HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-09-17, Page 10'Iron TIR l'tlilgttetn A4vnitee4banbe, •Wefineis(fayi.
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Iii.111.S. TO STUDY
VORDWICH—"Wisdomf' was the
theme of the September meeting of
the of the.Vordwich United
Church which was held at the
home of Mrs, Warren Zurbrigg.
Mrs. Ken Graham, president, open.
ed the meeting with some thoughts
on the theme and prayer. The
minutes of the last meeting and an
executive meeting were read and
A donation was voted toward the
Mrs. Wheable Memorial Fund. The
Supply Committee are to lie re-
sponsible for the dinner for the
Sectional meeting on October 7th.
Mrs. Clarence Carswell and Mrs,
Harold Pollock were named a
committee to secure a speaker for
the fall. Thankoffering service..
MrS, Thos. Lovell is the shut-in for
this 'month with,Mrs. Harold Doig
and Mrs, Wit& CeoPer:to visit her.
,The roll call, was,..ansWereci••by 3S
merribersand visitors.
Mrs. WhirWilSon led in the wet,
Ship service and was assiSted. by
Mrs. Carl Ettinger, Mrs. n: Rogers,
Mrs. W. E: Hainstock and MI'S,
Royden Devitt. Mrs. Harold Doig
introduced the study book for this
Year. "Christian Concerns of North
American Neighbours," Mrs. Wm.
Wilson, Mrs. Ken Graham and Mrs.
Fred Handily assisted her by tell-
ing something of interest about
Alaska, Canada, United States,
Mexico and the Caribbean area.
Mrs, Doig read a 'letter from a
friend who had visited the Hawai-
ian Islands. She listed some of the
concerns we as Christians should
have such as immigration; secular-
ism, class and race distinction, in-
tegration, alcoholism and others.
She asked the ladies to .STOP• for
prayer every day; LISTEN to,
LOOK for pictures; Mane and arti-
cles . about these neighbouring
countries and the concerns men-
tioned; they to LISTEN to thp rad-
io and television programs Which
might be of help.
Mrs. Ken Graham, Mrs. Elmer
Harding and Mrs. Clarence Cars-
well gave reports of their stay at
Alma College at the School for
Leaders. The meeting closed with•
a hymn and the benediction.
Sister Buried
At Fresno, Cal.
FOADVVICH—Funeral service
was held in Fresno, California, on
Wednesday, Septernber 10th; for
Mrs. Florence IvIeViear, daugheer
of the late James and Celens, Hun-
ter, She was born on the 9th eon-
cession of Hewielt and attended
Orangehill School,
She leaves to mourn her hus-
band„Iaines .11/feVica4 two deugh-
tors, Miss ,Marine at home, and
Mrs. WM. Kreller of Tulare, Cat;
three grandsons and one sister,
Mrs. Bert Winston of Porciwielt,
Miss E. Goggin
Buried Monday
FORDWICH--- ,The death of a
lifelong resident of 'this commun-
ity occurred on Saturday with the
passing of Miss Edith Esther Gog-
gin. Apparently succumbing to a
heart• attack, the deceased was
found in her bed.
Miss Goggin was born in Howick
Township, a .daughter of the late
Margaret Hall and Thomas noggin.
She had spent her' entire life in the
community, where She Was a mem-'
ber of the L.O.B.4„ and Trinity
Anglican 'Church. ° „..
She -was,nrdeleeeased by one bro-
ther, Thotnais, and one sister, Em-
ma. r t •
A service,was conducted by .the
L.O.B.A. , Moir, ; fiMer al home
in Gorrie on': Stu-44y Welling, Rev.
E, g. A.4tiweil officiated for the
publiO.ftlif.dral service 'it the fUneral
home-ob 'Monday afterneen at 2,30.
Burial was in the Fordwieh came-
Attendance Awards
Are Presented
FORDWICH—Rev. E. C. Attwell
conducted a special family service
on Sunday morning in Trinity
Anglican Church when certificates
were given to several of the child-
ren for attendance at Sunday
School: First year, Bill Jacques;
2nd,, Connie *Han; 3rd,, Evelyn
Anne and Ronald Ferguson; 4th.,
Gary Sothern. •
The teacherS for the coming year
are; Superintendent, Mrs. Emmer-
son Ferguson, assisting, Miss Beat-
rice Wade, Mrs. Don King and
Miss Marilyn Armstrong.
Legion. Auxiliary
Holds Meeting
FORDWICII--The Ladies' Aux-
iliary to Howiek Legion met in the
Legion rooms for 'the September
meeting, the president, Mrs. Blyth
Clarke, in charge. The minutes
Were read and accounts taken
care of.
The zone commander, Mrs. Wil-
liam McCann, installed ft new
member and Mrs. Jennie Wilson
was named acting secretary until
the end of the year. Fifty dollars
was voted to thn family of a Mem-
ber who had nasSed away. A lot.
ter Was read from one of the vets
in Westminster Hospital,
The Mystery prize was Won by
Mrs. James Vittie, donated by Mrs.
Dora Ridley. Plans were made to
help the Unitarian fund, A letter'
Was also received from a recep-
tionist in Westrninstqr.
Japanese Gifts
For Mission Band
PORDWICH— The Silver Star .
Mission Rand held its September
meeting in the. United Church
basement. Mrs. Elmer /larding
opened the meeting with a reading,
followed by the Members' Pur-
pose, The' roll Call was answered
by 51 memberS on a verse from
the Bible,
Birthday greetings wore sung to
Margaret Anti, Norman and Wray
Wilson, Ittelt Rtittari and Helen
Johnston. Mrs, ItObert Gibson
continued the study book with ad.
ventures 'of Konji to' Gino. She
gave some instruction on the use
of chop sticks, which. Were 'gifts to
all the members from Storytime,
CKNX, %Ingham; also some
Japanese c. ndy with edible
rice paper wrapping,.
The Worship service was led by
ths, mute /larding and.the meet,
inR ,closed with 0, hymn,
fese..eos,ervyNre•we'e's• - • • '1,ThiSete° le,..eey.,,,erveyelse.,y..e.e.e.re‘e,....re'sAeff‘rtierNe e
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Honors for Girls
Before B.C. Trip
FORDWICH— Pridny night
the young people and neighbors of
Miss Marjorie FoSter and Miss
Elizabeth Patterson held a surprise
going-away party for the two
, girls at the home of Mrs. .Anson
Demerling, and Mrs, Ritby Fester.
:The girls aro leaving on Sept. 20
for British Columbia, Marjorie be-
ing transferred to the Bank of
Commerce there and Elizabeth to
the Dominion Life Insurance of-
flea. •
The young tones enjoyed d wiener
roast, after which both. girls Were
presented with matched luggage
and some money. They thanked
everyone for their kindness and.
Mrs. Lloyd Sirnmermaker was
confined to Palmerston . Hospital
three days 104 week, duo to a
Gayle, ;five-year-Old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Pen Gibson, under. •
Went an appendix -operation in
,Listowei Hospital last week,
Mrs. Jack Holt spent all . last
Week with relatives in Mitchell and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donaghy of
New Glasgow, Nova .Seotia, visited '
for several days last week' with
Nos,. f„.Elswhrth and Laura Don-
Mrs. Emma Williamson spent the
Week-end in Leaden,
Mr. and MrS. Maurice Wallace
arid family of Hamilton visited .l ast
week with Mr. and Mrs, A, mi.,
Mr. and Mrs. IrWin, Gibson of
,Listowel and Mrs. Myrtle Wallace-
nf Yiqited 'Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs, W. Hargrave,
Mr. and Mrs, Ward, Schaefer
4pent the week-end in London at
the home of Mr. and Mr's, Stewart
Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs, Tom MeClement were Mr, and
Mrs. Jaek Plume and family of
Holstein and Mr, George Plume
'and two daughters of Mount For-
Mr. and Mrs, Bill 'Hutchison and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hutehi-
son, Mrs. Ida Gallagher and Master
Kenny McClement visited Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Nuhn .at
Kerry and Kathy, owned by
Glenn F. Johnston were winners,of
the wagon team class at the West-
ern Fair, London.
VIFTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY—Mr. and Mrs. .Wadiand, ' of
Sarnia, who spent their 55th wedding anniversary in Winghttm. 'They
were married at the bride's home here, her parents being the late Mr.
and'Mrs, Richard Kinsman.---Advanee-Times pirate.
Visitors from the community to
the Western Fair at London were,
Mr. and Mrs. Roydert Devitt, Mr.-
and Mrs, Ken Graham, Mr. and
11/frs. Geo. Ashton, Mr.' and Mrs.
Sam Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Campbell, Mr. Henry Mundt, Mr.
and Mrs. Robt, Gibson.
Mrs. Agnes Winter, formerly of
Fordwich, and now living with her
daughter in Collingwood, celebrat-
ed her ninety-third birthday last
week. Congratulations.
. Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Forster spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Carl.
Bender, Gowanstown,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Welsh of To-
ronto were week-end visitors with
Mr. and MrS, Harney Darcey.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kels, and
family of Guelph, spent Sunday
with Mr.. and Mrs. Wally Gibson,
Mrs. Jessie 'O'Gorman of Toronte
was alsd a week-end visitor at the
same home. '
Mrs, Clara Mebermitt of Toren-•
to is' spending this week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mc-
Mrs, Pearl Patterson and Eliza-
beth visited one day last week in
Owen Sound.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bolander and
John and Miss Terry Lee Ridley of
London spent the weekend with
Mrs., Dora Ridley, Miss Judy re-
mained for a week,
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey MeDermitt
attended a Lion's rally in Windsor
for three ,days.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sothern and
Gary visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Joe Bennett near Gerrie.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith spent
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Scott'
Keith at Baden.
Congratulations to Mr, anti Mrs.
Jim Robinson, who were married
on -Saturda,y.
Mrs. Ruby Forester .of Toronto
spent the week-end at her home
St. Anne's Guild held. a bazaar,
baking sale and supper ;on Satur-
day and wish to thank everyone
who helped in any way to make it
so successful-
Mr, and UM. from Bellamy of
Woodbridge visited over the week-
end with 'Mr. and Mis. Jack King..
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barb-man
and family of Kitchener visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mo. Emmer-
son gargrave.
DUNCAN—To Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Duncan (nee Donna Han-
nah) at Elliott Lake, ,a daughter
on Friday, September 12th,
Trinity Will
Decorate Church
1+ORDWICI3- the W,A. of Trin-
ity Anglican Church met at the
home of Mrs, Snenee Brearil for the • Septtnbor 'meeting. Mrs. Ruby
Poster presided and opened the
mooting with the hymn "Cast Thy
Care on Jesus", followed by pray-
ers for members and missionaries.
Mrs. Bruee 'Sothern had charge of
devotions,' reading part of the 4th
chapter of St, Luke, Mrs. Roy
Simmons led in the Litany.'
Roll was answered with a verse
on "Harvest". A eominittee was.
earned to purchase floor covering
for,tthe,Ititehen in the basement of
the church. A, letter was read
from the Mohawk Institute at
Brantford„ thanking the members
for seWing they had sent.
mile introduction. to 'the now
Study book entitled "He Cares",
Was read front the Living Mes-
sage by Mrs. R Foster, Mrs, H,
Hargrave and Mrs, B, Soth611,
Mrs, Lloyd Jacques prepared the
first dhapter and in her absence
it was given by Mrs. Stan POrStO,
Mrs, B. Urears gave two piano sel.,
ectletia which were much enjoyed.
Piens Were Made to decorate the
church tot Ilarvest Thanksgiving
service on Sunday, Sept, 21st, iptje
Meeting' eloSed With prayer,andlunch was served by Mrs; S. orl.
ter and IstAss EiV l'osteri