HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-11-05, Page 1IfIGUWAYS•-MIN VISITS, WINGRAN A distinguished visitor to town yesterday was Hon. F, Cass, , minister cif Highways in the On- tario Government, who was intro- duced by John W. Hanna, to the mayor and members of the town council at noon. Mr. Cass inspected various high- way projects in this area before going to Neustadt, where he open- ed the new Saugeen bridge. He was accompanied to the opening by Mr, Hanna, 'On Monday evening Mr. Hanna was a, guest Of the 'Clinton Masonic Lodge, when the Minister of edu- cation, Dr. W. J. Dunlop, who is a past grand Master, presented a -,90-yesr jewel to the lodge secretary, Rt, Wor, l3ro; 11`. H. Rorke. On. Thursday of last week Mr. Hanna attended the opening of thd new. Burlington. Skyway Bridge, which will Mean a great deal to Ontario, providing speedier access for tourists from. the United States The new bridge elhninete. n trallie bottleneck hi the Pamilton Earlier in the week the inomher for Huron-Brune also at ten11,41 'conservation conterenre art,P•li won held at tins Peatimy Hotel, Toronto. The SOP guests Were oddresnod by I-Toh. Dena Porter, 'chief iustive of th -Ontaid me emit e 0 s ire Assiieiation Plans. To Meet Patents The•general meeting planned for November 4th in connection with the -Wingliam 'and District' Associ- ation• for letarded Children : has been cancelled -in favour of a round-table discussion to be held one week -later In the council' chamber of Wingham town At this rolled table discussion it is hoped that all the parents of the pupils attending the school, the teacher, Inspector James Kinkead and all interested parties will be present. A film has been secured on the subject from the National Film Board and the meeting will start at eight o'clock Wednesday, November 12th', 4 • With which is imalgimated the,, ie Videtto and Wiroxeier News WINGHAA ONTAMOt PAZ NovEamen 5th, loss runswic isastrous Sunday , ----liAk114-4-7 .,. ALONG THE MAIN DRAG . . nay The Yedeetehte POPPY SALE %BIS WEEK,' i Itlemliere of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion will handle „the sale of poppies on Friday el" terneen and evening' of this Week and school children will take harge .of the saIee on Setutday, generous with your donation hen you buy a poppy, Remem- ber that the moony is for wounded veterans of both wars. All that remains of oneof Wing, harn's .older landmarks, after a disastrous fire on ,Sunday, are the four walls and a :scrambled heap of ruin inside them, The Hotel Brunswick, erected in 1380, tand• the pride of the coin, munity at that time, fell prey to flames which apparently. broke out near the furnace about 6 am. On ;8unclay., . • . Whitney Grose, owner Of the 'ho, tel.; .was awakened by smoke and escaped with nothing more than the clothing he hastily donned. By extreme good fortune he was the only occupant of the 25-room hotel, since there were no week-end guests and his wife and small daughter, Debbie, were visiting 1n Toronto, When the local fire trucks arriv, ed smoke :Was pouring from a win- clew near the south end of the third: floor. R was a few Moments be- fore the •seat of the blaze, in the baseinent, was diseoveted, Within the next Milt hour it .beeinnaq e.vident that reinforcements would be .needed' to .1poure the 'safety Of• adjoining buildings on the' .riattin, street and the brigades from ;Tees,•• water and Blyth arrived with. their pumpers to assist the .Wingham trucks. - At the peak of the blaze 15 hoSe lines, were pouring Water' into' the building trent. „roof to cellar. 'the tremendous volume, of dense smoke' HUMOR Of PLOT MAKES ROSSINI OPERA POPULAR egion Members Plan eterans' Memorial Day reVented flreteen from venturing, tte the building with hose lines, hietJim Carr of the Wingham ..rigade, wearing an oxygen mask, tlid get into the hasement daring Vhe first hour, but staggered out ‘a. few• moments later, defeated 'by ,he smoke. _Little Wind • , Firemen •fought the blaze for More, than five teem before the fire was actually under control and It.was evident that it could be con- tained within: the walls of the hce. 01 building. The fact that ,there Was only a light wind no doubt sav, ed nearby buildingS, for feW sparks ,or burning embers rose above, the fire itself, though •the owners of neighboring buildings were prepar- ed to stand guard on roofs in the Ojient of any,sueh threat. ,- Hose lines continued to play on the ruins until darkness fell end when the firemen finally left for * badly needed rest the t'vo local kumpers Were left on the''street 1,y-ith hese laid out. The precaution proved Wise, since - the alerm was dounded at 9,30 at evening and the firemen hid to quell fresh out- J!realc$ at three, points in the build- ' ' Please turn to page eight, 0.0.0 DEER SEASON,- Several local hunting- enthusi- asts aee up in the Bruce Peninsula thiS Week in Persia of deer. The sottooNepened qn Monday morning,, " 0 - 0 9 PRETTY DRY— We, have often heard of the tortures of the habitual drunk who finds himself with his drinks cut riff. Such sufferings ..,could hard- ly be worse than the misery of the, lower main drag gang who used to foregather at the BrunsWick each morning for refreshment and 'pro- found diseuesion ranging anywhere from atomic •borribs to the cure rent price of meat. 0 0 - 0 SCOUTS WILL chpA.,— The Boy "Scouts will call at each horiee 7n the. community this week to leaVe pamphlets concerning the need fot assistance; to the muscular dystrophy fund, With the parriple, lets will be Addressed envelopes in which, you znay mail your contribu- tion. The Winglidm Firemen' are sponsoring the campaign and in additioh to the contact with homes arc placing cannisters in the main trot stores. at 10.30 am, and , the parade will be led to St. Paul's Anglican Church by the &Wen Sound 'Citadell Band,. (The eerviae, wilt be, conduct-, ed by the rector, Rev, C. F,.John- I son. 'The parade' on Tutaday, Novem- ben 1.1th will also form ' at the: Armouries at 10,15 and will proceed; to the cenotaph where a -veterans' memorial service will be held.- I Parade Master ,Alex. Corrigan will. be in charge of both parades. I A banquet will be , held in (Paul's Parish roorp at 7 p.m. when ' the guest speaker will' be Durward: Preston of Waterloo, a former resident of Wingham. All veterans, and their wives are welcome and , tickets are available from branch members. " BUSINESSMEN SET SHOPPING HOURS "The,Barber of Seville': is one of the 'best comedy operas ever., write ten. Rossini used an old French play as the basis of his story and it is interesting to note' that Lila character Figaro aPpea'rs in an, other opera, "'The Marriage of, Figaro", written' by Mozatt. But'. it is the Barber of Seville thaVhas' maintained its popularity with diences the world =ever „ for .125 Years No doubt its popularitY..is due to 'the human 'traits so hum- ously portrayed 'by the characters. of the play. Figaro, the barber is a man. at- all-trades, the "fixer' and 'arrang- er', and is regarded by himself, -de tile most useful citizen in the town. His services are sought by a Count• Almavira, who seeks the hand. of. Ftosina. This proves' to he extreme. ly difficult because Rosins lived with her geardian, ,Dr. Bartoln, a (Please turn to Page eight) HALLOWE'EN QUIET AFTER EMILY SCARE ,ALL CONCERNED Please accept our.deepest apprec- iation and we are really pleased, with the co-operation 'during the week end fire at the Brunswick Hotel, We especially want to thank the myth and Teeswater Fire De- partments and some Firemen from Lucknow, also the Bell Telephone Employees, The Salvation Army, Lee's Restaurant, Mr. Bill Hender- son and all who helped supply lunch and all others who helped in ,any other Way, Jim Carr, Fire Chief B„. E. McKinney, Mayor On behalf of „the Citizens of the ToWirOrWinghern. \5,, F5b • COMPLETELY GUTTED:-Wingbam'li Brunswiek Ito tel Hcasl COmpletely destroyed by fire which started about 6.30 Sunday The photo, taicen at the height 'of the fire, shoWs dense 'smoke :;which .billOtende frMia. Alke.'iteMe.C.steirettire • .MW-j, Pgrti'.. of th.e• .'Nvjlkgliftm -Yeeowater • battled to bring the blaze 'bonder Control,-,Advante;Ti meg' photo, _ • '0*n to Get wnership of 1,,feeting at the town hall last Tuesday evening members of the. Wingharn. Business Association set the date for the annual. Santa Claus Day On Saturday, November 29th. • Store hours for the month of December were also decided, on as followo: Open all Wednesday afternoons in December, including the Wednesday following Christ- lias, since it falls on December, 31, tthe day before New Years. The Places of business in town will re- ain open.-on the Friday.• Saturday, `fittay; i'Tuesdayland- Wednesday /eVenings.immediately,: prior to Chriatmae. After Christmas the stores will remain closed all evenings 'o the week, including Saturdays, until two weeks before Easter. Election of officers for the Business Association was also held,, those ;named being: Iinmediate past pres., Harry Merkley; ,pres. Jack 'Walker; first Vice-pres., Lee Vance;' second ' vice-pres., Cal Burke; sec„ Norman Welwood; treas., Warren Callan. • Jim Currie was named chairman of ,a committe which will actively advertise and promote the town and its shopping opportunities in the weeks before the 'Christmas season, • • • • Land and Buildings PC's to Nominate On Friday-Night pfearfOr" ihe "PiagreSsive vative• nomination, to- he held• in, the town, hall .at 8.30 Friday eve-, ning of this week. The meeting will select the PC eandidate for the constituency of Huron-Bruce, in the Ontario Legislature. The seat 'has been held by John W. Hanna of Wingham Since• 1953, Mr, Hanna will definitely , be in the running on Friday night, and Po far there is no indication that he will be seriously epposed. The main speaker for the eve- ning will be the Hon. B. Dy- mond, M.D., minister of transport in the present Ontario government. A special invitation has been is- sued to ladies throughout the rid- leg to attend this nomihaing con- vention. Despite rumors of serious van- ;:diglerrtultiet Chief 'Platt states that -416' official complaints of serious damage reached his."department. A few days before Hellen:Wen there were stories current in 1Own that tires had been slashed. arid 'car motors damaged, s One ear was repoited with a seized motor and. though it has been stated as - Possibility that some foreign substance was put into the•gas tank, that .has not yet been determined. - After obscene remarks had been soaped on main. Street store win- dows the 'chief visited, the `schools' and 'issued a warning to the •stue dents abet* the eonreiitieneee of unlawful. he.havioner As ,a desult Hallowe'en itself passed.;,with' no cells for police.nristeetion, The regular meeting of Branch 180. Canadian Legion, was held at the Legion Home, October 28th with, President Lloyd Carter in the, chair. The membership draw was made with' Scott Reid's 'name -icing drawn. Since he was .absent an- ether, -$5 will be added to the pet and next month's draw wilhhe $20. 'Corn. DeWitt *filler vves,asked to have the executive locik into,the financial situation to -assess hat the branch could contribute toward the Swimming Pool Fund this Year. The, report will be given at the next meeting. The Ladies' Auxiliary has, stated that they will donate the same amount es the branch, Nominations Were held for the 1.8b9 officers, the election to be held November 25th, Nominations. will still be opezi.to the floor election might. Members Nominated Pres., Lloyd ,Carter, Jack' Orvis; 1st vice, Jack Orvis,. George Brooks; 2nd eke, George BrOOlcs, V. Duchatme; fin, -sec., SaCk Sturdy;. sep.h Geo, , _Tervitp Pattison, °be "•'"thettleliiiigh trees, Robt, Chettleburgh, Dad Ada/ma; Sgt-at-Arms, Willis Hall xecutlya Com; (5 to be elected),. C. D; Robinson, Dave grothers, Robett Casemore, Lloyd, Elliott, Bill Forsythe, Bill Hogg, Ralph Hat/mond, Ross /Gordon, Ross Worneworth, Elmer Deyell, Bill Ross, Ted Gauley. , Trustees (I to -be elected), Keith McLaughlin, Walter yatiWyck. A. Sell, John Currie, Dick Burbridge. elan Armistice iSeeyiees. Arrangements for the church parade and Armistice Day parade were ,discussed: , "On" Sunday,' No- vember 9th the veteranse Auxiliary metnbers 'and. municipal 'officials add, other organizations participat- ing, will fall in at the !Armouries' I) Nal IN, 1.4tUSSELS A, dance under the auspices of L.O.L.No. 764- will he held ,in. the Brussels Town Hall On Friday evening,. Nov, 7th, Everyone wel- cbme, Admission 50c. ,5b TURKEY SUPPER Gorrip United Church is holding a turkey supper on Friday. Nov. 7. Supper', from 5 30 ixt 1.30. Admie- sion. $1,,25 and 75c, F5b BAZAAR AND TEA , The Women's Associatien of - the, Wroxeter United Church will hold a bazaar and tea in the church, hall' Friday„ rn Noveber 14th at 3 p.m. , F5-12b SOLDIER, BACK AFTER SERVICE IN MT CARD PARTY AT BELGRAVE Progressive euchre will be held Wednesday, Nov. 5. at 8,30 p.m. and every Wednesday until December 10th. Good prizes will `be given, Everybody welcome. F5b HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The November . meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wingham General Hospital will be held in the Council Chamber on Friday af- ternoon, November 7 at 'three- Oleock. F5b The past twelve months have provided' some very interesting ex- periences 'for a former Wingham boy, who is a member of Canada's permanent armed forces. 'On Wednesday Sgt. Jack Ernest arrived back in town after spend- ing a year in Egypt with the Un- ited 'Nations Emergency Force, Jack left with a Canadian contin- gent on November 1st last year and since- that time has been a -member of the force which main- tains telephone communications in Egypt. Fle is a' sergeant hi the Royal Canadian Signal Corps, DUring his year in the Near East Sgt. Ernest managed to tra- vel extensively, seeing the pyrandds and ancient monuments in Egypt, Mt. Sinai, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and many other , Interesting places, He brought home with him quite a collection of souvenirs collected during his travels, These include beautful leather Work, sine') jewel- ry, a camera, perfume, and a most Interesting hassock, fashioned from a camel saddle. Orr -his return journey he stopped Over for two days at Gibraltar, He travelled both ways in. RCAF air transports. ,Tack is a Semi of Mr and Mrs, Hrtiest, Wingham, anti his wife, who is a native of Port Blandford, Newfoundland, has resided in town during. ;his tour of foreign duty. They have two 'children, Michael , 8, and Michele 6, Re will enjoy two' • months' leave at his home bete before returnIng to his wilt for re-assignment, . LIWI().k The Ladies, Auxiliary are hold• lig a euchre in the Legion Rome, Monday, November 10th at 8.80. Prizes and lunch, t Veryone wet. come. F5b LADY BoWL1ORS This year alley time is available on Wednesday afternoon tattier , than Thilltedey, An orgaelo.,atiOrtl Meeting will be held On Wednesday, NOV, 12 at '4 p.m. at the bowling tettrilte If this group dentittne. Attendance 'at same will. de.. Mayor R. E. McKinney announc- ed at the town eouncil meeting on Monday evening that' he 'expects the town will ,receive, to all Canadian PeCific Railway property South of the lVfaitizthd "RiVer at, an early date. Although the deed has not yet been' handed to the Corporation word 'has been received from the railway that such action will be taken shortly, The transfer Will give the town title to the former CP right-Of-way Prom the old trestle bridge west of the Mekenzie bridge,. right around the river front to Victoria Street am will include ownership of the' former. station and attached dwel- line and•the freight shed, The impending transfer in Par- ticularly interesting in the light of current discussions on the -possi- bility of providing a swimming pnol for the town and diitriet, for the railway property `would be higtly suitable for this purpose. Council was of the oninion that the CP property should be protect- ed ~;r by-law as soon as it is turned over to the town, no that it ,can be developed for park area, rate,er than being sold off 'to individual owners, (Please Turn to Page Six) ►of/ 111 AT *WEST OF A NUMBER OF 'UM I HEREBY PROCLAIM TUESDAY, NOVA BER 11; 1958 • .• a Public Civic H6liday for the Town of Winghant *FA AND BAKE SALE ' , The Salvation Army 'Home" League is holding the annual sale of work and baking In the Council Chanibers on Saturday, November 8th, at 3 p.m. The sale will be Opened by Mrs. Brig. A, Martin, F5b ANNUAL TUMMY DINNER i le Ladies' Aid of,,,Knox Pres- !),l 'Ian. Church, Teesweter, are holding their annual turkey din- , nee in • the Church baSement en 'Wednesday„ Nov; 12th, from 5,36 to 8 'p.m, Adults 450; children, 1.2 years and 'under, 75e. Evcryciee Welcome, , 1 'hereby tIdi upon All ..good citizen to bserva the s n ts"ley, Mayor , i„, SACK .1411614 It(lititilL,Sgto -aitok troett IS iihnvelletelth %Ott Itiitt thilitte:0 0 Mirllele anti Miehitelf just ate* fit rejoiriod, hint thlially sleek spent the pie* (yea", serving as part of the Ottutilimo Contingent with AO tibit44 Mitibita tiniStkeneir 'Polite In tgilii‘ ailkiroh. Mae sitting on .1104$6004, from timid Anddlea Sgt, 01164 410100 a *14 ek Stars. '0644 of -aft the tOroeg WWI* made up- the United Nettie)* -grow'A4Vitior1100 "GOD SAV PIE QUEEN" tiocintY r5,Ailtits 11itt,A1,311: NOTH All tliose who are interested iit playing Interniediate hockey with the Wingham club this year are .tomontact Charlie race as eoen as possible, In order to get a Learn lined up for the earning season it will be necessary to have all the names In within the *1 /2 00. Week or, ten days. P29;54" liTORR./P4 PEDERATION ANNUAL 111IEET11`4G The annual meeting of Morris Ioderation of Agriculture will be t eid in the Foresters' frall, Bei. ,,,,graVe, TueSdaY eVenirig, Nov. 18. Awards Will be pteeented te 4AH Club lettribere, There Wilt be a TV' in the hall to watch Tv 'Patin retina and it is hoped to have: itotiger SChWass, fettnetly of CXNX farm breaddait, to lead the dineilaSiOn., it.,09Ch:*ill be serVed. 042b