The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-09-10, Page 1With which is arnalimmeted the Gerrie Vidette and Wroxeter News WINGHAlvf, ONTAMQ, WEBPIESPAY, SEPTEMBER tOth, SOS ALONG THE MAIN, DRAG. FOUR INJURED IN HIGHWAY CRAM l'edeetrIan Four parsons are in Wingham Hospital as a result of a car-truek, eollision which occurred on gun, tlay evening on No. 4 Highway' south of Wingham. Driver of tlle ' ear Was Kenneth Ste, Mariea 19;;1 son of Mr. and Mrs, Austin Steil Marie, Wingham, who suffeeed! painful facial and chest injuries," His pasSehger, Barry Gibson, also: 19, and son of Mr, and Mrs. Percal Gibson, Wingham, received injuries to his face, chest, leg and knee, The driver of the second vehicle involved was James B, Currie, of R.R, 3, Wingham, who pufferecl superficial lacerations, and a neck', .injury which may prove to ba fracture, His wife received injuries• to 'her right leg and left shoulder as well as faelal lacerations. Both vehicles were badly wreck,-' ed, Provincial Constable J. J. Lewis of the Wing-ham detachment in-Vese tigated. ublic Meeting Approv ction on Swimming Poo MIST NEETINOaa •" • • ' The Orst Meeting of 'the 108-49 season fer ,the. Lions, Club will be. held' at the Hotel. Brunswick on • , Way evening, thief topic for 01 POsion Will 'pe the' recent' Fron- tier DWI.. '•Ranntr has: it that Prniacial returns are away, up. this year which, means greater sup- per,t fer,the numerous public enter- Prlsea hacked by the Lions, 0 - 0 - 0 elliikREADING OUT--; chairman pointed out that the Water Safety Fund at present has a balance of about $700.00 which could provide the nucleus for a swimming pool fund. He also outlined what is known of oosts for a complete cement pool with bath house, showers, etc., as required by the Dept. of Health. The figures; provided by the swim- ming pool committee in Clinton, in- dicated that the total for a 35x120 the proper location for such a pool, there was complete agreement among those present that a peol of some sort should be provided for the urban and rural community as speedily as possible. W. B. Conron; ehairanan of the Water Safety committee, acted as chairman for the gathering, and Lloyd Carter was the secretary. $790 on Rand In his opening remarks the Representatives of many of the town's major organizations, as .well as many private individaals were present at a public meeting in the town hall on Monday evea- ie to discuss 'the question of whether or not a swimming pool dr swimming area should' be con., strutted in Wingham. Every conceivable aspect of the question was dealt with ,and though there were several , opinions as to %INGHAM STUDENTS WIN. BURSARIES Hospital Auxiliary Opens Bank Accounts To commemorate the birth of the first triplets in Wingham General Hospital, the Hospital Auxiliary has set up a small bank account in the name of each thild. These are: Donalda' Kay, Dwight James and Daniel Walton, children of Mr. and Mrs. Lamont of Beigrave, At the time of their birth, the Auxiliary also presented each baby with a sterling silver spoon, Union Services Concluded Sunday The union services which have been conducted during the summer with St. Andrew's Presbyterian church and Wingham United Church •concluded last Sunday. On September 14, each congregation will worship in its own church with its own minister, Dr. A. Nimmo at St, Andrew's and Rev. Garnet Husser, B.A., B.D., at the United Church. ., Town Officials Studying New Lights for Street TO LIVE Isl' TORONTO—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Edward Hawthorne, who were married on Saturday in the Winghaan United'Cburch. The — former- Carmichael, the bride is the daughter ollttr, and Mrs, Patricia ,. Hugh P. Carmichael, Wingharra and the groom is the son of Mr. and a, , , ,. . MrS. Walter Hawthorne of Goderieh. Photo by Hor431'syk.' : : • a . _. Seven students of the Wingham District High School are included in, the list of those awarded bursar- ies and scholarships, Five hundred dollar Dominion- Provincial 'bursaries for university study were won by Tom Brydges, Gwen Walsh and' John Runstedtler, all 'of whom' will attend the Uni- versity of Western Ontario; James Campbell and Beverley Stewart, who will attend Waterloo College. Vera Sharpe has been awarded the Dominion-Provincial bursary to Teachers' College and John Run- atedtler also receives a $200 Uni- versity of Western Ontario scholar- ship. •• — Winghem-visitors to Honey Ilar, bob this year were delighted to find tift, 'former 'Whignamite Met La-. Yigrie 'has, added a' fine addition to . 14 dailee hair In the' resort eom- tito(ty, a:The new section contains a modern restaurant and living . • areirtere: . • lj 011A111 CONNECTIONS-e-' :1Attending the anneal convention Of ' the '.Canadian. ,Iireeltly News, papers . 'Asspciation in Toronto last 7it4eltaire met tiao:.editers whcahave cbnitectioris with our town, PhiL Galbraith) of •Red Deer, Alta., was a visitor in years go'ne,hY Witti the Fisher family when they Were ill ehar'ge' of the post office. Mr. Gala braith is it 'aptisin of the, Fishers,: Then to*, there was Les Barber, loon• of Cherie§ Barber aed pub- li poree of the thilliwaelc, B.C., Pro- gress;' The father .was raised in. Wingham and 'learned; his trade ie .the local printing office, 0 -' 0 - 0 INTERESTING. FILM • — a IA :Very :interesting filth to be shoWnaat,1 the Sitivetions Army Cita den:, on Mattarday'.'"'eVeriing: • Tttle, Sundey is the 'Oceasion of the 'Array's . annual ' Rally; Se"getter; 'guest.'speaker be- lag •Sa,Major Sid! Mundy, of To ronto; avhcais, second. in ,.command• ; '8hiOld SEVERAL ACCIDENT VICTIMS TREATED Accident Victims In Listowel Hosp. William Hutchison, 23, of Gotrie, driver and Gary. akeCieneent, 17, ti-A 7 2,' Gorrie, passenger, were, in: inred in ari accident which occur- red on County Road '30, four miles south of Fordvvich. The truck in which the two men were riding left the road and rolled over in ditch. The injured Were taken to the Listowel Mem- orial Hospital. Another passenger, Donald McDowell, of Gowanstown, was' not injured. Provincial Constable J. J. Lewis of Wingham investigated the acci- dent. SO ;SORRY-- `,anielOgieS'to ' Merrill* tantelon. We,falled te.giare .nimzeredit for the fil;14t4in of WS. Moffat, which,, appeared, in' last oweelt'a . paper. It was ornieh appreciated; ' 0'-0 0 AI JIVE 'Frs;j7f*:AL of 'Grades;aela 'and ' 13a in, attendance 'at the, Shakespearian $...F.erititriti • in Stratford en Tuesday' afternoon. 0 - 0 0' 4 $5t1k*RP,P3A11:" .;Congratulations ,,tceaMrs. Harry .°11' TaedditY:eelebiated dterk fibth birth- the guest .of honor at ti:bfribdarpartar held at tire home bi...her ....4ion. and Idanghtevin-law iOct 'Mrs:, Gordon Godkin, John street ,"Several of her old frieadg gathered to hen')• mark the occasion', a 0 (!e! TAR-E ./1'11M GAMEllq!-,- •'. The Belgertve intermediates took .tite: first game 'of a best-of-five Seriba, with, Formosa on Monday night. They. meet again this (Wednesday) evening. There is 'a strong possibility that Wingham's main street may soon see the installation of modern street lights. Town and Public Utilities Commission officials have visited several neighboring com.- munities eeently. to examine new installations. The lights .which -they' are in- teregtedTie a a long, narrow, g .. • . glass- covered fixture, which throwt man- tiMes, the amount of light from the out-dated globes current- ly in use in Wingham. The PUC is also looking into the possibility of setting back the pre- sent metal- street light standards so that. they will be flush with the edge• of the sidewalk rather than projecting several inches onto the street, The standards were left in this exposed position when 'the bou- levards between Sidewalk and road were removed a few years ago, and ever since that time they have been a' constant source of hazard and irritation to car drivers, Replacing the standards and in- stalling new lights would be under- taken by the P,U.C. if the plan goes through. The street lighting facilities are rented to the Town of Wingham, but owned by the commission, On Saturday EVelyn Metcalfe, 9, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.,Herman. Metcalfe; ran. 2, Winghain, suffer- ed: a.24bredt,en.' left arhi when she `refl, in, her father's barn. A cast was applied at 'the Wingham Hospital. Nancy ,K r oh n, nine-year-Old daughter bf Mr, and Mrs. Charles Krolin,,R.R. 5, Wingham, suffered a similar ,mishap when she fell down 'the cellar stairs at her home. Her fractured left arm 'was 'placed in a cast at the Wingham Hospital. The accident occurred on Sunday. On. Monday David Templernan, 18, son .of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Templeman, Wingham, was treated at thehospitaf for painful injuries to his left knee. A tape splint was applied at the hospital. Wilfred Weiler, ' 23, of R.R. 2 Teeswater, 'was treated on Monday for a badly crushed toe. The in- jury was received when part of a plough fell on this left foot. John 'Moffat, 17-year-old son. of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moffat, R.R. 1, Wingham, was admitted to the Wingham Hospital on Monday. afternoon suffering a serious acci- dent. John Was riding back to the high school after lunch in the rear of a truck and when the vehicle rounded a corner he lost his bal- ance and fell heavily to the road, striking his head. Examination at the hospital disclosed severe lacer- ations to his forehead, concussion and possible 'skull fracture. He is said to be "fair" condition. ' In another mishap on Monday Cheryl Ann Getty, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Murdy Getty, Wingham, fell off a porch and fractured her upper left arm. The child is still in -hospital, where her condition is satisfactory. School Board ,Leases Rooms At the regular meeting, of the, Wingham Public School board on Monday• evening final figures were received on attendance for the opening of the 1958 term. Princi- pal T. S. Beattie reported' that' total attendance is 495, with 66 in kindergarten. A delegation was received' front. the Wingham and District Retard- ed Children's Association, request- ing permission to sub-let the base- ment rooms in' the Masonic Half. These rooms are currently leased to the Public School board to •prO- vide space for an overflow from the school building, After consultation with the lodge officers the use of the rooms was granted as a place in which to hold' classes for retarded children. Chairman Scott Reid ,also re- peated that the area immediatelY north of the main school building hai been 'paved with black 'top Material, 'in' order 'to clean up rt . eectima of; the groandsawhiett hasi alWaYs been muddy in wet weather. The paving was done when men and equipment were working on Frances Street - recently. Health Conference Begins Sept. 17 "Parents": The monthly Child Health • Conference sponsored by the Health Unit will commence again on Wednesday, September 17th, 10.00 a.m. to 11..30 a.m. (no 'afternoon clinic) at the Wingham frown Hall, Children three months of age and over may obtain im- munization, including polio' vac- 'etne." Hockey Association Names Executive CUSSES OPEN FOR RETARDED CHILDREN MARRIED AT BRUSSELS—Mr. and:Mrs. JOWL' WaBraPhy; whO were recently Married at SC Ambrose Church, Brussels.. The bride was the former Rosemary Janet Deitner, daughter of Mr. and.alta. William J. Deitner, Ethel, and the groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs: loseph Brophy, Wingham—Photo by Russell Studio, Listowel,, ' Everyone is asked to remember the fall. Rummage Sale gPorsored the Ladies' Auxilirtfy to Wing- tam 'General Hospital, • which' will '134 held , on Saturday, Ottober 18, in the VVinghain Annouries. F10b A meeting' of the Wingham Hockey Association was held on Wednesday evening of last week when officers for the coming season were elected as follows: Pres., W. W. Gurney; vice-pres., Len Crawford; treas., J. W, Bush- field; 'sec., W. B. Cm-iron. It was suggested at the meeting that a team .be entered in the WOAA Homobrew division and a Committee was appointed to in- vestigate player possibilities and report by Sept. 15th, The com- mittee is • composed of Charlie Lee, Charlie Hodgins and Murray Stainton, Any players who are interested in a place on the team are asked to contact any of the committee or executive members at once, ' Classes for retarded children will open in the basement of the Mas- onic Hall on Monday of next week, September 15, The teacher will be Mrs. Jr. G. Husser of Wingham. Pupils will attend the school from Lucknow, Blyth, Brussels, Wrox- eter, Fordwich, Carrie and Wing- ham, A general Meeting of the Wing- ham and. District Retarded Child- ren's Association, the group''which sponscirs the classes, is to be held in the council chamber on Septem- ber 24th. The association executive asks that every interested person be present to learn of the progress which has been made so far and to Witness the presentation of the charter, The association was form- ed a few months ago. 13.014t1ES WEDDING ERSARV and Mrs. Arthur Fitch, Bel- M.are,will celebrate their Golden Wedding anniversary On Tuesday, Septernber 16th'; They Will' be at 3iothe to friends front 3 to 5 and a to 9 o'clock. " • F100 Bob Clark Picture Wins National Contest Prize E11N,GtAGEMENT Mr, Williarri Forster'. of Leek- r-reaW, wishes tee announce the en- gageittent. ot,his daughter, 'Lary; 4 ,Mat, to Mr. Ronald A. R. 'Perrott, Air :000th, son Of, .and Mrs, Thenute Perrott, Connti"tork, 1404, The Marriage Will take Piece Satiiirdayi.Septernbor Alt -Chal 'Mere ,PreSitytetittia Olineeta 1.0* 16ANCA , , In 'Wro,xeter 6orninnitity' +1111111, dininsered by the COltrabiitty,,Itall Board; on Priday, SePterriber' Elliottnth darruthere'Oiefinitrra. e' doorprizee, Walt' in hall; isSiori lee. Dancing lb; to t FlOb Sportsmen's Assoc. Nan Shooting Match The monthly Meeting of. the Wingham Sportstaien's Association Was held Monday night at the Legion Home in Wingham with a good attendance, Among the topics discussed, Was a shooting Match for the Thanke- giVieg,holidaY, This will be held at the Spertenien'a &antle, details of which will be announced later, ,The next Meeting Will be held. October 6th at the Legion lloine, All ladies Are invited to this inett.- ing, Lunch, will be served, . The monthly draw Was won by Des Brophy, Of Wingharn, W, MEETS ON IrtiURStkAlt The Wingham Women's Institute Will meet In the tOtinell cliamber on Thursday atterneett, September Program conveners Miss t: M. Bower; . Mrs. It, Nfatbonald. Hostess Convener, Mrs, R Mundy, PlOir APLENS CkiktMONT—Mr. and Mrs. Raymond LaidlaiW,- who Weft, at taken United 'Clirtedh SC Helens, The hie& la the deargita ter et Mr: and Mrs, ThOS., Todd and the,gronin is the son Of Mr. and f.4. *Atli LaidlaW0,4hoto by .Horst, 111,4yki foot pool: and tatning• , would run to about ;WM Petnent Work at Clinton was $13,000; fila. tration system KW) and bath house $8,900. the balance being•re- quired for ,excevating, lexicirig, filling, etc. ‘Tack Walker spoke for the Kins- men Club :and ex,pressed their approval of Any Werkable plan for a good pool, on a properly chosen sight. He said that his club;liad given serious consideretion to the Same, project in recent months. The Kinsmen generally favored a tecation at the town park; possiblY where the old,tennis, courts are At the present time, , Names Three Sites Dr. W. A:MeKibbon.said that he had done considerableinve,atigating in connection with a• possible 'pool site and it was his .ppinion that there are three locatioes^ in town which would be suitable' for the purpose. One, on the north aide of the river, immediately west .4 the MelcenFie. Bridge, a second 'on the south side Of the raVer•near the Howson dam, and the third near the Lowee.Town Bridge.. Dr, McKibbon said he did net favor the construction of a "fancy" ppol which would run into copes, sive spending., He also said he thought that either of two methods. could be' employed, Ito' raise the. money, the first being the passage of a Money by-laul'and -the berrow- ing of town funds or, as 'an 'alterna- tive, a program of financing in which all local organizations would'. prinniSe ,annual, ,clOnatinris (WO • ten-year' 'period. ' SuggestailleptedyTeeI 1V. rettiekilharite'ei-Oelied Iiie ' amnion that the possibility' of dela. 4 ing a heated peel ;Should be He" felt that a ewieirtinig pool should, be fisefill'' all year round. Be also said that:'he' was not in favor of e site .near, the river, Mince it is .desirable; to dreeP the youngsters away from the 'un- supervised liver' areas. „ - Mrs. Jack Batesoni . speaking for the Kinettes, said that her organiz- ation is unanimously in faVour of the swimming, pool- project:, and promised wholehearted support of the group. Not Municipal project Mayor R. E. I'vfe)Cinney stated emphatiCally ,that he felt the pOol should not be• financed through municipal funds, 'for there are many in the community, pditicu- larly those on fixed incomes, Who would never ifse the, swimirting facilities, He expressed' his approv- al of the project and expressed the opinion- that' the fund should be raised through 'donations feoni Ore ganizationt and private donors, The mayor also pointed. out :that it would be wise to locate the pool near the river, bechase Water tables all over Western Ontario ire dropping rapidly, and although there has been no, shortage 'in Wingham as yet, it 'is quite possible that in future we will have to conserve our water supply. He also stated that it is quite likely that the town will soon control the pre-' sent CPR property, including, the station yard, and it is possible that the buildings located there could, be converted for public use 111 con- nection with a pool. Present Cost $850 Replying to a' questimi put by Barry Wenger, the chairman stated that at the present time about 4850 is being spent annually. to previde swimming instruction for the child, ran of this community, This sum. mer 200 childree wore trenSported to the Teeswater pool twice a week with ,a la'anknOrtetion cost of $600 ana instruction: fees of $250. The Chairman also mentioned the fact that mane parents in the Surrounding, townShins and villages are most anxious to have swimming and water safety instruction for their children, TvrcriV these areas have already expressed keen interest in the peteibility of a neat in "Wingham, and the chairman said that pool here would blot certainly be aeon `to the rural 0,, man as taa restilents,a Two' motions crystrillied the evening's discussion.. The first in- structed tire secretary to ecniteet all orithitationg in the Own and Surretaticline'fairat area. asking that delegates be appointed to attend 'a Meeting the +Own hall here On October 3rd, These delegates will a boned le nririe with them the dedirlOria (Sf. the various ofganiiiia tiatie as th Whether Or not they ta4 'Vet the peel project, and in What amount theY would be prepared to bit& the hind. The secOnd motion appointed, the present water safety COMMittee plus MOItibberl W. Ortifehatiank to examine the proposed ititee for the Pool and bring in &Meade information tit the Odbber ..artt meeting. Over 300 Hours Given By Members in 2 Mos. The first meeting of the fall term of the Ladies' Auxiliary to Wing- ham General Hospital was held on Friday and was conducted by the president, Mrs. N, Cameron. Every- one was asked to remember the date for the fall'rummage sale, which was set for Saturday, October 18, in the Wingham Arm- ouries, The report of the cutting and sewing committees showed 361 ar- ticles cut and 308 articles sewed ready for use. These included bed- ding, gowns, 'nursery supplies, etc. In addition, six pairs of curtains were made and placed on the win- dows, All mending was done an to date, As a matter of interest to the Auxiliary itself, a record was kept of the hours of work which were given by the members of the dif- ferent sewing groups, in sewing, cutting and mending. /t was found, that, during July and August, more than 300 hours of time were freely contributed, Figure this, at the cost per hour which Would be paid to a seamstress and you have an idea of the Aetna' cash time which is given to the hospital by the Atte- Arrangements were made to attend the Regional Hospital Auxiliary meeting to be 'held in Clinton on September 24. The committee in charge of re- freshinents for the cancer clinics reported that coffee and talkies are served at these clinics which' ate held twice each month at the 'hospital, This Serie° is much annecietecl by those who attend. The president Warned all com- inittees which have already been teethed, to stand ready to -take their appointed places in case they are alerted for a meek disaster, A picture Which was taken by Rob Clark, formerly of the CKNX staff in 'Wingham, has Won the award for beet spot news picture in the competitions sponsored by the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association, The shot, which shows a moose being resetied from a Jamb of pulp- wood logs, appeared some months Fiao in, the Grand k`erils, Newfound- laud Advertiser- and Was .taken when Bob was employed by that weekly, The Paper wee awarded the It E, Mee Trophy, symbolic Of firetplate in the contest Bob now doing public relations Work in Newfotindiand for the Ottnadian. Army. Father Dies in St.l'homas Friends of Mrs. Floyd D, Blakely, Wipgham, will be sorry to learn of the defith Of her father, William Illtederiek Haneoelt, at St, Thomas. Mr„ Hancock served Canadian National Railways ;ter many years , as supervisor of car services. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs, Blakely; a Sister, Mrs. G. Y, Yarrow, of London and 41 niece in St. Thomas, I The funeral was hold hoin the William funeral home.in St. Omit,. 4..s.pri Thursday teat ati 2 p.m. DANCE donnit Iteaelek Junior Farmers will hold ii'dance in the 'Gerrie Community Hall, • Friday ,evening, $eptetri- `bet Jerry ReoVelee Orchestra supply music, Lunen. booth in hillf4 • 140b