HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-08-06, Page 7' Mr. Jim Gurninina ,of Thedford
spent the weeksend 'with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cum-
mins. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner of
Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. John
McAllister and sons of -Centralia,
visited on Sunday at the home of
Mr• and Mrs. Kenneth Mason. •
You can pay
as you use
Visitork at A, N. Uktliatter'e last spEAKs ON JAPAN. .„ can Rbboop
Church Playwright
Dies in -OttaNa
Mrs* Clara. Ttothwell ..Anclarson,
413 Laurier :avenue east died at Ilor
home 05, After a short lilness.,
She was 87.
, ,
Mr. arid Mr!. Allart a 0.:(3 •
1Viztrillrcd ,gre 49,1"44,7432g
oottaot at Aroltettiviy, r as 1'an,
Allan Sobott ,of Cleveland kr
Miss Muriel Gerrard., VITinnsi.I4.
is gliest of Miss Elaio and ,
Marion Gibson at their Marna
MISS Susan allisen of Richht
Um Is also aguest of her anal
Mrs, Rev, ROW and Onghte
Kathleen and Louise spent h.
week holidaying at Rite/leper.
Forum Picnic at
Turnberry Park
PVLGRAVE - The Turnberry *Paris Was the setting for the seem-
',hers of the Bechnin Farm Fort=
' tamer up to told their pienie on San-
day afternoon. Almost all the
members were able to be present,
Games and races were .enjoyed by
the ',children in the ,afternoon. A
Pienie supper .completed the actiVi,
BELGRAVE-The following are
the results of the Field Competition
at Brussels Fair for Garry Oats;
William Dennis, 89, Walton; IAoyd
Montgomery 87, R.R. 2, Wingham;
Graham Work, 86, Brussels; Leslie
Bolt; .84, Beigrave; Dennis Lan-
gridge, $1, Brussels, 5; Clar-
ence Yuill, 80, Brussels R.R, 0;
Wilbert Turnbull, 78, Walton; Jim
Bownean, 77, Drussels; W .lam
Turnbull, 76, Walton; Qlern Steffler,
75, Cranbrook; Jim Smith, 74, Wal-
The judge for these entries was
Alphonso Schmidt of MI/areas?,
Mrs. Harry Mulvey
is W.M.S. Leader
ELMORF-'.The WKS, meet-
tng was held in, the United Church
on Wednesday, July 39th. Mrg,
Harry MillYeY was leader and fol-
lowed the theme "The Bible and
Prayer." Hymn 41 was sung.
Mrs. I. Nell, Mrs, W. Johann,
Mrs. H, Mulvey and Mrs. AhrabaM
took part in the Bible Study‘ WS,
N, Newans and. Mrs. Farrell eaeft
gave very interesting readings.
Mrs. Carl Douglas and Wayne
sang a duet, "The Wise Man and
the Foolish Man" which was pit-
joyed very much.
The roll call, a verse on power
was Well responded to. Mrs. Qatl
Douglas then gave the chapter
Japan, "Facing Tomorrow,"
The mihutes of the last meeting
were read by the secretary, Mrs.
Len Metcalfe, Hymn S46 was sung
and Mrs. Mulvey closed the meet-
ing , with prayer,
400 Attend Garden
Party at Belgrave
BELGRA.VE-Almost 400 persons
attended the garden party held
Wednesday evening at the home of
Mr. and. Mrs, Richard Procter and
sponsored by the members of Trin-
nity ,Anglican Church, Good weath-
er prevailed and the meal and
concert were enjoyed on the spac-
ious lawns of the Procter home.
The Girls' and Boys' Band of
Winghamprovided music while the
supper was being served.
Rev. R. P. Mealy was chairman
for the programme: Vocal solos by
George Procter, accompanied by
Miss Ruth Procter; vocal numbers
by Bert Pepper, accompanied by
Carol Pepper; vocal solos by Shar-
on Strong; Scottish dances by
Anne Cittrie, and cornet solo by
Joyce Procter and Ruth Michie
accompanied by Mrs. Lawrence
L. S. Viekery, offieersinseharge
of the Canada Department of Ap
rleulture Tobacco :Sub-station 'here,
said that the present indications
are that harvesting of the 1958 to-
bacco crop would be general by
the first or seeensl week in Aug-
ust. "Some farmers will be start-
ing next week," he said, "and many
will net be starting until the middle
of August, but it is fairly certain.
operationa Will be general during
the first week,!"---Delhi News-Re-
Born end educated at UstOwel;
Ont., she was the daughter of the
late Mr, and Mrs. Benjamin Both-,
welt She was married to Rev, Dr.
P, W. Anderson, late minister of .
McKay Wilted. Church,
Mrs. Anderson was a graduate of
the 'Toronto Conservatory of Music
and for some time soloist at Trin-
ity Methodist Chureh,
She was the author of many.
church plays which were performed
across Canada and in 1023 her
novel, "John 1Viatheson", was PA).1,,
She was a life member of the
Wornen'a Missionary Society of the '
United Church in Canada, a gift
from. the McKay W.M.S.
Surviving are two sons, Bruce
Rethwell of Montreal and William
Murray, New York; ane daughter,
Mrs. Henry X, McLaughlin (Jean)
of 'Ottawa; three sisters, Miss
Ruby Bothwell, of Brockville; Mrs,
Thomas Bingle, of Brantford, Ont.,
and Mrs. H. Quinn, of Belleville,
Ont., and two grandchildren.
HIDIANa----.Mrs. Howlett Sr..
of RR, 4, Brantford, was zuest
speaker at the summer Meeting of
the W,MS, held in the church on,
Tuesday afternoon, Mrs,
Green, the preSident, welcomed the•
guests from •Whitectiorch, Beek
Church and the Asinield circuit
and Mrs.. W. I, Miller assisted her
in the worship period,
Mrs. pustan Eeemft of White-
church favoured with guitar music
and Sandra Ctianiney and' Janie
Beecreft of Brick sang' '41-low
Great Thou Art".
Mrs, Howlett, Introduced by Miss
W, D. Rutherford, delighted the
ladles with her interesting and in.
formative talk on Japan, where she
had spent two years with her son
Who IS a ;missionary among the
rural people. there, She told mainly
of 'the work. of spreading the
Gospel among those rural people,
A pleasant social hour followed
during which a plane solo by Mrs.
Elaine McDowell and a trio by
Marilyn Cameron, Diane Ritchie
Barbara Nelson were ,enjoyed.
Mr. Ralph Hewlett, a. former
minister here and the son of the
guest apeaker, told something of
the wonderful work they are doing
at Hadden Springs near Brantford.
week Were JOhlt Bryans of Harris-
ten, Pr, Fred Bryans and his two
slaters, Miss EVA and Sara Bryans
all of Toronto, Mre. Willits , of
Gorrie and two daughters, Viola
and Ellen of Toronto and grand,-
daughter, jag. Graham pf Gorrie
and his father, Robt. Graham of
Gorrie, and Mrs. Freda McDonald
of London, Mrs. Alba Actesqn,
Grand Bend, and Mr. Stan Gallaher
of Salem,
Sunday visitors at A. E. Galla-
her's were Cliff Willits of Slmeoe
and his sister, Ellen of Toronto, Mr,
and Mrs, Demist, also of 'Toronto
and Harvey B.eidt of Wroxeter.
Mr. and. Mrs, Qlarence Patterson
and son, Joe, Mr, and Mrs. Maurice
Patterson and daughter Susan all
of Windsor, and Mr, and Mrs,
Walter Williams, Toronto were
week-end guests here,
Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Haines
accompanied by Mrs. Nelson 'Ray-
nard and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie
spent Thursday with friends here,
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Nixon and
sons, formerly of the R.C,A.F.
Station, Centralia, who have been
visiting Mrs. Nixon's parents; Mr.
and Mrs, George Griffith, left Mon-
day for their new home in Green-
wood, N.S,
WROXETER Another annilal
Lions. Frolic was held itt-Wroxetef
Carnmiirdy Park on July 20th and
30th, with a •good attendance.
Despite the threatening weather on
Tuesday night a fair attendance
was admitted and enjoyed the
program by the Meyers Sistera and
Terry McI4ure of Milverton and
later there were bingo, gatrieS,
weight guessing, pony rides, etc.
Wednesday night drew a larger
crowd and Vince IVfotintford and
his group from Milverton put on
the program,
Prize winners on the draw Were;
1st, bicyCle, Brenda Brevni, Wrox--
eters 2nd, clock radio, Mrs. Wray
Cooper; 3rd, ironing hoard, Elseh-
ner Service, Gorrie; 4th jlep-iits
toaster, Bob Gathers, Gorrie; 5th,,
lawn. chairs, David Field, Tee*.
water; 0th, wrist watch, Ted ,
Smith, Wroxeter; 7th;
wagon,-Vernon Inglis, R.R. 1;. Clif-
ford; $th, cookopt barbeeiihs Mrs.
Anna Merkley, Wingham; "Oth,
bathroom scales; Earl King, 'Gorrie;;
10th, clothes ihamper,l itoss. Tomah,
Wroxeter; 11th, clack, Mrs. W.
Patterson, Wingham; 12th, coffee
carafe, Geo, Ross, Bluevales 13th,
20pc, dishes, D. L. Sanderson, Tor
ronto; 14th, hot plate, D. A. Bann,
Brussels; 15th, kiltie 'jug, Lloyd
McGee, Wroxeter; 18th '8 pe. snack
set, Bruce Holton, HarristonS 17th,
clothe8 basket, Donpa CoUpland,
Wroxeter; 18th, step on pan John
Smith, Wingham; 19th lawn Sneers,
Jaelc Burdasho, Milverfon; 20th;
picnic basket, Colleen McMillan,
Gorrie, Both evening's entertain-
inent, ended with open air,,,dancing.
The ladies are reminded of the
August meeting of the Women's
Institute this (Thursday) evening
at 8.30. Mrs. Allister Hughes will
give a demonstration on rug;malc-
ing, All the ladies are invited. A Cash Register
Designed For Many Busineilis
GARDEN TEA .11E1.11,
WROXETER-Mrs, Mae Allen of
Montreal, who is holidaying at, her
summer home here, and her guest
Miss Vera Piercy, of ,London were
joint hostesses at a garden tea, on
Friday afynoon.
Guests incliscied the Misses.. Mar-
Visitors for the Centennial IA-
eluded Dr. George and Dr. W. C.
MacGregor of Chicago, Mr. Alqc
MacGregor of Gramm, Alta,, anti'
Miss Anna Stuart of Toronto with
Mr. and Mrs, George Stuart; M.
and Mrs. Jack Berndt Sr., and Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Berndt Jr,, of Rode4,
California, Miss Isabelle ,MacPheri-
Sini of London, L.A,C, Fred
Thompson of Centralia, Miss Nancy
Baldwin and. Mr. Bob RutterOf ,St.
Thomas, 'Mr: and Mrs,, Tony Ad-
ams and' Marion, of Toronto, 'Mr.
8.41. Mrs, Walter IvlacFarla,ne; Mr.
and Mrs. Mungo MacFarlane, Mr,
and Mrs.,Tom MacFarlane, Mr, and
Mrs. S, Raynard'With their' fang-
lies of Bltievale; Mr, and Mrs. Roy
Campbell of Kitchener with, /4
and. Mrs. Cord MacPherson; Mr?
and'Mrs. James Perdue, of Wolsley,
Sask., Mr. and Mrs. John Scott,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and
Jack Scott of London with MrS.
Joe Gaunt and Mr. and Mrs. Ern,.
eat Gaunt; Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Met
Cabe of Windsor, and Miss Eileen
Sparkes of London with Mr. an
Mts. Fred McQuillin; Mr. and. Mri.
Robert Buchanan and Shirley and
Mr. Fred Russell of Amherstburg
swith4MrsfF, G. r. and ma,
T; J. Todd.
Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Petrie of
Herkimer, N,Y„ and Miss Margaret
Y4111 of Carleton Place visited last
Tuesday with Mrs. Laura Johnston
rind George,
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shaw and fam-
ily of London spent a few. days last
Week with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. John Anderson and other rela-
Mr. and Mrs. Alan McKay and
family of Walleeehurg spent a few
days last week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGulie and
other relatives In the district,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart of
London have been visiting a lot of
their friends in and around the
village the past week. "
Mr, and Mrs, David Armstrong
spent last week with their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil
Armstrong and .family at Thorn-
Miss Joan Brydges of -London
spent the Week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Dunbar:
Mr, and 2VIrs,'Lloyd Anderson of
London' spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr, Roy McGee of-, Kitchener
spent the week-end with his:
brother, Mr, Gordon McGee.
.11 Mr. and Mrs. George Linley, Mr,
..,Ceddie Jones and Miss Margaret
. Malloy, all of Detroit, with Mr, and
WS; Albert Vincent, on Friday. s,
Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell and
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent visit-
ed on 'Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Gordon Richardson and other
relatives at Grand Valley,
Mr, and'Mrs. Russell Kelly of
Cooksville spent the week-end with
his parents; Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs, Ralph McCrea and
Dongla'S visited oil -Sunday with
•Mr. and John Al:lifting and
f mily; Blyth. . •
' • ' r.i.and: Mrs, .jerry Higgins 'Of'
Toronto;..Miss. Margaret Higgins of
London arid "Mis. Stanley Halliday
also. of London visited • over the
week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Robert •
Mr. and 'Mrs. Norman Stone-
house of London spent the week-
end with his parents, Me, and Mrs.
Robert. 'Storehouse and Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse.'
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Young of
Lucan visited over the week-end
with his. mother, Mrs. Jim Young.
• Misses Cathy arid Lia de Yong
Miss'Donna Woods, student nurse
at 'the Kitchener-Waterloo 'Ilbspi-.
tal was, home for a' couple of! days.
Dr, Burdge Green, son,
of Stillwell„ Oklahoma, have
been holidaying with his parents,
Rev. B..F.'arid.Mrs, Green,
There Will be ne service' in the
United Church next Sunday nor
on August .24th, 'On August 17th
and 31st. Mr. Colin Fingland of
Wingham ,will occupy the pulpit.
• Ivan McQuillin of Elmira is
spending a week's holiday at his
home here.
Ion and Elsie Gibson of Winnipeg,.
Miss Hazel Weeks, Mrs, ,,Laura.
Mann, Mrs. Thirza. Dickinson, ;Miss
Nettie Moffat, Miss Amelia ' 01-
heiser, Mrs. Mel Donahue; all of
Teeswater, Mrs. Jean Findlater;.,nf
Toronto,1 Mrs. Mary Walsh of
Palmerston, Miss Kay Hazelwood,
and Mrask,A,Maelsjas,4istpsikWings„
ham, also Mrs. Allah,' Munro of
Wretater, who was honored with a
birthday cake for her special day,
August 1st. Following: the tea
bridge was' enjoyed.
spent the last two weeks with Mr.
and Mrs. Aide Styles, Billy and
Patsy at Mimico.
Mr. and,Mrs. Clayton Procter of
Fort Francis, Mrs. Wes. 'Kerr • of
Brussels and Mrs. Edith Sheradan
of Tbronto' visited recently with
Mr, and Mrs. Carl Procter.
Mt. and Mrs. George Jones of
London spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilkie on
of smithville and Mrs, Edith Sbera-
clan, visited recently with Miss
Annie Baker and Charlie and Clay-
ton Wilkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Styles, Billy
and Patsy of Mimico, spent the
week-end. With Mrs. Cora McGill.
Mrs. Styles and children remained
to spend a couple•.oi. weeks:, --
The members of. Club 20 gathered•
tegetheOfii,Point Clark 'on Sunday
for ,.their annual picnic. A social
time; „swiniOngs:and picnic lunch
was rajah enjeyed by the,members
and' their fah-inks, ,
Mr. and Mrs, Ben HuSkinson and
family spent tvso w_eelc4 ;With Mr.
and Mrs. Geost °OR.
Miss„ Leis Cook 's_pbnt a week
with Mr. and Mrs. James Paton
and family of Mossley.
SCOTT-Mr. and MrS, Mac •Scott
are happy to announce the birth
of their son on August 1st, 1958,
in the Wingham General Hos-
A Smith-Corona cash register guards money and profits -- ease the load
of book-keeping. Fool-proof, simple, modern in appearance, it offers great-
est protection at lowest cost. It will serve the hardware man efficiently -
and many other types of buinesses. _Its modern keyboard itemizes every
sale, by clerks and departments, and makes provision for paid-outs, charge
accounts and similar items.
It's practical, too, in its price. Available in White,
Alpine Blue, Seafoam Green and Salon Pink, it can
be selected from three models at
THIS GROVP of youngsters is enjoying' the activities at the Rec.
Colwell's summer program at 'the town park. From the left they are:
its Corrin, Helen tromptOn, Helen tuakton, Barbara Feagan Garry
r.a:0/(m,, uss;osey usstsa ks, Roney Furness, Judy Riley, Elizabeth
!Jeffrey, Janet...Mad:seam; Tommy Irwin,. Judy Welsh, Brace Henry,
.• .
Kenny Rae, Brian Miller, Stephen Seli, "Device Norman, Brad McKay,
Dianne Jeffrey, Judy Irwin; seated,, Blanche 13iiekton, Bonnie Feagan,
David Welsh, Karen Rae, Jean Irwin, Linda Lockrigge, Nancy Sell.
-Advante-Tit ihoto. ,
Low Down Payments - Very
Low Carrying Charges - Make
it possible for you to start using
a money-saving Smith-Corona
Cash Register right away. See
us - we'll gladly make arrange-
Mrs. Wm. Longstaffe and Miss
Joy returned recently from a trip
to Lyleton, Man,, where they 'visit-
ed friends.
Mr. and Mrs„ Robt, Montgomery,
Mr. ,Jim and 'Miss Marjorie Allen,
Toronto, spent the week-end here.
Miss Linda Hutton, Wingham,
spent a couple of days last ,week
at the home of Mr. John Hupfer.
Mr, and Mrs. LOU Hutton and.
Paul spent Saturday evening at the
same home.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold' Wild. Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Griffith of Wing-
ham and other relatives were Sun,
day guests of Mr, and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coates spent-
a few days last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Mapletoft, Millbrook,
and Ronnie, Elaine and Margaret
Mapletoft returned home with them
for the remainder of the week,'
Misses Aileen, Brenda and Mas-
ter 'Glen Eaton and Miss Kaye 'Mc-
Cowan, Seaforth, spent a few days
last week with Mrs. Alonzo Sper-
ling. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton
and Mrs. Peter McCowan were
Thursday visitors at the same
home and the children returned
home with them,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reffell and
Susan, Byron, spent the week-end
with, Mr. and Mrs. G. A, Gibson,
Mrs. Gibson, who has spent the
past week in Byron, returned home
with them.
Mrs. G. A. Wearing left ;on Sun-
day for a vacation in Detroit, •
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mapletoft,
and baby, Millbrook, spent the
week-end with Mr. and MrS, Ross
Mr. John Hupfer, Mrs. Alonzo
Snarling and Miss Hazel Sperling
were' week-end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Robertson ands'jMrs.
Ethel Carmichael, Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feaver, Bar-
bara and John of Teaneck, N.J.,
are spending their vacation with
Mrs. Feaver's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Ingram. Sunday
visitors at the same home were
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Noble, Dianne,
Sandra, Paul and Hope of Rothsay.
Sandra remained for a longer visit,
Mr. and Mrs. Boyne Sage and
Listowel, spent Sunday
with Ross Toman's.
Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Newton and
girls, Byron. were week-end guests
of Mrs. R. Newton. Mr.. and Mrs.
Lyle Hart and Patti, Listowel, were
guests at the same home..
Mr. and Mrs, Ira McLean and
Murray spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mts. 'Ken Collier, Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Earles and Mrs. Jean Mc-
Donald, London.
Mrs. Jack Clarke, Connie, Rickey
and Nancy aecompanied by Mrs.
Ralph Mad-Iasi, Judy, Paul and
Gary of Brussels, spent several
days last week at Clarke's cottage
at Port Elgin. Week-end visitors
at the same home were Mr. and
Mrs. Gorley McIntosh of Atwood.
Mr, Holly Clement, Hamilton, is
spending his vacation with Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Clement.
Mrs., Freda McDonald, London,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dane
Miss Mavis Stewart, Harriston,
spent last week with her cousin,
Miss Dawne Lae Clark,
Mr, Robt. Westlake, Capreol,
visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs,
Geo. Westlake.
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Clement,
Mr,. Holly Clement, Messrs. Peter,
Danny, and Isabelle spent Sunday
at Holstein,
Mr, and lifts. Bert 'Stephens,
Rupert, due., are vacationing with
the latter's aunt, Mrs. F. F.
Mr, F. Jacklin snent Siinday with
Mr. and Mrs, Webster jacklin,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ashby,
Brantford, spent last week with
Mica Helen, Messrs. Jack and Don
.illaday visitors with Mrs. Jas..
iDoig Were: Mr. and Mrs. Enimer-
floii Mr. end Mrs. Lorne
DOlg, Drayton, and Mr. and Mrs'
Man Dolg„ Eitehener.
We Are pleased lb report that
Mr.'1Ati. Nig, who is still a POMOUL
in Wingham Hospital Is progress
sing slowly but favorably.
Visitors during the peat Week
with John and Mrs. Fraser Wore
Dr, Fred Bryan§ and Misses EVA
And Laura ot Toroato#
Phone '890
The Wingham Advance-Times
Wingham, Out
Agents for Sznith.Corona Cash Registers, Typewriters, Manual and
Electritc Adding Machines.
sly Sehipper IOW -OUT .Ptilt A RAIS-Part of the ittecreatioc cettnell'a .preoltitt pouter oleo* Cathy Pattieoit* terry Slitatente and' Jie
permits eld4asitiaited fitit for the Children and the swings art t"', are seen aheve.,,,Advatiet,Tintea 'photo,