HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-10-08, Page 4FARM PROPERTY :FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders are invited for the farm property of the late Duncan Grant adjoining the • southeasterly limits of the Village of Teeswate-r, con- sisting of, forty'-three acres being part of the South Half of Lot Number Fourteen 'in the Sixth Concession of the Township of Culross, a small portion in the. Village of Teeswater and portions of ' Lot Numbers Fourteen and Fifteen in the Fifth Concession of the TOwnship of Culross;, good barn 40' by 50'; seven room brick house with hot air• beating and modern conveniences; choice land with good spring creek running the length of the property; fish pond, of 'clear spring water; ever- green grove.' ' Tenders Must state the price offered for the said farm property and be accompanied by a cheque for ten Percentum of the tender, Fenders must be in the hands of the undersigned by 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, October 18, 1958. Tlie highest or any tender need not, necessarily , be, accepted. DATED at T,eesvvter, Ontario this sixth day , of October, A.D, 1958. Kenneth Grant, • Fornipsa, Ontario, R.R. 1 8,15b Keep kerosene, gasoline and other inflammable. fluids In' well- marked safety earth with pour- spouts. How to gel your wash cleaner than your ' neighbours! Barristers, Solicitors, X 414/ Winghani, Phone 4. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. RETBEERINGTON, Q.O. CRAWFORD :& HETHERINGTON fil .. iii killfik iiiii ll lll 1111M ....... 1 ,;;C iiiiii 11111.1 For—DEPUTY CLER1K=TREASURER OF THE COUNTY OF HURON Sealed applications for the position of Deputy Clerk-Treasur‘er will be received by the under- signed until 5 o'clock p.m., Tuesday, October 14th, 1958. Please state age, marital status, experience, edu- cation, salary expected. Also state references. Please mark clearly on envelopes-"Applications." Goderich, Ontario.* John G. Berry Clerk-Treasurer, County of Huron ha! 'too; lllllllll ; ll fi ll lira MASSEY-FERGUSON TRACTORS NEW 50's and 65's NE,W HOLLAND BALERS - USED TRACTORS 1-44 Used Tractor 1—Case Tractor and Plow USED— EQUIPMENT One-Way Disc for Ford of Ferguson CHARLES HODGINS Phone 378 Wingham County of Huron Applications-4 • • 'o 7i"Jre Wingham AtMvan Wed.tierotv., Oct, Stli, 195$ i. O. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist. FYle•ehe,F*FrseNrYY,De.NO, Patrick Wingham Phone 770 retrinniettlai, iriiiitstrial, Home and 'Farm- Witiki# Motor Re4vitni and ;Hripair' PION* 474 Vitt4011AM HOW DO YOU LIKE THIS?—This is a real freak of,oatzire, Sprouting from the trunk of a big tree in front of the residence of William J. Brown, Stutter Street, is 4inisi4 Young. 5inulower. Apparently the sopa lodged in a cavity in the hark.—Advaoce,Times photo, Ever Spend all morning doing Monday's wash? First you fill the tub...then put clothes through the wringer. And ohl:— what misery, when your wash comes. out grey- ed and dull—instead of sparkling white, It isief the' soap, It's the Washer that makes all the difference. That's why you'll want to see the sensational Washer that actually gets clothes, pup to 50% cleaner than other Washerr — the new Frigidaire AUtontatic Washer! In a test of six leading washers this Washer Out-washed, out.perform- cci all others.* And this marvellous Washer is easier Oh your clothes too cause Only, Water Cleves your elenfieS. No harsh fibs of blades touch them. No wonder the new Vrigidaire Automatic 'Washer is Rated No. II See it itt action at your 1440. dare dealer's today! *Sy U,S, Tisiins to. thieznitfonallY Famous Testing LAD6ratOrY. EttiltKE ELECTRIC If fall housecleaning chores in- elude polishing silver then have some pOlythene.bags handy. Shin- ing silver stored in these bags conies out, for festive occasions,' looking as bright as the day it was cleaned. Frederick E. Homuth Phm.B., Carol E. flomuth, R.O. Mrs.Viols a llomilth, R.0, orromeausTo mom 118 Hartiston, Ontiurio BUSINESS a nd PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY* , FOR SALE LEE'S TA ;I SERVICE and used FUrniture. We btly and sell, Phone 185, rrb. STEVENS 12 OVAGII Pump Shot- gun Or sale; nearly pew, Price reasonable. T, W. Platt, 81i., QUAKER OIL BURNER. with an automate fan ter sale. Phone 861.W. 8b . , EU6-THERM apaceheater for sale,' in good condition with pipes and two oil tanks, Apply" W. A. Heug- Ilan, phone 80W .8n — - GIRL'S, PATENT dance tapping ahoes for aale; size 6, Pair adjust- able 'roller skates, Phone 79. Sb WINGITAM CLASSIC cook stove for sale. Phone $92W. 8b MILK' -FILTERS for sale—"Ptapid elo", 6-Inch, 790; 6l-inch, 850, Alexander's Hardware, lftb G.E. HOTPOINT electric range for sale. Apartment size. Good con- dition, Phone 683R. 8* THANKSGIVING TURKEYS for sale, oven ready, Order now from Graham Work, Brussels, phone 12J18. 1;8b POTATOES for sale at M. Ste. Marie's farm On Division Line be- tween East and West. Wawanosh. Price $1.10. Bring own contain- ers. 8* 3/IcCLARY $-WAY HEATER for , coal or wood and a panel house door in good condition. Priced for quick sale. Apply W, R. Far- rier, Whitechurch. . Sb SPRING and mattress for sale; also dinner wagon, Vacuum clean- er and living room chair. Phone 519. 8b APPLES FOR SALE. Snows, De- licious and Spies; mostly Spies. $2,50 per bus, in your containers. William Budges, Belgra-ve. t • 1;8b POTATOES and cooking 'onions, also new honey for sale. Please bring your own. containers Jouwsrria's Market Garden, phone 582.,8* CIRCULATOR HEATER for sale, burns coal or wood, open door front with fireplace effect, Phone 858w, 8* SEE THE Spacesaver savings at R. A. Currie & Sons. Regalar values, $59.50 to $64,50, Clearing at $49.50. Variety.of colours and fabrics. 8b CASH REGISTER, Adding Mach- ine rolls in stock at The Advance- Times.- Typewriter ribbons. Smith-CorOna typewriters and adders. Victor adding machines. CLEAN? Madam—You don't know the meaning of that word until you have tried the radically new and efficient ELUXO-IVIATIC. Call L. H. Reynolds, your Electra-- 16x drealer, • 640J1. rrb st-EAT, Fort SALE—Good beef by Abe quarter. Killed on premises, Inspected by Dept. of Health, Yearling heifers. ,,,,Top quality, Lowest prices, Raynard Atkert, '.Ripley, phone 24r30. 17rrb A PRIVATE SALE will be held of all household furnishings, includ- - Mg almost new refrigerator and small piano, to close the estate of the late Mrs. Wright, Gorrie. Phone Wroxeter 21r19, Mrs, C 0, Cooke, Grorrie. 8b FOR, WARMTH, 'beauty and com- fort, there's nothing finer than broadloom Carpeting or rugs. New samples on display'now. The best in 100% all Wool, hardtwist broadloOma cost less than you Might think, Have an estimate this' Week for your roomL WEL- WOOVS Phone 86, 8b GOOD NEWS, Word has just been received that Bonds FREE PAN SALE at ARMITAGE'S is to be continued until 18th of Octobe'r, Suits from' 005 to ;69,75. During the aale, 0Xtili pants are given Frta.M.1. Every suit made to your measure and atade any style .you wish, so hurry, take advantage of this . FREE CANT SALE at ARIVII- " 114,A'GI3I'S.: ' 8,15b POULTRY mu SALE 10 Atli) ROCIt piglets for sale, starting to lay. Ken, Currie, IR.h. t Phone 711W3 8* N spsstx 11,160 pullets or sale, 4W 'tenths, Apply to 'MO, ./Ohn IdreGIII, Ulan,6 ArtisfielS, Pliene 189-t . 8* " * AMBULANCE SERVICE . etrARIVS AMBULANChl, Wing* Ii1614 AlVelkY1 teiIabte S'ervice, Pht4tUi tiiIro St Night, lit et Oat TWO STOREY 8-bedroom stucco house for sale. Full bath upstairs, toilet doWn. Large living room, dining room and 'kitchen, Oil heated: Large well kept lot, Poe- ession immediately, Phone. 422R, lOrrb FOR SALE—Dwelling Frances St., Wingham, 13 storey stucco; 3 bedrooms and 3-piece bath up- staira. Living room, dining and kitchen, sun porch. Splendid lo- cation near public and high school, good garden and garage. Immediate possession. Apply C, MacLean, Realtor, phone 115, residence 31. 81) INCOME PROPERTY. Brick house and apartment, all modern conveniences, hot water, oil heat- ing (new),-- also two storey brick building .that has been used as a Wood-working shop. Very good location. Phone Wingham 251 after 6 p.m, rrb ONE STOREY patent shingle clad dwelling, 6 rooms including bath, Lot 51x120, north of Josephine Street, Wingham, Oil heating, Moffat electric stove, Frigidaire, 13endix washer included in sell. ing price. Immediate possesion. Apply H. C, MacLean, Realtor, phone 115,, residence 31. 8h DWELLING in Wingharn, white frame cottage, good lot, splendid location, close to public and high schools, large kitchen with cup- boards, living room, '3 bedrooms, new 3-piece bath, and garage. Immediate possession, Full price $5,500.00 with $2,000.00 down pay- ment. Small farm, Wingham district, fully modern brick house, new barn, good location, Priced for quick sale. Apply to WILLIAIVI 5, REED, Real Estate Broker, • Phone 292M, Wingham, Sb FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT for sleeping only. Phone 681W. Mrs. Rogers, Scott St. 8* • 4-LARGE room front apartment for rent. Three-piece bath, above store, main street, - cupboards. Phone 207, night 668. 8b HEALeD APARTMENT' for rent, consisting of living-room,' bed- room, kitchen and bath. Avail- able middle of October. Phone 550 or Box 209 ' PERSONAL Scott's Anti-Gray. Halftone imparts natural-looking colour and lustre to gray, streaked and faded hair, Not a dye, not a tint, .a white greaseless cream equally effec- tive on all shades of hair, at MeKibbon's and Vance's Drug Stores. oc.8-riv.20b WHY NOT RAVE YOUR FEET CHECKED WithOut Any Obligation —by— A Qualified. Experienced FOOTt pORRECTIONIST Undue presstire can cause those sciatic pains, leg, hip or lower backache. See— d'. A. 'VICKERS, F.C. At Queen's Hotel, Wingham Each Monday afternoon, or other times at 481 8th Ave., Hanover, Phone 500. MISCELLANEOUS IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For infOrmation phone 293, Stew- Art A. Scott, Wingham, 2rrb NEVER, NEVER, never since the world began such relief fronl sore, aching, burning feet, weak ankles, sore knees, hips arid back, cramps in feet or legs. Corns, callouses, bunions Ells- appear, arthritis pains fade away, brings back circulation, Consult W. A, Kaufman, phone 94 Lis, towel, open every Tuesday after- noon and evening, Open every Friday at Lea Itettbacht Elinira, phone MO 9-2601-5, and in Walk- erton at Percy Pletelfs, phone 195W; BriinsWiek Hotel,, Wing ' ham, October 30th. rrb FOR AnTviatAt, inseinination Servide Or MorcinforMation, telex phone the Waterloo Cattle treed- ing Association collect at: Clin- ton Hit 2.3441 or sTeeSWater 126 between 7.80 and 9,30 a.m. week days, tt and 8 p.m, on Saturdays, Do not call for service on Sun day, Cows in heat on Sunday can be Inseminated satisfactorily on Motidit?. We supply service to top iltntlity hulls Of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, OtterriSoY, Brown Swiss', Bed Roe- ford (polled At horned)", Beef Shorthorn fpOtied and °horned), and Dual Ptliterte Ehortherrt, Anght Ind OlutrOlalg 10660, the dolt loWv 28krb PAPER DRIVE by the Wingharn Kinsmen will be October 15th, 1958, Papers will be picked up that afternoon in. Wingham, Bel- grave and. Whitechurch, Anyone who wants to bring papers Into town, please leave behind Walk- er's Home Furnishings, Anyone wanting papers picked up phone 79. Please have papers at, curb at I. p.m. CESh THE MEETING OF Wingham WI, will be held in the council cham- ber, Thursday, October 16 at 2,30, Program conveners, Mrs. J. Henry, 'Mrs. G. Hastie. Roll call, a dozen, cookies to be judged. Demonstration by Miss D, Com- ber and girls, Speaker, Dr, B, N. Corrin, ."Nuclear Warfare and Its Effect on Public health". Hos- tess convener, Mrs. E. Parish, CE8b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 12 HEREFORD STOCKERS . for sale. All steers. T. A, Currie, phone 361, 8b THREE HOLSTEIN Heifers and two stockers for sale. Apply Geo. Fisher, Whitechurch, phone 7.47W11. 8* 30 HEREFORD yearling steers for sale, weighing. 700-800 lbs. An' thur Garland, Pinkerton, Ont., phone Cargill 35W3. FIVE SUFFOLK Ewe Lambs for sale, Phone Brussels 136, William Stubbs. 1;8* "HUNTINGFIELD" registered Landrace swine for sale, 5 mon- ths. Either sex, Ivan Haskins, R.R. No. 1, Clifford, phone 197r21 IVIildmay. rrb WANTED TO RENT WANT TO RENT—Garage, prefer- ably the vicinity of south end of Josephine St, Call 21 after 5. 8" STRAYED ON LOT 15, CON. B., Turnberry Township, one red steer. Owner may have same by proving pro- perty and paying expenses. T. A Currie, phone 361. Sb DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited, arrb "THE WATERLOO Cattle Breed- ing Association requires a tech- nician to work in the Kincar- dine area beginning Dec, 1, 1858, Applicants for this position Will be interviewed in our office in Kincardine on Friday morning, October 17, 1958 at 10 a.m. 8,I5h RAWL,EIGH BUSINESS NOW OPEN in townships Turnberry, Wawanosh East, WaWanoah West and Ashfield, Trade well estab- lished. Excellent opportunity, full time, Write at once Rawleigh's, Dept.. 4 -543-189, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, Sb LARGE 'UNITED STATES and Canadian manufacturing comp- any requires District Manager in East Wawanosh Township, Ex- ceptionally high earnings. Guar- anteed repeat business, Automo- bile essential., Agricultural or farming background most im- portant, Sales training given. Reply to Box 84, London, Ontario, 24;1;0 FEMALE HELP WANTED WOMAN to do washing for two in own home. Phone 986 after six. 8* HELP WANTED in ladies' and children's wear store.' Experien- ced preferred. Write Box 178, Luck/low. 8b KEEM KNITTING COMPANY re- quire 50 local ladies for part time knitting by machine. No exper- ience necessary. Home instruc- tions given. Apply to Box 447, Mount Forest. If rural route, please give-directions, 8-15h WANTED BABY CRIB and play pen want- ed. Phone 519. 8b APARTMENT WANTED with two bedrooms; heated, Phone 121W. 8* ABOUT 75 BALES good straw wanted. Phone 74. Bateson's Model Dairy. 8b USED WINDMILLS, gasoline en- gines and pump jacks wanted, Can be traded on pressure sys- tems new or used. Ask us fc;r an estimate without any obligation, or if you are needing any new roofing material we give you the best value for your money. Write or phone collect to Irving Keyes at Glands. Phone Paisley 114r4. 16Alt-Nov POULTRY FARMERS Due to increased 'broiler produc- tion,, we ,find it necessary to ob- tain several new flock owners in your area. , If you are interested in selling hatching eggs at a set price the year around, write to Monkton Poultry Farms, IVIonkton, Ont. We have at present 10,000 breed- ers growing and they will he .for 'sale shortly. Our replacement stock is avail- able every three months. Our next replacement stock will' be available the first week of January, 1959. 8-15-22-29b NOTICE TO 'CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF EDITH ESTHER GOGGIN. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Fordwioh, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on the thir- teenth day of September, 1958, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the eighteenth day of -October, A.D. 1958. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have 'had notice, , DATED at Wingham this 30th day of September, A.D. 1958. CRAWFORD & IIBTHBRINCTON 'Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors, 1,8,15b TREASURER'S SALE OF' LANDSTOR TAXES By Virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the County of 'Hur- on under hie hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date Of 12th day of AdgaSt 1958, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the County of Huron will he held at' My office at the hour of 2.00 p.m, in the Court House on the 9th day of DeceMber 1958 Unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice Is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in the 'Ontario Oat- etto On the 5th day of September' 1958, and that copies of the said list may be had at My office, The adjourned safe, if necessary, will be , held at the above offiee on the loth day of beeeMber, Treasurer's Office this 1'8th day of Augusts 1955., fisigzied/ Berry, tteas4ter tx40001 .4.141.31 ROOMERS or boarders wanted, Phone 585W.: BOARDERS OR roomers wanted, Only two blocks, from Main Street on Victoria Street.- Phono 1079. 1-8b CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Flor- ence Wright,. Oorrie, wishes to ex- press thanks.,for floral tributes and sympathy extended •to 'them on the death of their mother on September 30th. 8b CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends 'and neighbours who visited Me, and sent flowers and cards, also the friends, Belmore W.I. 'and Re- becca Lodge for gifts receivel. A special thanks to Dr. W. A. Me- Ribbon and Dr. Charles 'Thompson of London and 'staff of nurses who were .so good to me while I was a patient in Wingham Nospital and St, Joseph's Hospital, London:— Mrs, Reuben Appleby. 84 CARD OF THANKS The faintly of the late Alexander M. ,Crawford wish to express deep gratitude and appreciation to all who extended sympathy to as, in the loss of a dear husband and lather.-Out thanks to all who call- ed -to pay their last.respecta to all who sent flowers and helped in so many ways, especially A.F. '& A.M. 286, the Bowlers and Curlers, D'r. McKibbon and staff at Wingham General Hospital and to R. A. Cur- rie &- Sons.—.Mrs. Alex M.' Craw- ford and family. 8" • IN MEMORIAM- MOFFA.T—In loving memory of a dear kind Husband and Father, John J. Moffat, who passed away seven years ago, October 13th.' —Always remembered and sadly missed by his wife and family, 8* IN 1VIEMORIA1'I NIXON—In fond memory of a dear brother Edmund Nixon, who passed away October 9th, 1955. As long as memory endures Our loved one cannot die For memories grow sweeter still As days and years go by At dawning day a thought of him, At eventide a prayer For in the hearts that loved him He always will •be there—Ever re- membered and sadly missed by, his brother, Sandie Nixon, 8* AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE — Household ef- fects of the late Edith Goggin ,will be sold by public, auction in the village of Fordwich on Sat- urday, October 18. Piano, oil heater, new refrigerator etc, T. J. Schaefer, auctioneer, 8;15b EXECUTOR'S SALE of Beat Estate and Household. Goods and Furniture • of the late Harry V; McGee will• be held on the premises at Frances Street, Wingham on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1958 at 1.30 p.m, sharp • Terms—Cash The nine-roomed red brick house with all conveniences and Lot will be offered for sale at the same time subject to reserve bid, ror particulars apply to the under- signed, DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 2nd day Of October', 1958. L, G. Bryce, Auctioneer, Wingham, Out. J. W. Bushfield, Q.0 Wingham, Ontario. 8h Solicitor for the Executor. AUCTION SALE of Household Effects in' Village of Belgrave SATURDAY, OCT. II., 1058 at 1..30 p.m. Kitchen table and 4 chairs; robm table, 6 dining room chairs, Buffet, Settee, Couch; Sew- ing machine, Victrola phonograph and records, 1 bed and set of springs, large loOking glass, 1 Mc- Clary range (enamel), 1. Harriston range excellent condition, 'Beatty washing machine eXcallent con- dition, 2 8-,day clocks, 1 What-not, Bird cage and stand, Quilt box, Toilet set, 2 lawn chairs, Feather quantity dishes and flower pots, Garden tools, forks, shovels and other articles. too :numerous- to mention. , Ora; Id. Stapleton, tient,. Nesbitt, Prop. Auctioneer Oen. FoWelt, Clerk PINANtING A CA10 . too*. yea buy ask About OM to* Cost Financing Servl'et With toitiplete InSuratice doverage„, 'STEWART Ao• SCOTT riot* los meow* a a • o a of 0 H.R. 3, LISTOWEL Phone 1042 Invest ors mutual V. Of CANADA LID.: HIAC OFF Ctill1INNIP(4. OffICES" I.RINCIPAL J 111, BONFIELD Q.C. narristet,'$olicitor, Notary, tbs. Money to Loan "Office-,=Moyer 'Bleck Whigitain REAL ESTATE •• COALING EVENTS 31AL/3 IIEi,P WANTED BOOMERS WANTED -1, - A. H. MeTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEES*Arglt - ONTARIO Taltnhone 23 Teeswater Tiltox4stet--kvoiry Wednesday afternoon, 2L-4 p,m4 or by appointment. APARTMENT for rent. All details available, Phone 127R. 8b DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and. Disabled Cows and Horses DEAD STOCK AT HIGHEST CASH VALUE Please Phone Promptly Call Collect 133 Bruce Marlatt Brussels, Ont. 24 HOUR' SERVICE WANTED . Highest Cash Value paid in surrounding dis- trict for DEAD STOCK. HIGHEST CASH VALUE PAID IN SURROUNDING DISTRICT for DEAD COWS and 'HOUSES, For Prompt, Sanitary bisposalt day or night OLD HORSES for Slaughter , at 5e per pound. 24 HOUR. MRVICE Phone LEROY ACHESON Atwood 153, coliect otonog Ill r41.UI' Wroxeter 201.5 Box Rotifers* Names Hot Given Out It la *tom* ailuast Mit Wilk§ to larstge the Min* or address at Any kiVertifier, Wittig Adikatice4irries Ho* Ntiniberi Please de not rink tis fer title iriZbttniitibni You can make those extra unpr,oductive dollars work for you through InVest0i2 s Mutual, Canada's larg7 est mutual fund. For full information see your Investors Syndicate representa- tive. *. Thos. A. Jardin Phone 147 WINGHAM, ONT. John W. Wainer C 0 Profit • • ,From 0 Your Extra, Dollars 0 0 0 0 0 0 WELLINUON FM Insurance Company ENt An Canadian Company vphieh ,hola Mitltfully served its policy holders tor over n century. Maid.Office taraato Hi O. Mailman taiatiataaa %Ingham