HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-08-27, Page 1, WM:MAI% ONTABIO* LONG THE MAIN DRAG By The Pedestrian op Entertainment Here For Wild West . Week-end LATE AGAIN— This issue of The Advance- Times appears a day later than usual because of staff holidays last, week. InefortunatelY, the same thing will happen again next week, tine to Labor Day occurring on Monday. These s'hould be the last de- lays until Thanksgiving week- end. Our sincere thanks to the readers of this paper who are so understanding and co-oper- -ative on the six or seven occas- ions during the year when delayed publication, is necessary. Graduation Held for Winghatn Class. Graduation ceremonies were _held at the Wingham General Hospital nurses' residence last week for 14 girls who had completed the nurs- ing assistants' course. 'The 'graduates were Alice I-Tees, Drurnho; Edythe Walker, Gorrie; Marilyn Webster, Tiverton; Joan Sutter, Walkerton; Verna O'Hare, Corunna; Margaret Dalyrymple, R,R, 3. Blyth; Ina, Madill, Mark- dale; Shirley Dodg-son, Owen Sound; Phyllis Moore, Lucknow; Gladys Reid, Kincardine; Isabel Scott, Wingham; Marilyn Yorke, Parkhill; Barbara Bradley, Code- rich, ' .4tomittWAM,MAI, " Berry Door Co. Buys 22 Acre Site for Housing ,!ellArlIMInm.M.11.,•00•1•1 111,1•111.1•110•1.1M01,1..,, THREE IN ONE-- On Monday Mrs. Davison of Wroxeter brought a small-shed monstrosity into the office. Appar- ently things haven't been altogether above-board in her cucumber patch, fair six vines managed to 'produce only one cucumber . and it turned out to be 'a tieple com- bination effort. Three cakes had joined forces to produce one about two e inchee in length. • u - 0 - 0 LOOKS CATIA_ND—` Congratulations are sure in order for the Lions Club's decorating committee. The Main drag is he-, decked with colored penants, sheaves of corn at every lamp post and many of the other rural items used in preparation for Frontier Days. The sheriff's office is lo- cated in the rooms below the Brunswick Coffee -Shop. 0-0-0 WINTER ON THE WAY?— The first chilling note of the season comes with the announce- ment that the hockey club .will hold its organization meeting next week. However, it's encouraging to see the boys getting ready well abead of time, 0 - 0 - 0 ' Thursday evening, Friday and Saturday will constitute one of Wingharees really big week-ends of theptwny,ear • , Frontier Days, which a have become tradition in this The Lions Club, which sponsors the event, has streamlined the en- tire show to provide what is generally believed to be the finest program yet offered, Top-notch artists have been engagedfor all the public performances, and their shows are of the type which crowds here will thoroughly enjoy. The •big name, of course, is Gordie Tapp, whose infectious grin and informal antics, are very fain- Pier to TV viewers, In addition there will be the Hansen Sleters, Anne Gable, Barbara Barlow, Slim, Boucher and the Golden Prairie Cowboys, Ann May and her trained horses and animals,' Bob Mae- Intyre anti the full. CKNX Baru Dance troop, FrontierADdmiaysssi°haIlveLooewver, to put it frankly, made any great fortune for the Lions Club. Admiseion prices have consistently been" kept as low as possible so the residents of this town and district could bring the whole family and enjoy the best of entertainment Without breaking any pothetbookse The Lions have made every effort to follow the same pattern last year— fun-packed value for every cent spent during Frontier Days. In order to make the event worth- while, however, big crowds are needed at all the events. , Parade Big Feature One of the most, • popular features of Frontier' Days has al- wsaarusidbaeyenaftethrneoogniaanntd parade rt eenr the list of entries received so far it, will be bigger than ever this year. Wingham has 'seen some truly magnificent spectacles in. years past, because of the willing co-operation of the many individu- als and firms which take so much trouble to prepare floats and secure old vehicles. Action starts at the town park on Thursday evening where there will be a midway, games, rides, bingo, etc. There is no admission to the grounds so you can bring othuet fun, whole family and join in On Friday evening the Gordie Tapp show in the arena is expected, to draw a large crowd to see a whole galaxy of TV stars in person, The show will be followed by the Frontier .B a11 with Slim Boucher - and his boys providing the musie. Saturday afternoon the parade will be followed by a full afternoon of varied entertainment at the park, where the Durham Girls' Trumpet Band and Ann May will be the feattire attractions, On Saturday evening you can be sure of plenty of company at the arena for Wingham 's own CKNX Barn Dance group will broadcast and then follow up with dancing— an attraction that has drawn capacity crowds for the past four years, Complete details of the three-day program can be found on page six • of this Paper, S AWARD— Peter Nasmith, son of Mr. and Mrs, D. C. Nasmith, was presented with an artillery blazer by Col. M. R, Oliver of Listowel at the con- clusion of the cadet course which 13.m been running throughout the summer. The award was •made to Peter as the top cadet in his class. Instruction was given to 'cadet groups at Wingham and Listowel. NOT TOO LATE TO ENTERTHE PARADE • .• C.N.I.B. camp director, points. out the fact that Mrs. Louise Brecken- ridge of Edward St., Wingham (right) is much closer. Herbert 'Collar (centre) of Wingham and Bob Wilson of Kingston look on. The White Cane can be used for many things. At 'the damp for the • Blind in Ancaster, Ontaiio, it is not only used ,for guiding Amrposes but also as a measuring stick. Stewart Henry of Witighane measures the distance his quoit rests from the goal as Charles Coekburn Toronto Nun Posted to Asia isket Francis John of our Lady off trdes Parish, Toronto, has bee ueesigned by the lefaryknoll Sisters'of St, Dominic Novitiate, at Maryknell, N.Y., to South China (Hong kong-Formosa), A graduate of St,, Augustine's Separate School, Wingham High School and St. Michael's School of Nursing, Toronto, the former Edna Brophy entered the novitiate in 1955 following 10 years of nursing at St. Michael's Hospital. Duties of the Maryknoll Sisters ,in Asia, where they first went in 1921, include work in sehodls and medical and social welfare work. Sister Francis John spent a fen/ days recently with her aunt and uncle, Miss Mary Ada and Mr. Ambrose Brophy. at St. Augustine, First Steps Are Taken Toward Swimming Pool COURSE IN WATER SAFETY COMPLETED A project which has been in the planning stage with Berry Door, Co., Ltd., for several weeks, took concrete form last week, with the announcement that the firm has purchased a 22-acre tract of land adjacent to the north-east corner of the town. Early. last month Glenn Berry. president of the local firm, as well as the American company,, visited. Wingham, and initiated plans to provide lanci—foe- the erection of homes by company employees and the public. Suitable land for build- ing purposes has been at a prem- ium in Wingham and the addition- al, 22 acres, part of which is already subdivided into lots, should give considerable impetus to home building here. The first home to be erected in the new tract ,will be that of Francis Mills, vice-president of the Berry company, who will take up permanent residence in Wingham. Mayor R.• E. McKinney and Mem- bers of the town council have been working with the Berry company for some time in an effort to secure a suitable land area for home sites. The tract which has been purchased will be set aside for residential purposes only. It is situated north of Charles and west of Shuter streets, extending to a town park reservation for about half its Jength along the Maitland River, thence to' the river bank. ,Airplane Drops Monday and Tuesday evening two members of the Lions Club were engaged in a rather exciting task,' Bill Cruikshank and Norm Welwood, in the formers' air- craft, swept over 'Win,gham and other towns in this area, dropping leaflets which advertise the forth- coming Frontier Days. ,Ten thous- and of these leaflets were scattered to the wind. folders of these leaflets may bring them to the town park on Saturday afternoon when a draw will' be made for a prize of $100.00. The bills carry identifying num- bers and the draw at the park will continue until some person is found who has in his possession a leaflet with a number correspond- ing to the one drawn. It's well worth your while to come to the park and bring the airborne hand- bill with you. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Burns Moffatt of Bluevale, wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Etoile Annette to Mr. William. Harold Johnston, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Charles !Johnston, R.R.' 4, Wing- ham, Ont, the marriage to take place the early part of September, F27* Anyone who desires to do so can still enter horses, 'old• vehicles or floats in the Frontier Days parade which takes place on Saturday af- ternoon. 'Don't hold back because 'you are -a; bit late: The parade moves off at 1.30 p.m., but those taking part are ex- pected to be are the marshalling points at 12.30. The youngsters, who will form the van of the parade with doll buggies, tricycles, etc., are to gather at Reavie's Garage. Adults entering the parade MUST report to the Sheriff's Office, lo- cated in the rodin below the Brunswick Coffee Shop, before 12 o'clock. At the office each entrant will be given his parade number and will be directed to his position in the marshalling area. Those who wish to take floats into the park, to be left on exhibit for the after-, noon may do so, but they must get their directions at the Sheriff's Of- fice before 12. If they intend to take their floats into the park the Sheriff must be notified. Spectators are requested to park their cars clear of the parade route and the marshalling' area. The floats will be assembled south along Edward Street, The parade will move off from the foot of Edward, east along Victoria and north on Josephine to the park. These streets must be kept clear of parked cars, LOCAL MEMBER PRESENTS TROPHY NEIGHBORS CUT, THRESH CROP John W. Hanna, of Wingham, and. M.P.P. for Huron-Bruce, was in the limelight at the Woodbine Raceway last week when he pre- sented the Canadian Cup to the owners of Howard Rosecroft, the fastest trotter in Canada. Mr. Hanna was acting in his capacity as a Member of the Ontario Rac- ing Commission. The cup was received by Sheri- dan Revington and Bud Gilmour, joint owners of the fast horse, which was driven by Gilmour., Their wives were present for the presentation ceremony, when Mr. Hanna turned over the Canadian Cup. The purse which accompan- ied the trophy amounted to $8,100.00. • Latee in the week Mr. Hanna was a guest at the Royal York Hotel when the city of Toronto en- tertained 700 guests to mark the opening of the Canadian National Exhibition and to honor John Diefenbaker, prime minister of Canada. Speakers ate the dinner, in addition to Mr. Diefenhaker, were Premier Leslie Frost of On- tario and Mayor Nathan Phillips of Toronto. Another recent event attended by Mr. Hanna was a reception at the Royal /York for the High Com- missioner of India. GORRIE—The classes in water safety and swimming in the Gorrie Park were finished on Friday, August 15th. Al Sivelle,, Toronto, of the Water Safety Division of the Red Cross, conducted tests. Eleven Intermediates were tested and all were successful, as were 20 jun- iors and 27 beginners. Names Of Intermediates are: Nadine Cook, Sandra Edgar, Bill Keil; Peter Keil, Dale Morlancl, Donald Mor- land, Donald Whitfield, Paul Gal- braith, Carol Robinson, Evelyn Ann Stephens and Gwen Hynclinan, Pins will be awarded later. Ron fube,'Fordwich was the in- structor and Sandra Edgar assisted, Mr, Sivelle was Well pleased With the results and complimented those who have been responsible for. the class, The parents co-operation in bringing children to the classes was commended. This•is the second year that Gerrie has had these Water Safety classes under the sponsorship of the Red , Cross. The president, Gorden hopes it may be continued next year. —Visitors at the home of N. J. McLaughlin 'ate Mr. and Mrs, John McLaughlin and daughter Jane of Ottawa. John Runstedtler 'Wins Scholarship John Runstedtler, senior student at the Wingham District High School, has been awarded a $200.00 Board of Governors scholarship to the University of Western Ontario. Applicants for the scholarship are required to have at least first class honors in c,ight, of the examinations written in June. John will enter Western next month to take a mathematics and physics course, Presented with Gift Ten couples gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Guest last week in honour of Mr. and Mrs Bob Carbert, who are moving 'to Ottawa shortly. Five tables of euchre were en- joyed during the evening after which the Cathetts were prosoltorl with a suitable gift from their friends. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Alex Graf of Wal- kerton,' wish to announce the en.-- gagement of their eldest daughter; Beta Elizabeth, to Mr. Jamee Leo Deaner, son of Mr, and Mrs. James Deitner of Ethel. Marriage to take place in Chepetow the. early part of September. F27* 'Former Win ghamite In CNE; Performance ,avirs: W. M. Connell and Mt and Mrs. Howard L. Sherbondy were guests last week-end with Mr, and Mrs. G, C. ClaMinage in Torotito, They attended the grandstand per- formance at the Canadian. National Exhibition, George Garnmage, of Centralia, is a member of the RCAF division of the Services Pre- cision Squad which is presented The neighbors of Mr. and "Mrs. Ted Fear have again shown, true community spirit. Last spritig Mr, Fear was very ill with pneumonia and his neighbors sowed his crop, On Sunday he was released from hospital . following two-weeks' period to find that Ab Vincent had assisted Mrs. Fear in .cutting the crop' and with Jim Mattes' me eh- Inery.',761en Nixon, Mervin Ritchie, George Cook, Ken Wheeler, Ab Coultes, Wayne Fear and Ed and John Wightman had spent two days threshing, Mrs, John Nixon had also assist- ed in the enterprise by supplying the halting, Wayne Fear has helped with the chores each night, • GODER1CH RINK WINS J. HANNA DOUBLES First Triplets in History Of Hospital All Thriving Decision was reached by the Wingham Water' Safety 'Committee last week to take immediate action to provide a swimming pool in town for the 'use of the residents of the entire community; rural, as well as urben e W. B. Conron is the chairman of the committee -and Lloyd Carter is secretary-treasurer. The group • was originally' appointed to minister a fund raised through the generosity' of many local and former residents when an appeal was made by The Advalice-Times. Other Members of the committee are Jim Carr, Warren Callan and Harvey Taylor. The decision to seek finds for a swimming pool was made following Wingharree third drowning within fourteen months. The Water Safe- ty group has already 'placed life preservers at strategic points near the town's two dams and. a balatice of about .$750.00 remains 'in the fund which preetnnably could be used to form the nuelette of a pool, Several lotal fitms and in- dividuals have already indicated that they would be prepared to support the, project, • In addition there have,been offers of free labor and cost-price. construction work. Before a final de,cisiotnie reached in regard .to a pool, Which it is believed Will cost in the neighbor- hood of $35,000,00 a ,pablie meet- ing will be called to bear ex- pressions ,of opinion, on the matter. The• meeting date ,has, been ten- tatively set for Sept. 8. Readers are also asked to Olen to Mtge two of this paper, At :the foot of the editorial 'column' a questionnaire has been printed, asking your opinion about the construction of a pool Please give It your atteation. About two hundred " Wingham children are at present/, receiving swimming and Water 'safety in- etrUctia at the Tedeeveter pool" and it is felt by many in this bort-man- ity that the tune NW certainly thine When Winglitien eholtid be looking after its own children. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Thomas 'N. Currie of Wingham, announce the engage- ment lof their daughter, Mary llt, Fran e ' to Mr, JameS Alexander SinaiI , soh of Mr. and Alva. James Al Sialth, Belfast, N. Ireland. The t marriage will take place -on Satur- day, September. 20, at 2 &deck, in St, .A.ildreW's Presbytcjian Church, Wingham, 27,' nisMi'A(IrEMUNT Mr. and Mrs: W. E, Broven. Wingham, announce the engage- ment Of their daughter ',GiVendolyn Ann to Ian Chisitolni, Son of Dr. and Mrs, C, MacLaurin Of Toronto. The marriage ,tcv .take. Tieee in Belgrave United Church at 6 P.01.. on Sattirday,Sopternber 6th, 1058, 27* Accidents Cause Two Broken ArMs Barbara • datiley fiVe-year-old' ammitor , 6e Mr, taker r, and Mrs. tr Ontlicee Whighaeri, Was treated for fractured light oth aft6r bbs fell off a truck last Friday, AT HANNA DOUBLES—There was a near-rendrel en try of 36 rinks for OM Melee Doubkst Winne* theitt tit the Wilurhant bowling green on Monday eVe ring. Piettlfed between gaiines fire Mehie Towneead, tioderich, who skipped the svioning rink ?Ulm W. tra0ni411,P.P., donor of the trophy, Harvey •Setlitigeedt$ Cioderich, skip et the second place rink; Wally Stiller, Loodwy and Peter tisset, Setiald MAU nit 04 8eritrigeour Sink,- Advance-Times photo. 1. First Visit In Forty .Five Years Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Hart of Iles- sell, Man., spent a few days with frieede in Whighern Mr. Milt is a son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Ezra r irk father was employed at the old Union factory for some years and their purchased the teroeery story formerly operated by. paVid Rush. Mt Alvin Hart left Wingham in IDA went Wog in 1.911 arid has not visited hero since ibis. When he first Went to Western Canada he taught eciteol, but for Many years has operated theatres in various towns in Manitoba and. Saskatchewan, The first triplet babies he the history of the Wingham'H'o 'spital arrived on Tuesday evening of last Week, The two boys and a girl are the children of Mr. and Mrs. JameS Lenient of telgrave, Their Mother was the former Irene Smith of the Sante village, and is well known: in Wingham, where she Was 011 005,0d at the Stedman store for some time, 4rm babies are all well and at birth averaged five and a half pounds, the largest being six pounds ,and the smallest fOUr and a half The triplets have an older brother, Dale. Their father is a well known. garage Operator In telgraVe. Dr. W. A, MeKibbon, of Wing- ham, wit's the attending physician.. A visitor in the Wingliain diStriet, Elizabeth AshWotth, of coyshogs Pans, Ohio, fraettwed het tight 'arm whorl she fell froin a herso, The fracture as treated at the Wing- hani An exceptionally fine entry of 36 rinks turned up at the Meal bowl- ing greens on,MOnday night for the annual men's doubles, in play for the Hanna Trophy, First prize winners were Archie Townsend and Stewart Robinson, GOdetieh, With 3 wins and a plus of 20; second, Harvey Scrimgeour and. Peter Bisset, Goderich, 3 pine 17; titled, Archie Ferguson 'and partner, .Walkerton, 3 plus 16i fourth, Neil Binder and partner, Walkerton, 3 PIns 14; fifth, G. Curtis and Roy Lightfoot, Port Elgin, 2 plus 20; sixth, J. H, Craw- ford and Omar Baselgrover Wing- hem, 2 plus„ 16; seventh, " Jack Pater and el Donahue, Teee- g plus 16; eighth, Roy Snarling and George Baechler, Coderich, 2 plus 11, ' John W. fiance, M,P.P., Was on hand to present the trophy to the winning Oecicrich rink, Valtie of prites ter the event tetalled $100 00 donated equally by Mr. Hanna 'and the bowling club, The hieinbers of the Ladiee" Bowling Clubserved SarldWithe$ and coffee for. the ENGAGFIMENT. Mr, and Mrs. Morley Pettephe of „Ore the ale, Ontario' announce tlittiatiVageneent of theft eldest d`aur tor Statjerie Cathatinei to John Keith Walker McLennan, only son of Nits. Rein MeLeterien ' and the late David leIeLeettiele 'of intlevalef Ontario, 'The Marriage to take Plan die Seleteeriber in the, ,Presbyterian Church, Tees- water, Ontario,