HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-11-05, Page 40446 l'rothr Tbe W1004111 Advaave-,hues, Wed, Nov. 601, 1958 SALE 0•,EFI'S TAXI SERVICE and Furniture, We buy and Phone 185. CEDAR RAILS FOR SALE-Phone 307.13; 5b FRESH APPLE BUTTER, for sale. „Apply to John Burehill, phone 702W12. . - DRESSED CHICKENS for sale. Apply to John Burehill, phone 762W12. 5;12e CHRISTMAS CARDS--the Rust- craft kind, are now on parade at MeKibbons. 29:5b used sell. rrb ...A USED CAR F/LLED 11/1771 PEP,' AND POWER AND R/D/NG COMFORT WINO HAM MOTORS Phone 139 Wingham Frederick F. "Hornuth Pln.B., MO. . Carol E. R.O. Mrs. Viola H. flonvath, R.O. oeroaternrwra IIIONE 118 Harriston,' Ontario %RUNUP Mr Inkttrance (lb mainly Bet 1849 An all Canadian Company which 'has faithfully served its looney holders for river a eentitry, Bread Office ,uk toi.onte a O. Matteert Intarnnee Atiessey Vtitneliteas 4,11r WOK • ...0..v4r.i.ore*1•144-4, 4 4 1.0 46 4414 It It* f4; 1. II' ii"i• it* #V11 i #4 * ti "/"W it 4, I. 9 re quit *or ir. 0 ,00 0 010.15, 99.9., fir trAkst-9.0.*.romni*roorrmloorysioftimamweitetutill~911101401inv*vionov*-o,, v.,* * ,u4i i Y ii - w.,. •.,.,. •,-,, * tr MILK FILTERS for sale--"Rapicl ela", 6-inch, 79c; 61/4 -inch, 86c. Alexander's Hardware, ]rrb SQUARE PLAY pen for sale. Folds for storing convenience, Phone 975W, 55b DRY WOOD for sale, Apply to Edgar Dane, Phone Wroxeter 30r4. 5b GIRL'S ALL WOOL coat, charcoal colour, size 14, reasonable, Phone 5563 or apply to Mrs. Arthur Edgar, 5* LLOYD BUGGY for sale, Also lady's winter coat, size 14, bath in good condition. Phone 596R. 5b APPLES FOR SALE, MacIntosh Talmans, Snows, Delicious, Spys, choice quality $2.75 per bushel de- livered, John Pritchard, phone 24-2 R,R. 1, Lucknow. 5-12* MENDELSSOHN PIANO for sale. In good cdriditiorl. Apply to Le- ander Good, phone 624W3. 5* STOCK REDUCTION sale of has- socks, $2.50, $4.95 and $8,00 from values as high as $16.95. R. A. Currie & Sons Furniture. 5b MONARCH Space heater for sale; large size, 50,000 capacity; good condition; clean and ready for use. Phone 8613. 29;5b USED BEATTY oil bath jack for sale; nearly, new and % horse electric motor. 'Geo. A. Carter, R.R. 5, Wingham, phone 713w1. 5* CHOICE QUALITY potatoes for sale. May pick up at farm or we will deliver, Harold Vincent, phone 731W3. 5;12* NEW SET of Wear Ever Water- less Aluminum cook ware for sale. Mrs. Addison Bauman, phone Brussels 38736 22;29;5"' BROWN MOUTON- fur coat for sale, size 16, skirts ar.d jumper, size 14, 2-piece dress, size 12, also children's clothing, size 1 and 3 years, including 3-piece nugget coat set. Phone 504R. 5b CASH REGISTER, Adding Mach- ine rolls in stock at The Advance- Times. Typewriter ribhons. Smith-Corona typewriters and adders. Victor adding machines. CLEAN? Madam-You don't know the meaning of that word until you have tried the radically new and efficient ELUXO-MATIC. Call L., H. Reynolds, your Electro- , :lux dealer, 64031. rrb MEAT FOR SALE-Good beef by ; the 'quarter. Killed on premises. Inspected by Dept. okf Health, °Yearling heifers. Tep quality. Lowest prices. Raynard Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r30. 17rrb BROADLOOM carpets and rugs for new • room beauty. See the new colours in 100% alt-wool, hardtwist broadloom , .. the best you can buy, deep crush reefs- ' taut pile, closely woven for life- tirne wear . . .and the cost is leas than you may think. Have an estimate this week for your room. Rug size and wall to wall carpeting, N. J. WelwOod, phone 86, REAL ESTATE ICED BRICK house for sale, large livingroorh, diningroorn, 3 bed- rooms, excellent location, Box 66 Advance-Timea, 542* BRICK HOUSE foe 'reale, 6 rooms, 3 piece bath,. built-in clipboarde, Modern kitchen, hardwood floOre„ Pfeene 31.71Cf. 22,29,5421e INCOME PROPERTY for stale, 4 aps,rtMents eaeft Certeisting of living-rho/no heart:16in and kitchen and, bath, Separate enfraticeS,' Priced right Milne 12'ne, 5b 1:V=11Na VOA, SALX- One- stor'ey patent shingle clad deed* 8 reente ledludieg befit LOt 351x1.20; fiCtetle Sege/Shine St, Wingham. Olt fteriflog. Trrtined- late priellettelen, Apply' i-f, 0; MeeLeaft, A/eel-feet lieeerie ree 91denet CARS: WM; WM: OMAPICIIIARCFT Herfaa with duo. trite gold (rtelcititre for sale, Also 1054 inyilloOth with *Otto-Matt« Beth fli good Witvoliam ,r3otly Shop, lib POUR LEICESTER ewes for sale; one, two and three years old. Ernie Harris, phone 30r3, Wrox- eter, 5b 18 PIGS for sale, Apply Harold Vincent, phone 7$1w3, 12 CHUNKS and 3Q weanling pigs for sale, Apply Lloyd Mont- gomery, phone 74331, 12 PIGS, CHUNKS, for sale, 2 Shorthorn cows, Phone 63232, Robert Moffatt. 6b 19 LITTLE PIGS ready to wean for sale. Apply Wm. VanCamp, phone 15r15 Brussels, 5b 3 PIGS EIGHT WEEKS old for Sale. Apply John Norman, phone 64032, Wingham, 5b EIGHT PIGS for sale, weahed, 2 weeks old. Apply Clarence Ritchie, phone Wingham .626w2, 5* "HUNTINGFIELD". registered Landrace swine for sale, 5 mono thi. 'Either sex, Ivan Haskins, R,R, No. 1, Clifford, phone 197r21 Mildntay. rrb POULTRY FOR SALE 1700 HONNEGGER Leghorn Pul- lets for 'sale, Five weeks old Weber's Chick. Hatchery, Wallen- stein, Ont., telephone Elmira, MO 9-7721. 5b ROOMERS WANTED ^ V- ROOMER OR boarders wanted. Apply Box 64 Advance-Times. 15;22;22;5b ROOMERS WANTED, nurses pre- ferred. Phone 738w after 6. 5,12* AMBULANCE ' SERVICE CURRIE'S AMBULANCE, Wing- , ham. Always reliable Service. Phone Day, 51; Night, 716 or 636, PERSONAL See the CHRISTMAS PARADE of Rusteraft Cards at MeKibbons this week. 29,5b WHY FEEL OLD? Feel Years Younger. Ostrex Tonic Tablets revitalize thousands past 40. ONLY 60c., At all druggists, ' 6,13,20,27b MEN AND WOMEN can now re- store the natural colour and lustre of their hair with Scott's Anti-Gray Hairtone. Whit e, greaseless cream acts as ,excel- lent pomade, does not stain poi - lows or clothing. Guaranteed. Two sizes, $3.00 and $6,00, at McKibbons and Vance's Drug stores. 5b WHY NOT • HAVE YOUR FEET CliECKED Without Any Obligation -by- A Qualified, Experienced FOOT CORRECTIONLST Undue pressure can cause those sciatic pains, leg, hip or lower backache, See- J. VICKERS, F.C. At Queen's. Hotel, Wingham Each. Monday afternoon, pr other times at 481 8th •Ave, Hanover, Phone 500. MISCELLANEOUS S YOUR TELEVISION properly insured, for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew-, Art A. Scott, Wingharn, 2rrb SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL NOW is the time, before winter, to have yew Septic tank, cesspools, etc.,, pumped and cleaned. Write or phone Louis Blake, 42r6 Brus- aels, 29-5-12-19-26", NEVER, NEVER, never since the world begart such relief from sore, aching; burning feet, weak ankles, sere knees; hips and back, cramps hi feet or legs, Corns, cellottites, bunking dis- appear, arthritis pain's fade away, brings back circulation. Consult W, A. Kaufman, phone 94 Lis- toWel, open every Tuesday after- noon and evening.., Open every Friday at Les Heubach, 'phone MO 9-2604-5, and in Walk- erton at Percy PletcWs, phone 1951N; Not t and 20th, trb iOR ARTIFICIAL insemination service or more information, tele- phone the Waterloo Cattle Breed- , ing Association coded' At: Clin- ton HU 2.3441 or Teeswater 126 between 1,30 Arid 9.30 eni, week day; 6 and g on Saturdays, r/o not call for service on Sue, j?ly, COWS In beat on Sunday can be Insernfnated satisfactorily on glinday. We supply 'Service to top quklItY bulls of the Holstein, xerstr, AV:31ttr*, Glideesey, BroWn Swiss, Red Poll, Here4 ford •(polled, di harried), Beef Shorthorn (polled and horned), and Dug Peewit* Shorthorn; Angne And 0001416 broodogi The cost loSK. Itarrh FOR RENT APARTMENT for .rent in Bel- grave, Apply- Harvey Cook, Phone 644311. 5b 4 LARGE ROOM 'front apartment for rent. Three-piece bath, above store, main street. cupboards. Phone 207, night 668, 5b THREE ROOM self-contained apartment for rent, suitable for two. Separate entrance and private' bath, Central. Phone 1.278. • 5b FEMALE HELP WANTED GIRL TO 'LEARN egg candling and tabling. Apply Maitland Creamery, Wingham, Ont. 5b - CAPABLE WOMAN. who would .like good home, to help young mother with housework and be responsible for small children a ' couple of hours during day, Phone 701w1. 5b WANTED SMALL BUFFET wanted. Phone 975w, 6b USED WINDMILLS, gasoline en- gines and pump jacks wanted. Can be traded on pressure sys- tems new or used. Ask us for an estimate without any obligation, or if you are needing any new roofing material we give, you _the best value for your money. Write or phone collect to Irving Keyes at Glamis. Phone Paisley 114r4. 16Alt-Nov TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Friday, Nov. 7th at 6 p.m., for the construction of the clean out job 'on the Baird drain. Plans and specifications may be seen at the clerk's office. A marked cheque of 10% of the tender price must accompany each tender. • John V. Fischer; 5b Clerk, Township of Turnberry STAMPS WANTED WILL l'IJRCHASE your stamp col- lection regardless of size, also banks, offices and organizations can earn money by tearing stamps from all mail leaving piece of paper all around stamp, for which we will pay $1.00 per pound plus postage. H, Marshall, Box, 397, Milton, Ont, 5b DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed ' promptly for sanitary disposal, FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge fer small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited, 6rrb DEAD STOCK SERVICE , Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled. Cows and Horses DEAD STOCK AT HIGHEST SASH VALUE Please Phone Promptly Call Collect - 133 Bruce Marlatt Brussels,, Ont. 24 HOUR SERVICE ANTED Highest Cash Valu paid in surrounding dis- trict for DEAD STOCK HIGHEST CASH VALUE PAID IN SURROUNDING DISTRICT for DEAD COWS and HORSES. For Prompt, Sanitary Disposal, day 'or night 0Ij.,D HORSES for Slaughter at 5c per pound. 24 HOUR SIMAICt Phone LEROY ACHESON Atwood 153, collect di 1101e IILSLOP WroYetteir 2r15 FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy 'rnt about out Low Coht Pleancing Service 'with eornplete frucureeee Coverage, STEWART A. SCOTT Pion: 233 MAN WANTED for Rawloigh bus- iness. Sell to 1500 families, Good profits for hustlers, Write today Rawleigh's, Dept, K-543-S, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, 5b START A BUSINESS' of your own with a permanent year-round Way of making money, Our guar- anteed. prodUcts including:. Cos- metics, Culinary ExtrActe, Spices, Tonics, N'itamins, household and farm specialties, ' etc,, assure quick easy sales, Opening• In your surroundings. Free Cata- logue on request, High commis- sion. F•irnilex Dept, 68, 1600 De- lorimier, Montreal. ROUT MANAGER Nationally Advertised Product re- quires a distributor in your area, Male or Female, Full . Or Part Time.: 3399.00 monthly guaranteed income for replacing merchandise in local established retail, outlets a few boars weekly in spare time, higher returns for full , time. No experience necessary•es we tram, you in all phases the • business, no high pressure men are wanted, as no selling is required. YOU MUST- Be able to devote 8 to 12 hours weekly to business. Be able to furnish, at least two character references. Be able to make a cash deposit Of $950.00 to .$1900.00, whichis re- fundable,4to cover cost of stock. If you can meet these qualifications and desire an interview' with Coin- pany Executive in-your area, send us •n, brief history of yourself, in- 'eluding your name, address' anal telephone number. Write toBox .91, Advance-Times. .6h ATTENTION SALESMEN • • If you are dissatiefied with yonr present' sales position or have the desire to change to a sales career Wen we have an. offer to interest yott, Our Membership includes a Personal. Accident Certificate, Dis- count benefits and 21, other out- standing. benefits, The CTC Mem- bership is in. great • demand. No off-season 'and everyone eligible to . join. We need salesinen in your area to effer this'*ineinbership to the public.. Our unimie benefits, high commission and renewal bust* ness assures you of an above av- erage incOme. Or if you have a .desire to be a District Manager on • a commission and overriding basis we have an 'opening iii. your area. For confidential interview write giving full particulars in first letter to P.O. Box 842; London, Canada. COMMONWEALTH TRAVEL CLUB • Tire Nation's Foremost Travel Club AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE . Auction sale of household effects of Frank Tomlinson at the resi- dence of Howard I. McGuire, lot No. 3, Josephine St., North, in Wingham, on Saturday; November 8th, at 2 o'clock p.m. Consisting of the following: bedroom suite in light finish, With' springs and mattress, bedroom suite in .dark finish With springs and 'mattress, Single bed, springs and mattress, Chesterfield and chair, chrome kitchen suite, two tables and a number of chairs, Simplicity wash- ing machine,' Sparton refrigerator, rangette, hotplate, electric kettle, ironing board, (dock, lamps, cook- ing utensils, dishes and Many other items. Terms on all items -cash, H. I, McGuire, Wingham, Manager 'L. G. Bryee, Auctioneer, 29,5h TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES By virtue of a Warrant issued by the 'Warden Of the County 'of Hur- on under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date of 12th clay of August 1968, sale of lends in Arrears of taxes in the 'Comity of 1-Inrori will be held at my office at the hour of 2.00 pm. in, the Court Hoese On the 9th day Of December 1958 sinless the taXeS arid rests are sooner. paid, Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale fer arrears of taxes was published in the Ontario Gaz- ette on the 5th day of September 1658, and that eopies of the said list may be had at my office, • The adjourned sale, if necessary, Will be held at 'the above office on 'the 16th day of December, 1958, Treasurer's Office this ath clay wood) I, (lf, Berry, Trietabsttlectted Of moo), log, NOTICE TO' CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Robert Coultes, late of the Township of East Wawa- nosh, in the County of Huron; Re- tired' Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the fifteenth day of July, AD, 1958, are notified to send to the undersignbd, on or before the twenty-second day of Novem- ber, 1958, full particulara 'of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty-sec:and day of November, the assets of the said Testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claims of which the Exectuors shall then have notice. DATED this third day of No- vember, A.D. 1958. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. 5-12-19b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of Theodore 'F. Mundy, late, of the Town of Wingham in the 'County of Huron, Grocer, de- ceased, who died ,on or about the twenty-eighth day of August A.D.` 1958, are notified to send to the undersigned,_ on or before the eighth day of November, 1958, full particulars of their claims in writ- ing. Immediately after the said eighth day of NoVember, the assets of the said 'Testator Will be distri- buted amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. DATED this 20th. day of October, AD, 1958, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON ,Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors, 22,29,5b NOTICE Township of ifowiek, County, of Huron Voters' List 1958 Notiee is hereby given that I have complied, with sedtion 9 of the Voters' Lfsts Act, 1951, and that I have posted up at my office at Gorrie, on the 30th day of October, 1958, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said muni- cipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for Inspection., And I, hereby call upon all yoters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day of appeal being the 14th day of November, 1958, Dated this 30th day of October, 1958, J. Harold Pollock, Clerk, 5b CARD OF THANKS We wish to express ,our shieere appreciation ' to everyone who assisted us Sunday morning-Jack •and Elaine Colvin. 50 CARD Oil" THANKS I wish ' to express my siheere thanks to all my friends who so kindly remembered me with gifts; letters and cards while .1" was patient in Victoria Hospital, and, during my Oonvaleteence at the home of my sister, Loreen Paltrier. 50 , • OUR SINCERE THANKS It is indeed difficult for us tb express the gratitude We feel to friends throu0hout this and neigh boring communities for the help they gave its during and after the fire on Sunday, In fact WO are still learning of the kindnesses of which we were not even aware at that time, SPeelfleelly We would thank the firemen froth Wirighetn, Teeswater and Elyth for 'their 'tin- falling devotion; to the telephone Operators, who remained on duty despite a Smoke filled Office; to the Salvation Army and others Who provided coffee and sandwielict, Many, many other kind (Heinle 'have net been mentioned here, bat Out gratitude extended. to each. OitiMr, and UM Whit** (heal, 51/01011141q tvITILAY-In having ,memory of 16 dear sister, Mrs, Charles Fb.IM who paced away one year ego NoYentber 9th, 1957, Years may wipe nut many things, But tbi$ they wipe out never-- The memory of those happy days, When we were all together.---blver remembered. by Brothers and his- tore. IN MEMORIAM FINLAY---In loving memory of a dear , wife' and mother, , Charlie Finley who niissee away ' November, 9th„ 1957, You'r.o not forgotten another dear Nor •ever shall be • As long as life and memory lasts We shall remember theel-Loving- ly remembered, by husband and daughter Irene. 5" Clayton Grainger Passes Suddenly 'GORRIE-Clayton Grainger,- 64,, died suddenly Wednesday while re- turning with his brother Wilbur from cutting wood in their bush. He was the sort of the late Richard Grainger and his wife, the former Ma'ry Irwin, Mr. Grainger had lived all his life on Lot. 22, Con, 6, Howick. Surviying are two brothers, Fleming of Jamestown and Wilbur at home, Funeral service was conducted by Rev, J. W, Hird of the Gorrie United Church at the Moir funeral home on Saturday at 2.30,. Pall- bearers were Ewart 'and Tyndall McKereher; Harry and Harvey Adams; Mac Sanderson and Clar- ence McCallum. Interment in Molesworth cemetery, FRANK MADILL IS SAUGEEN DIST. PRES. The Saugeen District Boy Scout Association met at the Legion Hall in Walkerton on Tuesday evening of last week for the annual meet- ing. The ,group committee from Wingham, Mrs. Herbert. Fuller. Frank Madill and Andy Lunn, and Scout Leader Alton Adams attend- ed. Also at the meeting were Cub Leader Bill Rintoul and his as- sistants, Elaine Wood, Marilyn Riehl and Penny Gerrie. Most, of the groups in the district were represented. The election of officers was held and Frank Ma- dill was returned as president and Mrs. Fuller as secretary-treasurer, They are both- serving a second term in, ,their respective offices. The vice-president is Walter Gael- er of Chesley. • Archie*Gowanlock, of Walkerton,, was again recommended as ,district commissioner. He gave a report on the activities during the past year in •the Saugeen 'district. This dis- trict is comprised of eleven troops, thirteen, packs and one Rover crew,. Field. Commissioner Robert Tay- lor of Hanover ,gave 'a report from provincial headquarters, An invi- tation tfrorn the Chesley group, to hold the annual churcln parade in that town, Was accepted, The dis- trict parade is scheduled' for the last Sunday in May. A discussion was held, on the possibility of presenting the field day winners With trophies, and it was decided that during the winter months, Scouts and Cubs would make these trophies On a cornpe- talon basis, The finished trophies will he judged and those chosen as the best will be awarded' to field day winners next year„ Former Student Receives B.A. Degree Among the graduates 'at the Fall Convocation at the University of Western Ontario was Mrs. Charles E. Bradford, the former Jean Coneland: Mee. Bradford Was born in Wingham. She is a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. C, R. Copeland of London, and' a niece Of E, S, Cope- land of Wingintin. She received her early education in Wingharn. pub- lic and high schools, moving with her farriily to London 27 years ago, She married Charles E. Brad- ford, a commercial artist, in 1944. They have one daughter, Linda. Mrs. Bradford won her Bache- lor of Arts degree through extra* mural and summer echoed courses while teaching in the London dis- trict. LAYMEN TAKE SERVICE AT UNITED CHURCH Laytnen and Missions Militia's/ Wcte held in Wingham United Church on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock with Robert SOutheett of Exeter as guest speaker. Mr, south• oott is co-publisher of The Exeter Times-Ativeekte. DeWitt Miller took charge of the service, assisted by William Cur- rie, Who reed the responsive PsalM and led in prayer, and tart Handl- ton,'who read the New Testament lesson, Mr. Southeott,'s subject was "Seek First", taken from St, Mat- thew's Gospel, chapter 6 verse 33, Ills address was both inspiring and Met.ENNAN- At the Wingham General hospital, on Wednesday, October 29, 1953, te .Mr, and Mrs. Scott McLennan, RR. 2, Bleev.ale, a son, 34EI.T.01NQA--- At :the. Winghern General Hosi$ital, on Wednesday, October 29, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs, Fred Hellinga, R,R, 0, Walton, a daughter. ERRINGTON--At the Winghain General igspital, on Wednesday, October 29,1956, to Mr, and Mrs, George Errington, .g.a, 2, Au- burn, a son, KNIGHT .At the Wingham 'Gen- eral Hospital, on Saturday, No- vember 1, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs. Goldwia Khight, R,R, .3, Brussels, a son, KREUTZWISER-At the VCIirigharn -General Hospital: on Saturday, November 1, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Kreutzwieer, H. R, 1, Teeswater, a daughter, GUY-At the Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, November 2, 1958, to Mr. and -Mrs. Charles • Guy, R.R. 1, Ethel, a elan, • CARTER-At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on :Sunday, Novem- ber 2, 1958, to Mr, and,„14frs. Ken- neth Carter, Blyth, a Ton. • SMITH-At the Wingharn General Hospital, on Monday, November 3, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Smith, Teeswater, a daughter, MacLEOD-7--At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on' Monday, No- vember 3, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. ' Donald MacLeod, Lucknow, a son, 11IURRAY-At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, .on Tuesday, No- vember 4, 1958, to Mn, and Mrs. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Andy 'Scott wish to announce the' arrival of their oho* sea daughter, Stephanie Jane; a sister for Steppe n, remmr;.:, Get REAL Accident & 'Sickness SECURITI . with, one of Paul Revere's renowned Non-Cancellable and Guaranteed Continu- able to age 65 Accident & Sickness Policies! BECAUSE all Pail Revere Accident and Sickness Policies oat I N on.Ca no I la We aid t Guaranteed Centime. able to op 65, the prAckire cannot Ise •ebeesedby &Thom. pony ,„ ond can only bo terminated birdie P WM, foe full Information The.Paul Revere Life Insuraficecompany Canadian Hpa9fliip: Hamilton, Ont. TEX KENNEDY 'Box 345 WALKERTON CRAWFORD & HETHERINGT Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Phone 43 J. II, CRAWFORD, Q.C. S. Ithi'llIERINOTON, Q.C. J. W. BUSHIELD Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eto. Money to Loan Off fece-•rileyer Meek, Wingheins BOORS Leo Murray, HR. 3, Holiq.90a, .daughter, 4 i.0-k§fijaiii64 SALE Tri6,,i16ifi-iiiA.IixNa - • . TEAM OF HORSES for sale. Phone TEACUP fortune telling every e02w12 Wirigharn, eyening from 7 until 9, Call 24'1 WANTED TO IIENT WM' A GARAGE to rent. Phone 69, RED LEATHER purse lost, Pre- Mr. 'Stokes, in day time 9-6,, 5e sunned lost between. Clifford and Fordwich corners, Phone 35r6, MALE HELP WANTED ' Wroxeter. • NOTICE TO • CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 'OF 'llittE ESTATE OF ROBERT STUART CAMPBELL, late of the Tewnghlp of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. Pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others • having claims against the Estate of the late Robert Stuart Campbell, are recinired to send particulars of their claims, duly verified. to J, W. BUSIIFIELD, Q.0,, Solicitor for the Administrator of the said Estate, on or before the 22nd -clay of November,. AD. 1958, and that after such date the Administrator will . proceed • to • distribnte the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to claims of which he shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 4th day of November, AD, 1953, J, W, BUSHFIELD, Q.C., WINGHAK Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator, 5-12-19b BUSINESS and • PROFE SSIONAL DIRECTORY A. II. MeTAVISH HAIMISTE% SOLICITOR snd NOTARV PUBLIC TI EsivAtra - *ONTABIO Telephone 23 Teeswater tifroceter-101very Wednemday • atternoon, p.m., Or by appeintiMent. 40,