HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-12-10, Page 2CAMERAS
Ilrowttio Starlet Canters $4.90
Orewaie Startlasii, Onnera ,„„ , , $4,93
Browaie Startle): Camera, , - $12-.45
Brousile Holiday Flash Canters $aria
BroWnie ltlawiteye FlaSh alodel
Duaflex Rodet Leos . , $S0.75
P,orry 35 Cainera. .... 29,95
,our camera outfits coatain everything need.
ed for taking good pietereas leideOra! or out.
Rrownie Starilash Outfit !...; ....... 511,0-
Browaie Starlifs Outfit ...... 8113,85
Brownie Holiday Flash Otitfit ....
Brownie jfawkeye Outfit ... *IVA .
Kodak "Dartflex. Ir Flash Ordrit $38,915
This week sees the opening of an-
other hockey season, since the first
borne game, with Kincardine, is
scheduled for the local arena on.
Satttrday night.
It is tO be hoped that the winter
of 1958-59 will hold a little more en-
courag-ement for the hockey players
than has been the case for the past
three or four years. Hockey seems
to be a sport which invariably has
its ups and downs, but as far as
Wingham is concerned the "downs"
should be just about over. Seven or
! -eight years ago one had to be at the
arena at .least 30 minutes before
game time to be sure of getting a.
decent seat, but last year there was
no such problem
It is a regrettable situation since
the supporters of , Hockey in this
"'"town' were the chief proponents of
artificial ice installation, as a means
Of improving the gJarle of hockey
which could be played here and as a
means of lengthening the season. It
would seem that their -enthusiasm
must have dwindled very sharply in
many cases.
We would ask yOur support for
the Intermediate team. Most of the
players are ben ip who give their. time
for the sake of the team and in
many instances they are doing so at
considerable sacrifice to themselves.
It 1111.1S t be very disheartening for
these play ers to come out and give
their best — before home town
crowds which can be numbered in a
few score at most.
TheWingham Advance-Times
Published'at .Nina rasa, Ontario
Wenger Brothers, Publishers
W., Barry Wenger, Editor
Member Audit Bureau of Circulation
Authorized as Secoad ("RCS Mail,
Post Office Dept
Gabs. Iption Rata.—'One Tear 4a.00, stt Months
in advance
S. A. OM per year
Foreign Rate WO per sear
Advertising Rates on application
TS* Wiftirt011at AdnalleeeTitne$, 'SVOOttehliaja Pith. 195$
At the greatest Interaetional'
Livesthek Faxpesitioe, where over
ten thousand of the finest stocl
in 35 States were on...display., Calm-
dit, with but .a few aalmtls capturrd
annoat all the awardS in the Prin.
eipal. .campetition, !the Shorthora
breeding stock, the hormas .atling!
the breeding farm a of S, G. Bennett
of Georgetown and Lheada Marior
arms of Peterborotigh, These a re
glories Canada ean well! he proud of
as they were in competition with
the premier stock ef the :OSA,
Da you know any reaaon why.
farmers front Huron !tied eontigua ,
!taus area eamiot duplicate the bon.
ors achieved by their Georgetown.
aod Peterborough neighbors'? Wha
not get some or this or akin !atoolt
giving them everything and at-ten-
thin that produees charripiona -
, Thousands of ex-Cenadians ia.
Chicago Will he expecting Mare
champs from .the best, al) ed ema-
tages !considered, tountra !con • earth
R.A. Laurie..
....._....,,, _
.04 Tow film tor
!gifts or for festive
seaSon pictures !at
oar store, Bleck end
Whitra eoloar or!
606 N. State,
Chicago, Ill.
The Advanee-Timea
Wingharn, Oat,
Dear Sir:
BOX 473 When .aaetttories fade, photographs Xefail haPpy !ovoids!
and friends. A .eameta is a gift Mat !he !trestsared. for pairs
After a rough pastel sketch had
been made, the Aext step was to
find the thousand of pieces of
colored glass required. Macdonald
shopped through Europe for-the
special handmade glass and then
returned to evolve a novel way of
putting it into the window.
Instead of using the traditional
method of leading the stained glass
to join the pieces, be deeideti that
if clear !cement Were strhstitutecl,
; light coidd shine through every
'aection. C-I-L Household cement
was chosen for the job of fastening
together the nine thousand pieces
of colored gliasv.
Saadwiched between, two pieces
! of Plate glass, the stained glass
! "s a vision of orange, • I-
; itna and green with two Slender
„ columns of blue giving depth and
ditheauloo, °Because yellow is the
livelist color in artificial light we
deeided to use this basic orange.,
yellow and groan harmony," Mere-
' den:1kt explains., "Our arreall put-
pose Was to tea' te give A feeling of
Canada—lots et ritelity,"
With striking design and eXeltlag
caor, the artists hitt* Suttee:deal in
! presenting a mosait !of a vigorous
PO'NY .lff
The.owl neng of household pets,
notably dogs ,and eats, have an op-
p,ortunity-today to afford them pro-
action against the rava,1.,,res of rabies
a disease which has swept through
the counties, to the north and which
has already iofe4:ted more than a
dozen animals in this immediate
Animal owners are not only pre-
sented with this chance to act in a
humanitarian way toward their
pets, but they have a very definite
obligation to their fellow-citizens
and the children of the community in
particular, to see that there is no
chance of their dogs or cats becom-
ing carriers of rabies,
Although it is not common for a
human being to contract the disease,
the infection is of such a drastic
nature that every effort should Abe
put forth right now to minimize the
possibility. 1'i hen. a human is in-
fected it is possible to administer
anti-rabies shots, inn their useful-
ness is more than a little doubtful
'and the physical results are very
drastic. The patient suffers con-
siderably during the long course of
injettiong which are given.
There is always the danger that
ilewspapei readers will begin to dub
any publication as a scare-monger
when a, campaign such as this is
carried on. Within the past two
weeks The Advance-Times has re-
ceived some letters from persons
who feel qualified to suggest that
there is much ado about nothing in
this talk about rabies.
With many proven cases in Ifow-
ick and other neat-by townships and
a rabid fox shot right in tieesw.ater
last week, we feel we are hardly
alarmists to be calling attention to
the need for prompt. action Dog
and eat owners can take that action
today by getting their pets to the
clinic at the town hail basement.
The staff will be.there until . p.m.
Brawnie ?Stevie CAnlera, .r4.3 lens — 8 mm „ . 837.95 liro*oie Movie Camera, Tailed, $ mu) .. . . $0.0
_ e---5-ngtorisezIa=1-414atrznw,oimalmerzirzAttrzoimilocegrifzirorziroimzr,m1r4orsim
'lash photogrOgy
is .aa
in. handy eartolls of
pros as :$2.01
,i114 0,08
Otkadne, Oats Den. 14—Etery .
Canadian hush:ins:Mitzi should ,
appoint himself "am evangelist for
Private rater,PriSe and ten
nadians the teal basis for our pre-
sent high standard of living, Stuart,
Armour, economic Adviser to the
Steel Cjelareany of Canada., told the
Oitklefile-lTratalgar'branch of the
Canadian Manutacturefa Assoc"-
•tofertimtnt. tan Veravide both-
int One Set ot- petitioner., eey
crept, Itt the expense of esthete Who
'hare trelite:d and sialti the prodatts
by which .society Otisith,"' fie saki.
But that Bait 1011 bat be genera/1y
realised Witte the. IleiVate enter-
pee* sate "illea;tualely. tale
AtinOtir Said the nieSattge
betatler Shahid riot (*zinnia his
efforts en Wale Of prilente enter-
friset Ma! !oi»oi cattle !Of . friends
and acquaintances. "Mere are
sources of organizations. ail over
this Province on the outlook foil
speakers," he continued. "Business- 1
men Should make It theie business
to fill this Want"
Citing Women's organieetionas
church men's Clubs, parent-teacher
associations and setelee clubs as
targets for friture addressee, be
said, "Instead of bolding meet-
ings like this one, we• businessmen
should be iiut driving home to our
fellow Cabacliant same of the
merits Of PriVatt enterprise."
Unless businessmen cart COretrinet
people mat without private enter-
prize 'personal .freedean Nall perish.
I do not feel the bright projections
US to out future -in Canada. have
Much chance of becoming realities,
lie added.
"It hint long been my cOntentiois
that slate ttiurk is a business SO,
cietr, the husineSsmen oecupiesi a
sort of trustee• relationship to-
ward% thia 'Canada of Ours," Mr.
Armour tortinned. "If that be
true then, in my view, we hate
been pretty unfaithful &Wets.,"
lie iniid, that airefiti,y, a.,1 a result
of public *Maria against govern-
Meat, Canadiaas have largely 'pric-
ed themselves out of foreign mar-
"Now we, stand in very real
danger of finding nurselves unable
to self to Canadians." he declared.
Since Canada could not maietain
het present population without a
flotirishing manufacturing indus-
try, be warned, the decline of both
would see the end of out high
standard Of living
"The denionstrated tea paying
ability Or initrittfacturing should
further the esteent goVernmerit
and people, he *aid. But, -despite
the fact !Rot Canadian Manufac-
turers contributed over' tt±04,1
lion more teeterie tait 1945 than
all the other segMenta of Canadian
business combined, "it would al!
most seem by the treatment
accorded to manufacturing in this'
countryr that the majoritY of CA-
AAdhiiis do not like arlioYing the
Steend higheat standard of
in the World."'
Me, Artnour added that 'Menu-
faebtrera awl Paid most of the
81,028 Million In excite faieet and
the $201 million in sidell trot thliect-
ed fri Ire.4,, the laist yeat detailed
1!Axatkin stattattes are available,.
The Farmers" Club of Blnevale
will meet there on Thursday even-
The Misses Disney are -moving
their dressmaking parlors from the
Meld Block to tbe Crawford Block
in the old National Hotel building.
Wilfred Paeoeli, son of Mr, and
Mra. George Pocoek, East Wawan-
osh, and Stevrart Donaldson, Wing-
ham, have returned from overseas
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Dore ore noW
comfortably settled in the new red
brink residence on Slauter Street.
Mr. W, E. Mabood and staff built
the house and it is a credit to theria
Mr. Albert Fleming has accepted
a Position with the Pafogle Handle
Works. We understand that this
new factory is fairly swamped with
orders and arrangements are being
made to run two Shifts a dpy.
Mr. C. IV, Whitney, Miss Freda
Kerr and Mr. Chaa L. Kerr Of
Detroit attended the runetal of the
late Elizabeth Kerr In Winghant
an Tuesday.
- -
The following have been norairt-
abed far office In Wingbain for the
year 1954: 'Mayor — 0. L. Baker.
ft H., ElliOtt, 3. W.
Hanna, J. W. Mclithlven. For reeve
W. Melabbort, Peed DrivlilaOn,
C. Willdiabla, E. ElliOtt For
—1irs. Fred Fuller left on Mon,
day mornin g. for Toroeto, where
her sister,' Miss Rebekah Mitchell.
i$ in hospital, !suffering from pneu-
—Miss Marlene .StainCon. of Lon-
don spent the week-end at her
home • here.
—Jimmy Pattison, aon of Mr. and
Mrs. John Pattison, returned. home
from Wingliam 'Hospital on Fri-
day. after having undergone aura
gery earlier in the week,
—Mr., and Mrs.. Francis Mills,
Leopold St., were week-end visitors
with their family in Farmington,
—Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McMurray
and Gordon spent the week-end in
Wellington at the home of their
son, Mr. and Mrs. R. E, McMurray
and Eleanor.
—ATT. Sohn W. Hanna, al.P.P.
attended the Huron County aoil
and Crop Improvement Association
annual meeting and ba nquet in the
community hall, Londesboro, on
Wednesday evening of last week.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. B. AfeCool
left ori Sunday for Florida, -where
they will spend the next few
months. •
—Mr. Jim Baird, of Toronto, was
a week-end visitor with his uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George
•—F.O. Ian Hetherington, sta-
council—Jas. Gilmour, H. B. Elliott
C. R„, Wilkinson, Fred Davidson
Dan Geddes, ..7„ Ifanna, James
-Moffat, A. af. Bishon, .1, -a, craw-
ford, Thos. Bowers, W. W. Arm-
Special prices: Sirloin steak, 17e
lb.; porterhouse atealt or roast, 17e
lb.; round steak, 15e. lb.; rolled
roast' of beef, 3.-Ic lb.; pork sausage,
2 lbs. 25c. Thos. Field & Co.,
;Wass Laura Mitchell, who has re-
signed- ner position with the Bell
Telephone office, was the guest of
honor. at a party given by the girls
of 'the „staff on Monday eveniag
at the home of Miss Celesta Carr,
Mr. Adam Joh`nstore Victoria tat.
who has been ill „tor the past!
couple ot weeks is now sheaving
some improvement,
Mr, and Mrs, A, Bienian and
"Amity, of London, were week-end
guests with .Mrs, Rieman's naothea
Mrs. W. A.. Currie..
Rev, William Patterson, Bluevalea
La spending this -week in Ottawa.
!visiting his brother.
Mrs. D. Gillies, Whitechurch. left
ast Wedhesday to spend two weeks
with her daughters, Mrs. Hank
Kruger, and Mrs. Roy Cringle, in
The proprietors of the lalueeal
Creamery entertained their staff to.
a turkey dinner on Wednesday!
evening at the Queens Hotel in
111e he‘T YEARS AGO
CounCillor Fred L. Davidson was
elected mayor by acclamation, J.
H. Crawford, who held this office
for the past five years, retired,
and councillor R. H. Lloyd, who
was nominated, withdrew., J.. J.
kvans was reterned as reeve by
' The honhe of Hugh and Elmer
Ririn, 8th cOneession or East Wa-
wa/teak three mites west of Bel-
grave, was badly damaged by fire
on Sunday, The fire was -caused
by a backfire of tht tractor which
Was kept in the weladShed hack of
the house.
D. Beetroft was named reeve
f past Wirwanosh Township by
acclarnation, Councillors elected by
acclamation: Norman 'McDowell,
Harvey Black, LeWis Ruddy and
Alex Robertson.
Mrs. 0. G. Anderson, of east
Kvawanosh. Was last Week elected
president of the Ontario Earth Wo-
men at the annual meeting held In
WinOmes first horse Aare IVO
art outstanding ,..tut•rtmk
2efrs. Walter ItatiWyttr -% teach-
lng at the WinghaM public school
tor Miss Vern'i Wailter, who it In.
tioned at Greenwnad, N,S, has
spent three weeks in England and
is now in Gibraltar for a week.
Mrs, Hetherington has remained at
Greenwood during his absence,
—Herbert Fuller, Walter Van
Wyck and Ken Sation were in
Lueknow on Thursday evening,
where they took part in the instal-
lation of -officers at the Masonic
Lodge, TheY were accompanied by
Jim Smith.
—Mr. and Mrs. James Waddell of
ListoWel arid Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Waddell of Guelph visited on S.urt-
day with the former's daughter,
Mrs. Robert 0. Wenger and Mr.'
- —Prov. Cont. Thomas Wade, Mrs,
Wade and children of -Woodstock
visited with his grandmother, Mrs.
William S. Wade and Miss Beat-
rice Wade at Fordwich on Satut-
day, They spent Sunday and Mone
day With Mrs, Wade's parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Ewart McPherson and!
visited other relatives in .the
Mr. and Mrs. Ros_s McCall were
guest's of her uncle and auht, Mr. ,
and Mrs. Veron Ripple in Detroit
from Thursday to Sunday.
Murray-Campbell, who
spent a 3.*day leave at his home
on Minnie-, St., 'returned to Hali-
fax last week, where be ,ts on duty
aboard -33.71I.C.S. Buckingham.
—Sunday visitors with Mr. and
N s, N. T, McLaughlin were Mr.
and Mrs, W. J. Roberts of Lis' towel.
—Mr, and Mrs. Walter Tisdale,
f Kinders.ley, Sask., who have
see)* some time with friends here,
left on Monday for a haliday
Striking Design in
Stained Glass Mural
There's a little bit of Canada in
ihe largest city in the United
States_ For "n the heart of New
'York City a skyscraper called
Queada House has a lobby domin-
ated by a dramatic stained glass
mural depicting aspects of life in
The current issue of Oval
tells the atoll' of the construction
oh that original piece of work by
Toronto artists Angus Macdonald
and Elizabeth Bang.
Town of Wingham
Pursuant to By-Law 1255 as amended
All dogs, cats and domestic, animals
must be confined from running at large
until further notice, clue to the current
rabies epidemic.
All citizens are asked to co-operate.. -
R. E. McKTININEY, Mayor..
",.•)15 TROENteakii4.
iyifil A 019.,,,e,
Phone 139
ilumumwiliuniciumilimitliiiitiminariitiemetrivig. •
aut. 5 ebtirtb".; oulcucAm. •
Rev. C. V. 14:Anson, - Rector
Mrs, GordOn Davidson 'Organist
3rd Sunday in Advent a
11.00 a.m.--4-Morralig prayer ...-.
ii 2,30 p.m—Sunday ,SehO'ol .._.,
' 1 70) p.m,--livening prayer ' , i
Wed., Dee. 10--43oard of Management., Panso •
Thurs., bet. lith—Altar Guiid at the home of ETi
:\ it's* tZ. V,. Armitage, A.30 p.m,
The -collection of used spectacles
which the members of the Lions
Club carried -out on Monday even-
ing, along with their annual sale of
peanuts, is the type of effort of
which we, personally, are vei=l much
hr favor. Not only does it provide
articles badly needed in some other'
-part of the world, hut it !:Serves as a
reminder that other people can actu-
ally survive on what we throw away.
That is not intended as a criti-
-clam of the way We lire, for there
is-nothing More useless to us than a
pair of eyeglasses from which we
have long since graduated. But it is
a fact that we live in such compara-
tive plenty that we hardly ever think
of the vast and unending needs of
those who were so unfortunate as to
be born on the other side of this
small planet.
flow often have we gasped in
disbelief when we were told that a
Chinese coolie earns eight cents a
day for breaking his hack from be-
fore dawn until after dark. Most of
us simply don't believe that is true.
It may well be, however, that such
an existence is only possible through
frugality of the most minute kind—
a life in which not -one particle of
anything is ever wasted.
Our sturdy ancestors know
something of that way of living, but
the same instinct to conserve hasall
but disappeared.
Heroes, like prophets, are often
pretty well overlooked in their own
home towns. It was, therefore,
gratifying to reprint the story of
the heroism and consequent recog-
nition which came to Wilmer Nulm,
of Gorrie. Mr. Nuhn was decorated
by the Automotive Transport Asso-
ciation of Ontario because of his
bravery in rescuing a mother,and her
two children from beneath an over-
turned truck.
The qualities of character which
make a hero are very hard to define.
No man knows whether or not he
would behave with bravery unless
circumstances call, for a decision.
However, it is not every person who
retains sufficient presence of mind
to utilize his courage in a cool and
efficient way. Perhaps that is why
there are so many dead heroes.
VEHR.-8 0 IS
lir, Wilbert Million and Vies
Annie „Nixon were visiting with
Teeswater friends over 'Sunday.
The municipal pot is tommencina
to boil already. Couricillor W: H -
Gurney will contest with Mayer:
Hinkley foe the mayor's chair and
I . it is rumored that 'a, third Mati
About ii5 friends of Mr. and Mrs
Sohn 'Weller surprised them on
Thursday evening last by gathere,
ing et their home and presenting
them with -three large retkers be-
fore their removal from our midst
it appears. as though 'Winghara,
citizens are SOOR to receive A
shoek 'of no small importance. -
' few weeks ago a bloody garrnen
was found on 'the CPR tracks and
V:'e understand Officer Phippen has
"something up his sleeve", hut
when pressed. to talk with a news-
paper reporter 4-ie is a fit eandidate
for !the deaf and dumb school
T. Pe Walker wilt hold an auetion
sale of tattle et the National Hotel
on Saturday.
These are busy days at Walker
ra: Clegg's furniture factory. They
re getting out a large number of
orders for the Christmas trade. Re-
cently this firm had a tramway
built teem their factory to the
GTR freigh sheds which has proved
a great saving in time and ex-
Mr. George Churchill, of Blue-
vale, returned home from the hes-
pital last week after undergoing a
critical operation on tbe
Some tour years ago he received
severe Mow an the forehead from
the bursting of a gun. At the time
no serious result was anticipated,
but recently it began !to et-eke
trouble. Dr, Redmond was able to
remove a splinter of bone from the
inside of the skull which was pene-
trating the brain and it is expeet-
ed that he will be permanently re-
Another of the old pioneers ef
Fleet Wawanosh massed !away -.en
Friday lasttin the person of James .
Martia; in hia list year. -
Mr. 0. McCormick is spending
this week La Guelph attending the,
'Winter Fairs
Mr. W. S. Deyell has returned
home after spending several weeks
in 'Saskatoon.
Mr. and Mrs. "Sohn Wilson were,
in Guelph for a few days this Week. •
Mr. John Hamilton,' of -Gilbert
Plains, Man., is visiting with hie
parents, Ma and :arra H,
' --Mrs. Alm Baird, of Lansing,
Mich., who bas been visiting with'
her sister, miss Alva pearen, re-
turned home last week, ,aecom-
panied by Miss Pearen, wao
spend the winter with her. Before
she left Wingliam .Mrs.. Baird
learned that her Jaime in .Lanaing '
had been broken _into during her
absence. This , is the second time
that a break-in has occurred while
she was away from home,
• g. d• • .4