HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-08-06, Page 4,l IS WHAT 'S NEEDED IS A CORRESPONDENCE COURSE ON,'WOW TO CONDUCT ("A CONVERSATION WITI-I A 'TRAFFIC COP.'" Fertilizer Continental BED LEGS ,-. 4.1111‘..eVrer.•.•••••0•4•• • if Are you set in yours ways? Won t change your opinions? Cling ,to the same style in-'clothes? Do your, housework the same way? Then perhaps you're not taking advan- tage Of all the marvellous new time.saving ways of , doing things! Life cooking with the -sensa- tional new range you'll find at Burke's. It's today's most modern and automatic of ranges — Frigidaire Range! These wonder- ful ranges give you "Spatter-Free" Broiling . . that lets you broil 100 times -- and never need to , clean the oven! Let Burke's demonstrate this range's "Heat-Miiidei' Unit that won't let any food burn — not even creamy sauces, -Or the. Speed- Heat Unit that starts water boiling fat ,seconds, And the oven that doelts complete meals automati- cally, It even has 0. Meat Thermo- meter that "huzzeS" when meat or fowl is done,'Burke's Will gladly show you all the wonderful noW 1968 Frigidaire Ranges in action. And Burkefs offer you the lowest credit terms anywhere plus a generous trade-in allowance yotir old range, So, drop in to Burke's today . and See the 1056 Prigitlafre Electric Ranges! MAKE ELECTRIC Conuriereial, Industrial, Horne and satin Wiring Motor Ite.ivind' midi Repair PiliOVE 474 8V1816111/484 Sturdy Steel Construction Set of 4 — $4.95 Set of 4 with casters $6.95 Can be fastened to any spring . Walker Home Furnishings • &IwAttitit Ptiotto.(16. WiLogluon.. ANTED Highest Cash Prices paid for old, sick or disabled Horses & Cows IlidifEST CASH VALUE PAID, suonoormso oisTiact for' DEAD COWS and HORSES. Pot Prompt, Sanitary Disposal, day or night OLD i/OlLSE'S for Slaughter at Se per polio& 24 BOOR SERVICE Phone' LEROY ACHESON Atwood 153, collect DEOlfttIlt MIA! Wrozetet re yott young ' enough to change Notice to WATER CONSUMERS The hours for watering lawns an , gardens are from 6 a.m. -to 9 a.m., an from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This will be strictly enforced. ANNUAL.charge of $4.44 grossOess prompt payment discount of , 10 per cent? is made for the'use-of' a-hose or ,Outside tap for' the above noted purposes. "'; Anyone`.fciund Ikaterink lawns 'or gardens? who has not,paid for this service will be billed accordingly. Wingham Public Utilities Commission Sheia, Superintendent 'MASSEY-FERGUSON TRACTORS. NEW 50's and 65's NEW HOLLAND BALEKS '1 No.' 44 TraCtor 1•••••••••••evNevvsevsnro,..wkews,,,,,,,,,,,,W, CHARLES HODGINS Phone 378 Wingham • BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY CRAWFORD & IIETHERING N Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. Wingham, Phone 48 H. CRAWFORD, Q.C, R. S. finTnnitiNctocoN, Q.C. AcTAV1311 . • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR • and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teesivater Wroxeter—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 pan., or , by annointtnent. J. W. BUSHFIELD Q.C. , Barrister, 'Solicitor, Notaty, Etc. money to Loan Ottice.--Meyer Block, Wingbarn • •• -4-44944.4414.47041/FriPOr441A.";..;;•;' 1041.4,1 • 4, 11 ?Ixe roline AdY41A00131Peso We(1110$04:Vp Allg. liak, 34$ We still hav9: a small stock of lHi*Cfin_lillaa5.L ,Tf pm' are in need of any of the following an- u alysis please let us know:- 4 - 24 - 20 3-18 - 9 4 - 12 ,- 10 , 10.- 10 10 vvi pi Gummi 51111825AIN FEED NIJOSINO MILLS SOW NATIONI rt,." WA Mil, our WPVCAIA Al FOR SALE COE'S TAXI 'SERVICE and used Furniture. We -buy and sell, Phone 185, .rrb *our BINDER 7' cut in good working order, Cecil Grainger, Gerrie, 7b MILK PILTERS for sale—"Rapid 6-inch,. 79c; Ciex-inch, 85c, Alexander's Hardware. lrrix COMBINATION CLARE Jewel Stove for sale, wood or coal and electric, like new, Phone 713W1. MARSHALL smooth top , mattress.. es, 253 eons. Guaranteed, Regu- lar $49.50, specially priced only $39.95:R. A. Currie & Sons Furni- ture. 6 ;13b ALLISTCHALMERS combine ST100 three ,,years ,old' for sale. Good condition. Complete, with pick-pp, and all attachments, $2100, Call . Dashwood- 164r14. , 6".13b- DRESSED CHICKENS for 'sale, around•6 „lbs, will, be delivered an Friday and SatUrday. Also 90 1-year-old Hyline hens. Phone 735313, Wingham. 7b 28x45" Robert Bell threshing mach- ine on rubber with a grain thrower. Best offe'r will take. Lee, Webber, R.R. 1, Hensall, phone Exeter 173r34. 6b SAVE $90 on a 2-piece Restonic Chesterfield suite with air foam cushions covered in beautiful wool freize, regular $269.00 special $179.00. R. A. Currie & Sons Furniture. 30 :6b 4 BURNER PROPANE GAS stove, for sale, automatic oven, Com- plete with tanks. Priced for quick sale, available August 20. ELMER ,ROSS, phone Teeswater 8r21. 6* ELUX-0-1VIATIC has revolutioniz- ed power cleaning. See' it first for a completely new conception Of household efficiencY. Call L. ReynoldS, 640J1, your Electro- lux dealer. rrb MEAT FOR SALE—Good beef by the quarter, Killed on premises. Inspected by Dept. of Health. Yearling heifers. Top quality. Lowest prices. Raynard Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r30. 17rrb IVLASSEY-HARRIS binder, 8 ft. cut, used 4 years; Waterloo thresh- ing machine on rubber with EberSoll feeder, straw cutter and grain blower, James E. Brown, Motherwell, Ont., 10 miles south of Mitchell. 6b BROADLOOM CARPETS cast less than you think . . , you Can have _ .• the finest, all-wool, hard-twist broadloom. in popular rug sizes '„ for a modest investment, Samples on display new. For a free esti- mate, without obligation, drop in this week or phone for an ap- • pointment in ' your own home. WELWOOIYS, phone 86. 6,13b HOUSEWIVES - HOME CAN- NERS, Hang on to this ad, for it will not be repeated. From the 15th of 'August on until the end of. September, we will be selling peaches 'at reduced prices, due to circumstances beyond our con- trol. All varieties $2.50 a bushel for No. 1 peaches and as always cuts and undersized peaches will be Selling at just $1 a bushel Containers extra. ARMAND CLERCQ, the farm with the 2,500 Peath trees is easy to find. 1 mile South of Forest, 500 yards off Highway 21 on 12th of PLYIvi- PTON, Watch for"the sign. Phone FOREST 600R111, 6b REAL ESTATE E.OUSE for sale in good condition. Call 2323, 6* SMALL Roush', for gals, latgo lot, Oil - heating; garage, .20% down, hilanee on mortgage, ring 981 or Write' BOX 428, Winghatiri, 6* HOUSE for Sale in Wirighatif, big reran 20X12; tWo bedrooms, kitchen, reeni for bathroom extra, roam 18k10, Garage 20k1,6, Pride $2,600. MaeLearl Real Estate. Orr* !GENERAL S'I'ORbi good leeatiorl, trillea feone Grand nand, for too, gtodar100, Meaty dry goods arid ilardWare, LIVIng `cpiarters, $40000, turn over, Good terMS V, Gaiser, /teal rstatei Exeter, :one 24, Retidende titohwood MAU' thl3b 20 PIGS, 8 weeks old for sale. R. J. McMurray, phone 78533. 0* 6 YOUNG YORK SOWS for sale, due from two to three weeks. Phone 510W2, Robt, MeKague, 6* POULTRY FOR SALE J-• 250 HY-LINE 934A Yearling, hens for sale, laying well, Room need- ed before threshing, Phone 12318 Graham Work, Brussels, 6* MATURING- PULLETS FOR SALE DEKALB PULLETS for `sale, any quantity. Hatched April 3rd. Vaccinated for' Newcastle and bronchitis, Write for particulars. Moore's Poultry Fart; R.R. 3, Seaforth, Ont., or call 647-31, firrb ' READY TO LAY PULLETS LATE JULY, August and Septem- ber delivery available on 20 week old Hy-Line 934A and DeKalb 101 pullets, all vaccinated for bronchitis and Newcastle and de- beaked as babies, Write or phone Ridley Mills Limited, Newmarket Ontario, TWining 5-2366. 6b FOR RENT MIDDLE-AGED Couple wanted for 5 roomed apartment, oil heating heavy wiring, separate entrance, Box 44, Advance-Times. 6* ULTRA MODERN APARTMENT for rent with modern, bath and kitchen, 2 bedrooms, Apply Box No. 47 Advance-/Times, 6:13b COUNTRY HOUSE for rent. Hy- dro. Free fuel. High and Public . School buses at gate. Apply Box 49 Advance-Times. 6b GET THE FACTS. Let us show you hdw we have helped others to' become financially indepen dent selling Rawleigh products Good locality now available in townships Turnberry, Wawanosh East and West and Ashfield Write. Rawleigh's Dept, 11-453: 911, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, Quebec. ' 6b FEMALE HELP WANTED GIRL TO learn egg • candling and tabling wanted. Apply Maitland Creamery, Wingham. 6b CAPABLE WOMAN or girl want- ed for full time employment in Wingham home. All modern con- veniences. Start Sept. 1. Must be able to take •charge of children. Apply Mrs. Wilfred White, phone 3353, Wingham. 6b FULL OR PART TIME, Territories open in Morris, Turnberry, How- felt, East and West Wawanosh and Kinloss Townships for wo- men interested in good steady income. Experience Unnecessary. Avon sells itself, Contact Mrs. Lourien Green, Box 281 Hanover. 6:3Septb MISCELLANEOUS , IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- Art A. Scott, Wingham, 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car or truck insurance. Yearly or six months policies are available, - Special rates for farmers, For further information phone 293, Wingham. 29trb NEVER, NEVER, never 'since the world began such relief from sore, aching, burning feet, weak ankles, sore knees, hips and back, cramps in feet or legs, Corns, callouses, bunions dis- appear, arthritis pains fade away, brings back ' circulation. Consult W. A. Kaufman, phone 94 Lis- towel, open every Tuesday after- noon and evening. Open &very Friday at Les Heubach, Elmira, phone MO 9-2604-5, and in Walk- erton at Percy Pletch's, phone 185W; August 14 arid 28. rrb • FOR ARTIFICIAL inSehilliation service or more information, tele- phone the \Valeria() Cattle Breed- ing Aesociatien eolleet at: Clin- ton HU 2.3441 or TeeSwater 120 between 7.80 and 9,80 a.m, week daYS, 6 and 8 p.m, on Saturdays Do not call for service on Sun- day. Cows in heat On Sunday Can be inseminated satisfactorily on Monday: We supply,service to top duality bulls of the Holatein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Gilernsey, Brown Swiss, tied Poll, Here- ford (polled ,fc.. horned), Beef Shorthorn (polled and. homed), awl Dual Par pose thOrthOth, Might and Clittrolaid breeds, The 04 " 110 COMING EVENTS ENTERTAINMENT each •.evening at the Clifford Inn, CE4rrb CHARTERED EUS TO TORONTO Exhibition August 26, For infor- mation call 766, Jacks ,Orvis. Re- turn fare $4,50. 23:30:0 BINGO at the Wingham Town. Hall on Saturday ;evening, 'Aug. 9112, at 8.30, Cash prizes, Spon- sored by' the Ladies' Auxiliary 'to the Canadian Legion, 9rrb-D WANTED BOARD, first floor bed-sitting room and daily care for a male wheel-chair patient urgently -re- quired in Wingham or vicinity. Apply immediately to Box 48 Advance 'Times or phone Brus- sels 6314. 6;13* USED WINDMILLS, gasoline en- gines and pump jacks wanted. Can, be traded on pressure SYS- terns *new or used. Ask us for an estimate without 'any obligation, or if you are ,needirig any" new roofing material we give you the best value for your money. Write• or phone collect to Irving Kieyes at Glamis, Phone Paisley 114r4. 16Alt-Nov TRANSPORTATION Tenders will be received 'by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, August 15, 1955; for the• transpor- tation of approximately 14 children from Zetland Bridge to No. 2 School via the B line, Turnberry. This contract could he divided and done by two bars or by 'one bus, For further particulars contact the chairman, Bert Holmes. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Alex Corrigan, Sec.-Treas. 6:13b 100 to 150 acre farm wanted to,rent or - buy, good buildings. Givr full particulars. Box 46. 6:13:27* BUSINESS MANAGER wishes to rent home iii Wingham. Please contact Box 45, Advance-Times, WANTED to rent, business couple desire suitable accommodation in Wingham. Unfurnished self-con- tained apartment or any size house, What have you? Phone 986 evenings. 30 a6h , PERSONAL NURSING HOME for aged and convalescents. Kind competent care to everyone. Nourishing food. Spacious grounds and rooms; reasonable rates. Bethes- da, Rest Home, River Street, Chesley. 30 :6:13 :27b WHY NOT . HAVE YOUR FEET CHECKED Without Any Obligation —bY--- A Qualified, Experienced FOOT: CORRECTIONIST Undue pressilre./canc4Se•:these sciatic pains, leg, hip or lower backache, See— . J. A. VICKERS, F.C. At Queen's Hotel, Wingham Each Monday afternoon, or other times at 481 8th Abe,, ,Hanover, Phone 500. DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed proMptly for sanitary disposal, FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham. 378; Palmerston 123W, Or. Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited,1 6rrb HIGHEST cash prices paid for sick, down and disabled Cows and Horses, also, dead cows and horses at cash , Value, Please phone promptly Bruce Marlatt, Call collects 56r7 Brussels, 24 hour service, 19rrb A61.101)1,ANCE .SEIRVICE. . • CURRIE'S AMBULANCE, Wing- ham, Always reliable SerViee, Phone Day, 51; Night, 716 or '636. LOST AMOUNT OF MONEY, lost, in Wingharn 'week of July 26th, Lib- eral reward. Phone 624. 613 -AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture will, be held at the Arcade Store Brussels, Ontario .SATURDAV, AUGUST 9th, at 1.30 p.m., consisting of Westinghouse refrigerator, 11 cu. ft.; G. E. tabletop 4 burner stove; Cofield electric washing machine, twd: years old; 21" Ad- niira'I televisidn; Sparton radio; Kingston piario; 3 electric lamps; televisieri : 4 coffee tables; chesterfield •, With 2 chalrs to Match', 1 'single chesterfield; Ma- hogany dining room suite com- plete (Malcolm No-Mar); solid Walnut bedi.00m.kiite (Bates); 'steel 'bed' 'with spring-filled mattress; Studio couch; cabinet with 4 mat- Ching chairs; Victor phondgraph; 2 Oriental rugs 9x12; 1 armchair; rocking chair; bookcase; 2 sewing machines; silverware; china; other articles too numerous to mention. Terms Cash: '• Morris Wineberg, Prop. Geo. Nesbitt, Auctioneer. George Powell, Clerk. 6h s . • IN MEMORIAM CAMPBELL--In loving memory of Mrs. Robin Campbell, who pass- ed away three year ago, August 2, 1955. In tears we saw you sinking, W watched you fade away,,, • You, !ought so liar,d to stay.'- But when we yOu sleepingi, Our :hearts vqere4a,lmost broken, So peacefully free from pain,i We could not wish you back' To suffer - that again. —Ever remembered by brother and dad. ' •6* • , • . a WHITECHURCH Sunday at the hotne of ' her aunt, Sanet' of Woodsteck visited on Mr, and Mrs. Jack Splan and Mrs. Orville Tiffin. The,- ladle's of the Women's In.- stitute plan to hold their picnic at Teeswater park on Tuesday next. Mr. and Mrs. John Huffman of Trenton spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Huffman. Mr.'Thos. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Murray of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Murray -and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Murray and family, all of Sharon, spent the, past week at the Ross Cottage at Langside, and attended the Luck- novit centennial. • - • , Mr DaVld Me1101.:Of Langside still,; a Patient. pital, Mr. Chas. Falconer of Glamis has been seriously ill in Kincardine Hospital' during the 'past week, Mrs. Mason Robinson and Elaine spent a few days last' week with her mother, Mrs. Albert Cameron, who has been ill at her home in LucknoW. • Mrs. Cecil Falconer spent the week-end with her parents, Mr and Mrs, A, E. Pardon of Luck- now; Mr. Charles MacKay of Dunn- Ville and Mr, Dan' MacKay of Guelph and Mr. and Mrs. Hector Pardon and family of Sarnia, also spent the week-end at the PurdOn home. Mr. Jas. Henderson Jr., of Brant- ford has been visiting for the past two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Tiffin of kinloss, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Henderson, Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs. David Henderson and family of ListeWel, and. Mr. Lawrence liendersern of North Bay, spent the Week-end ;at the Tiffin home, Miss Daisy Rose, who has been visiting at the home of her cousin, FINANCING A CAR1 Before you buy ask about mil bow COst Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverage, STEWART A. SCOTT Phone 203 & Wingharri BOX Holders' Names Not Goren Out it is Strictly againSt our rules to divulge 'the intine Or address of any advertiser Using. an 1110e• :Maio do hot silk, 'Mt tot' Okla' iiitottpription,„„ Family,Qatheridg Held at Seaforth WHI1,1ECH,URCH — Almost, 100 members of the Johnston - Me- Burney families registered at the family picnic, held on Sunday in the Lions Park, Seaforth, The four older folks of the family, Mrs, John Ireland,, Teeswater, Mrs, Sam McBurney and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston, VVingham, were all present, with .relatives from London, Windsor, Barrie, Sarnia, Goderich, pxotpi!, Teeswater, Mild- may and local' points, Gersbom Johnston 'was president, with 'Mrs. Edward McBurney as secretary and Elmer Ireland and Elgin Johnston in charge of, sports, Gordon McBurney was appointed president for next year' with' Mrs, IVfc13xtrney, as secretary, They in- vited the folks to meet at their home next year, Mrs, Fred Pressick of Barrie and her daughters, Violet and Naricy were among many of the relatives, who during the even- ing gathered to .visit with Mrs. Gershom. Johnston, who was un- able to attend, on account ::of her broken ank'le. Nancy Johnston is staying to spend two weeks with her grandpardnts. Mrs, J.,, G. Gillespie, left on Mon- day to return to her home at High. Wycombe, England, Miss Rose spent the past three months visit- ing relatives here and in the West. At Edmonton, she found Miss Edith Peddle, with whom she had corre- gether 'they went on a trip to Van- sponded, for fifty years, and to- couver, Victoria and Seattle. Miss Rose made many friends in this community, Mrs. Nelson Louttit, Wingham, and Mr, and Mrs. Rae Louttit and Carol, of Gorrie, visited on Sunday with. Mr: and Mrs. '-Gordon Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. BELA' Thkanpson and family of- Presten,"..Mr. Mbs.' Walter Jameso .Roy and Leonard, of Woodstbek,.land 'Mr: and :%Mrs, Stanley Moore and ,family,of Wood: Stock spent Jest., week, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aithur .Moote: 'and r Mrs; Kennethi ;Dickson; and children of Belinore -visited there on Sanday. DIP/ ..• HatLAND—Beili H011anal a Ycter- an of World War I, passed away in Pontiac, Mich., on Saturday, August 2. 'A foPmer 'resident of. East Wawanosh and Wingham, he was in his early 60's. He leaves to mourn his wife and grown family. BIRTHS MALCOLM—In 2.V.faeKeY Memorial Presbyterian Hospital, City of ' Taipei, Taiwan, Free China, to Rev, and Mrs, George Malcolm, on Friday, July 25, 1958, a daughter, Margaret sri"wpm.:Fris--le the Palmerston Hospital, on. Tuesday, July 29th, to Mr, and Mrs, Robert Stephens, a daughter. CAMERON—Grace and George Cameron Wee Edgar) 64 Ward- rope Ave,, Stoney Creek, an- nounce the birth of their daugh- ter, Emily Marie in St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton, Thursday, July 31st.; a sister for John aed Allen. LAMONT—In Wingham. Hospital, On: Thursday, July 31, to Mr. and Mrs., Charles Lamont, R.R, 2, Holyrood, a daughter. MARKO—In Wingham Hospital, on Thursday, July 31, • to Mr, and Mrs, Walter Marko, R.R. 2, Mild- may, a son, • WYLIE—In Belleville - General Hospital on Saturday, August- 2, 1908, to Dr. and Mrs.: H, Glenn Wylie, a, daughter, Linda Mar- . garet, a sister for Barbara. SCOTT--In Wingham. Hospital, on Friday, August 1st, to Mr. .and Mrs. Malcolm Scott, Eelgrave, a son,'' HENDERSON—In Wingharn Hose Vital, on Saturday, August 2, to ,Mr. and Mrs, James Hendee,. son (Jim), Lucknow, a daughter. NEILSON—In Wingham HospitAI, on Sunday, August .8, to Mr. Mrs. David Neilson, Carrie, daughter. REA -- At St. Joseph's Hospital, SunnYsirle, • Toronto, on Angust 4, 1908, to Mr, and Mrs. John ilk, (nee Lois Mason),, a son, Ronald David, PERSONAL PENSION POLICIES ASSURE COMFORTABLE RETIREMENT, Consult — FRANK C. HOPPER —Representative— Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT. Phone 462 WELLINGTON . f,litt. 110610006 Cthlitlat4 Est, 184.0 An all Canadian Company which' hods faillifully served its -pollol' • Holders for over a 000toty. fiend Office Utonto • itioutanon Agency Veliitham • Ladies Guests -of St. Helens Group wlimanuRcx-i—grs. 3, 0. lespie, Mrs, Robt. Laidlew„ ,Purdon, Mrs, D, Beeereft and. Mrs, Ernest Beecroft attended the special summer , meeting of the W,M,S. of St, Helens -United Church -on Tuesday last. The president,' Mrs,. Green - pre- sided and -a musical number was given hy each of the societies, Calvin, Brick, Hackett's, Blake's and -Zion, which Were guests for the occasion, The special speaker was Howlett„ 'who had been for a year at the home of her aon 'nncl his wife, Missionaries in Northern Japan', Mrs, - Howlett emphasized the .appreciation ' of these people for ..the ,• Christian religion, and their enthusiasm for the expanding of the, work in their land,. The :St. HOlens ladies served a' bountiful luncheon, , Always put out .fuel-nurning , lamps and stoves when you leave the cottage. CASH REGISTER, Adding Mach- t ine rolls in stock at The Advance- 3. Timee. Typewriter ribbons, Smith-CorOna., typewriters and adders. Victor adding machines. MALE HELP WANTED WANTED TO RENT , Frederick P. Homuth Phm,B., R.O. Carol E. Hornuth, Mrs. Viola H. llrtmlltll, R.O. orromeTitISTS PH0101 lig Harrison, Ontario „ r,