HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-12-10, Page 5Of to NM TB Chri$1,Mas, Seals ,,..slorsomormiroomoigtougsmogamtrocomorgwroog. • Don't :Leave Your Christmas DRY CLEANING t UNTIL THE. LAST MINUTE N Be smart for the• Holiday. Season and look yoor Best in Freshly, )r le Glothlllg frorii 'Telly Cle.arters. Tharneiforci Man Wins Turkey Draw. 'WHITECIMIRCif foil, heirs( ]"rented the pupils of FerflYet School, when, they preSented their .Christlnes program tb_(%)."1"44 hail here Q..11 ][!'.ridgy evening; Tin's O'Malley WAS .for the oe.:. easion•arid all enjoyed, the elloruses , reeltations, • duets, skits, aria li>? ',numbers. and children's ,dialoPeS Santa Appeared and the children . received. their presents •and treats.' The pupils had sold tickets .on an. 18-pound turkey and Clarence S.. '11,01,77.0f Thamesford,„ held the luck.). ticket, . Mr, who is g.O.P. in- spector from Tharnesford, had been at the home of Harald Gaunt 4r the -coarse of, his work and had bought, the tielfet, flora Douglas Gaunt, • . Lunch Was served. and- Farrier's orchestra, provided music- for the dance, that followed. • Complete selection variety sizes mut subjeets Pike() from $3.95 ing,Porpralttee end the followinp, i)11111I0 OROUPS MEET, SGHOIN 1 110ME-: 1Vew Leadars Ic lyission Band MI The Christmas, mooting ,of St Andrew's Presbyterian Church Mis tiara Barad -WAS held DscL is the .5unday School rooms. Aim gar- "rett;„ ()Repel the meeting with ti PrtVer, The entire group sang tin corgi;-"Hark the • Herald Angel, The .offering was taken loan Cruickshank and 41e •Gall• cy. Doug Mowbray gave the of fertory prayer, OPTOMET horouihne,” Ability 'Time tee.t4, . . . os Phone: 37 for lippolotment , V4,4414A11C4f4144.*WazAgM1rtielf404444i1X0P441000.41Wilii*' '51f • At: TentPlennut Cleaners "Quality is al, way of doing buSillesS.,,-and Service IN the most 'Important tbing• they have to :ser, Whether your garments *are made from wool, cotton, silk or synthetics r*, wibether they're labelled 4 `wasit ;tad %year” or ",iley clean only'' — yon can he sure, absolutely sure , , , they'll be. 4 eare fu)ly handled--. skillfully processed in modern enuiptnent— and expertly finish eil by on experienced staff. il 1.0 , iii. indeed the only !dry cleaning bargain is to bny the very best- Ve Mutat; WelnPiennto OeltiWrs "(Inality is a way of doing intsiness7 year'-- guarantee that you're buying the best dry "cleaning sop- 4 , view available.. Make Teiripleman Cleaners TOUR choice, tool • ,1,4 ,t g. w - FOR A loiERRIER CHRISTMAS , You ,please .everyone when -yoa give it .Phillips Television 0,, I featuring bold new engineering .. . . 1 Prom Phifips world of electronie experience . . , the only con,- . Mete hreak-through la television today .;--• Phill"pti stYline, ii. totilly:Ti ew experience in tedeviSiont The secret of ,stylines remarks,* performance, is in the, chassis design With new .circuits .and new components.. :1,1 ,s,peo.trstioihtiaaiti:iec,4ssei;thriri;ib4•LtIlwhojel gtii)erf.leyolo:toe apsittemwea:lotvraaTe: ti; rTeceelie:vti zrsoui ti, " 1j, IS .NEW SpEARERS--world famous super-Sensitive :1,0 40.delitY tolevislon picture and sound . quality, Now after yours reprOduce sound 'Philips exclusive "Panotratn0,;Saand, with...44041h* llirillionee. . , Order Your MI • A vote of appreciation, was ten. NEW TUNER--Styline,s poWerful tuning •delivers .the most signal-sensitive television today. PIC,PERECIIISPER---One of the most remarkable 4levelOpMents. in television. A.,pusli of a button produces dramatic picture cif photo-finish quality, • ,, • Christmas Cake • t OPEN EVERY 'WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON IN DECEMBER FOR Early ' YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE. WINGHAM STORES WILL, PRICED FROM BE OPEN EVENINGS ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DEC. 19 & 0 1 59c to $4.95. AND ON MON., TUES., and WED., DEC. 22, 23, and 24 or G gs,,:. .11 : . . RADIO .and.., ‘ ..i.-. TELEVISION- :“ A I Set ' sl Phone 380 “.4 . - . • frP4,,, Jos., 5, . , 'rein lem an Cleaners :.„,„ss,...ry.T„„..g Schools, Mrs and Mrs, -Geo. Mcaleria,gban; buy, Gillespie led in prayer, ing comm., Mrs, John Pardon, ?,Vrrs Wmgham weelons; who was present, Chas. Martin, Mrs, Gillesp:e and 907,0,Pm.nionn'nznn.po (received the report of the miming- Mrs, E. Schultz, 21.110/MMIIIMMOIMMEMMOMMIMMIIIIIMMIMIIMM•••••••n ••1•••••••••=••••••••••••Illitt Neelons recommended the \V-inghani minumumsisswearasiiinpiamailialinniimaanummininniummilammall evening supper at the annual meet- . ' A ' s"-0;40,4-040,MfgW4-4,1744AKM1.z4 :VAMW AK----f.Z:Ok*'AiW4C0414karigKA tilr iCiSM4AtfigSkeikA0AgAgiAMW441MAV • ,... . , ... for many years has been president • . . vmsonommoroamonalusmoot ow N of the W.M.S, and to Mrs. K, Dow-. • • III ill 1111 n n n is • n s$e a "The Upper Roorn", a de- • S • ,. Phoine 323 IN WINGHAM'S MERCHANDISE-PACKED STORES: , FRANK'C. HOPPER ---Re'prepentative— • Canada Life WINGHAM, Phone 40.2 PERSONAL rouclr,s ASSURE ..corFoRTABLF TomnaisfuNT Cesspit--', N dered Mrs. James Falconer, who • MI d wurmommon.— 'Tbe," business Meeting...and the quartet. y birthday tea 'Meeting .of th a.. .0 the ,,United Mir* NY44 ' • field on. Wednesday last at tli home of Mrs. Ezra 11 adios and .three -children 'preser: Mrs. JAWS Falconer, president resided and led in the devoti•ona cried. All " joined in the • prays' ),f general thanksgiving 'and Mr. )owling led in the Scripture la ion,. "We praise Thee, 0 Cod".. Mrs,:„. Russell Gaunt led.. in fill Z;hrilittnas lesson from Luke an' Scholta „read the lesson frot Taiah "AriSe, shine, .for, thw fight is come, and all joined i "I ;he singing of several -carols, IVIr• I. D. Eeecroft. spoke on steward ship, ea bequests and wills, sayin that the Overseas Relief Depot deeded money to forward bales of tailor's samples to Korea, •Mrs Milian Moore was appointed to ga. tiler .funds for.-this project, • Mrs. G. 'Gillespie gave a read. ink,."The Old' Year"; ,Mrs,. Milim • Moore gave a report of the sec tional . meeting, held this• all. • al.. Fordwicli, • arid said that for the first.- time' in years there was ric trainee from" Huron County at. the n n n votional booklet, and Mrs, Schultz 111 was appointed to take stibscrip- tions. , ALL YOUR CHRISTMAS' GIFT REQUIREMENTS ARE AVAILABLE — REMINGTON'S We Service, Every We Sell ling, who was president of the W.A, this year and to the seven young women who worked at the 'Blue- `vale parsonage to .make ready a hall for papering and to Mrs, Ce- cil Falconer and her helpers for doing, the papering„ Mr, Neelons, 'after encouraging the ladies in the interest of the W.M.S, work, closed the 'meeting with prayer and the W.A. ladies were asked to plan for a pot luck • .rffleers elpeted ant ,uly installed: Ron. in•es,, Mrs.' , -geolons;. pres., 41,frs,..Millan:4l4P071; irst vies-pies,,. Mrs, Jarris Fal toner; second vice-pres., Mrs..rzrt leholtz; treas.,. Mrs„ Albert Cool es; sce„ Mrs. g.„ Orookorth „gm :saisitz; 4.eqsrcling, 'sec., Mrs lea Mcglenaghao„ Mrs, A. •Coni:' .efs-; supt. Mission Pend, 11•1r,i• Wore, Mrs. Russell Purdon; sopt 3abyl3and, Mrs. Russell Chapman , Citizenship, Mrs. 3, G. Gillespie 1.rs, Chas, Tiffin; stewardship Wm, 3. .1:), TPeoroft; eon riendship, Mrs. Chas, Martin.; lit.' ; 'rature., Mrs, Beeorat; try Monhtly, Mrs. W. R.'Farrler: nusical numbers for program, Mis )an Tiffin, Mrs, earl McClenag ran; prayer numbers, Mrs. Roller ,aidlaw, Mrs. Gillespie;. pianists Mrs, (a.. E. Farrier, Mrs. Dan --Tit. 7in•*, visiting committee, Mrs, Rus _ cell Gaunt, Mrs. .Ezra .Schultz, Mrs W.'Beecreft; supply and hales NIrs, If, Grositorth, Mrs. 0, r Lo. Farrier and. Mrs. W. R.,. Farrier; 'auditors, Mrs. R. .Chapman and Mrs. Chas, Moore. , • 'The officers for the -W .A. were.; Pres., Mrs. J, D. Beecroft; vice.-pres,, Mrs.' JaMes. Falconer, secAreas,, Mrs. G. E. Farrier, who also make up the -parsonage - korn-, mittee. Tbe lunch committee, MI'S Robert Lai/haw, Mrs, Russell Gaurn ing.of the church in Ja.nniry. The ladies' voted to cohtributc' $5.eft to; the Christian story. Hour held .on 01.-CNX Tuesda* ,enjoyed the half hour sociol: at VIE! BirthdaY Tea luncheon which :fol., lowed. ..„ • A delightful piano selection was ' given 'by ]lien Cruickshank. A , ilaylcit, "Decorate the Christrna. Trees" was given by 'a group of th, children and proved quite interest ing, Grant Heywood sang a soh "Away in a Manger". . Mrs. $, aauley read the, las' chapter of the study book ,-t*Hana'f. Home" to the older group while the younger group enjoyec. story time under the direction 0. 1Virs, A. Mowbray, Twa.of the new leaders, Mrs..P Vanderkopf and Mrs. M, Rae wen', present. At the close ot the meet, ing each child was given a bag of candy, , • s • llitbrdv••i•VA, • ?,tiaLP VVIS fat,V UPERLOUNGER & So" Furniture PHONE 51 WINGHAM for Dad this Christmas (as shown) 'Only $7.25' Extra Chair $2.25 OirozairlmtaaviL, A Ya „, *e .g. $98.50 CEDAR CHEST LANE and RED SEAL Priced from $49.50 BOUDOIR LAMPS (As Illustrated) in White or Blue $11,95 per -pair Others priced from $8.95 per,- pair a,,,.-„zii„4.ntrro-iiiia -44.ifzig.04: • 1.1 BOOSTER CHAIR Let the Wee ones sit up to the table for EhriStinas fiiniter replaces high chair $3.75 Christmas Special only $86.95 Place your order now, at this Low Pride, to ensure Christmas delivery. rilfZ040%;=i1:1411ittiiiMlf‘.14AMIW=f4teiVaitVOSICOM ti ai (as shown) 5 pc. $33;75 — others as low as $22.95 Uv ; itvo4ifzumgmtrzeziwivivog Small deposit will hold your gift 'Selection till Christmas. 814.001.S. Plastle .teveredi its illtiStented $10,..$0 .cake .6romit STOOLS Piotift $6,95 EASY TERMS FREE DELIVERY Ot0700.01471,1a1MV.VAtIttl (as shown) Variety hi Stock Only $29115 „ FOAM PILLOW-8 $5.75 ',each .$11..00 per Pair ,Vt'W .slAVr2Or NO°114trOrr *r-ileilkIr 414 r r rit:114040.-rt. 411010414 rA-P'Ogt:70-VklttkLX;Pr-Valoa4r.r,•ar•Ag---,,Tlt-ltk-YOOVV4O-V-atkIVrekle.,