HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-08-27, Page 4"G"1" 5 IiAI Hllfl FEED MILLS ioitruntime v *.4 441.1 7 gir A,44 /fri " i. pt *lino The Wingluilli Ailitaitee-Thue0, VitedPerrday, Aug„ 27, 1,95$ , . z0010101310040.1•1101,1101•Amolionswoloolionsoinsoomoo• SEE THE NEW SELECTION OF MI Iiit 1.. Fine Bone-. China Teas and $4110011 at , . From $1.00 • . ' El # WAREi FULL 'LEAD. HAND-CLIT .CRYSTALt a SPECIAL' 5" Block Diamond Vase $2.50 ..... ' i• 0 Hafetmehrs jewellei* 1 "Finest Quality and .Service". I EVENING DIAMOND AVI3pliNYMENTS: ON REQUEST • iii. • ;,•"1.0211•ffluticriiiiiilimuilifilliiIIIMIIIIIiiim1001 11101111011f0111111 10111•1 111101110 NVVIrt TO vErprivits IN 1,14E ESTATE Of VABOAllET ISABEL SCOTT ALL PERSONS baying claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the thirteenth clay of June, 1958, are required to file proof of sale With the under- signed on or before the 13th day of September, A,D, 1956. ,After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham this 13th •day of August, AD, 1959. CRAWFORD &IIETIIDRINGTON . Wingham, Ontario Solicitors. for the Executors 27sept6:10b AT Ii U TAXI ,SDKVIGE and used Fttrniture, We buy and sell, Phone, 1$5. rrb DON'T FOR ,GET your Frontier Hat at Can eroa's Billiards and Trading Post. 27b LINOLEUM REMNANTS—Every piece a, bargain, While they last THE WALLPAPER SHOP. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE Qic 'LEVI GOOD SR. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above Mentioned, late of the Township of East Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on the 14th day of July , 1958, are required -to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 13th day of. September, A.D., 1958. After that date the Executors will' proceed to distribute the es- tate having regard only to. the claims of which they shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham this 12th day of- August, A,D, 1958. CRAWFORD &HETHERINGTON ' Wingham, Ontai:lo Solicitors for the Executors 27sept3;10b j APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications for Tax Collector for the Township of Morris at a salary of $270.00 per 'annum plus postage will be received by the undersign- ed up until 12 o'clock noon, Sep- tember 2, 1958. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk 27b MONARCH SPACE On. HEATER for sale, in good condition, Phone 861J. 27h 'WM iii 1111111111111./1 iii I i aiolosamtpapappoggaiiimPapagiataagaloal i i op i a i atom i eaga ii a i opipiNgallignaggipagagla iiiiiii ganiaaaaapage LOOK SERI!. :4) COTTAGE ROLLS ........ ,lb. 65c GROUND BEEF' A 3 lbs. $1.25 Friday and Saturday Only 'SAUSAGE ........ ii .... 3 lbs. $1.25 LARD . • 20c lb. FROZEN . FOWL AT ALL. TIMES , CONGOLEUM, REXOLEUM, In- laid remnants on sale at reduced prices.—THE WALLPAP SHOP. 27b • 1 .. if LOCknageS Butcher mop The Best of Fresh and Cured Meets Always .0ss Hand. ..... .„„, . .. . .,„ ... .. Kg . arm* . ..... aitigricavittallagaillitialagala*lagglagggaall . g .. g . yialpmIlIdamalh A ESTATE SALE wilt be held at the farm property of the late EDWIN.PALMER one mile north ol'WROXETER on SATURDAY, AUGUST 30th, 1958, commencing at' 1.30 in the afternoon, Offered for sale are the household furniture and effects consisting of a dining room suite,, living room suite, bedroom suites, McClary refrigerator, almost new, washing machine,• rangette, power mower and, numerous household items, Also offered for sale is a. 1927 Chevrolet Coach car in excellent condition and in good running Order, Everything must be sold to clear up the business of the estate and the terms are cash. L. G. BRYCE, Auctioneer. WESLEY CATHERS, Administrator. Notice to WATER CONSUMERS The hours for watering- lawns and • gardens ,are from 6 a.m. to •9 a.m, and A - from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This will be strictly enforced. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less prompt payment discount of 10 per cent, is made for the use of a hose or outside tap for the above noted purposes. Anyone.found Watering lawns or gardens, who has• not paid 'for this service will be billed accordingly. Wingham Public Utilities Commissiest PERSONAL CARD OF THANKS ' We wish to take this opportunity of expressing our sincere thanks to friends, neighbors and •relatives for their many acts of kindness, cards and flowers during our re- cent sad bereavement of a dear father and • grandfather. Special thanks to • the pallbearers, •the Beattie funeral home and the Rev. D. J. Lane of Clinton.—The family of the late James Albert Carter. 127b FOIL. FLOOR COVERINGS, See the selection of Inlaids, Congol- eum, Sandran and Plastic Car- pet at (I'HE WALLPAPER SHOP. 27b HEREFORD SALE 21 Registered, accredited Herefords oft-ered for quick sale. Priced low, Attractive stock for begin- ner or established breeder. Claude Running, Fergus. 27b WINE CHESTERFIELD for sale. Converts to bed and matching chair.-Good condition; white en- ' amel cook stove and pipes; Rem- ington electric razor, $5.00; rug, 8x5% ft., $5.00; kiddie car, $1.50 Phone 603W this week. 27* fi YOUNG MAN wanted, age 18 to 21 preferred. Men's Wear Dept. State age, education and sales experience, if any. Apply in writing. Box 50 Advance-Times. 27b FEMALE HELP WANTED • SALESLADY WANTED. Apply Mundy's: 27b 2'7b TO START WORK AIT ONCE, girl fo,r upstairs work, and waitress full time for coffee shop, Apply in per;on, Mrs. Grose, Hotel Brunswick, • 27b FINANCING 'A CAR?. Before you nuy ask about out 1-.ow Cost Financing Service with 2omplete Insurance Coverage. STEWART A. SCOTT Phone 293 Wingham• C. E. Shera, Superintendent HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO LEARN TO SWIM! "M'Lady" programme, CKNX ^Television, Channel 8, Wingham features a special weekly series "Swim by Television", which com- menced on Tuesday, Aug. 26, at 4.00 p.m. and will continue for the next four weeks. Filmed at the Teeswater Lions' Swimming pool, this is the first series of this kind in Canada. Don't' miss a single lesson? 270 'EMPLOYMENT WANTED Box Holders' Names Not Given. Out It is strictly 'against our rules to divulge the name or address of any advertiser using - an Advance-Times Box NuMber. Please do not ask us for this information. I't MA$SEY FERGUSQN TRACTORS " NEW 50's. and 65's NEW . HOLLAND BALERS' • CLEARING SALE—Large kitchen cupboard, buffet chair, tables, desk, refrigerator,, showcase, 4 ' - slice toaster, one metal and one walnut bed, complete; numerous small articles. Call H, B. Sher- ' bondy, 26, or store open evenings 7.to 9 p.m. 27b MEAT FOR SALE—Gobd beef' by *, the quartet Killed' on premises. Inspected by Dept. of Health. yearling heifers. Tops quality. Loweat prices. Raynard Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r30, 17rrb • '*"••••"*....#1,,•••••*"*Vg...0*...........^."6"0606046 Continental -BED LEGS USED TRACTORS 1 No. 44 Tractor WANTED TO RENT USED EQUIPMENT One-Way Disc for Ford of Ferguson 1VIISCELLANEOLFS IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham. 2rrb 'STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car or truck insurance. Yearly or six months policies are available. Special rates for farmers; For further information• phone •293, Wingham. 29rrb -CHARLES 1 HQDG1NS Phone 378 , Wingham A TWO STOREY hen house, 60 x 20 x 14 ft. In good condition. Wired for hydro and water piped. Room for 1,000 hens, Priced reasonable for qiiick sale. Apply to Ross Cardiff, Brussels, R.R. 4, phone 51r4. 27,3,10* HIGHEST cash prices paid for sick, down and disabled Cows and Horses, also, dead cows and horses at cash value, Please phone promptly' Bruce Marlatt, Call collect 56r7 Brussels, 24 hour service, 19rrb ,CRAWFORD, IIETHER1N N Barristers, SolIcItors, E Wingham, , Phone 48 J. H. c•AvvrOki),,Q,c. R. & IIETHERINGTON, Q.C. BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Sturdy Steel Construction , Set of 4 $4.95 Set of 4 with casters $6.95 Can be fastened to any Spring A. IL McTAVISH J. W. 111131111ELD ge, Barriater, Solicitor, Notary, Eta. Money to 'Loan " (ghee-440er Block, *Ingham • rouvrnv FOR SALE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswnter Wroketer—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2--4 p.mi, or by Appointment, Walker Home Furnishings S. S. WALKER Phone 106 Wirigham WEIIINOTON Fi J 411' KINDS 01 OB cPRINTING AmintLAN'ot stavicto Frederick F. Homuth R.O. Carol E. Horriuth, R.O. Mrs. Viols H. Mouth, R.0'. OPTOAIETEI8'X'S PHONE lis tiarriaton„ Ontario Iitintirancet Conipany • Eat. 1840 An all Canadian: Ctinnnany *lath .has faithfully Serred its policy holders' for Orin' century; , Him btria tormit. Flex IllitiaLetti huntranceAtellitlY Whighern. whom Advance imes •'" CEMENT FOR SALE ' AND ON HAND AT ALL TIMES STRUTHERS TRANSPORT telrnore, Ont. Pho Teeswater , 02 CASH REGISTER, Adding Mach- rolls in stock at The Advance- ' Times. Typewriter ribbons. Smith-Corona typewriters and adders. Victor adding machines. .REDUCED TO CLEAR—Half. price or less. Dinnerware, Crystal f Stemware, POttery Pieces, Tea- pots and novelties. See them *TIONT,N. —THE WALLPAPER SHOP. 27b tittortirs Asovidilszct, itrii AlWaInt reliable itereine. one bigy$ 54 Night, fit 'or BUFFET, solid walnut; has two cubicles for dishes, also two big linen drawers. Apply to Mrs. A. • . N. Atkinson, Diagonal. Road, Wingham, Ken Baker residence, 27* ELUX-O-MATIC has revolutioniz- ed power cleaning. See it first for a cornpletelyi, new conception of household efficiency. Call L. H. Reynolds, 640J1, your Electra- lux dealer. rrb BABY'S JUMPER CHAIR and playpen fozj sale, Phone 241, 27b MACHES for sale; Golden ,Tubi- lees, Red Haven and Nees, Bring containers. Price is right at the ,.orchard, Howard James and W. 3. Sadler, Forest, Ontario. 2712 PEACHES, Red Haven now ready. Jubilee, Vedette to follow. Bring containers and pick your own. Priced right, Govenlock OrchardS % mile north of. Forest. 27:3* WOODEN GARAGE DOOR for sale, width 7'8"x7'5" high, com- plete with track, weights,, pulleys, etc. Any reasonable offer, H. Burrell, Catharine Street. 27b FLOWERS AND SHRUBS for sale, ' Uostly perannials. To plant in September; Sweet William, Dian- Canterberry Bella, Carna- tions, Chrysanthemums, Roses, Hibiscus, Rose of Sharon, Lilac, Japanese Snowball ,Peonies, Lil- ies, Rock Oardert Plants and Red Nicotine, Sage, one or two year Asparagus, Clip and 'save this ad for future reference, Bentley's Blyth. 27* KILK FILTERS for sale—"Rapid ilo", 6-inch, 79e; 6%-inch, 85e. Alexander's Hardware. lrrb 200 RED, SUSSEX PULLETS, 4 lhontha old, for Sale. Wilfred Walker, phone 12134. 27b too HANCF'WYANDOTTF: Pullets :far sale, 6 nibralla ot& Phene 27b 76 RED by eolunibia Rock Pintas for side, '5 months old, starting to ty, Apply ;Edgar Wightrnari, XtelgraVe, 27 h *, 27,3b -ONE and,. A HALF STOREY insul brick house for sale. ,Cen(rallY located, six rooms, three-piece bath, hardwood floors, built-in cupboards.. Apply Ilex, 62, Ad- Vance-Timea. 27,3* REAlo ESTATE FOR SALK One storey, modern, 2 bedroom home with oil furnace, attached garage and large lot, Priced for (Nick sale, mortgage available. , 100 acre farm with, white brick house, large ,barn, hydro through-1 out, good , water supply and 12 acres of bush. Priced $6500.00 with $2000.00 cash down. Owner will take a mortgage on the balance. If you wish to buy or sell prop- erty contact: WILLIAM S. REED.. • Real Estate Broker, Phone 2921K Wingham, Ontario TWO STOREY, Stucco House in Wingham, Three bedrooms, Oil 'Furnace, Bath, Heavy 'Wiring, Large lot With Garden, beautiful Lawn, 2 patios, Beautiful, redec- orated home for sale, OWner leaving town. , Arrange possession. Phone 422-R, 13:27b NEVER, NEVER, never since the world began such relief from sore, aching, burning feet, weak ankles, sore knees, hips and• back, cramps in feet ar legs. Corns, callouses, bunions dig- appear, arthritis, pains fade away, brings back circuratfon. Consult W: A. Kaufman, phone 94 Lis- towel, open, every Tuesday after., noon and evening. Open every Friday at tea Heubach, phone MO 9-2604-5, and in Walk- erton at Percy Pletch's, phone 195W, August "rrb FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination service or Mere inforination, tele- phone the Waterloo Cattle Breed- ing Association collect at,: Clin- ton HU 24441 or Teestvater 126- betWeen 1.30 and 9,30 a.tn, week days, 6 and 8 Nit, on Saturdays. Do not call for. service. on Sun- day. Cows in heat on. Sunday can be false/ranged satisfactorily on Ividilday, :We Supply service to top ittiality bulls of the Rolstein, Yeraey,„ Ayrshire, Onernsey, Brown Swiss; Red Poll, Here. ford (polled & horned), 1.'soof Shorthorn (polled and horned), and Dual Purpose ShOrthotn, Arius and Cheroliti* iirtedi, The nett fi IOWA trif) THE GROWING Demand for Avon Cosmetics in rural areas enables us to offer excellent earning op- portunities to' ambitious women interested in part-time work. Contact Mrs. Lourien Green, district, manager,. Box 281 Han- ever. 30:a27b HOUSE PAINTING JOBS wanted. Apply Box 51, Advance-Times. 27* 10a to 150 acre farm wanted to rent or buy, good buildings, Give full particulars, Box 46, 6:4:27* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TWO PUREBRED LANDRACE boars for sale. Edgar Day, phonc 30r4, WroXeter, 27* REGISTERED LANDRACE Swine for sale. Either sex, Ivan Has- kins, R.R, I Clifford, phone 197r21, Mildmay. ' rrb YOUNG HIGHLY experiencedtyp- ist, with knowledge of short- hand desires position. References if needed, High School Graduate, Call 279. MALE HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE WHY NOT HAVE YOUR FEET CHECKED Without Any Obligation —by— .A Qualified, Experienced FOOT CORRECTIONIST Undue pressure can cause those sciatic pains, leg, hip or lower backache. See— J. A. VICKERS, P.C.' At Queen's Hotel, Wingham Each Monday afternoon, or other times at 481 8th Ave., Hanover, Phone 500. NURSING HOME for aged and convalescents. Kind competent care to everyone, Nourishing food. Spacious grounds and rooms; reasonable rates. Bethes- da Reat Home, River Street Chesley. 30:6:13:27b DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone Collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited. ' 6rrb RIGHT TO ATTEND SCHOOL All children wishing to be ad- mitted to Public Schools in Turn- berry as of Sept. 2, must be six years of age 'by Dec. 31st, 1958 (Sub Section 1 of Section 5 of the Public Schools Act).—Alex Ccirri- gan, Sec.-treas. F27b TOWN CLERK WANTED " WINGRAM is requesting appli-• cations for position of Town Clerk, ',Treasurer and Tax Collector. Applicants' must be a general high calibre individual and preferred with University Education, Muni- cipal Experience not over forty and capable of later becoming Town Manager. Salary commensurate with qualifi- cations. Must give complete de- tails in application, enclosing snap- shot if possible, Duties commence approximately November 1st. Applications will be kept strictly confidential and should be for- warded to the Acting Town Clerk marked 'Application" up to Sep- tember 15th, 1958, 21b WANTED USED WINDMILLS, gasoline en-" gines and pump • jacks wanted. Can he traded on pressure sys- tems new or used. Ask uS. for an estimate Without any, obligation, or if you are needing any new roofing material we give you the best value for your money. Write or phone collect to Irving •Kieyea at Glean's, Phone Paisley 114r4, 16Alt-Noy WIN MONTHLY CASH PRIZES— Enter the London Free Press Amateur Snapshot Contest, Forms available — Northern Bureau office. Call 389, 13:20b Highest Cash Prices' pad' lor old, sick or' disibled Horses & Cows HIGHEST CASH VALUE PAID IN SURROUNDING DISTRICT DEO' COWS' and HORSES. For Prompt, Sanitary DispOsal, day or night OLD HORSES for Slaughter at 50 per .00Und, 24 HOUR SERVICE Phone LtROY ACHESON Atwood' 153, collect GEORGE IIISLOP Itragritet grit WANTED CARD OP THANKS We would like to 'eXPreAs 'since'r'e thanks to neighbours and friends for the most enjoyable parties, the beautiful 'giftS and'tlie sum of money we received; also to McKee Bros., the helpers who made our moving so much .easier. Our sincere thanks.—Ken and Alma Baker and family. 27h CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank 'all MY. frierisis who 'visited me in the, Wingham Hospital, also those who sent cards' and brought gifts and treats since my accident. Thanks alSo 'to Dr. W. A, MoKibbon and the nurses.— Wayne Hopper, . 27.1. IN MEMORIAM BEATTIE—In loving memory of a dear husband,. George, who pass- ed away August 30, 1957; Looking back with memories Upon the path we, trod. I bless the years I had with you And leave the rest to God. —Lovingly remembered by his • wife, Marjorie.. 27* TENDER WANTED TENDERS Tenders are asked for the -build- ing of an addition to the 'Slindayd ,School at St. Andrew's Presbyter- ian Church, Wingham, Plans and specifications contact Murray Rae, Secretary, Wingham, 'All tenders to be in by September 12, 1958. 27Sept3b .gaga gag alga a l opppo !la Pa giagg! AaVa I Pa ... 010111141gaaggagag,1!!!11,4**1* CARD OF THANKS Mrs. David Neilson . would like to thank everyone who sent cards to her and brought gifts to Heather. Special thanks to Dr. W. A, Craw- ford and the hospital staff. 27b MORE SCANDAL TRAVELS OVER THE 'PHONE TODAY (THAN EVER. WAS SPILLED OVER THE BACK FENCE! It is mow the time of the year when you should be feeding your beef cattle grain and concentrates. For the Week at 5August 11 thrtnigh to August 28 we are offering as a special 24% Beef Maker at a Reduced Price of $79 a ton. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN, BUY NOW! CARD OF TRANS We wish to thank the friends and neighbours who donated blood, provided transportation to and from 'London, and helped -in any way, during the illness of husband and father. The many kindnesses and expressions of 'sympathy shown at time of bereavement are also deeply appreciated.—Eva Jacklin and family. - 27* BRICK REPAIR service—chim- neys, walls, eta, No job too small. Free estimates;, guaranteed work. Fowlers -Masonry Repair Service, • phone 994, Wingham, 2731017* 1958 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE Interested in a position leading, to the degree of CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT APIPIY to A,. AL HARPER, C.A. 33 Hamilton Street, Goderich , Telephone 343I 27b gasagagaiia a ,,, mama, g tt all , op ,,, ii 114111 REPAIRS Before daughter got married, her mother told her everything she knew about how to run a home smoothly. But there's one thing mother didn't know, Because even a feW years ago it didn!t play 'a very big part in keeping house, And that's , the importance of frozen foods in today's meals! Today's wife buys ten times--more frozen vegetablea, fruits, even • meat and TV dinners than a few years sigo. And with a Frigidaire Foed Freezer from Burke's you can serve your family these deli- nadies daily-. It's like having a marvelous Super-Market right at home! „Let Burke's Show yott +how yeti can save money, Ado, by freezing vegetables and fruits in season, (It's much easier than pre- 'serving them the old-fashioned way.) You earl quick-freeze, left- overs, too—and serve them weeks later. Today, tritire's offer you low- est.prices ever . , and easy Credit terms on beautiful chest-type or upright Frigidaire Food Free- Zeta that hold tip to 100 pounds. Drop into Burke's today — and See everything there MarVellous rood Freers can do! 8or more information call Burite'O. BURKE ELECTRIC tiutte;clal, Itultoittlalo .ittottie mud' Fifiln MOW Rewind' 141U1 Repair PHONE 4$4 iWittOttot NcoricE TO CREDITORS IN' THE ESTATE OF ELLA ANGUS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above, mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the 5th day of August, 1958, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or. before the 13th day of September, A.D„ 1958. After that date the Executors will proceed' to distribute the estate having regard only to, the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 12th day of AuguSt, A.D., 1958. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 27sept3:10b NOTICE TO 'CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 9F MARY ELIZABETH MITCHELL ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned ,late of the Township of Howick, in the County, of Huron, Widow, who died on the first day of July, 1958, are required to file proof of same with the undersign- ed on or before the 13th day of September, A,D. 1958. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the es- tate having regard only to the claims, of which they shall then have ad notice.. DATED at Wingham this 12th day of August AD., 1958. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario' Solicitors for the Executors 27sept3 :1012 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ' IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF HARRY F. MeGEE, late of the. Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Oentlernan, deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY OWEN PURSUANT to the Trustee Act that all creditors and ethers havint- claims against the Estate of the lAte Harry F, McGee, are required to send particulars of their claims duly verified, to J. W.* BUSK- FIELD, Q,C., Solicitor for the Ex- ecutor, of the said .Estate, on or before the 13th day of September A.D., 1958, and that after suel• date the Executor will proceed. t(' distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to tin claims of which he shall' then haw had notice,' DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 25th day of August,' A.D4 1958, J, W. BUSHFIELD, WINGI-141q, Ontario. Solicitor for the' Executor, 27 Sept 311.0b WHAT MOTHER NEVER TOLD HER DAUGHTER patigi.****" p..• Pr P 1,"-W*4.--1 "'" •