HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-10-15, Page 4Obr U%fl1 Advellee-Thlree, Ve WAN') et. 15, 1058 FOR SALE --- LEE'$ TAXI SERVICE and Used Fureiture, We buy and sell, Ph011e 185, rrb McBRINE TRUNK. for sale. Proc. tiCallY neW, Phone 60834. Mx CEMENT- fresh Canadian, 99e. bag-eash arid carry. Stairdon's liardware. 15b POTATOES FOR SAI,E. $125 )1, bag delivered, Phone 5773 after sb 15* MILK 1eILTERS for sale-"RePid Pio", 6 -inch, 79c; 63,4J-inc1i, 850. Alexander's Hardware. lrrh -IVIcOLARY OIL, beater for sale, good eondition, priced reasonebly. Lloyd McGee, Wroxeter. 15b _ — — PARK BROWN mouton coat for • sale; ladies', size 16. Price $26.00, Apply Box 62 AdvanceTimes. 15* — - APPLES FOR SALE. Snows, De-' licioue and Spies; mostly Spies. $2.50 per bus, in your contatners. Wm.. Brydges, Belgrave, phone 618W2. 1;811 TURQUOISE Winter Coat in good condition. Size 14 sub. and grey jacket 14 sub, for sale. Both $15,00. Phone 431av, 1.51) POTATOES for sale at M. Ste. , Marie's • farm on Division Line between East and West Wawa- "odsla, Price 75c bushel. Bring your own basket. Price only geed until October 18th 15b •411•TREE-QUARTER. length, ,full back Beaver Brown mouton coat for sale, in excellent condition. Very' reasonable. Apply Box 63, Advance -Times, 15:22b CASH REGISTER, Adding ,Mach- ine rolls in stock at The Advance - Times. Typewriter ribbons. Smith -Corona typewriters and . adders. Victor adding machines, CLEAN? Madam -You don't know the meaning of that word until •you have tried, the radically new :and • efficient ELUX0-1vIATI0 Call L. R. Reynolds, your Electro- lux dealer; 640J1: ,rrb THREE-QUARTER TON-- Chel). ,track; 10501.! koul4peed ,transmissiora•with racks, it good -running order. Apply to Harry 'Heldman, R.R.1; Winefam, phone r I'M:GO; • • • • - • '.1.5b MEAT FOR SALE -Good beef by the quarter. Killed on premises. *. Inspected by Dept, of Health. Yearling lieffers. TOP " qUality. Lowest prices. Raynard Ackert, 'Ripley, phone 24r3e). 17rria TJSED STOVES for sale -Three Coleman space heaters, 32,000 ,13.T.U. capacity; three Quebec heaters; two coal or wood cook stoves. All priced for quick sale, at Patton Electric, plaone 1713, Wingham. 15b SEVERAL used milking maehines; for sale. Let us install one of these or a new Woods in your., Mime an a trial basis. Distance is no barrier. Irving Keyes, , Olga -Ws. Phone Paisley 114r4. 23Alt-Nov LASKO .Sallare Cook Stove for' Sale. In grail/ eorrelition, p4orte 232;T,15 , IMITED NUMBER et Senator Dunlap Strawberry plants for saiel also 50 to 75 ElerAde hlaeicherrY canes, bulbs, shrubs,. tree. Nursery istock, Mentals, Phone 741W21, 15b REAL ESTATE INCOME PROPERTY. Brick house and apartment, all modern conveniences. hot water oil beat- ing (new), also two-stOrey brick building that has been used as a wood -working shop, Very good, 4ficatiori, Phone Wingham. 251 after 6 p.m. rrb • POULTRY FOR SALE 200 ROCK -SUSSEX pullets for sale. Four and a half months old. Ben 1VIcClenaghan, phone 40231. 15b 100 LIGHT SUSSEX and Barred Rock pullets, laying, for sale. A:pply Ross Turvey, R.R. 2, Blue- • vale. Phone Brussels 11r17, 15* LIVESTOCK FOR 'SALE, 10 HEREFORD' cAt,vgs for sale, Phbne 74331. •a5b EIGHT FEEDER STEERS for sale. Shorthorn -Hereford cross, weighing about 750 lbs. Harvey Ritheie, Lucknow R.R. 3, phone Dungannen 69r8. 15* 12 PIGS for sale; Phone 74331. • 15b FOR' RENT IGARAGE TO RENT on johla St. Mrs, Davis, phone 510. 15i) SIX ROOM HOUSE for rent, IsTift conveniencea, Pnone 289 or an - Ply to P,0, BOX 58. 15* FuR1SI5I4r) APARTMENT for rent. Oil heated, Three rooms and bath, Electric stOve and refrigerator: Josephine Street. Suitable for ''sstoricing couple. Ihone 32 after 5 pm. 1522b ••• 'WALE num, wAisrimp 9 - MAN WANTED for Rawleigh busi- ness. Sell to 1,500 families, Write today Rawleigh's, Dept. J -543 -SA, 4005 Rieheleall, Montreal. 15b "THE WATERLOO Cattle Breed- ing Asseeiation requires a tech- nician to work in the Kincar- dine area beginning Dee, 1, 1958. 'Applieants for this position will he interviewed in our office in Kincardine on Friday Meriting, October.17, 1958 at 10 a.m. 8,15b ACCOUNTANT OFFICE MANAGER A Mid -western Ontario manufac; turiog.coneern requires an account;• ant to take full charge of an office and ail accounting records. A knowledge of accounting essential. Salary eonunensurate with know- ledge and experience. Reply giving age and experience to P.O, Box 84, Stratford, Ontario 15,22,29b FIVE PIGS ready to wean, for sale. WANTED Harold Keating, Belgrave, phone Brussels 13r14. 15* ROOT PULPER wanted, in good conclition,Denis La ridge, phone Brussels 13r8. 16 PIGS, 10 weeks old for sale. Harold Vincent, Belgrave, Phone 731w3. 15* "HUNTINGFIELD" registered Landrace swine for sale, 5 mon- ths. Either' sex, Ivan Haskins, R.R. No. 1, Clifford, phone 197r21 • Mildmay. • rrb FIRST ANNUAL •. LANDRACE SALE . - The first annual Landrace Sale will be held on Friday, October 17th in the Walkerton Sales Barn at Walkerton, sponsoredby the Western Ontario Landrace Bree- ders' Association. Fifty govern- ment selected Landrace pigs, chosen from ‘Western Ontarios best herds. 25 bred gilt; 10 open, gilts, 15 boars. Show at 10 a.m. Sale starts at 1.30 p.m. Robson & Filson, auctioneers. 15b r TEACUP .READING TEACUP fortune telling every evening from 7 until 9. Call 247 15.22,29 GOOD NEWS, Word has just been received that Bonds FREE PAN' SALE at AR1VII'l'AGE'S is tO be eontirtued until 18th of October. Suits .from $44.75 to $69,75. During the sale, extra pant.s are given FREE. Every ca Suit 'made to your nieastrre arid ,,Inade any style you wish, so hurry, take advaaitage ofthis 'ttEE PANT SALE at AMC- ' TAGE'S, 845b Fall Values I AT CURRIE'S Furniture Wingha.m x-Prgot cirmStr FtInLer4) stIrr X -Hay Constrtraion irt geed eon- ditiort ONLY • • $40 00 „ COmPtErtZ AED 'Oat 36* wide, sited spring, Apr Ng -fitted ralittrIaexa, *feel 104 at, rikre iteat *SW.. •- )M.VD toorts...irms, 1:41,re COMPlete 419 spew% necittiteetla 1INVe Wing to Onitetr, *hes 511.0t414104$1 Fir 'WAWA foto, 4 4400** q AO* PERSONAL, a WHY NOT FIAVE YOUR FEET CHECKED Without Any Obligation -by-- A Qualified, Experienced FOOT CORRECTIONIST Undue pressure' can cause those sciatic pains, leg, hip or lower backache. See • - J. A. VICKERS, KC. At Queen's Hotel, Wingbam Each IVIOnclay afternoon, Mr other tiniea at- 481 '8th ,AVe.,, Hanover,. Pli13f1e • ' AMBULANCE: SERVICE CT/RR/EIS AMBULANCE, Wing - ham. Alwaya reliable Service. Phone Day, 51; Nighty 716 or 636. MISCELLANEOUS IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk ceverage? or information :phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham, arrix NEVER, NEVER, never since the world began such relief from: • Ore, aching, burning feet; weak ankles, sore knees, hips And beck, crarepa in tea Or legs. •Corm), callouSes, benioris dis- appear, arthritis pains fade away, • brings back eireulatien, Coeselt W, A, Kuth1an likene 04 Lis- towel, Oen every Tuesday after- noon and evening. Operl every Friday at Les Heubach, phone MO 9-2604-6, and in Walk - erten at Percy Pitch', phone 105W; BrarisWiek Hotel, Wing - Want Ottob*r 2081.. rtb Ott ART/F/CIAL inserntion service or more Infortnotion, tle Phone the Waterloe Cattle Breed- ing Aissociation colleet at: Cilia,. ten IITT 24441 'Or Teeswater 126 betWeen /.8(i and 9,29 amt. weelt dalr6., 6 and 8 P.M. Ort Satrirdaye. PiY hot ealt for #drVice on Sire - day OWS in heat err Sunday can Initeitinated satisfactorily be AuPply SerVice tell ..ttogfity MI% Of the /tolstein, lermy,* Aytatilte, Ilreiten Swiee, tted POII, 'Here- ford (pelted & herbed), Vol Mortliorti (polled and liorned), and thud PittpOse h�tthrti • Anth**44,0hitfaltiO brattlit. The Ong it lete., •23fria 8 to 10 CORDS of hard or mixed wood wanted. 14 to 16 inches long. Phone 741W21. 15b POULTRY FARMERS Due to increased broiler produc- tion, we find it necessary' to ob- tain several new flock owners in your area. * If you are interested in selling hatching eggs ae a set price the year around, write to Monkton Poultry Farms, Monkton, Ont. We have at present 10,000 breed- ers growing and they will be for sale shortly. Our replacement stock is avail- able every three months. Our next replacement "stock will be 'available the first week of January, 1959. . 8-15-22-29b DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- • mals. ' Phone collect Wingharn 378; Palmerstop 123w, or Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited. 6rrb •DEAD STOCK • SERVICE Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows incl Horses DEAD STOCK AT HIGHEST CASH VALUE Please Phone Promptly Call Collect - 133 Bruce Marlatt • Brussels, Ont. 24 HOUR SERVICE ANTED Highest Cash Value paid in surrounding dis- trict for DEAD STOCK MOIIEST eASH VALUE PAID IN SURR4)UNDING1 DISTRICT for DEAD COWS and HORSES. Poe Prompt, Sanitary Disposal, day or night otn DOMES for Slaughter nf, a per pourid, 24 Hoult SERVICE Phone LEROY ACHESON Atwood 153, collect DEOROE HOLM, • Wroxeter aril% FINANCING A dAlket jgdfor6 yc in any Mitt aboalt Obi LOW Cost Financing Serviee with tohipleto IOW:ante COVerage, STEWART A. SCOTT Phone sit Wateasta -,..„ . FEMALE ifEt..r WANTED KEENE KNITTINO COMPANY re- quire 50 'peal ladies for part t'inie knitting by xnachine, No eXper- lenge necesiarY, Home iaatrUe- tions given. Apply to Pox 447, Mount Ferest, If rural- refit°, please give directiens, 8-1.5b Mix WANTED TFIE LONDON LIFE Insurance company . has vacancies for OFFICE CLERKS preferably ages 17 to 25, with High School Graduation. diploma, , 5 -day week - Opportunities for Advancement -excellent working conditions -cafeteria - recreational facilities -staff pension and insurance bene- fits. • WRITE to the Personnel Depart - merit; or CALL' at the Head Office, Dufferin and1/4 Wellington, London, for a personal interview. • ROOMERS WANTED BOARDERS OR rdomers wanted. Only two blocks from 1Vfairt Street an Victoria Street. Phone 1079. 15;21* ROOMER OR boarders wanted. Apply Bola 64 Advance -Times, , 15;22;29;5b • Cour,t Of Revision Town Of Wingham • Court of Revision on the Assess- ment roll of the IF:awn of Wingham for the year 1959 will be held at the Towrt Ball, Wingharn, Oritario, on Monday evening, October 27th, 1958 at 8 o'clock in the evening. Dated Wingham, Ontario, this 14th day of Oeteber, 1958. Yvonne sMacPherson, Acting Clerk, 15,22b Wingham, Ont. NOTICE TO :CREDITORS' , All persons having claims against the estate of ROBERT JEF,FRAY, late of the Toviership of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the Twenty-first day of July, AD.,1958, are notified to send,tc the undersigned, qn or before the First day of November, 1958, full particulars of their claims In ing ...Innnediately water, the -geld First day of November, 1958, the assets of the ,said Intestate will be distri- buted amongst the parties ,entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the administrator shall then have notice. DATED this Fourteenth day of October, AD: 1958. CRAWFC)RD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ont. Solicitors for the Administrator 15,22,29b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN' THE ESTAXE OF EDITH ESTHER COGGIN. .ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Pordwich, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on the thir- teenth day of September, 1958, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the eighteenth day of October, A.D. 1958, After thet date the Executors will proceed to distribUte the estate having regarcl;enly to the claims, of vvhich they shalt then have had notice, DATED at Wingham this 30th day of September, A.D. 1958. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario • Solicitors for the ExecutorS. 1,8,151) TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES Ey virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden ht the County of Hur- on under his hand and the seal of the said 'corporation bearing date of 12th day of August 1958, sale of lands in arrears' of tales in the Celerity of Heron Will be held at My office at the hoer.- of 2:00 p.m,. In the Court House on the oth day of December 1958 unless the taxeq and costs are seoner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of larids for sale fee arrears of taxes• was published in the Ontario Cas- ette ot the 5th 'Cloy of September 19584 and that teillee tof the said hat may be had nt mY wide. •The adjotirned sale, 'if necesatery, Will be held tit tird above office er: the 16th day of Decernbet, 1958, Treasurer's Office this 18th day% of Augu'st, 1968, (signed) Dor7, Iltrorabsaereer • p5 Box Helders' antes Not Given Out it Al *trite* offethiet one -Meg to divulge the Milne er addfoola of any oittertiaor tioing ai AdVititee-time* Bet lkititithet. PIOUS' do fl�t ask ut ftirthlj Difornaat(iaa, . DIED 01.11:4310.-Passett. away on October 7thin the. Jubilee Hospital, Vernon 11C, HOoorge Onrrie, youngest On .of the late Robert Currie and Ann •Liniclater, pioneer residents of East Wawanosh Township. • Deceased Was .in 83rd year, He is snrvived by one brother DaVid. of Wingharn and one sister, Mrs, 1..Plorence Kennedy of KaniloOps, BC. One sister and five •brothers predeceased him, Annie Mrs, John Wilson), John -T., Robert, William J., An,• drew end jaws.. . AUCTION: SALE . FARX,r STOCK, 'implements, bay and grain. Lot 18, Con, 6, WzMile west of Teeswater,'Tees- day, October 21st, at 1,30 DAT. W. C. Dickison, Prop, L. G. Bryce Auctioneer. 15b AUCTION SALE - Household ef- fects of the late Edith Goggin will be sold by public auction, in the village of Fordwich on Sat- urday, 'October 18. Piano, oil heater, new refrigerator etc. T. J. Schaefer; auctioneer:: 8.;15b AUCTION SALE J: : at '• LOT 40, CON. 7, EAST WAWANOSH I% Miles south and 1 , miles west of Belgrave THURSDAY, OCT. 23 at 1, P.M. QATTI.,---1.0 cows milking and rebred, consisting of 3 Holsteins, 2 Ayrshires, 2 Jerseys, the balance Hereford and Durham; 3 two-year- old Hereford Steers; 4 two-year- old Herefords; 17 spring calves. 12 Chunks of pigs, 150 to 170 pounds. HORSES -Team of 'geldings. GRAIN -8 tons Gary oats. Universal milking machine, 6 -ft. McCormick mower. Terms Cash. .No reserve, LEWIS COOK, Prop. • Geo. Nesbitt, .Auctioneer. George Ftheler, clerk. 15b • 4 r GR144B1tUCIE 4 SHORTHORN aSALE'!' 'WALIKERTO* , _OCTOBER; 01• 1.- $31.F11411. iBUL ilEIFE I S*()IVEgt*$ 4i1:119 elling 67 registe're. r , *kilest ititialitr,comniete idisPerstily owing to ill health of owner, Harry Miller, Teeswater, Ontario. Includes daughters of Loamart Holudo, Royal Whiter Fair grand .champion. Several corky sereiee4o4 Calrossie Armada and his top sons. This sale -at Walkerton, Oct, 23rd. in combination with Grey -Bruce Club, 'who offer 14 good bulls, many Performance Tested and el- igible for top bonus. For catalogues write: ALEX McKEN- ZIE, Sales Mgr., Teeswater, Ont. 15b. • 'CLEARING AucTioN SALE of Live Stock, Farm Implements and Farm Produce • At Lot 32, Con. 9, East Wawanosb Township TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2Ist, .1958 at 10.30 a.m. sharp Terms: Items less:than $100.00 Shall be cash, otherwise 6 months credit en joint approved notes bearing in- - terest at 5% per annum. The farm consisting of 200 acres with 35 acresbush, -With good buildings andnew house with conveniencevvill also bre offered for sale, subject to reserVed bid on which terms may be arranged. Refreahment Booth will be on the :•• premises. For further information apply to the undersigned, Dated this 9th day of October, 1958. Wes. Abel, Mrs, Levi Rieman, Walkerton R.R. 1, Belgrave Auctioneer Proprietress 151) • 10/%101 PROPERTY ' POR _SALE BY TENDER ‘ Tenders are Invited for tbe farin nreperty of the late Duncan Grant adjoining the southeasterly, limits Of the Village of Teetwaterft, con - sitting Of forty-three acres being part of the South Half Of Lot Number Fourteen hi the Sixth - Co'neession Of ,the Township Of Celrtiaa; a mean portiori in the Village Of Teeswater arid. Portione .ef tot ' Nernbers Fourteen and Fifteen hi the Fifth COrideSeion of the Township of ,duiross; good barn 44' by 50'; Seven room briek. hottSe with got air heating and modern "convenionees) Choice' land With gdOci spring' ereek renaing eho length Of the probetty; fish pond 'of clear spring Water; eirera green. Tenders must state the Prite offered for the said farm property arid be acebroanted by a ebetwo for ten Peteentunt Of the teridet. pridets mist be iii tbd hands .of the uncletsigiidd b§ 12 ,iAtiSOk noon, StitdedaYy Oetdbet 18, 1958, The higHtat ot 'any tourer need mit .aeeeeserliy be iieeeptett I1 PAT.gb 4t, tedeVeatet ,Ontarie this sixth day of fktotietio ,'Aott, 1968, . Kenneth Cittitit, ' VOtiril* &AO* P_1. . ' 11414 filT.44.1110 ON LOT 15, CON, aqt l'arnberry Township, One red steer, Owner • luaY have Sallee by proving pro - petty and paying expenses. T. A. Carrie, plUare 361, 8b PAIRD OF THANKS ' 1 wisi to thank my many friends and neighbotirs or cards, gifts and flowers Sent me while 1 Wee a Pa:' tient in $t. Joseph's Hospital, /40n - don, --Mrs, Michael Willie, CAWD OF THANKS Mrs, D, Statia and family wish te thank all thoSe who 'sent floral tributes and cards of sympathy at the time of the loss of their mother, aft% George Blake, These were truly appreciated. 15* • CARD or THANES The family of the late Mrs. Wil- liam °Ibsen, Wroseter, wish to e* Press their deep gratitude and al), predation to all who extended sym- pathy ;to them in the loss of a dear mother. Thanks to all who called to pay their resneets, to ail „WTI( sent beautiful :flowers,,' te ' the neighbours, friend's and relatives Vidox helped.'• so Mech. •Speda ,thanks to Rey. ,Mr, 'Gordon Moir end the pellfieerers., 13.b •CARD OF THANKS I would like to express' my sin- cere thanks to relatives,. friends and neighbours who visited me, Sent cards and treats,- while I mu a. patient in Wingham Genera' Hospital. ,Special • thanks; to pr W. A. Afidichhcel and the nurses who were. pe"agojoa to Me. --Mise jean Methers." 4- 10 We ikCoARDuld liOkFe trt"laket,Stnisl'op- portunity of thanking everyone for tile lovely gift e we received at our recgptien in Clifford. -Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dernerling, Clifford. :" 15* IN MEMORIAM BAKER -In loving memory, of a • dear mother, . Mrs. Thomas J. Baker, who passed: away. one year ago'October 16th, 1957, We little thought when: she left home ' She would no more .return; That she in cleeth so soon would sleep • . And leave us here to mourn. , We did 'not know if she had pain, We did not see her di.'. :,,VVatenlyjknoW:' Mettler passed away 4 And • could, 'not ' Oar ,goodbye. Fendiyreinernbered by - sons,! seeders' and grandchildren..:::t IN 111.E1:11,1{I,. • E .6Ilirleving.).;inerii.ON, of a .tathei; AfithditSi ,M Passed ,.away October 18th, 1951, -,SadlY missedbyhis witeLldy and sons, Jack and Richard. . 15* , IN AtElVLORIAM TEMPLEMAN:-In loving memory of Frederick A. Templeman, who passed.. away six years ago, October 46, 1952. ' Loving memories will •never-ialie. As days go on and years go by . Deep: inour hearts, a memory is kept Of one we )oved" and. will never , forget. -Ever remembered by wife and family. 15* Wroxeter Man . Attends USA Course Ian L, • Howes, Who • tis with Blirke's troller' Farm, ,,Wrexeter, Ontario, is one broiler raiser among 24 students attending a, feur-day anorCzeciiirse in ehicTrenrAiseakeie and management at Dr, Salsbury's Laboratories, Charles City, „IoVve.. He *ill receive a certificate,at the coneltudon of the course SignifYlag, ihii §atista4pry co/01412g, of the Chicken. Shen Course. Practical in‘structiori is being re- ceived by Mr. Howes and the other students on chicken ,dieerraes •and flock management problems from professionally trained staff Mem- bers of the LabotatorieS who are manufectprers of chicken and live- stock pharmaceutics and:. vaccines. He will attend lectures, choice) discussions and laboratory demon- strations relating to such subjects as anatomy of chickenand pate - sites, development of disease, man- agement Of cliserise, management and eahdatioh, ete, 44, BIRTHS SCOTT -At the Wingham General 1fosPi.t.44 MI Wednesday, October 8, 1958, to Mr. and 1VIrs, Borden Scott, lielgraVe, A son, VAN DIVONN—At tho W114104111 General Hospital, On Wednesday, October 8, 1958,, te Mr. and Mrs, Arie Van Pieben, ft.A. 0, Luck* llow, 4 daughter. • LA ElOSE-At the Wiogluen oen- eral Hospital, pp Thursday, (Te- ti:03er 9, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Murdock La Rose, Wilegbara, a son. Ali1311C1i1.4E- At the Winghem General Hospital, on FridaY, 0C- tober 10,1058, to Mt, and Mrs, Robert Arbuckle,. Wing - ham, a daughter, WILK/NS-At ,the Wingham Gen- eral 'Hospital, on Friday, October 10, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs, Harry Wilkins, P.R. 1, Chesley, a son. OARKINTESS- At the Wingham qeneral Hospital, on Saturday, , October 11, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harkness, RR. 1, Clifford, a daughter. * 'DICKISON-At the Wingham Gee- • 'eral Hospital, on Sunday, October ' 12, 1958, to M. and Mrs, Dalton Dictrisme R.R,. 2, Teeswater; a daughter (neonatal death). COOK -At the Wingham Geinerel • Hospital, oh Monday, October 13, 1958, to -Mr,, and Mrs. Elden Cook, Belgrave, a -son. MISM0.1111111d': Entertains Parents,„,.. • The falr.Thankofferinga)neeti , of St, Aziarear,s PresbYterianyMig- sion BaKi ;Vas held in the class- room on.Monday, October 6th, with names and friends present, Ray Corrin played k,ehreet solo and then, with his brother Nor- man, played 'a duet. The members of the Mission 13and entertained be singing "Climb Sunshine Moun- tain" and "Fold Your Arms and Quiet Be". Offertory ushers were Stisan Perrott and Keith Perrott. while Cooper gave the offertory prayer. ' Joan Remington and Mary Ann Cruickshank sang a duet, "Can a Little Child Like Vie". Authentic Japanese costumes were modelled by Linde Reavie and Gloria. Reid. With Mrs. "Reavie ,at, the piano the tvvo girls sang, "A Japenese Song".; Guest, sPfaker4,4or. the occasion, was `ErivoT Stanley NeWman, of thelSalindien' Army. H spoke on Thr(nksgiVing and ,What, it Means, to us, '.Mrs. E. S. GaTiley thanked' taleisPettge4rind Judy. Reid Present - 04 (1.0.'N'itiiI;a gift. " , Parents and .fyiencle• were ask- ed to rennin') feelfinbhand.Mrs. A. Nimmo . closed :the Meeting with prayer: - :.BOARD AND TEACHERS, TO ,MEET' The regular Meeting of the Te.rn- berry Twp. School Area board was held at No. 6' School on Sept. 19th at 8,30 p.m. All members present -also Jas. Wright and Joe Walker. The minutes of the previous 'meet- ing were readand on motion by Powell and Haugh were adopted. The :, following correspondeace was read: Miss flesk. Mrs. Wheel- er; Dominion.. Government Re - bonds. On motion by Powell and Kirton that the' following bills be paid: Teachers' salaries, caretakers, trenspertatiep, r a 1, Hydro $10,0.35; W. E. Whitfield, 5 desks, and 'chairs; 3332,j51); FI. N. Gowdy Son,• .supplies for'No, 2. $500.28; , R. H. Carson &Son $4,38; Wing-,. ham Advance -rimes, 114,12; Jack Hood " $2..492.37; Kn. Edgar, Trilier, $175.00 Robt4"...AH labor, pirevin.;ittz,, 82.80N A. 4:14.1$relthi,,40404 00.00; Stainton's Hardware. $3.40; FL Templeman, painting, $1,231.79; }Toward Fuller, furnace and re - "pairs, $810.00: Fred Fowler, labor, $14.25; Cloyn Michel„ labor, $120.50; Alexander's Hardware, $22.32, The secretary-treaeurer .was in- structed to raise inixerannee on. No, 6 . It was decided to hold the teachers' meeting On the 23rd of October in Wingham, the secretary to make the arrangements. .Motion by Kirton and Haugh that meeting be adjourned. Nekt.ineet- ing to be at Wingham on October 23, Carried, Ale*, Corrigan, , 1.3ert 1101ines,• Sec.-Tteas, Chairman , MARRIED IiIIINNING—KOZAK— In Buffai*, on Saturday, Oetober 4th, 1058, , Friscilla Anne, daughter *f Mr, and Mrs. Michael Kozak, 26 aoptirich Ave.4aeltaaarr0 to William. 0, Henning, son* Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Henning, o Hluevale, Ont, 1 vosH 1 KNEW YYHE4 To OLTSor•ig IDEAS FOR. INEXFiNSPIE CHRISTMAS GIFTS* COME lefliTH ME To VANCE'S DRUG STORE -THEY HAVE PLENTY, oF - SMART GIFT SUGGESTIONS! LOCAL RWIMMARKS h. ALAN WILLIAMS', 1,Optometrist • Patrick St., Winghain - Phone 770 Something Gremaaa \never new '14 libout women Wherf'•'„Craindad wanted to make life :eaafer:fer his Wife; he got her a 'cerpef;sweeper . : . an ice box . f'. or a 'wall telephone, 'And poor Grandad couldn't imagine a wife whO wouldn't be delighted with such gifts! But when today's huSband wants to please his wife,- he gives her a Frigidaire Food Freezer from Burke Electric. ,"With this marvel - bus Food Freezer in your kitchen, you can serve your family fresh fruits, vegetables, meats - even pastriesarid frozen desserts any- time. You cEtn freeze fruits and vegetables yourself ht season -in- stead of canning them the old- fashioned Way. And you can '41110k -free es left-ovors and ,, save money eviy day. Mike electric will show ou hew Frigidaire Food Freezer keeps bread fresh for weeks foo a- and save daily shop- ping trips. And What a saving in time. yOu can fix sandwiches , • ."liinelids .• ;',`cook roasts and . turkeYs . whenever its eonVenient. Then put them in. the, Freezer to bring out in a hurry inontles later. Drop into Burke Electric today! See these beeutiful chest -type or upright Frigidaire Vood Freezera that hold up to 700 pouncit.. 13urke Electric will give you,lowest ore& terms anywhere. (Tell hubby about this!) For more' inforMation call BURKE ELECTRIC. • Commercial,* Loin -stria!, Horne and • Farm Wiring .:.,.. Motor leeavind and Repair -- PHIONE 474 WINCII 1958 Models at Clearance Prices 1958 Easel Pacer, '4 -door hardtop 1058 Ford Fairlane Sedan, IOW mileage 1958 Prefect:Sedan Used Cars for Quick Sale 1955 Dodge Sedan, exceptional con, dition 1954 ChevrolerCoach 1953 lord Consul, A real economy buy. Guaranteed, 1053 G.M.C. Y2=ton truck • IION MOTORS Linlited FORD 1H4 trolloct WINGHAM 0. stsevorztot Vont) -soti ronosox Tnimpons PHONE 237