HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-10-15, Page 7ElLUEVALE ,LUG.KNOW,SPEAKER FOR 'THANKOffERINO 11 4111 tturz; ocirs,100, j, io5 COMPLETE 'EVENTS - FOR FIELD DR. WHITECHURCH Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Nfri$ Stanley Darling were Donald- Darling and Mn and •Mni, Harry Darling, all Of Toronto; jira Darling, of Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. Olareriee Newman ef HarriSton, Mr. end Mrs, -George ,GibsOn and Perry of Drew, Mr and Meg, Geo Valiance and sons of Agincourt. Vlpiting -Mn and Mrs. Joe,. Hor- ton are Mr, and Mrs, John Wallace, of $t Catharine-5, Mr, and Mrs Jack Lillew and WOW), of Stratford, spent Thanks. giving with Mrs. Nellie pillow. Mr. and Mre, Henry Mathers had 4i. Call from their cousin on Sunday, Mn apd Mrs, John Freeman and 'their ,daughter Tereioe, of Bock, The final events 'have been held at the Winghain Peblie Scheel for the annual Field Day competitions. me Winners not listed earlier are felloWa; - Junior Girls Standing broad jump—Ruth Ann 'Hamilton, Marilyn Higgins, Ann McKibben. fauening broad jump- — Marilyn Riley, Valerie Hastings, Rae Gur- ney, Running race — Julia Dauphin, Ann McKibbon, Peggy Rae, Softball threw—Marilyn Higgins, Marilyn Riley, 'Audrey Collar. „Relay Race—Rae Gurney, Julia .ituPhin, Ann MeKibbon and Mar- ilyn Riley; Marilyn Higgins, Wendy • Cronkwright, Valerie Hastings and Ruth Hamilton; peggy Rae, Mary Ann Mason. Virginia Palmer and Brenda Hall, WHITECHURCH Gardner-B9wden Vows on Saturday A quiet wedding' took place in st, p401's rectory 'on Saturday morning Octpbee 11 at 10.30 when Miss Ithole Bowden and Mark /Awls Gardner exebanged marriage vows, Rev, G F. Johnson officiat- ed, ,The bride wore a brown dress With a white fleck, With matching breWn hat, glovee and shoes, and a cot-Sage of red roses. Her-,attendant, Mrs. •mle.rm Gard- ner, daugter-inelaw of Mr. Gard- ner, chose a turquoise. wool ()roes With brown hat, gloves and shoes. Her Corsage was white mums, Lorne Gardner was his father's groomsman, Following the ceremony, Mem- bers of the family gathered at the }mine of Ma and Mrs. Ivan Gard- ner where a buffet luncheon was seryed„ Mr. and Mrs. Gardner left on, a Wedding trip to Loncloe and re-, turned' to Wingham on Tuesday.' They will live 'on Frances Street. Mrs, McClure Speaks At Thankofterlizo BWEVALE—The fall Thankof- tering meeting bf the W,M,S, of Plucvale Presbyterian Church was held in the schoolroom of the church. 'Mrs, W. J, S McClure of MoleaWorth was guest speaker and OW a very inspiring talk on "GO Works in an Unfinished World", Mrs. R. 5, McMiirra$r, president presided, The ladies accepted an invitatien teattend Beigrave Pres- byterian W.M,S, Thankeffering Meeting on Octeher 17th, Mrs' Win, Henderson, of Moles- worth, Played a piano instrumental, "Cathedral Bells" which was very much enjoyed. Mrs. Walterr, Smil- lie presented her with a gift, show- ing, the appreciation of the mem- bers.' , Mrs, Burns 'Moffat chose as the ,Seripthre reading, "she Lord Is 'My Shepherd", and gave the corn- meats. Mrs., Raymond Elliott gave a reading, "Thanksgiving", written by the late Miss Barbara Thynne, a former Member of the W.M.S. A gift to the guest speaker was pre- tented by Mrs. Harry Elliott Prayer by Mrs, Ross Mann closed the meeting, Refreshment, were served bY Mrs, Raymond Elliott,, Mrs. Burns Moffat, Mrs, Bernard, Thomas, Mrs, ArnolctLillow and Mrs Harry Novelty 'rate—Julia Dauphin and ftlith Gibbons; Peggy Rae ,and Brenda. Hall; Ruth Hamilton and Marilyn Higgins, , • Three-legged race — Ann ,IVfoKib- bon, and. Julia Dauphin; Ruth Ham= ilton and Marilyn Higgins; Rae Gurney, and Marilyn Riley. High jump — Ann McKibben, Vane, Rosenhagen, Marilyn Riley.' Book on head race—Laura .Wal. per, Sandra Stewart; Brenda Hall • PELMORE-^4110 Geteher meet" ot Knox Presbyterian Church yy,m.s, held last Thursday atter" noon, in the church 'took the roma of a Thankoffering service, Mrs. McClean of Lueltnow Was special ,sPeaker, and a number of 4adies ,from the United Chureh, were gueSts, Mrs, iVfePherson was in charge of the meeting,' She opened, with .a cell to Thanksgiving Hymn 1.04, Scripture reading' by Mrs, W< Struthers and prayer, Mrs. Tx, Ballagh gave the Bible stedy on Mary and Martha, two sistera So different in disposition, and yet with a real bond of love between them. Mrs. G, Appleby sang' a lovely solo "Just for Today". lVfrs, McClean was introduced by Mrs. A, Mundell, She chose as her eubject ,"Why I Believe in Foreign Missions", She said we are all a product of foreign missions, the gospel 'has always been spread by an outsider bringing it into an- other country. She cited many in- stances and said it is,our duty and responsibility to pass it on • She also showed articles pent te, her frona Japan, a dancing girl, 'in- tricate wood carving and beautiful embroidery. The latter is! often done on the front of blouses and melds shirts. It takes a Japanese woman four days, working long hours to complete one of these. She gets the starvation wage of 50 cents for one of these articles. They are in much demand by Certain people on this side of. tho water and'sell for from $30 tcilr•i The meeting :closed with .Hymn 601 'and prayer, Lurich-was -served, And a 'sepial half.:hour enjo3recl., YORK ..F.OICRETARDEL 'EltARRIElfl' AT REI4GRAVE-41i. and Mrs. Garth Wesley MeClineltey, who •iverk rebently Married at the brides'aionie, at lllelgraVe:, ',She. is • the fernier Ruth, dile-tell:I, Ctook,,idaizgliter of Mrs.. 'F'red''it. Cook, and :the . late Mr, Col*. The groom is A eon of Mr. and. •WfrOi S. MOOliaelieY;• of Auhurd.-.—Phote by Harvey McDowell. • Honor Newlyweds 'On Friday evening,' October 3, crowd gathered at the Clifford community hall in honor of 1ytr and Mrs. Walter Domerling (Pay Wright), who were recently mar- ried. Rover's Orchestra supplied the musid, . The couple was called to the plat- form, where an address was read by Lyle Foerter. The presentation of a armee saver, TV chair, kitchen step)stool, tri-light lamp -with two% table lamps to rnatch, a cocoa brown floor mat, smoker and a magazine rack, Was made, Both Ma and Mrs. ,Demerling made snitable replies and dancing was enjoyed by all. ' •P' WROXETER BLUE VALE—Mrs. John Wick- stead was convener of the program on education for the Women's In- stitute, which , was held at the home of Mrs, Melvyn Craig on the even- ing of October 9th. Mrs. Sperling Johnston presided. "My Favour-, ite Book', was the roll call, A do- nation was voted to the Mental Health Association. Mrs. Milton Fraser spoke on the motto, "The Horne, the School and the Church, the Child's Three Teachers", and stressed the part of imitation in the child's educa- tion. BERM Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Nielly of Port Elgin and Mr. and Mre, Gordon :Nielly of Paisley visited on Sunday at the home of the- former'S niece, .Mrs, Johnston Conn. Mr,, and Mrs, Wallace Conn and ;family visited on Sunday at the home of her' aunt, Mrs, Gordon Scott of RinleY• , Mrs. William Piirdon has been ill at her home during the past week with an attack of pneumonia, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin and family moved on Saturday to their ,home in the village, Barry George, little son of Mr and Mrs. Walter Elliott, was bap- tized on Sunday at the morning 'service in Lucknow Presbyterian Church by Rev, Wallace McClean. Misses Florence and Margaret l'l/foir, of Toronto visited this week- end with Mr. and Mrs. James Rich- ardson and all enjoyed a motor tripdhrtnigh Algonquin Park, me. and:'Mrs.Roliald Perrott of ;Gociericli viaited on"Sunday at the horne of her, father, Mr, William Ferster of West -,Wawanosh. ; Mr. and Mrs, Ke,nneth Laidlaw and family of London and his Mo- ther, Mrs. James Laidlaw of God- °rich, visited On Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Elroy LaidlaW. ' Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sehefter and family of Mildmay visited on Sun- day at the home of her sister. Mrs. Posh. oward Martin, of West Wawa- , Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Currie and family, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ald Ste. Marie, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Winegarden and family of 'London, Messrs, Donald, Gordon and Wes, MacPherson of Holyrood, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Taylor of Hamilton, avri. and Mrs. ChaS. Showers. Wingham and Mr. Wil- liam Elliott, East Wawanosb, were Thanksgiving visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Currie. Mr, and Arc George Caldwell of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Cal& well and children of East Wawa- nosh and Mt and Mrs, Mack Car- diff of Brussels attended a family dinnerr, on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs William Rintool, Rey. C. Krug, at the morning service in • Calvin-Brick United Church, held a baptismal service for ?nines Robert, son of Mr, and Mrs, George McGee, Murray R.Ichi. ard, son of Mr, and Mrs, William Irwin and Douglas 'Kevin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shiell. Mrs, B. J. Currie and Mrs, Rob- ert Gibson motored te Toronto, on Friday and they, along with Miss Marjerie Currie, of Toronto, Ind Mr, Gibson, 'Who is taking a course- in sanitation in that city, spent the week-end with'Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lynn and other relatives in -Buf- falo, Mr. and Mrs. Rey McInnis and 'Caroline, of Toronto, spent the week-end with R. his mother, Mrs. McInnis, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, CheSter Casemere of Turn- berry and' with other district re- latives. Me. David Ciirrie and Miss Leah Currie, of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs James E. Currie and Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Currie and children at- tended a family dinner st the home of Mr. and Mrs, Russell Gaunt on Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. Douglas Simpson Of Culross and ,Medand Mrs,' Gor- don% Robinson and children 'of Wingliam Visited ion ,SundaY 'at the- home of Mn' and , Mre. 'George 9Vrn.: ' Mr. and Mael MelVin MeOlehaa- ban and Michael of Kitchener yisL Red 'on Sunday with his oarents Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, Mr. Gordon Mitchell dof Toronto snrant the week-end at 'the home of aitr. and Mrs. Will HeprY, Mrs. Irene Paterson of Toronto spent the wilelt-end with her moth- er, Mrs. William Taylor, of Kinloss Birth SMELL—In Clinton Hospital on Wednesday, Octoher 5, to Mr, and Mrs. Jasper, Snell (nee Eva ]ow) of East Wawanosh, a daughter, Four Members'' Are Initiated Rainbow Club Donates to Retarded Children' „. The regular monthly meeting, of the Mary Hastings Rainbow Club -was held in the Legion. Hall -with 33 ,xnembers and„ several visitors 4 answering •the roll call with their favorite supper dish. The. Meet- ing opened with the HouseVirife'a Creed and the Lord's PraYer '- ,unison. Minutes, correspondenee and the treasurer's report •wdre given. The Christmas banquet wilt be held %with the' Legion ' ladies -catering, date te'be ,set aethe.next meeting, Parhen tickets for the din- ner, will be sold 'andknarries drawn for 'Christmas gifts. 0. G, Andegacin,! Beigrave, was 'preeent to answer •gneetionas and explain the -Huron Cd-operat- tive Medical and Surgical" services. Mrs. Dave crethere told- 'of the meeting regarding plans' 'for the !Swimming tool Mrs. 'Wm Ele on and Mrs, pia Ettimaile„td, attend catrie'•,fall li,ai4uet 'Londezi:-ItO,Ge.7., ,teher. Ten tiliarg"Was.given.:'(O, klive school for retarded, ehildrei.an Y.134 U,. Rally Was Held a,t,McIntosh BELlVfORE.—The South Bruce United Church Y.P.U.• held their fall rally at McIntosh ',United Church on Friday evening, Oc- tober 10th. Fifty-seven young People from T'eeswater, Lucknow, Cargill, Bervie, Chalmers, McIn- tosh-and Belmore Y.P.U, sat down to a yery satisfying and enjoyable supper at 6.45. After supper, a short business meeting was held in the church, under the- chairmanship of Miss Lois Ribey, president of the South Bruce Y,P.U, of the United Church. Plans for transport of delegates to the Y,P.U. conference at Simeoe this week-end were discussed. Following the business session games wereorganized in the newly reconditioned basement of the church under the able 'leadership of Miss Margaret Jamieson. This hilarious half hour was fol- lowed by the more serious part of the rally. Singing an appropriate hymn of praise, the young people linked hands in a Chain of unity and marched upstairs, still singing, ,into the chureh for their devotions. 'The .guest speaker “for the. even- ing, was the Rey. GOrdon Geiger, B.D.,. recently 'inducted 'min- ister of- Lucknow Alnited Church. He was introduced by Jim Whytock of Teeswater Y.P.U., a 'past presi- dent of the, South Bruce Union. Mr. Geiger gave a challenging and thought-provoking address on the theme "My Utmost for,-His High- est", stressing the superlative life to 'which we are called in the ser- vice of our Lord and Saviour. Lois Ribey expressed the thanks of the Union to the speaker. The closing devotions were very sym- pathetically conducted by four young people from the Bervie- Chalmers Y.P.U. Following the benediction by Rev, George Saeh of Bervie, a short meeting of the executive was held. ,The following ministers attended the Rally; Revs. George Sach, Peter Renner, R. G. Brown, G Geiger and H. West, minister of the home 'church; A very worth- whille and spiritually ,profitable rally, a Santiefsiiid*Cin the'draVe :of: 'a basket. Penny auction was play- ed with eachmenehereceiving a gift. ' The last meeting of .the year Will be held in the Ocklfellbws Hall on Tuesday, November 4th with. Mie. Martha Warwick apd'Mra.•Gebrge. Anger as hostesses and' Mrs. John Breckenridge and Mrs..J4n Crdnip offering to help. Members please be present to get your' banahet tickets and name f er:gift;','"Euchre 'will be played and telt' bail- td „be aeTweredbsy[AYriogr. won favorite tirltlx•ippiellde ripe. mr saucer donated by Mrs. Gordon' Simmons for theducky Cup. ,[111any 'Take Part In Shower Program ST. HF,LENS—Mrs. Fred Thomp- 'son !rof London, formerly Miss Isa- {,belle ,.MacPherson, was geest at a 4er" in the community hall `On Otiday evening in honor nf her re-! Vent marriage. Mrs. Will Ruther- ;ford favoured with piano music as the ladies gathered. ' To . the strains of the Wedding March Isabelle was 'escorted to the platform by Mrs. Win. MacPher- 'son and Mies% Mary McIntyre of Lucknow and Mrs, W. MacPherson assisted in opening the gifts with 'Miss McIntyre reading the cards. Others assisting were Beverley' Gaunt and Mrs. Cliff Hackett. Mrs. Thompson expressed her appreciation to the ladies and in- vited them, to visit her at their hOmet at Exeter, Irma. Forster was chairlady for the program that followed consist- ing of appropriate readings by Miss.- W. D. Rutherford, Norma Forster and Mrs. E. Barbour; a chorus by the school girls; a piano solo by Mrs. C. Taylor; vocal solos by Mrs. E. W. Rice and Mrs. Ray Laidlaw and conteets by Mrs, L. Woods and Mrs. Jas, Aitchison. Lunch brought the very pleasant evening, that had been arranged by Mrs. Ernest Gaunt and Mrs. Ross Gammie, to a close. Miss Ruby Duff reviewed the book, "Keep 'a Light" by Evelyn Richardson, the story of a Nova Scotia family living in an island lighthouse, a prize-winning non- fiction story and, a best seller. Mrs, Bert, Garniss described 'the work for retarded Children, with 'special reference. to the recently opened • school in a Winghain, In-' stitute members are planning' to eunport this project. •_j Mrs,- d•Alex Corrigan" Coriduat&al,! a contest a en the history and geog, vaphy 'of Canada. Refreshments were Served hy,tlie hostess and Mrs, R. J, McMurray,, Mrs Roy Turvey and, Mrs.- W, 3. PeAcock. BELGRAVE---, The La, Le. Li Group of the Canadian Girls' in Training -met on Friday evenine• with 14 members • in. attendance. The =president, 'Pats" Logan. open- Od the meeting with the, C,G.I.T. Purpose; followed ,by Luke ,2•:52 in unison and three .verses' of '"The,... Song!. ;Reports 'were giVen by . the' sdc: 'retaaw,, and treasurer, • The •'girls wereLreminded of World Friend- ,ship rally, to, be held, an Clinton,bn 'October 19.-'The group, decided to 'collect for UNICEF on Hallowe'en. They ale° aimed to, purchase two, batts,1 for the Evening Aux!.', 'Diary quilts. •-• ,,Barbara Krug 'and Marie Coul- tes. will be in charge of the next worship service on October 24, It was decided to have a Halloween party on October 30th, each girl to bring a friend and box lunch: Patsy Logan, Lillian. Pengelly and Mrs. Ted Fear to be in charge of recreation ,at this party. ' A very impressive initiation ser- vice was conducted by Mrs. Fear when four new girls were welcom- ed to the group, Jean Bacon, Linda Johnston, Joyce Probter and Ruth Coultes. After the service the girls, had several stunts for the new members. The meeting closed with Taps. Mr. and Mrs., Alec Styles and ijly ,and Patsy of Mimic° spent the week-end and Mr, Norman Geddes, Toronto, Miss Anne Ged- des and Mrs. Miller Davis, Wing- ham, spent Monday with Mrs. Cora McGill. Mr. and Mrs, Harold 'Buffet of Carsonville, Mich., Mrs. Fred Ried of Clinton visited with Mr, and Mrs. C, R. Coultes and all took a Adriye 'to the Bruce 'peninsula on Saturday and Sunday, 'and Mrs, Jack Perdue and. family' 'f 'Toronto visited over the ,weekend with Mrs, A, M. Perdue and other relatives in the -village. ,Mr. and 'Mrs. Cecil Armstrong family of Thormlale visited with Mr. and Mrs. David Armstrong 'and. other-relatives over the week- Mr, and Mrs. James Andet4On Guelph spent the week-end with his, parente, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson. • - Miss Jean Stewart of Harriiitoe a missionary from Manitoba, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs George Michie and family. Mrs. John F. McCallum is a Oa: tient In the Wing-ham General Hos•-! pital. Nfaand Mrs. Mike Rezzensoff and family of St. Catharines spent, the week-end with Mrs. Laura Johns- ton and George and also visited with other relatives: - Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones of Tor- onto spent the week-end with Mr Martin Grasby and also vieited with other ,friends. Mr. and ;Mrs. Lloyd Anderson of London spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. John Anderson. Mrs. Charles Lake of Huntsville snent a few days last week and Mr. Bill Bernie of Toronto visited on'Monday with Mr: and Mrs. Lyle Hoptier.A , Mrs.' Alice Johneton and Miss Iris Johnston 'Of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, 'Rich- ard Procter and also -visited with Mr, and Mrs. Carl Procter. ;Maancl Mrs Kenneth Wheeler, Ivan and Mary Anne arid Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wheeler spent Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Goldie Wheeler and family at London, Mr. and Mrs Charlie Cold of Lon- don viSited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James lVfichic. Mr. and Mrs James R, Coultes visited on Sunday with Me. and Mrs. Gordop. Hill and family at :Varna. Mrs, Jesse Wheeler will be con- vener of the historiCal resea,r6h meeting of the Belgrave Women's Institute Meeting to be held in the conaniunity centre on Tuesday af- ernoon, Oct. 21. Win#harif oir On "Sing Time" LAN SUPPER FOR 60T11 ANNIVERSARY Intermediate s' NOyelty race—.Sonja •RosS, 'Joan iVV•hitby, Mary Ellen McPhail. . ',High lump--,-.Jackiet Saint, 'Susan Spry, Mary Ellen„.MePhitil; • Senior 'Girls '< uiihieg•' race—Judy McKibben Sharon Riley, Shirley Loder) .Softball throw.Sharon Riley Judy McKibben, DiarMe Deyell. Book on head race—Mary Jam ,Slosser, Nancy Clark, Jane Anne (Jolvin, " Running bread junip---.Turiv Mc- Kibben, ' Sharon Riley( Dianne evell. 013, step and jump -- Judy Mc- abbon, -Freda Lott, Mary Jane Slosser, Three-legged race—Judy McKib- ben and Sharon RijeY; Nancy Clark and Shirley Loder; Jane Anne Col. vin and 'Jean Rodgers: Relay"racei First place team: Nancy ,Clark,'Judy- McKibben ShirlertUder "and Sharon RI] ey':' second splach •teani: 'Esther Kerr Jane Anne Coleiie.',Brepda Mae Lerman jean- RodgerSi t"thirr places learn"'Joan' Chitticki Freels Lott; Trudy Allen and 'Kathy liatai gins. : ' Novelty . race Kathy 'Heagitis and Sara; 'Cra'Wford;,- Shatenz id JaalY,". MO'Kibbon; :Fredan j.,6t't d . Jean Chlttie,k, 'g• furriplaticy Clark; Sharer, y, Audy:toile and Joan„ fted- "la, Net!). i ,t.• • Standing broad jump iyrede,, Lott„ Judy ;McKibben, Shirley Loder: ; ; Boys Running broad, jump — Keith Loder, Ray Corrin, Bruce Golley Wheel barrow race=-Billie, Ken and Lonny toucher; Sohn White and Marvin' Skinn; Brian 'Clark and Blame Golley, • • Senior BoYe Running broad jump — Douglas Campbell, Bob Lunn, John •Camp- bell. , Standing hop, step and 'jump Douglas'Campbell, George Kerr. Bob Lunn: " ' CHAMPIONS Senior girls dikniPion, Judith McKibbon; runner-up, Sharon Riley. • Intermediate girls Champion, Jackie 'Saint, runner-Up, Judy Cal- lan.. •' !' • Junicia- girls —;ChtiMpiell, Julie Dauphin; runner-up, Ann 'McKib- ben. • ' Senior boys-Champion, Douglas Campbell; runner-Up, Wayne Riehl. Intermediate .bpys — Champion Jun NaSinith; runner-up, Rebert Campbell. 4 Junior boys -- Champion', truce Golley; runner-up, Rey Corrin and Garry Reed (tie). NINE HUNDRED ENJOY SUPPER p` 'it A 00.11AV Al• BELGRAVE—Aeother successful turkey suppev,Wae held la;St Wed- nesday evening in the -community Centre here when approximately 900 persons sat down at once to a bountiful meal, This is an annual event organized by the arena board and supported by the community,' Rev'. J., Green offered grace; Rev. R, lefeally was chairman. Speeches Were givn by Shnon Hallahan, John Hanna, M.P,P., and D. A. Nimmo Th Program was put on by Joan Gaffney 'and her group - Mr, and Mrs.:" W. Parker and daughters of Richmond Hill spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Alex Corrigan. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moffatt and children of Sou'thampton spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Burns Moffatt. Mrs. Neal Ma,cEachern, of To- ronto, visited Mrs. .R. F. Garniss at the 'week-end. Mr and Mrs.' McIntosh, of Lis- towel, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston. ' Miss Eleanor Smith of 'Ttoronto and Miss Joyce Hoffman of Barrie 'were- home for ThankSgiving. Mr.' Jaok Elliott, of Cornwall, is :havinga vacation at his home here. a/ir and Mrs., A. D. Smith vis- ited in Listowel on' Sunday and attended the centennial service in the United Church when Rev. Win. BlEtekrildra Of 10403; t,*lio 4fOrin- erly taqght in, lusMlm4s ,d5- the. speaker. Gordon Jones. 'and 'Don' Nelson of Toronto were .at the Corrigan farm for Thanksgiving hliday, Rev. Writ Blackmore, 'Mrs. Blackinore a'nd children Were holi- day visitors with Mrs. Blackmore's parents"; Mr. and Mrs Raymond El- liott, Mr. and Mrs Alfred, Barry and children of Sarnia spent Thanks- giving with Mr. and Mrs, George Thomson, Mies Norma McMinn, of Toronto, from Mitchell. Dancing followed i Was the guest of her sister, Mrs. In the Foresters' Hall, ' Arnold Lillow. The choir of Winghain United Church was featured on "Sing Time" over CKNX-TV on Sunday afternoon. Also in connection with this program was a discussion led by Rev, T, G. Musser, minieter of the church, with two different members of the visitation group, Barbara Stainton and Wilford Cas- lick. This group of 80 church mem- bers 'conciticted a visitation on a recent Sunday, when every fainily in the &droll was called upon. Mr, HuSser Cited several of the benefits derived from these calls, chief of which was the addition of many rieW members to' the. 'church, ST, HELENS StilWrNG• COURSE-•.-41teirdiere t Wernenl‘ hieStute in thie Urea g'allhoreil at the Wingliarii last Thiirsday ter it one4tay sewing -ono*, tett to right tm trsm. Arnold triltelet; 'Mrs Me Aiiistery 'Clintool borne oienoitilst, met '14)* iseSld W allnee oftatielete,..AdvaiitiOefines Moto, Visitora* at the home of Mr. Al- bert Gallagher over Thanksgiving week-end Were Mr, and' Mrs, John Acteson, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wil- son, Toronto; Mrs. Alba Acteson, London, Mr. arid Mrs, A, Robinson and two sons and Art Roy, God- erich. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Refell and Susan, Byron and Miss Bonnie Gib- son, London, were week-end visi- /tors of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Ashby and Roger, l3rantford, spent the week- end with Miss Helen and Messrs. Jack and Dori. Milligan.• Mr. 'and Mrs. Wm, Newton and daughters, 'Byron, were Week:end' guests of Mrs. R. Newton. • Sunday guests at the same home wereaMr. and Mrs, Lyle Hart and Patti, Lis- towel, Mr. and. Mrs. `HarveY Brad- shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton, Harriston, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Mar- tin and .farnily, -Drayton and- Mr. and 'Mrs. Harvey Mulligan. Mr, and Mrs. David Robinson. spent Sunday with Mr. and. IVIis f• Leslie McDonald, London, ' Mrs, A W, Rae and Miss, Mar-, garet Jardine spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs James Rae -and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rae, Brant- ford. , ' • Mr, James Doig spent the holi- day week-end at his home here. Little Karen Galbraith is spending some time with her grandmother, Mrs. James Doig. IYlaand Mrs. riussel Deachman, Johnny and Marianne, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Howes, Owen Sound, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Howes, Mr. Ian Howes returned Saturday from Charles City, Iowa, where he took a week's short course. Mr. and Mrs. William Paton and family, London, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ir- vine. Mr_ and 'Mrs, Joseph Ellul and family, accompanied by a friend, all of Toronto, spent the week-end at their home here. Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Elliott and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Elliott, Har- rlston. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clement, Messrs, Peter and Danny 'Isabelle, Toronto spent the week-end at then acme here., and had as their' guests, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Isa- Celle, Debbie and Danny, Mr. Geo. Jones, ,Long Branch and Miis Pau- line Large, Ottawa. Mr, and Mrs .Scott Hunter, Su- san and Donald, Windsor, were holiday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Et, R. A. Hunter and Mrs. Ruth ivIcLonaltl. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Brothers, Dar- lene and Nancy of Wextora, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs V. 13ro- thal!s, Mr, and Mrs, lieward Bowman, Petersburg, were Sunday guests 01 Ross Tolman's. . 1N/fr. and Mrs. Russell Walker Spent the Week-end with IVIt. and Mrs. Dan Wanton), Parts, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walker, Galt, The sympathy of the community Is extended to the Gibson and Sta- Liaea ftas. families in their regent bereave m. Fred Noble and family, Roth - say, spent 'Thanksgiving With the formers mdents, Mr, and Mrs. Richard Ingram, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Tait mid family, Mr, and Mrs, George Hunt and lamily, Brampton, were Week- end guests of Mr, amid Mrs, Ash- ford Hunt. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hunt and Rickey, .aortle, were guests 'at a turkey dinner at the same home , on Sunday night, Mr. and lqra, Williath Bushnell, Lavack, were visitors at the home. of Mr, and Mrs. 'Harry- Dane last WeMbl' ic,. and Mill. Wiliitn iAnC, Shbris, Man,, are 'Spending several days with the fottner's brother, Mr. -tarry Dace and Mrs, Dane , Mrs Alectiki Spatting -and. Miss - Hazel Sparling Were in Seafetth last Thursday attending the ftitheral of a nephew And Cousin, the late 'Wesley Sherrif Dies' in Hospital Wesfey Sherilie of Winglia.m, 'pas. d away In Whightini General 1.1 'tat on Sunday, October 12, in his.. .Mtn year, ne was eldest Son of, Williain 'Sherriff and Rebecca Ferrier: ; FM.; Many -years he resided in Owen Sound, and thirty years ago Was appointed: mceige and sales tax auditor ,f,er the Dorninien Govern. Meat at' Windsor, Mr. Shertiff WAN a PreallYterian arid a member of the deotglan Chripteil Of the Masetilc • Order of , Owen Senna. ReCentlY he Was pre- : tented with the ho-year jewel, fl )dtive's litiOtirn his .10es three sisters; NUS, Miele' j, Tiffin and Greco, of Witighare, alai) Aerie It; -of Trafalgar, • • The funeral Was conducted by Lot Alexander Minnie, at the It, A. ' Currie and Sons fUiloiati bottle, and littetinent was in Wingliarti dein. etery! en Tuesday The pallbearers re nephews, W. leaeph TIE fin-, het Tiffin, BMA,'Sherriff. abeam Shot-rift,COMO Leiden rid oahia rattier The floral tribiltet Were Many. and beaiAtihtl ' Pilends . and ralatiVeS Were Preeent 'front Niagara OWen sound, Welland, gitcheriet, LeidSn, RiVerildn, St. . 'Catharines; Windsor and Mrs. Gibson Was Devoted Worker • 1,YROXETER--06 Tuesday,. Oer tober 7, there passed away a highly, respected, citizen of this commun- ity ,in .the person of Mrs. liam Gibson, at the home Of her, son, George, -in Turnberry Toven- ship, She had been ill, for the past year, In her 81st year, the former An- nie Isabella Watt, daughter of the late George' Watt and Mary Reid, Was born in linnet Teavnehip, In, the year 1907 She' was united in. marriage to George William Gib- Son, who predecetteed her in Jilite, 1952. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs, J. D (Mary) MeGillVray, of Pais- ley and three sons, Archie, of Nel- son, E.G., Dean of Luettn and George of Turnberry Township three grandchildren and one bro- ther, Robert Watt, of 13lyth. She was one Of a family Of ten , child'. ren. ' \ After her Marriage they spent short time in the province -of Sas- katchewan and Since had resided in the Wroxeler cOmnainity. She was a _faithful member of' Wroxeter United Church -and a life member of the Women's Missionary Society. She was for yearaa, mem- ber of the Wenians AssociatiOn and always gave her wholehearted stip, port to any worthy Cause, Mrs. Gibson's kindly ways and plea,4 snot smile Will always be ten-mein* be-red. Fetal services Were held on Friday, October .1Cm at 2 p.m, -train the Moir funeral home, Gorefe4 With Rev. Hird of Wftoteter ed Church officiating. Palibeat. ore were, Anderson Gibson, Rbbeit 3, Gibson, Tom Burke, Robert (lib,. 'son, George Watt and ,William Hamilton, Interment Was Made in thesWroxetet eenacterY. Wilmer HOWO% Mr, and Mrs Allan Munroe an Winnifred Went by ale to 'Wait Mr, arid Mrs, Al Selidtt in OleVeland over the TioliditY, ST. LENS—lvIiss W. D. Ruil li- ei‘ford was hosteSs for the Oc- tober meeting of the W.M.S. and the W.A. held on Thursday With 18 ladies present, conducted by the president, Mrs. Th.. Vieille of the wora•kie se rvi•aa Jr, Green, assisted by Mrs, W. ;A, Miller, was "Discovering Neigh- bourhood—The (Tribal Relation- shin", at, ineitetton to the White- chUrch W.M.S. Thankoffering on October 17. Dr. Donald Watt of Bill. Coola, B.C. will be the sneak - ea was received and aecepted. Miss Rutherford gave the report of the morning SeSaion of the national °Meeting of the W.TvlS, hold at FordWieh on- Tuesday. Mrs. ("hag, Metdeeala reeredea frit, the. afternoon meeting. The roll tall Was resPoridect to by tellina. the inshelvinfi,bitT of visits to the sick -or Mt, Green introduced/ the new study book—"Cencetns of a Cnn. tinent" tohlittg snmothina of Ole countries in North America to be, I studied, The treasurer reported that $142.00 had been sent to the presbyterial treasurer. — nieet;rig of the WA.. the thee*. of ' Todd presided Or the NA/4,4th worship service wa,S—The AbmIdaat Life—Thanktliving, Mrs. Eldon Millin read the Scripture leason and Mrs. E. W. Rice, the theroolits. 'cilbe treasurer ttl, hotted $1.7.043 in the' treasury. Plaria were Made for the* eorigre- datienal Strprier to follow the 60th anniversary of the claret, which is to be bbsetVcd on S nndey, Novem- ber 2fid, and it WAS also agreed to paint the vestibule Of the church, .A Plensant 'speial I bent Was tiv" JOVed with, lunch served byMrs, (46.:0 5 Nitebotiald and Mrs. W, A. 10144 Congratulations and best wishes to Mrs. Wm, TlitaePhetsen, 8r„ who celebrated her 00th birthday on If Mrs. Alex. Mutdie and Bob and Mr, Mel 'Brown of Kitchener spent the holiday week-end at Mrs. Wrsod's home here. Miss bonne Woods. student-nmmrse at the kitchener-Waterloo Hos- pital was home for the week-end. Miss W. 0. ,Rutholord, Mrs. B. P. Green, Mrs. W, I. Miller, Mrs. Mums. IVIntiotatid end Mrs. W. A. Miller attended the annual con- of the North Sectien Huron Presbyterial at Porciwich That Thee- tiny Mr. and Mrs. Gordon I/filler and Terry London were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Chester Taylor tor rthe holiday weelt.eild. Ur. W, W. Wade of Toronto was week...mid guest of -his sistet, Mrs. B.. If, Green Mid It eV. Green, Miss Anna Stuart WAS home from Toronto' for the holiday weeit,eact ;