HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-08-06, Page 6star Wed.. 140g, OM* 10 Wing,hiarn ildvaneemTlaneS rC t,”ar tufo You 10.11M 0,0,44,ttlAtS„ .14g4.1).4Y WITH VIET4111.001ARY lt.UPP.PES .FfiP,P4 _The Children's choir of Sacred Heart Church enjoyed a, picnic at Bayfield yesterday where they were the guests .of Dr. A, 'Durand, Miss Mary .Skinn, organist, accom- panied them. —Mrs, Harold Kerr and children and Miss Alice Arbuckle of Toron- to spent a couple. of days last week with friends in Kitchener and Niagara Falls and returned to Stratford to see Princess Margaret. —Mr, and Mrs. Francis Mills spent the week-end with their fam- ily at Farmington, Mich. —Mr, and Mrs. Bob VanDuyn of Wilkesba.rre, Pen., spelt a few dayS in Wingham last week visiting with friends. --Pr. and Mrs: A, W, Largo., Fla,,, and Miss Jean Irwin of Kitchener were week-end vis- itors with Mr. and MI'S, T, A, Currie. —Mrs, Richard Vanstone, Mrs. Hubert Chisaim. and Miss Cathar- ine Bell of Southampton spent a day this week with. Miss Dinsley, Mrs, Vanstone is a former resident of Wingham, having left here 27 years ago. —Mr, Russell Barrett, Mr, and Mrs, Walter „Brooks, formerly of Wingham and NM living in Water- loo, visited with the former's brother, Mt% and Mrs, Roy Barrett, Morris Twp. They were accompan- ied' by Miss Lucy Winkler of Waterloo. San4wiclies for Summer ,Eating Quick suppers are the order of the day when, the weather is nice and everyone wants to spend as much time as noasible out-of-doors, The -Poultry Products Institute points, out that poultry and egg Sandwidhes fit into this "easy living" picture, Not only are the sandwiches simple to Prepare but may be made In the cool of the morning, wraPPed in foil, waxed Paper or Pliofilm' and refrigerated , until 'mealtime like this easily made chicken or turkey 'sandwich, Combine 1 cup finely diced or chopped cooked chicken pr turkey, ,thinly' „sliced radishes, 14 cup diced green pepper, 4 chopped ripe olives, and mayon'naise or salad dressing to moisten. Season to taste with salt and pepPer and if desired add a dash of garlic pow- er. curry powder pr rosemary, Spread generously between butter: ed slices of 'bread. Yields approxi- mately 6 sandwiches., • —L,A.C, Jas, Lockridge and Mrs, Lockriclge of Barrie have returned home after spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Lock- ridge and other relatives. Callum and. daughters Vane and Mary Margaret et Pearb.ern. 'Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. .44144 MaQ, • .Q44441, 4e St. Clair Shores, Mich. On .aunday. Morning they were joined by Miss Joan gat!Calluin of • Point .glarir and. .all attended the Centennial Service in LuCknow Presbyterian Church, where:their father the late Rev.. Robert *UP,- Callum was a former Minister.', .and Mrs. Alan Burnstead and .Jeffrey returned home ON Saturday after spending, a week 'at a cottage at Bruce Beach, ;—Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Murray and Stephanie of Toronto, spent the holiday week-end with his -mother Mrs: W, C. Murray, —Mr. Michael McPhail attended the funeral of a relative, Miss Elizabeth Darling at Seaforth „on' Tuesday. —Mr. and Mrs. Brian Groh,' Kathy and Mike of Oshawa and Mr, and Mrs, Roy Bridge, Marianne and -Don of Toronto, spent ,,the week-end with Mrs. R. MacDonald and family.' —Mrs, Mary Armstrong of Brant- ford is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. W, C. Murray. .41P9- The New 0'1,P RECORD RELEASES viiik are All Here 144.. Rock 'n roll, be-bop, dixieland, we don'i care what you like, we have it! — "78's ENCHANTED ISLAND BAUBLES, BANGLES and BEADS — 45's — EVERYBODY LOVES A LOVER EARLY IN THE MORNING CONNIE FRANCIS HARRY JAMES JEVIMY ROGERS EVERLY EROS. L.P.'s, Extended Plays, Chit& ren's Records, and Ill-Fi Supplies WARREN HOUSE DIAGONAL ROAD, WINGIIAM ONTARIO riOSPITAL INSURANCE effective January 1, 1959 TRANS CANADA CREDIT te$• ‘1.1 2. Are you employed where there are 6 to 14 including the emploYer?, , If so, you may be enrolled as one of a group, if the employer Applies' for approval as •,a "Mandatory Group" and,, if allemployees, including the employer, agree to partipipate. Group application must be ,made by August 31, 1958. ' . , •Si „, • go, iloolimmilionilimpitliomoupiiiiiiilliitiollimiliiiiiiiiiiniiill 1 ' Carmichael s -0. 0, f iii • YOUR viivnix .swo*ti. i SOleetCthefolloiwing for' ourweekend shopping, i Men's Press. 01 WORD 01: WORK SETS'0. ,TioutmAnPanis $9.904, --my, arid. Mrs, Will Eglestono, of New P.ort Ridley,. Florida, are n few days at the home of, Mr, and Mrs. Merrill •Cantelon, Diagonal Read, Week-end visitors. were Mr. and Mrs, Harold Birch and farnity St„ Thomas.. Matching Shirt $3.95 Try them and you will always buy • BAN LoN i SWEATERS j All popular colours, i Cardigans I Bosnia,' $'1,95 .l Now $6.99 i Pullovers ., i Regular $5.95 I Now' $4.99. U it Cheryl Rowland .Of ,Bur-f.• lington Is a gtIest this Week with her .friend, Miss Helen Carbert, —Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cullen and family moved a week Age from. their former residence on Alfred Street to cliaton, P, A, Vanstone and her guests, Misses Babe and Pearl Eckenswiller of Mimico, have re- turned from a two weeks' vacation at ponocies Place, Kincardine Beach, —Miss Hazel Ooodyer of Listowel, who is taking the librarian's course this month, is staying with her sister, Mrs. Robert Carbert, Mr. Carbert and family. • —Nancy and Katlic Scott of Bracebridge are 'visiting with rela- tives here,/ —Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Moffatt and daughter, Marjorie, and her friend, Miss M, Gowdy, are , enjoying a motor trip to Texas, —Mr, and M?s, Peter. McLeod, Minnie Street accompanied by .Mr, and Mrs. M.- Beaton, of Toronto, spent last week motoring. through Northern Ontario to ...Ottawa and • returned by the St. Lawrence Sea- way. • • Infant SLEEPERS • The famous EZ Brand, New Shipment - New Price $1.98 pair ,/ PERKY COMO - ORLON SWEATERS' In long sleeve at 0.95 PERRY COMO VEST $7.95 Black Red, Powder Blue U ▪ Slightly Imperfect SEE OUR 99c TABLE "MOTHERS",k4 FOR REAL VALUES _ a CARMICHAEL'S 3 ii WHERE YOU CAN ALWAYS, FIND QUALITY , • , I _ . = • MERCHANDISE AT ECONOMY PRICES i ii DON'T FORGET. LIONS FRONTIER DAYS al ii AUG. 28th, 29th, 30th 1 livinumainuolotommiloimumismiximposimimmommillow —Mr, and Mrs, Andy Lunn are visitors this week with friends and relatives in Ridgetown, —Miss Alice Reading has return- ed to work at Edighoffers Store following a vacation at Kincardine Beach, where she was the guest of Mrs, E, A. VanStone. —Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery. were Mr and Mrs, Clark Renwick, Mr, John Fitch, Mr. and Mrs, Angus Fal- coner and Alan and Mrs, Joe Smeltzer. The latter remained for a longer visit. —Mrs. Laura Kueneman and Mr, Cletus Kueneman of Hanover spent a few days last week with the former's daughter, Mrs. Francis Ste. Marie. sairsassamit 4sasausiotaass" /Mt ,.ONTA010 . I —Mr, and Mrs. Les Shaw and Sharon of London visited on Thurs- day with Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Mac- Donald. 44, —Mrs. Rudy Heins was in Kitch- ener last week where she visited with her brother, Mr, Kurt Wille- mese. —Mr. and Mrs. Alan MacKay and children of Wallaceburg spent last week with his parents, Mr.• and Mrs. Gordon MacKay and •other relatives in Wingham and district, —Master Davd Wenger was a week-end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dowd and family of near Milverton. —Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hopper of Toronto spent the week-end with their parents, ---Mrs. Thomas Povey. •of Galt, the foriner Mary Hill of Wingham called on friends' 'and relatives here. V you, Rpl:STERED t.ri 4r.i .,.•.,:.1.,„„,,., 1; —Mrs. Wm. Keith and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Nethery and two child- ren are spending two weeks' vaca- tion at Amberley. Mrs. Keith will visit in Toronto for a couple of weeks following her holiday at Amberley. —Mr, Charles S. VanNorman of Byron spent a few days with his nephew, Charles Hopper, —Mrs, Mary Watson visited over the week-end with her family at Pinkerton. —Mrs. D.• S. MacNaughton and John MacNaughton spent Sunday at Bayfield with Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Aikenhead. —Mr. and Mrs.,Ephriam Parish spent. Sunday with Clifford friends. :—Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Povey:',3f Galt visited this week at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrett;•Met- ris Township —Ronald Ste, Marie, Cooksville, Earl of Kitchener, Miss Marlene Ste. Marie, Toronto, Mr. arid Mit, Leonard Ste. Marie and family of Milton and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hobden of Stratford spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs., Francis Ste. Marie. Mrs: Hobden -remained for the week. BENEFIT —Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs.. Bruce MacDonald were Mr. and Mrs, K. Davis of Stratfor'd and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coultes of Brus- sels. f:t7.4 t 1:)(4rAlift.. On ;.ndafter January; 1, ,.195",•,the Ontario:Hospital .Ser.vice! Commission. Ihemonlyri agency ,oaffering.standard: Ward hospital, insurance in Ontario. Nei private, insurance company or prepayment pffgr, honefits covering ,standard{ ,Ward hOspital services after December 31, 1958. IF In CASH YOU NEED, THEN DON'T DELAY- CALL T.C.C. ON' THE PHONE,„TODAY r ,„ Ill Mb - ARE ELIGIBLE , )1 ALL 'RESIDENTS OF ONT "I St'' Enrolment. is open to every resident df gardless of age or physical condition—either through a group; or individually on a Pay-Direct basis. Uffl c' • Non-residents of Ontario are not eligible. WHICH OF THESE _CLASS' LOANS FROM 5150. TO S2,500, OR MORE tow prettibuns of $2.10 a month for a single ilpelison'and'$4".20 a month for the family (husband, wife and children under age 19) are made possible through extensive financial contributions by the Federal and Provincial Governments. ' FICATIONS ARE YOU IN? PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE • • . —Mrs. Robert- Brooks of Toronto visited during the holiday with Mr: and Mrs. Wm. McKenzie, Bluevale Road. Visitors at the same home on Sunday were Mr. John Mc- Kenzie of the S.S. John E. F. Mis- ner, Prescott, Mrs, McKenzie and children of Teeswater; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schneider and family, Turnberry, Mr. Percy McLean of Belgrave and Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Lediet of Wingham. --Mr. Bob Gibbons of CBC Toro-, onto, Miss Sheena Smith of Wood-: stock and Mr. and Mrs. 'Gamer, Gibbons of Elmira were week-end visitors with Mrs. F, Carter, Fran- cis Street. i • —Rev. and Mrs, A. E. C. Pent-, land of Decatur, Ill., are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McCeol and Mrs. Christie. • • Are you employed where there are 15 or -more including the employer? rrrsnalMli 1111111D.-- If so, you are subject to compulsory enrol- ment through, your , place ;of employment. - Your employer must enrol you by August 31, 1958, and begin payments in December ' 1958. Your employer will register you. 3. Are you' a member of a professional r , association, medical co-opCrative, craft union, credit union, retailjederation, ' or like group? , . • -If number I or 2 does nett 43p to you, check i ?,' with your organization to determine if it is ' , • ' acting as a collector for its members. Group applications must be in by August 31, 1958. - MANY SALES PLANS'AVAII.ABLE BUSINESS UP TO 35 MONTFIS FINANCING I TO REPAY , , . 148 THE SQUARE, PHONE 797 GODERICH, ONT. Ile me If you are not eligible under 1, 2, or 3, you may enrol as an individual and pay pre- • miums directly to the Contniik s'ion." t.. duals applying for Pay-Direct enrolment • must make application by September 39, 1958. Application forms are now available at public hospitals and banks (or the PoSt '1/4 Office if there is no bank in your coat,. munity.) Do not delay. - For %car apt' Zeime VISIT Walker Home Furnishings PAYMENT' OF PREMIUMS GROUP PREMIUMS will be ,payable monthly. in one remittance to , the Commission beginning 'in, December, 1958. INDIVIDUALS remitting to the Commission on a Pad-Direct basis will pay as folloWs: One month's premium at the time of applicatten, on or before September 30, 1958 — and after that payable on a quarterly premium basis begin-, ning in January, 1959. PREPAID 'CUSHION' The first payment of one month'; premium by groups and individuals registered pridr , to the closing dates stated above, will ,covera benefit period of dine months from January 1 to March-31, 1959. This sitill'set up "prepaid" 'period to maintain benefits during times when a person. may be laid off, changing jobs, or temporarily out of the province. LATE REGISTRATION MAY PROVE COSTLY Groups and individuals not registered by the closing dates stated above tinder given classifications-will not only fail -to qualify for, the two months' tree coverage but Will be required to wait three months following application before benefits become' avail- I 6 able. For example, a group or resident applying in February will not have protection effective until May 4. —Guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Parish for the holiday were Mr. and Mrs. James Harriston and daughter Nancy of Preston, Miss Dixie Dunham of Point Edward, Miss Lenore Guy, Toronto and Mr. Joe Black, Ma,ctier. —Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smith of Toronto visited in LucknoW for then, centennial, Mr. Smith was a former editor and publisher of The Wingharn Times and at present operates a commercial printing business, The Dovercourt Press, in Toronto, • —Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Critick- shank of Detroit, formerly of Wing- ham, visited at the home of , his cousin, Mr. Roy Barrett, Morris Twp. —Mr. and, Mrs, Ken Winegarden, Mr, and Mrs.- Frank' MCConnell, Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Ste. Marie and their families, of London, and Mr. and Mrs, Ken White of Aurora, visited for the holiday week-end with Mr, and Mrs, George Currie. —Mr: and Mrs. Relnaka, and Sofia of tistowel visited with her Parents, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Rapper, —.Mr. and Mrs G. O, Casenriore, Carting Terraee, had as /TOO gueStO inerld)ers of the letter's finally, Mr. arid Mrs. Kobert, Mae. /loydro;sw gy roicaRlue, 1101..a... • YOU MUST BE REGISTERED TO BENEFIT ONTARIO HOSPITAL. SERVICES ,COMMISSION HOSIP/TAI. 114111URA0019.191VESION —TORONTO 71. ONTARIO Tillophorie V/Alhut 4.430111 • I BUZ, IVORY AND TAN OVERNIGHT BAO. aid AIR PACK (2 pcs.) $21.95 and $29.50 FL.* tot' ik.tot 4,, • ,or tit 11111 11111110‘r rrrrii•nrini. alker Home Furnishings assisiminautimmtim— W " Phone 106 5, J. WALKER Wingham O0. • r. • 1'7 I. s