HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-12-10, Page 40 !Thir taln, Advalice414009 OtlY, FOR SAXE. PEE'S TANI SERVICE and used 'Furniture. We buY and Sell, Pherle 185,- rrb SPACE HEATER for sale, in Pod gem:Maori. Phone 512J2, 1013 . — CHRISTMAS TREES for sale. Orders taken, Apply Bill Lock - ridge, pbone 458. 1.0b MEC 8 inch bench saw for sale. George A. Carter, bone 718W1. :MILK baLTERS for sale—"Rapid 6.-ineh, 79; el/it-inch, 85c, Alexander's Hardware, OVEN-REA1DY Turiceas for sale. SPerice Scott, phone 735.12, rrb STURDY mechanical train for sale, in good condition, Alsp hockey • skates size 6 (men's). Phone 480. 10b. FOR. QUICK SALE— Chlistrags Cherry plants and children's Wheelbarrows, .Real bargains for this week, Phone 417J, 10b YELLOW BUNTI1TG—Bag for sale; turquoise- snow' suit, size 1 year and baby bouncer. Phone 863, 101.,) CEDAR CHESTS by Lane and Red Seal, the ideal Christmas gift. Only $49.50 at la A. Cur- rie 8r Sons, Wingham. 10b LIONEL ELECFRIC train for sale, 12 feet of uncoupling track on plywood, a diesel switcher engine and three cars, one year old. Phone 65, Wingham, 10b FOR BRIGHT CHRISTMAS — Buy your Tree Lights, at Burke Electric NOW. We are offer- ing a special reduction in priee " for early shoppers. 10:17b CLEAN? Madam—You don't know the meaning o.f, that word until you have tried the radically new and efficient ELUXO-MATIC. Call L. H.'Reynolds, your Electraf- lux dealer, 640J1. rrb -.CHRISTMASTREES for sale, • Scotch pine .and nursery grown 0race. See or contact Bill Rintoul •or drop in at our location •at the Winghant Fruit Market, phone 251, 8-10,17b &FEAT FOR SALE—Good beef by the quarter. Killed on premises. Inspected by Dept. of Health. Yearling heifers. Top quality. Lowest prices. Raynard Ackert, Ripley, phorre 24r28 or Lucknow 101r13. rrb IN TIIVIE FOR CHRISTMAS! You can have a new lartadloom Rtig, a real lifetime, 100% all -wool hard -twist rug for your aorne. Have an estirnate this week. Phone 86, N. Welwood. 10b SEWING MACHINEK (The Ideal Gift for Christmas) Recondition- ed Singer Electric Portables $29.50. New Electric sewing ma- chines Reg. $119,50 for only $79.00 at Smitty's Shopping Centre Hanover. , 19,26,8,10,17b REAL ESTATE FARM ,for sale, 100 acres, aia . miles from Elmwood. Good build- ings, hydro, trout stream with pond. Pressure system. On good toad. Price a12,000. For cash, considerable less. VVould sell stock and implements if desired. For particulars apply to Ezra Thur, RR. 3, Elmwood, 10* • FARM FOR SALE bt order to close the estate of the late John McMillan, the execu- tors are pfferiag for sale Lot Number 81, ConceSalen 2, Towt., ship of Kinlosa, containing 100 acres more or leas, This is a pod • pasture farria If intereated, apply Oravvford t'a Hetherington, Barristers &c,, Winghare, On- tario.. 10-17b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE •N'INE CHUNKS of pigs and One yoting.cow, 4 years old, fot attle. Harry Brydges, Belgrave, phtine 618W2. 1011 , 45 HEAD TOP' otlAury AYRSHIRE PisiltitsAt . ovvnea Troin W. Harrison, Nati, SrM, Oataria, Fiala ae- 'Credited, Vadeiriated, Selling at 'the ROA Sales Area, OtilrVille'Ontario, Tharaday, eember 18tar, 1 pat, The "Royal - view" herd has' aebti prealinently exhibited at nailer theWa Royal Winter Paira, reatures are Progeny )(rem Cherry gatilt 'Golden Andhor, Grand Champion at the ROyal, Lachute OtiaatOWA IlXhibltione. Thirteen other fc- MAIO carry his setalte, are the 011itiratifeit Itad eaerVe 'CliampiOat fernale$, PottOlia 1051'- 158, Oar catitleguea writat HaYa artnia LIMitad, 'Sales Managers, Wilk HO* 44 tRitatitr* 16* MAIM finP 'WANTED AMBVIANCV WICV101% MAN WANTED for RaWleigh bus' CURRIE'S AMI3ULANCE, a Wing - Sell to 1500 famines, write ban*. AlWaya• reliable Service, tOciaa Rawleigh% Dept. 1.4 -548 -SA, Filen° Day, 51; Night, 716, er 656, 400 Ricaeliata Mentreal. 10b „ LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room wanted for local business woman. Phorie 48173. 10b AGGRESSIVE MEN I You can start a 'business of year own, selling our 250 guaranteed beaSe- acad., necessities ju�.1r Barr ound- ings. Splendid opportunity with our Ohriatrnes beautiful spark- ling gifts, and regular line need- ed every day. Tp commission. No risk, Familex, Dept, 85, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal,. 10b EiiipiCorvt.ENT WANEo BOY' FOURTEEN wants to do snow shovelling or oad jobs al- ter school and Satardays," Phone 136W. 1013 EXPERIENCED man wants farm work in the Winghara district. For information write boa 76, Acivanee-Times.. 1.0b ROOMERS WANTED -- BOARDERS or ,ROOMERS want- ed. Apply to C, Frieburger, Scott St. Call evenings or noon hour. 19:26;3:10 "Apsfigormmv THE DRIEST" "Towns of Huron and Perth, ad- mittedly the driest in Ontario, are' taking much interest in the opera- tion or non -operation of the C.T.A.' We quote from an editorial in the London Free Press, The mad. ing used by the Editor is "Wha. Does the c.T,A. Do?" Surely ba gives at least a partial answer in our qudtation above, "Admittedly the Driest". The C.T.A. in spitc, of its imperfections boa for years •kept Huron and Perth, the driest Counties in °Atari°, this, too irk spite of the fact that Stratford, in the heart of Perth, Js not under • the C.T.A. but under the 1,0A., and has many legal li4uor.outiets.' Why so dry? Huron and Perth - outside Stratford—has ao legal li- quor outlets, and cannot have, un- der the C.T.A. Why ap the licruor interests want the C.T.A. repealed, not amerided? Because an 'amended C.T.A. would dry up Huron and Perth more than ever.—Adv, 10b PERSONAL DO YOU HEAR the clock ticking? The tap dripping? Read what thousands on this continent aie doing about their hearing. "Bet- ter Hearing", a monthly maga- zine devoted to hearibiProblems will be mailed to you or a friend if you leave the address with as. laclaibloons. rrb rooT SUlalrERERS If you have sore feet, ankles, sciatica pains in legs, hips or lower back trouble why not have your feet checked by a qualified, exper- ienced Foot Correctionist, See J. A. VICKERS at Queens Hotel, Wingham, each Monday afternoon Other times — 481 8th Ave., Hanover, Phone 500 MISCELLANEOUS TS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For inforrnation phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham. 2rrb NEW SPRING ARCHES—Consult W.A. Kaufman, phone 94, Lis- towel, open every Thursday, 10 a.m. to 10 pan. Open every Fri- • day at Les Heubach, Elmira, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m, 'Phone MO 9-2604-5, and •in Walkerton at Percy Pletsch's, phone 195W, Deeernber 18th; Thursday, Janta- ary 8th, afternoon mid evening, at atfaxivealt Tourist Home, Di• - agonal Road, oa Highway 86, phone 998, rrb r011, ARTIFICIAL inseinination ;Service or more Information, tele- phone the Watericio.Cattle Breed - fag Asseclatien deflect at: Clin- tort HU 2-8441 or TeeSWater 126 betWeert 7.80 and 9.30 ant. Week tied 8 pan. on Saturdaya Do not call for service or San - day, Cows in heat on Sanclay ean he Inseminated satisfactorily on onday. We supply serVideto ..or) alaility bona of the Holstein, Jersey, 'Ayrshire, Gaeta Soy, Browti SWisa Red roll, Here - fad (polled gt herried)„ Beef Sherthern (polled and horned), and Dual Purpose ghorthort, Angtra ati Marc:dais breed, The east is IOW, • 28rrh FINANCING A CAR? Deere Yeti !MY ask ribeilt bUz Low Cost loinarielng SerVice with ceitiplete Insurariee CoVerage, STEWART A. SCOTT tarn* in *usual SNOW PLOIJGHING wan te d. Phone 1079, ,Harold Congraxa..,, 3;10;17;24;31;7;14;t1b us13)r) rioar, TABLE warted, ailita.bie for hOlne use. Apply to Box 75, Advance -Times. • 10b TWO COLLIE PUPPIES want a good home. Phone 424W3„ or ap- ply to Mrs. George Burgera, lalue- , vale, 1Qb WOOD WANTED The following quantities of wood are wanted by the West Wilavanosh ToWnsbip School Area Board: „M.S. No, 12, 15 eords; S.S. No, 17, 15 cords; $.a, No, •3, 15 cords; S.S. No, 2, 25 cords; aS. No, 4, 25 cords. . This wood is to be bard maple or beech, 14 inches long, not over 10 inches nor under 6 inches in aiameter; to be delivered in each school yard Mit later than June 30th, 1959. The lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. All tender to be in laa,nda of secretary not later than the 30th day of December, 1958. W. A. •Stewart, Secretary, Dungannon, Ont, 1017b WANTED Highest Cash Prices Paid For LIVE hEESE & DUCKS EAST HURON RODUCE Phone' .66 or 170 • BRUSSELS 1.0-1'71) • NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY The Township of Turnberry will not be responsible, for damage to cars and trucks,' mak cans or ,mail boxes at roadsides during the Win- ter months. _WILLIAM MUNDELL," 101.7b Road Superintendent NOTICE • • The Township of Howick hereby gives notice of intention to pur- chase unsold lands within the municipality at the- adjourned .tax .sale of the County of Huron. Treasurer Township of Howick. 10b — DEAlDSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone . collect Wingliam 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398, Gordon Yong (Eireira) Limited. arrb , DEAD STOCK SERVICE, Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and Horses DEAD STOCK AT HIGHEST CASH VALUE Please Phone Promptly Call Collect - 133, Bruce Marlatt Brussels, Ont. 24 HOUR SERVICE Dead Stock Removers Highest taih prices paid /for Old, siCk ,axid disabled horses wad tows, , HiolltsT(JAAtt PRICES 'PAID IN' SURROUNDING DISTRICT FOR DEAD STOCK. • For sanitary disposal Phone .LtROY ACHESON Atwood 153 Collect (IMHOF %HSU* W,r000ter 2i111 14 smolt Sittsvicild • COMING EVENTS" EUCHRE and DANCE in tbo grave Voresters' Hall, FrithlY December 19th, also an Ilna Christrnaa turkey draw. Good prizes for euchre. 041017b TENDERS WMsD •I NOTICE TO CREDITORS • All persens baviag elairp0 against the ostate of aClayten -Grainger, - late of the Township of Howick, in ' the County of Hato; Farmer, de, 1 . ceased, who died on or about the 29th day of October, A.P, 1958, are i notified to send to the Undersign - I ed, on 0 before the Thirteenth I day of December, 195$, ftill parti- 1 ciders of their clairas In writing. Immediately after the said Thir- teenth day of December, the as- sets of the said Testator will be dis- tributed amongst the parties ea - titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Execater shall then tia-Ve aotiee. DATED this Twentyrfirat day ef November, A.D. 1958. Crawford & Hetherington ' Wingham, Ontario 26;3;10b VENDERS WANTED Tenders will be aecepted fpr caretakers fer each sehool in the WO*5t WaWarlOSI2 Townahip School Area., 'These tenders to he in the hands of the sacretary not later than December 30th, 1958. The lowest or any tender not necesSar- fly accepted, W, A, Stewart, Secretary, lalingannon, Ont. /0:17a TEND/aRS 'FOR. ELECTR/C.AL EQUIPMENT II/INGHAM GENERAL aprosurA.L. •Four 8 cubic foot Standard' Refriaa • eraters. Left hand door. Four Built-in Range 2 -burner sur - tape units. Above eqeipment to be installed and maintained for petits:I ef, guarantee. Tenders close 6 p.m., Friday, De- cember ag, 1958. ' All Tenders to be submitted to Wirighain General Hospital, at Wingham, Ontario. 10:17b GARAGE, SERVIOla STATION AND FARM MACHINERY • FOR SALE BY TENDEW , Tenders are invited for the gar- age building, garage equipment, parts department, showroom, ser- vice station and seven room resi- dence of the late George Merkley at Edmore, Ontario, The said busi- ,ness premises are in a larga part near aid in a fine state of repair and with up-to-date conveniences in the residence and the office and business. This is an established business ofatwentY-five years and a successful business in the prosper - our rural area. of Belmore on the boundary between the counties of Bruae and Heron. It is 'a real op- portunity for someone .and the business Must be sold on account 'of the sudden death of the owner. Stock-in-tradn'anca parts will ,J'ia sold at invoice apd need not be in- cluded, in the tender. Details '�f business may be obtained from the undersigned. - Tenders must state the price of- fered for the said building aad equipment and be azeOmpanied by a cheque for ten percentuni of the tendea Tenders must be in the hands of the undersigned by 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, •December' 13, 1958. The highest or any tender need not necessarily be accepted. DATED at Teeswater, Ontario this first day of December, A.D. 1958. • A, al. McTavish , Teeswatea Ontario, Solicitor for Adminiatratrix, 3; 10 b ,. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL • PROPERTY ;UNDER • aria by virtue of the powera coutained ' in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of ale, there will be offered for ale ba public auction en SaturclaY, the twenty-seventh day of December, 1958, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon at the office ef Messrs, Crawford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, by Ma L. G. Bryce, auctioneer, the' follewiag prOpertv. namely: ALL AND:SINGULAR that cer- tain pareel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Wingham in the County Of Huron and Provinte Of , Ontario' and being' -composed of part of Park Lot NO, 18 on the West side of jOsephite Street in the Town of Wingharo, described as folloWS: Commencing at a ptiat En the Northerly limit ef said Lot No. 18, dilatant 195 feet measured westerly from the Northeast angle ef said Lot No. 18; thence Souther-. ly and parallel to the Easterly limit, of said LA a distanee of 13a feet to a pane: thence V,Vesterly and Parallel to the Northerly Iirriit of said Lot a distance of 66 feet; therice Northerly and parallel to the Easterly flnflt of said Lot No. 18 a distal -lee of 182 feet to the Northerly limit of Said Let No, 18; thanee Easterly along tile Norther. ly linat Of iaid Let No. 18 a twice, Of 40 foot t6 tile point of eornmencernelit. • TEP -Ma•-• OA Per tent of the .plireharie mofirac to be Mad down at the Valle of sale, arid the balance vOthin thirty 'days thereafter Fat- ther 'partinidars and cOnditiens of sale win 'he made ItridWO on the date of rmemir) at Winghtint, Ontario the 8th day ef Deeeratiet, A,ZY, 1:958, CRAWrORD lIZTITIMINCTON .WINCRAtt ONTAHIO SOLICITORS Mk Tt.IM Vf011,TMWHIF tavtio, Anctieneet 1.0,4211 CARD OF THANKS .0 I wish to express my thanks and appreeiation to all, my good neigh- bors, relatives and friends, for sponsoring a party in my ;honor., The lovely gifts I shall alwayr cherish and to those whom were unable to attend 1 extend- Tay thanks, ----Oliva Boss.- • 10* CARD7OF THArIS • 1. wish to sincerely thaak all those wile sent cards, treats and flowers to "nie while 01 was a Pa- tient in Wingham General Hos- pital -and St. Joseph's Hospital in London. Ma thanks to Dr. W. A. Crawford, the nurses and blood donors.—Mrs. H, Sinnamon, 10$ CARD OF THANKS wish to express my sincere thanks to 'friends who visited, me while I was a patient in the hospi- tal and to Mrs. Morrey and her nursing staff for the care given me. Special thanks to Dr. Me- 1Viarchey rind Dr. Crawfora—Geo, Soiling., 10* • CARD OF THANKS , I would like to thank everyone who' ;so kindly remembered toe with cards, flowers, goodies' and telephone calls daring ray stay in the hospital and since returning home. All were very much appre- ciated., Thank you.—Joan Brooks. • ,•1.0b CARD OP THANKS I •wish to express my ,4ineere- Wanks- to all • friends "for card, gifts and letters I received while a Patient in thp hospital. Sincere thanks to Dr. W. A. MC- Kib,bon and Dr. Leahey and the nursing staff.—F'errie Holmes. 10* . CARD OF THANKS jinn/lie and I would like to ex- press our heartfelt thanks te the many friends, relatives and neigh- bours for all the lovely cards, aoxea of. fruit, giata and flowers sent me during my stay in hospitai. and the few "weeks in bed since coming home; also to all the folks who visited me,' it realfy helped to Pass the time much morequickly. Special thanks to Da Leahy," the staff of Wingham Hospital, Rev. and Mrs. Kennedy; and Mrs. Rita McLennan who has been looking after me at home. Many thanks to everyope. —Mrs. Jetties Struthers. . 10* • IN MEMORIAM • HANEY—In loving naeagory of a clear hasband and father, W. II. Haney, w,hh teased away two years ago, December 12, 1956. " His memory is as dear todat. As in the hour he passed away,. —Sadly missed by wife arid fam- ily. • 10" . IN MEMORIAM' WAISH—ffn loving tnemrby of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. Walter Walsh, who passed away December 10; 1949, The dearest Mom this world could hold, The OheerieSt Smile, and a, heart of gold. For • those who knew her sure will know How mud' We lOst nine years ,ago. —Lovingly remembered by .son Orville daughter-in-law Millie and grandchildren Judy ,and David, lob TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES By Virtue of a warraiit !awed $Y •the Warden of the County Of Hata on under his hand and the Seal of the 'Said totpotatiori bearing date of 12th clay of August 1958, sale of lancla in arrears of taxes' irt the County Of HitrOrt Will be held at triY,Office at the hour of 2.04 pan. In the Court House on the. 9th day of Detelabet 1958 urileaa the tames and oasts pre seeher paid, Netice 15 hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears ef taxes WAS Pablistied la the Ontario Gat - ate On the 5th claY o SePtturther 19t8, and that copies of the said lid may be had at my office, The adieurned sale, it neeessary, *III Se held at the aheOe Office On • the litith clay of Deeenihot, 1958, treaeureeir OfflOe this 14th day nf Alittllat„ 1088. (Signed) 3', 4 terrYi ‘tgaisgtor • staraisa • .ste te .:;.spjlhawulda,Tre:veCnH,o:jkgt:Rig,,CTors,,the, .spent the weelaand witb her par- ents, NU, and Mrs, Albert Coultes. ollYfsvrs.eritEth.eHw. egerke-selcoodrwthixTidortlato,.4 friends, , Miss Ratidee)i Fisber left an aunday to ,spentl a week otter va- eation at the home of her aunt,. Mrs, Tobi 3.8,ntsi of, 741/1'0140n. Whiteohnroh school papds .11,44 hOliday en MendaY and Most of the senoels Were cleagdon Tws' day because of blocked reads, The Calvin -rick Church is holding a, white gift aerviee this Sunday. The cash gifts go to help 11sS Agatha Coultes in ber wora. Alnidlhois1PQ1toadlse:cht,7dmonton and the Christraes gifts go to the Children's Mr, Ben MoCienagbap spent last week at the holue of his daughter, Mrs, William Raricea, of Clinton, InsPector43G:mw:rsotst or Brueegrcttoufnotici anciair T.eachera' College each paid. a visit to $.S. No; 19 Kinloss last Tues. day, while the stugeat teachers Wer e there. Mr. D. Beecroft attended the Presbytery meeting held at Dun- gannon qn Thursday, Mr. and Mtg. Orville Mitchell of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Anderson and children of St. Catharines spent, the week,end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Henry. Both cars had difficulty in getting to Highway 86 on Sunday, when the reads around this- part of Kinloss were not ploughed. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, Who spent the week -end at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Don Campbell of Belgrave, returned home on Sun- day after a month's absence. Mr. Elliott has his right arm in a cast, Mr. James. Gordon, who has been visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. John -McGee, left on Tuesday last for his home in Saskatoon. Quite a - number of the 4-H boys from, this •distriet attended the Achievement meeting at Exeter District High Scheel on Friday eve= ning. Ken Coultes received his prizea traveller's alarm clock, which he Wel) at- the C.N,E. for judging beef cattle. • Birth HILL—In Wingham Hospital, en Tuesday, Dec, 2, to Mr. and Mia, Donald Hill of West Wawanosh, Claim Cause of . Migraine Headache Is Perfectionism Striving to attain a high degree • of perfectionism is the chief cause. of the migraine aeadaches suffered by hundreds of Canadians each year. "Some 115,000,900 have head- aches, but only perfectionists suf- ter the agony 'of a migraine "brain- storm'," E. Jervis Bloomfield re - Ports", 1nheDecember issue 'of Liberty magazine. The migraine is one of natiire's most 'baffling headaches. Attacks usually 'begin between ages of 16 and 36 and end' bets/men 45' arid 50, =Mang four times as many women as alert its Victim. Some doctors claim it is hereditary. "All agree it is a personality problem," Bloom- field states. "It's nature's warning to' let up• a ' Symptoms of a Tnigraine laclude' sensitivity to light, along with •flashes and tilled spots. Then come a spasm of the cranial arteries, which causes congestion. Attacks begin at sunup; may last a few hours to several days. Often the cause of an ordinary headache is easily recognized and treated. A bump on .the head, the need of a laxative, poor lighting or roetn ventilation can all • Cause headaches. Liberty auggests the following precaution a to help 'aaoid headaches: • Don't worry about your headache. Worry will only add to it. • Try to find the cause. It bould , 'be physical, Mental or emotional. Check •eating, drinking, work, play and rest habits. Have your eyes exatnined, Learn to relax. Keep your emo- tions under coptroi. Headache remedies give tempor- ary relief, but they don't treat the cause, Avoid beconting addicted 'to their use. If headache persists,, see year doctor. If your doctor tens you yours is a migraine headache, then com- fort youralf you'M probably a perfectionist PINTOS 4144.„..A.t the Whighara kieneral • Hespital, on Ttleadtaa DegeMber • g, 1958, to Mr.AM:1.MM. Donald Hill, RA, 1, Lueltnow, a Ka. MONTGOMERY -a -At the Winglisia general HOSpital, on Wednesday, • December 8, 1058, to Mr, and Mrs. Keith Montgomery, R.B,. 2,4 Teeswater, a on. • KV1STNEDY—At the Wingliam Gen- eral Hespital, on Wednesday, Pe- cember 3, 19158, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred G. Kermedy, R.R. 2, Ives - water, a chtighter, EWING—At the Wiagbani Gen- ' liosPital, on Thursday, Decemaer, 4, 1958, to Mr. and Zara Delbert Ewing, Wingham, a daughter. WILLIE—At the Wingharn Gener- al Hospital, fan Thursday, De- cember 4, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs, David Willia.Teesivater, a daugh- ter (expired Dec, 4). •RUTLEDGE—At Wingluoil Gener, HOSpital, on Friday, December 1958, to Mr, and MI's, Wilmer Rutledge, R.R. 6, Goderleb, a. daughter, STEVENSON—At the - Wirigha,m General Hospital, on Saturday, December a 1958 to Mr, .and 'Mrs, Warren Stevenson, Mount rarest, a daughter. POCOCK—At the "VVinghara Gener- al Hospital, on, Monday,"Decem- ber 8, 1958, to afr. and Mr. Har- old Pocock,- VVingliaM, a, daugb- ter. Willing Workers Bake at Meeting The fourth meeting of the Whig - ham Willing' Workers was hold at Mrs. Ourrie's home With eleven girls answetirig the roll call. The meeting opened by olivine "0 Can- ada" with Mary TaYlor at the Pi- ano; f011owed by the .4.-H Pledge. The minutes. were read and adept - ed, It Was decided to hold the neat ateetirig on Deeentlier 12th at' Mrs, lacipp'S hone, A letter Of thanks will be sent to the Women's Institute fee $5.00 received for stip- plies. 'rile Member:: divided Mto four grOups and Made a list of; Wheat' and its products; oats and HS pro - duets; cora and its prod tidtC riee' arid its prOducts, The menabers made and stunplee's the felleWing: Muffins, rice 'mid., ding, aPPle trisp with lemlin Sailed, tor the home assignitent they will, Make it hat of all the food produats a wheat, Oats' and corn they are familiar With and enter thein la the retord •book arid eook cereals et leitet mien either for brealclitet, doisert iitt reaOrd. • .6.4,9•,.......4.400011011.0ttok.k0.24.4,•• ..,),0,..Na...4•1160, ASK METO DO At4Yrait4G EXCEPT Fitt , PRESCRIPTIONS ONLY •EXPERT PHARMACISTS FAA. THEM Al' • VANCE'S DRUG STORE SPEcIAL! HOSES*SnapdrapellS . zatmr, LOTS " • liVira BORROW HOLIX lorigrpe,TOV AND • ptnAn AMINO Large and .smo rouikor PLANTa ORDER EARLY • .P $g. H Center Ci4 Flowgr 44 :Floral Service mg) W DAw SONS.. Telephone .141-W-21 WhighaM qepijilliiiii,11111110111111.101111111811111110 Will .yo.u.be raking in 15 u-.eato frorn .now? Ar3 You can, rake 'in this kind of harvest ten or fifteen years from now. About:$10 a week will bring a guaranteed tad- pnlon relurn of 310,000 in 15 years. Talk it over soon " with an Investors reoresenta. five — "your best friend financially." Can or write: Thos. A. Jai -din Phone 147 WINGHAM, ONT. John W. Waines nee, 1042 • • R. R. 3, LISTOWEL • LOCAL 7124VeNtA.oiCS, AA I ny‘sto rs syndicate f CANADA, 0,611110 LAO °prim Imports, orncis IN 10 RINCII.M. MICA EAT PRICES. COTTAGE ROLLS : ... .1.4o 0 • •• • lb. 6010, GROUND BEEF . . . . 3 lbs. $1.25 T'RIDAr and SATURDAY ONLY SAUSAGE ...... .............. 3 lbs. $1.25 LARD . .... . lbs. '.25c . On Friday and Saturday —SUET : : lb. 25c Let us fill your 'LARD' PAIL 'if IOC' 'per lb. Lockndge s Butcher Shop . • The ReSt 'a Fresh and Cured Meats Always on Hand. o, t,iI.iuIuuuIiuii BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DiRECTORY • A. II. McTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO • Telephone 23 Teetavater Wroxeter—Every Wednesday • afternoon, 2-4 pan., or by appointment. Fredericic F. fioinuth • .Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Hornuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola El. Bernath, R.O. • OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 Harriston, Ontario CRAWFORIrli. • . :11ETHERINOTON Barristers, Selleitots, Eta, . Wingham, Phone 48 IL CRAWFORD, Q.C. • R. S. I ,LETHERINGTON, Q,C4' J. W. BUSOFIELD Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, NetarY, Eta. Money to Loan Office—Mott Block, WhOisTR " WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance CoMpaity lest, 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully serVed Its 'poiliOY holders Or eat)* a century. ' Head Office — Toronto , 0.0. MacLean InSnrance Agency; Whighant 1.19.NTOS# & WAIL CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS gen Telephone atilltling WALKERTON D. A. HUNTLEY, CA, Resident Manager relephonest mines* 633; Residence 106