone 101 Wingham 401-11-71/70707.00,J.-164,10-PP..V.,' 1 "gifts" in one for Dad! of4;fot DOWALT: POWER- Rio 15 POWER TOOLS IN 1 DeWalt is the one machine Dad has always wanted because it -does everything in woodwork- ing. Come in. See a DeWalt demonstration. Order now to be sure of Christmas delivery, DIEIVAGT DIVISJON Christmas Meeting At Crawford Home The Marian Williamson ,, group- Met on Thursday at the :home of Carol and, Sally Crawford, After. the call to warship the girls sang "While $11phercla Watched Their Flocks by Night". Betty Ann 4.apP read: the ,Scripture„. St, Matthew 2: 342, Linde. Clark gave a medita- tion, .followed by a Prayer by Joan Chittick, The .election of officers took place and resulted as follows; Pres., Joan Chittiek; see.; Sandra Cummings; '.treas,r Mary :Lou TAU; press reporter, Sally Crawford, The minutes and roll call were ,follOwed .by the offering arid offer- tory prayer. Jean Gurney and Carol Crawford sang a duet, "Sil- ent Night", accompanied by Nancy Fowler. Mrs, Lloyd told a story about a Japanese Christmas, The meeting closed with "Away in a Manger"; followed by a game conducted by Mrs. Stephens and a lunch pro- vided by Betty' Ann Lapp and Ka- ren Elliott. - CHRIS SHELTON Phone 80 • LucknoW will he In Vingh..4M tarty In'the New Year, The emphasis. of the convention during the afternoon was en "Aph- asic". children, Aphe45,41: is the; loss of ability to talk. er Under' stand talk There are three types:. The .child Can think but is able to; receive thoughts or speak; 2, The child can think end receive theughta but IS unable to Speak; 3, The child can think .and receive thoughts and can be trained by concentrated effort to speak. Sag, gestigns yirete made en how to oy- erceme all three phases, The teachers were urged to ask their various Corttnillnitig to ap, proach' their members of parlia- eeeking in time government sponsorship for these schools. ST, ANDREW'S VMS ELECTS OFFIRRS The December meeting of St, Andrew's Women's Missiorzary So piety, in charge of Miss V,' Mc- Laughlin and Miss Marion 'William- son, was opened by a Christmas message in verse, tul‘rIeissle,l:sfoeLn,auft yorth John e a44:7-tvh. e SGe or idp s love made possibleour salvation in sending Jesus to the world to be our Saviour, That is Why we celebrate Christmas, To everyone that believes, He gives the Holy Spirit, "Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift." Miss Marion. Williamson offered. prayer. A solo, "No Room in the Inn", sung by Mrs, H, Aitchison, secant; panied by Mrs. William Ford, was very much enjoyed, " In presenting the topic) Miss McLaughlin mentioned various as- pects of the Christmas story: Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethle- hem, where they found 'no room. except in a stable; the shepherds are the only ones to heae the an- gels' message of glad tidings. She spoke of the events following the Nativity; the presentation in the temple, Anna, Simeon and the lat- ter's song, "Now, lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace." In speaking of the visit of the Magi, she -pointed out that' we should be as eager as the wise men to worship Jesus; that we do not need a star to guide us to Him, We have His word and His Holy Spir- it. He wants from us not the cost- ly gifts of gold,' frankincense and myrrh, but He desires our hearts and our lives, The secretaries of the various departMents presented reports on the year's, work. Mrs. Nimmo. thanked all the members for their co-operation throughout the year,- Mrs. T. A-. Currie brought in the report of the nominating' commit- tee - and the following officers for 1959 were installed by Dr, A. Nim- mo: Hon, pres., Mrs..Donald Rae; past ores., Mrs. Horace Aitchison; pres„ Mrs. A. NiTMX10 •; first viee-pres., Miss Cora Gilkinson; second vice- pres., Miss VI .MeLaughlin; third vice-pros., 'Miss. M. Williamson; see,, Miss V, MaLaughlin; treas„ Mrs. N. L. Fry;',literature and lib- rary sec„ Mrs. T. A. Currie, Miss A. Mitchell; Glad Tidings sec., Mrs. J. A.' MeKague; press ,sac„, Mis,s Christine -Ishisteri ,supply see., Mrs. W. Gurney. • Social:c.oram:, Mrs, H. V, Pym, Mrs. G. Godltin, McKague, Bateson; Mrs, J:MacIritosh; pianist, Mra....Wm,:;:Ford; asst. pi- omist„ Miss K.. Pringle; Home Hel- pers' sec:, .Miss. H. Wilson, Mrs. Homuth; welcome, 'and welfare, Mrs. T. C. King, Mrs. H. V. Pym; Mrs. •a., Aitchison, Mrs. G, Day, Miss C. Gilkinson; auditors, Miss M. Currie, Mrs, G. Godkin; Mission Band, 'Mrs. C. A. Cooper, Mrs., M, Rae, Mrs. P, Vanderkolk, 'Mrs. • M. McCarter; Explorer's Group, Mrs. J. Day, Mrs. 'S. Suitt, Mrs; J. A. Carr; Marion William- son Girls' Group, Miss M. William- son, Mrs. Alan. Nicholson; nominat- ing comm:, Isbister, T..A, Currie. ' • Miss Kathleen. Pringle was ap- pointed to represent the W.M.St on the ` executive of the recently or- ganized local branch of the British and Foreign Bible Society: The meeting was closed with a hymn and prayer by Miss Marion Williamson. • edo War/pate Folding i FLOOR . Alutoiumi Aluminum WALL ' 'SASH AWNINGS TILES DOORS, LUMBER — BUILDING • ii-i, CUPBOARDS Telephone 260 Win -barn rorgtrzwrictikairOgrAML-voi0ogrzeiztor4X,rzog X Gifts 1 a it is n 0 ki Fa 0.98 ea.- t'li a Lovely Sheer 51 gauge NNLONS .- 79e to .$1.00 pr. ,t.,; „la 'Smart PYJAMAS and GOWNS in patterned, flannelette $2.98 ea.,100 , ap English CUPS and SAUCERS; fine bone ' . ¶1.25 ea. 0, COSTUME JEWELLERY, attractively boxed ....... ..... 09e to •$1.50 1)1 *1 100% ORLON CARDIGANS, new colours ... ....... .. .. $4.50 k A .., SCARVES, • LINGERIE; HOSIERY,' PICTURES, GLASSWARE, P . IMPORTED IIANDBERCHIEFS r „.. •tv't .,„ „ 4 ' TOYLAND . . . i , is i • •-•.g..-,;.,4-4mci4K:4-ei, ,t,-(m4f4-04r-47.4,,zot-Agoter.,440,,,,golgokorAm-om-Akze.kg.4,6-we .1?„. . . . . . . . . . CHRISTMAS- '• DIAMQN1YRING $45 00,' To' • $350.04 . • ALL ON SALE Many other Special Values in ' Other Lines REGULAR end' TUBELESS* • Outifindina gripping„ *Wilms to give sure trocnon on Snow Ice or Mitt • Triad rubber compound for si” tresh tura bite ort every rural of the wheel. Of Designed for teal sennIrg bare roads. „, Available now 7:14 AT Y.QUR CO;OPeer'ITEli 4 We can only tell you of a Iew of the hundreds of Toys and , Games on *display now : .s: SEE. THEM THIS WEEK. DOLLS l $2.95 to $7.95 tr DOLL PRAMS . . ' $4 95 to $14.95 0 STEEL SLEIGHS ' ' .; $4.50 to $5.95 4/ HARDWOOD TOBOGGANS ......... ..... ........ . . . . $5.50 to $7.95 f 7 FAMILY GAMES Deluxe Hockey Set, every player moves, 4 goal lights, timer, etc. $15.95 kt.MONOPOLY, SCRABBLE, TABLE TENNIS, CROKINOLE, W SORRY, DART BOARDS . . . TRUCKS, TRAINS;VARS, IFWILDING SETS, CHEMISTRY SETS, CARPENTER SETS, DOLL HOUSES! .WASHING SETS, and ,IVIANY MORE. ri 4 WELWOODS' Phone 86 t: t • W1'in'130,170-i%!%31.70,:lri.*:l'1.1,VVIt13i7f0XMVV70.1.071) ti • • FOR HER . 1 Lace Trim RAYON GOWNS FOR 'HIM' xk Smart Plaid SPORT SHIRTS„ ........ ....„ $2.95 each - Two for $5.50 Pt No-ikon SHIRTS in 'a fine silky broadcloth ........ ... .. $4.50 ea. 1.) rif DRESS 'SOCKS, many styles and patterns 59e to $1.25 4 (DRESS SHIRTS, 'attractive` colours and stripes ..... $2.98 ca. . Corduroy SPORT SHIRTS, Mee styles and colours $3.49; 41, ti for Everyone Yes, Family Shopping Is, Easy At Welwood's . eleven depart- ments just loalled with hundreds of Gift Items for every meMber 101 of the family. Shop Early and avoid last Min* dis- appointments ...and ask about Clip Lay Away Flan, a convenient . way to select your gifts now when the t'hoiee ifi 'hest ....if o... AO all "0, e ever store • • Ni,. our Decemlier Stock-Reducing Sale At this season Hamilton's offer 'you money-saving values. Here is your chaqce to.buy ,DIAMOND RINGS •-= WATCHES CABINET •SILVE:RW4RE AT SAYINGS- OF 20 TO SO: PER CENT WATCHES MOO To $125.00 ALL ON SALE Cabinet Silverware te' $97.50 • AL.1, IN` REDUCTION SALE "lx,” * non**************1*******nqmrtie** BELGRAVE CO.OP, iwtoitAvg,, mono viugham l(ktiw elidNiii/NNI*BINMINDMISIMB "PON IttAlt edralth*AMOOMO:a07041CVV10440,4 IIMMIeln i1rlO anuilt nosk 041.e I.