HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-07-09, Page 3Bell Explains Need For Increased Rate Ottawa, June 25-Au al4plication seeking approval to increase tele- phone rates was filed today with the Board of Transport Commis- Sioners for Canada by• The • Bell Telephone Company of Canada. ' • The proposed increases for resi- dence telephone rates range from 10 to .45 cents per month, and for business servige from 15 cents to $1,65 per month. Increases in some long distance charge are also re- quested. The proposed revisions in Bell Telephone's rates would affect the Users of the company's telephone services throughout Ontario and Quebec. The company requests the board to make the new rates effec- tive "at the earliest possible date". 'The hearing of the coMpany's aPplication open in Ottawa on Tliesday morning, Sentember 16. 'In a letter to Bell Telephone shareholders, which is being Mailed tonight under the signature of Thomas W, Eadie, the company's president, it is stated that a gross ineome hroperating revenues of $16 Million is being sought. In explainig why ehe, compay is again applying for revised rates, following the federal cabinet's or-. der of April 29 rescinding the January 10 judgment of the Board of Transport CoMmissioners which awarded the company higher rates, Mr. Eadie'S 'letter says: "This company has an obligation to serve the public. To do so, we must rotain the ' confidence of in- yeators through a sound approach financial as well as other management problems. Early rate relief is essential if we are to pre- serve this confidence, and to oper- ate and develop our services in a way that will satisfy the needs of cuStomers. "To achieve the level of earnings of $2.43 per "share, which had been the past . week with Mrs. Martha Baker.. He has been 81,1cce4sful in passing his exams Ea teachers' college and at the beginning of the fall terM will be on, the staff of Pririce Charles School In London. Bible School opened here this morning at the Brethren in Christ Chureh and will continue for the next two weeks. CROWN Theatre - Harriston THURS. - - SAT. Jiffy 10 - - 12 "BAMBI" (Technieolor) Walt Dianey's Greateat °matter "JUST MY LUCK" Norman Wisdom Orie of the Funniest & Wackiest comedies this Year. ALL NENT WEID4 TUES., lynx, Tnnns., vitt. ned SAT., "WITNESS FOR THE 'PROSECUTION Tyrontie Power, Marlene Diet- rich, Marks Laughton, ;Ms Lam-hosier An ihitertainment Event), , net Most Not Missed Shows Nitely /,15 and, 0/16 . Regular Priers HERE'S ALL YOU DO: spray binS With HOWARD BIM tREAT: , treat new 'grain with HOWARD GRAIN GUARD • COSTS LESS THAN 2e. A BUSHEL less than it does to fumigote approved by the Board. of Trans- port commissioners, an increase, in net income of smile $8 million is I required, Because of the effect ol taxes, this necessitates a gress.'in- crease in operating reveues of '$16 ' The proposed increases in. long distance rates-within' Ontario and Quebec. only---are largely in per- son-to-person calling. Adjustments are proposed in initial period rates of five cents at. most mileage steps between points up to' 35 Miles apart. For longer diStances, the in- creases are somewhat higher in most cases. Bell Telephone's present general level of rates became effective" on March 1, 1952. The company's application' states that, under its present rate state- ture, net income for 1958 is esti- mated at $1.98 a shake. The pro- posed revisions 'to its tariff; when effective for a full year, would in- crease -net income .to the level ap- proved by th bogrd 'in it's judg- ment of January 10, 1958. In that judgment the board noted that.the company maintained a average earning of $2.42 a share during the six-year period 1952 thiough 1957, Following collective bargaining. wage rates have been increased, on the average, by per cent ef- fective at the beginning of June. The application 'provides for 'rev- enues to 'cover this increased ployee expense, In addition, the company is still facd with the in- creased costs that led it to. apply for higher rates last August. , l(Adult) YVonee Lime ,"INVASION -OF THE SAUCER MEN" '•`• Steve Terrell, Gloria Castillo 1111111.11111MiligliniNINI.111/1111111.1111.11 THURSDAY and FRIDAY • July 10 and 11 "Rocliabilly Baby" Virginia Field, Douglas Kennedy "Badlands Of Montana" Rex Reason, BeverlY\Garland SATURDAY ONLY, July 12 'The Dalton Girls" Merry Anders, Lied Davis "Jungle Heat" Lex Barker, Marl Blanchard ' SUNDAY 3HDNITE, July 13, "BENGAL BRIGADE" (Technicolor) Rock Hudson MONDAY and_ TUESDAY Joly 14 and 15 Midniett StorY." Tony Curtis, Marisa Pavan MONDAY IS LADY DRIVERS NITE All Lady Drivers AditillAd Free IVEDNII/SDAY and THURSDAY 16 and 17 • "I WAS. A TEENAGE WEREWOLF" BELGRAVE, ONT.. PHONE: WINGHA31 1065ws BRUSSELS 14r10 Time ils,Running Out by 11.1 ilia of to ,er have no plans as yet. Mrs. Lena Banos of Veteolt, end Mrs, DIsle Yantz of Kitchener visited several daya last week at the hem° of Mr, and Mrs. 18 Week-end visitors at the honle of has been .owned. and operated' by Mr. .anel Mra, Peig were Mr, and Ken Grtilael and AllS911 V,1-4441$ Mra. Den efibrOolte, Nancy And Will.• nOW be under now , manage,, WaYne Of St. Catharines. "MO* Nfr. •Rettan. haiing bought Mr, and Mrs. Les Halliday '.and Mr, .01'04911'P share is now the Calvin:of Toronto., Mr, and ars, sole owner. Mr, and Mrs, GraliaM Hube and family of Ifillolnirg spent Sunday with Mr. and MrS. Ken Graham, Mr, and 'Mrs. Harold Jarrow ,and two sons of Yardley, Pa., are spending this• week et the home ot R,PYrien Devitt. • Mr. and Mrs, John Craig and Mrs, . Mr. and 'Mrs. Earl Baiter and Wm. Craig, Week-end guests at family of London spent the 'week, the same home were Ivo.% and Xrs, , end with Mrs, Martha Baker. 42 pci. SILVEIRWAR, , MI5 40 pes. DINNERWARE , 82 po. tor ONLY . $80,95 Joorw MISS THIti IFIFNE "MOE: W.14404 Aklywo4,14/19#4 W.040940r. ;r141,y ,41011.111111.1.01111111111•11:0110100014010.1*11111110u***1111014 timw ,;()N10411 'two* moo, ''SP.R.60-7-7/YIR" 'OFFER, • • ,. Finest' ,,Quiglity and Serowe A.V.M.NO 1:941VOND .ArronsTx'MNTIO owilmquEsr. ;O. 11,- ,Id he ist lie c*ktt, who Piggery The Pordvvich Veed whiell . Ot. .TelaaPh'S HOSPital Menda3/4. K CONDI!, ',OVA B.v.$.Anss. iluk0 '00011zoil 'sly* holotul. ,speolal4e(11 servIce far the .protection .of re,Aor. NEttislifIrIPS IfINY .9W*NAIRSIRIPS IS* ASSIVRE.0 coNntir, FRANK C, HOPPER ,,,--ftepresentative--- .0onadd Life 7*.WINCHAM, .ONT, rhono-.40z,. FORDIVICH Allen Castle, Peal and Karen, Ur, and. Mrs. Wilmot Graig and Janis and mr. Bert Summerhouse, all of Toronto,' Mrs. 4mma Williarnson-_ Is spend- ing several deys ,this week in Lon- don to he with her sister, Mrs. Wm, Llashmar Hafermehl's Jewellery DRIVE-IN THEATRE Li:towel, Ont. in 310N. TUES. - WED, July 14 2. 15 - 16, "OKLAHOMA" Colour Cinema,scope Gordon IVIa,cRea, Shirley Jopes Keep your grain INSECT FREE ft;r a wh.ole year! lat 1.04AL 1 Sea E use T4e Teg331#4' Pt NON. lek Township Pennell was neld the clerk's office on PaturdaY. All members were Present and the reeve, Arthtur Gibson, was in the chair, The minutes Of the laat re- I gilder., And Special meetings were read and on Motion of R. Gib- Son and MoMichael were adoPted as read. It was Moved by Haskins and Allan that council accept the pe- tition on the repair of the Gathers Municipal Drain in Lots 12, 13 and 14, Concession 5, and the work be carried out under Section 10 of thc Menicipal Drainage Act. Moved by Allan and Haskins that council rescinil the motion of May 5th, 1953, to hold part of Lot No, 1, Walker Survey in Fordwich, trust as a park lot. Moved by R, Gibson and Mc- Michael that pouncil accept the of- fer of I-I, Lohr for $30.00 for part of Lot 1 in Fordwich, Moved by Haskins and Allan that the Howlek Township couneil ac- knowledges notice of an estimated capital outlay expe,nditure of $10,, 000 00 by the Norwell High School District Board, and approve of the same. Moved by R. Gibson and Me- Michael that the Heinz Co. rease the Fordwieh shed for $15.00 for a gathering station. Moved by Allan and Haskina that the reeve be instructed to declare Monday, AuguSt 4th, 1958, as a pub- lic holiday, MOved by McMichael and R. Gib- son that counell instruct the clerk to acknowledge receint of the ap- Plication of the c.p,a. to the Board of Transport CominissiOners the Fordwich station; • ' Moved by Haskins and Allan that the road accounts as approved be paid. Moved by McMichael and, R. Gibson that the following ac- couhts be earth County of Huron, hospitalization $177.254 Village of Mildma,y, fire calls, $247.00; Village of Clifford fire calls, $300.00; Moir Funeral Home, flOWers, $10,45; Gestetner Ltd., supplies, $14.00; Atwood Print Shop, supplies, $28.25; UnderwOod Ltd., supplies, $45.00; Howick Muni- cipal Telephone, service and tolla $22.75; Ernie Dinsmore, balance„ef warble fly inspection, $124.00; Win Marriner, relief account, $22.87' Howe's General Store, relief ac- count, $15.39; G. L. Dobson, rclief account, $24.11; Heimpel, re- lief account, $4,20; Arthur Gibson, relief adniinistrator, $16.65; Cor- rugated Pipe Co., culvert pipe. $107,36; Howard Harris, part sal- ary, assessor, $500.00; W, A. Gib- son, fox bounty, $1.00; Branch 13, No, 10 Drain, fees and allowances, $273.00; Carl E. Willis, contract and. deposit, $383.90; Engleand Produce Co., balance warble spraying, $72.86; road account, transfer, $13,- 786.24. Moved by R. Gibson and Mc- Michael that council adjourn to Meet again on August ,{5th or at the call of the reeve. Arthur Gibson, Reeve, 'J. Harold Pollock, Clerk • • LOOK.! SEE!! z COTTAGE ROLLS , lb. 65c ROUND BEEF 3 lbs. $1.25 Friday and Saturday Only I FROZEN FOWL AT AU. • TIMES, Lockridge's Butcher, Shop The Best of FreSh and Cured Meats Always, en Mend. ;es Of go es ne as 5S- ut er ad 3ts iy. he Lit, • re ;es in of he as, ne SATURDAY ONLY, July 12 Double Feature "The Beast Of 'Hollow Mountain"' . Colour Cinemascope Guy Madison, Patricia Medina "Trooper Hook" joei McCrea,:Barbara Stanwyck purmsnAhm aultriunax , "MEN IN WAR" Robert. Ryan, Aldo Ray VANCE'S DRUG STORE THEY'RE COMPLETELY DEPENDABLE AND YOU GET FAST ERVICE Tao! I HAVE To GET TiritS PRESCRIPTION FILLED, CAN YOU 11ECOMMEND A GOOD DR.UGGIST ? TAKE IT TO MPS Albert Johnson -anent last week in Toronto with Mrs. Jeanette Lindsay, 'Congratulations tO Mr. Rnrf •Mrs. Morley Johnson on the birth of a 604 on July 1st, .in, Wingharn. Hos, vital, Mir:0es Maud and Esther Harding of' Toronto. , are speeding several weeks at their Wane ,hem • - Mrs, George Wipp, Paul and 'Bradley of Lendon spent the week- end with her' mother, Mrs. Pearl Patterson. Miss Riith Johnson of Toronto is holida,yleg With her parents, Mr, and Mre. Albert Johnson. ' Mrs. Ruby ForeSter of Torento is spending a month at her home here,. Mester John Harris, nine-year- old son • of Mr. and Mrs, Clare Harris, fell oat of an apple tree and broke his arm, He was taken Id. Listowel Hospital to have it set, • Mr, and Mrs, Weldon Hainblv and two children of Toronto SPent several clays with, Mr. and Mre. Fred Hambly, • • Mr. •Ian Pittendreigh of London is spending two weeks' vacation at the heme Of 'his parent's., • Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gamble and Douglas of Cochrane Visited laat- week at, the home of •Mrs. Jennie llfosure They also enjoyed a two day yisit to Galt and Dundas, accompanied by Mrs. Mosure. Rev. and Mrs, A: F.' Gardner are enjoying a holiday at Bruce Beach, Miss Aorta Van Velsor returned to her home. last week after being confined to Listowel Hospital for 'several weeks following surgery.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holstock and son of Toronto ,spent a' few. days last week with Mr. arid Mrs. Doug 'Holt, Mrs. Harold Doig is „ spending some. time in Toronto at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Bride, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamilten of Port Burwell spent last week with Mrs, Wit.' Wade and Beatrice, Mr. 'and 1Vlia, Paul Wendt? and two children, of Torento visited last week with .Mr, arid Mrs. Ward Schaefer. Master Barry Matthews' returned home with them. for a week's holiday. - • „ MARRIEID, 1314.11i1VALli,',-Mr, and Mrs, George John Burgers, who were married in the Blueyale United Ultureh. The bride, is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Sanderson, of Illueyale and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.:Arend Burgers, Snelgrove.---Photo :hy Russell studio, PATTISON RADIO & ELECTRIC 15 CU. FT. . $309,09 20 CU. " FT. • • $369:00 Home Freezers gcellari "KM BIN TREAT BIN TREAT kills insects in cracks and crevices has prolonged killing action-lasts at least 6 weeks, but does not harm grain. 20 oz. ran treats Iwo 7000 bushel bins-eAts $2.35. ,GRAIN GUARD , • mixes easily with new grain as it is binned, -protects it from insects for a whole year.. Contains malathion-does not harm grain. io Iles. treats 700 bushels, casts $2.46; 26 IS.- $4.85; se lbs. • 39.30. the most thoughtful ,(and moit-wanted)._ present you can give thkhomemalser-to-be a useful electric appliance. There are so.many IV6nderful electrical gifts thAt promise happier, ',Aker living ior years, 4 'come. Live better . . electrically, the,Safe, Crean, modern way! FEIN Happy the bride who lives better, - I THESE AND OTHER HOWARD PRODUCTS I. ARE ON SALE AT 1 Mr. Dpnald McDermitt spent a few days last week at Point Clarke. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Sothern and Gary and Mr. and Mrs, W. Hargrave and family and Miss Thelma Orth visited Santa's village at Bracebridge en Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brieker, Mary Lou and Johnny of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Ted _Denny; Brenda Lee and Earlda of Erin, visited Sunday with Mi. and Mrs. Earl Moore, MarY Lou and Earlda remained for a. two weeks' visit. Mr. and 1VIrs, Rebt. Hibberd., Glenna and Ronald visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. W. R, Hibberd at Walkerton And also with Miss Rath Hibberd, at Jack's Ranch, Mr. and Mrs. jack Wilson attend- ed the funeral of a relative in Sea- forth one day last week. Mrs. Wm, Martiner, Ricky and Wayne and John Wilson spent a few days last week at Point Clarke. Mr. Charles ,Hewins and son of Torante visited With kr. and Mrs Roy Simmons recently, Miss Thelma Orth of Listowel is visiting a couple of weeks with her grandparent; Mr, and Mrs. E. Har- grave. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hargrave and Mr:, and Mrs. Alex Reed spent one day laSt week In London, Mts. WilliaM McCann, Miss Margaret McCann, Mra. Bill Hutch- ison and Mrs. 'Bruee tAmeilt were Kitchener visitors one day last Week. Miss Linda McKnight of Simcoe is spending a couple of Weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, john Boyd, . Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Wallace of Hamilton spent the Week-end at the home of Mr, and MrS. Aitcheson Walleee. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gibson were' Mr, and Mrs. Jack Welsh. Messrs, Dave Polls and Prank Cardwell and Mrs Jessie G'Oorfrian all of Toronto. The latter remained lot a longer Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Hargrteve ' were Mr, and Mrs, Ron Rood mid little daughter and Mr, and Mit, Dart Hallman and family, all of tistoWer. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Stewart of Lis- toWel visited Suaday with Mr. end Mrs, James Vittle, Visa' Margaret McCann visited Sunday with MINS Nancy SOilierli at Sack's\ Ranch, North Mime, Mr, Bruee Oka of Arkona anent Belgrave Co-op ,.S....z 1.... ..‘„ . ‘you. put the ' i - , tools in his hands \ *1 _ - This former in Greece had only one tool, a pitchfork made from a tree branch, until you provided an $11 CARE package of sturdy steel implements. Now he has crops to sell, where he barely fed his family before, Across the world, millions like him are struggling to earn more, learn more, use their' own resources, But they need CARE farm and trade tools, new books, school and hialth supplies - the tools to build vigor- ous, trained, self-supporting people, .rorn $1 school kits to $90 sewing machines, your contribution in arty amount sends the needy the tools to help themselves! . . CARE Self-Help ,%';', CARE 116 O'Connor St., Ottawa, Canadi;, A CANADA itelitoostellot Enclosed is $ for self-help- toOls, a's" ,1614.,„,„01,,g, 4 ,40140ms.o%4140 ,A1 your name ,. address . *..... ii } i } 1 } ~ l l } \ l l f ~ } I l l i l l { i t S l l l ' t tl \ t ti u i > • I t l ~ t t l l l l t t i t l l ~ l i l l } ELECTRICITY DOES SO MUCH COSTS SO LIME Public U'tilities Commission Wingham Ontario