HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-10-22, Page 7into rrr, 17 Tv oNtiouo, woiN* spAt, tiaio*bit22# ifir.$1r ".4 "7771- , KNAVE Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Haugh, and f amliy, of Wroxeter, and Mr,. and IOC JIM garner and PaVid 0 MildinaY vietted On Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Leolle Boit and 1,Orria, •• Mr. And MPS, gide Wheeier) Anne and • Billy .0 =London, and Miss Hilda" Lane ,of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Reb Wheeler, Mr, and Mrs, Gorden Wilkinson g;of• SmIthvilla and Mr, and MrS, K;• F, Wilkinson of Goderich Vis- ited over the. week.end, with, Miss, Annie Baker and Charlie and Clay- ton ,Wilkinson. Any gir•Is wishing to take up the 4-H Club projeet, "The" Cereal Shelf," are reminded that the or- ianization meeting vvIll be held at the home of the leader, Mrs. Hee' spn Irwin on Saturday evening at 7.30, , • Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Wheeler and family and Mr, and Mrs. C. R Coultei visited on Sunday with Rev, and Mrs, Frank Ball at St Thomas. MC and Mrs; Les Shaw and ,fara. i4,(•pf London were guests. of Mr and mra.. John Anderson for the • week -end. , ' Babies Baptized • AlKnox Chutch BELGRAVE—Rev. J. Green, min- ister of Knox Presbyterian Church, , was 'to, ebarge of baptismal service on *Sunday, October 19, when the ,fpllowing babies were baptized: Donald Malcolm,.. son of Mr, and Mrs. Mac Scott; Robert John, son of Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Scott; and Jillda Grace, .dapghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson., Receives Injury 'While in Bush WHITECHT..113,OH--4ohn Purcion hes been a patient, in Winghane Hospital .over the week -end, fie went to Arthur Moor e's Imah to fell trees on Friday morning, Tir first tree be cut rolled as It fell and 'knocked him down, giving him a Severe •blow aeross the left arm, lie was unconscious for •sornc timo and when he regained'conselous, nesS Abut off his pose' saw and started out pf the Imsh, Fortunately Mr, Moore came along at °this time, No bones vvero broken and the Patient is begin- ning to impreve, ,1,47:•rrit'Brydges Retires " • ,4 As Tax Collector •,.BELGRAVE Friday afternoon last week all the members of Morris council•met ati the home ef Mr, and Mrs. Wra. Brydges to hbnour Mr. Brydges, on his re• iirement after 34 years as tax • collector.• , len Parlott expressed the anpreci-• talon of the council and G. Martin' presented' Ahem, •with a pair sdf wobllen blankets and a gift of • ,rnoney. , • • •• 11,fr. Brydges thanked them and a pleasant. time was spent in rem - ATTENDS R.AllY CLINTON CHURCH MEDICAL MISSIONARY DESCRIBES MS WORK AT BELLACORA B C 9 • I WHITECHURCH---, The W.M.S. of the Unite.cl Church held the fall Thankoffering meeting on Friday evening in the church with guests frbm the Presbyterian Church here and from Wingharn, Bluevale and St: Helens groUps. About 100 ladies, were in attend- ance. Mrs. :Tames Falconer, pre- sident, was in the chair and gave the call to worship, Mrs. E. H. Oraskorth read tie Scripture mes- sage from Psalm103, and Mrs. Milian Moore led in prayer. Mrs. Simon De Boor of St,' Helens de- lighted all With her singing of the 23rd Psalm in, the Dutch language. , VIREO ORR, 'M. 4 MrsPeroy MAY And Mr, William eurtney 'Ilid soft MO* ford of TielwoOsi• visited. on Sun-. clay with Mrs, Alfred, Mecreight, Mr, Riissell, bhapfnan bas been „ unloading a carload of cbal at the station. Mrs. Reuben Tiffin has been set, iously Hi at the,.honie of her SOn, Chariest Tiffin, Kittioss,,during the weeh-end.. " • • Dr and •Mrs, Donald .Watt and family of Toronto spent the week- end with his parents, Rev. and Mrs,,W, J. Watt. On Saturday all visited' with Mr. end /qrs. George Thompson. of Feverenem, Mr. Jim Cummins 4..Therndala. spent the week -end with hie par- ents, jr. and Mrs, Michael aim - Mrs. Falconer introduced the special speaker, Dr, Donald Watt, son Of Rev. and Mrs, W. 3, Watt and well-known to all in this dis- trict. . • • " Dr. Watt was sent to the United Church ,Hospitat at Bella Coola, B4., one of four such hospitals along the West Coast. He told of their valley, opened up,- by Nor- • vvegianu Lutherans in 1894, which now has a population of 1800, and •of the ' difficulty in getting out in winter or stormy weather. He ex- • plained how- the people,' gathered moneY and worked together to build a road 'around the steep mountain ettive.s, although the government had said it, would be • impossible to build a -road becauSe. of the cost, , The hospital, built ,in,, -,1928 „as a CaninitinitY project, was taken over andhas been innovated, with each 'Woiltet inthe valley glidlig One day's wages and three days Of, yol- Unteer labour. Ile said these hos- pitals. had; not big enough coM- munities to maintain therno.rior could -they get the required doc- tors, nurses and domestic help to carry on. The church provides five nurses and two doctors and lest year the hospital reported' 195 operations, 55 babies, several thOu. sand. patie,nt hours and 500 out- .. • . patients treated,. Dr. Watt said they 'enjoyed the Coonnunity enterprise, mixed 'with the -people and tried to show that Christianity is a Way of life. The ..sPeaker concluded by showing in- teiesting colored slides of the hns- pital, home, 'patients and surround- ing mountains; roads, churches and farms.• • , • Mrs, J. D. 13eecrdft spoke on be- half of the W.U.S. groups, thank- ing Dr. Watt for Ms Interesting • address and pictures,' Mrs, Charlet Boman and, Mts. Charles Hoff, Man of 13lueva1e sang "Dear Loki, Forgive' With Mrs. Carl Johnston at the piano and Dr. Watt Closed the meeting With the benediction. L'uneh was served in the Sunday Song01 room and all enjoyed a so.. chit Hine. • • '••TtELGIPAVE.--Mrs: ' Ted Fear, °leader. of the -Belgrave,•• group of theCanadian Girls in 'Training, • and 13 ineinbera Of,•; the grenP. etterideci': 7 the' Wold• ;Friendship raW,'On 'S.hrkday,,'9.6t,Ober.:'19,1 in ontaild :Street United. hurch CIiMon The tieiiie,:•Of the Meet- "Widening:Frierldships" theCentralia grout Weie in Charge ...Of 'the :worship erVice ';whICh, t;opened With the • 'n,•,,'•','What'. a:Friend: We Have Aftesus.:1,-011irWesthy,seVertilScrip. • ture passages dealing With friend- • ship. This part Was closed wi,th• • the, hyrnn, "0 Master, Let Me Walk with Thee". , 'A trio from 'Grand ••Bend. fav:oUre-d •with the song,."Let Th4,People Go", Elearier Durst of , Reniniller gave a talk on 'caner 'eXperiences, and a sing Song fol- lowed.. • . Mrs. Robert Hilts, of Auburn in- troditeed the guest Speaker, Misr •, Claire Medcrivan* of Blyth, ' stiP10 on "Friendthip",:dtaling with the Inickgrenned 17f the Good Sam- aritan. legereation followed for thegirli While the leaders enjoy ed .6, talk by.Mrs, a W.' Tiffin of . . Winglittni, Who spokn'en the neecl for Workers for full service in' the • ''ChnrCh. She also. Showed' "slideS on subjed. The meeting dosed with Taps,' " ' •,.. .. • tiainiilton President Banquet Speaker FgedRAvx— ',Sixteen members the Belgrave Credit Union grin!'" , attended the International Credi' Union Day. and banfinet held In thr Preabyteristri Chttreh 'Godetioh • rim Thiirsday. The turkey bantitte• i opened With t'he tempt to the Otreen .• Vic Roy, Of the Clinton brand& • WAS Maiter, of Ceremonies, : th,) goat 'sneaker •Vvat J. Homer of Hatailtori, neesident Of 'the Handl', Credit 'Union., He based hir • SPeecli on the letters, of Credit' Union, 'breaking, thent down at felletkral CrelittstianitY and Orin° dente; it—reform and right; E— • entourageinent and enthusiasm, • D—detnotritcy and decision and independence; .T-. 4, teaching, thrift, trust and toter,' tinee and the Word Union stints ors hien, He also slhaWed filMii• the otlier niettiiings Of Credit the troVenierits of the'Credit 'len, • - '00otte Mibhie of the ItelifraVe &On ekpretilied thanks In.te. the Sneaker, Rev. 1014 §Ilinite htleflY end the Meeting dosed With „kitt• Mr, and Mrs. 'William 'Stewart; Patty atur Peter, 'of lVfitchell, visit- ed on Sunday at, the home of her sister, Mrs, William Irwin.: M. and Mrs, Gilbert, Beecroft and children visited on Sunday with her parents. Mr, and Mrs, Fix:4r belt Watson ef,'Brucefield, The ladies of Calvin -Brick Un- ited Church W.14,1,S. will hold their Thankoffering meeting pn Thurs- day, October 09,!'ind • bar invited the ladies from !Whiteehtirch, 'St Helens, DonnybroOk and West- field, and the afternoon and 'eve- ning 'groups from Belgrave W.M.S to .be present and enjoy the -ad- dress by Mies.% Rena -Fennell Of Seaforth, Miss l'ennell attended the Sunday School Convention this year in Japan and toured nip mis- sion fields In ' Kore., She wiY1 show pictures of: ' the 'work there. FORMER MEMBERS HOSTESSES TO IYMS WRQKETER.--.-Mrti, D, Mac. ITaughton, and MSC Kate HAsel• wood„ former Inernbers of th. Wreacter *M.S., Were hos:tette for the-irettp Qetobe: Meeting, when tbey,, net at the former's home in W04014,111, On Wednesday evening; petober 15 with fifteen ladies present, The' devotions In 'cbarge -of th comMItthe of Mrs. G. Hewes, Mrs j, R. wyue, and Miss M. :Yarding had- Planned a meeting on "Stew erdshin" end 4rs. , Roves, the, stewardship secretary, presided The Sdripture lesson taken , ft,* .1,,u1e 16. 1-13,, wed read by MIs• •Jardine, . and Mrs Wylie led .ir prayer', • , Two minutes of , silence was ob- Serted in rnernciry of a most faith; e•nd iuch loved member, Mrs Wm. Gibson ,whote death occur- red recently. Mrs, Chas McCutaii: eon and Mrs. MacNaughton, acorn, partied by Miss Hazelwood at thr piano, sang a duet "The Lord IS My Shepherd", " Mrs, Howes; speaking- on the subject -of "SteWardthip", used an illustrated pester containing the word "steward" to bring out Many • fine :points, by taking each letter' 'cif the word and uSing them to te- preent many ways to develcip our OWn perstmal stewardship. She said that "God has given ns the Open Bible as our text book, ancli. :through the cross we are able to erase our mistakes and begin Oyer' Mrs. K. Edgar and Miss Eltitt Hupfer gave reports- On the sec- tional. meeting, Which they • had attended In ,Fordwich on October 3, Mrs. MCCuteheon and Mrs. Mac - Naughton favored with another vocal number "Some of these • • ' • • Dtiring ,the . business .sessiOn which followed,, members were re. -minded of the W.M.S. Thankoffer- ing service being held on Sunday, October 26, at 10 a„m, when; -Dr, Donald Watt of Bella Coola; is ,to be the guest speaker. • ponation of 'good used, or npikr, Clothing are being Solicited for • a bale. to be sent early in November; and which may be, left at •the • chnrch, . , Mrs; MacNaughton brought -greet-, • (rigs, irOrn a former member, Mrk; Iniclitinan,, with whpm she had', 'in -tatted' briefly during the Week-) end. The.lioventber meeting la thl rtharge "OfMR*S.,'Higgint•in . Mrs. It'Edger, and will be held At the e -hem of 'Gee; 'Galbraith. • Mrs. , . social time was, enjoyed, during ,which a dainty lunch Wits served by ehe neStesses, • Mission..BOnd': Hears . . 0 fiEtirqpeart Trip .• ". • WHITECHIJRCH ;The 'Mission Band of *i Calvin.firlak • •U•Iii t e 0 Church •held Tharikoffering . on Friday night at the church, with guests fro mBeigrave and, West- field 'Mission Wits§ 'Sandra Chamney.preSided forte 'program, Marvin Snell pl•ayed;'an, organsolo, 'Da,41ti Walsh gave' a reading and Doreen Sinyth„ Jimmie Robertson and iipoi'mciluiney. sang a trio. Miss, Clare 'McGowan anki• Miss Joan Wightman of BlYth„'who tour- ed Eurbpe thlsZ r •girie 'a very :interesting and -alistwed ,Pictures •.the nany ° different, countries theyhad visited: , As both tur4iesr5i,vere,.tviewthow*,in-,1111$ cOrnmunity, larga..bitniiid gather- ed. The ladies: Served• Hitch and ,a social time Wai..enjoyed refswater Speaker At Thankoffering WH/TtCHURCH—The VirMS of the Presbyterian Church held its Thankoffering meeting on Wed- neads,y last in the Sunday School room of, the church, with 16 ladles present, and the president, Mrs, Dawson Craig, 'presiding. Mrs. George McKague read the Ser,Ipture message MM. Psalm 65 and''MrS, John' Craig led in the Glad Tidings Thankeffering prayer, The toll call was answered by a veri3e - of thanksgiving from the Mrs, Walter Sallagh of TeetiWa- ter Was the speeiat Speaker and stretted thre'e thInga that Patti al -Ways spoke of With tharilittgIVing, the unspeakable • gift, Christ; the triumph, through Jesus, atial the • vietory through Jesus. Mrs, Wel- ter Lott tendered her a vote of ep. preciatiOn ftelit the groui for her Splendid addreas and Mrs. 'rank Coulter closed the :Meeting with. prayer, Ltineh was served' and all enjoyed the soeittl time. The ladies Of this • grout) wiii attend afterliboil or eve- ning ineetino r)f the- sectional 'meeting, to be field ;On Wednesday at Rinlough, DISTRICT PRESIDENT SPEAKS AT INSTITUTE fi ;if ite, ertatio Friends . . Mrs, clment entertained 094 1orty friends IniArelatives one evening last Week in honor of Mies wen loidadg, whose marriaria to Jack Stewart took place. on 4S,!ttnrda).' Pnring the eVening SeVeral eon, teSte. Were held ancLthen..g4ch lady Present Wrote a verse fox' the bride and Ito time were attached 490 bills, which were pinned on e A 'bride's book was also given to her. Helen thanked- eVeryOne and a idelleious 'lunch 'was served by the hostess, The groOrn'S.,grandMether, Mrs, Jean Meclement,' was Present arid, It was also the oece•sion of her birthday, Everyone joined in wishing her7rnanr, *More -'happy years. Larry Scott Injures Knee FORDWICHLairy, eight-year- old son of Mr. and MrS, Scott Clarkson of Fordwich, suffered' a severe injury to his knee wheh he fell while playing with stilts. at his home. • " Pr. .7. D Forde tashed•: him to Listowel Hospital, *here eleven 'stitches: Were: required...to elase the wound: ' '" Late ,for last: vveek., • , "WHITECI-Wytoi....f••-•-Thesegtilar Meeting of the-WO1-nen'i•-initftnte was held •,on4'TtieSdaYeitening.1: in the Memorial •hrill'.'here..,,with. the local "- Inatiinte::entettaining .the ladies froinWiliglianill*Beigrev Institutes. ,3,3Ver'.1.''Wer,e'.in ,itti4,4= dance The preside:nt;;Mr'k.,Rlissel Ross, presided,^.and°4if,,e..,:tkg;',olf0:.'iit ing exercises welcarned the vititirig ladies to the Meeting, Mrs, Garnet Farrier was the '.• accompanist for cornmunityi singing; ' . Mrs. Russel, Rdss, Mrs, ViCter, Emersqn and Mrs. Thomas. Met- calfe Wihl take the bus 'trip on Thursday to the BrtiCe- County rally Of Institute ladies at Whitton, Mrs, Metcalfe,' WhO •was, appointed, from this Instittite.. to attend. the Meeting in 'Whigitern tenet/If-dr-1g the riew • swininiihtpetit l'oektion gaVe her repOtC. , • The president' itnneuriced the fund fait Meeting ..eduld held here On Novetnber 4th• at- 2, • p.m, When the Sixteen Iriptitutet, Atilt South Bruce WiLtheet .on a get. 'acquainted proitet, with each Xnatit.' tute presenting „two:panthers for the program. There,wilVbe a pot - hick Ituleh • and a ;g5e Oweetiori.. to gather funds fordistriet We*. At the NoV,einber; Meeting: 'there Will be a p�t-Iu�k sdjpw.• Nineteen ef...fhe.; Meal. .menibert ansWeted tie -tell: eall -,withan anion for • the eXhibit,.• and,• Mri.. HerSon Irwin later ,e apably Safe. honed, ,off the aprphd Which, the timir' &niers , proudly r;Modelled :for the Advance -Minos photagraPher. IVirs. Herb 'Wheeler „of °Behkratte gav an Intel -eating 'reading, ,"Brearl Is the Pentily Mrs, H. Housten. Of Kair-shea Ita- tltue and, district preSiderit of trttee, was the special speaker and Spoke Of screehing the 7ittEitot calls for money, .hovv. to get iteW trient.. belt, how to 4teep: the older Members &Mill* and tile .nee4 'tor advance with tlia thnes,. (rs4 Vic thr Moved d' vote • bf appreelation for ;her SPIlpridid•ad dtefit, • , ' . • ' thintiarri 'Parish ,Ot Wing' ham gave a ittlfithrOUS readlhg, ."The Parintes VVi,re). and the Meet. itg was '01600 With the natierial enthein. LUOCh Wks itei'Ved: hY the hostesses, Mrs. Iohn2.McOee,.. hebt. Purdoktindltflir rhC5t00: croft, and all. 'enjoyed.' the Math time together., FORDIVIcH Mt-:. and" Mrs: Croeby Sothern spent lest Friday.. in -.1.4ndon and Mrs.. John Holt:visited relatIv.es 'la-St:Week in London• earl& Mitchell. and Mrs. Wardle. Schaefer ViSit,ed recently with Mr,; and Mrs. Atiwart• Schaefer . in London. • ;Aire. Ed.. yen Ry n and little' son. Widiand Rapikis;.•Mioh., and. 'her Maher; •Mrs. Norman • Sterna Of Palmerston, •visited friends in the community last week. • EmmaiWilliamsOn spent a day last week with her 'Sister, Mrs. 'Ruth Corbett, in Gorrle. Miss Doris Gardner Of Hamilton Oka. Several days labt week with her parents, Rev. A. F. and Mrs. Gardner: • 'Mr, and Mts. Treli HaInstOok 'Of 'Milton visited in the doinniunity 'Over the. -Week -end, ' • IVfr,.'•end Mrt, Cartipbell McGoffin anti' farriily of Wobdstock were re- cent Visitors- with Mrs. Jim Me' • G°Tigriniadies front the HoWiek • iliary.en.jOYed. a social evening lest • week as guests of the HarrIatori Anxiliary, Other branches in at- teridanee Were -ListoWel, Painters - ton; Durban.", Mt. Porest and Arthur. . Mr. :end Mrs, ...Maurice Wallace and family of Hamilton visited on Thursday With Mr. and Mrs. Altch- eson Wallace, •Recent VISitorsat the same keine were Mr. and Mra. 131m. Graham and faintly of. Eel - Merit, ; . • • MM. Marshall Armstrong spent a few days last week 'With Mr, and Mra. -Irwin McDowell in Galt. quite a number from here at- tended open house held at the home Of RAW. and Mrs. Id, Attwell in GOVr1e on Friday. lyre, and Mrs. Robert Hood df heir Paltneraten visited Sunday With IVfir and 'Mrs, E. HafgraVe, ROV, G. tvetitt ..Athtoii of St. AVertite United Chttreh, TO. tont°, .deliVered tWei VerY inspiring .serinons at the, FOrdWiell. United Church en Sunday. The attend - ane at both Morning .and evening Serviees was very 'gratifying; The choir rendered lovely 'selections. Mt 'andMts,Irwin Nolioti and &MO" of .Mount POW etient Suzt- 'day with Mt. and Ales,e1 Aiiast, 'Lyle Sintmons attended the train - MM. •Ceorird .Rithards end Mrs, hig sehoel Wiiigliairk On Monday fOr leadeth of Ilittititte Pro:leas."' UM, %Mani • Clyne tient last 'MRS.; :RUBY:FOSTER:1. . • • • CHAIRS.. IU.MEETING FORDVVICHTlie 'October nieeb- ing cif Trinity °Mire/I-W.A. was held 'at ihe borne of Mrs, Bruce Scithern, with a goad attendance. Mrs, Rul3y; Foster presided and opened the meeting With the hymn "I Love to Ten the Story". The, Scripture lesson was -.read from St. Luke, -chapter '2. • "fire rol: call Was" arisweted with a verse 'on "Thanksgiving". Mrs. LloYd'JaCques gave an intereiting chapter from, the 'Study book, "The • Family"; followed by the Litany. • Mrs. Spence 13rears favoured With a piano selection; • 'Money' was' added to the met:aortal., fund in memory of the late Miss • Edith Goggin •ArrangeritentS were made for the annual bazaar arid hot supper in. the 1i/wine:it -of the chUrcli the middle of November. Invitationsto attend 'We. serni- annual Diocesan meeting in Kin- cardine Ph• October 24th and also to•the ;Deanery '•meeting in Clinton, October -'30th 'were' read:, _Rev. E. :Attwell ,elosecl the' meeting -With .prayer and: lunch :was aerved by ,Mrs. ,john.,I39ydHand Mrs,. Rey ISimnibria •• • • United-WA.S.: Begins Nev Study Book : • roiancricEiLi6n. was the theme of the'WOman14 ;Mission- ary:,,Seciety: of 'Fordvvich Cliurotr bad., at the home of ••lidre Poker Built:, The president and sePretary: , were 'in Charge of the business- • TurentiLsiX•mprnhers• and v*ars' aniwered, the ,rOil. ' •.`Miti Min: r..layrd:and.Mrs. Clyne will Malt her. Theffhankeffering'Serviet is to be bod:Novarriber-2 with. pr Donald • Wathpf EelleCOole.,,B.0.tas 'oest 'SP:eager. Highlights ,'•were,..: given f. rem. tit e. seotional, Meeting' held' re- cently in kordWich. Money was voted to the Mitsion Band for World Friends for .a Study book, Mrs. J. Wilson favoured with a -$010.• Mrs. Clarkson was the leader for, the prograrn Mrs. W. Hardlne• read the Scripture, Luke 10:25-87 and comments were read by Mrs, • Nickel; • Mrs.' W.- -COopei pre- sented the , first chapter' of . the new study book, "Concerns of a continent". Mexibe witi.theCountry for this meeting. She was assisted by Mrs. William McDonald. and Mrs.' i. Brown Mrd. •FalliS closed the meeting with. prayer, ,TRAINING-7.Seen during the Sewing .coinne for club 'leaileit 'at the 'Whigitana: town bail are Mrs. Arnold Gradke, Lakelet, Mrs. Ian MacAllister, Clinton, home economist for Miran County., and Mrs. Harold Wallace, of Laltelet..-rAdyanee-Times ph oto.. . • week with her' faithei hi Harristori, Who has ,but 1 !milt Much improved. '• Mr. and Mrs., Mac; COrbett •falittly of London anent the week- end w4th Mr: ... and Mrs: td Mat- thews Mrs., Myrtle. Waxac-e of Llstowel 'Visited over the Week -'end With Mr. end. Mrs. StenForeater. Mr, Clar- ence Bender an&grandehildrert of GoWanatown were,Sneday ititers at the,"taine hOnte, ' Little Angela Reed; of ListOWel, Spent 'the week -end with Mr. and Wt. W, Hargerave. • .visittira,•'at. the hotrie Of Mr, and Mrs. Gebtge Ashton .Were :Rev. and. 'Mrs. tierritt Ashton of Ter -Onto,' Mr, and lVirs.' Erne86, fordRad- 'of Charm, Mrs.; Reg, Hobbs IVIdriktOn and' Mr, end MrS. Ward Salltiefei6 : " • • • Mr., and Mrs, W. 3, Roberts„of Listowel .mid, Mr. and Mi -9. Jim 'SteVenten Of Harrishin attended' -anniversary .SerVIces .In FOrdWieli 'Crated CAurch and Were ,enteitain.• ed at Me holne- of Mr. end Mrs. Doig. Ur. and Mrs, 1.1d,, Ward Dol g of Palmerston were also irtiests 'at the sanie home, , and Mrs. foordoli Satindera Of Arthtte Visited brie night last . week at the troint Of Mr. arid Mrs. • Etirl Atotire, SidMts. William Iddga and •tintertin 'spent -one 'day lest Week, ' - • • • • AT SEWIN6 COURSE-LPIetured at the club leaders' course in sewing, held" 'it ,the Winghani.towA hall recently, are from the left Mrs. Pauline Richexxls, Plarriston, Mts. Lois Shitmetis, FortividO, Mrs. Der's Burke, Dept; of -Agriculture, Toronto, instructress, and Mrs, L. Vannan, Beigrave.-64,dvancerflines pheto. ANOTHER GROUP of sewing leaders shown at the ecenr sewing coarse. From the left they are Mrs. Dorothy Logan, Mrs, Mildred Van.naii, BeigraVe an d Mrs.' arace Lamont, Ethet...--AdVance-Tintee photo. in London. ' Mr. and Mrs, Sheldon Wilson left on, Monday for Paddockwood, Sas- katchewan. They will do mission- ary work through the western pro- vinces for two months, Mrs. Pearl ' Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. Roas Berms spent last Friday with Mr, and Mrs, William Vaughn, it St, CatharineS, CongratulatiOnS to Mrs. Emma coliths who will celebrate her 95th birthday on Wednesday, Gabber 22nd. She is gill able to keen honSe for herself and son, :Herb, Mr. and „Mrs. Clint Jantzi and family of Baden spent the week- end .with Ur, 8,nd Mrs, Hiram 3:lastman, -Mrs, Wally Gibson spent 4 feW days hist week with Mr, and 1Virs. 3aok Welsh In Toronto, Recent visitors with Mr, and 1Vtra,,,Tolni Craig were Mr. and Mrs. Alan Castle and Mr. and Mr, Wil - Mot Craig of TOront0. CorigratIllatletis to Mr, arid Min ,Tainee SteWart Whe Were Married en Sitiirday". , Mr. and Mrs; EirinierSOli Har- grave ' end Mr, and Min. Wally Gibson spent-lVfouday at the plow- ing, match, held near Orilto • Travels 600 Miles For Red Grass Degree Late for last week. Blyth Royal Black Preceptory 1226 held the Red Cross degree in Elyth InernOrial hall, Friday even- ing, with more than 100 Knights present, from points as far away as London, Sarnia, Oven. Sound, as well as from neighboring precen. torieS. The degree was exemplified by the- Sarnia degree tearia in sVqrY efficient Manner. Informative end interesting addresses were given by: the following distinguished guests: Right Worshipful Sir Knight Morrison .of Sarnia, Grand Mester of OnterloVest; Sir Knight Watson of London, lleputy Grand Master, Ontario Wet and, Right Worshipful Sir Rtight Oliver jacques, Hensel], Grand Lecturer Ontarib West, Among the .goehts \vas Sir Itnight Herold WaUa f Lindon, Tew jersey, Whorilatlethe trip of over, 60(1 miles espeelally 10 receive the degree. Wives cif the lea' ithights :say -eel refreshments. NVHITECI-TURCH Y.Ate for last week. . Mr; end Min, Roddy. IngliS and family of Watford visited ort Satur- day with Mr, and Mrs. AIM and ori Stintia,y with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Inglis 'and Torn, 10, and,Mrs„ RObert Adair's and fanilly 'and Mts.. Jack .V;Iiiimigait of Toronto, *attend. • ed a• dinner Party at the home of Mr, .and Mrs. johnThgtls 01 PordwiCh. • ' Mr, and Mrs, 'Clarente'. Ritchie .aiid family attended a farrilly nor party On 'Monday at the •11.01ne of Mr; and. Aft's, Chat, Wood of Settforth, 1,vhen: Mr. and Mrs. Cler. Amin Johnston, with their': and, grand -children, til) hi all, gathered at See'fart11 far the d4Y. Mrs: Webster Jacklin of Listowel, end 3sf1s Madne Jaekilit Of Lon- don, visited on Sunday with Mt. end Mrii, Arehie Purdon, • Mr. and MrsItd aith and baby.Ratby of Toratito spent the! week -end with her •pareiita, Mr. end Mrs. itosel Chapman, and .With Ids Meitner, Mrs. lat. Sinith itt Tilriv+ • berry they aiso vfsited.Mr, smith, • whe lita beeti progressing' favOur., attY 4u:1/V111010i 1=toiv1taS, his reetilit heart seizure, "