HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-09-17, Page 1event was arranged by p, committee composed of President Tom Mord- don; see.-tree.s„. William Henry; Garnet Farrier, Leroy Rintoul, James Tiffin and Wallace Conn, and Eugene Conley, representatives of Kinioss Council. Two ball games were played .dur- ing the afternoon. In , the first fixture the Lucknow' Peewees de- feated the Whitechurch 'boys 16-12, adn in the second game White- church Midgets trimmed' their opponents from Ripley 10-3. A soccer game followed, 'when a team from Wingham defeated their opponents 6-4. Winners in the program of-races were: Under 4, Doris Fisher; 7 to 8, Ron Moore; 9 to 10, Deuglas,Tiffin; 11 to' 12, Sharon Moore; legged race, Jim Ross and Bevan Tiffin first; Doug Tiffin, and Ron Moore, second; spot race, Bevan Tiffin; guessing beans, Jack 'Willis and Sharon Moore, tied; kicking shoe, Bevan Tiffin. , addition to the games and races there was a. keenly contested game of horseshoes. The:-park itself has been con- stricted - "during .the past -few . 'Months, , with , the 'assistance 'of grants from Kinloss and EaSt' vi4=. wanesh ToWnships; es well aS fr* the 'Provincial government. Mich of the labor was provided without charge by local people and much of' the material required was ,cleriatted.' t. is indeed a ..eredit "Id the' ene,er- Arise and 'community Spirit of residents 'of the village and rural area, Although 'the ball park has been in use all season, there is, still some work to be done, chiefly a hollow to be filled at the west side of the property. To date about $1,200. has been spent on .the pro- ject. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cassidy, of North Shield, Northumberland, England, announce the engage- ment pf their daughter, Margaret, to Mr. Alfred F. Schwichtenberg, of Wingham, son of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Schwichtenberg, of Mildmay, The marriage will take place in St. Matthew's Lutheran Church may,. on Saturday, October 4th, at 3 o'clock. a West Wad the hem* )teUie, MOURIS ISAItN BU1tNS*Co4s was high ;for .bAlter Ett, whou his big two-section barn toid..ativo sheaf Along With livestock, inipienaen6 and it11, thi$ Stite6- COO Want It NOW* at .10$04 Ott Monday. A Strong 'ivied trot ,-,Aitwanee-Vintes photo, • a s With which is amalgamated the Currie Vidette and Wroxeter News WINCilliAM, ONTARIO, 'fflpiaNtsnAY, SEPTEIVIRRR, 17, 1901 • ; ALONG THE MAIN DRAG The !Pedestrian iospital Association Conferenceold' in Town U U A . a PICTURE IN DAILY-,„ recent edition of the London ".free: Ores carried a fine picture ef,,-two visitors' to Ihe• Western ,titir, They were Mrs. John McGee Mrs, J. D, Beecroft, both of the Whitechurch district,' The latter is Whitechurch correspon- dent. for The Advance-'rimes, - 0 0 VOIJI.DN'T 'TAKE IT -- A little budgie ,owned by Carol Walsh was exhibited at the Bel- grave. School. Fair last; week, and attracted much attention until the • excitement proved too much for It, The bird died of fright, For- tiinately, Jack Alexander of Wing- ham, who has a sympathetic. heart, ,replaced, 'it with' another•leathered The Wingham Hospital will he the setting for a big gathering on Wednesday of next week when member's of the Ontario Hospital Association in Region 2 will meet for, sessions which will last throughout the day, The region ex- tends as far as London and Wood- Stock and one of the most urgent matters for discussion will be the ,changes in hospital operation' in- 'Volved, hi the boapital plan which comes into -effect 'at the first of• January, Announcement ;of the . meeting was made at the 'September meet; of the directors of the Whigharri Hospital on Friday evening, under the chairmanship of U. C. 1V,I, Lean, Another important event tot which preparations will be made at the hospital'IS the civil defence exercise to be held in Wingham shortly, when the local CD organt, Zation will be tested in action. Several ".casualties" Will be admit- ted to the hospital, where the-pre- arranged disaSter plan will go into effect, The hospital staff, distriet doctOr,s and members, of the J•ros, pital ,Anxiliary will be involved: A. D, chairman of the finance committee, reported an operating deficit . 42367.0 for the month of August,, ,He said that this figure would be offset to some degree by grants which are expected shortly. The chairman also reported that aecotints ceivable haVe been reduced consid-, erably., . • Chairman ,DeWitt Miller of the property -committee reported that a bathroom had been •completed in the purses' residence for the use of the director of nursing, He .also said that repairs are still ,, to be made on the eavestroughing and that a motor in the standby gen. crating plant requires attention. iLhe administratrix, Mrs, I. IVforL rey, 'reported on a meeting she had attended recently, where hospital superintendents had heard and discussed details of the forthcom- ing hospital plan, There are still many 'points to he settled before all aspects of the plan are clear, and it is expected that the confer- ence to be held in Wingharrt next week • will seek the answers • to some of these problems. 0 - 0 - 0 Residents pf the Whitechurch district gathered" at the Memorial Park there on Saturday afternoon Moor a field day to raise funds for the ball team and park. The lyt0. DA0IAO1 7'=. • Friends of Mr. and Mrs."Stan: Hopper pf. thei Belgrave, district were .relieved to.'knowl that there wis -little damage las ,a result of a • chimney ,fire at at their 'home on Thtirsdiiy: The biStriCt" ' Origade was called to 'the scene, 0: 0.-0.. M 1, 1 E 1 1 = 1 1 = 1 1 Mi l l I I M I D I M E M 1 E 1 1 JUST RESTILNO— APparently we missed a . first Class Main Drag item last week, for it, seems that a visitor, to town got weary when he was right he front of the town hall and settled down try the sidewalk fora rest. He was reilaoyed a short time' later. , 0 - 0 - 0 IUSII* OFF BUSTER-= Wingham Cemetery last Thursday afternoon. Dr.. Fisher beaded the faculty of English at the Royal Military College, Ringston.Advance- Times photo.. MILITARY RITES—Members of the firing squad party from the 'Royal Canadian Regiment; stand with rifles reversed, as Coi. the Rev. Crawford Smith of. Guelph' repeats the solemn words of the burial service, for the late Dr. Peter F. Fisher. The service was held, at the Mass. Rally Set for Belgrave Centre A mass rally has been planned by the Men's Council of the Huron Presbytery, United Church, to be held in the Belgrave community centre on Tuesday evening, of next week, Sept, 23rd. Speaker for the occasion will be Dr, Manning Potts, editor of the devotional booklet, "The Upper Room". Dr, Potts lives in Nash ville, Tenn, On Sunday evening, Sept. 21st, a mass service will be held in the Wingham United Church at 8,p.m. Churches in town and throughout the rural district are, dispensing with their services . .Sunday evening to permit their . members to attend• the, service in. Wingham. ilitary ,OWEN, SOUND:DI ,FRONTIER DAYS ,FIEL 1 DAY 'HERE NET FINE SUM iTiie :,Wingharn ,GOlf Club •is;•as FOR LIONS, CLUB host 'for 'the Owen Sound Dfstriel: (C,L.G.U,) fifth'annual field day On Members of the Lions Club of Wednesday, SepteMber,10th. t, `rVilgnoan- gathered at the. Hotel four ladies- competed 6PxessTitirlie runswick riaday, evening• forA ;all ,eight (C.L.G.U•) clubs of the,d1S-, !the first Meeting of the- 1958=-59 tact: Owen, Sound, Meaford, Wal-1 Season, under the chairmanship of, ,erton, Hanover,'Goderieh, ;Kincar- :the new club. president; W. B:Con- dine,' Listowel and Wingharn. ;1, FIRE DESTROYS MORRIS Former members of the 'Perth Regiment and ., representative offi cers of Canacla'si.naval;';atiny'itand air force, as 'well, °as sorrewang friends, and relatives ;were present in the Wingham Cemetery, ter the burial of Dr, Peter Franeis.,Fiatier, KC. M.A Ph D. FAMOUS PICTURE COMING:Ti LYCEUM As'' far 'SS are concerned the' irttle`igretiilih wile bad 'been iridink around • l'ern our : shdtildeti' for the' pitatAVvb or three',weekdcaii find hithigelt anothertfrierid; &Ink& had Sonii&freah'editerinealst; for :breakfast' When'• he' /ound:,'We", • had ,'repOited . tranaPertittidti costs Actual costs Were $310 fer.tratispbrt nd $6410 for paid and instruction, .0 4-',;();.-• ,RACK 'TO TOWN friendth were ,pleased „to see ,Hugh Gage in, town the first part Of,,the week. Hugh was heard over CkNx ;until his ,departure ;from; town several years ago, ron, •who expressed this gratification at the large turnout of perabers; A 'ghest of the club was "Slim' Boucher, who had' assisted to eon-: siderable degree With • Frontier. Days, ; 0 - -10 , ,,, "The Ten ,Ocrimancimenes'l, one of .the most, impressive movies made in recent Years, opens, at the Lyceum Theatre .Wingham on Thurbday of next week and runs through to October 1st, Filmed in full color and employ- ing one of the largest casts ever assembled for a moving, picture, great .ce.re was taken in the pro- duction of "The Ten Command- ments" to retain Biblical accuracy. There will, be one showing each evening at 7,30 and a matinee on Saturday afternoon. RACK FROM EUROPE-- Dr. and Mrs. A..Nimrno have ,re- turned .to town after ten weeks spent in Great Britain' and the Continent. They report , a grand trip Whieh included a visit in Dr, l4Immo'a native Northetn Ireland. • .0 .1 0:4: ,.! "(Nil !V.i.e. *Fire fanned bY- high Windi com- pletely desti.oyKI a' barn Owned -by Ed Cummings, ;19(eYiknidt aittlittfter 1:114,qs 1304,MY,q, 10PrtlY after 'neoa on iionday; ,„ - • Lbb't 'in' the "151ae viigg "theliiie 1.1.1shaped 'barn, -d'rlkting shed, 40 pig's, three cattle.;a'istaiid- ard bred stallion, threshing mach- ine, hammermill and other imple- ments, as well as the season's crop of hay and grain. The owner had been using his tractor to power a harnmetraill. Although the tractor was running outside:the barn, it is believed that a spark from the machine blew hack into 'the mow. After an At- tempt was made to quell the flarnj es, a'call was. sa'nt injet the:,W44- ham and District Fire 15epartrient, which., resptuiddtt, :immediately. However, the firemen were too late to save the barn and -remained on the scene to protect the other' build- tugs, (The prevailing wind forten- ately carried the intense heat and sparkS away from the large farm home. • Lion T. A. Currie acted as tail twister for the evening, and min- utes of two previous meetings were read by Secretary Lee Vance. The secretary also reported that $100,00 has been donated to the Retarded Children's Association'. Clear $1500 Big news of the meeting was contained in Treasurer Norm'Wel- wood's report' on Frontier 'Days, staged by the club at the ,Labor Day week-end. Net profits ;from the three-day event will run to about $1,483.00, This money is set aside exclusively for public pro- jects and child welfare in this • community. Seeking every possible improve- ment in the calibre of entertain- ment which can be provided next year, each of the Lions was asked for comments and suggestions, many of which were of an excel- lent constructive nature and were Dr. Fisher lost'his lifltwerweeks .,prevjeusly,: in a boating,-, accident, near Klingsioni ti% ylOam time were°' and i Mrs "'Robert' Hefferprt, Of New York, - friend /33, oft for ri.'s1.114 frc 1.3 honors Were accord- ed Dr, Fisher, who had been head: of the' EngliSh :faculty.:-at ai the Royal Military' dolWie; Kingstbn. Tile serViceVas id.,:eharga of IVItilO'r the Rev.Crawford Smith,' of Gitelph; whO was pacire'ol the Perth Regi- tient during , the war years, the unit with which Major Fisher served throughout the Italian and Western European campaigns arid won the Military „Cross. • Former members of the Perth Regiment, who are also, members of the Wingham, 'Branch of ,:the Canadian Legion ',served • as -pall- bearers,: They Were; John Cruick- shank, Lloyd ,Catter, Alvin - Seli, Lloyd Casemore, Robert Casemore, and Willis Hail.' A' firing party, made up 'of members 'of the Royal Canadian Regiment at Camp Ip- perwash fired the final salute, Last Post and Reveille yvere sounded by Bugler N. P. Cecire; also of the RCR. RepreSenting the three'"military services were OffieerS 'from the Royal Military College, Col .W. R. Sawyer, viCe-,comniandant of the tri-service college, Lt. -Cintir. It, V. Bayes, Royal Canadian Navy' and Sqdn. Lclr, R. J. Bayne, Royal Canadian Air Force. Also present were 'Col, Andrews and members of the Perth „Regiment; prof. J. Wood hotiSe, 'prof esSor of English at the University of 'Toronto, DaVid Dooley, Hugh McLean; 5, N. Shrive and R. A. Preston, all, university professors, and a close friend, Norman Eseli .TOrentO. Also present were members of the late Dr. Fisher's family, Mrs. George Hanna, who is aunt,, and Dr, and Mrs, 0. M, McConkey, of Guelph, the latter a cousin, Bitrthr:y Awarded T o Wine- Girl noted for the rise of the planning committee next year. The club members were unani- mous in their decision 'to stage Frontier Days, again next year and a committee of three was named to take charge of the event, Hugh Carmichael Percy Clark and Slim Boucher, They presiden will be an ex-officio member of the commit- tee. OFFICIALS INSTALLED. AT i0INT MEETINk. The Wingham Kinette Club and the Kinsmen held a joirit meeting on Friday at the Queen's Hotel, when officers were installed for the goining season. The Kinettes have elected Mrs. James Currie as president; vice- president, . Mrs' R., John Currie; secretary, Mrs. Bruce MacDonald; treasurer, Mrs. Harvey . Fisher and ,registrar, Mrs. Cy Robinson. Mrs.. Jack Bateson is the immediate past president. Jack Walker, past president of the Kinsmen'Club, turned the ga- vel over to President Murray 'Stainton, Other officers elected' are; First vice, Jim 'Currie; sec- ond vice, Fred'Templeman; 'sec- retary ,Harvey Fisher; treasurer, Ivan Gardner; registrar, Jerry Timm; directors, John Currie and Murray Taylor and bulletin editor, • Bill Connell. Sister /Mary Christine, (Shirley LOCkeidge), daughter of Mr. 'and Walter ,Lockridge, has been awarded.a $1,300 Domjnion-Pro- "...iursary, and intends to continue her studies at Assumption tiniyeraity, Windsor. ; Sister Mary Christine has been at .St", Joseph's Convent in London. Three years ago she Was a member Of the graduating claSs at St, jo- sePh's Hcispital and received her registered purse's degree. ti hitechtirch Field Day Aids Ball Teams Peggy 'Smith of Kincardine was ,awardecl the Kilbourne Gold Tro- phy and was deClared champion, of the district for 1958. Three players were tied with low gross scores of 99; Kay Binkley, Owen Sound, (de- fending champion); Ann Beynon, IVIeaford and Peggy Smith, Kincar- dine. C.L.G.U. Rules obtaining Peggy Smith having , scored the lowest gross on the final nine was ,awarded the trophy.. ',Prizes were as follows: 1st. flight, Low Gross, Peggy Smith; Kincardine (99); Low Net, Dorothy Pearson; Walkerton (81), 2nd. 'Flight, Low. Gross,. Irene Waechter; Walkerton; Low Net, Dorothy Conron, Wingham. 3rd. Flight, Low Gross, Audrey Harriston, Goderfeh; Low Net, Gladys Reid, Goderich. 4th Flight, Low Gross, Jeanette Reichenbach; Walkerton; 2nd. Low Gross, Ruby White, Meaford, Fewest putts on 18 holies, Mentie DuVal, Wingham, (28); longest drive, 'Nona Elliott, Wingham; hidden hole, Mildred Keeso, Lis- towelr 'mystery prize, Mary Louise Flack; Wingham. Team prize 1st, Gladys Reid, Marge Maori°, Maxine Martin and Audrey Harriston, of Goderich; 2nd„ Dorothy Conron, Nona El- liott, Mentie DuVal and Wilma Kerr, Wihgharri, Rama. Sargent, Owen Sound, district chairman, was in charge of scores With Mentie DuVal, Winghain, captain, aharge of tile competitions .and awards. A cold drizzle persisted through- out the entire day and scores were, much higher than usual, However, neither rain nor bad scores damp- ened the, spirits of the .contestants and a thoroughly pleasant time was enjoyed by all taking part, The clay concluded with a hot roast beef dinner served 'at the club house. Peg ,Batesen vas social, convener. Neils, Elliott, president, welcomed the players on behalf of the host club, NOTICE _ The Men's Monday Night League ('ill 'meet at . the bowling alley Monday, Sept. 22 at 7.30 p.m. New bowlers welcome, For particulars phone Alf Schwichtenb!rg, 443 or D , BtoPhy, 148. ' F17z liet 'Paul Mills, of Hanover, district deputy' governor, installed both the Kinette and Kinsnaen officers. He addressed the gathering, outlining the duties required of each office and stressed the necessity of Vend- nig the clubs through greater mem- bership, New blood is always sti- Mulatina. to any organization, The' Kinsmen voted $100 toward -the 'new School for Retarded Chil- dren, They are also making plans for' the fall paper' drive to be held in .October, It is felt 'that a' great contribution coin';' be made if each household saved all newspapers from now until the drive. Another duty performed by Mr. Mills was the presentation of at- REcEivE. TREATMENT tendance pins: To the Kinettes, '7 years, Mrs. Merv, TernAleman; 6 ' years, Mrs, Jack Bateson and Mrs. tacit Walker: 5 years, 'Mrs. Ca Burke and Mrs, John Currie; 4 years, Mrs, Jim Currie, Mrs. Len CraWfprd, Mrs, Harvey Fisher; 5' years, Mrs; Alan Williams, Mrs Murray S Lai iiton, Vteciclie Tont:demeri t and first year pin to Mrs, Bruce MacDonald. The Kinsmen who received al. ACCIDENT VICTIMS OTICZ The Ladies' Wednesday Night Bowling League will meet at the *bpWling alley on Wednesday, Sept. 24th at 7 p.m. New boWiers wel- obine, Phone 545.1 for particulars, F17b ly*IITIMIURCH RECEPTION" • Reception in honour of Mr, and Mra, Raymond Laidlaw, XAnn Tddci), Will be held In flip 3/,t1-0t2,., ettnteli, Community Halt on Friday; Ileptember 10th, garnet Farrier'S c'ha'ts Ladies Please bring SalrOAChes. Pl7b tenciariee pins were Jack Corbett,. g Years; Jaelt Walker, 7 years:,'Cy SALE Robinson, tl years; Freddie Temple- The Evening Guild Of Palk'' man 4: and Brtlec IVIacDoilaid 2 Anglican Church Will hold a Sale years, Murray' Stainton presented hortie baking in the council Jaelt Walker with ,his pitst errsi- al on Saturday,t September t at 3 p,ria, FM I On Sunday, Wray Brooks, 11 son of Mr. arid Mrs, George" A. Brooks, Wingham, was admitted V the Wingharn„Hospital suffering from a fractured left hand mid a deep cut on the palm, The injuries were ihflieted When the boy fell train a tree, He Was kept in, the hospital but his condition Is satis- factory. Nine-year-old Brenda Webster., daughter of Mr, mid 'Mrs. George Wehater, RR. 2, Lnekiltiw, Was brought to the hos,pital oil Monday Eater she had fallen froim cycle, Laceratkina on,her right knee were treated and she Was allowed to return On the same day Fred Double- dee ;of the WrOXOter district was treated at the hospital for lacers; tiona to one of the fingers of MS loft hand, suffered when he WAS using a Well& Ho was nmkniitted to reboil. bOine atei treathieliti dent pin, Word has been received by the president that the local Xinsincn Club has Weil the Boalte Erficletiey Award, issued by 'the National Association, Out of 71 clubs, Wing- barn was one of the ten award winners. The crest arrived on day and Is on display In the win- dew of the S. S. Wallter funriture Receives Promotion In Sarnia Firm Ait announceMent has been. made' that .7. W. (Bud) Wild haa been appointed to plant superintendent Of Barge's Cleaners in Sarnia, Mr, Wild luta been. With the firth for seven years, Dining' the last • two weeks he has held the position Of route supervisor, A sort of Mrs, Earl Wild of Patella sad the late Mr. Wild, be Was employed at Teinplehlari Clean-- ers here before leaVing town, kilOWER 610$010.1 Tlire Will be a shOWer held In aorrip Community gall on Spterii: bet 10 for Me, and Mrs, Bruce Oiegs (tee Darlene Fleet). Dane- ing front 10 to I. Geed 'o'rchestra" tverybody Welcome, Ladled please bring' lunch. 1* store.