HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-09-17, Page 5-I'Vlirrigiaffreff
She has added hal%
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glue'Cross Pion for Hospital Core—,
WHITECH-CROH — The annual,
grandmother's meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute, was held on Tues-
day everiing• in. the memorial hall,
with over sixty in attendance, the
majority of whom were grand-
mothers. Eighteen ladies' from
.'ai;i-Shea Institute and nine from
the Holyrood Institute were guests
for the occasion,
Mrs. Russell Ross, president; pre-
&led, The roll call, "What I 'would
• • Presbyterian Church .here on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Noble 'Young, Mr.•
Bruce McDonald and "MiSs •Igande
Beacom, and Mr..and. Mrs. Harold.
Youngall of :Goclerich, and• her ,
mother',, Mrs. W. 'Bassett of Van-
Couverlyisited on Sunday witir'Mr:
'9.nd • Mrs, - John' ;McBurney, ; Mrs)
Arthur -Nicholson 'of SeafOrtIr.visit-•
ed at the. McBurney home on Monit
Many from this district 'attended
the funeral, of, the late Mrs.; Sam
McBurn:ey, ,held; on ,Monday from
1/..„ & Sons fun qr al
ihOuie to' IiVingli,am. 'Cemetery,
,many , years she and: her •hu,sband,
,Whb sassed away'tiventy ytars ago„
made their- home oh the'ldth of E.
NavvariOsh and raised their fainily
three sons and three .datighters.
All were members of Calyin .Pres-
byteyian Church, , , •
, Mr,; and •Mrs. Clifton Moore and
sort Allen, and. Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
+-nee Albert visited on Sunday With
Mr. and Mrs-. Wm, Kennedy of
lVfarnoch and Mr. and. Mrs. John
Wooleock and Brian of Glenannan
visited there on Mondhy. •
• Mrs, Robert Ross spent last week
at the home, of her sister, Mrs. Wm.
Craig of Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Laidlaw,
newlyweds, ,have returned :from
their honeyrnnon trip and taken up
residence in Mrs. Thos. Burke's
house on Minnie St.
Mr. Herbert• Laidlaw arid. Ivan,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Kerr at Bluevale,
Mri. John Gaunt and Mrs. John-
sten Conn held a miscellaneous
*ewer at the latters home on '
Monday evening when the ladies of
the Presbyterian congregation,
gathered in honor of the.approach-
ing marriage of Miss Joan For-
ster, Mrs. Gaunt and Miss Elaine
Conn were- in charge of the con-
tests and the hostesses served a
delicious lunch.
.al polo
Telephone 260
monithoilluituariwhiumuismumumuitor poinumplianumiumulimimiliti , .. . . The Wa !paper , . NI__.
• Semi-Annual , , i
4 Wallpaper Sale •
September 11 to 10 days on 1 September 20 Fm. •
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Reg, Ific, 69c, 59c single 'roll
Sale .396
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Group 3
= Suitable for any room.
• , Plain ;or Patterned
1-1- Values up 'to SLOP single roll
▪ Sale Price - 29c
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Values up to 95c.single roll m
Sale' PriCe 49c tit-
.„. 'Oroup 4.
Living ,Rooms Bedrooin
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SPECIAL - 10c,
• 1pr.W Single Roll ,
See. These ,Waltpaper Specials
On Sale Tor You
allpaper Shop
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ir.STBIER FAY WRIGHT; dmighter of wir. and. Mrs. Harvey Wright
and Wafter Robert Demeriing, men of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey perpoyling,
who we're, Married in McIntosh Chureh by ge ,. Harold West—Photo by
Bill Connell.
Just winks his eyes when
others would give up in
glesPair. He knows that
the" Wingham Body Shop
can make -. that car loOk
• good again. With spec-
ialized equipment and men
who really know their
businesii; we take on any-
thing from a dented fender
to' a complete smash-up. -
Ingham Body Shop
1111111,11111 ... I lllllll I llllll
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dams Wingham
Just tell us where . .
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Modern money service backed by 80 years' experience
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"I'll never 'drive again
as long as I live!"
That's the vow Fred Smith took when he learned
the youngster he had run over had died as a result
of. the injuries. Fred's, conscience was tortured, by
the feeling that a child had died as a result of his
actions. He tore up his driver's limn*, and has
never been behind the wheel, of n car Since.
There's only one way to 'avoid Pred Smith's night,
marish situation. That's always to watch for
ehildreft on the road.
Your Ontario bepartment of Transport urge.' you
to support the cutrent plod Safety toutpaiga.
4.040•11.P.IMPliiii•OOM.O.M.0,1161,0,•11MMIP01M•041•04.11•,01M, 4M9 4.1•
come in and discuss
them with
. D.' A':1111CKerilten,
tang authority
.and consultant for
DR.- •
cc Ix)
'44; SHOES"
Every year, himdreds of men and women with fitting
problems take"this opportunity to get help by bringing them
to the specialized, attention of Mr. McKerihen. For a
limited time only, this national authority will be in our, shoe
department to study' your shoe needs. I-Is can show you the '
exact 'Dr. Locke last '(based on years of careful research)
that will give you the fit and comfort you want.
And—you'll find the new Dr. Locke shoes for this year
handsomely styled. . •
MIL. AND MRS, IAN -CHISHOLM MitcLAtItIN *he Were 'recently
Inairted at, litelgrave United 'Church, Mrs, MiteLontin is 'the' fernier
tvenaaryn. Ann BreWni, dattilitet Of Mr. Mad Mrs:* W. Brown Mad the
**rabbet 'Patents *r• Dr ltt lit Mrs, J", 11tattobrin Of Toronto.,,-Phot4
,by Ontirielt
ST. HELENS The Winighom Advittote-TIMO, Wane
.vnterm‘nemsmsemmeileseinceenvmelvmemattenismiesis meevernortinrvmentatewlaft‘..
Mr. Albert Smyth was able to =sit W. Ebtherford was a
return borne from 'Wingham Miss
visitor friends in
Intel on Wit:Uri:My, Mr. and Mrs, Port Elgin.
Lainster of Toronto spent ,rho IVilss Norrna Murray, Who is
weelt-end with Mr, anti Mrs, 4chian' teaching near Gerrie, was home
Smyth arid Mr. rind 4vtrs. Sam for the week-end,
solYtkx of. Mitchell 81)40 $141101-RY at Lt., Brian Staples and Chaplain
Mrs, John Currie. was able to were week-end ,guests of Mr. and
leave Wirlgbarn 1104041 on XPla' Mrs: John Cameron and Don, day last, and spent last week with Birth leis 10,,tner, oiLS; Wm. Vrr Or
Langside, and yeturned home On MEWER—In the Rrantford Gen*
Sate may. eral Hospital, on Wednesday,
Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Clark of Sept. 10, to Mr, and Mrs, Heri
iiedsall visited on Sunday at the Grower (nee Lois Webb) of Brant-
home of- his nephew, Mr. Kenneth. find, a daughter,
mason and with Wingham friends. .
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Weber and friends, and this week is vacation-
family visited on Sunday , at the ing at the home of her mother
home of his brother, Mr, George Mrs, E. J. Carrie and Mrs. Jas.
vveuer ,4itchener, McIntosh and 'family of Seaforth
'Ottawa and Algonquin i.)ark,
Kitchener visited on Sunday with MrS. R. J.
ms brother, Mr, 11Wert vate,s0n, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Vincent of
and Mr. and "Mrs, Roy • Robinson Falconer and Lois visited on Sun-
and family left on Friday to motor Tlc
to the Lawrence Seaway,
Mr. and Mrs: George Robinson, Auburn and Mr, and Mrs. Jas
Mr. and. Mrs,• Jas, Paterson' of visitednitaoohnhfd Sunday with
wood and Mr, mid Mrs. Arthur
AcTatieaidlodttm•es. hig,i1.1
al,g1,,,et Taylor of wino, aro is Coulter, and his mother at St.
Mrs, Wm. Bremen of Owen Sound of Milton visited on Sunday with
spent the week-end at the home of
;her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Levi Bieman. IVIiss
this week with lyres. Ads- Helens, Leroy RintoPi spent:
fay with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ritehle,
. Gordon Rintonl. Mr. McDonald
The young' folks of this idistrict has been showing cattle for Reford enjoyed the Field Day at'the Gardhouse of Milton ; the fall WIllteaharch Park on Satu rday^ fairs through the 'West, and, it, The ladles cleared )02 *at 116* booth, rr oronto and London, and Leroy for the home ball team. has' been helping; him, They now
Miss Marjorie ,Coultes of Guelph, get r• ady for the Royal Winter
spent the week-end with her par- Fair.
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes.' Many friends' of Mrs. Mary
Many friends will extend sympathy Chapman Sr., will he pleased tc to Mrs, Albert Cannes, whose know she was able to return home father, Mr, Thos Kerry, who has from Wingham Hospital on FrldaY• been ill for some time at his home 'Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clark an' at Paisley, passed away early Mon- their, granddaughter, Bonnie, of day morning. Brussels ,visited on Sunday wit'.
Mrs: Jas. Currie was able to re- Mr. ,and Mrs. Dan Tiffin.
turn home from Wingham Hospital Mir, and Mrs, George Thornpaor
on Wednesday, and spent the week- and sons of, Feversham Spent a few
end with Mr. and Mrs, Donald days 'last we. k with bet parents'
T-aiader of Gorrie, Mr. Currie is Rev, and Mrs. W. J. Watt. Mr. and
still in hospital, and had 'a cast Mrs. Smith `and her mother, Mrs'
put on his neck on Saturday. He' Cherry of Palmerston visited on
will wear it, until the broken bone Friday at the Watt home:
mends. Mr. and Mrs, George Walker
Mr. Wesley Tiffin was able to and. Clarence and Mr. and Mrs
return home from Wingham Hos- Howard Walker arid children, visit-
' ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs
?1MtalisSon WS iant nu irldraeyd. Farrier of To, Harry Sn,11 of Londesboro. ronto spent the week-end with her -Mrs, Jas. Coultas and Mrs.
Patents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Far- Rutherford Reavie visited on Fri-
vier, day with Mr. 'ReaVie in West- Miss Marjorie Currie of 'Toronto minster Hospital, Donddn.
spent last week with London Mr. Wilmer Taylor, and• Mr. and
Mrs, George Taylor and Sandra of
Hamilton, spent the Week-end with
Iva% and Mrs, Lawrence Taylor,'
and Miss ,Mary Taylor, who had,
been visiting in, Hamilton r• tiarnd
oTrihre. (?' f, Calvin-trick TJnit-4
ed church, will,.bn.held this • IisTe4t
hesdayi evening at tile home, of agm
Sidney Thorrmscm., The service, in .
the.ohureh,will be,withdrawn, this
Slind4Y account of the,anniver•il
sail 1391graNIP • -10,ta.P,
his brother's home, David Johnstone. of Camp Borden
„ • • -,,..—„ Aftr„.,, aha,,Nrir:s,, Roy , bringle,
Detroit, sae,* last, wee,10,en41 with
her, ,brother, Mr. ,joho .Gillies and
bther,t relaiti.rs, here:. ., 3
• ,PVIr,, Adam MeBerney .left. Fri-
day, to spend .*e .weekend. with
Kingston fri•nds.
Mr.. Wm, 'Elliott. and Mr. and.
Mrs,. deorg„e Currie j , spent the
week-end With.Londori friends and
.Mrs,Georoe McClenaghan, Mr,
and Mrs, Bert MeClenaghan and
Mr,- and Mrs. Carl l‘ifeClena.glian
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Harry Mois of Plattsville,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Arthur Moore spent
Tu+sday last in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cook and
Mr. John Smith ,of Teeswater, and
Mrs. Allen Turner visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith
of Owen Sound. •
Among those who spent ri day at
London Fair from this district
were. Mr. Russell Ross. Mr. K.
Dowling and Laverne,
and ,David Carr, Tom Inglis, Mr.
and Mrs,' Alex Inglis, Jimmie Rob-
inson, Lynn .0'1VIalleY. Nelson and
Ivan Dow ,Mr. and Mrs.; John Mc-
1VIr.'arid Mi;S: J. Beecroft,
Murray .Shiell, Billie Reavie. Gary
Reavie, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin
Ritchie and her Mother, Mrs. Daw-
son and Harold, Mr. and Mrs.
Mason Robinson . and family, and
Gary Robinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jamieson
of Goderich visited on Sunday at
the home of .her sister, Mrs. Or-
ville Tiffin,
Me, and Mrs, Robert Aitcheson of
ild.rton spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr% and Mrs, K.
The service in the Presbyterian
Church here, will be withdrawn on
Sunday. next, on account of the
anniversary services at Langside.
Rev. Leslie Elclef, of St-.aforth will
be the guest minister.
Rev. R, T, A. Marshall preached
anniversary services at Cranbrook
on Sunday. Mr. Petrie of Brussels,
had charge of the service in th.•
Foot Facts
Do yea know, Irc'S000144trS. iyy the
ante of Pedometers., etotolutted the average,
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Before your feet •become •deformed by corns,ottbano" Or 10000
those leg pains, hip or lower hack ache gets severe, have your
feet checked (without obligation) by a QUALIIIED, 'Kt UM)
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aoum000.am•oq.....9..,i"?1!•!.OF*4-f."!r .911•WelitHomolopikme.q.mmpuiDoli.rdilialimhe&
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do•if I were 21 again", was answer-
ed humorously, with most conced-
ing jife would be again lived along
the same channel,
Mrs. Victor Emerson was asked
to explain the new ,grouping of
Institutes planned in this area to
Owen Sound, rather than to
Guelph; where the greater num-
bers cause concern for those in
charge of billeting, etc, Mrs. Ross
explained the •contests—baseball,
football, horseshoe games, races, to
be held at the Field. Day in the
park on Saturday: Mrs. Houston,
district presidqnt, spoke briefly,
bringing greetings. • Mips H. Mc-
Leod delighted all with her humor-
ous rendition' of a monologue; "Our
Party Line". 1ViiSs Boyle played a
piano solo.
The guest speaker for the even-
ing, Mrs, MacNaughto.n, of Wing-
ham, who spoke of the kindness
shown her •during her „three years
as a. board rnerrib6r, She chose to
speak, on, "Building Hoine. • and
Country",' and said the a.ims' "and
objectives of the original Piinlers,
were still, the , seine. in - Institute
worjc and spoke cif .the •many -steps
of progress ,that had, been made,
under ,Institnte7 leadership ;:,and
supervigion., towards • greater corn-4
,mitnity ,4forts -for better. health,
unity .and; •peitce, and ,asked , that.
We • appreciate', our. country More,
put first things first, live. by •the
Golden Rule, help others, and; carry
a; greater rosporisibtlIty .,for• a
better Home, and Country... „.
Mrs; Gordon McBurney leciln a
vote of appreciation for-.Mrs. Mac-
Naughtbn's' splendid address:- Mrs:
Jack ;Hewitt sang, :`Come , to the
Fair", and was her own accompan-
ist. Mrs, Houston favoured with a
piano solo. The executive was in
charge of the contests among the
grandmothers, Mrs. George Fisher
won the prize for the grandmother
with her own teeth; Mrs, Thos.
Austin won the prize for the :one
with the the most grandsons,
twenty; Mrs. Chislett won the-prize
for being the youngest married—
two days before her eighteenth
birthday, and also the prize for
wearing no glasses.
The groups enjoyed a contest of
jumbled letters of names of cloth.
Mrs. Russell Gaunt and Mrs. Alex
Robertson were hostesses, and
served a delicious luncheon, and
all enjoyed 'the social time . to-
The president announced that
ladies of the Wingham and . Bel-
grave Branches would be guests in
October, when there would he a
parade of aprons, with an accom-
panying auction sale, by the local
auctioneer and Mrs. H. Houston,
the district president, will be the
guest speither,