HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-07-30, Page 2SPECIAL .,•-• CIUE,D'S NYLON BRISTLE
TOOTH BRUSH .... , .. . . 7 c
Long-wearing — Bristles won't fail ent,
Leading manufacturer's ten nindity brush with just a slight
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MIlleINOMM=MMIN FIMS1i1.01/00•111101•••••..1M11.1.1I
crock IS
The Advanee-Times,
Wingham, Ontario,
Dear Sir:
Once again The Salvation Aral)"
National Red Shield. Appeal can
record victory, as reports reaching
this beadnuarters indicate the ob-
jective will be exceeded, when all
returns are In.
• ; We are indebted to your news,-
.Paper for the gerierolla support
accorded the local appeal, for the
encouragement given the com/nit•
tee and canvassers, and for the
practical interest in our work
which is constantly displayed,
On behalf of The Salvation Army
may I extend our grateful thanks.
Believe nie,
(L. Bursey,)
National Campaign Pitector
0 - 0 • 0
July "22, 1.958
The Editor,
Wingham Advance-Times,
Wingham, Ontario
Dear Sir:
I wish to convey to you on behalf
of this committee, our sincere
thanks for the support your paper
has given us in connection with
Water Safety. •
Although one week is annually
set aside as Water Safety Week,
everyone knows that this is a mat-
ter of importance the year round.
It is only by obtaining the co-oper-
ation of publications such as yours
that 'we are able to convey .the
message of safety to the greateit
Possible number of people.
I trust that you will keep up'the
good work for the balanee Of the
summer. If at any time, we can
supply you with data for feature
articles, please do not hesitate to
call upon us.
.Sincerely yours,
W. 3. L'Heureux,
Water Safety Committee
London. ,
0 - 0 - 0
Wingham, July 24, 1958
Dear Sir: dt
The following from Vancouver,
B.C., is very interesting, and how
you, Mr. Editor could have miss-
ed this one is beyond my imagina-
A vivid picture of what has-hap-
penned in ,the last ten years; to
the prices .a supermarket paysl for
the food products it buys and those
it charges for what it sells ',was
presented, to the Stewart Rbyal
Commission on price spreads 133,i the
British Columbia., Department of
Agriculture. 't,
It showed that while the com-
pany's purchase price of beef is
virtually unchanged from 1948, it
is charging 60 per cent more
for sirloin steak and. 22 per 'Cent
more for hamburg. Other items
included pork, buying price down
2 per 'cent, sales price up 20' per
cent; frying chicken and Owl,
buying price „down 11 per dent,'
sales price up 9 per cent; potatoes,
buying price down 10 per cent, iales
price up 4 per cent arid eggs, buy-
ing price down 7 cents a dozen,
sales price down 1 cent.
This, Mr. Editor, .reminds me
of the boot and shoe merchant, Who
got so entangled' in his endeavor
to sell a customer the idea, that
wages were responsible for the
high price of his shoes that he
neglected to sell the customer the.
Mr. Editor, would it be in order
to ask a favor off you, and give the
readers of your valuable paper -a
clear picture of, that new era:'(as
thy liked to call it) that was usher-
ed in at the close. of the War No. 2,
and that other grand idea known
as immigration. Now Mr. Editor
don't' be timid, if you get lost
again, be sport enough to help
you find your way back, in fact I'll
just start you on the right road
This new era and the rest cif it
didn't happen to be the result of a
war or the aftermath of one,
but planned and got ready for op-
eratienc, at a time when the boys
were still fighting overseas and
the *working force at home, were
working under what was known as
a wage, and job freeze. This in-
formation about what was to hap-
pent was released to myself ''rind
,some others in the form of type
written material through the Mail
over the signature' of managernent.
(This Mr. Editor could have come
as a threat or well meant advice,
it came in detail with one except-
ion (namely) what effect it would
have on the cost of living.
Here Was the plifti and purpoSe;"
for 'big business, more population
Hormel. Union Sunday School
Will 1191d thefr annual gallon party
on the school gronntis, concession
10 Turnberry, an Tuesday eiTening„
Miss Helen DadSon, B.A., of
Union, Ont., has been engaged aa
teacher of English and moderns
at' the Wirughanu High' School to
mire the Wade Ot, Miss M4eVainiel,
ho wresigned. --7 .94,'+ 1
The new .stero, Ill' the McKenzie
ESieelEla ,almut •reatlY foe oecuPtineY
F4 Mr,, Epner 'Moore will' open
a restuarant,
A rink of Wingham bowlers
composed ,ef D. Hohnes, G, C.
Maaners,'W, Holmes and A Y,
Hepburn (skip) ore taking, part in
the howling tournament at Seaforth
this week.
Mr, John" Terriff, of Southamp-
ton, is visiting with Wingham
Mr. J. C, -Dallis, of Buffalo, is
spending' the holidays at his par-
ental home in town.
Mr. J, A Elliott of 'Au'e Claire
Wis,, is spending the holidays at
his hbune here.
Miss 'Vera. Holmes has returned
front Havergill College in Toronto
to spend the summer at her• home
Mr. and Mrs. CI M. Walker and
children left yesterday for Grand
Dr. and Mrs. 3, W. Scott of San-
dusky, "'Mich., are visiting at the
home 'of Mrs. Scott's parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Thos. Wilson, Shuter St,
Mr. C. Smith, aces/II/ponied b'
Mrs, Smith is spending a few days
in Niagara Falls.
- 0 0
The Chautauqua will be held in
Wingham from August 3 to August
After the holidays Mrs. Buch-
anan will leach in the room form-
erly taught by Miss Imlay. Miss
Annie Barber will take charge of
Miss MacDonald's room and Miss
Florence Barber will have charge
of her sister's, room. Miss Lucy
Bower Will teach the primer class
formerly taught by Miss
The Farmers' home chopping mill
will in future run only on Tuesdays
and on Fridays.
The Rev. Mr. Dingman is away
for the month ,of July and the-Rev,
Mr. Armstrong's vacation started
on Monday 'of this Week.
Several parties were ,fined.-last
week, some for not observing the
signal at the, corner of Josephine
and John St, and others for leav
ing cars standing on the, street
without lights after dark.
SaPper W,. A, McLennan, a form-
er employee of the 'electric -light
department, has been promoted to
the rank of corporal.
Miss Edna Smith is spending
few days at Kincardine.
Miss Jean Armour of Toronto
spent a few days at her home-
Mi9.,Luella.Tonikins is spending
a couple of weeks with her brother
in Elora. ,
Lluet, Allie Beckwith of St.
more sales; for industry, the larger
the immigration, the. greater the
flood on the labor market, and to
use management's own phrase; the
-workers then wouldn't be so cocky
Yes a lovely picture, but it war
so smeared with dirt, thatthe aver-
age citizen couldn't get a clear
view of it and a nice situation for
the boys froin the -Working force tic
come home from fighting a war
and be confronted with.
In 'iderence‘ to that article you
published signed by industry, and
for your own •information, I might
say, that this year the Iron Mold-
er's Union, have their 99th anni-
versary 1859-1958 in an uphill
struggle to keep wages some-
where in line with that ever in-
creasing cost of living (not 'to
raise prices as your articleS would
have the public believe). This Mr.
Editor is not a bad record for a
group of individuals, as you stated
several weeks back, that lacked
Thanking you for previous space
in sour valuable paper, I still re-
remain a subscriber.
Alex Rintoul '
Editor's Note: During the past 20
years the salaries of typesetters
have been increased approximately
300 per, -cent. In the same period
the subscription price of The
Advance-Times has been Increased
by 50 per cent. Present day cost
for setting a half eolumn of type,
approximately the amount occupied
by the .11k)Ve letter Is $2.50.
nni• ll • .. ono n'innnnm ...... in„ . ...Huai . • . lial
Marys spent the weelt•end at her
Mrs. Ed, liaWitins and baby
have Moved to Brampton, where
.kr.144w1.0.14 ha4 vouro Sitma,
Mr, Robert McMurray of Eel-
grave, .spent a couplitt, of weeks with
relatives at DeSeroatO and, Learn-
9 • 0
Alex Crawford, and Wally Miller
won the trophy 'event at the ann ;at
delAdee held at the T-4Kicreewr
Mg green,
Mr. and Mrs. Thirty FWginq 'of
,Toronto Were guests of. Mr, 'and.
Mrs, W., IT, French at Point park
over the week-end.
Mrs, A, W, Ross and Miss Jean
McLean of Blenheim visited over
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
T. A. Currie.
Mr, Bruce Edgar of Toronto,
anent the week-end in town and
sang at the United. Church service
an Sunday.
help the Chamber of Commerce
X--ray fund: Join the crowds at the
street carol-y(0.On Tuesday, ,
At a .special meeting of the town
council held last .Thursday it was
decided that the ratepayers will be
given an Oppottimity to decide
whether or not 'the town will buy
the arena,
The new officers at the Salva-
tion Army are Captain I, Tiny of
Palmerston and Lieut, Marshall of
Paris. • .
Mr. E. S. Copeland 'left on Sun-
day to attend the Chicago Furni-
ture Show and the World's Fair.
The Chamber. of, Commerce has
puirchased Xr-rify equipment for the
focal hospital,: ' The'cost ,is over
$1800. --. •
MIL' Wheeler of - Montreal is
visiting her mother,- ' Mrs. A.
Wheeler. at Bluevale:
• Miss Annie DIOR of the Post
Office staff, 'is visiting with
friends in. I.,,ondon this week,:
Miss Elda Steen of Embro has
been engaged to teach at the high
" The staff of the Canadian Bank
of Commerce presented Miss Eileen
Knox with a gift prior to her de-
parture to be married.
Rev: D. L. Cramm, formerly' of
Dutton, was inducted into the
Teeswater-Behnore charge of the
Presbyterian Church.
Mr: and Mrs. Gordon Hall of
Bjuevale, announce the engagement
of 'their daughter; Marjorie. Kath-
GelProPv%'ks 's9oh f
leen, to Mr, Harvey Earl Groves,
Mr ,
s. Earl
Mrs. Elwell Webster: and. Miss.
Myrtle Deans, df Turnberry, who
have been teaching at Port Col-
borne, have been appointed to the
public 'school staff here. These
two 'teachers will replace Miss
Norma Coutts and Miss Dorothy
Howell who have resigned. -
. Miss Ruth Hamilton, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W, IL Hamilton,
has graduated „Irerri . the Mother-,
craft SocietY Hospital, in Toronto.
Joyce,. Jacklin,, six-yearrold dau-
ghter, of. Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Jacklin, ,is, in .Wingham. Hospital
in serious condition, The little girl
was badly ' burned about eight
o'clock on_ Miniklay evening.
Miss Jean Welwood, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Welwood of
W4ite0.1.Are)1,.= igine.d the
WRCNS some time ago, reportZd
for duty in Galt. Jean's brother,
Norman, is a prisoner of war in
Germany, having been one of an
alrerew-'shot down on an operation-
al flight.
Dr. W- C. MacGregor of Chicago
is a visitor with his sisters, Miss
Catharine MacGregor, LucknoW,
and Mrs, George Stuart and Mr.
Stuart for the Centennial..
Mr. Ivan McQuillin is home from
Blmita for a Week's vacation.
Congratulations and good wishes
go to Mrs. Robinson Woods, who
observed her ninetieth birthday on
Mrs. D, Todd and Mrs. D. 3. Mc-
Intosh of St. Catharines are spend-
ing the week at the former's home
Mrs. John Webster of Toronto Is
a visitor-with her sister Mrs. G
The August meeting of the Wo-
naen's Institlite twill be held in the
comniUnity hall on !TIM**, evil-
Attu,gittuted4Iuiltit iir 8 ;43(tiLd ,111-forite's
Win; purcum. •
Gaviller, McIntosh
• & Ward
ailit6rea :4666untlytti
ref 0141the akid,
Walkerton, "Ont.
*0.0"04*.' *W*1, P*"' V04410Pa4PW#H .0.4*"146**""1.44011PMWS*1
Hot Weather Needs
The Bible Today Sec. 11$1/t COWIN l 'iDetetY
BY V. a
Hots* mysterious tire the forcer_ sent nearly one million. Scriptures
at work in human history! Genera. to Germany Bastand ',Neat; to
tion after generation, When the Hungary 00 tons of paper ;for Bible
shadow-boxing of ordinary poll- printing, and to Bolisnd went
tics have giVeri place to more tra-- steady' stream of Scriptures. Evan
gic events, two giants always face In Russia arid far away China, the
each other Mlle Ceilidh di etat- long arm of Bible Society sl.etivity.
Oriel power arid the Innocency and reached gilt.
Invincibility of the Gospel,
Ifeig ine It was BishopBerggrav of Nor- ireShed IOW Perna
way after solitary confinement hi Thursday, rather is 1.-tt; Prideky,
prison in the last War, who said: Esther 2:143; Saturday, 'Esther 3t.
"During thoee days the Bible be 1.15; Sunday, father 4: 1414„ Von,
gable the VerY band of Grid to ma". day, EstIftio 6:144; Tumidity, tatl4er
Lest reit the Bible Yoeittles 6: 1-14, Wednesday, Either It i-10
JULY 30th to August 4th
sant size - Regidar 2 for 29c id ler 11.4 '61 v for II
IDA rond. 'f pain tablets m 300's, reg. niic .... .......... .. . .. .,„, 59c
,MIL ,K of MAGNESIA ' gel An t
10, j$6/ pit; :kizo - reg. .30o, 000 — --, ..... . ....... —.... LI P e ., `t ile
kitti*,: :pf MAGNESIA TABLETS 1 .
101;"s 4i 290's Reg, $ee Sz Silo U ic, 69c
PAPER, NAPK INS 16c, 2 31 C 70's, Large White, Embossed, reg, 1.80 - for — —
WAX PAPER . t„, 79
I.P.A, Heavy Duty, 100-ft. roll, reg, 1310 28%, Le fee 5c
WASH CLOTHS - 2 2 5' 12"x1.2" good quality terry cloth, reg. val, 190 ea. f or c
Da.inimi.i.BA PK :i1effeivrtieRr •INTAA84.- Rue :az
<7.4_0-0I-4_ e 8-
,„ CALL T.C.C,
01,111-iE PHONE TODAY!
LOANS-8150. to $2,500. Up to 30 months to repay--
Plans to suit your budget.
• err
41V1, ROLL 1/PA
Phone 139
f i it
i i
•Xtr. Lythan Harding n charge
~fr mitalinsomooloictiontutilliciatiiittailitiotacatioiom
Rev. C, F, Johnson, L. `h. - Rector
Mrs, Gordon Davidson - Organist
Ninth Sunday after Trinity
11.00 aan.—Morning Prayer
. NoEvenint,Service
404,10 '1‘,11.! 114o I Wednolit4rt Ar4/Y
Indic ations on the federal 11011s-
inp.; front are that it's going to be
easier for the people in Canada's
smaller communities to build a home
with Federal assistance.
Late in 1957 Ottawa made $300,
million available for housing. This
money was used by Central Mort-
gage and Housing -Corporation, the
Government's housing agency, tO:
make loans under its various lending
programmes, and when Parliament
voted an additional $350 million in.
CMHC was directed to ensure
that its lending facilities were avail-
able in smaller municipalities.
People who live'in centres of less
than 55,000 population have been
eligible for CMHC direct loans, pro-
vided they would normally qualify
for a regular National Housing Act
loan from a private lender.
The Corporation's direct loans,
work much the same as the regular
NHA loans, the only difference be-.
ing that instead of getting the
money from a lender you get it from
Tel'a large extent, the -ctiSt<- a
e41.1'ili °use. ,can be controlled by its
size and by the "extras" that are in-
cluded in the plans and, specifica-
tions. To assist prospective borne-
-owners in, obtaining designs for
small houses, Central Mortgage and
"Civic Holiday, celebrated
throughOut Ontario on August 4th,
brings a welcome break at the height
of the summer season," Hon. M. B,
Dymond, M.D., Ontario Minister of
Transport pointed out today. "The
province will be on holiday and most
of our people will be travelling in
cars. Combined with the influx of
vacationing tourists from the United
States ancrsother:provinces of Can-:
ada, the pressure on our highways
will"he tremendous.
"No week-end passes without a
al tragic and unnecessary motor
vehicle accidents. Long week-ends
are particularly hazardousi very
largely because too many. 'people
attempt to go too far, too fast.
There are safe limits of physical en-
durance and mental alertness, be-
yond which it is dangerous to go,
There are sensible speeds that keep
you in step with the traffic and ,avoid
"Most drivers are aware of all
these conditions," the Minister said,
"and know that risks are introduced
when they are neglected, but again
and, again, drivers 441.,negject to do
things they know they ought to do,
or take chances against extremely
poor odds and sooner or later meet
AS t43;• - !",:t st,77,4 •qf,!„,...-"p*„Wlr•Vr1
"Undoubtedly, `speed too fast. for
conditionS' is the most frequent,
violation of sound common sense.
One eXtremely poor driving practice
is entering curves beyond control-
lable speeds. Over the Civic Holi-
day week-end last year, at least
seven of the 22 fatal accidents occur-
red when drivers were unable to hold
their cars to the road on curves.
There were seven more 'out of con-
trol' fatal accidents on that week,
"All of us now have an equal
chance to enjoy an accident-free holi-
day. But unless each of us starts
the week-end with a determination
to drive sensibly and to fit our travel
requirements into those of other
road users, we are risking disaster.
At no time on the road is it safe to
neglect the rules of good driving."
The Wingham Advance:Times
PubliSlIttl at Wingham,. °Marie
Wenger Brothers, Ptibliahers,
W. Barry Wenger, Baiter
/anther Audit Buiteauf Of CirgUlatioif
AUtherized as Secend Cleat Mail,
Post Office Dept.
babettitiot *ate One Year 400, St Months
$ai 81:5.4ok.i:c .060aitotifire:..
1,‘titotigt Ititt OA) Per *ear
Mfr 101 Rates OA *opt) timiait
Housing Corporation offers a series
of houses designed by Canadian ar-
chitects. These designs are available
in two publications known as "Small
House Designs" and "Small 11 ouse
Designs-1958 Supplement." Con-
struction drawings for the houses.
illtistrWd may be purchased from-.
the Corportrtion at minimum cost,
_4 r, ,
riee-S the routine for obtaining
a direct loan. Visit or write the ,
nearest local office of CMIJC and set
out your proposal. To do this you
must have plans of the house you
want to build, together with an esti-
mate of the cost of construction and
of the lot. You should also be pre-
pared to say how much you can
afford to pay, and also to give details
of .your own and your wife's in-
Imagine a marl walking into,
shall we say a printing shop looking
for a job and being told that he eotild
start work Monday—provided he
brought his own linotype machinel
He could be forgiven if he figur-
ed the offer somewhat unusual, but
sometimes we wonder how many em-
ployees in manufacturing industry
.have ever figured out, first, where
the . money comes from to provide
them with the tools of production
and, second, just what is the dollars-
and-cents cost of providing them
with their jobs,
If they think about it at all,
they will, after a moment or so of
reflection, realize that the money
comes from individuals who are
willing to take a chance on the suc-
cess of the enterprise but who are
equally aware that profits, unlike
death and taxes can never be guar-
This is simple enough, but esti-
mating fhe'cost of their job might be
a little More difficult.
,Assuming that more people are
aware that, in these days of ad-
vancing technology, machinery and .
equipment is becoming more compli-
cated' and expensive, and that More
investment money is needed to pro-
vide more jobs, nevertheless it might
well come as a bit of a shock to learn
that average capital investment per
employee in Canadian manufactur-
ing industry in 1957 was $11,446.
This figure was obtained from
the sales' dollar breakdown survey
conducted annually by the C.M.A.
among its meinber companies in all
rovinces of Canada. It Must be
pelled out that it is an average
figure; obviously job costs in heavy
industry tend to be higher than in a
small operation with less expensive
plant and equipment,
It might also be noted that, hand
in hand with the expansion of manu-
facturing in Canada in the last ten
years, the investment per worker has
been steadily rising. In .1948,. the
year the Association's annual study
was begun, the figure was $6,433.
Five rears later it had risen to
All of which goes to show that, in
this era of rising costs, the provision
of new jobs is becoming an increas-
ingly expensive proposition. ,For-
tuhately, this is not deterring the
army of investors which has com-
plete faith in Canada's future.,
People in all walks of life were
stunned recently when the news of
the deaths by drowning of five
RCMP officers reached the papers.
In Ontario last year, 416 lives
were lost in the war. One hundred
and thirty-font died while boating,
147 slipped lath the water to their
deaths and 77 drowned while swim-