The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-07-16, Page 9ou t
• fi
Beware of Traffic
Play Safe in ifie WWer
WINGHAM .)404.1
noloommimmimmommiNisimommammi onimmit imoimmil‘
Iefferson ,Noble
Patrigk St,, Win
Phone 770
—Mr. and Mrs. gdaria Chandler
and family meved from Hillerest
on Monday of &ill week to Elliot
Lake, where Mr, Chandler has been
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Sturdy and:
family of ()won Sonnd were week-
end, visitors with 'W.Ingtiarn rela.
tiVeS, The forMer's mother, Mts.
Frarat StUrtlY, returned home with
there after spending two weoRs at
()Wen 'Sound.
II Thin bankrupt steel; of paint is
,Snitable ter interim, or ex,terier.
Itahle ler Wood, cement or
* Can he brualied or sprayed.
Muloufactnred -hy 0,11,114„ Lowe
C,A(, ete,
• OUR otiARANTrE . . wry a
pilot) or more, ' If You are not
eempletely Satisfied that the paint
ie the beat . . . Then return the
1 empty vans or unused portion for
eomplete refund,
"ore $2.99 per Gallon
Colere; Light Green; Buff Beige,
Peari Orey, Turquoisee Coral,„Light
MOO, Battleship Grey, Yeliew,
Chertreuee„ Bright Reelc-Barll 'Bed)
Shutter Green, Ivory, Viatite, Wal-
nut Brown, Black, Tan.
ALIMINUM PAINT $5',99 Per Gal.
Undercod.t Primer 99e per Qt,
Send h deposit---Balanee shipped
C.O.D., or you may reran in full,
and save the charges,
Dept, M-190 537 Queen' St.,- West ,
Punganr.KM` United Church was
the 'agene Of ft gait* but pretty
wedding at 14, am. Saturday, July
12th, when Caroline Marie Noble,
eldest daughter of .Mr. and Mrs,
John Noble, was united in mar-
riage to Mr. Donald Charles Jef-
fertma, Younger son of Mr. and
Mrs, Chas. Jefferson, R.R, 1, Be!-
grave by the Rev. Mr, Kennedy.
The bride,' given In marriage by
her father, wore a dress of white
.nylpri'.and carried, a white Bible.
Her corsage was of red roses and
SI;e:Was"eattended by the groom's
'sister;.`,11ifitie.7.-Elaine :Jefferson, who
were',;,a,,,dress 'of':powder blue with
of red roses. •
. Mrl,'4.113aVid Jefferson, of NeW-
mit:rket.:pqiisinor the groom, was
best :man.: ' ,
Following the ceremony a tar-
dinnerwaieserved at the home
of the'bride•fot,the immediate re-
latives:4-Latetin'the day the young
conPlee'leftt on a trip to Niagara
Falls"arid4oirits north,
.a.-laire. 4, V. Monahaa and MI'S,
P. O'Shea aand children of Dee
troit, Mich„ visited on Sunday with
her cousin, Mrs, dos, Brophy, Mr,
Brophy and family,
—Mr, Allen Charlten, Mr. Bnitt
Miller and son of Hamilton visited
at the 'week-end with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Walter
—Mrs,. Elizabeth Naylor, who is
staying with Mrs. J. C. Robinson,
Diagonal Road, spent Sunday with
her niece, Mrs W. h, Dainty, and
family at the home'of Mr, and Mrs.
Edward Robinson, Donnybrook.
—Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tiffin and
family were in .Toronto at .the
week-end and Visited with her
brother, Mr. Ron Boo, at the River-
dale ieelatioa Hospital, On Sun-
'day they attended decoration ser-
vices at the Mount. Albert ceme-
tery. Mrs. Tiffin's mother, Mrs.
A. J Boe, returned with them arid
is a vieitor this week at the Tiffin
home. ' ' '
—Mr. Bill Foralo of Toronto vist
ited With his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs, WTI% 'For& and Miss
Anna Fergie .1aSt week, Re has
taken IVfr, and Mrs. Fergie on a
trip to Thunder Bay this Week.
—Mr, and Mrs, Pon UtiCaY and
family, Leopold ,$t„ spent a few
days at Cannington at the week-
end and attended decoration ser-
vices at Mount Albert cemetery pri
—Mrs. Lloyd Hingeton, her bro-
ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Marshall and their daughter, of
Teeswater, left on a motor trip to
Regina, Saalt„ last Tuesday, where
they will visit with Mrs. Hingston's
son, Mr. and Mrs, Ken Hingston
and faMilY.
—Mr, and Mrs, Rep Kersey and
daughter, Karen spent last week-
end with Mn, and Mr,. Hugh Car-
michael and family. Mrs. Kereey,
sister of Mr. Carmichael spent the,
week in Wingham at the Carmich-
,,,,,,, 100IJ l o! ll UI
--Mrs, Phil Yaniky and bar
children of Toronto are spending
the week with her brother and sis-
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roes
Worrnworth, Carling Terrace.
—Mr. and Mrs.. Wilford Casliok
and familer are spending a two
'weeks' vacation at Bruce Beach.
—Miss M. E. Procter of To-
ronto spent last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Procter and at-
tended the Procter reunion.
lVfessrs, Donald and Tennant
Headerson spent the last two WeeltS,
With Mr.. and Mrs, Harold Wicks at
Port Credit. °
—Mrs. David Cathers, Minnie
St., left receatly to visit for some
time with her son, Mr, and Mrs.
Lloyd Cathers, near Hanover.
—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerr of
Stayner visited relatives here the
latter part of last week.
—Miss Wendy Fuller was a pleat
for a few days last Week at the
Walden cottage at Bruce Beach.
—Mr.- Jim Newman of the staff
of the Toronto-Dominion Bank at
Allendale is spending his vacation
at the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Newman, Minnie St,
—Eight Wingham, members of
The Salvation' Army Band and
eight bandsmen from ,Listowel
Were in Goderich on Sunday where
the local corps played for
the Junior Farmers' Federation.
.L.3.•fr. and Mrs, Morey O'Laugh-
lin and two children of Edinanton
visited last week With' her Parents,
Dr. and Mrs, F.' A. Parker and at
the cottage -with pr. and Mrs. ILly
and Hilary of Kitchener, .
—Mr. and Mrs. John Langridge,
David and Stephen are spending
a week's vacation at. Kincardine.
—Mrs. Ed Ryan, Catherine and
Gregg, of Toronto, are visiting
with her parents, Mr ,and Mrs.
Alex Elliott.
i'Inter-County BASEBALL
t 6.00 p,m, TUESDAY, 4:cxx 52
73AR public school children FREE.
:4 M inor teams FREE if arriving!
in a body. 1
Listowel Memorial Park 1
, ,, •• ,,,,, , ,,,,, if',
Family Dinner
Narks 72nd Birthday
_DONNYBROOK—A happy event
,occurreel' at the week end at the
home;',Of-Mte'r .ancl Mrs. R. Chain,.
ney -whenarnembers . of their fam-
ily gathered in honor of Mr. Chem-.
ney's 2nd. birthday which he ob-
served', On. July' 11th. This mark-
ed.Ahe: first time in many years
their family of five sans and .one
adaughtei,had been together at one
Thereewe,re 22. present for the
ibirthdaye dinnetwhich was held on
Sunday.:Inelucl,ed Were Elwin, Mrs,
Chaniney• and ^daughters of -Wing-
ham;:.Herman'. and Mrs. ChamneY
of Windsor and their grandson,
BiJle Nurse ef Downsview; Mrs.
Verna ,Doeire Sheila, Ronald, Brian
and ;Harold-of Niagara Fella; Gra-
ham::Mrs, ;Chatnney and family of
Goderion; :Stuart, Mre. Chamney
a.nddáiighters .and Gorden, Mrs.
Chamner and family of Auburn.
WED AT ST. ANDREW'S—Beverley'Maxine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Gorhutt Sr., and Daniel Harley Lambkin of Embro, son of Mrs.
Roy Lambkin and the late Mt Lambkin exchanged marriage vows in
St Andrew's Preebyterian 'Church on July 5th., with Rev. R. T. A.
Marshall, of Whitechureh, officiating.--Photo by Connell. DRAPER
—Mr, Lyman Harding of Harris-
ton, theologieal student at the Uni-
versity of Western Ontario, attend-
ed service in, St. Paul's Church on
Sunday morning. Mr. Harding and
Rev. W. 'H. N, Williams, rector at
-Harriston, will conduct servicee in
'St. Paul's Church here during the
month of August.
-7-Mrs., Joe Smeltzer, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Smeltzer and Mr. Earl
Eastman of Saskatchewan are vis-
iting with Fitch 'relatives.
—Mr. and Mn. Chris' Newman
took their daughter, MeryKae to
Toronto last week, where she is
attending summer school. Mr. and
Mrs. NeArman then spent' a few
days with' their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr and ,Mrs.'. Brpee ga-
gar and went on to Barrie.
—Mis's Maureen 'Itokan of To-
ronto is visiting with her cousins:
LELA -Week she Wad 'atethe home of
and Mrs. Wilfred. White, in
town, and she is spending this
week at the Lane' of Mr: and Mrs.
Stanley Black, Belgrave. ;
—Mrs. STorrnan Thompson and
Grace Eind Mrs. Jack Tiffin and
Stephen spent a day- last week in
July and August
SALE of . . .
About three thousand yards .of screen prin
drapery in all the newest patterns.
SALE PRICE ONLY - $2.45 yd.
and made up to your window sizes absolutely free
McElrea-Sherwood '
mi....Ernina - Jeanette Sherwood
exchanged marriage vows with Mr.
Sterling Franklin 1VfeElrea in a
double-ring ceremony at Bethel
Chapel, Brantford,' on Saturday:
Mr. J. K. Boswell of London, Ont-
ario, Officiated.
The bride is a 'daughter of Mrs.
George Sherwood of 217 Wellington
Street and the late Mr, Sherwood,
Mrs, Pere Caslick'of E2 Teeswater,
and the late Mr. Ernest Franklin
1VICElrea are parents of the bride-
Freshness Guaranteed s
* '
Sthitty"-i..Sholppint Cadre
Play It Safe with
,,Aia$ vve.ovIER ,
Communion mins,' white ear-
nations, „daisy mums and ferns
provided the floral setting at the
altar to which, the bride was es-
corted by Mr, William Rees.
A,rrs. George Williams vvas
matron of honor and bridesmaids
were Miss Edith Leggett and Mias
Catharine MacLeod. Mr, George
Williams attended the bridegroom
and ushers were Mr. Douglas
Sherwood, brother a the bride;
'and Mr. -Jack . Slack,, cousin of
the -bridegroom.
Miss Laura%CoOper played the
wedding music and accompanied
Mrs. Ken Donald who sang 0 Per-
fect LoVe, May the Mind of Christ
Their Saviour, and Together with
Citia& Jesus.
For her wedding-the bride oboe°
a floor-length gown of nylon tricot
over bridal satin with bouffant
for a term of 5 years
Principal and Interest Guaranteed
Interest paid semi-annually by cheque
..\41riteioday for a descriptive folder
rA*Ii• cs ne Number
skirt, The fitted bodice of Ale:n-
em-I lace featured a scoop neckline
and short sleeves. She wore match-
ing Mitts. ger pearl and sequin
headdress held her fingertip -veil of
silk illusion. She carried a white
Bible' with a corsage of pink Chif-
fon roses and white hale roses.
The bridal attendants Wore
ballerina-length gowns of radiant
aqua crystal charm, styled on em-
pire lines, with portrait neckline's.
They carried colonial bouquets of
pink Chiffon roses and pink
feathered carnations.
'For a reception in the .baseriadrit
of Bethel Chapel, the bride's mother
was attired in a dress of rciee
crystalette with accessories and
corsage of white _feathered carna-
tions. The bridegroom's mother
wore an -ice-blue crystillette frock
with white accessories, and corsage
of pink feathered carnations.
When.Mr. and Mra. MeElrea re-
turn from a wedding trip to the
United States, they will take up
residence at 88 Sheridan Street.
For travelling the bride chose
a lime green linen dress with white
nylon jacket and white accessories.
A corsage of pink roses enhanced
her ensemble.
Out-of-town guests attending the
wedding came from Fort William,
Peterborough, Wiarton, Lions
Head, Cobalt, St. Catharines, Hes-
paler. Teeswater and Harley.
A cup arid saucer. .shower was
arranged for Miss Sherwood, prior
to 'her rnerriage, at the home of
Mrs. George•Williama of 149' Coinhe
bell Street. Mrs. Lewis Conklin
and Mrs. Arnold Johnstone were
The women of Bethel, Chapel
Assembly honored the bride with
a miscellaneous shower at the
Feminine members of the office
staff of Massey Harris M. Foundry
held a pantry and personal shower
at the home of -Mrs. George Wil-
crown Trust
200 Oneeris Avd., London
• In order. to provide improved service THE
Oet more Milk—keep your cattle, I
free of biting flied. Dust them !
with pink COWFLY POWDER. I
COWFLY POWDER lasts 2 weeks
or more—less work for you—better
protectioa for your cattle. Costs I
less than M cent a day. Approved tot I
use on all stock, 2 lb can costs only $1.5.51
For Barns Us' • • •
WHITEGHURCII Two Lines to Central Mildmay Rotary Club
INGO • In order to secure this extra service for you a
change in telephone number has been necessary.
—Mr. and Mrs. Ed Edighoffer
have returned from a trip to See-
hatoon where they spent a week
with Mr. Edighoffer's mother.
—Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moggach
and family 'of Ridgetown visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lunn
over the week-end. Their daugh-
ter, Debbie, returned home with
them after spending the past three
Weeks at the Lunn home.
:ez-eMra. --13r111: El-Petta.a..P.0 ..r41A4
returned home last week from a
visit at Camp Borden. They were
accompanied by Mrs. J, T. 13ildfell
and three children, who are vis-
iting with her mother, Mrs. Walter
—Miss Patricia Brophy, Reg.N.,
of St. Joseph's Hospital, 'London,
was a week-end visitor with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bro-
W.0.2 H. W, and Mrs. Dainty
Mid Linda visited recently with
Mrs. J. C. Robinson, Diagonal Rd.
• —Mr. and Mrs. Murray Stain-
tan, Diane arid Maureen are spend-
ing two weeks at,Pine River,
—Mr, Bob Osvvald, of Paris, vis-,
ited at the home of Mr, and Mrs,
A. Lunn over the week-end.
--Mr, and Mrs, Jack Salter Were
in Wallaceburg at, the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Mackay re-
turned home With them following
a Visit there.
The new number is—
over floors to keep
barns free of flies.
Takes only 3 minutes, Kills over 96% of the flies in
4 hatirs. 24 oz, can costs only $1,25.
ham 8 tiew PERMABAIT in
$1200 in Prizes
Wednesday, July 16th
community centre, Mildma,
$500 Special Must Go
TWO $100 'Specials
Twelve regular games for $40.00 eah
One Share the Wealth
o tam buildings. 46 at,
teid. ApproVed for Vs* dd
Use it often—we're always glad to hear from you—no
matter what you have to say!
Long lasting—One
buddinge free of
application keeps
Aim for WO to Wes llWtU
0tontha les pato- Os I
Extra and special'cards 25e; 5 for $1.00
Doors Open at 8.00 p.m., starts at 9.00, over
about 11.00 pan.
Bingos are held in Mildmay every second
, Wednesday.
Proceeds for Community Service Projects.
Willik4ill Advance Times
sskt AT
Pilaestet, Vinghairt 'pEICLY
eaMta. and Mrs. Alton Adama
spent the week-end at Roney Har-
bour and visited with their Soho
Phillip, who is at a boYS' camp
• —Mrs. W. R. Hughes of Hamil-
ton, Mrs. A. A. Thihadeau of Buf-
falo and Mrs, Chas, Veereheor of
Ann Arbour spent Thursday With
their niece, Mrs. to, S. MaeNaugh-
ten. Other Thursday visitors at
the same home were her sister,
Mrs. Prank Forster, 'of Toronto,
and Mrs, 1, J. dainble, and Mrs.
E. Hainitoek of rordWich.
6.Mir. and Mrs. 'Edward Hehir
and Laurie Ann, teritt Mrs. Ira
MIAs, et teat Ileirtfititirti UN;
rsitthd, NOV orlt Aro Ylaititilf With
Ait '(fI rMflFtlitptil And
dibmotl Aintottl
.Mr. and Mrs. Olivet Stokes of
Turnberty and her brother, Mr.
Norman Muir, of Brampton, left
•on Saturday to spend two weeks
with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Muir at
Fort William. They went by Sar-
nia and Dulath.
Mr, and, Mrs, Robert Scott and
children visited on Sunday with her
father, Mr. dohn A. Johnston at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Williams,
God erich.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Warrior and
Janis visited for a few days this
Week. with Long Branch and Tor-
onto friends.
Mrs. Chas. Corigrarn of Lucknow
spent a few days this week at the
home of her daughter, Mrs, Chas;
Mrs, Ditnion of .kitalumer, spent
the week-end at the home 'of Mr
anti Mrs.. Thos. lloriatoti.
Mrs. Rutherford ReaVie, Sharon
and Gary, Mr. and Mrs, Ronald
Coultes and family, and Mr,. and
Mrs, Clarence Chatriney and Clair°,
Spent Sunday at' London, Mr,
Rutherford Reavio Was able to
leave' Westminster nospital for
the occasion, and enjoy VS Pleilie
supper at Springbok Park. Miss
Sandra CharrineY, who had been
Vt$itillfe With relatives at DetrOit,*
joined her parents a tbridoni '