HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-12-10, Page 3I DONATES TO RETARDED FUND WR4Xr1141, - The December Meeting Of the Wroxeter Werneres InStitute was held in the commun- ityen Tuesday of last week with‘eleven members and one guest present, The meeting opened with the singing of the Ode and repeat- ing the Mary Stewart collect, The iresident, Mrs, Gilbert Bow- es, was in the chair and ably eon- (Noted the Meeting, remembering :those who were net able to attend and welcoming all with many hap- py, droughts for the -arrival et tilt) answered by a favorite !Chrlatrila Christuias Sennett. I Carol. and a donatielt for •Ohristmas The Pleasant Christmas music vb 0 0 r gave a happy spirit throughput the I The meeting .closed with the .na- Meeting, The topic was giVen by, Menai anthem and an exchange of Mrs. P, Drfrb$011 a Christinas story, ; gifts, after which a lovely lunch "Outcast et the hills", . A' motion I Was. served, 14.11e. -41n$tea,n.s .weri was passed to eontribtite 4.10,04). to Mrs, Bervey Relit, Mrs, Wm, Me- the Retarded .Ottlidreres .fund. It Lean; Mrt ,I,. Doig :and Miss M, was' also agreed there should .lee he Jardine, the parties. should' be. . Om, Cabbage and other vegetables 1 a 'euchre party in December and that - tinned after Christmas every two and fruit .should be washed but nut weeks for the. winter' months, soaked for long periods before be- The ticket for the Institute ..elub ing cooked, Teo long soaking or quilt was drawn by Mrs, P. Dobsop, cooking will destroy much of the the quilt going to Miss Patsy vaittable mineral and vegetable Pritchard Of -O-ale Roll call was content, ,c-ACVAkfiaWwcz-Ag-grzwe-z-*-Ag--eiAi-oig-s4g-Ag-okfik k • fikokr' • Child's Rockers 25 IA" high Natural 'Hardwood Finish Each $5.75 AS ADVERTISED ON TV, ' JON GNAGY LEARN=TO=DRAW OUTFITS YES, WE HAVE THEM ' Table - 2 Chairs Kindergarten Sets Sturdy - Natural finished hard- W00(1 table' 2048x1.8" high 3-piece set $8.99 $3.98 Big Selection CARVING SETS Beautiful 3-prece sets, English, Sheffield qual- wit , - ity, Genuine Stag and Shnilated.Stag Handles, Strong silk lined cases. Priced at . $7.50, $8.50, $9.95, $10.50, $10.95, - $13.95, $15.95 , 6-plece STEAK. KNIFE SETS $3.50 - $4.65 •- $5.95 .;-•• • ; • "Our Prices. Are ..Better" TOBOGGANS SLEIGHS Indoor = = $1.69 Outdoor.= = $259 iV:14 Christmas Lighting Sets 7-LAMP FULLY GUARANTEED CHRISTMAS TREE STANDS . . ... 89c 86" steel runner model, complete with rope • . • ONLY $3.75 f 36" With Ski runner model , • $4.75 GOOD 4=ft• • . $4.95 $6.95 6=ft. $7.95 • Complete with tow rope THE QUALITY IS BUY BRAND NAME APPLIANCES FOR LESS at. STAINTON'S - GE, SUNBEAM, PRESTO, PROCTOR, Etc. • AUTOMATIC( POP-UP TOASTERS law $0.95 $13.95 AUTOMATIC ' ELECTRIC FRY PANS 101/:," sqUare Complete with eever. PORTAIILE HAND MIXERS Black a tie' White 3Speea $14.95 Ever) Appliance Fully Guaranteed STAINTON HARDWARE AND FARMERS SUPPLY HOUSE- ihw PHONE .5 0 W/NGHAM V260,1VMO.Ir 1, ' 1/1411%0109411140,40402104:0411rAk Tremendous Selection .10009, iff, s. 14. :,,,,,,,1. ,---.- i45',/pge, I -,,,/iifie 4,--- , ve 4.---,- ..„.., Pro Hockey Games Iteg. 16" x 36" size SPECIAL = $7.98 Rocking Horses 21" ,high,' 33" rockers All Ha rdwOod Construction ONLY $6.98 FLYING SAUCERS NHL Hockey Equipment For Boys to 13 years ' Professionally Styled Leafs - Canadians Colours ' 4-ft. - $6.95 4'/2-ft. - $7.95 5-ft. - $8.95 5%-ft: - $8.95 CHILDREN'S, SKI OUTFITS A: with HarnesS Assembly - Top Quality Maple, stained mid varnished, fitted with lever type harness. tj ALUMINUM Children's SKI POLES • ' $2.95 ADULT OUTF,ITS Maple 8...IlickcirY fitted with best ,cable harness. $13.95 - $16.95 Adult's $3.95 . • tts $6.50 Shinguards $4.95 lk..; Sweaters' $2.89 Socks $1.39 Hockey Pants $3.75 LIU 'l CURLING • e BROOMS .. .. , efFLI.JU Gloves $3.49 hiAthhm AdikiiktIcOr- DIAMONDS Jewel ,i4=-14C'.4:14r41,11..ft‘Alltr,g16.116 `l ti Vso Make this a Christnias remember forever. Calve her a perfeet Memory Diamond that is famous for its colour,,.` cut turd clarity from $55-.00 1'14' 'llOILICA::FSIUtr,004.fiCtr4 \ 't':‘4 0.111? ' .• ff .‘111 4 ' ill A 0 I Finest Fashionable A CLOCK I Jewellery of all kinds tl, e for every purpose,. SEE OUR COMPLETE :) Westelox and Finest SELECTION. German makes, Sets from $2'.00 From $2.95 ozoiaqiarommextuuur4zogood404=04...cco4,0040. SPECIAL CLEARANCE ON ELECTRIC 'SHAVERS 0 ....,4.,404,144,04a4.140,0A..okezwzmmuumme.mmuulicr.iimil 3 .o Hafetmehl's Jewellery . g o ko "Finest Quality and Service" 4 EVENING DIAMOND APPOINTMENTS ON BEQUEST 4542el-n.W.,2AW,,),W7V7,12.;12g70.V,V7S,5W.T;',.3"..07P,X4n70-2,1470711-V-7.02V-Pitila POINTS VIOLATION 5 Exceeding speed limit by 30 m.p.h. or more 3 Exceeding speed limit by more than 10 m.p.h. and less than 30 m.p.h. 3 Failing to yield right-of-way 3 Failing to obey a stop sign or signaklight 3 Failing to report an accident 2 Exceeding Speed limit by 10 m.p.h. or under 2 Improper passing 2 Foiling to shoo road POINTS VIOLATION 2 Improper turns 2 Failing to signal 2 Improper driving where high. way divided into lanes 2 Failing to stop for school bud 2 Unn'etessary slow driving 2 Following too closely 2 Improper passing of street car 2 Improper opening of Vehicle door 2 Pedestrian cross-over Violation 2 Any other driving offence When vehicle in motion Ontario Department of Transport announces your POINT SYST Effective February 1, 1959 to make Ontario's streets and highways safer The Point System is designed to protect pedestrians and the millions of careful motorists from the small minority of negligent drivers who abuse the privilege of operating a motor vehicle. Protects good drivers-corrects bad drivers. The good drivers will be safer than ever before. Forgetful motorists will be encouraged to improve their driving habits. , Proof of the effectiveness of the Point System in reducing accidents is provided by its success in other provinces and in the United States. It is designed to save lives- including yours. How the POINT SYSTEM works Points will be added to the driving record of motorists upon conviction for offences as listed below. 12 points within a 2-year period will bring licence suspension for 3 months. An additional .12 point accumulation within a I-year period will bring 6 months' suspension. A driver with, 6 points will be advised of his record and asked to improve his driving. At 9 points the motorist Will be asked to attend an interview and show cause why his driv- ing privilege should not be suspended. He may 'be placed on probation or have his licence suspended if his attitude reflects irresponsibility., Points are deducted from the record 2 years after the date of conviction. ,After a period of suspension, a motorist will begin with no points against his driving record, Each motorist will receive a folder describing the Point System in detail where applying for his 1959 Driver's Licence. POINT. SYSTEM SCALE TO, INSTAII: OFFICERS IN .NEW YEAR WROXETNR - Mlssloii Band Members met .la the".ehureh 411001- room On Wednesday, after school when the Christmas meeting was held, with 7 members present. go., sic wns supplied by Mrs. Duro at, the piano and the pail to ,wor,, ship by the president, Brian San- derson, brought the. meeting to or- der, • • The Scripture lesson, talten buite's. gospel, was read "by Jeannie Howes and Ronnie Elliott led, in prayer, Members sang.- the Mission Band hymn and repeated the Mission Band .p.urpese in uni- son, Roll call Was responded to ibY naming a favorite Christmas hymn and Presenting mite hexes, Birthday pennies were presented. by .Kaye Wright and Ann Gibson, Carol. Coupland and Leone Cham- bers played Christmas carols on the piano, The offering was received by Brian Elliott .and Garry Cham- bers and was dedicated by the pre- sident. • The story of hoW Christmas, is celebrated in Africa Was told by Lynne Wright; in India by X41,110 Edgar and among the Canadian Indians by Leone Chambers. .jirn Sharpin read an article on 'Peace at Christmas". • The story entitled. "The Christmas concert" from the study book "Here Comes Dirk", was told by Mrs. K. Edgar. • Mrs. L. McGee spoke words of appreciation to the members who' are graduating from Mission Band to C.G.I.T, and also to a leader, Mrs. James Sanderson, who will net be cheeping in Mission Band in the New Year, Mrs. 'McGee also pre- sented the slate of officers for the coming year, ThiS was accepted and the new officers will be install- ed at the January meeting. The singing of a Christmas hymn and the repeating of the Mizpah benediction closed the meeting; af- ter which the World4Friends were distributed and the children .eri, joyed a treat of home-made candy supplied by the leaders. C.G.I.T. Make Plans For Future Events WROXETER--,Members of the local C,G.I.T, met in the church, school room for their regular meet- ing on Tuesday evening of last week, with a good attendance, The leader, Mrs, L. McGee, called the assembly to order and introduced the new study book, "Friendship Diary", after which a discussion followed. Carol Newten, Catherine Edgar, Betty Ann Adams and Brenda Ca-. thers , mead the Scripture lesson,, comprised of Luke 10:25-37 and John 13:34; The girls repeated the C,G.I.T. Purpose and the prayer from "Friendship Diary" was\ re- peated in unison. After singing a hymn group singing was enjoyed. During the business session it was decided to hold the Christmas party on, December 19th and to join with the Gerrie C.G.I.T. at the ves- per service on. December 14th. Jan- uary 24th (Bobby Burns day) was decided upon as the date for the tea which the girls are planning, The meeting closed with Taps. WROXETER Mr, and Mrs. William Newton and daughters, Byron, spent the week-end with Mrs. R .Newton. Mrs. G, 'A. Wearing, Concord, spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Hazel Sparling spent Friday with Mr and Mrs. James Robert- son, Gocierich, and the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Lou Hutton, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hendley, of Fergus, spent the week-end with Mr. and 'Mrs. Lloyd Elliott, Mrs, A. Hunt and Lloyd were visitors for a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Hunt, Brampton, Mr, Lyle Brothers, Wexford, Was a week-end visitor with his mo- ther, Mrs, V, Brothers and the lat- ter returned home, with him to spend the winter months. MRS. T. 'ABRAHAM LEADER FOR WMS RFiLMORE-The Women's Mis- sionary Society of Helmore United Church held its meeting on Novem- ber 20th at the home of Mrs. John Farrell, Eighteen ladies and three children Were present, In the absence of Mrs, Ira Neil, Mrs, .T. Abraham Wes leader and opened the meeting with singing a hymn and prayer, The Bible read- ings were all 'taken front the old testament then all joined in sing- .ing "From Greenland's Icy Moun- tains," Mrs, F. Johann gave a reading on temperance and Mrs, Searson gave a 'good paper on Missions, Mrs, L, Motealfe read the min- utes Of the last Meeting, and the Christmas meeting is to be held December 17th at the home of Mrs, N", Nekvans, Mrs. Dotibledoe read the ehapter In the study boost, "Canada Cul- tural Division and National the roll call was a Verse on Peace. 'Rey, West took charge of the election of officers for the coming year. "In Christ there Is No Ettat Ctr West", was sung and Mts, Abra- harn closed the meeting with, prayer. ' Mrs', J. H, Ciannett Liy,d, in UJuevale Kivw,Abv -- Emma 'Sabina Smith, wife of the late John IienrY aaratett, „tiled in Toronto .on. December ,01 After a long illness,' Mrs, Gannett was 'the daughter .of the late William Smith and Emma Farrow and spent her early life in BitieVale. The funeral service was held at the (Trail Funeral Hem% Danforth Avenue, on December Oth, ;Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Smith. Vera) and a son, T, Wilbur Gannett, both of Toronto and a 'brother, Bev. W, Smith, .0 Islington, Ross Smith, of Bluevale, is a nephew, Mrs, Orval 'Jones, of non- sell, and; Mrs. Norman .Hoover, of Srussels are nieces of Mrs, Gan- nett, ORIGIN OF CAROLS TOLD BY SPEAKER 13L3JEVALE-The W,MS, met In the United Church on Thursday afternoon, with the president, Mrs, Alex. McCrackin in charge and conducting devotions, Mrs, Milton eraser read the Scripture, Mrs, George Hetherington pre-, sided for the study period and in- troduced a Christmas program featuring the singing of familiar, Christmas carols.' Mrs, Hethering- ton and Mrs. Sparling Johnston read Christmas poems. Mrs. Hoffman gave "The True' Meaning of Christmas, as written by Padre Young of the 0,A,C., Guelph, Mrs, MeCrackin gave the story of the origin of Christmas- carols which began in England in' the ,time of Chaucer when carol singers went from house to house. Then for centuries carol music was forgotten until revived the lest hundred years. "Noel" means good news and should be sung joy- ously as should other 'carols. A duet was sung by Mrs. Alex. Col.: rigan and Mrs, W. J. Peacock. Officeis for 1959 were elected: President, Mrs. Alex. McCrackin; first vice-pres., Mrs. Milton Fraser; second vice-pres., Mrs, Gordon Hall; treasurer, Mrs. Sparling Johnston; secretary, Mrs. Gordon Hall; assistant secretary, Mrs. Alex, Corrigan; corresponding sec., Mrs. Hetherington; pianists, Mrs. W. J, Johnston, Mrs. Carl Johns- ton; Mission Band leaders, Mrs. Craig, Mrs. Alan Neelon; Baby' Band superintendent, Mrs. Bert. Garniss, Secretaries: Stewardship, Mrs. Milton Fraser; Associate Helpers, Mrs. John Wickstead; supply, Mrs. Roy Sanderson; citizenship, Mrs. E. Barnard; literature, Mrs. W. Peacock; Missionary Monthly,' MrS. Charles Bosm4n, Mrs. John Wickstead Elected President BLUEVALE - The Woman's Association met in the United Church on December 4th with Mrs. John Wickstead presiding. Eighteen members attended, Reports of activities were presented by leaders of the four groups of the Associ- ation: Mrs, George Hetherington, Mrs. W. J. Peacock, Mrs. M. Craig and Mrs. Alex, Corrigan. A donation of $25 to the' TV Tuesday Story Time program on CKNX was approved. Members of Sunday School classes were appointed to decorate the church for the Christmas season. The following officers were elect- ed for 1959: President, Mrs. John Wickstead; first vice, Miss Ruby Duff; second vice, Mrs. Sparling Johnston; secretary, Mrs. M. L, Aitken; treasurer, Mrs. Alex. Mc- Crackin; assist, treasurer, Mrs. Jos. Horton; pianist, Mrs. W. J. John- ston; assistant pianist, Mrs. Carl Johnston; parsonage committee, Mrs. Alex Corrigan, Mrs. Charles Mathers, Mrs. Henry Wheeler. WilITECHURCH Mrs, Edwin Smyth and Doreen spent the week-end with London friends, Miss Ann Rintotil spent the week- end at ,the home of her aunt, Mrs. Mack Cardiff, of Brussels, and Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Rintoul and child- ren visited on Sunday at the Car- diff home. The West Wawanosh Federation of Agriculture held its annual busi- ness meeting and banquet last. Wednesday night in the Legion hall. Lucknow. An interesting part of the program was the public speaking contest for the West Wa- wanosh school children, with prizes of $5.00, $4.00 and $3.00. Mary Mc- Allister of S.S, No. 3, Township Hall school, won first prize; Donna Rintoul, of Fordyce School, won "second prize, speaking'on "Changes in Rural Living" and Brian Sproul of SS, No, 17, won 'third, Gary' Rintoul, son of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul has been un- der the doctor's care during the past week with pneumonia, There was no service in either the. Presbyterian Church or the Un- ited Chinch here oh Sunday, or at Calvin-13rick United Church, on account of the heavy, blustery stem., Mr. and Mrs, Harold Slesser and children of Olainis visited en Sat- urday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Cook of lvtarrioeh, Mr, Austin. Cook of Toronto ales() visited there over the week-end. Calvin-Brick WM.& meets this Wednesday at the home of Mrs, Ronald Coultes. Mr. and Mit. Cecil Falconer, ac- companied by their grandson, Brien Faleoner, arrived home from Sat= nia on Wednesday last. Brian re- turned •home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ronson Palebner, pn Sun- day, Mr, Angus Falconer, who has been employed for the past months at Ancestor,. spent the. Week-end at his *tine here. 'ELECT NOI OFFICERS. FOR 'WOMEN'S .0.111111PS OLUE'VALIV-4fhtt Met in, KIMK.PrealVtOrian church on Fri- day afternoon, the president, Mrs. R, McMurray, in eharge and. conducting .devotions, The Toll call.; Was answered by giving a thought! OM the last month's program. The secretary's sad treasurer's re- pertS were read and adopted, The offering was presented and dedi eated, Reports were given from' the various secretaries, Mrs. William Elston .gave a read-'. Mg, on the subject of keeping Christmas, Mrs, McMurray pen- tributed a reading "Can Christ, Pe Crowded Out?' Mrs, Eldred Niehol • led In PraYer, Christmas hymns, were sung, Rev,. T. Kennedy stalled the following officers for 1909: President, Mrs. Bernard Thomas; vice. president, Mrs. T. Kennedy" secretary, Mrs, Gordon .creig; • .assistant secretary, Mrs. I-Tarry Elliott; treasurer, Mrs, Wm. Mtn- dell; 'explorers, Mrs., Wm. 'Elston; assistant explOors, Mrs, . Ross Gray;. Mission. Band. Mrs. RosSie • Mann, Mrs. 'Reg. Bitton; press re- porter, Mrs. Raymond Elliott; assistant reporter, Mrs. R. J, Mc- Murray; auditor, Mrs. Harry El- liott; pianist, Mrs. T, 3. Kennedy, Secretaries; 'Glad Widin.p,s, Miss Dorothy Greenaway; supply, Mrs. Roy. Turvey; welcome and welfare, Mrs, Eldred. Nichol; life member- ship, Mrs, Walter -Srnillie: library and literature, Mrs. B, H, Moffatt; Home Helpers, Mrs, Harvey Rob- ertson; assistant Home Helpers, Mrs, Gordon Mundell. Nominating committee; Mrs. Wm. Elston, Mrs, Harry Elliott, Mrs. Raymond Elliott, Mrs, Roy Turvey moved a vote of appreciation to. Mrs. R. J, Mc- Murray for her four years of fine effort as president of the society and this was heartily endorsed. A business meetin of the Ladies' g Aid followed the W,M.S, meeting. Mrs. .Harry Elliott", presiding. Encouraging reports were given of the work of, the groups of the organizations, Items of business were discussed and the meeting closed with prayer. • - The following officers were elect- ed: President, Mrs. Harry Elliott; vice-pres., Mrs, Alex. IVreTavish: secretary; Mrs. Wm. Mundell; treasurer; Mrs. B. II, Moffatt. Cancel Services BLTJEVALE-No services.. were held in Bluevale churches on Sun- day. It was late in the forenoon . before there , was any sign of traffic through the snow on 'the village Streets. A young, people's rally planned for Sunday evening in the United Church was also cancelled. WV' Wingham. • , . • POINTS VIOLATION 12 Criminal negligence involving the use of motor vehicle 12 Driving while intoxicated 12 Driving while ability to drive is impaired 12 Obtaining licence by misrep- resentation Upon conviction for any of the above offences, suspension is mandatory for at least 3 months 9 Failing to stop at scene of accident 5 Careless driving 5 Rating FOLLOW THE RULES OF GOOD,DRIVING and you will keep yota: driving record clear MON. I144 B. DYMOND, 1.1.0.. MIIIIrsteW D. l.'COCLINIt. ty Oritratutzet S