HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-11-05, Page 6Rev, MarOtaii Cbaits.
iialtowt'en Party,
,The local
library bear0 held a social evening
in the mcOlOrlal 1101 911 Halic)We'en
with Ray, R. T. A. Mooillall
as coalman. A good program of
cher14000 OY junior and senior grOupo of Fordyop school children;
prehepitra numbers by Jimmie Roth,
Pegrge Confi and Parry 'Tiffin;
duet,. w Karen qroolcorth and
Jaceoallno ica're• piano •solos by
Mary Fisher, Dons Floss; a hula
hoop. demonstration by Sandra
MataU; mosleal and Selo nutn
' belts; by :Mai Haelrett; and Mr.
and Mrs NertOn, with several
violin' and piano numbers by ghosts
and humorous StOrles 'by the chair
manonade a rood program.
The jtIdge lot' the Hallowe'en cos*
tumes• were Marshall., Mrs.
Ira Wall and Mrs, Roy Irwin. The
prizes" went, to best CoIntil, girl
,lane LlidlaWobestPOrrlie boy Neal
14a,rehall; beitt omit; lady and
gent, gent jgrs, Pete AtfacEonald and
Mrs. Andrew Ritchie; 'fancy dres-
sed tio; poop Ross; fancY dressed
lady „and gent, Mrs,' Ezra Scholtz
and Mrs, Willis; , Vest HalloWe'et
couple, MarleneUartin and Shirley
Hallowe'en Party:
At St.,Paul's Church
On',.Thuriday evening of last
week, the annual Hallowe'en party
for the children: of St. Paul's Sun-
clay SChool; Was held in the parisit
room. :Win. HigOns,'Sunday School
superintendent, had charge of the
games, peanut and candy scram-
bles; (The teachers served refresh-
Prizes for costumes were award;
ed 'to Carol Higgins, funniest cos-
tume;' Susan., Kreuger, best Hal-
lowe'On costume; Linda Elliott,
nost.•priginal; Wendy Fuller, best
dressed lady; Brian and Wendy
;Cronkwright, best dressed Ouplc,
• At n. Meeting of auron County
Puhlishere Assoc., In .Zurich on
Saturday, special honor was paid
to Chester L. Smith, veteran pub,
Usher in the county, Presentation
of an engraved silver serving tray
was Made by J. Melvin. Solithcott
of the Exeter Times-Advocate,
Senior members of the association,
Since 1914 wIzA he and his wife
moved to the village, Chestei.
Smith was publisher of the zurich
Herald, tintil the end of December,
1957, when they 'Sold the paper to
the Exeter Times-Advocate. They
are continuing in the trade to a
certain ,extent, Mr. Smith keePs-
on with his work in lob printing
and Mrs, Smith is the correspon-
dent for the Exeter Times-Advo
cafe for the village.
' The meeting was in the Domin-
ion Hotel in Zurich,
Barry Wenger, publisher of the
Wingham, Advance-Times Is UK
new president of the Association
with Cyril Snowden, of the Sea
forth News, the new vice-president
Business of the meeting wa$
chaired by A. Laurie Colguhoun
publisher of the Cinton News.
Record and the Zurich Citizen
News, now past president of th,
Of great interest to the publish
ers was preliminary discussion or
a project whereby the entire his
tories of the communities thel
serve, ' as shown in the files 0.
papers published, could be recorder
on microfilm in a very small area
compared to the present storage
space necessary for bound copie,
of the newspapers. Some of the
weeklies in the county are abou,
100 years old, and files of all issue!:
have been kept.
The thought was that possibly
the County Historical Committm
would have funds available with
which they would like to purchase
copies of such microfilmed records,
It was thought also that local
libraries 'might be interested in
purchasing copies,
FAmilx. cLUTIllusle "IbT INtakii
31 you are a '11,V, Ian, you ,no doubt have Juied the IttloOlar
saying,, be at Aug side on your T.V. and enjoy the rights.
We say hilkep at Variltichael's any Aline owl eltifty the ;tinny,
Many bargains they have to offer for instance
Kitchen 'Towels
Only '88c pair,
wants! - •
'Only $1.98 pair,
These are subs of the
. FAMOUS, E,14, Sleeper,
Precious Cargo .. with care
• • .
:Remember the day you brouglit that tiny bundle of joy
home from the hospital? It WAS a great moment You were
deteribined. nothing would. mar the happiness, of the
days ahead.
$5 off per ton
qn all co-OP dairy and beef
concentrates and premixes
(This offer expires Nov. 30th)
Cash in on this 'get acquainted'
offer and convert your full gran-
ary into extra, profits with a
Co-op balanced feeding program.
Grains are deficient in some
necessary nutrients. Co-op Con-
centrates make up these de-
ficiencies and give you increased
milk and- meat production —
greater profits for you.
Bel~raue Co-op
Phone: Wingham 1065w
Brussels 14r10
Representa Live:
Michael McPhail, Winghain, Ontario, Phone 4118
— L.P.'s ,
LOVE SONGS sung by
Dinah Shore
by Kate Smith
In I-li Pi
°tonal!) OERSIIWIN
Exten (led Florio , lid tii4p, sup..
11,0131‹ 'n roll, be-hop,
we, don't
Neftro what you like,
we have 10
Lockridge's Butcher Shop
'GROUND BEEF 3 lbs. $1.25
SAUSAGE 3 lbs. $1.25
LARD lb. 20c
The Best of Fresh and Cured Meats Always on Bona.
so oirrtits
.)rust as the Pled Piper tame to the
angtstiltnee 4 the Denote of Ilatriclin
. We are here if you g!!'t into
diffienity 'With your ear. We are
SrbeibtitAIST8 itt 001)Y 11,8VAixt.
where; dliti We'll
be Theft 1
Siti) ADANIA, Prep;
Phone 740 Whig-ham
•,'''filiirRiP11a.4"r7AtAiiikgr1RI.F."......"-.."111DAWERAAFTAiiiikRIOAF0K4414A.7474.7147.•T •
• Tim Advance-Ttniell. We a4 pTov. AO,
.Soo rho lino of Wedding stationery nt Advonwilmos '_ .. -TRAY :PRESENT:EH TO
• • WHITEGOURCH . 'FORMER PUBLISHER 1 ' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ilivins, and
aavaiimana gh
.1 .111111111.11.11111 . 111 . .u. emu..
In M. gauge JO denier West quality
For the BEST always insist on WELDREST ;
• .
A ..~........"........".,‘,..w,.....0.0
.. ' A.
You. can do ALL yonr Christmas shopping right at Carniiehaers,
t So why not start now while the, selection is eoMplele.
.The Family Store in Wingham
. • ... Mr! .. • .. • , ,, • ,,,,, , • ,,,,, •••••••!••••t•lwa. ,,, ...•0••••••••+! ,,,,,, , • ,, 000.11101".04WIIMIVI10 ,,,, TO LIVE IN KITCHENER—Mr, and Mrs. J, S, Icraemcr are pictured.
folioning their 'auditing at St, LOuis'IlX, Church; Waterloo, on October
nth. The bride is' 'the 'former Doreen Elizabeth. Meehan,. daughter of
and AP'S. Howapd Ati.t011011y. Wingham; and -the groom hi .the .sOn
of Mr. and MIN'. Steidle!' Kraemer, R.R. 3, Walkerton., The couple haVe
taken up residence in Iiitchener,—Paul-Ford' photo.
Join Our Christmas •
}.ay-Away Plan •
A Law Down Payment will hold any Gift in our
store for your Christmas shopping.
Alexander's Hardware
C.P.R. Land
(Continued from Page 0/10
Delay By-laW
;...101 IAST CLASS
George Williams
Located_ in Mason's • Store,
Owing to, lack of space, saint'
, clocks and watches only.
a•• •
*Sunday with Mr, an.d Mrs. John
L. Currie.
Mrs. Alfred McCreight visited on
,Sunday at the homes of her nieces,
Mrs, Joe. HolmeS, and. Mrs. Clayton
.vicGregor of Morris.
Mrs. :Jas. Falconer spent last
week at the home of Mr, Chas.
Falconer, Glamis. Mrs. Falconer
las been a, patient in Victoria lios-
dital, London, for the past two
Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarence Ritchie
and children visited on Sunday at
the home of his brother Mr, Law-
rence Ritchie of Kincardine.
Over 90 members of the Pres-
byterian congregation here, sat
down to a Pot-luck supper in the
S.S. room, of the church, and dur-
ing the meeting that followed,
Plans were madhs to proceed with
pastoral visitation at South KinlOss
and Whitechruch,
• Mrs, Will 'Conn is visiting this
week at the home of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Hardie Simpson of Tees-
Mr, and Mrs. • Fred Culbert of
Walton and their son, Mr. Lewellyn
Culbert of Stratford, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Mrs. 'Kenneth Dowling visited qn
Thursday at the 'home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Aitchison of Ilderton,
Services in the United Church
here will be withdrawn on Sunday
on account of the anniversary ser-
vices in Bluevale United. Church,
Dr. and Mrs., Hilts . and their
family from Milton, Mr, and Mrs.
Wilmer Nicholson of Goderich and
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McClenag-
han and children of Rotlisay,• visit-
ed on Sunday with Mrs. George
In further connection With the
swimming pool, a letter was rread
from the town's solicitor, advising
against passage of• a by-law as
framed by council at 'its October
meeting. The by-law would have
granted corporate approval for the
construction of the pool, proVidd
funds or satisfactory guarantees
were in hand before the•work•was
The solicitor stated that such .a
bi-law would not offer the town
adequate protection against finan-
cial obligations in regard to the
completion of the pool if public
subscription 'and other fund-raising
efforts failed to produce the need-
ed money. As an alternative
course of action he recommended
that the pool .committee proceed to
raise the money before passage of
the by-law, with. the understanding
that it could be returned ,to - the
donors if the required amount was
not • forthcoming. . • •
Mayor McKinney said- that he
was in agreement with the solici-
tor's viewpoint and stated that he
thought the fund-raising campaign.
should be started at once,
*Councillor Conran., who' is chair -
man of the swimming, pool com-
mittee, expressed his fear that.
donations to• the pool fund Could
not be approved as charitable
donations, free of 'income tax, un-
less the by-law was' fiest paSsed.
'ro clarify this point the town
solicitor was contacted by tele-
phone and he advised that appli-
catkin bo made for such approval
under the Charitable Donations,
AS a result. the council voted
unanimously to have the solicitor .
make the necessary aplication at
once so that fund-raising can be
started -without -delay.
New Clerk Welcomed
As the council meeting opened
the mayor welcomed the town's
new clerk. William Renwick, who
commenced his duties, at the town
hall on-Monday morning.
Included in routine business was
the passage of a by-law to close
Cecil Street, an unused thorough-
fare within the area which has
been purchased by the Berry Door
Co., Ltd., for residential develdp-
MPTnlite..- mayor also exnressed the
appreciation of council to Police
Chief Platt for the way in which •
Hallowe'en had been handled, Fre'
also commended the fire depart-
meet aunt the many alter 'went('
in town who had given assistance
in various ways during the serionr
fire at the Brunswick Hotel 0e
A letter urns f rom
town of Exeter, asking •eoneur-
Vence in a reaolution,that the Can-
ada Ternueranee Art be amended In
make drinking in vehicles and all
public places an Offence under
act, 'Council declined its Concur.
Reeve Roy Adair. repotting for..
the property eorrnittee, said that
the .now office in the town halt
which has been cempteted. fn"
rental to the Ontario Provincial-
POIlee is now in rise and present"
a very fine annearanee, • •
C0)111001°1' Goitutt, chairman
the fire committee, P•stw the dr.-
tail§ Of the service which had beer.
rendered by the Vremen at the
tel fire the previous ri"v He safe'
that tlitruei the fire fighters were
desperately tired, they willingit
resperided to .eatlit .duritle', the eve
nine and again in, the- early
rf lorcycogy Tv, 61,11111g when tosi.
babratt10.4 OCOtt otd,
Set NomMatton
The nomination beretimr, for the
on the ' •
n 'wilt he held
'r r*ri!clia% 1,'"'i'
ber tint and election, if retluired,..
On, Monday, beeernlier 1st.
Bente adiOitrnMent wt 0.14
council approved a resolution to ho
dellifered to 17IighWavS Minister
• *"leas e the 'tiettrotien Of his visit to
Winitham the followink day. no
reSeltitiort Celled for •the construe.'
Ilion of Highway Ad to by-pass the
town on the .,south ,!and the food-•
topping of, tl'ie...satne. .highway`
Wirlglia,rrl th MOrrhibanit corner,
It is quite natural for the.mature young man to think
getiously about the unforeseen .. ..to think about family
prOtection -through' life insurance., For , family . protection
at 16w net cast ... talk to a Mutual Life of Canada man.
,He represents' the company with the outstanding Cae llilialL.JAi. 111.a.E.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross IVIc1VIiithael
and family of Sarnia were Smithy
visitors at the home' of Mi. and
Mrs. Ed. Robinson,
Mr, Graham Chamney and on
Jerry of Goderich were. Sunday
visitors with Mn'. and Mrs, R.'
Chamney. • -
Mr. and, Mrs. Sam Jefferson arid
sons of Newmarket spent the
week-end with Mr. and. Mrs, H.
Jefferson and family.
We are sorry to report that. Mr.
George Naylor has been confined
to Wingham Hospital following an'
accident at Lloyd's factory in
which he lost part of two fingers.
The Sacrament of Baptism was.
adrninisteied at the service in'
Donnybrook Church on Sunday to
the following: Grant William,' 'son,
of Mr. and Mrs. Morley -Johnston;
Joyce Corinne, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Stuart Chamney; Doris J..;or-
Caine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Naylor and Robert James,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Member I:lonoredby •
Second Mile Club
The. Second Mile Club of Wing-,
ham met in the council chamber:
for their regular progressive'. euchre
party, which is held every Thurs-
day evening. Nine tables were, in
Mrs. ' Simpson McCall and'
Mrs. Walter Smillie won the high
scores. ,‘
Mrs. William. Kennedy called the
meeting to order and asked the
members to stand in, henor of one
of the members, Mrs. Marti
ner (Elsie Bowden) who was re-
gently married. Mrs. Matt 13.01,
proposed a toastto the bride;
which was responded .to, Mrs,
Gowans. Mrs. Henderson preAenif
ed Mrs, Gardner with ajoyek pair,
of pillow cases with sheets to
' Wendy Of Clinton,' visited on .Sun-
day at the home of her aunt, Mrs
Jas, Currie,
Mr. and Mrs. WM. Irwin and
baby, Murray, visited on Sunday at
the, lionle of her sister,. Mrs. Jack.
Pennington Of Brussels,
Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Smyth •of•
Mitchell visited on :Sundii:y with,
Mr, and Mrs. Edwin xSmyth.,
Mr, and Mrs, 'Kenneth Dickson
and children of Belmore visited. or
Sunday with her parents, .Mr, and
Mrs, Arthur Moore,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Robertson.
and children visited on 'Sunday al
the home of her brother, Mr
Walter Forster of Ripley.
Miss Marjorie 'Currie, and Mr.
Robert Gibson of Toronto spent the
week-end with MrS, R. J. Currie
and Mrs, Gibson,
Mr. and Mrs, -Stewart Coupland
of Toronto spent the week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Chas, Robinson, and with Gorrie
Mr, and' Mrs. George Fisher and
family visited on 'Sunday at thr
home of his sister. Mrs. ,T'obi Jans'
of Milverton, 'Mrs. Fisher attend-
ed the shower, held at Holyrood or
Saturday evening, in honour of the
anproaching marriage of her niece.
Miss Amelia Carruthers, and also
attended the trousseau tea, held or
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs, Roger Inglis and
qeorge of Walkerton visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alber'
Blepian, -
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood and
family of Seaforth spent the week-
end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs
Graham Johnston, Mr. and Mrs
Jas. Darling and Mr. Chas, Darling
at Clifford on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Barker and
children of Goderich visited or
Sunday at the home of her aunt
Mrs, John McBurney. Mrs. Jas
Young of Belgrave also spent the
week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Mc
Mrs. Lowery of Goderich and
Mrs, Clarence Chamney were it
Stratford on Saturday, where they
attended the re-union at the Teach-
er's College and the evening ban-
quet. Mrs., Chamney reports' that
eight of their former, class were
Mrs. Victor Young, Wingham
spent the Week-end with her
brother, Mr. Adam McBurney, /
Mrs. Irene Patterson of Torontr
spent the week-end with he2
mother, Mrs. Wm. Taylor. ,
Mrs. F. H. Groskorth is spending
a few days this week with he'
mother, Mrs. Fred Bagg of Willow. •
Dr. and Mrs,. .Arthur Watt of
London, visited on Sunday witb
his parents, Rev, and Mrs, W. J
We it.
Quite a. number. from here
attended the sixtieth anniversary
services at St. Helens on Sunday
-Mr. Manning of Clinton, was th'
suecial . speaker in the Unite"
Church,„ speaking on temperance
He Prew attention to the fact that
'there are far fewer habitual drink-
ers in Huron than in any other
County in Ontario, because of the
presence of a different Liquor
Law. •.
Mrs, Harold Currie spent : the
week-end at London and visited
with Mr. Currie in Westminster
Hospital. She returned home on
The bride thanked the la cife. s for'
the lovely gifts and invited all the,
members to visit her in her home.
Mrs, • Kennedy played soft music',
during the presentation. A deli
dons lunch wad served • by Mrs.,;
Johnston and Mrs. ,Henderson..
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Greenwood
of Toronto, Mr, W,m, Phair and
Mrs. W. Stewart, Wingham, visited
on, Sunday at the home of the
latter's daughter, Mrs. Dan Tiffin.
Brian Inglis of Watford spent
the week-end with Mr, and Mrs.
Alex, Inglis, and he and Mrs, Inglis
left on Monday for his home,
where Mrs. Inglis will visit tills
week. •
Mr, and Mrs. George Coultes of
Selgrave visited,on Sunday at the
home .of their son, Mr. Albert
CC al tes,
Mr, and Mrs, Earl Wright of
Thedford visited on Sunday with
Mr; and Mrs. Chas, Martin and
other Wingharn” relativeS,
BelmoreS *
Study Alaska
BELMORE--j`The October meet-
ing of the Beirnore 'United Church
was held, On Wednesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. L, Metcalfe
with 17 ladies and two children
Mrs, N, NeWans was the leader
and opened the meeting °with a
hymn and prayer, Riblo readings
were given by most Of the ladies,
Mrs. W. ibhann gave a reading
and.Mrs, tar) Preset gave one on
a victim of leprosy. Mrs, Earl
Pitch gave a reading on temper-
ance. Mrs. /re Neil gave the chap-
ter hi the study book on. "Alaska",
which was very interesting, A'verse
on faith war read' and the toll
was called,
Mts. Nretealfe read the min
utes of the last Meeting and Mrs.
K West presided for the business.
A, hymn was sung, atter which Mrs,
N NeWabS closed the Meeting with
' prayete