HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-10-08, Page 1, : •
With which is ,strisligarnatedthl orrie Vidette stiff itirroxeter News
wINGRIAN, *Immo,wiprmsomt, ()mom?, soli nos
AY 'The Pedestrian
coups Support
o Build Swimming Poo /0/10.011tX$s rN towzi—,
Inehuled in the council's bust-
peas • at the meeting on Monday
,light was the approVal of six w-
eight. building permits, one for a
`pew. residence to be erected on
others covered geeeges; porch-
Fielding. her ine Street by Ed. '
es, kitchens, etc„ all Signs ' of a
healthy state of growth Within the
- -
flOOD NEWS,— •
nailer. item ,frorre the' council
meeting will make welcome, read-
ing for the residents of Leopoid
Stieet. Was the indleafion of
plans 'to'pave that street with
•:permlnent hardtop next Year. Per-
.siOnally, we hope they mean all
three Weeks.”
suilifoisr UP YotgR OirgRCOAT.
Ne if Comes.* The %altos • are
beautiful reds, and gOldii •The
town' employees haVe taken up-the
fountains; along ,the: main • drag,
There was a ski o snow on un-
#er '1'114*i/ring If you think that
moos'spring' on :theeway
titfiei .you bought a ticket '. for
month, to have. .a meeting which
Would include r'ePresentation from
all interested organizations :in
Wingham and surrounding district.
The gathering was held under the
chairmanship of William Conron,
who addressed the meeting, giving
many of the facts and figures in
connection with the oroblems 'rele-
vant to the lauliding of a pool,
One of the Most contentious pro-
e' SonW •17 groups, including set-
Vice clubs, ladies' organizations and
industry, as well as private citizens,
were represented at a meeting in
the town hall on. Friday evening
to discuss the possibility of build-,
ing a swimming pool in Wingham.
All .7 voiced enthusiastic approval
of the idea..
The meeting 'followed a decision
by the• Water ,,Safety Committee last
HEAR LEADER—Liberals in the riding of Grey-Brace, .convened at
theL:Wingharn town hall last Thursday evening to nominate a .eandi-
djate for the next provincial election. Guest speaker at the meeting.
eree',,lohn Wintcrmeyer, Liberal leider ter' Ontario,' He is shown
second frona the right in the above group. Others in the photo are:
frOm. left to eight, Scott rairseryiee of Bluth, defeated' :nominee;
Readers are reminded that
Monday of next week Is Thanks-
giving Day. As a result you
will not only have to do a little
extra shopping on Saturday,
hut you will have to wait an
extra day for the Advance-
Advertising copy must be re-
ceived by Saturday if at all
Council.-' Bylaw to.
Permit Action on Paol .
'Clifford Dnncarn, chairman of ethe meeting and immediate past-
president'of the Hineeri-Beetee qberals; Rae Watson, Lucknow, who
was elected as the neat Liberal ondidate for the riding; Mr, Wileter-
meYer and Calvin Kreuter, of Brussels, who 'was also defeated by
Mr. Watson.--Advanee-Times photo,
hiatus in *cent:Wien with: 'the e
posed plans ,for ,040p1 in Wingham,
that of its loeation, had been left
last month in the hands Of1'.a c/Pin,
mittee for investigation. Tifr, Con-
ron reported the eoenneittee had
given .this problem considerable
thought and discussion, .and rafter
listening tO a number of recorn-
reendaelens and examining all sug-
gested locations; had decided that
the old tennis court property, lo-
cated on gdward Street, would be
the most feasible. He pOltited out
that many people were Of the opin-
ion that if ea, peel teas built .ori
location too near the:river, the
children would, when the "pord„ was
closed, haveere tendency to .go swim-
ming in the elver,. a situation ,that
would only defeat -the. very Rue-
pose of building a ,pool,c., • ,
Xt was also, punted out` that the
tennis court property was owned
by the town and would! :mean de-
finite saving In costs, a's the town
Was willing to 'make the site alien-
able :at no cost,,In reply to' a ques-
tion horn the Meeting, Mr, Con:
ron said that, While Par/Ont aRili-
ties were important, the :committee
on investigation, felt ::that adequate
parking was aveilible at the tennis
court site. , .
This opinion'was backed up by
Mayor McKinney, who, said, that
there was plenty ofeUtrIting space
for ball games and othee.activities
which take place in the same sec-
tion of the communitee'Mr: Conron
went on to point out that it :was
seldom that a swimming pool 're=
(Mired large parking 'facilities; as
most of the children who ,use 'the
pOol either walk, or are ,taken to
the pool by ear and Pielted Op' by
parents or friends later, • -
17".4 Cost 415•00 :
In reply to a question by..peWitt
Miller as to the ,Pciesilble -COW of
building the proposes!' epool,
(Please tern to. Page Seven);
41,WENUETH ANhavkliiskity—
A lilleitlp'of friends dropped in
to ,evish,, all the bestto...Mr.• and sf
htret !Prank Caskanette eat - their'
elI'Vectceria Street home on %Sunday '
itening: - e occasion. was' their
Fi l
ing anniversary, so the
4.iends,•brought several lovely giftS
of china. '
1 e . ° - ° - ° '
Ifeds feared
that quite, a bit of
change xis
, eail ehangeeis finding .new own- .
erseue the ;Yanks i eed the :Braves
continue ',fp'. -eenfoend" those`who
think'' they"knoW' hewer*: • baseball
will tooncee It's - 'been quite a
series. • ,
At th6 meeting of the Ladies'
Auxiliary to Wingham. General
Hospital, which was held on Fri-
day, the ladies discussed the part
which their organization had taken
in the mock disaster program
staged in Wingham on September
26, The activities of the auxiliary
were confined to the hospital,
where they took over duties in
different places, thus relieving the
nurses for more necessary, work.
Mrs, Morrey, the adthinistrattix of
the hospital, thanked the auxiliary
for the fine co-operation in this
special project.
Reports from the regional meet-,
ing of hospital auxiliaries, which
was held in Clinton, were presented
by Mrs. N. Underwood and Mrs.
W. J. Greer, It was concluded that
the overall work of this auxiliary
compa,red very favbrably with that
of others in the' area.
The cutting committee had 321
articles ready for sewing during
the month and 257 articles were
completed. These,included 85 sheets
16:, gowns and 2 pairs of drapes, as
well as nursery and. kitchen sup-
plies and all' necessary mending,
200 hours 9f work, The purchasers
included cotton for pillow cases,
washcloths, flannelette and.towel-
ling • •.
fall *rummage sale Which will he
held in the Wingham Armouries
on Saturday, October 18 at two
The president, Mrs, N, Cameron,
presided at the meeting.
B, C. Keats, who bas been agent
in Wing-ham for the 'Canadian
Pacific Railway for the past year
and a half, will move to the town
of Alllston the end of next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Keats and their
three sons have been popular rest-
dents of the town and their de-
parture will be genuinely yegritted
by the many' friends they have
made during their 1.2,def stay, „In
addition t4 44,4,,-"AlS4".101311'*-bOy
daughter joined the family a few
months ago.
Best wishes will accompany them,
to their new home. A, successor to
Mr. Keats has not yet been named.
.00%11,9 DIATOM,.
Annuli event Wingham' Sports-
* Ji's aseetlitticihe at Sportse
mans grounds ,on 'Thanksgiving
Day,. Moniisiy,' Oetp1,0 1958;
41.' 1 On. •.22 rifles and :sheigurise
prizee, turkeys; chickene andidneks:
** (Operate „classes; for scopeesights)f
Refregnineeits available'. Kingr;
pres., ; l3:-.Mefealtel see, Feb Battery Wins Regiment
Shoot with New Rifles
H.S. Student Wins
NEW CANDIDATE—Rae•Watson of Lucknow, addressee the: Liberal
nointinating.eonventien held in the Wingham t Winglaown ,hall last Thuesday
evening, after he had been elected to the post.—Advance-Times photo.
The Huton;.:BrUie
ConservatiVe Assogitiori will' hold
a nominating conventinne .
`Wingham, .town ,hall *en rifdii;
evening, Neyembe,i 7ths sit 8.30.
Guest speaker atu4the Meeting will
be the Ilene M. liteteylentin'd,1
minister of
John W. HaniiiieNtled,:.hiii reP-
resented HerepeDeikelti Peei Legs' -
lature slime 143;,,,..01/,::0,ah,i place
his name befoie.theCer:Yelitiart.%S§
far there has be~ii' no indication
that he will hi.:seiiiitelYehlileesq:
In additiOn toe
member of theLegishitifie. Mr.
Hanna is a mernher of the Ontario.
Racing Corrimissiciti.
It is expeptect `that a.iprovincial
election will be ealled .nekt „Spring.
.tolaie. Sale Is Sot
or Saturday, Opt 18,
The rurnmege *sale is here again!
The date is Settirday,, Octobei 18th;
the place is -the Wingham, Armour-
ies; the time . is ,two o'clock; ,the
sponsor is the Ladies' .Auxiliary to
Wingham. General Hospital, 'Every-
one is asked to to-operate, so look
through your Cupboards and attics
and basements, and • bring out
everything you do ha need, The
Auxiliary motto; is, "Anything you
cannot toe, we Can sell"; furniture,
clothing, hats, ehoes, novelties, etc.
It is Urged dint all donations be
at the Armoiiride on Friday, Oeto-
ber 17th, ,stethat thej*i can be Sorted
and inatIced, you Wish your
parcel palled for, phone Miss Mar-
guerite 'johns, 230 'or MM. "T, H.
McKay, 118, All `proceeds are• used
by the"auxilittry' to 15tIrehtese Sup-
plies for the
After a lengthy discussion at its
regular Meeting on Monday even-
ing1 the Wingham' town council
Voted to have a by-law drawn up,
to place the proposed swimming
pool under the Community 'Centres.
By so 'doing, the pool would be-.
come eligible for a grant of up to.
$5,000 and donations to the fund
for its construction would become,
lawful as income tax deductiOns.
Decision to draw the by-law..aarite
adethe' result of "e metioe beteCotinee
cillors Conron and Gorbutt.
'Councillor Conron opened the dis-
cussion by recounting the moves
'Which have,been made so far, and
the support for the project which
was evidenced at a public meeting
held last Friday evening, when
seventeen organizations in town
and district had sent representa-
Mayor' R. B, McKinney pointed
out to Council that the project
would not involve town financing,
since the funds would be raised
from private donations, service
clubs,. etc. In the discussion which
ensued some councillors 'expressed
concern. that promised moneys
Might not be forthcoming and that•
the town •would eventually be
forced to' complete the project.
They 'cited the installation of arti-
ficial ice in the arena as a case in
Councillor Conron said that plans
would call for the raising of suf-
ficient money for the construction
of any one portion of the prOject
before work could be started. He
Said that in Clinton, where a poor
hes recently been completed, the
construction was done in steps, first
the cement work, then. the filtration
(Please turn to Page eight)
#14** 4161#atecii*,,Kriox'13resby-',;
Goilerich11: With '
• time : Secure your ticketsefroni
Geteite.-'pneletee Belgrave • ,:Credit
17fiiiitetreesneer. •A(Ihnited number;
• „” ' F8i3
rt .• „ ,
itAZildisB TEA
' The a Women's . ASsociation ' of
Bi4vale United :Ohutch :will hold a
bazaar,' and, tea* in, the ,community
hilt; eh: WedneediYe October 15th at
07plock,' iat;
iszitioAim simmit Turkey The annum Te Supper will
Ifelete3n 'the ',Oelitrave Commu-
nity Ceritre on Wednesday, October
at D.S.T. :Tickets may be
meedheeed jtom the Beigraver mer-
clients or at''Fairyland Children's
wear, ,Josephine, St., Wingham. A
prOgrain and dance will follow.
• Y
4• eihOttnrkeY supper will be held
in the lielmore Ooinnitinity Centre
on Wednesday, October'16, at 7 p,M.
Po ft : . F.24:1;8b
Help at Himpital
Much Appreciated
itdministetitriX of
the Wingham Hospital, •has asked
that we empress appreciation tot
the co-operation of ,doctors; nurses;
and merribers of the Ladies' Anat.-,
Wary during the disaster' plan
exercise whielF was recently car-
ried out, Though. the project •Frie ant
a great deal of Work ter all con-,
corned, much valuable infotinithert
and 'experience was gained, "
Wingham's 99th Battery won the
Hetherington Trophy, emblematic
of the reghtental small arms
shooting championship, whee its
officers and ranks compiled a
total of 90.5 to overshadow the
100th Battery of Listowel and the
97th of Walkerton.
The event took place over the,
week-end as the three sub-units of
the 21st Field Regiment, R.C.A.
(M) conducted a classification
shoot on Amiens range at Camp
Borden. Major L. G. Vickars, 2 I.C.
of the regiment, directed the shoot,
assisted by Capt. J. Q. Kirk, small
arms instructor.
, Attendance and marksmanship
percentages are combined to deter-
mine the winner of the cool-
Please turn to page eight,
$2,000 Fellowship
Beverly Stewart, a former Wing-
ham District' High School student
has been awarded a $2,000 fellow-
ship by the Atkinson Foundation.
The award was made on the basis
of high marks in Grade XIII at the
local school last year,
Bev. is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Stewart, R.R, 1, Clifford,
and is now attending Waterloo
The fellowship is spread over a
four-year period.
At the Huron-Bruce Liberal
nomination meeting held at the
Wingharri town hall last Tharsday
evening, Rae Watson of 'Limit/mar
wa's elected candidate for the party
and' will represent the Liberals le
the next provincial ele'ction. , •
Mr, Watson .defeated, on the file,
ballot, "Scott Palrser ite or B•14,111
and 'Calvin Kreuter of Bruesels, as
he polled more ballots than .the
other two candidateS combined. Mr,
Watson-was nominated by R.. S.
Hetherington of Winghtein and W.
Anderson of Lucknow. Nominat-
ing Mr. Fairserviee were 'Gordon
Elliott and Herbert Kuntz with Mr:-
Kral:der being nominated by Les
McKay and George' Hutchison,
• - New 'President
.well as nominating a Candid-
"ate the meeting, Which was attend-
ed 'by some 300 delegates from the
tiding, also approved a new slate
of officers as peehented by Wilfred
Anderson; chairman 'of the nomi-
nating committee. Elected to the
presidency was George Inglis, Bel-
Mott; past pres., Clifford Dunbar;
with the following named as vice-
presidents, Scott Fairservice for E.
Wawanosh, Morris' and, Blythe
Herbert M. Kuntz of Formosa, for
Howick, Culross, 'Carrick, Tees-
Water •and.iVinclmay; R, S. Hether-
ington for Wingham, Brussels and
Grey; Robert Simpson for Kintail,
Colborne and W. Wawanosh; Wil-
fred Anderson, Lucknow, for Hu-
ron, Kinloss, Lucknow and' Ripley.
Mrs, Andrea,- Lunn of Wingham
was named chairlady of ladies' af-
fairs. ,Seceetaey is W. A. Porteous..
Lucknow, and treasurer, William
Elston .of Morris Township.
(Please turn to Page Five)'
The office of J, A. Fox, will
beeelesed from October 10th to
Nielteinbee 3rd;' inclusive. Open as
usual Tuesday, Nov, 4th,' F8b LEGION SUPPORTS
Bullard Brothers
Born in Wingham.
t •
, The • Woman's Association of
Wi3ighttrn United Church have set
Wednesdays November 19th, as 'the
date :for the fall tea. Please keep
this date hi Mind, Phi
and AVies. George Marshall,
Teereater wish to announce the
engaAernelit Hof their slaughter
Beety Joan to Gordon David, son
of ',gr. and Mrs-, •George Fischer,
RR, 3, Wingham, The wedding
will .tako place in late Oettiber.
, . F8'
SPecial Autninn Dance in Wet/X-
etee. denrinninity Hall, Irriday, Oc-
oho" "3.4th. Elliott Caruthers Or-
cfietre,, Spcelal dances and door
pried, LIMA booth.• Admission 15e,
(Two: interesting 'visitors to The
Advance-Tilne office 'this *Pak
Were brothers Wilbur and. Ilarry
Bullard, Who Were both ilia , Wing
ham. Their father 'Joseph Bullard,
operated a dray buSiness here Or
some yeare, was hetet. , the tOir:
constable and tore chief.ifid
y was employed at tho Button, Wild
Pesattrit chair factory, At Ins .Wotk'
there he WaS injured tins dUCI.
'short time later.
Mrs. Iltillard and her young
family •moved to Hateletoii to US*,
following the father's'iletith.
-farry eullatd, who was •steoi t..
periled to Winghara by his wife laa
Well nn hie brother, le in the Mani • -
feet/11.111g Inielhees In Monteith%
cal Wilbur, who• la a Spry 'ft
year's 'of age, resides In is/orwall4
Mnn, rot. many years he has been
in the lade biniineat 'Working at
many points In the. VA
WINMIANt rAtttril, WINS. 4100T-4eiritilr the neiv ritie for the first thin: lit, regimental com-
petition, Vilingbam's 00th Battery won the Col, Iletherington trophy in Weeioend competition at Comp
irtornen on Sunday. The trophy is given for small iron; firing. Sgt,‘,Major Slteldingo 100th Battery).
Listervel; left congeattilates Sgt,4ifekior tine BliteltWell of e winning' Winginini team when Melees were
nintonineed, fidr. A. L. litettay of"fhe 97th Bittikry, 1,ValltertOny Waits oPpertimity to tItend oorigiatialit
At their regular meeting last
week-the Members of the Wingham
branch of the Canadian Legion.
'voted $100 to kid the efforts of the
Wingham and District Retarded
Children's Association, Tile money
Will be, used by the association tt/
help defray the. tests of a school
for retarded children which was
recently opened In the Masonic
Legion Members also expressed
their strong approval of the pro-
posed swimming pool for town and
district Which is under coneideee
akin at the present time,
Past Presiderit John Pettisorl was
hatted to head a committee which,
will look Into the possibility and
cost of erecting an addition to the
Legion Home, Serving on his com-
mittee will be Beb Chettleburgh
and WItilain b"orayth, The addition
'WOuld be Used as an auditorium
for banquets, meetings and enter-
it, Was also announced that
district 'Legion. Meeting will be
held aalt. on Octobet ii)th, tit
which local representation Is asked,
, 7
I mthigration Of f ice
Closed at Godetich
Antiott wooldt4 1111,8 15(,.et, rriade
that the iniffilgratien office, whieli
has been Opertite'd in Getleriell
Shies 1951, will 'be closed at the
end of this Month; tit future the
Stratford .office Will serve thie,
llfitehineoti ha s been hi
charge of the Ghtlerfelt Office.
Menagoe of 'the SttetfOrd Office is
10f441 ,04AS,8
The Wingham 'District
School Board is,` again offering a
Vari-ety of enbjecti in evening
class s. at"fire School. If entolinent
ia the following classes
Wilt be -
English for New Cana,
iliani; Industrial Arts---classes of
ihniteri,sise kn. welding, Weed turn'-
litiej-:WnotiVi.rork for beginners., and
Woodwork, (advanced;,, (upholstered
I/Onia.BcOitoinkSA sewing
tir;,e6ohitigl Typing and Bookkeep-
ing; Ait.and Handicrafts, including
'The fee toe all:0106es except. the
tot which„ there is
i") eharge, will be moo(Dityfibie
On' registration), '
Iteglstratiori will be Made ' on
Wohiesiiay, October 15th, at 7.30.
ifte 4.00 class Will, begin on , this
tr"iiy 'cite
!...''lulu' will otienothe each li3hilltiOrD'Otitrt
Wednesday 'v004 . 'Oat* the the first Meeting of the" Wing.
wintier•thotitha, it. the high school ham. Duplicate midge. Club Will be
.Ontit ilerialiht And .intereStitig. held on :Thursday,. 00tobef 9th,
• :.0.0nik Wecineartay, Oetebei igth the Fire 'Rail at 8 p.it. XeW Mein-
1:30 and begin tho brit class, I bete welcome,