HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-10-08, Page 11, 11.7 111:::411111ria$ • Suede Ar Leather .• • • S409$ t $4.95. 1w NQiAlvi ammommemmiimmommommik OPEN SEASON FOR PHEASANT FOR SURE FIRE RESULTS USE C.I.L. Atrimuriition WHEN Y01) GO HUNTING 'MS FALL We stock a full linP of ().T,L, Imperial and Outwit Shot Shell— all loads and eallbrear an Well as .22 eel. ammunition. THIS IS. A REAL, BUY! Moss berg 12 On, SLIDE ACTION STRYJC GUN with C -Leet Choke ONLY — COQEY Single' Barrel 12 Gu. SHOT GUNS ---'0NLY $23.915 Savage 410 Gu. & .22 cal. OVER and UNDER — a beauty for • small,. game -at $14.50 • • " GOOEY and WINCHESTER .22 Cal, RIFLES Alexan er sHaidware • • ' • "KEYS 'WAITE WHILE 'YOU" WAIT" •• • • ' • ' • Fin asz .eiraiti. gilt .. • 4Me'Iliat is ttuly practical • . • . 'select LOZ Of '"6741oi *u.' • • „ THE .WINGI-IAM.' ADVANCE=1:IME§' TELEPHONE :1 WINGHAM- 890' . • .. / • • PrEron..lizing 18.4,N:5ea:I '• • . • See da eiaareiai404.0 40. . • YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE PHONE .12 A4v4nee,,,elmes, WsdnesBON (,)etlitlki PUBLIC MEETING To-.disguss the..Swimming Pool ,question* .SIIRE. T.Q.ATWIP: • • Open seasons and bag limits for 1958 In Ontario for Pheasants have been announced by Lands and For- StS,Minister the Honourable J, W. Spooner, as follOws: All dates inclusive. e 1—October 29 and 30—Township qf Pelee in Essex County. 2—October 25 to Noverriber. Counties of Lincoln. 'and, Welland,' •3:---Septernher,' 22 to October 31— TOwnship- of Charley in Muskoka P54-:strOjetei.. alier:, '4. to ;INT - her .(a) Township of NasSaga-Waya in Haitoir''Cotint3i1' (b),4Township of 'Scott in OntarloCountY: (e) Town ship of Waterloo 'in Water* Conn- ty, 5—October 11 to November 1— Counties of Fronterine, HaStings, Lentiox and Addington, Prince po- 'Ward and the Townships Of Dar- lington and Clarke in purliam • County • .6—October, 22 to -25—ToWnsiiips Of East Gwillimbury, KinWyaiTly- an and Whitechurch in'York Coun- ty, and East Whitby aid picker- ipa. in Ontario County. 7--OctOber 24 and 25—TOwnship of -Markham in 'York county and Whitby in Ontario County,' 8—October',.25. to 29—Oxford Co. 9 --October '25 to. November Counties of Brant, :Halton, .Huron, Peel, -Simcoe, Waterlao, Wellington and Wentworth. 1.0oCtober 25 to November Those parts of 'the Province'not in - eluded .in, Schedules 1 to' 9., Time 'in all • schedules- Va.nri, to 5 pan. Bag .limits7-Schedule^,1Eleven per day'two of Width ,TriaY'be hens. Schedule Three (males only). Schedules 3,- 4,. 9, 9 'and 10 per day, of. which one 'may be a female.. • Possession limits -12 birds (not more than 3 females). • • • - , r. 1,'••• II . • 10. 11, 4 01. YOU CAN ' AFFORD TO FORGET -- IMPERIAL' CAN'T , . ,MP. ,,,, AA". t°t;4i'. di* *41.01011011OOMOU010,00010# i ..because four generations of Canadians have come to depend on Imperial products on the road, oh the faun, In the home ,,,,,.., Imperial started supplying supplying Canadians with 7 Canadians with oil products products when and "N'vhere in the very early days ot they were needed. (As Sr i the industry in Canada ... back as 1907, imperial in fact, 1880 was the year it opened the first service sta- made its start in this bud, •tion in Canada . .. and per- neSS.. .\•6( ),4 haps hi the world) In most areas of it Today, as over the past 78 : years, Imperial recognizes Was an Imperial refinery its responalbility to bring which first began making oil products locally. . iiii Canadians the most Modern Pir of oil products at the lowest* an'has ',towed steadily born.: / Imperial pioneered too in possible r'ee -''' - - -•.....,,, •Peitedt410/34100.01‘11.41400. INIfiERIACTOIL7LIMITED, t, `4* . 4 .1.... • ..•4, . **a AU .0 a • 7 0111.0k0. . .1.0.11..00$1&.Itt 04400.40,.#404111,kt!ja- The secret of taking fish by trolling is often dependent on the choice of lures. Of the lures on the market, only an estimated 50 per cent are de- signed correctly for trolling. And of this group, only a few perform well when trolled'fast. One of the necessary' prerequis- ites of a trolling lure is built-in action. I mean action derived from simply pulling it 'through the water and not manipulating it with the, rod tip. Deep running characteristics might be" considered another pre- requisite. Although fish occasion- ally are taken on shallow running lures, the success of trolling is usually dependent on "going down" to get 'em. Lures suitable for slow trolling are the "high -friction', type. Such lures have a -built-in flat face,, or have added metal lips to offer resistance to the water and pro- duce the necessary wobbling action, On the other' hand, lures design- ed for fast trolling are the "low friction" type, and by nature of their construction offer little Je- sistande to the 'water. The former produce high frequency sound waves to telegraph their presence to fish, while the frequency of the "high friction" lures is low. , Confusing? Well, just ask any radio' ham and he'll eiiplain, better' than I can how it works, In simple terms, this Is what it means, High friction lures present a broad face to the water and travel several inches back and forth as they wobble slowly through the water. The lures produce low frequency sound waves. Low friction lures offer 'little resistance to the water, and should be trolled fast to obtain action. The latter is rapid tremorous movement that produces high, fre-, quency sound waves. So remember to choose your, lures with care if you intend to do any trolling this fall. Another simple way to keep your snatches dry when out on the water is to paint them with nail polish. They will still light, even after being dunked. It's a good idea to keep a few polish -painted matches in your tackle -box, or, if you're hunting, under the butt plate of your rifle.. BOWLING NEWS Ladies Wednesday Evening The standing for, the ladies' bowling is as follows: Robins, 4; Magpies, 3; Orioles, 2; Canaries, 2; Wrens, 1; Bluebirds, 0, High single without handicap, Mary Anne McKibbon,. 228;, 'high triple, Thelma Rowsell, 553. High single with handicap, Carol Derbecker, 243; 'high triple with handicap, /Thelma Rowsell, 586. • Local Rink Wins Bowling Tourney The Ladies' Bowling Club held a harvest tournament' last Wednes- day, The play started in the morn- ing and the ladies served a hot lunch at noon. Bowlers came from Goderich, Hanover, PPisley and Walkerton, The prizes went to: first, Omar Haseigrove, Mrs. W. Haney with Miss Agnes Mit- chell, skip. Second went to a Paisley rink skipped by Mrs, E. D, Elves with Mrs. F. H, Pickard and MrsW. E. Thealcer. Third, Mrs. K Edwards, Mrs, J. Alexander and Mrs. .7% Kerr, skip. Fourth, Mrs. 0. McKay, Miss Patterson with Mrs, H. DuVal, skip. Donna Murray C apia in of Team Donna Murray, a former Wing - ham girt, is the captain of the Maraiiders, a Brampton ladies' tiottbalt team Which is note 'in a 2-0 lead 'in .4 best four,of-seven SOW!, Dahlia is a daughter of Mr, and MiS, Ford Murray, Who moved to. Brampton from Wingliani a few years ago. Dtaing a recent game In Which the lite/1111(30s trounced their opponents, the ilimberS, 16-4, she 'belted'a two -run homer, Muni anti Marg &theft form the teams, battery.. You watch the guy: who drives 'ahead. And .the guy who drives behind. YOu. watch, to the right, You watch to the left, You drive with a calm, clear mind. But the • guy you really have to • watch On 'the highway, you will find, Is the guy behind the guy ahead And, ahead of the guy behind. Guild Members. Hear of Mission rOHEWIOU-5t. Anne's Quiid gathered for the October meeting at the home of Mrs, Roy Simmons, The president, MI'S, Hargrave, pre- sided and opened with a hymn, followed by the SeriptUre reading by Miss Elva Foster. Mia. Bruce Sothern read a poem, "My Church" and roll call was answered by 17 members with a verse on Thanks- giving, Members decided that they would Saye Betty, Crocker box tops' again this year, and to order f#, new study hook to, be used at the meeting next year. Connbittees reported that inlaid, linoleum had been put on the vestry floor and alma that new flooring would be purchased for the kitchen of the church. , . The roll call for the November meeting will be answered With the presentation of a tea towel, to be put with the W,A. towels. - Guest' speakers for the evening were Mr ',and Mrs. Sheldon Wilsen, who have spent the 'past three years in Holidaysburg, Peuna.,, working in missions. Slides were shown and a, very interesting dis- cussion on their work took place. They were presented with a small gift -an behalf of the Guild. • Rev. E. Attwell closed .the meet- ing with prayer and Mrs. Don King conducted a contest. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. -Wellington Hargrave. Prizes' Presented, To Lady Golfers ' Members of the ladies' -section of the Wingham 'Golf Club gathered at the club house last Tuesday afternoon. It was their intention to play golf during the afternoon, but due to, bad, weather bridge was enjoyed in its place. Supper was served, two guests being R. H. Lloyd and R. E. Mc- Kinney. „ Following the meal Mrs. W. B. ,Conon presided for the pre- sentation of trophies and prizes wqn by various members *during the golf season. Following the presentation of the treasurer's re - Port the ladies decided to meet an account of $137.00 for grass seed and in addition turned' over $200 to the club for assistance in gen- eral financing:. :co WO1110.i.I*.. Folding Aluminum AWNINGS LUMBER Telephone 260 FLOOR Aluminum WALL SASH TILES'DOORS BUILDING — CUPBOARDS Winghom ,410. HOW "HIGH OFF THE HOG" WILL YOUR FAMILY LIVET Whether your family lives on tenderloin or kidneys may depend on how well your estate is handled. Experienced Estate, Officers, like those, at. 'Sterling Trusts, can help you plan your estate properly, SQ that ultimately there will be a - minimum of delay, confusion and tax loss. Why not talk to a Sterling Trust Estate Officer soon . or write for our free booklet "Blueprint For Your Family". , THE STERLINRATIRUSTS 372 Bay St. • Toronto EMpire 4-7495 1 Dunlop St. Barrie PArkway 8-5181 $017 United Co-operatives of Ontario Maitland Creamery Branch WINGHAM, ONTARIO announces to patrons, business associates and the general public that Effective October 1st, 1958 the firm named was changed to -United airy .and Poultry, Co:•sopoiative LIMITED C • The new firm name results from the formation of a • new and distinct co=operative organization) Which will specialize in the handling of. dairy and poultry products. YOUR CONTINUED INTEREST AND PATRONAGE WILL BE SINCERELY APPRECIATED. C. • , OCTANE RATING REGULAR GRADE GASOLINE' -40......eepeseaf 70 .- 1 - - I. - - I -E. ,1 WHOLESALE PRICE 76? . REGULAR CIWEAlilla,4:1 H, 640 TO 200 ' INS le .. 12 24,'06 1 !AvtfiAGE OR lisintinioni CANADIAN Caws INIfiERIACTOIL7LIMITED, t, `4* . 4 .1.... • ..•4, . **a AU .0 a • 7 0111.0k0. . .1.0.11..00$1&.Itt 04400.40,.#404111,kt!ja- The secret of taking fish by trolling is often dependent on the choice of lures. Of the lures on the market, only an estimated 50 per cent are de- signed correctly for trolling. And of this group, only a few perform well when trolled'fast. One of the necessary' prerequis- ites of a trolling lure is built-in action. I mean action derived from simply pulling it 'through the water and not manipulating it with the, rod tip. Deep running characteristics might be" considered another pre- requisite. Although fish occasion- ally are taken on shallow running lures, the success of trolling is usually dependent on "going down" to get 'em. Lures suitable for slow trolling are the "high -friction', type. Such lures have a -built-in flat face,, or have added metal lips to offer resistance to the water and pro- duce the necessary wobbling action, On the other' hand, lures design- ed for fast trolling are the "low friction" type, and by nature of their construction offer little Je- sistande to the 'water. The former produce high frequency sound waves to telegraph their presence to fish, while the frequency of the "high friction" lures is low. , Confusing? Well, just ask any radio' ham and he'll eiiplain, better' than I can how it works, In simple terms, this Is what it means, High friction lures present a broad face to the water and travel several inches back and forth as they wobble slowly through the water. The lures produce low frequency sound waves. Low friction lures offer 'little resistance to the water, and should be trolled fast to obtain action. The latter is rapid tremorous movement that produces high, fre-, quency sound waves. So remember to choose your, lures with care if you intend to do any trolling this fall. Another simple way to keep your snatches dry when out on the water is to paint them with nail polish. They will still light, even after being dunked. It's a good idea to keep a few polish -painted matches in your tackle -box, or, if you're hunting, under the butt plate of your rifle.. BOWLING NEWS Ladies Wednesday Evening The standing for, the ladies' bowling is as follows: Robins, 4; Magpies, 3; Orioles, 2; Canaries, 2; Wrens, 1; Bluebirds, 0, High single without handicap, Mary Anne McKibbon,. 228;, 'high triple, Thelma Rowsell, 553. High single with handicap, Carol Derbecker, 243; 'high triple with handicap, /Thelma Rowsell, 586. • Local Rink Wins Bowling Tourney The Ladies' Bowling Club held a harvest tournament' last Wednes- day, The play started in the morn- ing and the ladies served a hot lunch at noon. Bowlers came from Goderich, Hanover, PPisley and Walkerton, The prizes went to: first, Omar Haseigrove, Mrs. W. Haney with Miss Agnes Mit- chell, skip. Second went to a Paisley rink skipped by Mrs, E. D, Elves with Mrs. F. H, Pickard and MrsW. E. Thealcer. Third, Mrs. K Edwards, Mrs, J. Alexander and Mrs. .7% Kerr, skip. Fourth, Mrs. 0. McKay, Miss Patterson with Mrs, H. DuVal, skip. Donna Murray C apia in of Team Donna Murray, a former Wing - ham girt, is the captain of the Maraiiders, a Brampton ladies' tiottbalt team Which is note 'in a 2-0 lead 'in .4 best four,of-seven SOW!, Dahlia is a daughter of Mr, and MiS, Ford Murray, Who moved to. Brampton from Wingliani a few years ago. Dtaing a recent game In Which the lite/1111(30s trounced their opponents, the ilimberS, 16-4, she 'belted'a two -run homer, Muni anti Marg &theft form the teams, battery.. You watch the guy: who drives 'ahead. And .the guy who drives behind. YOu. watch, to the right, You watch to the left, You drive with a calm, clear mind. But the • guy you really have to • watch On 'the highway, you will find, Is the guy behind the guy ahead And, ahead of the guy behind. Guild Members. Hear of Mission rOHEWIOU-5t. Anne's Quiid gathered for the October meeting at the home of Mrs, Roy Simmons, The president, MI'S, Hargrave, pre- sided and opened with a hymn, followed by the SeriptUre reading by Miss Elva Foster. Mia. Bruce Sothern read a poem, "My Church" and roll call was answered by 17 members with a verse on Thanks- giving, Members decided that they would Saye Betty, Crocker box tops' again this year, and to order f#, new study hook to, be used at the meeting next year. Connbittees reported that inlaid, linoleum had been put on the vestry floor and alma that new flooring would be purchased for the kitchen of the church. , . The roll call for the November meeting will be answered With the presentation of a tea towel, to be put with the W,A. towels. - Guest' speakers for the evening were Mr ',and Mrs. Sheldon Wilsen, who have spent the 'past three years in Holidaysburg, Peuna.,, working in missions. Slides were shown and a, very interesting dis- cussion on their work took place. They were presented with a small gift -an behalf of the Guild. • Rev. E. Attwell closed .the meet- ing with prayer and Mrs. Don King conducted a contest. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. -Wellington Hargrave. Prizes' Presented, To Lady Golfers ' Members of the ladies' -section of the Wingham 'Golf Club gathered at the club house last Tuesday afternoon. It was their intention to play golf during the afternoon, but due to, bad, weather bridge was enjoyed in its place. Supper was served, two guests being R. H. Lloyd and R. E. Mc- Kinney. „ Following the meal Mrs. W. B. ,Conon presided for the pre- sentation of trophies and prizes wqn by various members *during the golf season. Following the presentation of the treasurer's re - Port the ladies decided to meet an account of $137.00 for grass seed and in addition turned' over $200 to the club for assistance in gen- eral financing:. :co WO1110.i.I*.. Folding Aluminum AWNINGS LUMBER Telephone 260 FLOOR Aluminum WALL SASH TILES'DOORS BUILDING — CUPBOARDS Winghom ,410. HOW "HIGH OFF THE HOG" WILL YOUR FAMILY LIVET Whether your family lives on tenderloin or kidneys may depend on how well your estate is handled. Experienced Estate, Officers, like those, at. 'Sterling Trusts, can help you plan your estate properly, SQ that ultimately there will be a - minimum of delay, confusion and tax loss. Why not talk to a Sterling Trust Estate Officer soon . or write for our free booklet "Blueprint For Your Family". , THE STERLINRATIRUSTS 372 Bay St. • Toronto EMpire 4-7495 1 Dunlop St. Barrie PArkway 8-5181 $017 United Co-operatives of Ontario Maitland Creamery Branch WINGHAM, ONTARIO announces to patrons, business associates and the general public that Effective October 1st, 1958 the firm named was changed to -United airy .and Poultry, Co:•sopoiative LIMITED C • The new firm name results from the formation of a • new and distinct co=operative organization) Which will specialize in the handling of. dairy and poultry products. YOUR CONTINUED INTEREST AND PATRONAGE WILL BE SINCERELY APPRECIATED. C. •