HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-10-01, Page 2,AATA6. AAA. tro Too wont000t mroutoo,Tiotoo,'Woottottday„ Ot. 14 1658. LOCATING. THE.1'•;00PHOI,E$ • 'Though a few, shallow -minded •and unimaginative souls thought that exercise "Flame -up" was a joke, the lessons taught by 1.1'ridas' night's Civil Defence demonstration, should he studied with care. The exercise was carried opt smoothly •as far as the overall pic- ture is concerned, and it did bring out hundreds of people who, 110 doubt, have had some pretty vague notions about both the pm-pose.and the usefulness of CD activity. During the coarse of the eVening there were many spots at which the organization did not function prop- erly . and these isolated break- downs are by long odds.the most im- portant aspect of the entire exercise. The very purpose of these civil de- fence trials is to find out exactly where,error, and confusion would set in if an actual disaster occurred. • Civil Defence means preparedness— and preparation can only be made when we are familiar with the rough spots and know something of •the methods required to cirCturivent thern. . The exercise was of most signifi- cant importance to the staff and Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wingham Hospital, disasteriplan was. work- . ed out months ,aga for the .hospital and 'district doctors. "Flame -rip" proviided a fine opportunity to put the Plan to realistic test and Pdke it for weak Spots: Mrs. Iris' Morrey tad US that it operated very effic- iently except in 'a few particulars, and hospital a.uthorities were glad to be able to note them when.no lives were at stake. The public should realize, of course, that Friday night's exercise b not necessarily preparation for what we all hope is some.very re- mote possibility •of war. The train- ing and preparations involved would be equally useful in the event of any civil calamity, such as a bus accident, a tornado or major fire, The fact that none of these disas- ters have struck this area so far is of little significance. Such things can and usually do strike without previous warning. Any Boy Scout can give you the proper answer, "Be Prepared". Civil Defence has been discussed off and on for the past seven years in this town ,and the exercise on Prida,y evening was the first prac- tical action which has ever been taken, Our compliments to Co- ordinator Jack Gorbutt, his deputy, Constable "Bob" Lewis, who max many of the arrangements, and to the . dozens of volunteers, who car- ried out a very, worthwhile event, REMEMBER •.00TOBER 3RD •Ye's; we want to jog your mem- ory again, October 3rd, which is Friday evening of this week, ivill,see representatives from many organ- izations and councils in this area gathered at the council chamber to discus the question of a swimming pool, • You are not asked to attend that meeting simply to say yes. You are asked to be there to express your .opinion. If you are opposed to the whOle plan,you will have a perfect *Imo, 0 CUT TH prpil sppp fip fo,r1thun,ige nsgalTsntoo. EMOFF provaoeunqueStioned Opportunity to Onetype Of araic4er vire dOrit ,Nfindidut what the pirblic wantfe eed ;fivil defen exercas f;Wea'dy know that nianype"90e.* • pungr lmart-aleck 'iVho,,,.' w,q,nate ; t.oT,.' .- e s9rne actionith rfiglitr 461, ol his tkr odel. car,.up'laii.di lawiriP '1:pftol' .4! hei "14% wow. -siod ur strde's 4:WqrtfKigefl;P"10,ry -,rida'y q;'?., fglial, e if ? ., 4111, „. ai e .there thy,„:, ening ,• th:Fier,e:rsetel-ar,Riear '' ' ' ofOe,theinA1'2 ccident aS-I'Vestililafttig pii'',,tili.i, . . '•If,•thegry,ou s i df t f: disti ict, are worth lOo, ill er, tllc,y Must ,..4 at reast mci it uui time for tiliA:0 •,-.. . ,.....4.:, ening Ay• NO,,,Cail voice, , • thputht% iiithieireg rly re-41ting typ„.e. of stupidity. When thingt',.wer6in ''itt11,swili • nd ainttulaneesre speedi4'4iac ..-,...,,, • ,,, ..., ,. ,,,,,,, nd fon-h on the stit`6€fs' Oti6'yO'itifg , punk Iv eeled his ca s Uth On- Min- nie StiPeettio.''fasi'41ilt - crashed into a car at the corner of • John. A, few minutes later another . car, carrying six boys whipped along Catharine Street behind the hospital and nearly mixed it up with an arn- . bulance on its way ba.ckto the disas- ter area. Although these .youno- ,fellows. Aitiight use inore, sensthe event Of , real calauritY, doubt it. The same„types aife on hand for practi- cally , ie:Ory fire, gettingAin heza6a.4 '• 9f people who are reall'Y fryinV'to hell).,0114 endangering lifp and‘propc.,4 erty-b/their stupidity. : Two or three of the, volunteer work rs on Friday eveningwere 80 •angr3r- that„ they took note of the ,.adinit that he hadn't the fairitest idea license numbers of the cars inVOlved. how to get deliveries to us by the It 18 to be hoped that they turn , fastest route. He finally said me theirt in, would turn us over 'to the 'Country desk", The man at the country desk 'wasn't much better informed. .• The old nicknames to the hicks were all intended to convey a state of ignorance. This being the case we might well coin a few of our own to describe the city lad who thinks the muskeg starts ten miles north of "Trawna". Ignorance 18 ignorance no matter where you find it. The one thing these metropolitan wizards like to get from the country • is the money we spend, e "rt.,"f4eVYYVYNI 1 Reminiscing MTV YEARS A00 Mr. -MeX ROS; local agent Of the OP.11, Steamship Line, this week ticketed MO. R. gerdstrtan for Liverp041, by the steenier Lake Manitoba. The Work of placing' the iron in position for the new bridge at the north end of .1.0sephine Street being pushed along rapidly, Planks have been placed in position to Al- low residents ef the north to cross over. The bridge ehould be eom- pleted in a short time. A. new long distance telephone line has lately been completed by the Bell Telephone Company be- tween Wingham and Lucknow. This is found to be a great convenience in this district, Messrs. A. Yoting & Co, have rent- ed the store in the Beaver Block and have put in a large stock of Huron stoves and ranges, which are manufactured by the Western, Foundry Co, Miss Maggie Fisher, one of the obliging clerks at the post office, has been in the hospital for Some days, 111 with fever. Mr. Alex Dodds of Mitchell i$ visiting with his daughter, Mrs. James MelVfarrus, Mr, Jackson Walker of Toronto was vislting for a few days with Wingham and East Wawanosh relatives. Miss H. Agnew has returned to Philadelphia, after a few week& visit with her parents in Lower Wingham. Mr. 'John Imlay, fireman arid en- gineer at Bennett's mill, Is 'under the doctor's care with a sore leg and hisTlace is being taken by Mr, • James Begley. • Mr. C. H. Elliott, collector of customs, from London, accom- panied by Mrs, Elliett and Miss Alice Gentles spent Monlay in town, the guests of Mr, and Atm John Quirk. 0 - Q 0 FORTY YEARS AGO Tax collector Fralick reports that the good people of Wingham are paying up their,1918 taxes in fine style. On Saturday evening $7,697,53 of taxes were paid. Mr. W. B. McCool is spending a couple of weeks.in Hamilton and Toront t • F A. , orbe of. Togonto is t e.,11901OlfMr`s,:llhos. M .1,!!k ticrz*tkdycr. - . Lloyd nd o sitipiiNr few da,ife4ifir ves in, „ g ant • h Fre t and, d'anght0 fter 7:13eKi191444Ithwh:°tthh;ef r 14:6' ; _Mrs. Irene 011.61, Lower- =ToWn, -)4nIg ome IoIidays With her etas, 'al J arnthson and -Mrs. Phillips, Foi-dycn, :Lisowt)I Mrs. "Sifter-M..1W tit:„. St. „ iiig SiWtfolir Normal Schoot!' Hazel Wingham; 'Mary bone; Belgrave; Florence F. Deacon, R.R. 5 Wingham; Alice E. 'Dore, Wing - ham; 11,1Eirjorie M. Harrison, Wing - ham; 'Estella °James, Belgrave; Vi- ola, V. McLeod, R.R. 1 Bluevale; Gladys Tisdale, Belgrave and Zel- ma M. Turvey, Bluevale. 0 - 0 - TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO The wedding of Ruth Madeline, Only'! daughter of 111- rif: ' Jarie 'Whitt of Woodstock to 'Basil; sec, - and ;son ,of Mr. and Mrs. Harry qok 44'; 117. at • Dr. Margaret: Calder' is a patient in Toronto General Respite!, Where on Monday :Morning) She, Under: went .a serious operation. * The local bowling club was repre- sented by A. Wilson,II. SherbondY, 6,"Thornpson. and J. Masan at the St, ,Marys 'inerthants' tournament, held Friday evening, -- A short time ago a local bowling rink, Claire Adams, W. A. Camp- bell, A. Tayler and 'Rev., J. Pol- lock, skip, Won the Joynt TrOphy at* LueknOw. This is a challenge cup and on Monday evening they played a local rink composed of A. Wilson, It Sherbondy, O. Thomp- son and .1, Mason, and lost the Cup by a score of 22-16. • Dr. A. W. /twin has purchased the Morton home ori Shaer Street. His Mother, Mrs, A, J. Ii,wih, will Move intO this house and D. and Mra. Irwin will occupy his mother's hiniat, corner of Patrick and Centre Streets. • A cribbage tournament was held in the armouries on PridaYeveriing. The winners were E. B. Porter, Neil Williamson and Dr. G. W. COUNTRY DESK .There Was a, time when, most of us from the little places who went to the big City could properly be.'ternr- • ed "country burnnkins". That. was the name applied to a person who• , betraye,d Nss th.n,, the city man's knowledge Of how to look after hint:. . self after he ieft the farm,: - -How; things have Ahano-ed. ing otir level best the other maning • to find out whathad happened to a „ Shipment' of Paper which Was over - we heard the city, type on the other end of the long distance line • The Wingham Advance.Times Published at WinghaM, Ontario Wenger 13rothers, Publishers, • W. Barry Wenger, Ratter Member Atidit Bureau of Circulatien .4uthorized as Second Class Mall, POst Offide Dept. inboettotten Rate — one Year $3.00, Sin Months 4150 in advance U, S. A, $4.0() per year Voreign Rate $4.00 per, year Advertising Rates on application LOCAL GIRLS ELECTED AT YAII. CONFERENCE Sever*t•yentit people of the Wingbaiti -district attended the 84th, annual London. Cenferefide deriVeri, tien held in Leamington, The week. tint which 'commended. bri was ,ittefided hy• eVet 80 young 'people from pointa all .bVer Ontario,. A 'highlight of the ,deriferenee *Oak the., presenee e Zt1dItoettetteldi: of Prince ttlivard Istott neWlY • faded *Wilde*. Of Natibliat Young ewes of the linked Chitteh of teiriedri.„ RothItattd.,.ttt *tight Wm *lett. tad pretildebt. Other offietre mooed were,: Out itiotiklent, Wal- ter MOTHS, Of tornbeel C. Defence Is dent, Btrice DMVIiiirst, of Sault1Y1 Marie: treasurer, 'Terry dninnery, Lions Club Topic • Of Aylniet; CotiVeners—faith arid eVangellain, Glen Duff, of St. .ThOinitis; Eitestrardihlti and training, Muriel COUIteS, al R U. 5. Ortialiel8; missiOnt and World titresell, Anna, TheMplicii, Scieride Hill; citizenship and etimintinity tierViCe, Helen Haines; Whighitri“ reereation and tUlture, Harty dreeriteeed, Mitehtlig Rev S. 145 'Henderson,. tif Wind. tier, Wee then* tiPe6ltet abd„ he apOke �n °A Faith 46 PrOeletirii,"' The ,Ptograin inchided Bible ritudY, training in attar' phirset of P,tL Work, Wotiihip Planning,. ptegtato preaelitatitik .tiervice, toloattning **Creation, and song tootling., Provincial Constable "Hi*" LeWis, asssitarit 'co-ordinator' of IvJl.defenee n town, was the speaker at the regular 'fleeting of the Liens Club in the Hotel trUnswick oit Firriday eVeriing, He Mitlined the ,PregrEtin Width has ,beeit Net tip in tOWli and tidied the .aiiiibitatide Of the 1..ieeet in supply. ing wardene• and other helped( for the CD orginlitatiOn..The itedirig Wati presided Over by President Bill *moat,. The next Meeting of the Clifb' WM. take the 'faith of 4 Wilt to dilt. trietrafl Whieh i to be held at Artntiti , High Taxes Threat To ,Manufacturing Growth in Ontario If lnanUfacturblg Is tO maintain. and expand itS VOle AS 04nadtl's biggest eMplOyer and greatest pro- ducer of Wealth It Muet bay* •(i) a larger demestie market: (3) system Of taxation that Will en - collage rather than discourage pap'. tal irlVeStruent and (3) the protee- • tien of a realistic tariff policy. This • was the 'Oreille of an address by 8tuart Arbour, economle adviSer. The Steel Company of Canada 40,, before .the Industrial Development Conference in Toronto. "Our amazing post -War progress has been hugely the resuit Of the growth in our heavy and secondary industries," Mr, Armour said, "While this growth has in turn • been linked with the deveiopment -of primary or _extractive industry, we could never have achieved our present highly inevitable position If we bad relied oniy upon develop- ments In the •forestry or mining industries. We shall not in future continue to progress unless we do • everything in •our power to create conditions' favorable to The con- tinued growth of heavy and second- ary industry within Ontario, "Neither governmental policy nor .public attitudes are now as favor- able is they should be if such growth is to continue. Neither im- migration nor tariff nor taxation policies have, been framed to meet the peculiar needs of manufaCtur- hag in this harsh, vast and thinly- • populated country. 'A prune 'requisite for continued econornic and spcial progress in Ontario' at the rate • of the past, dedade is a continuance of 'growth in poPulatiorrat the rafe achieved in that period," Mr. Armour said. , "If immigration is ,being held held down by. the ,Federal govern- inenti what ia (IntaticitdoinkoiabOtit it? In my book that is. the most pregnant question confronting the people of this province today. For if we do not continue to provide here a domestic market for manu- facturing and other secondary in- dustry, all the rosy forecasts as to our progress will certainly be nullified." "Unless we curb the habit of asking government to.. do for Ili what we should di) for ourselves, we shall most certainly': end, up by everlbadingy •Jcintomy., ' • "Clan& • joddin of 'the ' 'hall OiVSPAA.; AP, tiA ; Misses Mary. and Kate King.left. ?ndaytp tirpie her,1stndts t, Western tiTpiversity, MISPEUa RaeolVAbp is attending Macdonald Thstitute 'Quelph • was mne , forthe „Avetit-end,, 1, Mr. l*Walt. McKibbon and W. Mc,' Fadzean left iesgAgek to,reontinge hjrtnies in ,niedlcine.A West; '41) 111.76tWrsitY.::' .f: A. A Jr A • I tz t _t 0-4 011; ; .1,. ,- ;$,• EPN.Y*4-ii$ AGO '4- , • Mr, Stan Sidthorpe has"ptirchaired he•.Tipling residence -on Leopold; Street. .Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Coultes ani daughter Mabel, who have resided In Wingham for the past couple of Years, returned to Belgrave last vveek. Mr. and Mrs. Walter VariWyek were called to Orangeville on Fri- day owing to the serious 'lines§ of his father, who is 90 years of age. Mr. R. A. Spaton last week Pur - phased a monument busiriees" in Galt, He IS 'moving his tock and equipment, which inolndes some of the most modern equipment, to his business fiere.4 • , and ,Mrs. John A.' Kelly Ein- notince the engagement of their daughter, Ida Christena, to Mr, Alvin Lawrence Prieto., son of' Mr. and Mrs. avnii6k Procter. • On Thursday. Neil, Carr, son of Mr. A. M. Carr, of Wingham, re- ceived his air .gunner's wings at MacDonald, Man. ' Miss Mildred Fitkpatrick, dan'gh- ter of Mrs. M. Fitzpatrick, has been successful in Winning a $100 cash provincial scholarship in Grade 13, Mt. and Mrs. George Orvii re- ceived a cable on Friday from their Jack, stating he had arrived Safely overseas, , • -Mrs. Robert Golley entertained at a trousseau tea last Wednesday afternoon anlevening in honor of' her daughter, Dorothy; whose Mar- riage to take place on Saturday. MISS Norma 'Coats, daughter of Ur. and Mrs. R. A. Coutts, who is a member of the Wingham Publia Scheol staff and Mr. Wm. Beecroft, on of Rev. and Mrs, W, A. Bee- croft, left on MOnday for London, where they will attend Western Univetsity, . 1 The Bible Tadao BY Bev. II L. Walden' B.A. Sec, 'Unger Canada Bible Society The 'Bible iga kfeat book 6f It vivais WhereVer there has been bible study, there has followed a deepened Spiritual new mis- sionary activity, and fresh philan- throPle effort, This has been *don in history, hi the Pottan era In England and America: lit the Pietist movement itt dermany, and in the lilth dent- iity Dvangelleal revival' in England', this laSt alone, for inatailte, re - suited itt suel" a dernand for bibles that the 'British and Peteto bible *WOO had 40 ,be fOiiiiiiird itt That the Society has kept the faith in shown iit its tretnendotis reCord to date tif 'oVet 650 Million Scrip - tares issued at a cost of Well over 80 Million dellara. And still the de, Mand increasea and the Work ex, pandsl Truly, by ded's grace, thia great Society posaeases a Unique and unearthly Power Suggefited Bible liteatitna Wednesday, Mark 411-20; thins, ditY, Mark 421.41; Friday, Mark 5: '140; Saturday, Mark 5:11.42; Suii. day, Mark 6;1-29; blionday, Mark 61 46-64; Tuoistayo Mark ,`?; 1,41. .- ore osi uovorotheittel and ehutneemrortioaytrohoie etntlittin ttihmet op ing awin- ter is likely to he th$, highest in otir history, PoMinion Juioau of •4tatisties figures have Indicated that overall busineSS Vapitalinvest- ment on, constriction and plant and equipment weuld be at least 12.8 per Pent loWer this year than last *$4,033 illiloij ConiPared with $5,,, 050 fliilon I 3.957 Wooing invest - 3400 is expeeted to rise from $1,- 41.5 million in 1657 to $1,786 million in 1958, or by 94.9 per cent. Other social capital expenditures were ex- pected to risb from $1,644 million t:n11,,029 million or trY about 11 per g "In manufacturing, the total to be spent •on construction and' new maehinery and equipment is ex- pected to be $1,094 million this Tear. compare; with $1,426 million in '47, . a drop ef more than 23 per cent. "What incentive is there for con- tinued privote capital Investment When the Federal governinent cots down on immigration and govern- ment at all levels at the sante time embracea policies involving ,confis- °story takation ? "In: addition') to th&Arawhatics inseparable ••taan?;ont ;Made4uaste doWestie•maidiet the cost.S Of Oana- dian:manufacturing are being in- . , creased liy,the inflationary effects of geaiernineatal: efforts to main, tan' 'undefined *full mr4p4:eylnent, NOt,only does inflation add to the costs: of:'therawmatesjais and sOviCes Which ;manufacturing Must buy. in order 'to tarty on production, but it'encoursges labor to seek ever higher Wages without reference to, per man productivity. "As a result of this governmental„ effort Maintaining fnll employ- ment, the burden. Of all tales of all kinds ut.on the Canadian economy went AM front $.2,4117 million in 447 te $5,230 million in 1957, or by 110 Pe09;ellt4)0, 0.11 i Or_ „tg 1011;ath-; tain full employme)i have 'sad- dled all Canadians and', heir enter- prises of every kind with •a tax' system that threatens the very continuance of free enterprise in this country. -We have also in pur- suit of a ,still-nadefined. also, reduced the demestia purchasing power .of our dollar in thepast ten years by 22.1h cents, thereby harsh- ly penalizing those who have prac- tised the constructive virtue of thrift. " "How can Canadian manufactur- ing,which is so largely centred in On"tario, continue to malfe its•wapt- s 5di fputrillutzon ,to,icanadian pro- gress 1..z,rndlIpro.pperit.7,1n ,the *cc, of, these, qpirea 71,Intivervoype .t? sifsr; eqt01# t11.91%.,ii authorLty, hprVe 3/13t, • rt Fe* yi}ra‘'real4ationi jtht tylannticturing novir )337:ifaciour,, itl°8021VP4P•ilt cR,11,41113.N•111AuOtiV. 'NY9P.it ,We c41.40°P1?ift,°T,Pri-ti inaVeiprptauetp,,,Apor;t1„,we shcnild • Fust6n7c1. 11;10glatY4%,:w0at, tie fatoe,time,p..lenreppl8ndhig,grov‘Vi 111,10.01,4.4iiamnannfaptilOkyo.. ,11,414,101)0 kgy,ernmen(5ir,.in tiriiied *efforts to' 'encourage •,.1 tr1{. un necessary conipp,ti,tion fr9n1,0441,d 4ur borders, „nanufacturing yfli 'net tolie 014 to do What is /lbw- ex- pected of it in the development of Canada. • .Indeed, manufacturing ,may actuallY.dedirieitt itaportanee under such circumstances," • COLONY IOF BEAVER LIVING NEAR TORONTO quiet entrar Ontario' Settlement, of Siloam,,to the .)taitri' of ' the pro-. ytnee's, •bigkqet city; Toronto. • Yet . •.eolOnY of beaver—en animal most southern Ontario. residents Gouple directly With the far , north—lives in relatiVe.'solittide • in a stretch of PefferlaW'brook, .which flows from that area into Lake Simcoe. The trouble is, the beaver aren't content t� browse 'off .the plenti- tude of alder and birth which 'make up "Chapman's Bash", but seeming- ly have to dam up the strewn, flood many acres of the Wish and Water kill the treeeii, A considerable stretch of the stream Is used by a fishing club, for there are speckled trait in the 'brook. The only road into the arta ends less than 100 feet from a beaver house and the dein. So far, the beaver have coitudetely ignored the fiahernien. However, if the aniniala persist In their de* handing With Its cotiiiequent fitioding, of .greater Eddie, sortiething wili incite to be thine *boa It, OWners Of the hush havecommunicated with the De- partment of Lands and Forests, suggesting theianimitiri be nye-trap. ped, ,atid removed to other areas— prefers:MY "Way up north Where they tan% flood roads or useful ibuttlilande, Gavillert Mantosh • 8t Ward • etuirtmra Atentintante 04, Walkerton, 'Ont. • tinuctitnant msi ,711," ialowaral9iv•eRla'4P,SolIfilloSIVICI4VVVVV40VIVIVSIAPIVISIVAVeillefileIev. ARE COSTING YOU UNTOLD DOLLARS! DECLARE WAR - WE HAVE THE WEAPONS . Warfarin 'Rat Poison OUR OWN MIX — 55c SPECIAL MOE IMENIDND ON MORE WEEK1 e 1 D. A. SPECIAL PRICES OCTOBER 1st.' to OCTOBER 7th COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO 11,4371.1r;4 8 oz, ° Fine needle crystals - 16 az, •Regular 25e EPSOM' S4LT . . . .19c • Regular 19c .29e 45e 1 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 15c23c, 39.12 1,13.A. Brand,- 4, 16 Oz. •Regular '150, $1.05 STOMACH POWDER'. . 59c, $1.49 SPECIAL t• •Regular52.00 Hudnut EGG CREME SHAMPOO $1.29 SAVE 27c - 7 ounce size Regular $1.25 WHITE RAIN Lotion'Shampoo . 98c VANPR: SCRIPT/ON DRUGGIST DUBAPPY iluallur TABU REV1-oN 1,..cum_._ • cje.4_-*1.-4_ /8 :44/1" R011-1/PA LOT OP 11 AMES afilf ONF, OFT/' • "Ilk BEAUVES4 ° Phone '139 4 1 =Ili a&-Arlifitio-f_ffp- • _.•7-- /1111•Iir YOUR NOME COSTS MONEY AFTER ALL OIECK POR REPAIRS WHILE.THEY ARE SMALL( sA, • n LOOM. TRADEMARKS. Inc. .7 /4402:M.0 POCOCK, • (ANGLICAN) ingbamt burr Rev. C. V, Johnson, L.Th, Rector. Mrs. Gordon Davidson -, Organist litt Sunday after Trinity . 9,45 am.' --Sunday School 11..00 tt,111.---11/14oftting Prayer preacher-41,ov. K. E. Tayler, D.D# 1. 7.00, veiling Prayer - 4A. 1 ' i 'Thu ..., Oct, 2, 'Senior Auxiliary, Parish Room. • ti i fi Pri„ Oct. ,,1; Bishop Chandu Ray, Lahore, India,. i... i ii M at the 'Church at 8,00 11•11111110111,111111111111111111111111111111111114114111(1111111111111111.1111111111111103