HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-10-15, Page 9VALUES TO $59:50 • • • Top favourites with men everywhere! - Gabardines and Imported Fancy Tweeds a masterfully tailored to the tune of higher quality and style. a BUY NOW at these' LOW, LOW PRICES. $24.95 $29695 $34.95 • • BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Winter Warm Doeskin , VALUES TO $2.95 • ' • $1,69 $2.49 • n in Men's 'and Youths' SPORT COATS All Wool Imported Tweeds $19.95 $24.95 $29.95 I WINTER OVERCOATS • 11 VALUES TO• $4:5.00 Sizes 34 to 44 MeIllIS - • • Broken Size and Color Range a • VALUES TO 0'9.59 1111 $1 , _ 9 95 $29 95 $39.50 E • • • • 99c n • a ° a n a n • • n Iai a • • a a • BOYS' DRESS. PANTS VALUES. To $70 $3.99 $4.99 BOYS' WINDBREAKERS 'Spring and Fall VALUES TO $8.95 $3.99 $5.99 n MANY MORE BARGAINS ON DISPLAY AT OUR STORE--; I SHOP EARLY AND OFTEN! , • a MEN'S WORK PANTS VALUES TO $5.50 $2.99 $3.99 BOYS', SUOURBAN COATS Wool Filled, Satin Quilted , VALUES TO $18.95 $9.99 ,0 .$11.99 $11.99 BOYS' JEANS Plains and Striped Denim VALUES TO $3.95 , $2.49 -:$2.99 BOYS'n SPORT JACKETS All-wool Fancy tweeds VALUES TO $16.50 $12.99 P. • 4 • V . Aylmer I TOMATO SOUP McCorinick's SODAS . . i Kraft CHEEZ WHIZ . , Aylmer P- CATSUP ▪ • Maple Leaf' or Clover Leaf SOCKEYE SALMON wratf; Swan TOILET TISSUE , Borden's CHATEAU CHEESE Green Giant NIBLETS 10 or.. 3 for 33c 1 Hit i . 29c i• 16 oz. 53c . 2 for 31c 3 lb. Ili 2 for 83c pkg. of 4 4 for 45c 34 lb. IT. 14 oz. Ili 2 for 33c • .0. i! .47c lb • •- • .• • • • 57c Tablerite ; • FiLESI*S;S '• • 'FRANKS .., &TO.; ‘1. lb: pkg. GUARANTEED Tfh4rite. :Pure !Fork SAU SAGE • : Skinless - 1 lb.• pkg.. i • U :KomingtOn's IG A Market • ill 1- I G A MEAT Features Fresh. LEGS 0' PORK . Centre Cut LEG 0' PORK • • 7c lb. Peimeal BACK BACON Piece = 63c lb., ..-. Sliced = 69c lb. s ,fir . . . -,1•••••gAtz 'to-L.:NAVA% •••,: .M,v • , 44W° •••,'" Waki'n • '111 i I •. ficir': fi •••••,r•-• i ''i,t ip, 1. ' i N ..0 - "•••'"'''' xv,r)4> • - E.. uie „A- 0:•,•e'' • 11\ 414,, lalamos -41/4t, I • 11 , I your grain p16 s CO•OP , Get Your Order in NOW for Beef or Dairy Concentrate as there is cash discount of $5.00 per ton during 'October and November. • CONCENTRATE ▪ That' full granary of yore can'help yon cut feeding, testi '11 ▪ 'this year. 11tix Co-op Concentrates with rout gtain and 'you I will have an economical and ,high-powered feed. Let Co-Op g pithy Voneentrates help your cows' give _ you an extra 1,000 119. acid Aureornyein tO give you the most gain pet lb, of feed , of milk . . vse CO-op Beef Concentrate' wth Stilbegtrel Yee; fOr a result-getting and cost-cutting feeding program, ago • 1 COOP PEED$ ro STARRING ROBT. RYAN, ALDO RAY, TINA LOWSK ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 2SHOWS NMRTILY 1,15 and LS 'REGULAR PRICES Crown Theatre HARRisToN er•erIeseie TW1 vitri.ofiavt pyKry sTouY %maw 2R MILLION READERS SAID NEVI a coviwr) llIE nikolb -NOW v90 CAN SEE -OW SELLING NOVEL Or ALL rIBIE. /If Starting Ion., Oct. 20 Thru Thursday--4 daps '14-406$4101,r-r•ff" *4-7,•••••-*-4 •;; • 10.00$1100001.040.i 0444' , A ' • • a can Churefa here on Thursday af- ternoon. Mrs. Edwards, who Was in her 85th year, died suddenly on Monday night, Sre was the widow of the late George Edwards, who predeceased her about nine years ago, • tat*Og Thqm g. Satur n n • n • • a a n n .10 a n a a • n • n a • n n • • i. • , FOR. MEN 'WHO 'WANT e2 UALITY • ,SUITS HAVING ORIGINAL PRICE TAGS OF -UP TO $75.00 TO-DAY SAVE. $10.00 TO $30.00 • Meln"s 2-button and 3Lbution!stYlinegh •Every Snit is fully eile,'"ivell•Styled,'ciirefully sewn - - stkto#611-isincen Tone P • Every Suit bringif you value ber•oll compare Men's. Wear Wingham, Ont I • See page eight Igbuthia sale of Shoes rttir Ladies' Wear, • • Mrs:Eliza Edwards • Ouriedin Wroxeter '•GORRIE Funeral service for •"Mrs` Eliza Jane Edward's of To, I ronto was conducted by Rev, Attwell in. $t. Stephen's Angli- anna' Men's Gift Boxed NYLON SOX ' SPECIAL - PAIRS FOR $1.99 Menis Gift Boxed CHRISTMAS• TIES. VALUES TO Sz.00l 99c Clearance MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS VALUES TO $5.95 Plains, Whites or Stripes $2.99; -$3.99 Young Men's V=NECK 'SWEATERS VALUES TO $10.95 Sizes S -L $5.95: 57.95 4 • MEN'S . DRESS PANTS VALVES' 4O $16.95 All Wool Weigle& and Synthoiie Blends S7.99 - $11.99 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS VALUES To stns NOW FOR CHAISTMAS X2.99 $3.99% $4.99 Anglican Church, tery, A daughter of the late Mr ,and Surviving are two daughterf3, Mrs. .Augustus.Barton, She was Adeline (Mrs. JaCk Beattie) and born near Behnere, in TtirnberrY Township and had resided in 0,0W, (Mrs. Jack Carson, both of Toronto; a son, Harry Edwa ronto. She was a Member of the rds, ick, Ethel, Wroxeter and To- Toronto^ a brother, Joseph•Barton , of Goderich and two Sisters, Mrs. • t. 2165t Wool, Fille, Satin Lined • VALUES' TO 1$24.9,5;;:.:„.p,N41 f 1: :•••'. , 1, 7.90 ...,,,,,,,t k , W.I. MEETS AT MRS: ADAMS' HOME GORRIE Mrs. Russel Adams opened her home on Tuesday even- ing for the regtdar meeting of the Gorrie Women's Institute, with 19 members and two visitors pres- sent, The roll call was answered by "My choice for woman of the year and why" as Well' as a current event. Mrs. Cecil Wilson took the motto, "It's good to have money and things money can buy; but •it's good to cheek up once in awhile and Make sure you haven't lost the things money can't buy," Mrs. Wil- son stressed the importance of keeping old friends and making new ones. Mrs. Stewart Strong spoke on Canadian women in ,the news, She dealt with thelate Dr. Marion Hil- liard and Mrs, Keith Rand. Mrs. Harry Rhame favored, with an instrumental solo', after which Mrs. Strong: conducted a, contest On Canadian_ women ofnOte,f . Mrs. 'Glad Edgar conducted the, business session. The historical re- search conveners, Mrs, N. Wade,' Mrs, G. Galbraith and Mrs. Glad Edgar are delegates to the Tweeds- muir History Workshop in Lake- let on October 29. • Mrs. C. Gregg gavd a report of the. area convention held in Guelph. Mrs. Willard Peel and Mrs, Clar- ence^ Stokes are leaders fog the course, "Sew to Save Dollars and Make Sense". Anyone desiring to take this course should contact the leaders immediately., The meeting closed with the sing- ing of "God Save the Queen" and lunch was served by Mrs. Harold Keil, Mrs, Morley Johnston 'and the hostess. GORE Mr and Mrs. D. Hicks •‘Of Har- rision, Mr. and Mrs: Mervyn Ste- phens and family of Goderich spent Thanksgiving. with Mrs. A. L. Stephens. ' " 'Mr. 'and Mrs. Gerald GraY and Gary of .Sudbury spent the 'week 'end: with Mrs, Arthur Chapman, who accoMpanied them on their trheeture.rn and will spend the winter Mr. and Mrs. Evart Whitfield visited several days with relatives in Cleveland, Ohio. • Mr. and Mrs, Gordon. Edgar spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edgar, 'Guelph, Mrs. Lulu Sanderson spent sev- eral days with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hogg, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neill and Frances and Mrs. A. C Neill of Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Holmes, Dorothy and Grace of Listowel, and Mr. and, Mrs. Ernest Wylie of Lakelet, were visitors' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dustow. • Mr; and Mrs. James Porter and grandson, Allan Krasich, Detroit, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bennett. , Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Willits and family of Simcoe, Mr. and Mrs, George Richardson and family of Toronto, were Thanksgiving visi- teors With Mrs. M. Willits. Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd Ashtdn and family of LucknOW, and Miss Nellie Rattan of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ashton on Sun- day. Mr, Kenneth McCaig, East End, Sask,, spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs, T. L. McInnues. Mr, and Mrs .W. G, McInnes and Will, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pratt and family, all of Walkerton and Mr, and. Mrs. Wm. McIntosh and Kay of Lupk- now, spent Sunday at the same home. , Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Armstrong and Miss Margaret Armstrong of FordWich visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M, D. Irvin. Mr .and Mrs. Lloyd Itockridge and Timothy of Scarborough call- ed on friends in the village on Fri- day. Mr. and Mts. Allan Hyndman and Clark spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Cass Thompson, Harris- ton. Mrs. Lulu Sanderson, Mrs. E. Cathers, Salem, and Mr, Ed Gil- naro Delmore spent Tuesday in London. Mr. quid Mrs. Arnold DtallidSly of Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Halliday of Kitchener were guest's of •Ivir„ and Mrs. ItOsp,Gbwdy, on Sunday. Miss betty. Wylie of Toronto,, Rev, and Mrs. George Wylie and John of Ottervflie, Were TharltS4 giving visitors witr Mrs, John Wy- lie„ Mrs, Roy Gowdy and Mrs, Harry. Dowdy spent Saturday in Kitoh ener, Mr.. M and Mrs, Milton Luther of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Moir, Hen89.11, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Luit.er of Hensall were Thanks giVing guests With Mr. and Mrs. (4ordori Moir, Hen Moir of Iciteh. pier spent the weekend' At the same home,. Mrs, 4ean MRePeriald of Tondon spent Friday and Saturday with. Mr. and Mrs, W. C, Xing- and also attended the wedding of MisstMa.r1 garet MacDonald in Molesworth on Saturday. Misses Dorothy and Margaret MeTavlsil of We9ton, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Adams, Con, 2 •Howlek, Mr, and Afrs, Win. Struth,' .Marry Ault, Deleware, Ont„ and Mrs. Jessie Sutherland, Toronto, A On, Barton Edwards: of Thornhill predeceased her. Burial MIA in Wroxeter Cerne- s Dollar-Saving N-WINTERSALE Don't Miss -Yotir Shoe of the '-.'Savings - Winghines Viteatest Pri-Winter Shopping Event Record - Smaihing SUIT Reductions K Remember Yon can save $10.00 to 0.00' at Hanna's during ° our: Gigantic ;Pre-Winter-'Suit -Clearance 1950 ,PRICED $ ,61 • A mice TO SUIT EVERYd•KORKET 110 39:50 .$ '9.50 xF $54.95 New tow Prices . EN'S TOPCOATS MEN'S WINDBREAKERS Spring and Fall weights VALUES TO $14.95 I $7.99 - $9.99 MEN'S SUBURBAN COATS BOYS' SWEATERS V-neck Pidlovers • REQ. 095 $199 - $2.99 era and Dehbie. of Hpinnere ewnd MR, and Mrs, . Eakle King' and f•mitY. Were Thanksgiving Day guest* , the save,'home. The Woman's ,Aasociatiori of Gorrie Pnitod 'Cilurth, will meet at the bonne of Mrs, 'Hen Hastie Thursday, Petoher 18 at $40 'The South Friendship Circle 'will have charge of the prOg4na, uniummulicinimaiallsiorIlipilsPorigioriiiii110.00111111111111111•1111112 111SWeekat Your Beigrave BEWRAVE„ 'ONTARIO Phone. Wingham 1065*,. Brussels 1411f'