HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-09-17, Page 7WIEBNPAPAY, SIEFTINIBER ?t7, lieait
Ontario's Largest School Fair at
draws Record umber of Fine AiiarM Bosnian,' Belitrarel Joyce
Walker, 9 E,W.'
Frank Proeter,
5 Morris; Ted Lutz,
Turnips; Leslie 10 E.W;
Johnny Stadienlan, 1 Morris] DOW
aid Machan, IL 11 E.W; John Nes-
bitt, 1 Morris; Billy Year, BelgraYal
grace Bromley, la 16 E.W
fleets; Ruth . Anne Pietch, Bel-
grave; 'Harvey Mack, 13 E.W.,"
Ruth Mathers, 8 Morris; 7441°*$: Andersen, Beigrave; Rose 'Yuill,
Morris; Linda Coultes, 9 EN.,
cabbage; Linda. RIM Beigravei
Ronald Howatt, U. 6 1:1.W,; Ronald
McBurney, 9 E.W.; Faye Beken-
swiller E,W„. Katherine Fear,
Belgrave; Neil Edgar, .7 Morris,
carrots; Norma Jean Mail.; 6
Morris; Donald Beaman Belgrave;
Sheila Flood, 11, 11 Morris; Don-
na Edgar, 7 Morris; Nancy Van
Camp, 5 Morris; May Snell, U, 6
Cucumbers; Alm: Blair, 13 E.W.;
Margaret Craig, 8 Morris; Sharon
Warwick, S Morris; Diane Case-
more, 7 Morris; Joyce'.Coultes, 9
E,W.; Marlene Finleon, U. 7 E.W,
Onions; Grace Mathers, S Morris,
Parsnips: Margaret Nicholson, 0
Morris; Ross Wightman, 'Belgrave,
Squash; Max Pietch, Belgrave;
Harold Campbell, U. E.W.; Vat" dene Noble, 10 ENV.; Wendy Fear,
Belgrave; Ruth Moine, 5 Morris;
Tommy Warwick, 8 Morris,
JOYCE ,PROC'I'.01I dapghter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Proctor of S.S, • . •
,-No. weir top ironaurs'with 'her first place winning aheaf of oats at the
• fatr,
5 MorriSi Wendy Feari Belgrave;
Joyce .P.rectert 5 Morris; carol
Walsh, Belgrave, - • •
171MPKItl• pie; ,grades 7 and Ise:
Marie, Coultes; fleigraye; ,
',Phonier, AI -Morris; Marie 'Noble:, 0.
go Marilyn Campbell,. Mor-
ris; Anne Wightman, PolP.Svo;1
Ruth Michie, 5 Morris. ,
School lunch, open class. Carol
Watoh, Belgrave,' Ruth Coultes, 9
Florence .Rinn, Belgrave;
Lyncla,:ftion, Beigrave; Marie Noble,
Morris; Donna hidgar, 7 Morris.
Chocolate layer Oahe, open CLASS; .
Ruth' Coultes, 9 E.W.;. • Dianne
Marie VanCamp, a Morris:- Mar7,..
1orie Hopper, Morris;, Brenda
Bone, 6 Morris; Sharon Warwick,
a Morris; Lila Black 13 E.W.
Farm. Meeltanies-, Boys Only
Sewing, card: Rryao .CoUltes„- 9
E.W.; Malcolm. Anderson, Belgrave
Bobby Black, 13 E.W.; Ross Craig,
'10 ,E.W,..:. Donald Pattison„
George Johnston, Belgrave,
Bow and arrow, Brian Hopper, 7
Morris; 'Tea Lutz, 1,1., Larry ,
Elaton,• 7 Morris; 'Gordon McMur-
ray, 7 Morris; Lloyd Made, 5 Mor-
ris; Neil. Edgar, 7 Morris.
Unpainted tie rack: John Wat-
son, 4 Morris; Jim Taylor, 9 E.W.;
Peter Mason, U. 7 E.W.; •Wayne
Elston; 7 Morris, •
Gate sign, painted: Elgin Pease,
1 Morris; Hugh Campbell, U. 6 E.
W.;George Watson, 4 Morris.
Picture card of bear; grades 1
and 2: Joyce .Coultes, .9 E.W.; Brea-
datCoultea, 9 E.W.; Brenda Bone,
6 Morris; Sandra Smith, 3 Morris;
Joan Boainan, Belgrave; Norma
Jean Mair, 6 Morris.
Knit .doll scarf, grades 3 and 4:
Dianne Elston; 7 • Morris; Joyce
Walker, 9 .ENV.; Lynda ,Coultes, 9
E.W.; Sharon Warwick, 8 Morrie;
Linda Bunn, .Belgrave; Lois Rinn,
,Embroidered tea towel, grades $
and 6: Doreen Pattison, 9 E.W.;
Valdeane Noble, 10 E.W.; Helen
Currie, 9 EW.;- Gloria Jean Lutz;
6 B.W.; Doreen Smith, 9 E.W.;
Marjorie Hopper, 7 Morris. -
Pennant with "Belgrave", grades
and 0:: Betty RIM Reiff
Plata:nee Rian, Belgralar
Plank 13 B.W.; Trudy, de
Morria;llyda K. Coqitgg,,
0%0 41047.tinliiii, gradeti 1, Z 3, 4.
Joyce Coultes,. FI•W Chu'
tee 9 NW; Viscoi; 7 Mor4
xis; Linda Rhin, Beigrave Lek,
Rion, BelgraVe.,
Phi michion,'.shape of Veleoti.oe,
grades 5, iv 8; Ruth Michie, 0
Morris; Betty Rinn, Belgrave;
Twee Procter, 5 Morris; f' lereppo
Rinn, 'Belgrave;, Carol 'WOO, PO,
grave; Lila; Blacic) 1.3 g'W;
ftelitrare WJ, rr140*
.Girls- Colleetion of 15' fabrics
mounted and -named; Ruth-ckiltte,
9 E,W; Marie. Noble, 5 Morris;
Linda Wilson, 16 EW,; Jean Look
hart, 16,E.W.; Marie clonitea, 1301,
grave; Valdeane Noble, 10
Sr, Boya—cciicpticu of 12 weeds,
pressed,, mounted and named: Jim
Tayler, 9 E.W.; Harold Campbell,
6 Tommy Warwick, 8 Mor-
ris; Elgin Pease, 1 Morrig;Wayne.
Elston, 7 'Morris; Hugh Campbell;
6 E.W. •
Jr, tiris,;Collection 50 :but-
tons, mounted; Lynda Coultes,
E.W,; Shaven Beanie ; 9 gw.;
Joyce Walker, 9 E.W,; 'Margaret
Craig, 8 :Morris; 'Dianne Easton,
Morris; Joyce Cc:mites, 9 EN,
Jr. Boys'- Seap carving; Ted Lutz
6 E,W.; Larry Elston, 7 Morris;
Dale Pletch; 3 Morris; Barry Pletch
3 Morris; David Bosrnan, Belgrave;
Walter Whitehead, 7 Morris, •
Open Class for Boys and 'Girls,-
Miniature bouquet of flowers:
Janette Johnston, Belgraye; Shar-
on Reavie, 9 E.W.; Carol. Walsh,
BelgraVe; Gordon McMurray, 7
Morris; Linda Johnston, Belgrave;
Linda Rinn; Belgrave.
Library Bit Special PrOes
Grades 5-8, boys—Pr. book ends,
finished: Wayne Elston.,? Mo7is;
John Mcciinehey, 16 ENV.; Clay-
ton Robinson, 7 E.W,
Grades 5-8, girisalodelled Illus-
tration of a story: Barbara Krug,
Belgrave; Mary Nesbitt, 1 Morris;
(Please turn to Page eight)
tiEWRAVE—The fall fieaaeal has once *IMMO with
corrintrinities large and small playa,
fling their fairs. Belgrave, as Usual,
was the scene of much:activity oh
Taesday and WeriaeSclay when tin
38th annual schOol fair was held,
On Tilesdaiaafterrioari and even,-
log, despite pool Wind* find heavy
rains, parents and, teachers were
helping the ahildren place their
exhibits and, displays. in the com-
munity arena,
Officials of,t he Belgrave School
Fair Board ,are: Past Prealdent,
Howard Campbell; president, Geo.
Michle; secretaryatreasurer, Stan-
ley Hopper.
The pupils, from 19 schools
took part, in the event, The follow-
ing are the sektals, and their tea,
chers. •S,S. 1 Morria, Mrs, j, Grif-
fiths; S.S. 3 Morris, Miss Lorne
Barry; S,S, 4 Morris, Mrs. W. Mil-
ler; SS. 5 Morris, Neil Eadie; S.S
6 Morris, Miss Ruth Proctet; BS
7 Morris, Miss Sheila Black; S.S. 8
Morris, Newton Galbraith.; S.S.
Morris, Jean Vogt; S.S. 11 Morris
Mrs. Harvey Robertson; U.S.S, 17
:Belgtpve)) Mrs. Mary. Woods, sr.
room, Miss Louise 'Jefferson jr,
room; S.S. 9 E, Wawanosh, Lloyd
Armstrong; S.S. 10 Mrs. Ap-
t,rey S.S, 13 E,W„ Mrs, Mary
Wightman; U.s.S. E. & W.W.,
McKay; U.,S,S, 6 E. & W,W„
Mrs, Elmer Robertson; U,S S. E,
W.W.; LISS. 11 E.W, & Hullett,
Mrs. Myrtle Yinsgblat,
Inspector Opens•Fair
•A large crowd was in attendanee
on Wednesday afternoon 'and era;
joyed watching, they colerful :parade
of school children; led by the Bel-
grave Pipe. Band along the main
Street and • into. the • 'community
centre grounds, Rein showers were
prevalent most of the; day but' held
off for 'the routaide activities: The
fair was officially ,opened by , J. -Ix:
Kinkead of Goderich, public , school
inspector. 7 •
Judges for the different exhibits
Were: Flavaers, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Epps, Clinton; home economics,
Miss Dorothe Comber, Wingham;
swine club, 4-H,,poug Miles, agri-
cultural .representative and Art
Bolton, assistant; fruit, Russell
Chard; Foreat; Vegetables; Doug
Miles and Art Bolton; school work,
J, H. Kinkead; poidtry, pets' an'd
eggs, Charlie Thomas and Bill
Wheeler, Brussels; ponies, George
Tervit, Winghara.
Exhibits' were. Of high; quality
this year, and there I was an eapes
eiallY. nice shovaing'ef .floarers.: Of-
ficials: estimated that atherie , 'were
about 2,6001entriest i theif air which
compares.; with tilfiat Years a despite;
the* rainy; tweather ,thee past.. fell!
Supplementary Owe*
Beginners in Sept. OW
Pie 114repkin; Donald Pattison,
Mary EilenTaylor, 13 KW,..;
Elaine Robinson, ij, 7 E,W.; Ruth
Campbell, -a- Morris; Prima :Sbora-
reed, U. 11 Morris; Gordon 'Rion,
Citron:, Linda: .Caldwell, E,W,;
Warren Thyme°, 8 Morris; Gail
MeLOnoan, 8 Morris; Wayne Hop-
per, 7 Morria,
Largest Sunflower: Nancy Craig,
10 E.W; Gary VanCamp, 6 Morris;
Linda .Caldwell, E.W.; Ken Ma,-
tbers, Morris; Cameron Ander-
son, Belgrave; Gordon Rhin, Bel-,
Tomatoes: Doris Coultes, 9 E.W4 •
Gordon Rinn, .Belgrave; Donald.
Pattison, .9 .E, Wa Connie Mann,, 7
Morris; Wayne Hopper, 7 Morris;
Noll Vincent, Beigrave,
Onions; Donald Pattison, 9 ENV;
Gordon Rinn, laelgrave; George•
Cook, E,W.; Mary Grasby„ 5
Morris; Richard Andersoa, Bel-,
grave; Sandra Procter, a Morris.'
Carrots; Vincent, • Belgrave;
Wayne -Hopper., 7 Morris; 'Sandra
Procter, 5 Morris; Bryan Black; 13
E.W.; Gordon Rinn, Belgrs,Ve; Ruth
Campbell, 7 Morris,
Largest Potato:• Ronald ,Cook,
Belgra,ve; -Connie 'Mann, 7 Morris;
Wayne .Hopper, 7 Morris.; Nancy
Craig, 10 E.M.; Neil Vincent,-Bel-
,grave; Cameron Anderson, Bel-
Muskmelon: Leonard Robinson,
U. 7 E,W.; Dianne Elston, 7 Morris;
Murray •Elston,.• Morris; Lois .
Eckinawiller, U. 7 E.W. Kiaske
Koopman, U. 6 E.W.
Open, from Home Farm • -
Junior 'Grades
Collection. of vegetables: Lois
Rinn, Belgrave; Audrey Snell; U. 6
E.WaDonald Pattison, 9 E,W„ Ted
Lutz, U. 6 E.W.; Neil Edgar, Mor-
ris 7; Jane Campbell, Morris 7.
Largest pumpkin: Gerald Brewer
8 Morris; Brian Black, 13 E.W.;
George Johnston, Belgrave; Allan
Bosman, .Belgrave; Margaret Pat-
tison, 9 -E.W.;. Larry Allan Walters.
11, Morris.
White beans:,Janette ;Johnston
Belgrave;. Lois: Ram; ,Beigrave-;
Lloyd Michie, a:Morria; Frank- Pro-.
eter,' 5 lVforria;•AucheY.Snell,43,6',E.
W. I ••••
Colored beans:- Ted Lett, U.; 6.E.;
W,; Jane, Campbell, 7 -Morris;, Shara
an Warwick, '8 ,Morrisa Lloyd MP'
•aMorria; Ian-Scott, 13 E.W.';:
lEa1P11,-S29.4tal3 •A,W. gor4.44 •
tt 4 oriiiiii,j AcifiloT'kii
" Amilii.Grades.V,1,1.?;„
Nartiae411 Spy'. ROVs'Irinit,'4§3 Mora'
tie; Sandra' Srhith'"3 *Si:14;111'1
Luta', Lyay., Caidel
t.w.• 1-9
7iYac S -.110pirOp.„
Pah*: Donald Pattison, U. 0 E.,'
:5 Morris;
.E,W.; Mary BervieY, Mattis;
RossgglW Llrinire00:: arrangement nay. 8chietee ;1ryejne ohp_
Morris; Woods, Humphries, 11
stop, e:en lagn,rasve Morris., 7taton, 7
Morrie; 'Ralph Scott, la „NW; Ruth
Decoration for Hallowe'en table;
JORimustthonA, nBaelPgireatVell PNeeravVein; cgenllte,'
Belgrave; Ralph Scott, '13 E,W;
LI3inudow .Rinn, Belgrave,; Ian Scott,
Livjngroom boiluet; Ruth Michie,
5 Morris; Janet' Beecroft: 7 KW.;
Carold ' Walsh, Belgrave; Tommy
Warwick, 8 Morris; Marie Noble,
Aste: Carol Walsh, Belgrave,
Cosmos: Kenneth McGowan, 10
E.W,; • Anne Caldwell, 10 E.W,;
Kenneth Pollard, 11 Morris; Ahne
Wightman, Beigrare; Wayne
Pletferh;ca l3neliviitgraarveof,ldD:oreHenughcinp Smyth,a 9 A.
French Marigold; Bob Mathers,
8 Morrie; Gloria Jean Lutz, U. 6
E.W.; Betty Rion, Belgrave; Lin-
pm.rd Johnston,aeitleknms, 117BIlEgmtwa,V, e 8z; Margaret
Larkspur; Murray Proeter, 5
Morris; Ruth': Michie, 5 Morris.
:Snapdragon: ,Carolyn Sprang, la
6 E.W, , •
'Petunia:DM/glee Hovvatt; 6 E.W.;
Norman Lockhart; 46 E.W.; •Mar-
jorie Hopper, 7 Morris..
Phlox; main Pease, 1 'Morris;
Margery Black, 13 ,E.W.; .Margaret
Nicholson, 5 Morris; Joyce Proc-
ter, 5 Morris; Marie Noble, 5 •Mor-
ris; Keith Pletch• Belgrave.
Zinnias: Ralph Campbell, U.16,
E.W.,;aKeith Bone, 6 Morris; Ralph
Logan, Belgraye; Douglas 13lernan.
U. 7 El.Wa Mary Machan, U. 11
E. W.; Fred Brewer, 8 Morris.
Cornflowers: Mary Craig, S Mor-
ris; Max Pleteh, Belgrave; Linda
Coultes, 13 E.W.; Ross Wightman
Belgrave; Ross Goa, 8 Morris; Ray
Gilfillan; U. 11 E.W. and Hullett.
Stocks; Barry Logan, Belgrave;
Jean Walters, 11 Morris; Jane Eck-
enswilier, U.7 E.W,;' Valdeane
Noble, 10 E.W.; Grace Mathers, 8
Morris; ,Jean '.Bolger,. 11' Morris;
Gladiola open class: Shirley
Snell, la 6 E. & EllialaWalter Ba-
non,t •Belgrave;: Gloria • Jean- a Lutz,
7j. 6 ,E: JoanaLockhart,
g16ra476;iffeArncre$'n'eWliTEtni. B,t; Dahlia Anne' Caldwell; 10, E.W.;
Douglas •Howatt, 6 .E.W.; Margaret
Nicholson, :5 Morris'; :Ruth ,Michie,
j „aare ing s triele„.,alseaqueb: , Li n d a:
saelgraare;asaatSy. gratig.,;$ Morrisa;
PAX: ;Pnal;,03,algreaaal aFlorence!i
,melgraveaaSficiarity, MeCien-i
nataak,,Morris. 3 Jriti t
iLityingroonr arrangement f, '1Flor-f
emfe Wrin;aladigravet,;MarY Craig.
afortia;,i Linda .johriStota' Bel-
grave;•Linda Coultes, 13 E.W.
•,, DecoratibnS for September birth-.
day table: Marie Noble, 5 Morris;
Betty Binh; Belgrave; 'Florence
Rinn, Relgratte; Joyce Procter, 5
Morris; Linda 'Coultes, '13 E,.W.;
Lila Black, 13 E.W.
Open. Class -- Grades 1, 2. 3, 4
Potatoes, early; Murray Vincent,
Belgrave; Neil Vincent, Belgrave;
Ross Craig, 1Q EaVa 'Larry Neal-
ery, Beigrave; Douglas Pollard, 1,1.
11 Morris; Donald Vincent, Bel-
.Late potatoes: Donald Vincent,
Belgrave; Donald Pattison, 9 E.W.;
Neil Vincent, Belgrave; Brian Wal-
den, U: 6:ENV.. Audrey Coultes,
Belgrave; Gary Walden, U, 4 E,W,
Turnips, any variety: Johnny
Stadlemanal Morris .; Ted Lutz, U.
6 ENV.; Billy Fear; U.a3
Roes, Ynill, 3 Morris; Ian Scott, 11
Ralph :Scott, .1.3 ENV..
Roots and vegetablits, gradea q;
6, 7; 8 from' school fair seed:
Muskmelon: deorge, Sehtiamanal
Morris; Margaret Finleon, U.' 7 E.
W.; Gloria •JeanaLutz, U. 6 E.W.;
Linda Johnston,' Beigrave; Shirley
Machan, U: 11 ENV.; Betty Yuag-
blut; 7 11 E.W.
Watermelon: Jean Shortteed,
11 Morris; Mary Machan, U. 11, E.
Wa. Jean Bacon, Belgrave; Barry
Scott, 9 E.W.; Walter Bacon, Bei-
grave; Cora Smith, 3 Morris.
Mange's: Larry Fear, Belgrave;
Marjory Black, 13 E.W.; Anne
Caldwell, 10 E W.; Linda Kathleen
Coultes, 13 E.W.; Jim Taylor, 9 E,
Open Classes from Home Farm.
Grades • 5, 6, 7, 8
Potatoes r Gordon ; McMurrase 7
Morris; Ross Gall,. S Morris;•Barry
Legan,;Belgrave;: Ralph Logan,
Belgrave' Shirley 'Snell,' U. 6 E.W.;
Bettya.Rinrat Belgrave:
Early ,potatoes: Glciria. Jean Lutz,,
6.'ENV.; ,Linda Johnston,* Bea:
grave;-Carol Walsh,: Belgrave; KAY
Naylor, ;E.W.; Keith Bone, .e
Morris.; •
1 Morris Bess Bel'j.
grave; apigarat,Nielliesen, 5 Mena
OAT Artaai lahazrag. 6 E.W.4
jatraVaiiiy",Pargeter, ,g ,MorFi; LiridEe
laiithleaa Caiiltes; 13 ENV., TI • t .:1) „Isavgeat :Rai h . Camp',
ll:.11.j.;t1L1,6iirla***,,KiaMthlet,ejrZyCoBullteeks.,. 1133 Larry NetherYaBlgiaae'; 1„,; ,E.lar„,.. Margaret Fi,nieon, aa 7 E.W.. - • 8/low apples; Srrasith,1
'beans: Linda ;Kathleen, ;al-boas;
C,Oultea, 13 E.W.; Linda Johnston, 'Scott, 13' E.W.; Leslie CaMP,hell,! 10,
'Scoat, '1a:,EV.; Ralph
Beigrave; Florence Rinn, BelgraVe; E.vv,
Joyce, Procter, 5 Morris; Barry McIntosh 'Reds: Ross Yuill, Mor-
Scott, 9 E.W.; Margaret Nichol-
son, 5 Morris.
ris 3; Keith VanCamp, 5 Morris:
Colored beans: Gloria Jean Lutz, Ralph Scott, 13 E.W.; Tan Scott, 13
U. 6 E.W,; Ruth Michie, 5 Morris; E.W.; David McDowell, 13 KW.;
Elgin Pease, 1 Morris; Barry Scott, John Nesbitt, 1 Morris,
Linda• Kathleen Coultes, 13 E.W.;
9 E.W.; Joyce Procter, 5 Morris.
Any other five varieties: Marilyn
'.Collection of vegetables: Doreen Taylor, 13 E.W.
- Ronnie ,Taylor, 13
Pattison, 9 E.W.; Reiss Coll, 8 Mar- Procter, 5 Morris; Ronald Howatt,
E.W.; Ted Lutz,' E.W.;.Frank
ris;, Marie• Coultes, Belgrave; Mar- 6, E.W.; Ian Scott, 13 E.W,
garet Nicholson, 5 Morris; Ralph Pears: Ross Yuill, 3 Morris; Bon-
began, Belgrave; Barry Logan; tile Cook, 13 E.W,; Barbara Patti-
, son, 9 E.W.; Ted Lutz, 6 E.W.;
Jim Cook, 13 KW.; Malcolm Ander-
descriptions was
proudly laspeets
Brusselsa son, Beigrave,
School Fair 'Seed, G. 1, 2, 3, 4
, . Roots and Vegetables
Bennie Cook, 13 E,W.; Crabapples: Nancy
VanCamp, 5
Barbara Pattisbn, 9 E. Morris; Ralph Scott, 13 E.W.; Rosa
W.; •Marilyn Campbell, 5 Morris; Yuill, 3 Morris; Alex Blair, 13 E.
Brian Hopper, 7 Morris; Harvey NV'.. Mary Snell, 6E.W.; Tan Scott,
E.W. •
GORDON MeatURRAY, 10, son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert McMurray of
Morris Township was proud of 'Cupid', las Holstein calf entered in the
• . , . • -
Bran Muffins, 'grades and 2:
Judith McDOWell, 13 E.W.; Carol
Shortreed, 1.). Morris; Audrey Cora
tes, Belgraare;, Ruth Ann PIetch,
Belgrave; Helen , Searle, 11 Morris;
Joan Beaman, Belgrave. '
Date loaf, gradeal and 4: Linda
Nesbitt, 12 Merrier Katherine- Fear.
3: Morris and EaNa, MarjOry Smith
E.W., Norma Smith, 6 E.W.; Di-
Aram Elston, '7 'Morris; Beverley
MacDonald, 12 Morris.' "
Tea'bistuita, grades 5 and 6: Bar-
bara Wasson,' '12 Morris; Doreen
'Pattison, •9. E,W,; Donna ' Greatly.
SHOW—One of the largest entries in poultry' of all
entered at the Belgrave School Fair, Larry Robiason
the first prize entry of eiriekena of Norma Mair of,.
Grown, in School Fair Area
Grades 5, 6, 7,.8;
Assorted fruit, table use: Ross
Yuill, 3 Morris; George Johnston;
Belgrave; Garry McSween, Bel-
grave; Malcolm Anderson, Belgrave.
Alex Blair, 13 E.W.; Linda. Rinn,
Northern Spy: Gloria Jean Lutz,
6 E.W.; Jean Caldwell, 10 E.W.;
Joyce Procter, 5 Morris; Dorothy
Howatt, 6 E.W.; Ken McGowan, 10
E.W.; Mary Nesbitt, 1 Morris.
Snows; Clayton Robinson, 7 E.
W.; Jean Naylor, 7 E.W,; Kay
Naylor, 7 E.W.; Douglas Johnston,
Beigrave; Dorothy Howatt, 6 E.W:;
Anne Caldwell, 10 E.W.
McIntosh Reds: Murray Procter,
6 Morris; Hugh Campbell, 6 E.W.;
Ross Goll, 8 Morris; Linda K. Coul-
tes 13 E.W.; Keith Belie, 6 Morris;
Anne Caldwell, 10 E.W. •
Apples, any. five varieties: Bob
Taylor, 13 E.W,; Joyce Procter, 5
Morris, Carol Walsh. Belgrav,,,,
Gloria Jean Lutz, NV 6 E.; Ralph
Scott, 13 E.W.; Douglas Howatt, 6
Petits; Clayton Robinson, 7 E.'W.;
Gloria Seen Lutz, 6 E.W.: Doree-n
Pattison, 9 1)1.W%; Ken McGowan,
10 E,W,; .Marjorie Black, 13 L.W.;
Martie Koopman, 6 E.W,•
Crabapples: Linda It Coultes, 13
ENV.; Gloria Jean Lutz, 6 ENV.;
Murray Procter, 5 Morris; Clayton
Robinson, 7 E,W; Peter Mason, 7
Ef.W.; David Beectoft, 7 EW.
Assorted fruits, five varieties: Li-
la Black, 18 ENV,; Carol Wash,
Belgrave; Ruth Coultes, 9 E.W.:
boreeri Pattison; 9 B.W.; Florence
ttt.rianr‘rrie,,Belgrave; Ralph Logan, Bel-
Mann, 7 Morris; Ivan Wheeler;
Belgrave; David McDowell, 13 E.W.
Squash; James Campbell, 6 E.W.;
Carol Shortreed, U. 1.1 Morris;
Marion Youngblut,.0 11 E,W,; Mar-
garet Pattison, 9 E.Wa Brian Pol-
lard, T.J, 11 Morris; Jane Campbell,
7 Morris.
Watermelon: Donald Vincent,
Belgrave; Ross Wilson, U. 16 E,W.;
tarry Walden, la 6 E.W.`; Joan
Boman, Belgrave; Ivan Scott, 13
E W.
. Mange's: Keith VanCamp, 5 Mor-
ris; Leonard Robinson, U. 7 KW;
Tommy Black, 13 E.W.; Sheila
Flood, U 11 Morris; Leslie Cald-
well, 10 - E.W.; Prank Procter, 5
Morris, '
From School Fair Seed
Oradea 5, 6, 7, 8
Mangela: JIM Taylor, 9 E.W.;
John Shoeman, 1 Morris; Bruce
Youngblut, U 11 E.W.; Ken Black,
13 E.W.; Joyce Procter, 5 Morris;
Murray Youngblut,'U, 11 E.W.
Turnips; Louis Paul Stadelman,
1 Morris; Anne Caldwell, 10 EW,.;
Mine Wightinari Belgrave; David
Beeeroft, U, 7 E‘,W.; Peter Mason.
U, 7 E.W.; Getilyrin Griffith, 12
Beets: Bob Taylor, 13 E.W.; Mar-
jory Black; 13 V.W,; Dorothy How-
ad, U, 6 E.W,; Ralph Cams-bell It
6 10.Wa Kay 14aylor, 7 g.W;
John motnnia, tj, 11W.
, Cabbage: Wayne Elston, 3,1for.
riffs; Gordon Campbell, 5 Morris;
Jim Eckinswiller, U, E,W.; Ralph
Logan, Belgrave: Linda Wilson, U.
16 ENV.; John Watson, 4,MorriS,
Carrots; Marie Noble, Morris;
Lila M, Ilia* 13 E.W.; Elgin
,Pease, 1 Morris; Marie Coultes',
13eigrave; Doreen Smyth, 9 EA;
Bob Lockhart, tr, 16 EN.
Cucumbers; Douglas Howatt,
6 E.W,.; Kenneth McGowan, 10 E.
W,; Clayton Robinson, U, B.W.
Jean Noyio,,yr, 71. t.W.: Rofttho
Thvithe, 8 Morris; Keith' Coultea,
WAYNE (PLETa/II Of Iteigrave took top iminmes at 'the North Huron
Shrine coirmetition held in connection With the BeigraVr? WeOne
had the top gilt lit the bow,
Open Class Hon* Farm
Donald Vtheent, Bel-
grade; Murray Vincent, teigeave;
Tea tat,. U. e t. & ARV'
Schiefelo, Beigtano; Lednard Rob-
ifton, 13, George Johnston,
Each llot the seiioleataking.spara
in the -parade alhere''';iiidged; 26 per
.cent MO OP Oa ! °c at
tor lfitaaatitiO,
itao MO, taldit.I.allg.'.1.2 atel.ri a.
ipeaktigpflid' eel h•Otrfo' be
largest family' iii fathal' ; saheb!' r'fair
;area ate acoMet t before the' apilitfe' '
on faipsdayawaaaWopaisis Mr' ad
:Mrs] Klas • de tong of :R.R. a Brhat
sele. , ' ": • "“,•-•
.Winners,• of the:aborts" attivitiet
were as follows: Running races:
Boys 6 to 8, Rotithe'laUrdon, Lloyd
Michie, Douglair Srnith. ,Girls, Mar-
garet Craig, Audrey, Wilkins, Lim.
de Yong. Boys 9 to 11„Larry Dun-
can, Murray LoWe; Barry ," :Scott;
girls, Matioria, :Kopper', Wendy
Pear, Grace Mallets. Boya, 12 'and
over, iDotigia,s JobirStan, Bob Reth'
eringten, lVfortikY Procter ; girls;
TrudY ,de Mailentaalacklin,
Linda coPitea;,
,Softball throsaa', Datiglaa.
Stgrl, dill., hWeosivikigertnrf 34:WaarylneneeE jtsal.
lin, Ruth ..Michie, Shirley Mein,-
nes. Three-legged race, Douglas
Johnston and,, •oTaylor,,
Carter and, Grant Currie, Girls,.
Mary Craig any Grace, Mathers
de Yong' and . Trudy de
Yang, Wendy Fear and Jean Bacon.
Backward.. race Jim Taylor,
Doeglai Johnston,, Wayne Coultes;
gala Linda CoUltes, Ruth Mathers
Trudy de, Yong, Flopping race.
Trudy de Yong, Linda Coultes, and
Shirley McInnes,
grain ,•-a Open ClasSes
From the Koine Farm
Medium or late oats; Elgin
Pease, 1 Morris; Dbnaid Walker.
Belgrave; Jim Taylor, 9 E.W.; Val-
deane E.W.; Katherine
Fear, Beigrave; Louis Stadieman
1 Morris,
Early oats: Dougllas Johnston,
Belgrave; M. Van Larriratron.
Barley', any Variety; Valdeane
Noble, 10 E.W.f Jim ,Taylor; 9 E
'Sara Barry Spada 9, E W. Barbara
gWraaysseor n,12Merals; Billy Pear, )3e1-
Sheaf Oats, any variety: Joyce
Procter, 5 Infer-HS; Ross Gott, 8
Morris; Jim Taylor, .9 ,E,W,; .Mary
Ellen Walsh, • talgrave; David
Walsh, Belgrave; G4 rant Couitea, 9
Winter wheat, Carol 'Shortreed,
U, 11 Morrie; Joan Shortreed, U.
11 Morris; L, V. Stadleman; 1 Matra
tia; Valdeane Noble, 10 E.W.'
rey Procter, , Istartia; Leonard
Robinson, U, 7 E.W.
Hybrid corns Joyce Procter; 5
Morris; Leuia Pahl. Stadleman, 1
Morris; Marlette '131aek, 13 E.W
Ternary Black; 13! ,111(W.,; Bryan
Coultea 9 Douglas 'Enema*
Sweet Core: Daorield Pattison, 9
E,W.; Shirley , Seel!, V. e E.Via;
Audrey Snell, 71.' 6 Wit Douglas
Johnston, Belgraya; Ralph Seat,
13 E.W.; joyee Preeter, 5 Morrie.
.field corn ; Joyce ' Procter,,
6 Morris; 'rank Prrieter, 5 Morris;
Ross Vuiti, 4 Morrie.
Beets Mid Vegetable*
Frain! School Fair Seed
Oradea Il, 94, 8, 4
Marigelat TolltinY Oath, i) 'ENV`,
F is
fitivincip both Intiante and strength Was top Winner in the dog Ai)* ht the Belgrave Fair. Owned b-
Dorilit Iiittoh tot Mortis Towoottip, two ot the fairer sex attending the fair adralred ihe rrintibr. Lett 16
tight Lorna *Oft and 111larilYst PrIgrare School Fair pitetos cour tesy Cantelart.