HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-10-22, Page 9ONV4010W NIGIOTAN
Mining "' p.m. The Greatest Show Now on Earth Croon Theatre
Presents for 6 Days
Moo, Oct. 26 ThruNov. 1
ETening Prim%
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World in 80 ays'
Alo omonnomilh EAST WAINANOSH
COUNCIL MEETS You Can Depend On . When kicineyerfail torentove excess ands and wastes, backache, tired feeling. disturbed rest often follow. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate kidneys to normal duty. YoU feel better-7sleep bet-ter, work bdttar. You can depend 58 on Dodds: Get Dodd's Many drug store.
.(Intended for las" week)
The East Wawnosh cannel.' met
October' 7th at Reeve Taylor's
home, with all the members pre-
sent, the reeve in the chair, the
Minutes of the meeting held Sep-
tember 2nd, Were read and adopted
requesting relief in that eitY.
Purdon-Hanna-iThat the road
and general accounts as presented
be passed and paid.
Road Cheques
Stuart Mel3urney, salary $179.00,
bills paid $1.75, 1180.75; Wm, Ti'
Irwin, wages $135,30 less ILL de-
duction $1.68, $1.33.62; Jack Alex-
ander Hardware, paint, 65c; Harry
Williams, fuel, grease and oil,
$135.27; Gordon Naylor, trucking
$12.00; Canada Culvert co.,, 1,000
denias and stephanotis,
'Miss Alice Mary Kraemer of Kit- OATES SET FOR- Owner was maid of ,;honor .and •
Miss .Sally Anne Slosser of London. MORRIS NOMINATION Was bridesmaid. They wore '
tical princess ballerina length
on Motion by Buchanan-McGowan,
Hanna-Purdop That Roland
Vincent ' receive $200,00 as part
salary as assessor,
Haring-Buchanan - That the
council defer payments on the
Grasby municipal drain until they
receive more information iron the
engineer. . 4
IVIeGowan-Buchanan - That the
clerk write to the welfare adminis-
trator of London, that the council
take 'no responsibility ,of a party
Doreen Machan
Wed in Kitchener
Doreen Elizabeth Machan of Kit-
chener, daughter of Mr, and Mr's,
Howard Machan, Wingham, was
married ,on October 11 to James
Stephen Kraemer, R.R. 3, Walker-
ton, son of Mr, and Mrs, Stephen
Kraemer. Father Jerome Ruth,
C.R., performed the ceremony at
10 a.m. in St. Louis' Roman Cath-
olic Church, Waterloo. The church
was decorated with white chrys-
anthemums and red carnations,
Mr, Machan gave his daughter in
marriage. Her full-length gown
of silk faille was lined with pelon
and fitted princess lines were en-
hanced by guipure lace with a cut-
out leaf motif from neckline to
hem on either side of the bodice.
The bateau neckline and cuffs of
the lily-point sleeves were outlined
with the same lace. Her head-
dress was a clip-on• shell of taf-
feta and lace, and lace motifs and
seed pearls held her finger-tip veil
of hand-rolled bridal illusion with
matching lace and seed pearl trim.
She carried a bouquet of white gar-
"Fred can make it
for dinner, dear!"
kfaitliftil friend ...
kripging you daily
.comfort and convenience "Hi Helen ...
c'mon over
for coffee!"
gowns of scarlet daneelight taffeta,
featuring classical square necklines
and pert short sleeves. The magni-
ficent bustle backs were enhanced
with bows and they wore
white fea-
ther headpieces. Their bouquets
Were white shaggy chrysanthe-
Alan. Joseph Kraemer, of R,R. 3,
Walkerton, was his brother's best
man and another brother, Clare
Joseph Kraemer of Mimico was
The wedding breakfast was held
at the Pines Inn, Bridgeport and
a dinner and reception followed
later in the Formosa community
Mrs. Meehan wore a blue crepe
dress with dusty rose and black
accessories. Her corsage was al
white gardenia and pink Sweet-
heart roses. She was assisted by
the groom's mother, in a moss
green sheath with black and White
accessories, and a white gardenia
and stephanotis corsage.
Mr. and Mrs. Kraemer, who will
live at 31 Herbert St., Kitchener,
left on a wedding trip to northern
and eastern Ontario., For •travel-
ing the bride chose a. fitted suit
of romance blue with white and
black accessories and a corsage of
white Ornbidiums.
A shower was held recently at
the home of Mrs. Leonard Phillips
when Doreen received a pair of
lamps, vases and a cup and saucer.
The hostesses, Mrs. Joe Kerr, Mrs,
Andrew Lunn and Mi.s. Phillips
served lunch, A miscellaeous show-
er 'was also held in Walkerton
when Miss Alice Kraemer was the
i..your telephone !
Untended for last week)
The Morris 'Township Council
met on October 6, with all the
members present,.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted on motion
of Walter Shortreed and RoSe
Duncan-Wilkinson-Tbat Appli-
cation No, 4 for tile drainage loan
be accepted,
Duncan-Procter-That By-Law
No, 8, 1958 setting the nomination
for November 28, and the election
if necessary for December '6 and
the appointing of deputy returning
officers and poll clerks be passed
as read the first, second and third
Shortreed-Wilkinson-That the
road bills as presented by the road
superintendent be paid.
Procter-Shortreed-That the gen-
eral accounts as presented be paid.
shortreed-Duncan - That' the
meeting adjourn to meet again on
November 3 at 1 p.m.
Accounts Paid
Township of Turnberry, levelling
dump, $60.00; Alvin Armstrong, fox
bounty, $1.00; Advarice-Times, ad-
vertising, $1.14; Amos C. Martin,
tile, Warwick Dr., $18.00; Relief
Account, $30.00; Wesley Hackwell,
Walton Street light, $9.30; .Jas, A,
Howes, Superintendent, Warwick
Dr., $30.00; A. Fraser. postage, and
balance of salary, $53.85.; County of
Huron, Barberry and buckthorn,
$34.48; Robt. Fraser, Allowance on
Warwick Dr., $32.00; Geo. Brewer,
Allowance on Warwick Drain,
$4.00;, Geo. Martin, Clerk's fees
Warwick Drain, $35.00; Sam Sween-
ey, Warwick Drain, $35.00; Morris
'Township, ,piped' and tile Warwick
Drain $94.86; Geo. & Chai. Brewer,
Warwick Drain, $79.00; Bailie Par;
rott, Warwick Drain, $10.00; Stew-
art Procter, Warwick Drain, $3.35;
Stewart Procter, Court of Revision,
$5:00; Ross Duncan, Court of Re-.
vision, $5.00; Gordon Wilkinson,
Court of Revision, $5.00; Walter
Shortreed, Court of Revision, $5.00;
Bailie Parrott, Court' of Revision,
$5.00; Brussels Fair Board, grant,
$200.00; Blyth Fair Board, grant,
$100.00; Belgrave Fair, grant, $25.00.
Bailie Parrott, Geo. C. Martin,
Reeve. Clerk.
; It natural to take for granted its little
everyday uses. Yet-perhaps it is in these
Many little ways that we are most often re-
minded of the wonderful value of that friendly
.,..„,"member-of-the-fatnily"-,the telephone.
ft. snow fence, $148,00; Geo. E.
Radford, 64 yards gravel, $35.20;
Joe Kerr, 12 yds. gravel, $8.40;
Almond Jamieson, 4 hrs. shovel at
$7.50, $30.00; The Workmen's Com-
pensation Board, $36.67; Corrugated
Pipe Co., steel culverts,' $193.35;
Dom, Road Mach. Co., starter 5.62
grader, $21.70; W, C. Becker Eiluip-
meat Co., grader repairs, $181.42;
Wingham Motors, towing grader,
Become part owner
of more than 1`00
"blue chip" securi-
ties for as little as
$1,000. For full
information see your
Investors Syndicate
Thos. A. Jardin
Phone 147
General' Cheques
The Workmen's Compensation
Board, $6.42; The Municipal World,
supplies, $11.38; W. S. Gibson, gen-
eral account, share premium Muni-
cipality Liab., $199.98;. W. S. Bau-
man, tile and special delivery Gras-
by Drain, $46.00; County of Huron,
spraying Leafy Spurge, $44.04;
Roland' 'Vincent, part salary as
Assessor, $200.00.
Buchanan-McGowan-That coun-
cil adjourn to meet November 4th
at one o'clock and court of re-
vision on the 1958 assessment roll
at three o'clock at the .Belgrave
Community- Centre.
Orval B. Taylor R. H. Thompon,
Reeve. , Clerk. '
• 9 FORD John W. Waineir
Phone 1042
I niie stoya,
OF CA A e;
iF0 OFFICE! wilt/ woks. micas ti ifitisenfatierimi'
Asphalt Tile Easily
Installed as Floor ,
Asphalt tile is a hard, durable
and inexpdnsive flooring and is,
easy to install. It can be laid dir-,
ectly 'over wood or concrete and is
available in many colors and pat-
terns. Self-polishing wax is the
only type that should be used to
preserve the beauty of asphalt tile
and keep the surface from getting
scratched and .shabby looking.
Seaway Nears Completion' Maritime
Power Boom Queen to Open Huge Project in 1959
The New Brunswick metal dis, coveries in the northern part of the province promise' to require vast power, and it has been provided. A $225 million expansion plan to proVide 700,000 kw is on the drawing, boards,
New Thermal Plant
By 1961 a further 50,000 kw should be available from •a new thermal Slant to be built M Saint Jolts.
The power potential of the Ma-ritime Provinces is rapidly being harnessed to playa vital part in a hoped-for economic surge ahead. During the last year large new resources, have been , tapped ancr made available to users. •
more miles of coastline and a rosy shipping pereentagewise. Seaway, but the bigiesi 1:;02.ii,i;,_•.".LH ..: Realistic Studies 6U, ^nromote Seaway ,cargoes indie.ite thiP,ofeit iiiestic bulk shipnmnts will dititintl
S, , ••••om traffic, aetordiniry fm of its ca ac'
' 'by reef7it, Cinidi • ...i., Ow..
Canada' next year gets 3,000 Will alter. There will be fess trans- ,
new economic horizon., Trans-shipment points for out.' When Queen Elizabeth opens the: bound bulk cam- -wally; five half-billion-dollar St. Law. grain - may '..away next spring, she will east
iowertai economic for-
Beauty queen, of the hardtops-
the new Fairlane 500 Town Victoria
SIX or v-a
the savings are great!
This is the car designed to meet every kind Mi.
driving need today. And , it does. Beautifully.
Completely restyled for 59, Ford has
a clean crisp look With dignity and grioc .
taste in every line. Standard engines,
Six and' V-8, run on regular gas. The
standard oil filter stretches oil changes
up to 4,000 miles.
New Vordomatic is lighter, more eco-
nomical, has ;II fewer parts. The new
Blendture heater blends warm and Cdol,
air to give you the enact temperature
yon Want, instantly. See your Dealer
sInd take a discovery drive.
Canada Savings Boxids
for,. cash:and on instalmethsl The Eirpresiway intake Mani-
fold 'on Ford 17-8's delivers
fuel to each cylinder by the
shortest, most direct route for.
smooth power without waste.
(Orid02, fiyature ithisirOod or Mena' ova ead.ermutocr , on (AC 01fideR, OPtinAOT altd 0$•1 Oh -MHO.) 'Cood,
31/2 % for th,firsOvert .and
414% fol.. the noxt.fautiogit*.,
' 4
Make ; star today' tot tho.
iltiltp you rotaut tontortowt
Canadians everywhere have found Canada
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good and can be cashed anytime at
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ded101,f Stotklooktt,'thot or loan oo!opauy-or.
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Short Stroke Design cuts frit- ,
tion for longer engine life
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i And only ford builds a true
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.'the Fairtane 500/Town Sedan
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• klurork,Motors Limited
Ford and Monarch • Ford( Trucks
Telephone 237 Ai D. MacWilliatit Wingham, Ont.