HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-10-22, Page 10YNWM".ev.!,W+"AenfWYA MYY%—fYY"?.. to‘Y, IS. IMPORTANT to an expert body 'repair job. rim can reGr, on the finest in equipment when You bring your vehicle to us for repair, Prarnptt and reliable service guaranteed at Winn Body Shop Phone 746 SID ADAMS, Prop. Wingham Just tell'us where — , and be there. A tt '5"0,e,"1",,,Me''..tMete"VM,F.N.Y.•.0.4,e•O'S...Y•r~e eite EQUIPMENT OA' 'edOlefiat inkhain Adven oninnl 0000.9114040 I $$$$$ klmin!ommmimmijmplAmMPIN44 OOOO 1.111M110imm,14mm11 SEE!! LOOK! Seti the line. of wedding ,stationery at Advance-Times 'COTTAGE ROLLS. „ „ „ .:lb, fiSc. GROUND BEEF „ . 3 :11?. $1,2$• vnirDA7t, and -SATURDAY ONLY SAUSAGE , „ „ 4, .3 :lbs. $1.25 LARD , „ • ,, .. ... .0c. A Milk Replacer You Can Afford TO FEED -. New -Shur= Gain 24% Milk Replacer for Calves With a new high level of antibiotiCs for the prevention of scours — Ifigh Protein! -- Low Fibre! — an excellent body building feed. No matter what price you are receiving for yoUr liquid milk — it costs you less to fees — SHUR-GAIN MILK REPLACER ' TO YOUR CALVES NOW AVAILABLE AT OUR MILL-, AT A REASONABLE PRICE . Only $3.95 25 lb t bag Canada Packers Ltd. WINGHAM ONTARIO Lockridge's Butcher. Shop The Beii.t' of Fresh and Cured geets Always oat Biondi 'i-Ad111 0.11•40110111911••111•••• LOW COST "READY-TO-ASSEMBLE" HOMES for Ihe NATION zo,,?0,... • . . DOMINIO'N „COMBINES NEWEST STYLING. AND PLANNING. WITH REAL ECONOMY. Simple' bat beautiful! Skillful planning makes Muttart Brand homes adaptable anywhere. The Dominion . designed for, '58 is an attractive Ranch style home featuring 3 bedrooms kitchen, dinette, bathroom and large living ! room. Now you can enjoy owning ; your home, at ternis and prices you can 'afford. m m NO DOWN PAYMENT and UP TO 'TEN 'YEARS to' pay $2990 33 OCCUPATION ....n The DOMINION is menufacture'd in TWO STYLES. priced at... _ and 70 • PAYMENTS $38 or S43 per month Also eyelet:4e . . The NORTH STAR, 2 bedroom, Muttart BUilders' Supplies (Sartila) ' Ltd. home, $2195 and $2495 . $28 or $32 per month. 281 CAMPBELL STREET,- SARNIA You are invited to inspect, models of 'the Dominion' and the North Star Mutiart's Model Village. " Phone EDgewater 7-5441 NOTICE—Mr. Jim Davison, representing, Muttart Brand H omes, Will be registered at the Queens hotel, 'Winetiam, Thursday and Friday, October. 23rd: and 24th; for the purpose of supplying further information and answering questions regarding Muttart Brand Homes, ,r,.. ;,- ,-,iii. • ..,;,4,,,Ii7,77„,...........„___ is . L. quilrA. Iiill, 11.1, ini II ......__---___="110111014, . ..,:::_.-.,...-....„,,,,.„...er. 4*- l..^ .411A• -•---- IWO I -.7 • ocovV..4 n Homes. ; Name ____ worm. . irmalmmpmmm .. m . : Mail This Coupon Today • Muttart Brand Homes Muttart Builders, Supplies m (Sarnia) Limited 281 Campbell street, Sarrila s' Please send me further information U in without obligation on Mutter' Brand • • ....,•••••••••!:!"...!......".” • • A eldrts; • • • • X • • 4 WANT CASH FOP THINGS YOU NEED11-lp FALL? THEN GIVE. T.C.C. A TELEPHON E CALL! SCHOOL' EXPENSES Books—A Joy By Any Name There are. no Chinese words for "Peter Pan", but Chinese children are learning to know and love him . just the same, as "The Flying Boy," And south of our borders, little Juans and Juanitas joyfully read the'"Aventures de Hudit"—Finn, 'of course, These are two of the translations in the Chinese and Spanish lang- guage children's book collections cArtm distributes to needy schools, in Hong Kong -and Latin America, respectively, So scarce are reading materials, these gifts often forin the entire library. The same lack of book reaches to the top of the educational ledder, Seriously hampering the training of professional Ancients under- deVeloped' countries,. CARE skin Chiefs report: At' Government College in Labore Pakistan, for instance,. the Department a Psy- 0'0101 has a book budget of only 000 a year. To till the Most Urgent needs In countries, CARE% book division Will require 5200,000 this year, Col- loge texts are' bought ,rateording to specific, .,oVersettS requests, as contributions are received. Stand. ard *Otago include the SPailish or Chinese BOOksheIVOS, $25 titteli; 1(1 assortntetits of thlidron's boOks in titiglfsli, 104 ettehl a CARK! fttiriftertritt7 tAtt-et';(tttitaiti„"bt:::: wog: HOINC AUTO 115PAITIS cdasoopAtc atilt toatto*oti $156, to $2.,560.. or mOtte, • Take UP to SO months to repay pb,atildeselictiotir) .-t of loattplint‘ rPtOtnOtttilligitifiiidlitiviato lAtirtit SQUARE, PHONt 7$1. 001).ENtiCH. OWL 9 fiord and Ethel Ford Trucks irellepione «R 2037 •A D. Maciirillisim Winghamo Otit. Catering to 'the appetites of hungry livestock; ii as become a scientific pursuit and the modem mill owner prepares his formulas with the same consideration and care as a dietitian in a restaurant or hotel. Whether intended for COWS, chickens or turkeys, rations are no longer prepared by guess- work, Scientists- have investigated dietary requirements and, know ex- actly the nutrition content neces- sary to raise, healthy, productive livestock. Although scientists can recom- mend the ingredients and prove. their efficiency, it is up to the millers to grind and mix the quality feeds upon which the farmer relies for the health and welfare of his -stock Maurice Roy, manager of L'a,ur- entide Milling - Liinited in St. Jerome, operates one of the most modern mills in Quebec. Educated. at Oka Agricultural College and at the Macdonald Scheol of Agricul- ture, he has brought to his business the newest ideas in scientific feed- ing' of livestock. ' Fire destroyed- Laurentide Mills in July, 1954, but from.the ashes of the first ,mill rose the present seven-storey building . with its modern processes and equipment; The. mill Was the first in Quebec with a blower to control dust. Labor-saving devices were instal- led, and many of the process machines were designed and built by Mr, Roy from models he had seen while attending grain confer- ences or visiting modern -milling operations. Most of the - grain processed at Laurentide 'comes- from Western Canada., From freight cars it is transferred ,to storage bins on the seventh floor. Each bin holds from three' to four cars of grain. The grain is graded by size and in a grain separator the dust- is remov- ed by an asperator. _Through a system of piping the grain returns to the ground floor. If it is to be. sold as whole grain, it Is bagged on an automatic scale for immediate sale. If, however, it is to be used in the formulation of special -rations"; -it is further pro- cessed and blown into any one of 20 bins,•each with a capacity of 4.0,000 pounds. In these :bins ;are stored the various ingredients such as soybean. meal,. fish meal, alfalfa meal, ground oats and- grotuld corn, used in the different feeds, Feeds are mixed in a triple action horizontal mixer. Each ingredient Is weighed individually and .added automatically to the mix by Means of • an aii?-operated. control panel. Ingredients such as vitamins and amino acids which are required in small quantities are -premixed" in a special tumbler. Such premixes are made well in -advance -to save time in botching finished. formulas.. When tallow is required it -is in- jected 'under hot air pressure "di- rectly into the mixer, At Laurentide, each batch of feed is mixed for four minutes. It is then returned to the seventh floor, and after a further cleaning pro- cess is stored • in smaller bins. From here it travels to, the pellet machine or the molasses Mixer depending on its final destination, Not so many years ago all chick- ens, whether destined for the laying pen or the killing shed, ate the same food. Today, however, that .is not the case. The broiler ration mixed under Mr. Roy's supervision is as carefully planned as a baby's formula. At Laurentide, 'broiler ration's are mixed *in the big production mixer on the first floor, Gound corn which supplies the energy require- ments for the bird is the basis for the broiler ration. However, in prepdring -each ton of feed,. part of the corn is replaced with other products which supplement' nutri- tional deficiencies — soybean oil meal, fish meal, limestone and others. The removal of corn fro mthe diet to add these supplements re- duces -the energy content of. the mix, To restore this content liquid fats are added by a tallow machine, The tallow is heated with steam to a liquid is kept in a 100,pound reserve tank at. a constant temper- ature of 150 degrees, The talloVv is injected into the feed by air pressure with the air heated to. a temperature of 150 to 160 degrees. The amino 'acid most likely to be deficient is methionine, a- constant • ammint. Of which is necessary to produce each ounce of body weight and to promote featheringo At 4aurentide Milling, .rnethion- ine is added- -in the premix °per-- atiOn. In this process all lit» gredients added in small qUantities to the formula .arethoroughly and evenly mixed in a ttinable'r machine. Familiar ingredients such as salt, -calciu mend Vitamin .4 are- cturn7 ed, together with Such .less familiar materials as choline, minadine, methionine, vigoftto and anti,oxi, dant—just a fe-vv% of the contents in a balanced broiler ration,. Twenty, five or 30 pounds Of the premix go Into the big production mixer to. produee one torj of feed. Diet 'Kitchen for the Broiler MAURICE ROY CHECKS the qUality of his dairy ration as it is bagged by an automatic scale, Rations for cattle receive the same attention as those for broilers. New Styleside Pickup! Cab-wide body gives extra style end extra room. Extra strength, too, from heavier new bumper to •wrap-around 'rear body Corners. • 411.. New Cab Interiors! l asy on the eye, easy to drive in, easy to keep up! New' standard upholstery is twice as durable as last year's rugged fabrie. New Custom Cab features- 2-- color dash and doer panels, chrome-trimmed instruments, of foam rubber in the seat, Canada's LoWest-Priced rirte of Tilt Cabs! Can carry a 2-ft. longer body than a conven- tional truck (or -haul a , 'longer trailer) and keep within the same overall length. Out- standing engine and transmis- siOn accessibility cuts ' ' maintenance costs. • They're -here—and they're terriAc—from Pickups to 51,000-lb. GVVV Extra HeaVies. Go FORD-ward and you'll be ahead in Savings, style and dependability! Only Ford makes a Six, as well as V-8's, with a stroke that's shorter than the bore diameter. This design outs internal friction, increases gas mileage - and engine life, And throughout the line you'll find new savings features, Thriftier never carburetion. A wider choice of transmissions, Huskier construction than ever in the heavier models. The new Positive. Drive optional differential. See your Ford Truck Dealer, too, for trucks with the best durability record. An independent study by insurance experts proves Ford Trucks last langell FORD TRUCKS COST LESS 4 less to OWn,,, to run 4 4 4 last tOngol', too t SEE YOU R •P ORD TROck DEALER' • I, on Motors Limited