HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-11-26, Page 541. 1141411111,11111111 t— 40 R. HAMILTON 1 r from S.piced apples Mahe' .4 .-olviory • • . Made Use of Dee compa.niment wilt ,beef, ham .oar Sausage' and are` easy to prepare, Cut three red Gross Wise and 'remove cores, .Spriniti.e• each half with lenaon' •bine 1/3 .cup. brown sugar, IA cup catsup and.. tablespoons. better or margarine. desired, 2 tables- OPTOMETRIST --16. Bones Right out to Hide There's a tinge of fall in the air Thoroughness — Ability Time tested I and hunters are •orerhatiling their, equipment preparing for the annual' trek to the bunting areas. What with upland game, deer and moose' reported plentiful in moat of On- 'Phone 37 for appointment , . . 74.1111111,111111111111111,11110111.111 4$1 .1$11111111111111111111111111111111110111111$1111110111,40, .1 'ate (wen MO cl effre") .Q'' 11)14' tario, the chances lank good this W.Wifs'e .r.0Ass-l!,002"Ice.MX,M1444M • 0" - - - ; 4.,'" 4,.. • Y9 0.; rword$Pg ta ,71 -f4019.1s -0 OW . ile -- ' ." ' - -• • • - . ' . .--'.., .11',4;Mq,i4f0.0•4-04f4S00;44.4014;4g.tf41404f4,1404M6440(41404''.1. Department of Lands Forests... . .. art.. ' t 1 • , . . , ... . ti "Waste net, want not," should t . i be the motto or the nirrirod, It's i not only illegal to waste game, but spoons hors•eradihtt may be added. Top each apple thalf with some of the rnixture and, place in shallow halting pan containiAg small amount eg water. 33alte in Moder- it is poor sportsmanship, The smart hunter utilizes both meat and pelt of the animal he shoots. Most sought target of the bunter is the white-tailed deer— and the hide can be used for Many things, Even the most inexpert fly- tier can make beektail streamers from the hair of the deer; the buck- tail is one of the deadliest of all fish offerings, Then..there 'are moo- easins, gloves, vests- and jackets, Many city concerns offer hider services and will: even make up the required articles of clothing at a mod•erate cost. Tan- ning isn't such a difficult job and according to Department officials, you can do it yourself. Salt the `hide if it is to be •stored, until you can get around to, finishing it, Soak it in clean water until 4-oft, then slake five 'pounds of lime ,in 30 galkins of water. (Wood asheS were _popular in the, old days for, this, process and May still be used,) Soak the hide in thp Solution, mak-: ing sure it is completely subinerged and leave it there until the hair' can be removed, usually in eight to FOR GIRLS TerrYlene Blouses A orlon, ruilUsYle4 yrH:.:ei Cardig,a,n$ Lined Tartan. -Slacks,' sizes"' up toe Veliveto,tIlro and Viyella, ia pnr" ess Corduroy . Sirit•ts•in Pleated Viyella, Corduroy, p Keseridble'All' Wool Orlon'Oip,flatS priiiztights 14nrexC,ordurpy, Little)Ntiggei; f,oat Sets. o • FOR -BOYS ...,Diamond Sox• . Plaid SearVes "'" . Elastic Belts 'Tartan Bow ;Ties Cowboy alibis & Jeans in, sizes up to 6x White, Breadeloth Shirts,' .$ to 10 yrs.' „ Orion Pullovers. 'Cardigans in •rerry, CoMo 8; lb, 12 yrs. ' ' Grey 'Flannel 4r s. Nylon Ski Pants for Boys S5- Girls Plaid Viyella Bathrobes o n 4 ' • • . ginger, one;', tablespoon • salt, two oranges, eight ;:oups:cider • or grape juice Bak_ venison forR4Q„mina utes in moderate heat;• cool and chop. t, Mix with the'phopped suet, pared, cored, and chapped apples qrid other fruit, Add sugar, 'spices, 'juice of -two oranges inely ehopped ring of one'.'orange 4taita , the' liquid. Sim- mer for 30 'minutes.FiPacitliot into jars, seal an ,T process, 60 minutes fora pint jar' :and .70 for a quart' jar at Z5. pounds pressure, or. ,three ho64 in 8,4 boiling 'water bath: ThelritiantitY/ontlined •pro-, — w14.1ziutra .rzezi% faror,4KagoiaTziwoKir-4,Tcsicz=wami‘or.Talfz'..,wequagfzig-449.,iwrzifkikatiz ' INFANTS' AND TODDLERS!. • ten dayS, When the hair is removed soak the hide again until the thin layer' Of 'skin on the hair side can be ,slipped off, Then immerse the' hide in one gallon of vinegar and 25 gallons of water, remove it and stretch it. Use -green hardwoods to smoke it carefully, ,this process not Only .colouring it but giving it the per- Mai:tent "smoky" smell which is Crawlers Suede jodpluirs Cherub Jerseys * Little Boys' Suits in Velvet, Corduroy and Cotton Plaid -,‘WiTYZfeCtliVI:0044a$Z-aa*TiKWIZ YelVetDresses New Kiddicraft Toys Polythene Nesting Jars and pyramids Music Maker Toys -.%Wi.F4C.IZO'4*W44.31.ii".1;%=-%Cif‘ A ;presses, ft wipers and Diaper Sets in ,Terrylene, Corduroy, Velvet and Viyella. Bathrobes' Towel Sets "lratre:4".riSialiZiWMW-f..,Mtg AlitYLAND--'WINS 0. 'AnAtiM7P/100,MOSiOrik707.iVMORI •tOOPM00%.*74A31"70$4107,1*MMOritOPA.,0301,A,P*4 ,characteristic of one of the earliest tablespoon cinnamon, one, teaspoon , .videsenoughifOr 10 to 12 nine,iiieb; pies. •s 9 Complete selection - variety sizes and subjects Priced from $3.95 tr.-StigAMO'4141•04tliglgXraii: A (ttsl shown) PLANTER LAMP BRASS Only $19.75 Christmas Special only $86.95 Place your order now, at this Low Price, to ensure ChrIstnias delivery. r,--041'N•Wttrialflag'Sittt‘triae•C•WZU'AMXMLVIV:roktr4r4e-4 • '"larkeed=z,,•%tc4-14N ,, : . ... ..... Magazine Rack Planter From $4.95 $8.95' Imleororstfogizotorzogwomzittrias oagikogulaigAK=6,14.gme Small deposit will hold' your gift selection till Christmas. (as shown) 16" s 1O 14" Only $13.95 (as shown) seleetittit Variety In stoat priced from $2,50 Brass and Chrome, large selection from $5.95 Only $29.75 104100407141144; or1010$1010:100010,0107010471010,44%1010010M EASY TERMS FREE 'DELIVERY too> tow ned 'scat Priced from $49.50 CV,,Mistp.,,,00.0,10.7AZilV7P71 (11$ 4.116WO) ,Only' $7.25 Extra Chair $2.2g • Canadian garments, There .are few Indian bands which today deeor, ate the hides they cure with beads' or porcupine quilts as they did in; the old days, hut almost any skill ed seamstress pan not only run. up, a deerskin, parka, but can also 'decorate it with the design of her— or ,his— choice. Little venison should be Wasted;' even the bonts can be 'used in mak- ing rib-sticking soup, just as beef bones are used. In most cases deer meat is cooked Mach as beef is prepared for "the table, some pre- fer to remove the fat from venison because it has a tendency to cling to the roof of the mouth, Tender Cuts of, meat are cooked by dry heat, as in roasting, and Jess ten- der portions by Moist 'heat, as in stewing, , A pressure cooker is .eXtromely useful if the deer*you got" is an aged animal, In- many cases; addi- tion'of a tablespoon' of vinegar .eli- 'Minates' the wild" smell. some- thries noticeable in cooking. , Tender curs such as ribs and loin chops, round steak and log, roasts are usually pan or dven- broiled or roasted:- less' tender -cuts, neck, shank, chuck and break are cooked with moist heat or ground for "deerburgers", They are also excellent; for mincemeat. Loin or round roasts should be sprinkled, 'with salt and pepper, pladed on a rack in an uncovered 'pan and put in a pre-heated slow oven, 300 to 325 degrees, Do not add Water Or cover, That is most im-, portant, according to experts,. The Meat should be allowed 20 to. 25 Minutes to the .pound. • For Mincemeat. Use two pounds of lean venison from the heck, one pound of beef suet, two pounds currants, six pounds apples, ,one pound s'ultana raisins, half ,pound citron, six- cups brown sugar, •two teaspoons nut-, meg, one tablespoon allspice, one Akichaljles4liaiee, ;Wail Siipporti the Appeal for. fonds'(orflOtailleili,k., 2.inch Wool fiatts . 3.inch Wool Batts • • Lbose Wool by the bag Aluminum Foil — — Aluminum Type 2... , ; , Gyprific Wallboard Gypioc Lath' . „ Perlite Plaster • . ... Linie ........ „ Cement .; : . Lubrication. We:4041K W0.444V, ikorts 4*Z*, 0;1Z. JO Wa ti.P. .1111°:,•AZI4:7+0.4grige4rM 4 .4 97t ."gla4g. • '.kS )r24igi lgikrIAladiedg47 4 14.4MWACA ), : • J •tt” ••• i s Furniture PHONE 51 WINGHAM [1 1 this Christmas $98.50 , (as 'shown) 5 pc. $33.75 otbers',aiioW ass $22t,t9.1.. LIgiwogtgeoe(4%*04.0414KairiP.&,1 Tip§. for :Safe • Winter Driving • - .4r4.,• -.(larknoos. and Winter con- ditions place hazardous strains on hot.'41 .driVera• • and • automobiles, according to .the Canada rem*: twee Federation, each year as the first snow and Old,. weather are felt ••a.croS.* the country, Way and traffic accidents increase. Officials of the -Federation; which represents ..more than :40 casualty' and automobile illy surarlce cPmPanies in -Canada.. recommend the .following„prepara- tions for safe•Winter driving'; 1) Drive more slowly, Speeds allowable under good conditions become excessive on slip pery streets. 2) Have the mechanical eondi- tion of your car ,eheeked, partlep- larly brakes!, steering mechanism, lights, heaters and, defrosters,* 3) give pedestrians time to cross streets safely; winter conditions make walking difficult too, • '4) If you -plan a\" considerable amount of driving during, winter Months hailer ,,your •• car , equipped snow tites or chains,. 5) Check ter leakage' in your exhayst muffldr or paliger from'fatal difition monoxide fumes is 'most setae dtring, • winter months, "e‘n ' 6) If yourAdar skids, ,turn your wheels in theldirectiOn og the but do not,apply brakes. • • .7)., On iee,ptop and' start gentlY. Purnp. your -ibtakes you stop; start ;toff sly; second or high gea,r,,! W tO obtaih" extra traction.