HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-07-23, Page 7jouivSna; 'front,' Bonni Carbert, Peggy Bac and Theresa Newell:. HAT MAKING CLASS--Tacluded int the project:. at the Vacation Bible School was 'the making of hats by this group at girls. Back row, left, .Edna May Armstrong, Pain, Burns, Janice Henderson, Itini t ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY* 41111,N oard,.105o VINOXETER MelFiurriey, Tommy Miller, Barry lifiteLeito, 'Donald /Untold,• L, Hickey, John Cullen and. t 'arrY Gardner, JUNIOR WORREBS--Another of the crafts in which instruction was given at the Vacation, Bible School was woodworking, The group of boys shown abort; includes, from left to right, Harold ?Yawn; Carmen LITTLE ,FOloc$ iaat,E 1pn.,.....100a grousmallNli p of small fry was posy makingmaking'drawings at the Vacation Bible School. From thir left they ,sire Billy Strong, pentad Mourchy, Bonny -MeTaggart, -Brenda alcTaggart , and Kama Ritter; The .school elotied last -^4 I HERE'S THE JUNIOR, GROUP- n, -,This ,sectio engaged in junior art work,' includes, left, David Jibsen, • Brad Lewis, Glen . Dumb*"Joan and Ruth Bennett. They attended the Vacation Bible School at the United °hoick Miss Bonnie Gibson, London.,,, Master Daryl allasork, WiughaM god Mr. and MO, rattrned fast Weekfrni aner-abletrlvtx_wntsviie4wIgortn Park„ DttlAvia, Kingston., CeruWall and he St. basvrenee Seam, *p4r • rs. pae4adt' 11.1.15a7gwYlPholt14r.P 707ton d; Mrs. Jas, Doig. Wednesday visitors at the same borne: were Mr, and Mrs, Barry' Gewly, Gorrie, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence White, Toronto spent the week. end at their Summer home here, Mr, and Mrs. 'WM. Hart were, week-end guests of, Mr. and Mrs;: Bill Hart, Oshawa. WalVisi°8 a Bonnie -end dflaSirt'Or:ICIatetbC1.11117;' home here. Mr. and 'Mrs, LlOyd Weir; Tor- ante, spent the week-end with Mrs. W, E. Weir and Miss. Gertie Bush, Mr, Ana Mrs, Harvey Bradshatv and Ntrh. R. Newton visited' Mr, and 'Mrs. WM, Newton at their cottage' at Point- Clark on StinciaY- • .11,Ityand alfra. Ross Coates attend- .ed the Coates' Reunion held in 1,istowel Park on Saturday when abent a.; attended, Mr. and Mrs. Barly Adams :anci. Mrs. R. Newten spent Thursday in. Goderieh. Mr. John Hupfer, Mrs. Alonio SParling and Mrs. Thos, Hemphill were gueets of Mrs, Angus Carinic- hAel, and Mt. and Mrs. Jas. Rob- ertson, Goderich. Mrs. Bertha McGee is spending this week in Toronto and St. Cath- arines with relatives. Mr. and, Mrs. John Lucas', Lis- towel, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coates, Flight Sgt. Donald aad Mrs. Seegmiller, Helen Arin and len‘nY, Trenton, were week-end "guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dane. Miss Dawn late and Master Terry Clark returned. to Wexford With Miss Darlene Brothers on Sat. urdaY for a Week's vacation. Mrs Alba Acteson, London, sperit a few days last week with her father, Mr. Albert Gallagher. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Baton,, Larry Eaton and Miss Dolores Plate, Seaforth, spent 'an eVenlog with Mrs. Alonzb Sparling last week and Misses Aileen and Bren- da,' arid .Master Glen Eaten And Miss Kaye McCowan who had been vacationing ',here returned home with them. • Mr. -and 'Mrs. A. Fiddes, Port Credit, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fiddes and Billy, Brampton were week- end, guests of Mr,, and Mrs. Wil- fred Brown. Sunday guests at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Harris Gold. Their sdri, David, who has spent the past week here re- turned home with thent, Mr. and Mls. Art Gibson, Mr, Harvey McMichael and Mr. Ron McMichael attended the Soil and Crop • Improvement Assbelation Twilgiht meeting at Clinton on Friday, Mrs. Gibson was the win- ner of- a steam iron in the draw spoitsored by the Clinton Junior Farmers. . ART .DEPARTM-kiNT—These ruing' folks at the Vac ation Bible. School made pictures from Molded, plaster of paris, whleh had been tortched up with color, rrain the left they are'GayleGannett, Susan Currie, Sheila Crowson; Ellen Cilackshalk Mary Cruickshank and Paul Gardner.. ' 111,11EVALE VVoni6fs Institute Mrs. W. I. Peacock Visit Kitchener BLUEVALE—'Members ,of the Bluevale Worhert's Institute en- joyed' a'bus trip to Kitchener, in- stead of the regular July meeting. They enjoyed a program at CICCO radio station, loured the Bell Tele- phone Centre, and sampled the heapitality 'of the city. Several, la- dies from Wingham Were included in the party. Dental Erosion Caused by Ices The British Dental . Journal re- ceived . by the Health League of Canada, states that . soft fruit drinks, fresh fruit juices, candies known as "acid drops" and frozen synthetic fruit drinks sold as "iced lollies" cause dental erosion. Most of the observations were carried out on the teeth of rats and dogs, but some were made on extracted 'human teeth. Many child- ren sucked iced lollies for long periods, arid in this way citric or tartaric acid comes in direct Con- tact with the teeth for long per- iods, causing marked erbsian, Sucking fruit-flavoured candies Which, alio contain these acids is also harmful to' the teeth, Friends Gather son, Debby Gibson, Larry Gordon, Brian front/Till Newell, Jennifer DUndas and Judy Reid, EVERYBODY, BUSY'—This groin) of youngsters was busy iiiak- irrg frairic .at the Vacation :Bible School Which Jar:hided a Wide variety of colts, From the left they are, back, Anne fonder.. Sh ower. Hostqs$ BLUEVALD-t-A shower in bOn. or of Miss Kay Johnston, b;ricle. elect of August, `was held Wednes- day evening at the' home 'of Mrs, W. J. Peacock, The .evening was spent with a Sing-song, 'recl`by Mrs, :Harvey Robert:SO; contests con. ducttid by'Miss Jean Vogt and each guest writing a recipe, Miss Brenda Breckenridge read an address , and Misses Dorothy Shaw arid 'Lillian , Campbell pre. sentecl the bride-to-be with Ali ir- oning board and cover, a, plastic laundry basket and a recipe box. A dainty lunch wag served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs, Plain- hug Johnston, Mrs, Carl 'Iohristoil and Mr8.• Wm. Hastings. For. Newlyweds t314t7111VALr-00 Friday ,eveniag Mr.. and Mrs., Lloyd, Wheelet,. dentiy Married, wore guests of lion-, or at a large party embintio, ity hall, ' Mrs.'Ress 'Gray read an address 'and a.. purse of money was pre- tented-by Pik Robertson, Brime's Orchestra of l3elgrave supplied ,the music for 110101i-1g, Courage of Galt Man Brings Success Through CNIB Service my, task would not be so difficult for this young Galt man displayed courage. Ile showed immediate in- terest in plans for his readjust- Merit to blindness. Ire moved from the room where he had been living alone, to fur- oatia Hall, Kitchener, one of tWeb. Thomson's patient... guidance, he learned to find his way about the city, using a white Caine. Lessons in handicrafts, served to Sensitize, his fingers to the tiny dots which comprise the intricacies of the Braille system. Training in touch. typing enabled him to write, letters to friends back home in Galt. Just when it seemed that re- habilitation measures were progres- sing excellently, Jack suffered it setback which would have' stopped anyone less courageous, His ex- treme diabetic condition sent him to hospital, lie bounced right back however, Soon be was again enjoy- Tornado Risk 'Canada is luckY, says 'Leonard Beath, in The Financial Post, It lies right on the northern edge of twisterdoin. There are too few tornadoes each year of any magei- tude for it to be -Werth the while of the weatherman even to keep went Of therri. But there Are a fetv that are indelibly stamped upon living memories, They left behind them trails of rdoid and dying!, of Wreck- ed farms and homesteads, useless. crops. There WO, for example the mid June day lit 1046 when the roar of a thousand railcard thundered Over the aante area around' Wiltdaor and, killed 1.7 people. There was, toe, `the day in August 1644, when a twist-. or destrbyed rttoStt,.of the town of Kai-nada, SaskateheWatt, The old- timers in 'SaaketeheVven will tell you of a tornado Art June 10:0 that, killed 28 Alia caused $.6 million of daritage. Mr, Nelson Cardiff, of Brussels, visited on Sunday with Mrs. An • dreW Lamont and Dugald Straelian,, Mrs, A., D, Miss Eleanor Smith, also Nit's, X3ugh Berry; of Brucefield, started last Week on a bus trip to British Columbia and • Seattle, to,be gone several weeks, Mrs.EttrIIIISlop: of DuniiVille, is visiting her father, Mr. Robert Shaw, arta Mr. and ,,Mrs, Miltort Fraser. Mr, and, Mrs, behald Street and Ste 11011,0 Listowel visited at the le Of Miss Mary Duff on SIM- Li la arid Jade Street and Mary VatiWyek retnen ed hOrne with them after a tWO vvecke Miss Phyllis Elliott and' Miss Betty Grainger, Of tlertle are Spending,• a hOlidity ,at the''C.01,T, damp at Ged#rielt: Dr. George: The/risen; and Mrs. Thomson, of SaaltV N ille, .B.„ have spent a holiday With their prenta, Mr. and Mrs. Gee, le, Thornsott, • after. as Inotoe trip- Id Ednitatittin, Mr. and. Mrs, Ilarold Harnilteri, of Port Bttrwell, Visited friends irithe village last week, Miss Mabel clothes, of Toronto, 'is holidaying at her aultitner heinc hero, . Mrs, Oliver ivfoffatV attending tiler summer selthel in triage at To- .. Nancy Taylor is visiting in VOriciWleh, Mt and MtiL Clare Herrman, of illx9Ler, visited .on Sun' darwith Mr. and Mrs, O. B. Hoff- Man. - Mr. and Mrs. jack kkiott of Mew ton, visited in BltieVali$ arid Wing. hair on atinclay. Mr, and M. Ira kietttelder, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Charles paelswell, of Harriston, Were week, end visitors with Mt and. Mra. Jos. Horten, ,And Mra, PIMA! Moffatt and children, spent the week.erid with Mr. and Mrs, n. H. Moffatt, ' Misses Ethel" aed Plor'enea Bea. tie, of Seafortii visited with Mrs, l„ Jr, Gernies on Sunday. Miss Ramie Johnston attendcd file illy show at 1,-/art Rouse, Tot-, onto, last week. Visitors at. 'the hone of Mr. henry Mathers arid sisters were Mrs. A. SmclUer of Amulet. Saak,. 'formerly Of Welwyn, Sask., Aria her eithlaih, Mrs. A. Vitch of Bel- Mere' Ont. Opens Shop Holyrood, Rayriard Ackert bins lair011ased the farm of his father, trnest Ackert, who .has lived tat this farm at Holyroed far' fifty years. Ritynattl has been busy fdr the post three Months, building a new, Modern abliatair ott this property. B, is of eminent block eenstinetion built under' DtIrriiiit from the Pro- Dept, of Health, Itaynard, who has been butcher- frig °attic for about ten years, has Moved• his wholesale and retail bust Tess into the .new premises this week, This plant is ecluipPerl to handle a large amennt of beef killing as the 'eoolers will bold between bitty and Sixty ,carcasses, ty fall, he in Leeds. to be killing hogs, also, in this ebbetOlt,—,Advt, Marie tittle who, with her hus- band Pierre, diseovered radium in 1808 once made the remark that 'Nothing is to 'be feared, It is only, to be understood;"' Most of us realize to Some ex. tent the great assistance which has been rendered through the Cana. OM institute for the Blind, The follStwing is a first pettson aceount by grata Pirlipott, field !secretary, of how the Institute ser- vice restores normal living to the blind: Less than it year agb I beard a kindly oculist tell jack Hubert; that nothing eould be done to Cheek his failing Vision. ;fa a few ..ntorittia he would be totally blind, as a Mak of diabetes. ON/B secretary, it was my job to convince hint that there was still plenty to be luiPPY Omit. As explained the various services of the Canadian . National institute "or. the Blind X tiered to hope that ty-taVo residences altd service ecn- tres located i ron, .coast to coast. Mg the social and recreational ac- tivities provided. lie attended the regular monthly dinner meetings of the WitterloO County Assecia. lion of the Blind, Saturday even- inks would find hint at the bowl-- ing alleys, enjoying the, game with his new found sightless friends, AL the dances held in the auditoriuni of Humble Ile% he was far from being 'a wallflower. Xt. was a good sign when Jack' bistriet. Home Teacher, Isabel. 'Thomson, he.rself sightless, planned a program of inionaive instruction,. designed to equip-A.0k to live a happy useful, life without sight. He. soon learned to tell lime by touch. Friends in Galt presented him with a Braille wristwatch, put. chased: front ONTR'S 'Special Ap- pliances .Departinynt, Under MO' grew restless, and wanted to to Work, After a short period of In- tensive sales training, he 'took aver as manager of the CNIB street steed in Kitchener, He soon Man- orized the location of 'his stock of candy, pop, fee Cream bars And ci nrl, 'Fite public quickly warmed hi:ch cheery snide a happy •He now lives with a pleasant,' kindly family Who show 1?,11'11"tt,Pro, Pat in hen, for he no longer needs• the shelter of a home for the It was a proud day for :'.'iutelt when lie could write government of• finials to inform their' that MS earnings, though 'still modest, had reached the OW where he would no longer be eligible for 18111)(111ms Allowance, and that he therefore desired to Make voluntary With.; drawal froth his pension. With' the help of The clabadian National Institute for the Jack has once more become a hap busy, self-supporting, adjusted.