HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-10-22, Page 6tober Specials! • BOYS' r.L.Am SHIRTS - sizes ,11 to 16 .. 8149 MEN'S' WARM PLAIDS „ ..... ..... $2.36 ea, Two for -$5.50 Oil Finish, FABRIC WINDOW *HADES reg. $1.98 value $1.59 ea. BOYS' PLUM COMIIINATIONS -; sizes 6 to 16 yrs. ..,„ $1.99 pr. KIDDIES' WOOL-NYLON KNEE HOSE ' 55e pr. BATH TOWELS, 4ig size, fleecy nap ... . SALE 890 eii rr; Children's CAR COATS, warmly lined, knitted cuffs 3 to 6x $3: FINE BROADCLOTH DRESS SHIRTS, Whites and Colours, these• are eiceptional value $2.88 ea,-TWO for $5.50 ORLON CARDIGANS And PULLOVERS, ' ehildren's sizes 3 .to 8 yrs ' TWO NEW ENGLISIT OPEN STOCK DINNER WARE ` LoVefy patterns at moderate prices. 5% DISCOUNT ON ORDERS OF 0.00 OR MORE $2,89 ea. Wel*Ood'sVariety'', Store . „., ... „ . ... .. .... 1.0.ti .... ,...1.1 ...... tut,. R. •ohil *4.5. .4 ttw411 GORRIE " Friday afternoon 9'44 evening" parishioners from Garrieg' Fghlwich- and Wrexetets were 4040 to Yloft Prof, E, C. At-' tweN Mra, attwo awl David Ef.t the reetery in •genie. The 'tea table was lovely with a lace sloth, silver eandleabra and a centre of white ana red Plums. ea.,. Folding Aluminum AWNINGS LUMBER — Telephone 260 Thanksgiving Theme At W,A, Meeting GOB,H0,1-11/1rS. 'Ken gaw.t.,,wns hostess to the Woman's Association of the Gorrie Mite(' Church on Thursday eVening,.when the.South .Vriendship CirciA was in charge of the program, Mrs, •Glad. Edgar, read- theScrip- ture, taken from Psalm 66, Mrs. Russell. Adams, gave the topic on Y.IltianksgivIng. Mrs, glad Edgar gave a verse on Thanksgiving and. closed with prayer, Mrs. T. L, McTnnes, wesident, conducted the business, Plans were completed for the turkey supper to be held early in November. Ififia 11pa.„ e FLOOR Aluminum WALL SASH. TILES DOORS BUILDING -- CUPBOARDS Wingham returned Aftcr 'Visiting their .son, Hobert Wade and Mrs. Wade la Montreal. They also enjoyed. a Meter trip •through. the New Eng-land States and visited With Mrs-, $, Jenes. at Xiiighton, The Rev, E. G. Attwefl Attend-, ed clergy conference in. Wood- stock last ..week, Ntta, AttWelt and visited with V .rolatives in .T4u- can, Mr, Erne Fenn, of Toronto; has been a visitor At the borne of Mr.' 0.110 Mrs. Ernest King. • Service Stephen's' Church will be withdrawn on ,SiTtlay next as Bish"op. LUXten will be, in Trin- ity Chtirch Fordwich for •cenfir- mation service at 11 •a,..to-. (stand- ard . time),' .- • • Friends - Will be sorry to know that Mr, August Keil continues to be eeriOusly.,111 in ..the Wingham General HoSpital,`*suffering from pneumonia, Congratulations and best' wishes to Mr, RobertGraham, who quiet- ly marked his 86th birthday on Thanksgiving day, Oct. 16th. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Lockhart of Eastwood spent. a day recently vis- iting friends In .Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs, Manfred 3rwin spent Sunday with friends in New- market. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ireland and family of Teeswater spent Sunday with Mrs. Harry Ferguson. The Huron Diocesan Woman's Auxiliary are holding their SeMi• annual meeting at Kincardine on Friday, Oct. 24th at 10 Mr, and Mrs, Jack Attwell': of Brantford were week-end visitors with the ' former's brother, Rev. E. a Attwell•and• Mrs. Attweli. Mr. and Mrs, Eugene McAdam and children of Clinton were Sunday visitors at the same &ale.' Mrs. Margaret McCreary is ill at the home •of her daughter, Mrs. George Btowns Mr, Gordon Edgar Assisting • were: Mrs. Edward Nev!lion, Mrsp, Verne Clark and Mrs, Earl KlaX ih the afternoon. In the evening, 1410.0 Jacques," Mrs, ONO 'Sothern, Mrfi., Alex. Petrie, Naney Jacques and Pauline Airthetti were ;assistant*, 70 4- 9 enough for ,any lie..., Only, Ibex 11.11$ that (totality you. want, DAYS ONLY Plaid' Lined Slax girls' for ONLY • Fitrieral Services for Mrs. Adams Today Children's SOX Sizes 7 6 4 pairs for $1.00 Sale Ends'Saturday, Oct; 25th Shop Now ;and Save There are many more real VAMJE BAROINS that we can't list her such ,as .CAR COATS, SNOW SNITS, SWEATERS, LINED -SLACKS, DRESSES; ETC.' :Bettor hurry to Mr.' and Mrs, Thos. Nickel and Mr. Bert Wright id Teeswater spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Galloway, Mr, and Mrs„ Joe Gillander,' Kingsville, ,spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. Will. Mr. and. Mrs. Harvey Copeland and Carol of Wroxeter arid Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy visited, Mr, and Mrs. Irwin Hamilton "Of Port Elghi, Mrs. Sanford Ziinmerinari retnrn- is also ill at his home, suffering ed home Sunday after visiting Mr. from a heart attack. and Mrs, Addison Jacques at Sain- Dr. Donald Watt, a medical mis- merland, „B.C., and other relatives sionary from British Columbia, . ..... .... I .. .. . 1,9111 ... . .. .. I ..... . j,, . 11,11, ..... .. . .. 11. .. ........ 0...fl.P ...... ....... ... at Colonsay; Sask,, and. Magregor, Jimmy and Gerry visitred Itus- sel.Dilwort,h of Brussels on Sunday. Linda and Michael Stewart of Harilston spent Saturday with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Underwood. Mr. and: Mrs. Clarence Hennings, Mrs, Lloyd Helmings, TurnherrY Township, Mrs, ,Wesley Palmer, Wroxeter, visited Mrs. Gordon Rii?hie on Sunday, A. E. GRAHAM,' Manager Gorrie Branch Sunday morning in the United Church at 11.15 a.m. (standard time). Mr., Hadley Perrin of Brantford was he speaker for "the Huron Presbytery Laymen's ;banquet on Wednesday night in the Gotrie Un- ited Church when 128 laymen at- tended, The. Friendly Fours of the United Church W..A. Catered. Mrs. T. .0'Krafka, Misses Gwen Hyndman, Ruth Grainger, Nadine Cooke, Margaret Hastie, Evelyn Ann Stephens attended the ,C.G.I.T. Rally in Clinton on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Harold hyndman, J. B. RUNSTEDTLER, Manager Wingham Branch I will be the speaker for the Man. autumn Thankoffering service on Mr, and Mrs. Justin' Will spent the weekLend With Mr, and "Mrs. Angus Meston at Woodstock.. • The Rev. and Mrs, G. G. Howse of. Orangeville 'spent the week-end. with Mr. and Mrs. T. 'L. McInnes and called on friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin MeInries, Toim my and, Jimmy of Toronto spent. Sunday at the same home. (Intended 'for lait week) Mr. and Mrs, Walter. Ridley and family.of Whitby, Mrs. H. AttWood, Uxbridge, spent' the week-end with Mr. and Mrs., Fred Feigel. M$. and Mrs: Richard Wipp and Mi- chael of Toronto, Mr; and, 'Mrs. Jr Farmers,Institnte Entertain ,Pariel#90i4.4 GORRTE—,The annual hanauht and parents' night was held by Ithe HOwlek Junior Farinera and Jr. Ifistitute In the Gorrie COMMOnitY‘ ball on 'Wednesday evening of last week, Eighty-five persons were served by the Gorrie wqmews stitute, Guest speaker was Dave Barrie of Galt, a past president of• Op- ta`rio Junior Farmers, sub, ject was "Bella". He told the story of bells, how theyVere niade, tbuir, different uses and demon- strated variouS types of 'bells and chimes. Sohn Stafford, President of: the Howick Junior , Farmers Presided for a program with musical nn- bers on the aecordian Daly . Gibson. Ethel Reis sang and -play- d the guitar. A skit was ,pre- sented by ,the Juniors, BATH TOWELS Large Size , ' , = V Many 1$140. leitulatina TOWELS, Oonnille "IBEX Flonnelett"." irst Bl an k et s .1 $5.49 pair Slightly Dinnpurfeet .3 cirmic I ael i s . where the ,Best Always Costs Less, It must be• Right or we will Make it Right:-,, THE BANK TMAT 1,00KS •MCAD Kroehler - Light Green INCLUDING — DRESSER, CHEST, BOOKCASE AND BED IN LIGHT BROWN SHADE. REG, $239.00 Bedroom. Suites Including DresSer, Chest, Bookcase and Bed in Sea Mist Green. Reg. $239.00 KROEHLER — Coil Skings Platform Rocker The Sale Prices' offered on this page ,,are only feW' ot 14e MANY MONEY-SAVING BARGAINS being offered frnin, Table Lamps fioin ;$2,05 step and etiffee' ;.;17:.:Alt E S. so.so All.-;* $16.95. 'driltptoi. wog ARBORATE 16e., &:U SMOKERS from $I; TAW', and 4 CHAIIIM Ii GA (MEV $1114.00 SALE se' $89.50 #10....1. 4.1111.141.10.0 in!M '0001MIOVIIM4o001#61010eili aog, unman i seraseol• 4'.a conionuett. l • Sail Oct 2 Yes yOu .get Genuine Pargains it*hen You iglop a( CARMICHAEL'S, Our Fimily Store. We Hot a few here for you. , fOarm6ettMeJaEr—ne Mprosiff,VV.PTS.a 4e‘ddanl' 'awaytie alt' the, lippie of her son. Paul-AdaMS, lOt 32, cOn. 1, Grey Township early Monday morning. • She was borh Feb. 14, 18'11 a daughter et the late Paul lioig and Jane Brawn and was in her 88th, year. Her hUsband, William Adarn0; Predeceased her, Most Of her life was spent on can. 4, I-TOwiek Town- ship.. • She was a member of the Pres bYterian Church, Surviving are one daughter, Mrs, 'Murray (Jean) Edgar of Wallace Township; four Sono" Grey Township Cara- er4 of Brussels, Harry and Rus 411r4 Ifewiell.- Township, A son. Andre*, predeceased t her, There are .16 ,grartdchiidrew and 14 great grandchildren ,' • Funeral service will be at • the honfe of her ton Paul ,Adams, Highway 86 On Wednesday at 2.30 p.m., the Rev. 3, W. McClure officiating. Interment in Wrox- 4e Cemetery. A. poitz and , Mr. and Mrs, Gerry Hornung, Kitchener were Thanks- giving day guests at the same horde. Mrs, Ray. Cruikshank and Dick Plant,' of St. Marys visited Mrs. Merthit Plant . on Thanksgiving Day. fi,e; gr. `acid .Mrs.. R, , Ansa ;Craig,' spent Wednesday with 'Hardy". Feiguson. Mr, and Mrs. Everett .§parling, „London, spent the, week-end at.the same 'home. kr:, and .Mrs: Geo. Quinn, June aiiet ;lean dad Mr,, and Mrs. Thos. SU:14es and Doris were ..Sunday. vilifiers With:Mrs. Lottie, Thornton . Look ah:6ad... buy new CANADA SAVINGS BONDS. at TORONTO:DOMINION. BAN K