HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-11-26, Page 7Iff*P17.49W. •
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uJj n. qbbar ntrz-ZimS
4,'Ori,41*!,•'wtoN**,•0./.047','SOv***4: lection
By The Pedestrian
MAYOR—R, E. McKinneY (acclamation)
REEVE—J:Roy Adair (acclamation)
For DEPUTY REEVE,.H. P, Carmichael, Joe Kerr
For COUNCIL—Gordon Buchanan, W„ F. Burgman,
Warren Callan, W. B. Conron, Jack Gorbutt,
Earl Hamilton, Don Nasmith, Harold Pocock
' (Six to-be elected),
ler, (acclamation).
• 'Anon Adams,' David Murray, Scott Reid,'
Election will be held IVIondaY, December it Polls
will remain open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, at the following
WARD NO, J. Clark's Store, Josephine Street.
WARD NO. 1-7Heughan's Harness Shop, Josephine
-WARD NO. 3—Town Hall.
WARD NO. 4.-,-:VVingham Motors and Beaver'
Lumber Co., Josephine Street.
ray and Seolt Reid were submit-
ted and tbefIe four Were elected by
Appoint Chairman
Clerk William Renwick presided
over the hour set aside fer reeeIV-'
14 nominations, Gordon 13uehan-
swas -nominated to chair the
period of public speaking 'which
followed, but when it was pointed
out that his positlim as chairman
might jeopardize his standing ea
a candidate, he Was replaced on the
411atiMa;rorar It,KilainnneY was the
first speaker, and in Opening hia
remarks spoke with regret of the
absence' of former Clerk W, A. Go.-
health, who has been in hospital
for several months. The mayor
spoke of the great contributions
Mr. Galbraith made to the town
throughout the Years, and also of
the excellent work which has been
done by Miss Yvonne McPherson,
who filled the clerk's post on a
temporary basis. At thie same time
he commended the police depart-
ment and other town employees.
Mr. McKinney expressed satis-
faction with the industrial life of
the community and voiced his plea-
sure that a start has been made on
the provision of new residential
areas. The possibility of rechicing
the cost of transmission of loW
ttutsion hydro was also touched
upon, as well as 'the proposal tai
provide new and improved street
lighting for the business section
of the town. ,
The mayor also announced that,
assurance has been received from
the CPR that its, property and
buildings within the town will be
deeded to the municipality for its
on use. The speaker Said that
he believed this information is one
of the most important pieces of
news which has ever been receiv-
ed in Wingham, for the riverside
Area which now becomes available
will provide the town with a beau,:
tiftil- -parkway and the buildings
pan be- used most advantageously
for recreation purposes
-Reeve, Speaks
'Reeve Roy Adair reported on
Several protects which have engag-
ed theaatiention of county council.
(Continiied On' 'Page' Eight)
Though there Was a Mali turn'
mita about 60 people, for the Wing-
ham nominapon meeting on
day.* eilening, the results were r4t,-
tiler 'In ore interesting than Moat of
the ratepayer had anticipated,
Two names were proposed for
1Vtayor, g., "avicichmey, who has
held that office for the past four
years, and Norman Welwootl.
Two,for reeve, T. Roy Adair, whO
holds the' office at present and
DeWitt Miller, a former mayor of
the toWn.
Two for deputy reeve, Joe Kerr,
who has occupied the seat for sev-
eral years, and H. P. Carmichael,
a former .councillor.
In all, eleven names were pro-
posed .for the six council seats, of
whom eight men qualified, to bring
about, an- election,- which will be
held on 'Monday. of next week, De-
cember • 1st.
Those -nominated for council
were the six present members, Earl
Hamilton; W. B. Conron, Warren
Callan, .W. W. Bergman, Jack Gnr-
butt Jr.; and Elmer Wilkinson, and
Lloyd Carter, A, J, Locltridge,
I). 'C, Nesmith, Harold Pocock and
Gordon Buchanan.
'Those -who qualified as candi-
-dates are Hamilton, Conron, Callan,
Burgthan, -Gorbett, Nesmith, Po-
cock and Buchanan.
There will be no' election for
mayor or reeve, since neither Mr.
Welwood nor Mr. Miller qualified
for the two top offices.
Two nanfes were proposed for
the one seat on Publie Utilities
Commission. They were DeWitt
Miller, who has occupied the posi-
tion for several years, and H. P.
Carmichael. The latter declined to
qualify. leaving *r. Miller elected
by acclamation.
A slight mix-up oceurred when
the nominations for public school
trustees were entered. The-names
of present board - members H. A.
Fuller, Dr. K. M. MacLennan, Roy
Bennett and Harold Wild were fil-
Od with the 'Clerk, but it was later
,learned that, these four men have
tantithet'yetifto'compfete their pre-
!sent t`etni' of -office. In their stead
the 'twines' Of the four remaining
beard Members Dr. IE. Shati-
illeasy, Alton B. Ada-ins, Dkvld Tur-
The Grey and. Bruce. Police
Association, of which the officers
in Wingham are members,' have
made a donation of $10:00 to each
of the municipalities represented
in the association.
, The rithney is to be used to
assist Santa Claus funds in the
various towns and villages, or any
other similar purpose.
thnse who are .around the main
drag in the evening *noikra will
have noted two new street 'light
fixtures on poles. pear the fiye
corer, They are of two differ-
ent Mies and are -being tested by
the PITO before purchase. Eventu-
ally new lentils will be placed in
the business - section of the ttiwn,
. 0-0-0
Town 'Workmen have completed
, the. Aecoratign of the main street
for. the Christmas 'season, with
doaens of small, lighted Christ-
mas: trees on the lamp standards.
T i : Street presents a celorftil
appearance at nigh.
9 - -
otrolorANT ism& —
This edition of the A--T carries
. non only the Christmas shopping
;a4vertilennenta , of 'many . of the
tOwols ,rtieroliatit, 'but election ad- '
:vertisektientsi placen , by candidates
:for . public office in Wingham,
Said Candidates are , Showing, more
enthitatharn • for the 'election than
has been the .d ape- for many years
past. It 0 to he .hoped siarne of
the fire' will Mach the voters, as
well. ;
First real Snow of the setiaori
arrived on Friday of last week,' but
must of it has' disa,ppeared. One
of the most open Novembers in
some years—and we're not COM-
Prey ' Stairiten arrived back
from a, hunting trip at Meld-rum
Bay, Manitotilin'Island',. On Sunday:
nighty With ,tt find' buck and tiVo
lataek bear otibS Ws panty; imade,
up 'Of Wilkertoninen, took '12 deer,
for 12 -bunters; tiles considerable
either game:
0 ',- 0 -:.0
WM'S' ;AT ROYA11;,-
,Gelden ?%cyri tetter -known as
Skittleik''„Gebrge ,Oameren'4 beau-
/11'11Ni palonlino- telt, took iburth
111Ppr1zn •ht the aelas trir Yearling
stalliona-; at the ,Rnarel,Winter Fair
jn Toronto last week Shown in
very highr clasa _centipainy,' George is
prninj of the,,eolt's success.,
0 - 6 - 0
arid crests to- the team. Letters in
regard to the BadioAtiteion, which
will be held On, Tuesday, December
9th, have been mailed to rnanufa,c-
turera. and, reta,ners. Proceeds of
the anetion Will be, used to further
the club's work in the comMunitY,
including the swimming pool.
The next meeting will beinvita-
&Ian night, "Witif'the'!peafdiiii,'"Club
hi biteliOance. 'gtieat
'anill'ItinpePutY Governor Patil.kili8
oh Haticheri,,The meeting wAS'ad-
journed. on motion ,of Kin Bill Lee.
The Wingharn Kinsmen Club met
at the Queens Hotel on Friday
evening for the 'regular dinner
meeting at o'clock. Bill (Cecil)
Montgomery was appointed ser-
geant-at-arms and following the
Kin song, Murray Taylor said 'the
grace, Kin Bill Montgomery, with
the Lazy Susan, had a busy night
collecting fines. Three quarters of
the fines ,were, levied by himself.
The club had a guest, Don Rae
of Wingliarn, and Kin' George
Stokes, who recently moved to
town, has transferred to the lbeal
clu b and, was present at the meet-
ing. •
Jerry Tinian read the minutes of
the, last meeting, since the secre-
tartaHdriidn'FiSher, was attending
the Inter-Club meeting at Clint*.
The minutes were adepted a as re,d
bY kin Len Crawford. -
The club decided to sPonsbr'thei
Kinsmen Bantam flOckey 'Club 'this'
year and will stIPOIY\ h'ew sodks
FIRST DONATION FOE n.G0L—The first money turned in for the ;Swinrithing .Pool rand: came Irani
the ,Aiifismen Club ,of Whighturr, .organiztition. Whinh has been, for some lame, keenlyainterestark in if
provision of a poof for the children of ,Winghank and the Surrounding dititriet. Left 'above Murray' Whit.
ton, 'president of the Kinsmen Clikb turns over a chesiele for 4000 to Comma, right,
the pool committee and DeWitirlVfiller/Cinitre, who is chairman of the fund-raising committeea.alidaktriCiii
'Times photo. -
ollision Sends Seven to
ospital with ad Injuri
Broomball started on Friday
evening with four'tarns playing in
the., loop. terry Dnor and Lloyd
Door's tied at two all ;align Hydro
trimined the firemen 2-1. aIt is ex, r peeted that the teanni win meet
eVery Friday nignt'. !.
New:Street' Ligh ,
In Lower Winihami:
Residents' of Lower Wingham 'are
highly pleased' with' the installation,
of: eleven street' lights in that area.
The Jristallation was undertaken
by the iiToWnship -Of Tiirriberry
the request 'of Lower. Winghttrit,
reacrentS, -WEoS; TiOm'e-s7 ;re in ;Ale
toWnship„rather than, in -the tewn..
Two lamps have been placerinni
the steel poste, at the entrance' -'tc&
be fornier memorial park and the ,
remaining 'nine have been •plaiTd1
at various points on'the.-atreets.
e As far as w know this is the'
Ora time in the history of the
Lower 'Wingham settlement that
there has been any lighting, of the
streets, although it waS the first
section of this Community to be
One point raised .Ett the nomin-
ation meeting on Friday evening
Was that there had. been no finan-
cial 'statement Of, the' town "made
ptiblie for tha.year 1957, ,
Mayor Ak,."K.'aVickiriney has stat-
ed 'eci 'The "Advance:Tithes that
failure to pithlfsh the statement
'of' revenue end eitpenditure was
entirely throtigh oversight, and the
figures have been• furned over to
thiS' -newspaper for publiCation.
Due to the fadt that this editien
is. crowded' with Christmas and
election advertising it has not been
possible, to include the statement,
this week, but it will appear in
next week's edition 'of The, Ad-
_Annoat . Mess Dinner .•
John Hanna, M.P,F'. attended the
cfflethit opening of three bridges. in
' Hikron ,Connty wTihmh were com-
pleted .this year, ea well as County
Road 3O, near Pordwich. The
ceremonies 1:..tikok place yesterday
gr. dilltSBEE14 To MEET
The meeting of the Wingham
Sport'sMen's ,Assoniation will be,
held at the Legion Home, Monday,
Decerriber 1st at 8.30 'p.m, Election
of officers for 1959. Banquet, Wed-
'nesday, December 3rd, F261)
L.0.1.. :EUCHRE, ,
Gerrie L.O,L, will " hold a pro-
gressive euchre „en Wednesday
eyening, December 3rd at 8.36 in
, the, Orange Hall, Prizes. Ladies
Please bring lunch, F28b
Top rnilitarY brass of the West- not. toes the artillery into dia-
ern Ontario area, albng with the
commanding officers from Wing-
ham, Walkerton and Liatowel bat-
teries attended the annual mess
dinner of the'21st Field Regiment.
R.C.A.,(M) In, .01righarn Armour-
,lea during the past week,
Majer Jack Stephenson, presi-
dent of the 00th Battery mess, ar-
ranged the festivities that proved
to be one of the most successful
events In recent years. Many for-
iner regimental and battery offi-
cers attended from Walkerton,
Wingham and Listowel,
AT MESS DINNRR--The role of missiles in the Canadian army,
'especially As far es artillery is concerned, was discussed by the area
commander and ranking military men during a mess dinner at Wing.;
ham Armouries. ,Left to Tight,' Lient.-Col. Ebner Bell, Exeter, former
0.01 Of the 21st Reginient; Simadron, Leader M. iTa Ritzpatriek, Whig-
ham, representing RCAF Station Clinton; Brigadier V. A. Olin,
DSO, ED, CD, London, commander Western Ontario Area: Lieut.-Col.
M. It. Oliver, officer commanding 21st Regiment and Col. Bradley,
Stratford, 18 Militia Group, Brigadier P, ChM, DSO, ED,
CD, London', Made his first visit
to the regiment since taking over
as corninander of the Western On-
ttitio Area. told officers that
the arrival Of the Missile age does
Card but instead offers a new
challenge and Opens another chan-
nel fOr this branch of the .service.
"We are living in stirring times,
both nationally and militarily, and
consequently the future for gun-,
ners offers as much interest as any
other vocation," he stressed. "There
is no dearth of interest for red-
bloode'd Canadians serving in the
The brigadier foresees no dif-
ficulty between the three branches
Of the Service—army, air force and
navy—on how miSsiies are to be
divided. "This will be decided in
the Canadian forces with a mini-
mum of trouble."
The role of the militia will be-
Please 'turn to Page Fourteen
:bazaar 'and bake sale will be
Saturday,, NOVernber 29th 'in
Gerrie Com-nullity Hall commenc-
i ng at 4 pana, Profit 5.30 to 7.30 a
hot supper will be served, Sponsor-
ed by le26b
, •
Open Meeting in the Oddfellows'
Hall, Thursday night, NI:Wernher,
-27th, to present jewels to a rime-
her of the Senior knenabers, Dr, A,
Wham° will hoW, piettkres of hiti
trip abroad, EverYtirie Welcome,
two-ear nead-on collision on
Midair evening about, 10.15 result-
ed In serious injuries to one person
and les& critical- ones to six other
'Cars driven by Kenneth .Saxton
of:Stratford' and' Leonard Jacklin
of RR. 9 1311,th/tile met head 'on at
a Point about four raile,s southtof
N,Virighairr ,No:' 4 'Highway:: ' .3: Most seriously injured was ;Mrs.
„Kenneth Saxton, 23, who Was itiO-
ed,to the Wirigha,m General, Hos,
‘Pitel and then ';‘,vaa taken An , V
toria Hospital in, Lennon a for ,
emergency .nperation. , She, auf-
fered head injuries, a badly frac:
tnred left ankle and feet and
,J-Ier husband suffered injuries, to
his knees, shoulder and face and
se veral teeth were broken out,
ph, Tuesday word from London
indicated that Mrs. Saxton had ,re-
gained consciousness. Her husband
hnd • been released 'from' hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. ,SaXton (Eleanor)
BroVti, were married on Septem-
ber 28th Of last year. He is a son
of Mr.. and Mrs,. ken Saxton and
his-wife 'is a ,claughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Harry Brown, all Of Wing,-
hem. They were' on ,their way 'to
spend the week-end with their
parents in town,
'Leonard Jacklin, 17, the driver
of the second car and son :of Mr
and Mrs. Richard jacklin, suffer-
ed two broken arms and shock,
,but is now reported, to be in satis-
factory condition , as are the four
occupants of his car,
MacKenzie, 17, daughter
of Mrs, Mark MacKenzie, Teeswat-
er, received a deep cut on the left
knee and' fracture of ,the right
knee as well as scalp lacerations.
Donna Petteplace, 14, daughter
of Mrs. Loretta PettePlaee, of Tees-
water, suffered scalp lacerations
and shock.
Joan Brooks, 17, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. George trOolta, Wing-
harria received back injuries and
head lacerations.
Robert Marks, 18, son of Mr.
and .Mrs. Roland Marks, it.R. 4,
BrusSela, suffered a fractured up-
per right ,arnia
Holyiood Woman
Pinned by Tractor
Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins, of R,R,
9, Helyrood; Was admitted to 'the
Winghani Hospital on Friday af-
ter she had been pinned beneath a
tractor for more than so minutes.
Working about their farm with
the Machine, it toppled over turd
caught her under its weight, Where
pabaes-serrebiny,ained Until rescued by a
Eaainination at the hospital dis-
closed that she had stiffered injur-
tea to head and face, as well as
one kg. She ig confined to the
haat:dai,. where she is making a
sattefactory recovery,
I'be BelgraVe Credit Union et-
fide Will be -Oen oii eaday after-
noons for the Winter months, GOO.'
khie treaSiltera BelgrtiVe Credit
Alen, P98b
The opening of th'e Curling sea-
son, Iindief Division, will be held
FilditY afternoon, Noveithee .8th
at L3O, Anyone Interested plense
°dine prepared to curl,
Skatimg--2.30 to 5.00 pain.
Intermediate Hockey Practice,
8.30 part.
'Skating-3.30 to 5.00 p.m
Midget Hockey Practice-6.00 to
7.00 p.m.
llrookkkball-7.00 to 9.00 p.m.
Figure Skating-8.00 to 11.30 tom
Pee Wee 1iockey-,-.11.20 to 1.00
p.m. '
Sktating—,-2.00 to too p.m.
Skating-=-3.00 be 10.60 pan,
mot4DAv., oNc... I— •
Skating-a:nu to t1.00 path
Skating-AO to 10.90 Path
Vlore Skating-1.30 to 0.30 p.M.
Two NeW Members
Join Kinette Club •
The '(Mean Club held its regu,
lar Meeting at the home Of Mrs.
James' Currie With a perfect
attendance. TWO new members,
Mrs, Maurice ,$tainton and Mrs.
Bohert,Gapell Were presented with
their membership pins and wolcotni.
ed into' the club. Several prospec-
tive meinbers flame, were mention-
ed and Mritrbd Wrenched by the
WeleOrning cOnntittee,—Mrs, Jack
Walker and Mrs, Ivan Gardner.
Mrs., Cy, Rob hisoh "Woo the raffle.
After the business 'Was' completed,
MrS. Mac MacArthur and MN
jetty TIMM conatleted bingo.
Alan Williams Wedged the hostaSS
With hatch, 1 "h0.0hristitita Meet.
Mg will 'be held at the hOme
Aim Len. OraWford.
Ni(erehatits -and members of
the Wingliana 'Business AsSoci-
Atkin are .tikiked to be Itt the
toWn ball at 1 o'clock Fridny
:flanking to assist With the hag-
gapg of candy for distribution
to the dilidren at the Santo
(1itias visit oil Sittitedity after'-
Witir suffitient help the ;fob
Will no be it lengthy one, HO
Are asked to jyt1 wit hand
and if posSible bring along
e sine oktra worlerk
l‘lorniati Catnefoti IS
Of the dandy cOntimittee.
COIsTr011APITIGAItt) Olsi" SUCESSID111, IANNtittotiontiuditig officers of the ti en batteries trent Wimp,
ham, Walkerton and tistoWel coinlitentl Mrijof 4tielt Stephenainki Piliklderit Olathe Whighnin Officergii Mess,
for the 'SitheeSS of MO ahli-114 regimental tlitltiOre Loft IV right, Maier t a ;Milliken, 10004 1Liktowel;
Cant, Ted MoCktinitil, '67th Waikert"dia; Major 8tejplienson and :Cot Robert Ritter, 0004,
e0noti7 Curling Club's annual
tia`etling and euchre will b.e held 11:
School, SA, w on Fri-
daY, .goVeMber 2/3th 8,30 Nil.
Lttdiett pletted Itmelt," t".36b.
-4 44