HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-11-26, Page 12WINGHAM TAXPAYERS: For the past three years I have been a member of the town council and chairman of the fire committee. My name will appear on the ballot in Monday's election for members of council and I would ask 'your support and your vote. The experience in municipal matters and interest in our community which I have already brought to this task will most certainly be continued if I am re-elected as a member of your council. JACK CORBUTT, Jr. V*00 Olve Wingitain Advonec.Times, Weffewsooy, Nov, Wingham Is a Growing Town Because our community is showing ' every indication of a promising future, I have offered my services and, time as a town councillor. If elected: to the town council I will spare no effort to energetically forward the best interests of this community of which we are justly prowl. For •this reason I Would solicit your vote and whole-hearted support on election day • MONDAY, DECEMBER 1st HAROLD POCOCK $11.0 Realized al Guild Bazaar OOMM—The Guild Of St. Stephen's Anglican Church belt its annual afternoon tea and bazaar on Saturday ' afternoon in thr Gorrie community hell with a zoo( attendance, About $110. was. Tea} iscd, In charge of sewing was Mrs Sennett and Mrs. Edwin Day; stir prise packages, Mrs. Wm, Bennett, baking, Mrs. Jack Bennett,. planta and used' clothing, Mrs. Mac New- ton and Mrs, Wilmer Nuhn. Dawn Clark, Gail Dinsmore, 'Le Tigre .Griffith and Marlene Brothers served at the tea tables. • •••,••,•••••,•••••••••. • . . United Church News GORRIE--:Mrs. Langthon Vega" entertained the Woman's Associ• ation of the ,Gorrie 'United Chural- on Thursday evening, Mrs, Man- fred Irwin took charge of the pro , gram for the Friendly Fours. Mrs, 3, Dunbar read the Scripture taker from Phil. 4:4-9, Mrs, Irwin offer- ed prayer. • , • • Mrs. E, Carson gave an article on "The--Art of Receiving". She said. that ,when you have been given' something, receive it gracefully thereby making 'the giver glad in the pleasure -of giving rather than Puzzled. Mrs. D. 'Carson read a poem "Gifts", ONE OUT OF FIFTEEN A NEW CANADIAN • CORRXE — "Thanksgiving" was 'Jae theme of .a paper giyen 'by Mrs, Edward Newton at Oho WA. meet ing on Thursday et ;the home of John. Dinsmore,. She .told of th( first thanksgiving of the Children )1' Israel and of the Puritans, The president, Mrs. Gordon Po- derwooci opened with prayers, A panel discussion followed on, the chapter 'Wile Family", from the Itudy book "He Cares" with Mrs. D. G. AttWell, Mrs, -Earl, JUnder- wood„Mrs, Edward Newton and Mrs, Norman Wade .taking part. Mrs. T. C,, Vittie read from the )hapter "The Stranger within our Games", 'on what the Anglican- Church is doing for immigrants. Canada ls" a land of immigration, one out of every fifteen of our lopulation being neW Canadians, It Was decided - to send for lowing to be, done for the Mohawk Institute. /A. donation: of $10 was /lade tO the' ne wly fOrrned Junior. Auxiliary, Mrs. E, C'Attwell and 1.VIrs. Norman Wade were appointed nominating committee', Next meeting will be held 'one::: week "huller' on Thursday, December 11th; The hostess assisted by Mrs Bertha Plant served refreshments, Teenagers Cheer Mrs. T. L, M'cInnes, president, A. Hyndrnan, treasurer, gave a $undaes 'for 'your teenager's' next ':look charge of the busineas. Mrs._ Suggest, pressed-1.7p :Doughnut: Doughnut Sundaes Having been reelected as mayor of the Town of Wingham bY acclamation for a fifth term, I would like to express my' ap- preciation to the ratepayers for their con- fidence. Re-election at this time is particularly gratifying, since several matters of great importance to the municipality remain to be completed; The transfer of the C.V.R. property 'within the town remains to be finalized, 'in all probability early in the new year. This , transfer will' represent one of the finest opportunities-Wingham has had in its entire A, start has been made on the action to bring about reduced rates for the transmis- sion of low tension hydro to Wingham and I am hopeful of realizing positive results in the coming year. The paving-program in town is, well tinder way and before too long it 'is expected that all Wingham streets will be completed. One of the major efforts 'of the year 1958 has been the provision of new housing areas within the municipality and the com- ing year should see development of these tracts of land as a part of our community. It has, indeed, ,been a privilege, to serve as your mayor for 'the past four years and in 1959 I shall endeavor to devote my most earnest efforts on your behalf. R. E. McKinney, Mayor. rw Two years ago a road paving program was corn- menced in Wingham and within a couple of years practically all the streets in Wingham will be paved. 1 believe my experience has been, and if re=elected, will be valuable in the carrying on of this road' work. There is no Sibstit.ute for Experience Vote -40E . KERR Monditit,..Nceitiber 1st, 1958 POLLS OPEN fROM 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M: IF TRANSPORTATION DESIRED, PHONE 14 They will love a Millpper with the extra touch of luxury, as in these handsome pile-trimmed, relazers. In .Tan, sizes from, for men 6 - 12, for ladies 5 - 9 anti thilare111.1 - $3.75' & $4.95 • • 1007:MV-n-'7M-n:- • 1107r.V7Onn g sister will go for our' moccasin- type Slipper with fringe and bead $1.98 & $3.95 RIPONS for' the Family "ifigic.M1 • . • Delight Mom with an interealt- f ingly ;designed, glainorous Slipper like these, $2.98 = $4.95 .4.100Vee.laVITAIMRTAIRRP1PeKrArAtf7T-,Ww-..r.trAz.x.-z";.r-rAwroavicw.tr ,ZNIIKIN7040.107.4,iliP14,11,14i,1•41re.4...V Mr. and. Mrs. George Page, Tony and Diana of Kent, England visit- ed this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Smith,' prior to sail- ing to England on Deeember'2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Elschner and family spent the week-end, with Mr. and MA; ..John Harper " .of Carlingford, • • Mr. Fred Sharpin visited in To, 'onto and attended the Royal Winter Fair, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Warwick Brussels visited Mr. and Mrs, Alex Petrie on Thursday, of sherbert' and ice cream, piled in Friendly Foul's boWls with serving spoons. At the • The Friendly Fours of Gorrie' end of the row, a choice of sauces in pouring .Pitchers, 'and a variety United Church will meet at the of toppings ,like chopped nuts .home of Mrs. E. Carson on Thurs- ehoColate chips, 'cocoanut, crushed day, November 27 at 8.15 p.m. Pro- candies, etc, Once everyone has gram committee, Mrs. Hector Ham- • helped her- or " hiinself, 'refresh-. ilton, Mrs. C. Gilpin, Mrs. Cam. rnents are served, except for the Edgar, Mrs. Gordon Edgar,,. ", 1)everage;:,and the 'second helpings. highly successful report on the.! turkey supper. It, was decided to' haVe a shower cif 'teatovvels_ for the church January: Mrs. 'Glad'. Edgar reported choir gowns to be purchased, The hostess and corn- mittee served refreshments. informal party. To add to the gaiety of the •occasion, (and .save preparation time toe) arrange the makings in .do,it-yourself style. Start with serving plates, then a tray of doughnuts. If the crowd is large enough; offer :several kinds Re Elect Joe Kerr Deputy Reeve As a member of Huron County Council I was the one instrumental in having the county' petition the Provincial Government to take over the road from Dunlop to Blyth as a Development Road, the entire cost of this road, aboqt $400,000, being borne.by the Provincial Governrfient, thereby creat= ing a saving to every taxpayer in Huron County. The -work of rebuilding the road has been started *and will be completed next year. . N Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy en- tertained Howick Council and their wives.. The evening was spent in progressive euchre,. High 'ladies were Mrs. Bob Gibson and Mrs, Ivan. Haskins.' High men were 'Ivan Haskins and Ewart WhiMeld On Sunday, November suth, Linda. Gail, infant. daughter of Mr. and Mrs., Mae Newton, was baptiz- ed by the Rev. E. C. Attwell at, the afternoon ;service in St. Stephen's Church: •' On, Suridaylafte'rneen, MI's. Thosi` Short was, taken to Listowel "Ms; pital by ambulances after falling clown one 'stair step. X-rays re- vealed 'that' her hip was broken,' phen7 , The Gorrie Women's Institute will meet for the Christmas meet-. ing at the home ,,of \Mrs. Notnlan Wade on Tuesday evening, Decem- ber 2nd at 8.30 p.m. Roll call, New hints for Christmas dinner. The Rev. E. C. Attwell, will he guest speaker. Donations for Christmas cheer will be received and there will be an exchange Of Christmas gifts. ' Mrs. John Van de 'Camp will tell of Christmas, customs in Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowdal], To- ronto visited with relatives over the week-end, • a Mr. and Mrs. Allan Whyteck and family of Teeswater, were Sunday ;visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glad, Edgar. Visitors to the regular' meeting of Gorrie 1,0 /3.A.' on Tuesday evening were, Grand Deputy Secre- tary of Ontario West, Mrs. Vera I3uckland of Guelph, and Mrs. Annie MeGladray„ Wellington and district, County Mistress, also of Guelph. Plans were completed at this mating. for': the baZaar and' hot supper the lodge is holding on -Saturday- of this week„ The Rev. 3. W, Hircl and Mrs, Flirti visited their son in Owen Sound the first of last week, Mr, Ernie Dinsmore had a she-. Cesaful auction sale on Wednesday of last week. Mr. August ;Keil returned home from the Wingham Hospital on Thursday after spending several weeks there. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Newton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pylte on Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Cordon Brown, Beamsville, has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Graham., Mr. Graham is gaining. slowly and able to be arblind the house. Mr, and Mrs, ,john. Stafford spent Sunday 'with relatives in Kitchener, i Mrs, 0, oCrogg' returned home from Wingham Hospital last week, Oa Wednesday Mrs. Sandy Wright, Wroxeter, who Was staying with Mrs, Gregg, fell down stairs arid received injuries to her shoulder, a cracked rib, ,buts and bruises. She is in Wingliant Hospital, 108; R. ,T, Bennett has return ed from ItensSeall. Birth 01:01' xn 'ArestOri Me, oriel 1.40s# JAM out October ;36th to )I)r. and Mrs. Wendell. Gott, 'Weston, (nee tortilim King) a son Win, Briani btother for Wendy land Ste. University Student Addresses 147.3f,S, The 1YreInt0Sli W,211,-S, On Friday evening *was honored by having Howard. Mills, a university student, of Toronto, who gave a, very in- Struetive and entertaining talX. on his 'tour Enrope. He was sent, by the World's. Connell of HuiVer-, sit' .Students, He also. showed his beautiful pic- tures, taken while there of Yugo- slavia, Rome, Switzerland,. Ger- many and several other points of interest and told hbw the people in these countries live, The evening opened with the singing of the hymn "Jesus Shall Reign", In appreciation Mrs. West presented Mr, Mills with a beauti- ful brief ease, The hymn "In Christ There Is No East or West" was 'sung and Rev, H, West closed with prayer. Coffee was served in the basement of the church, NO ELECTION IN HOWIEK TOWNSHIP GORRIE- Howick Township will not have an election this year as last year's council was returned by aeelatnation at the nomination xneeting on Friday in the Carrie community hall, at which there was only a fair attendance. Harry Gowdy chaired the meeting. Reeve Arthur Gibson talked of county roads and bridges. Harvey McMichael, deputy reeve, told of the addition to the County Home at Clinton. Councillor Ivan Haskins, who is a member of the Wingham Hospital Board, spoke of that institution; Councillor Robert Gibson, •of snow removal and the swimming project; Councillor Mel Allan of township bridges; E. H. Strong, a former reeve spoke brief- ly 'of the rabies outbreak. Howick Township school board also received acclamations and are Walter Renwick, Morley McMich- ael, Clare Harris, Cecil Wilson, Stewart Douglas and Cloyne District High School representa- tives are, Wingham, Gordon Moir; Listowel, T. Schaefer; Norwell, Wm. Campbell. Howick Township council': Reeve; Arthur Gibson; deputy reeve, Har- vey McMichael; Councillors, Mel: ville Allan, Ivan Haskins and Robert Gibson, hORRIE Mr and Mrs, Gordon• Musselman of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and MrS, Cloyne Mrs, a Ferguson spent last week with relatives In •Lonclon. Sunday guests with Mrs. Ferguson were Mrs. Edna Amos, 2)/fr. Laura O'Neal, Mr, and Mrs, Everett Snarling, all of London, /rho course 'Sew to Save 'Dollars and Make Sense" .sponsored by the Gorrie Women's Institute was held at the borne of Mrs. Russell Adams on Tuesday evening. There was en. attendance of 3.7 ladies,. • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harrison and family, Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Harrison were in Malton on Sunday. Mrs., Earl Harrison. and Brenda left by plane- foi Lon- don, England, where they will spend two• weeks, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Foster and daughter of Rosetown, Sask„ are visiting Mr. and Mrs.. Murray Ugar,•. . . Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Taylor, who are going to live in I.,ondori, were pleasantly *surprised , on Saturday lvening when a number of vela-. Lives gathered at th!e home Of ilfr, and Mrs. Lorne Walker ancl,..pre- sented them with a farewell gift of mone`Y. A. social time was' enjoyed and lunch was served. My Sincere Thanks •1 i :44C-f.41-044-04,4•0k1WWIWZ :fistigir44mrskr-aesz-a.nwizoicr4o.rzu-oke;vairstotmesair,,mgcsamAge,,migioximgissawriew-mr,,zf,rseTa-szoimefilteociv At the foot of the tree soft, sturdy SLIPPERS for everyone - what a ni,e way to start off Christmas. mornin'g! Our gift-Worthy boots are 'sure ,to rate a,warm welcome from, everyone this Christmas! See ,our great collection. mog04.14,1,zrzsuszr.4„-roorzeingoarAmramo4itcamesmsaratfangwArtgrziwowtslronfar,,QT,mktsrinrogmooloal _ J re" Ladies" Men's' matched /77,• v sets or singles, SAMSONIMil OARONS MVIR LUGGAGE to please everyone! *l*oit*ooto'ft -*oto400siotot0000ioo-*oi0000-*000000rmosoo*A000000it000it;,oatogt-roopomom47Awoo GIFT CERTIFICATE S'Stott tarptico, bad tlritl chtistoNts ulta. a, pair .of backs' "ot,"11fother with Pair of-,13t, P061:16 A pale of tioies Wwsys. a Welemne Or Heel Mutts, ,•Phtitie 21 cam" ettertnoms AVAIL BE Our gift worthy hoots are sure to Handsome rate A %arm welcome from every- one this ChristnutS, They provide perfect protection for the cold weapiers 'in Blonde Tan, Heil and LEJITHER and lailDBUR Black; See our big selection of leather gifts. DRESS SHOES always right whatever the occasion Mender heel, Patent, (Suede. & Kid Ladies' rigure Skates $9,95 Misseso Vigo() Skates $7.95 • 1V10ises $9.95, $12.95 Boys* $6.95 Tots' $4;95 Black or White Rubber and Nylon with tab front, , • smart protection against wet days. GOLOSH SKATES 4"