The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-11-05, Page 8MO% #M rganthr teirlihues, Nov .014e
Andrew Murdisoni Tells about
Returning to. Familiar Places
Humorous Opera
Continued from page one
mean, bed-tempered old skinflint.
The matter Is fhrther complieated
by the fact'that Dr. Bartolo- would
like to marry Rosipa for her
money, although he is over sixty,
The hilarions attempts by Ros-
are Msuitors oatwit' the• jealous
Dr. tart --Olo„at the basis of this
wonderful comedy,
Andrew MacMillan, will be, re-
rnenabered iiy . many Winghain
people as. a very, popular guest
_artist at the Community Concert
Series: held here some years ago,
He has often been heard' and seen
on radio and television along with
Jan Rubes, Patricia Snell, Alex-
ander Gray and. others in this very
fine cast: The opera will be• sung
in English, and the music will be
ProVided by Dr. George Breugh.
The Lions Club, in. seeking in-
formation regarding some kincl Of
eeheert, were offered this outstand-
ing opportunity by the director of
the Festival Company. For a small
town, this is rather unique , and
considering that the company has
just, fihisbed a 'three-week pre-
duction In Toronto (to a eipacity
house t,it the RoYal Alexandria) we
are fortunate to have them.
Response to tickets , sales hie
been very eeCouraging. The club
has' -already heard from several
echoole regarding the spedial rate
for students', while adult 'interest
continues AO grotv, The profits
from the production will be used
by ,the Lions Club for geeeral
community projects and, for child
Welfare Work, Tickkets are 'on
sale now 'at most business places
on •the main. street, Early booking
of seats Would he very much
appreciated by the committe in
charge. —
Marie Fiore is sit years. old. She
has never had a toy to play with
Or ,Watched - a TV show or done any
of the things that our ehildren
take so 'much for granted. She,
cannot ever hope to attend .school.
as there 'is little money' to' Spate
for luxuries. Maria is a little old
woman--with knowledge arid sad-.
rieae beyond her years.
Life has heen Very unkind to
Maria. Born he a DP Camp a in
West Germany she knows well
hunger and fear, Cold and pri-
vation. Her Mother died shortly
after her birth,. arid she eves' sent
to live, with 'bier ailing grand-
Mother, Her father committed
sificide before she was born—uri
able to fade a life of further misery.
Maria's grandmother is Unable to
Work and the two of them subsist
on a peniriOn. totalling $4.00 per
month. 'Out of this, they payr ent
far their One-room shack—edne-
plate with leaky roof and rand
floOreefood and clothing. Needless
to say, it is less than enough,
Wittilit is undernourished, her little
Stir/tech is bloated and her skin is
pale„ Orandintither if 111 and needs
triedicine and proper dark Both
need warm clothing to protect
them from the Cold, West German
Whiter and a teal bed to replace
the Inig-riddon straw they'. lie on
YOU can help Maria—and the
thousands of other Merles through,
Out the world-by enrolling with
Potter Parents' Plan,
reel and Neve York. You can be-
Obril* an adopted 'Width" or glad"'
to little girl like Maria. '0.A.dop,
'thee thrinigh Ptiater Parents' Plan
is •firtitheial, hot legal, The roster
Parente Prtitriiee to' contribute 115
is Month for at Meat One year
tOWALtd" the. Support of theft 'par,.
nhild.. df 'this stint, the
child rectiVea to monthly each
grant; the residue :being used far
hod and. new 'Mt:Abet, Parente re,
itetive the ease history of the child,
tw photo spit and cotteepolidende.
WOO' tio'et to 'raker /Wale Phi4,
60416rf °134., fld* 45,
the great sacrifice Made by one
member of this 'old Wingham
falhilY, She chose to serve her
town and district in the teaching
Profession and after 0 years of
loyal service and devotion to her
town and School, she retired and
was duly honored by pupils, past
and present, from all parts of the
She also played the organ ,for
47 years in the same church, What
record of self-saerifice and ser-
vice to one's •cornmunityl
Ti life's changing Scene over half
a century, here was the great re-
ward and she set an everlasting ex-
ample of a task well done. This
greae tribute represented a family
as I knew it, reared 'h "-honesty,
nurtured in royalty, and the perfect
example of devetion to :th
oee she
wis:,cliiisen o. serve..t •
APE1 44, Time marches on and the
Pitiire'haSeeliengeel there, hut the
1014 :thonghts of the past blot
put".-the'bath dreerns of the present
andhring eis face to face with the
fact"- that.' their unselfish efforts
were unsurpassed le the ordinary
walks of life. • -
we learn, frorri, this
this; that love and
se• ntiment are, the essence of a
peacefbl.lionsehold and *here mer-
ceneey aspirations are left out and
'ffergOtfell;° true•*,:haPpiresS comes
from el l': heart, -Barris exemplified
“Epistle Davie", -a
brother poee: „e .
• no In Pleasures or in rank,
ruk nom power like London Brink,
To purchase peabe or rest,
If happiness hag not her seat
Or centre In the lererest,
We may be rich, or hoer, or great,
But' never can be bleak'
NO `treasures pleasures
(an; `make ens happy )(Mg.
The :heart'eri.Ye"s the part' aye
ThSt.inake,i:us right or wrong:..
Hotel .Destroyed
(Contiehed from Page One)
leg,. Again at three the following
morning • Police Chief Platt called
outeeOme members' of the brigade
to handle, another incipient blaze.
• .Nater Held Out
After several, hours of concen-
tf:aStia fire figlitieg"toWn officials
began -to, feel certain anxiety
ebout•the, water 'Supply• but at no
time ,did the pressure diminish, de-
spite the' „fact that hundreds 'of
thieueands gallons were 'poured
Been e:after "the fire *started it
WAS evid,ent that it would pose a
major threat to the entire business
blOck And: the occupants of apart-
ments eitijadent to the hotel bund-
le* began,'.with the help: of 'friends
and vOlimieers e to take their be-
longings to. eater locations, All the
contents of the ,apartmants occu-
pied by Meurice Stainton- and Jack
Colvin.were removed. These ap-
artMens ., elong' with that of Mrs,
Matthew :Bell, are situated in the
building immediately north of the
hotel. ' •
hoWever:was lifnited to
relatiyelY light smoke. In the tele-
nhone exchange, on, the ground
floor .; of • Me. same building, how
ever. operators worked in relays
in the' debse smoke to Maintain
ciesrinierneatiOns Water teea depth
of several' inches.: covered the floor
of thebaSeinent, but there was no
Water entered through the, roof
of the building on the smith of the
• causing ,minor daniage in
one ,abartinent and in• the Refer-
rnehl jeWellery store ori thegroend
There haee,,heee • manY words of
praise' for the work ;of Envoy and
Mrs, Stan' Newman" 'and other
hieriebers• of the Salvation Army
who'Were right on the job through-
out :the day with hot coffee; sand-
wiches and dry .clothing for the
fir'e ,fighters. In addition to the
services 'rendered by the Salvation
Army several other individuals and
places of business offered assis-
tance to those who needed it, ,
- Crowds in Town
As word of the disastrous- lire
spread-• by 'radio, crowds . of spec-
tators began to arrive from other
towns in this area. By
ternbon Mainest-reet sidewalks were
jammed, with persons who had
come to,view the damage, and traf-
fic. on some of the streets in -toter'
became so • heavy, that driving was
-somewhat hazardous.'
A eenresentative 'frem the fire
mar-shal!s office 'arrived - in town
en Men aav rtnel nftei.
the building found the furnace doer
open. Altequedi no defitite verdict
was exnreseed, it is 01(1110:4 pos-
sible that the fli•e originated• et
this point. -
The -sympathy of the entire com-
munity` is Zndended to Mr, .and Mrs.
Grose and Debbie, who lost virtual- :
,IY all their personal possessions es
Well as' home and business in the
fire,- • , The elestructien or. the, Beneewiek
leaves a Op iii .the towers faeili-
tiee,, for in .Addition to its hotel
accommodations, it was known -as
one of the finest eating places in
this s'eetion .of Ontario.'
No' plans have been made, -as yet,
about replacement of the hotel.'
Brunswick Hotel Gutted In
Sunday orning Holocaust
Weary members of life *ingham, Teeiwater and Blyth
Eire brigades 'fought for over six hours before the.discs-•
• trolls toteetrhos•Wiek flee Wealireught under ;couple last •
r "Sunday. Thensends of gallons 'Of Water Were poured into;
the building from. More then a dozen hese lines before
the blieze was emitaieed.
Two members of the local brigade, are Shown eupper
left es they directed a hose line hito the. smoke-filled
basement of the hone during- the, eaily hours of the fight.
The picture id the upper eight was taken niter hhe lire
bad broken through to the upper floors, keen from -the
rear of the building When five streams of water 'were
being directed _against the Barnes. One of the Wingham,
tracks and a part of the crowd which numbered in -hund-
reds,are Shown in the pietiere itt left centre. Smoke billows
from the tipper floors of 'the hotel in the picture at the
right centre, as eneinbere -of 'the Wingham brigade diked °
a stream of water to a Minting section of the structure,
Harry lower left, was naught by the camera .a.
lie assisted in the -removal of household effects from the
epee-to-lent of Meneine. Stabiton Which is immediately •
north 'of the hotel .:lire wails in the hotel. prevented Old
blaze 'beam snreedieg. TerWer right ie. a picture,, taken
Mt Monday morning from, inside the gutted strueture.—
Adynxice-Thries photos.
1- Wont to start this picture of
home With 'a short quotation;.
'Bow dear to our hearts are the
scenes of Qin' -childhood when fond
rec.:ogeethins. present to
It may apply to any city, town,
or Psq.o)et anywhere but want to
focus the attention of my readers
to a beautiful part of Ontario, In
iltiren. county and to Winghottl
partictilar, rightly named the radio
and TV town of Canada. Nestled
beside the 'banks of 'the Maitland
River and surrounded, by towns
and villages steeped in the ancient
lore Of Ontario„ we came "hack
homey aloha once again,
It is true the liarhor lights
Of, D.Orae" Were out. and, there was
n.e. welcome as we once , linew it
lint We, had the glorious memories
of the past and no mortal -man or
charging times earl ever blot _put
th,O memories of the "kind
heerte.and. geetle• neople'.' . who lived
and- ineved and had their heir*
•there, ' ". • •
•Eyene although they • have all
gone to that "hinertie from whence
no traveller -returns'', • their, deede,
Old their ;memory lives fotever-
niOre. (Trite. picture' may be re-en-
acted in hundreds, of communities
across our coimtey)•
We, recelle with-heartfelt, pride.
OWNPlii,4171titney,Grinie WRS rotten; by the cribierit• as he
watitited hies }Intel ljteinswielt go Uti ful•SintAto ott Sunday meeting, for
loss 1MA:united as high es $1.60,60(k. The hullithn, Was the larger of
the leVo, hotels hi Whighom tinil snio Of tho; totidilittilts.,
Ur, flow' Oki his wife hulk up art eriOdhlte retintatiO0 for good
016)06 and excellent eetelet in their Jiiitelitivoliobaltneii photo.