HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-10-22, Page 4sdi Oot. 20,0 -- .11,17,0133, ••• FOR SALE C4IN'4 TAXI SERVICE end Used •Fnrriltere, We buy and tell. !ho_i8. rrb, •tXTENSION ;PAI3LE and 4 •ehairS for sale, Phone 341w, 22* BOY'S RED Snowsuit, size 4 for sale. Phone 561,1, 22h BABY BUGGY for sale. In very good cendition, reasonably priced. Pl4One 645 .after .5 o'clock, :22* PRY WOOD for sale. Contact Addlaon FraSer,.Phone 569w. 22,29* MILK FILTERS for sale—',R,aphl RE", 6,inch, 79c; 63 -inch, $5c. Alexander's Hardware. 1rrb GIRL'S GREEN winter 'oat for Sale. size 8, in good condition. Phone 'ordwiql 3jr12. 22b CHOICE QUALITY pota.toes for sale. May pick up at farm or we will delivek, "Harold Vincent, phone 731a4. 22,29* pRESSVID CHICKENS fer sale „Apply ha Joint Barchill, phone .762w12. 22,29* SELLING CHRISTMAS cards, pro- ceeds to Cerebral Palsy Centre at Woodeden. Plione 1044„ Wrox- eter. •22* CHOICE SPY apples for sale. $2.50 per bus., in your containers. Wil- liam Brydges, Belgrava phone 618w2. 2229b NOW TS THE TIME to buy your winter „supply a carrots, either by the bushel or large basket. G. A, Campbell„ Bristol Terrace, phone 1071W, 22b THRE*E-QUARTER length, full , back Beaver Brown mouton coat for sale, in excellent •condition. Very reasonable. Apply Box 63, Advance -Times. 15:22b FOR WARMTH, beauty and corn- fOrt, there's nothing finer than broadloom carpeting or rugs. New samples on display now. The best in 100% all wool, hard - twist broadlooms eost less than yOu might think. Have an esti- mate this week for your room. WELWOOD'S, phone 86. 22b • CASH REGISTER Adding Mach - Me rolls in stock at The Advance - Times. Typewilter ribbons. Smith Corona typewriters and adders. Victor adding machines. CLEAN? Madam—You don't know the meaning of that word until you have tried the radically new and efficient ELUXO-MATIC; Cali L. H. Reynolds, your Electro- lux dealer, 640.T1. rrb IldE'AT FOR SALE—Good beef by the quarter. -Killed on premises. Inspected hy Dept. of Health. Yearling heifers. Top quality. - Lowest prices. Raynard „Ackert Ripley, phone 24r30, " 17rrb BROADLOOM carpets and rugs for new room beauty. See the new colours in 1009r all -wool, , hardtwist broadloom -the best you can, buy, deep crush resis- tant pile, closely woven for life- • time wear . . .and the cost is • less than you may think. Have •an estimate this week for your Rug size and wall to wall •carpetihg. N. I. WelWood, • phone 86. 22b Fail. Values • . AT Furnjture 3.1PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE X4tity Construction in good core. ditIon• $40 .uu • flifk •'COMPLETE BED UNIT, 36'' *We, •eke'springlepring-1111ed thattresS lig boa steel heti. S Real Wileean, ne: CONTINENTAL 'UNIT Contalete 4'6" spring Mattresta, box apting te • match, legtt, iseitiptete to Clear $4u 5 . 0 A 0916ST Of' fittAIA16114,4 in V4701/flit. •finf* 4 "Vve" $28 00 MOW ........ nxtEnotn- DESK, drawer§ on, 1001 Mateo its Vilitlatit Orritit, good' Visitte-a FOR (OILY $41 50 t-Olece, 0111081ERIefkili SiirJt aft Ith�iin••ithi A attrximt- "pi gt 11,144,110Y Chair ind Stool, Oreelt :""r114E $73 50 fASH AND-4%1MS ANDREW TvIALCOLl'vr walnut din- ing -Mora suite fer sale, in good condition. Phone 448; 22h NEW SEIT Of 'Wear Ever Water- less Alumintimcook ware for sale. Mrs, Addison Bauniall, plicate Brussels 478,16, g2294, GIRL'S xt.4r, COAT, fur trim, Size 10, for stale; child's pink snow suit, sise 2; child's pink hunting bag; jig -saw complete with quar- ter horse motor and stand, Phone $773, a2* REAL ESTATE PROPERTY on Leopold Street for tele. Call Mrs. 0, R. Henderson, Phone 552w. 22b BRICK HOUSE for sale, 6 rooms, 3 pieee bath, bullt-ix cuptieards. Modern kitchen, hardwood floors. Phone 317M. 22,29,5,12b HOUSE DT LUCKNOW for sale or rent. Seven rooms, hardwood Coots, On Stauffer St, Phone 550, Wingham. 22b INCOME PROPERTY. Beek• house and apartment, all moderr. conveniences. hot water, oil heat- ing (new), also two storey brick building that has been used as a wood -working shop. Very good location. Phone Winghstrn, 251 after 6 pm. • rrb TRITCK FOR SALE. TRUCK FOR SALE -1950 Chev, %-ten• pick-up,. with. •4.speed transmission and complete with • racks, In •good running order. Apply to Harry Bateman, RR. 1, Wingham, phone 737W3. 22* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 7 YEARLING whitefacecl steers for sale. Apply to Ira Leeson, Belmore. • 22* SO YOU -AVANT GOOD Oxford Down •ewe Iambs? Contact James H, Currie soon, before they are shipped. Phone 719w3. 22,29* "HUN'TINGFIELD" registered Landrace swine for sale, 5 mon- ths. Either sex: Ivan Haskins, R.R No. 1, Clifford, phone 197r21 Mildrnay. rrb PERSONAL • REWARD for the, 'return of a tackle box left on the platform of the mill at Wrexeter,,October, 15th. Call 67, Mount Forest, Jblin Padfield. • 22* NOW LOOK younger — restore natural colour •to your hair. Scott's Gray Halftone, a white greaseless cream, -is equally effective on all shades of hair. • Lanolin base, will not stain pil- lows or clothing. •Guaranteed. 1 oz, jar $3.00; 3 ozs. $6.00. At McKibboris and Vance's Drug Stores. 22b NOT HAVE YOUR, •FEET CHECKED Without Any Obligation, --by— A Qualified, Experienced FOOT CORRECTIONIST Undue pressure can cause those selatie. pains, leg, hip or lower backache. See— • J. A. VICKERS, F.C. At Qtreen's Hotel, Wingham Each Monday afternoon, or other times at 481 8th Ave., Hanover, Phone 500. MISCELLANEOUS • IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew - •art A. Scott, Wingham. 2rib NEVER, NEVER, never since the, world began saeh relief front sore, aching, burning feet, Weak • ankles, •sore krieds, hips and back, crainps in feet Cir •legs. Corns, callouses, bunions 'dist appear, arthritis paint fade easitty, brings back circulation. Coosult W. A. Kaufman, phone 94 Lis= towel, open every Tuesday after-, noon and evening, Oen •every Friday at Les Heubach, Elmira, phone MO Ch,26044; arid in Walk- erton at Percy •Pletchte, phene 105W; BransvVidir Hotel, Wing - ham, Oetober 30th. rrb FOR ARTIFICIAL inseminetion terViee or mere information,tele- Phelle the Waterloo Cattle Iireed- ing Aeseclation collect at: Clin- Nth IIXI 24441 Or Tedswater 126 hetWeen 7.30 and tha() ant Week days, 6lied 8 pan. on Saturdaya, bo het deli for service Ort Sure, daY, Cevire in heat on Stinday tan insernittated setigfeetorily oft AtOnday. VlYe aupply aelvide to top qUalitY hulls of the Ifolstehil jerSey, Ayrshire, atterluieY0 Iarcavri SWite, /tett •Pe% /fere, ford '(polled & hora0c1), •Beef Sherthern (Pelted and horned), and Dag Purpose Sherthern, Angu nd Charolaii, hreeda, The dog ft IOW* 28rfb TEACUP *READING:, TEACUP fortune telling every •evening trent7 Until 9. Call 24?. 011aiTBY FOR, BALE, 800 SUSSEX red pullets for sale, starting to lay, Fred Doubleclea phone 742 Wroxeter, 75 REP, SUSSEX layiag hent for Sale. Seven Months old. John Martens, phone 23r8, Wroxeter. 22* 1,700 HONNEGGER Leghorn Pul- lets, 3 weeks old. Weber's Chiek Hatchery, Wallenstein, Ont, phone Eirnira, MO 0-7721. 22b 100 RA,R, PULLETS ter sale, 54 months old, started to lay, er- nard Thomas, R.R. 4, Wingharn. Phone 1141 Brussels. 22h • FEMALE DELP WANTED •OFFICE HELP RESPONSIBLE WOMAN WANTED ' to work in office of large well- known merchandising firm. .An aptitude for figures, an asset. APPLY BOX 61 ADVANCE TIMES 22b WANTED BOARDER WANTED. Telephone 611R. • 22b USED WINDMILLS, gasoline en- gines and pump jacks wanted. Can be traded on pressure sYs- • terns new or used. Ask us for an estimate without any obligation, or if you are needing any new roofing material we give you the best value for your money, Write or phone collect to Irving Eieyes at Glamis. Phone Paisley 114r4. 16Alt-Nov POULTRY FARMERS Due to increased broiler produc- tion, we find it necessary to ob- tain several new flock owners in your area. If you are interested in selling hatching eggs at a set price the year around, write to 1VIonkton Poultry Farms, Mcinkton, Ont. - We have at present 10,000 breed- ers growing and they will be for sale shortly. Our replacement stock is avail- able every three months. Our next replacement stock will be available the first week. of January, 1959. • 8-15-22-29b DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pick up on larger animals, reasoriabl-e . colleetion charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited. arrb DEAD STOCK • SERVICE . .fliiiiest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and • Horses DEAD STOCK .AT HIGHEST • CASH VALUE Please Phone.Promptly Call Collect - 133 Bruce Marlatt• • Brussels„Ont. 24 HOUR SERVICE ANTED. Highest Cash Value paid in surrounding dis- trict for DEAD STOCK HIGHEST CASII.VALUE PAID IN sunnotNnnio nisiluct for DRAD covrs and nonsts. For, ProMpt, Sanitary Disposal, day or night MO HORSES for Slaughter at Sc per pound. , 24 MM. SERVICE • Phone LEROY ACHESON Atwood 153,, coned. •dieffittiE 11181.0P Wtositer • FINANCING A CAR? Before you bilk kik about our Low Cost rine/wit* Service with ,edwiplete iiisnianee Coverage STEWART, A. SCOTT mt. *a• • *mem. • FOR RENT GABAgib for rent nn Francis $t, •Phone 39124,,,.., 221 4 LARGE ROOM front APartrnent for rent 'Threetplece beth, ebeve stere, malri Street, cupboards. Phone 207, flight 668. •22b THREE BEDROOM ispartment for rent on Centre. Street, 3 -piece natn, hot air furnace, phone 65.8w4 evenings, 22* FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent. Oil heated. Three rooms and bath, Electric stove and refrigerator. Josephine Street,' Suitable for workinggouple. Phene 32 after 5 part. • 1520 WANTED TO RENT HOUSE WANTED to rent, With 3 bedrooms, Phone 7 during 4-17, • 22b Divnlo ;QUARTERS wanted to rent for 5 "persons in or near Wingham. APply laox 65 Advance - /lames, • • 22b ROOMERSWANTED _ A mid -western Ontario manufac- turing concern, requires•art account - BOARDERS OR roomers 'wanted. ant to take full charge of an office Only two bloeks from Main and all •accounting records., A Street on Victoria S•treet Phone aa;eas knowledge of accounting essential, 1007m9,ER Salary commensurate with know - ROOMER OR boarders wanted. ledge and experienee, Apply Box 64 ,Advance -Times. Reply giving age and experience 15;22;25b to P,O. Box 84, Stratford, 05n2ta,2ri9e. 12b MOB untr. WANTED. WANTED: A good rellable,rnan to supply pustonters with nowleipb produets. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. I-543-127, 4005 Richelieu, IViont- Tea • 22b THE WATERLOO Cattle Breed- ing Association requires technic- ians to work in the Formosa and Tara areas beginning January, 1909. Applicants, for this Posi- tion will be interviewed in our of- fice in Formosa on Friday morn- ing, October 31, 1958, at IQ Stan. • 22:29b DON'T WAIT! Stert earning the money you .reed, now, 'right, Your own community, dealing with friends and, pe,onle •you knew. High eommission, ne risk, guaranteed and well-lcnown pro- ducts. Openings in CLINTON, WINGHAM, EXETER, HEN - SW, SEAFORTH, ZURICH and surroundings, Write for cata- logue, -Familex Dept. 1100 • 2213„ ACCOUNTANT „OFFICE MANAGER AMBULANCE SERVICE CURRIE'S AMBULANCE, Wing - ham. Always reliable Service, Phone Day, 51'; Night, 716 or 636, Court Of Revon • Town "Of Wingham Court of Revision on the Assess- ment roll of the Toe,' n of Wingham for the year 1959 will be held at the Town Hall, Wingham, Ontario, on Monday evening, October 27th, 1958 at 8 ,o'clock in the evening. ' Dated Wingham, • Ontario, this 14th day of October, 1958. • Yvonne./vIanPherson, Acting Clerk, 15,22b Wingham, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claitns against the Estate of Theodore F. Mundy,' late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Grocer, de- ceased, who died on or about the twenty-eighth day of August A. 1258, £Lre notified to send to the undersigned, on or before the eighth day of, Noveenber, 1958, full particulars of their clainis in writ- ing Immediately after the said eighth day of November, the assets of the said Testator *ill be distri- buted amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of 'which the Executors shall then have notice. DATED this 20thday of October, A.D. 1958. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. • Solicitors for the Executors: 22,29,5b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of ROBERT 3EFFRAY; late of the Tosvaship of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Retired Fernier, deceased, who died on or 'about the Twenty-first day of July, A.D, 1958, are notified to send to the undersigned, on or before the First day of' November, 1958, full partieulars of their claims in writ- ing, Immediately after the said First day of Nevember, 1958, the assets of the said Intestate will be distri- buted atnongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to elitims of which the administrator thall then have notice, DATED this Fourteenth day of October, A.13. 1958. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingharti, Ont. • Solicitors for the Administrator . • 15,22,29b TREASURER'S SALE OF I..ANDSFOR TAXES 'ty virtueof a Warrant issued by the Warden of the Cclunty of Hur- on tinder Ills hand and the seal of the said corporation hearitig date of 1.Ww day pf August 1058, tale of lands n dit6Etys of taXes In the 'dounty o iltiro4 will be held at trlY effide at the held Of 2.00 hi the 0ourt II0use on the 9th day of December 1058 unless the tmtes ELIA coSts,iire toOber .paid, Notice Is hereby giVen that the list a landa for Sale ter arrears of taxes was pliblisited in the Ontario Gat. ette an the 5th day .of 8eptember 1988., and that tealtal et tile Said list May be had it ity office, the adjeltrited sale, If necessary, wilt be held at the above Office :on the t6th day of December, 1958. : tresSurees 'Mine that 18th der of Atiguat, • 41000L a:ROM. treiestifei;- CARD OF TITANRS I would like to thank the Doctors, nurses, relatives, friends and neigh- bors for all they did for me while a patient In the hospital: Thank- ing you all.—Mrs. Wm. Young, Victoria St. 22b CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all myfriends and neighbours who were so kind to MC while I was in Palmerston Hospital, also the • noctors and nurses.—Miss .Ettie Burns, Gorrie. 22** . CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere appreciation to the staff of the Wingham General Hospital and to Dr, W. A. Crawford for their non- siderate care of our brother, Wes, ley Sherriff, during his long -illness; also to Rev. jar. Nimmo for his 'faithfull kindness.—Mrs. Annie 3, Tiffin, Jennie and Grace Sherriff. 22* CARD GP THANKS, I wish to thank all my friends who sent flowers, treats, cards or visited me while a patient in the hospital, making my stay there more pleasant. Special thanks .to Drs. Crawford and IVIcKibben, Mrs. Morrey and Staff for their very efficient care and nursing. All 'con- tributed towards my recovery, —Orval E. Taylor. • 22b CARD OF. THANKS I would like to extend my sincere thanks to . relatives, friends and neighbors who visited me and sent cards, letters and treats while I was a patient in the Wingham General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Alexander Nimmo, Dr. B. N. Corral, Mrs. Morrey and all the nursing staff Who were so kind to me.—Joseph E. Smith. ' 22b , CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to the friends and neigh- bours Who remembered me with flowers, treats arid cards, while I was in hospital. Very special thanks to Dr. W, A. McKibbon for being so kind, also to Mrs. I. Morrey and her staff of nurses, Spetial thanks also to Beigrave and commuttity for the elothes dryer, sterilizer and money mid for all other gifts the babies re- ceived—Um. Irene Lamont and triplets, Donelda, Danay and Dwight. 22* .IN MEMORIAM SMPIII-IIn loving memory of it dear Mother Who -passed away October 26; 1957. You're not forgotten, Mcither Dear' Nor ever shalt you he, As long as life anal nemery laSts We shall remember thee—Loving- ly remeMbered by Nile and Bill, 22* IMAM POR SALE LOI'S 12 AND 13, 00ttSSIM • 6; l'ORNBERRY TOWNSHIP, . BEING ABOUT sIX MILES NORTH 'BAST OF Wig6IHAIW the tib1lo Trustee (Outittio) has approved the ,sale o thin feral property, containing; 208 acres Mere Or lest et geed land' 64 Which there Is erected the tollowlrig- titlek Dwelling, Bar& Bern. 56x66, Straw Sliect attached 45*41, Ditplentent Shed 16*54, Buildings, are light fling rod equipped. This farm is Offered Subject to lease On the land Only tot a Petted itif two years fro* May 1st o 10564 • TERMS ASU 6toltna wn Etwvavin tt. d., IkleettAR, 11,f0API`Oft, .V.1110:HOlt, OtItAttia: ' • St NZ 0.11 • .ear.a., Sta. .'isrna.ac • BIRTHS EUNBAR---At 'the Wingbam gener- al Thai/ital. on Wednesday, 0e, • tober 15, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. •Alan Dunbar, Beigrave, a dough, „PISONNtle—At the Winghain Gen - alai Hospital, on Wards% Ogto- ber 18, 1958, te awl Mrs. Hartley A. Fischer, Brussels, a daughtere 1 BURT—At the Wingbara General Hosp,Ital, on aturdaYz Oetober 18 1958; te: Mr, and Mrs, James Burt, R.R. 3, Holyrood, a son HACKETT—At Ore Winglutm Qen. ere' Hospital, on Sunday, Octoher 19, 1908, to Mr: and Mrs, Donald. Hackett, RR. 7, Lucknow, afion, ZINN—At *the Wghatn- General Hospital, on Sunday, Citcober 19, 1958, to 110. and Mrs. Olerk Zinn, 11.Ft, 7, Lacknew, a, sea, James H. Strong Native of Howiac. A resident of Ferdwich, 4ames H. Strong died suddenly, as the re- sult of .a heart attack on Thursday, Ootober 16• at his home. Mr, Strong was 87 years old. - He was •born in owink ToW11- ship in June 1871 and farmed on the 6th Concession of Ilowick until several years ago when he 'retired to.the His wife, the former Elsie Dina - more and a sister; Mrs, Robert Mcafichael o Wroxeter, sarVive. Mr. Strong .wa$ . a :member- of Trinity Anglican Church,: Funeral „servica was held at ,1,30 p.m. on Saturday from the. :church,; with Rev. E, C. Attwell as the officiat- ing clergyman, with interment in • the 'Fordwich.CemeterY, • Pallbearers were Hartwell Strong, Harold Robinson, Roy Strong, Lorne Robinson and Harvey and Morley McMichael. ' • Bales .o f ClOthtng.' Tor.Go to Nkanitoba The October meeting of the Ca- tholic Women's League was held in the parish hall on October 14, sev- Ian members' being' present. , It Was decided to have a social evening at the November meeting and invitations were sent out to members of the C.W.L. of Harris - ton, Teeswater, Brussels and Lis- towel. A motion was carried' that bales of used clothing be sent .to an Indian settlement in Manitoba to help in the winter months, , The bake sale in the council chamber was very successful, both socially and financially' . Business matters were discussed and lunch served: The meeting ended with the League 'Prayer. ' Educated Public And Funds Needed ,Aid Retarded. Raising funds for research into the ,eaueies Of mental' retardetten, and 'a ,nuttalve campaign UV- On. ,cate the public are the two great• est tasks facing those who would help . tne . mentally retarded, the president of the Ontario Assecia ation tor'Retarded Children 'said in , IiOndon. "We must 'tear away the shrou,ds Of shame and ,seereaY bern_Of sUperstition and .old Wives tales," Murray Finlayson, of Barrietold 75 delegates trent retarded; child- ren's associritOs,arldiservice. clubs in the LondOnsWindadr=Sainia als- trict at the Ylvi,YWCA Citing pitiful cases„ where young- sters are chained' to their beds or their existence kept.' secret from, neighbors because r-thd parents are ashamed and .da riot Understand, Mr. Finlayson charged "We "We, hash. Oft done our jOb properly in edunating the public . • It is our daty to provideresearch into the cauSet." • First major stelke at both ob- jectives will occur in many, centres during National Retarded Child- ren's Week, Notre/M/0 16 to 22. 1The birth of a Mentally retarded child in the family is as unpre- dictable as 'the ,Possibility of a child being bit by. 0 ear When crossing the • Street" the ,Ontarie president stressed, "Between two and:three per dent of all births are; children iretarded to some degree:, It iita 'nothing to. de With the intelligende f the parents, ,Or anYrecord f in6ntal. teta.mittioi lii the' family history," Harry 'E. Poster, of Tomtit(/' ItOrtorery president of the OARC, described the orgenizationtal breaka dovvri et it fund raising campaign, literature avalaible, and datita of advising executive S on the regional and .prOVincial levels, • • Need' Mere Clinic* "We need .MOre alagneatio Et," e said,4anere connseling jell, Mote day *dwelt', More Shelter., ea satirkithOtis—and We've only got paupers' oh0410 61'W/irk With, tilt we are determine,d to 'dirty Mit those plans, • "We have a duty to slim& ?or •these retarded petiole, .6tit Of griev- MIS riedetaity!" - /it many Western bintarie delta' tres, and throughout the •cottetry, nageektitierie for the: rettirded eponsorundraIsing cainisaigns to operate apeCitil 00'0)6101 other groupe that' draw boosting, funds from—the diftithiiiiity 'Cheat Will tanipttigit ter, 'Capital 'building funds; and still others, lihe the Et:Olden tiatiociatithh. dentine &aft preignungrigt Albite edliteatiati." ireek!el flo.l.fikkg•4•4.0.1•01;“ ,folmsN, Raby WAS lit a Week John' W, Bal3Y passed away in the Kitehener^Water10O Hespitat ea Sunday following ahweeh's neaS. 0 Mr, Raby was a son of the late charlotte aad jannes Rab', and VMS born at liapville, Ontario, Al3r11 19, 1875, Ile eame to this dis. Wet When, he as eighteen years of ego end remained ia the Wing ham and Plnevale area the rest of his life, with the expeption: of ten years in Forest and Oa Past year in 'Waterloo' Mr. Raby attended pbwell's Sehool and was later employer With the U.F,O. here for several Years, He was an elder of St Andrew's Presbxterian Church end a past member of -the Wingham Qurang Cant: • • Mrs. Raby, the former Elizabeth Small., ',predeceased him in' 1951, 0 grandson, Jack Hare'In 1944 and a great-grandson, Ralph Waller in 1956, • , He i3 survived by a daughter, Mrs. Mable Hare, of Waterloo; a :grancidaagbter, Elizabeth , (WS. Howard Waller); two great grand Isona, John and Donald Wallas of Waterloo, and 'a brother Fred Roby of Winnipeg, - Service wilt be held from the R. -A. Currie & Sons funeral home this 'afternoon (Wednesday) at 2,00 pail, The pallbearers will be Roger take, 'Gordon Gannett, Hughs Gilmour, "Bd. Walsh, Robert Colley and Jim Murray, • • , Dr. Alexander alimmo minister .of St Andrew'S Church, will offici- ate and interment will be in wing - ham Cemetery. WipTECHURCH • (Intended forlast week) .• Mr. and Mra,. Albert Coultes and Diane visited. on Sunday with Mr And Mrs. Maurice Young of Eden Grove. Mr. Austin Cook of Toronto spent the week end withhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry' Cook, of Marnoch. Mr. and Mrs. Nereid Slesser and /sanity • of Glamis visited 'here on Sunday. •• Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simpson of Teeswater, and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ross Of Turnberry, spent Thanks- giving week -end in Toronto, and on Sunday attended he ,baptismal service in Davenport Presbyterian Church, when Eric Brace, little son of Ma and Mrs. Gordon Ross s‘v•as among the children baptised by the Rev .F. R MCKay Anderson. The summer season for the Turn. perry Community Sunday School held' in Holmes School will end on /Sunday, October' 26th when •there will be an open meeting with a Program, and Captain Nevvitris of the Salyation Army will be present and be the guest speaker. All are cordially 'invited to attend. h. ALAN WILLIAMS/ optometrio Patrick •:MOO: 771 . • 1. CASII-a-if You RV°, •CASIta-lf you! die. • Protection for .the iamily comfort sas yOij Mireniellt • Alt In ime policy, • Cousult—, FRANK C. HOPPER • —Repreisentative, Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT, Phone 462 • How lo get your wash cleaner than your neighbour's! WOW, • Ever spend all morning doing Monday's wash? First you fill the • tub... then put clothes threughahe wringer. And ohl — what miser. when your wash comes out grey-, • ed and dull—instead of sparkling white.,• •. •• It isn't the soap,,It's the Washer that makes all the difference. That's why yOu'll want to see the • sensational Washer that actually , gets clothes up to 50% cleaner than other Washers — the new Frigidaire Automatic Washer! Id a test of six leading washers this Washer out -washed, out -perform- • ed all others,* • And this mareellous Washer is - easier on your clothes too ...be- cause only water moves your , clothes. No harsh fins or bladetouch them. No wonder the new Trigiclair Automatic Washer is Rated No -1! See it in action at your Fri deice dealer's today! *ByU.S Testing ce„ International's • F:amoUs Testing Laboratory, BURKE ELECTRIC Commercial, Industrial;Home and • Fenn Wiring —. Motor Re -wind and Repair -a PHONE• 474, WINGHAM • to . t ...... tl . ..... .. ..... it ng Soon! Cash. ,value' ‘• . " • purchases at• - - Foo' cost-free way to accumulate cash for your Christmas Shopping. ••"•••"".~.••••••••:...."6".....04. FOODLAND MARKET Phone 207 Winghirn • 'Free Delivery • • BUSINESS and, . ,PROFESSIONAL DIRECTO:R Y. ‘A. 11.. .0 .1-311 • BARRISTER, 81I:1CM* and NOtiHtit .1,1,113t1.0 VRESWATRII.:. • irotimitro • TeepbOh 23 Teeawitter • Wrie!ense=-Iletiery Wedneithity sifterinlon, 2.4:4 p.m., or • • by ,sippeititnient FrederickP Flornuth Plant 'Carol i4 itomuth, R� Mrs. Vii•It IL Homuth, R.O. ortnaittntsto PHONIC 118 CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, SOlieltors,, Et I %%ghoul, 'ill on i I. citAWPORD, R. 8. HETHERINGTON', Q. J. W. BONFIELD . Barris Sonoitot, xotot,g, Etch MOMly te Loon Oftlee-,•MoYer Bleck' Wingham I WELLINTON HR Insurance Company kat. 1940 An eh Canadian company which has faithfully ffgarVed Its policy holders ter °Vet' acentury. Head Office •Toronto ` ffC MitalLeilli tnspn. Again* *bighorn