The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-10-01, Page 10The 4ifivaAco-l'irrioN, Wedneitlay, oft, 1st X948\ gortow -,codiaptly at H-FC M !OLD FRIENDS.. MET AT BELGRAVE RALLY Theatre TWP. eherWs melt night Fleet at 7.15 Honoebolcl Finance is backed by 80 years' experience in making prompt loans, At TWO You may borrow up to $1.006 for any good purpose, Borrow in privacy witb repay. merit terms that suit your, incerne hest, 11.8EATRE (.3,0S'ED MONDAY, TVESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, EACH 'WEEK Over $00,000 casmdians borr,ow frem TIFP or 'TY rirr 'Tint.-F81,-SAT. 24. "THE MATCHMAKFR". .Shirley Booth, Antler: ay Perkins Shirley MacT-Aine The frantic complications that 'Stem from. the matchmaking activities of a, sty, but warm hearted, middle-aged widow„ Vaill11.011011•1101101010411114110101400141Mie • HOUSEHOLD •FINANCE M. R. Jenkinir, Mom:goer 35A Visit Skeet Telephone 1501 G9DEItICI4 ,,,,f ,,,,0000000 i ttttt mow; rocery Phone: Our Prices Are Lower Free 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery Guaranteea . BREAD that makes the Sandwich Bring Coupons here for your Free Bar. • • • ••:" i .4 • • 4 • .,•• PERSONAL College, to take a course in engi- neering. —Mr. ad 'Mrs. Norman ,Dickisen of Toronto spent = the week-end with Mrs. W. A. Galbraith, —Mr, and Mrs. E, Parrish, Ivan and Sharon Guy, were in Llstowel on Sunday and 'attended a fainily gathering. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gray, who celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary. The guests included Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Mann, of Trowbridge, who were attendants at the wedding. —Me. and Mrs. Gordon Cerson and children of Teeswater spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Swanson. —111fr. and Mrs. Sohn Hanna are spending a few days in Toronto, —Mr. Jim Newman of the Toro* to-Dominion Bank staff in Allen- dale, was a week-end visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Newman.. • By Rev,, Peacock Bayfield, Ontario . Seated on planks that substitut- ed for pews in the )3elgrave came munity centre we sat for over an hour "spell-bound" listening to a Man who had erelesed the Atlantic .12 times, the Pacific 1.1: and hacl four' times circled the glebe, al in the interests of spreading thy Gospel through the production of the devotional booklet, "The ljpper Room", which has a distribution of three million copies each issue in 40 languages and in 88 countries, The orator and editor, Dr. Man ning Potts, ,described the, crying need of the Gpspel among the pa- gan, world. "Over half of the popu lation of the world go to bed hun- gry every night," This new, strange pagan world of Sputniks and Ca- dillace mingling with, the primitive wooden-bladed ox-driven plow and earth threshing floors. , No spoke of Russia with her marvellous collection of religious art treasures depicting the world'" Saviour yet, in her materialistic way of life, not knowing the re. fleetest thing about' the Christ so magnificently portrayed by the artist. We were disturbed as never before—not by 'the hardness and narrowness of the planks on which we sat—but by the hardness and narrowness of Christian living that had lost much 'of the vision of the. Christ and His challenge to evan- gelize in this sputnik-nuclear bonlb-materialistic, atheistie-CrazY modern world. , With an inward prayer, by many. a listener, for strength and cour-' age to go out and finish the task, of Visitation EVangelism, the ser- vice in the concrete and meta' building was over and' the speaker came down from the improvised platform to see standing before him a lady from the nearby village of Dungannon. • "Do you remembet me?" she said, her face glowing in antici- pation of renewed friendship. The ",mind of the preacher went back over the yearg to a few hours taken out of thousands to two travellers, himself, pr. Manning. Potts, and Dr. Harry Denman, clinibing the way up Mar's Hill, Athens, Greece. and then the .voice, "Yoh speak English?" . . and' so the intro= deletion to the lady whose honcie was then 'near Southampton, Ont. References to the Upper Room brought, a smile on 'the face of -the lady, aS she ihfo i lined the editor that she had a copy n her bag sent by Canadian friends in In- stanbuI, Ttirkey, -where :she was employed. The: three continued' up the Hill and there read the story frdim the New Testament of Paeil's visit' so long ago. A 'short prayer eoncluded the info'rmal 'service and they parted their ways, the-lady to her work in Turkey, the gentle- men to continue their journey around the world. Tree Sweet e Unsweetened Orqiige an .cf.1 ,Qr4pefruit JUICE . 8tekelYtii lPfeney 1 e t ; FANCY' PgAS 111H CORN CO,F104,1 sIAL,, 'PASTRY FLOUR- Robin Hood, All-purpose FLOUR Maple I Leaf „ Tenderflake LARD Blue Bowmen A • .1 48 oz. . 37c 48 dz. 29,,c °' 48 .*: .2. fpr 230.7bic, 2 for 3,70.i . 2 for;x3,3,ocz, 2 for'63c lbs. 43c 7 lbs 55c 7 Ibibm.• 21c Last Wednesday, on the concrete floor' of the Belgrave community centre, they met again, tasting the joys of renewed friendship and bonded together .by a little service on Mar'S Hill and the devotional booklet, They met—they parted; the lady to her home now in Dun- gannon, the preacher-editor to go back to his centre' at Nashville, Tenn., to prepare for the journey that in a few days will take him to India to share with others in a team of Visitation Evangelism, • • (Quik Bag) . 2 69c 6 qt. basket 69c LI ERAL PRP Ohl -fitRE “01 WinterniCyer, leader of the 7.4berai Party in Ontario,- will be the 'speaker at a nomination ednVentioh for the, Ruron-Brude eonstituold-s; to be held 'in the „Winghaerk town hall on:Thursday 'e.vening, 9f i.hle'-'Week. Time of the meetinels 8,30. ''' • ' Rae 'Watson, well-known Luck- nOw district farther and Present, district governor orthe Lions Club, has declared his intention of tAac- Mg his' name before 'the .cohiren- tien. It is 'underStoed that there are likely to be contendere from Brussele,,Blyth and • Earlier this sumMer there was a persiStent ,ruinor that a Pro- vine/al eleetion, cOuld be eXpected. However, the likelihood of a fall elettion is now .ektremely remote, but, it is belieVed that a vote' Will . next' spring or early surnmer. - • Winner of the-Liberal convention will in all probability oppose efehn W. Hanna, at,P,Pe the PregreeSive Coneeiwative.merribee whe MIS held the seat since ,1043, 'having won fiVe eleetipne. Wig 'expected that about three hundred voting delegates' will be on hand fee the Liberal meeting this week, " MARGARINE ... •-• ,Trancy, McIntosh APPLES.... ‘,,kd ot vtv3- a,so° d . so .P• —" „ • .• / • Laidlaw TURKEYS Kepwood Ail , Wook Blankets You'll love. the wide seleetion of beautiful coloiwa, the. wonderful warmth without exeessive weight, and When" yout feel the thick plushy texture of KIENWOOD you'll. be coneinced: that nb .other Bittia,ket lbas the attritetive features 11114 lientWood offere. parents, Mr.. and Me's, Wally Arm- _ etrong, . —Miss 11:tary Ann Cleland of To- rontd wee a week-end visitor with her mother,' Mrs. IViery Cleland, John Crawford of 08gbocle Hall,..Tepento, way home for the week-end. KE1\141901) Why not buy a Wenwood' the Edsy Way? )110( ... Join the Kellwood Club!: After choosing tbe luxurious eolorrr you ,,want, make small deposit, them Week by wnek, watAk the bainnee MS IrtmE lit Tilt ilL)V4IIITA rouns, wool, ODUC 1550 , a vat \‘048 IlValiAttt --Mrs. Julius Seandrett and Miss Corinne Scaeldrett, Mr. and . Mee Ewart Powe and Mr.' and Mrs. Bill Skelton of London, were Week-end guests with the former'S sister, MPs. James Taylor of town, —Mrs. William Watson and Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Bartlett of Mit- chell spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, 'Pori Bilis of Wingham, —Mrs: D. S. MadNaughlon and John MaeleTaughtorl spent the week- end at Unionville and attended the Grant-Gough wedding, —Mr, Hugh Smith of Toronto, a patient in Wingham Heepital for the past rherith, has returned to his home, t—Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Rowland, Cheryl and Kendra of Burlington, spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown, —Miss Charlotte McBurney has beet a patient in Winghartr Hospi- tal -during the past Week, --Mr, arid Mrs, Olaucle St, George were Sunday visitors with their son, Mr, Bruce St. George, who was. released :from hospital last week, and Mrs, St, George. MrS. Wrn, Bain and Mr. and'Mrs, Min Herten and son, spent Sunday with MN arid Mrs. Wm, I3ain jr„ at Stratford. —Mr, Emerson= Towle of Winni- peg, Mart„ iy visiting with his Sis- ter! Mrs. haft Crump, for a couple of weeks. , Famous for Quality it IS' Neit A tAtit . —Mrs. N. Cameron, Mee. G. N. Underwood and Mrs. W. J. Greer,l represented• the Wingharn Hospital Auxiliary at the meeting of Region No, 2, Hospital Aids, which was held in Clinton on September 24. —Mr. Allan McGill of Turnberry Township ,returned, home last week after spending thd past two weeks at Los Altos, California. --Mrs. H. Cassidy arrived in Canada last,Friday aboard the Em- press of France to attend the wed- ding of her ypungest daughter, Margaret, to Alfred Schwichtene' berg. While in Wingham she will' visit her dadghtere, Wt. John Hanna, Mrs. Gordon Perrott and Mrs. „Wm, Forsyth, and will also visit her son ,Toseph, who is at Trenton with the RCAF. --Mr, and Mrs, W. F,, Burman spent ja clay last week with her brother at ''Parkhill, —Mr, and ' Mrs, E. S. Copeland. were in Toronto last week, guests' tet the Park Plaza. —Mrs. .7. H. Rogers of Fordwlch spent last Week with Mr, and Mrs.' N. T. McLaughlin. —Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Ireland spent a few days lapt week in Eastern Ontario', viewing the St. Lawrence pewee ,project and also visiting 'Prince 'Edward County They Were accompanied by Mr, Richard Ireland Of' Victoria, I3 C., Who has been visiting relatlYes in the Wingham and Teeswater area.. — Mr. Bill Rettinger, of the Toe ronte:Dornieion Bank staff, Toron. to, spent the week-end With his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Ret- Linger. —Bev. and Mrs, E. 0. La'neaeter and their ton, Report, Who is tea- oiling, in London, *were the guests of Rev. and. Mrs. C. P.,. John.- eon on Sunday, Mr, Lanett:0e Wee ,guest minister 'rut the Harvest Horde service On Sunday 'evening e at St, Paul's Church, Mrs, Michael VVillie has peen a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, since last Friday. ' gad Mrs, John Sionamon and son Murray, Wroxeer, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sinnarrion, Minnie St., visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Archie Hertel o' Ritcherier. —Mr, arid Mrs. Howard Machan, airninic and Primp „spent attluto with Mr,• and MrS. 'Tort.Baker at Size 60 84 At Thienicsgivinae as at all thews .75 of the year, we stress quality ORDER YOUlt TURKEY NOW POR 7.111ANI(SGIVOSTO Frorn LOOkiridge°11 BUteher Shop Mitchell's Butcher Shop Deyell's Butcher Shop riFteci Front ocery AIDILAWS •• • 4 • .4 • 4 4 4'. • 4 1,1'.• • * .11 $12 50 A timid trood pagii book Will 'reeord. your pay te eo jelet nOW and *et/ yottie Itern*Os4 ouir freah now etocil4 Size 72 84 at $14050,. $1795 ,and $20,e0, MAY BLANKeTS 36 .50 $7;9-6;. Sfrathroy.• I —Mr, 'John Congram, student, at Waterloo, College, epent the, ,weeke end at the home of his par4ts, Mr. and Mes. W, Congram, =Miss Helen Black, who has spent several months with—Mes. W. A, Galbraith, left Monday morn- ing fop Sionx Leokout, Where S'he has accepted a 'position. —Mr. and Mre, Haft", Ellitift; .Mr, and Mrs. Fred Elliott of Blue= vale, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Elliott of:Goderich, and Mrs. Stewart Cow. areof Wingharn attended he funeral of Clifford Elliott at Hamilton on Friday. . - —Mrs. Sam Griffith was a visitor, 'over the week-end with Gorrie fiiends. —Miss Cory Verhoef ,of Wingharri spent last week at the home of het patents at Clinton. —Mr. and Mrs. Mel Keating and family and Mrs. David Chamney of Exeter, were Sunday guest§ a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edgar and , visited other Wingham friends. On Sunday evening they attended the Harvest Heine serxiee in St. Paul's Church. —Mr.' and Mrs, Harold Edwa:icle speeit Sunday with Mr, .and Mrs. L. W. Loppe and family at-'Port Elgin, —Mr, and Mrs. hoevarcl Poiloek of Detroit, 1,/fiCh., spent- the ,week- end With their niece, Mrs. Don Camel:Oh, Mr. Carreerph and tarnily. —Mr. Wendell Alton of London epent the Week-end with his rno= thee, Mrs, Will Alton. Jean CreIMP has returned horne after spending the past four weeks in Toronto and, Niagara Palls. Her sister, Mrs', Mntriet To- eontci, accompanied her -home an'd is 'Visiting here for' a °duple of Weeks. . • 1, tir. arid Mre, IP, A, 'Parker 'have retuiTlecl hobrie afte'r several. weeks' vatatTert at Ritchener and Clark's —Mr, and Mrs, Gelarge Helidere teal Peturned horn° oh Prickly rim* Scotland, where they spent several. week's. With Mrs, Henderson's pa- rents,, Mr. and Mrs. d'arnes 138.17 Our. .At Paisley. '.—Miss Linda tiliott, daughter of , arid Mrs. Bill Elliott had her toriails arid Adenoids reMbved . Hospital bn Sa.tur4y, --Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Porbei of Leption spent a few days lest Week with her mother, Mrs, Howard, McLaugh- lin spent Sunday at IVreaford, Where theY Viet tett with Mts. Leslie Me- , potig A.routtong, of To- ronto, pp,ortt tjso Weakep44, rAth 10#,MY WHILE WI :OM Oft EDIGHOFFE S —.Was Margaret Viachad attend- ed the YOung People's..Conferenee, 'Which wee held in Leamington the Peet wee'k-end, --Mi. and Mrs. 'SpaAs of Detroit, IVfleh e are visiting 'wit!, their' dairghter, 'Mr's. Angus trow- bray, Mr." ivrowhray and' 'fahilly, ,7, 74", McCracken and Mt. Perrin. McCracken Kingsville, visited the Misses McCracken and former -friends recently. = 0..Therimson and Mrs. Theiripsort of : London spent the Week-end With her patelete, me and Mrs, AleX Reid, Mr .and Mrs, dry-, stal Wilds of Ripley ;visited over 'the week-end' at .the male hhine. 11, and Mrs, batt Ctothere' tatedded the 28th eonventien.of ,the Leell.flee AnXillary to die Canadian Legion, tit the Royal"Yerk Rota To.rontb, held fronii .1Yronday- ,Ifintisday' or last •Week, .Welleoefee-80,0 Worieen, trent .a0 ioitt.i.e.V.011,tfttiO attended the r. ponV,entiOrit — • (Witigham) Limited ‘Nniria notigNms stoup. .7116 Carripbell, son of ur. Mrs, Starr Campbell, left un awraohiaaioneacid MarldeS 1'1101101g !Or WaEdeou Radio lectric tifiriiiiratiatiff#010iThifiy140! • • . • . r „ t • 4,124111,40,— "'.•7004P7F,W4416V'W'''''"""'"*.i41"74141.141"11,11 7 '144' • t RIBBON WINNERS—Winners of various events at the Public Schaci' field day on Menday are seen above, Back row, from the left, Tom Ohettlebarge Fraser Strong, Jim 1`,Ttestnitb, Jim Mitchell, Ray Corrine Lonnie Boucher, Jim Griffith; front, Bill Dauphin, Tommy Boyeli, Robert, Campbefl, David Crethers, Rodney lillickey, Michael Fleury, —Advancejimes 'photo. HELD DAY WINNERS—Back rows from the left, eGeorge Bob Lunn, .Jim Newell, George Hem Doug Campbell, Bob Cameron, Bill Yemen, Lynet Finnigan e 490 eloWe -Campbell, Lynn Hickey, Pant Strefige,,WaYne Thompson.—AdVanceeTimes ''photoe' To make sure of uninterrupted iivott of your mail don't orgcf to: 1, Pill in a change of addross card (form 59-B) advising, Your. present ,Post .Office .of your new address. These cards are obtainable from your mail carrier or of any Post Office. Advise yciur friends, rela- tives' and business corres- pondents. of your new .address, simple and easy to do. by obtaining free of charge change of address cards (Form 86-B) from your local Post Office, These cards May. be mailed any-. 'where. in can'ada .for 24, PO-58-18A TA rrliArririrlroitt t iiiiiiiii r tttttt prmorrIkirtar lllllllllllll iiiiiiiii