HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-07-09, Page 1f „
An event of considerable local
interest took place on Sunday
when special services were held to
mark the re-opening of the former
Calvin Presbyterian Church in
East. Wawanosh Township,, The!
building has been purchased and
eenevated by the congregation of
the Brick United Chrueh,
Calvin Clittreh was erected by
Members of the Presbyterian faith
in 1880, and was in regular use
each week for many years, How-
ever, about the turn of the century
many families from that section
left to settle in the Canadian West,
reducing the support available' to
the church. Original records of
Calvin Church show that many Of
those who left for the West 'were
relatives of, present-day residents
of the township.
Following church union, in 1925
additional losses were suffered by
the Presbyterian 'congregation
when some adherents joined the
newly-formed United Church. Dur-
ing the following 15 years the
chtn'ph was used ally occasionally
and three years ago it 'was formally
closed. Services have been held
homes of Members since that
e Records of Brick Methodist
Church reach back to 1852, when
"the congregation was first termed
and .class meetings were held in the
Lorries, Brick Church has 'been in
continemis use .since its erection
and when it was recently found
that extensive repairs 'to' the
foundation were needed, the plan
to , acquire the' former Calvin
Church was discussed. Preehytery
sold the building to the United
Church for a token sum only and
the work of renovation commenc-
ed. This is the first time the
church has been redecorated since
Cominimity Church -
Although the new Calvin-Brick
Church is under the jurisdiction
of the United Church and is served.
by . Rev, C. A. Xrug 'of Beigrave,
the church' is in reality a commun-
ity one, being supported by adher-
ents of both' former congregations.
About thirty families have member-
ship. ,
Though modern methods of
transportation 'would make it quite
feasible to discontinue use of a
separate church at that point, the
supporters of the two former
churches were unanimous -in their
feeling that 'a great deal would be.
missing from their lives and those
of their children, if there were no
further services at' the East Wa-
OHUIiCH HENOVATED—CoMPletelY- redecorated for opening 'services on .Sunday, 'this" is 'the interior' of
the Celvin-Briek Church in East WawaneshTOwnehip., The interior was. painted, pews were refinished and
neve, glase placed in the windows.—Advancee Times Photo.
lister of
usser In
nite r
the Salvation Army, Congratula-
tions from St, Andrew's Presby-
teriatn Church were carried by
Rev. Douglas Fry and a letter was
read from Dr. A, Nimmo express-
big regret that he was unable to
be .preseht,
Lunch was served by the Wo-
man's Association and Rev. W. D.
Clark dismissed the gathering.
with the benediction.
The local W, I. are holding 'a
picnic in the town park on: Wed-
nesday afternoon, July 16th, Mem-
bers and sfriende are welcome.
Please bring, lunch and. your own
dishes. Feb
Poem Read on
CBTC Network
A ,poem entitled "Canadian
,Pettyer" which admirably expreee-
ecl the hopes and aspitatioes, of
Canadians everywhere, was need
to •elosq, the . national net.
wort radio program "Assignment"
. Deirriblion Day.
, ':the poem Was Written by Mrs,
A, 11. DuVitt. of Wingham, at the
rtivitatfori of .the ORO Well in
advance of Doininion Day. Plans
for the entire pfeduCtion, which
Witt:ander the siiperViSion of Harry
do POYle, forMerly of OttNX, were
COmpfetecl Weelts in advance, „.
ede ication Service
t Calvin-Brick Churc
With which is amaig mated the Gorrie Vklette and Wroxeter News
Baptist Picnic
Halted by Rain
t The annual Baptist Church Picnic
was held in the Seaforth Lions Club
Park on Saturday afternoon with
about 120 in attendance. Swimming,
races and a ball game were enjoy-
ed. At the supper hour a heavy
downpour forced everyone to run
for their cars and the evening's
program had to be cancelled.
Some 23 young men are train-
ing at the Wingham Armouries
this summer as part of a 7-week
Student. Militia training program,
sponsored by the 99th Battery, An-
other' 22 are in training at Listowel,
Most of the student soldiers are
members of the cadet corps Of
either Wingham or Walkerton,
' Their course of instruction covers
civil defence, artillery instruction
on the 105 howitzer, general mili-
tary training covering map read-
ing, focit drill, weapon training on
light machine guns anchrifleselight
rescue and traffic control,
The course is 'under the direction
of Major J, A, Jackson, .assisted
by Capt. R. P. Ritter, Sgt, Major
Stan Hastings, Sgt. W. Elliott and
Bdr. R. Meyer.
-A • very impressive service . was
held, in Wingham United• Church
on , Thursday. evening ,when Rev,. T.
Garnett Husser, B.A., B.D., was in-
ducted, as, minister of the congre-
gation„ The propeedings' were . in
charge of R6v. Karl. Krug of Bel-
grave,- chairman of the' commission
of induction for Huron Presbytery.
Thee lessen was teed' by Mt. ',H.
Pentland Of Dungartnon, ;
Ih 'hie sermon Mr, Krug spoke
from. the text, Jahn 15;4, "Abide in
me: s end 'I . in. you: A branch cannot
bear fruit of itself except it, abide
in the vine; .no, more call ye„.except
ye" abide in `me". Pointing out thee
in arly times, great churches had
withered "and died because they
did' hot abide in HMI, Mr. Ken
said that the Lord had one word
for all; "Abide in me, and I in
you": Brenehes that are alive unto
God, . bear fruit and prosper and
evetyone must accept God's op-
portunitY as • it' comes, both in
church life and in private life. Fol-
lowing the sermon, the vows of the
congregation' were pronounced in
untsoh, pledging their support to
the new minister. '
Stewart Beattie, clerk of Session
and G. W. Tiffin, secretary of the
official board, conducted the mini-
ster to the front‘of the church' and
introduced him to the congregation,
where his vows were presented and
accepted in the presence of nine
members. of Presbytery. Mt. Hus-
ser Was then . inducted and the
charge to the minister was even,
by. Rev, J, L. Brown Of Brussels.
Following the verse in I Timothy
Decision of the date of termina-
tion of Daylight -Saving Time was
deferred by Wingham town council
on Monday evening, .aounei1 was in
receipt, of a letter from the Assoc-
iation of Mayors and Reeves in.
(Heating that a majority of Muni-
eipalities in . Ontario appear to
favor the last week end in Octo-
ber as the proper time to iteveee
to Standard Time, The association
has been making an attempt to sur-
vey the situation across the pro-
Vinee in order to suggest 'uniformity
of action.
` When the Wingliion council pro-
elainied the Opening of daylight
Saving Cline this year the closing
date was left open until it would
be clear What other Limns in this,
area are going to do, In discussion
on Monday ,evening it Was 0.0(10
to withhold my . decision for a -
month, shine tilegeneral situation 01.-DEDIOATED—The Vernier Calvin PreShAtriald Otalrehi which has is still confused. been taken OVOr hy the. Congregation of Uri& United Chtiroh anti
(Please iliac to rage TWelve) adhereitti 'of tine Calvin. congregation,' A hew roof was plated on the
Sincere syMpathy is extended to
the' two ladies who had to give'
their handsome big black clog a
INith in several cans of tomato
juice one evening this Week. Need-
1 to say, the Juice was followed
b deny gallons of water and the
beast still had a distinct skunley
tinge when they Were all through,
" 0 - 0 0
-,.Quite a few households, par-
tieularly in the northwest section
Of the tosyn are having their own
troebles wit • the, invasion tote ear-
, wigs which i currently 'in progress.
In addition to being •most uneppe-
jizing, the little bugs iian hand
ant a mighty nip, ,pertioularly if
they find their way into one's bed.
V you, aren'tr acquainted with these
Pests Srou can bear in mind the,
description. of a little girl who
knows all about them'. She, calls
them "hornbugs",
p -0-0
The matey friends of Orval Tay-
hr, genial reeve of 'East Wawa-
nosh II Township, were;; , sorry to
learn that he was taken
Wingham Hospital at the week-
end, where lie is serioeeiy• best,
wishes are ektended for ;an ,early`
0 - 0 :- 0 N
Orangemen e teem this district
will be 'headed for Clinton bright
and early on Saturday .morning
where the 'fifes, drums and white
hems will be out on parade for
the 'annual Orange walk • on the
glorious twelfth.
In• the few weeks since •the flow-
erpots were put up. on the main
deaglemp posts we had.,11!!Lrd,,sey-,
teal visitors' to' the con-Ma-Unity
e .etertenting on the unusual and
ittiriVe display. It'd it nice way
to e the memory of our team
remain in someone's mind and well
worth, the. annual investment.
0 • 0 • 0
Any doubts which might have ex-
fisted' .about 'the usefulness of the
new park, in Turnberry are now
dispelled, With the arrival pf hot
weather the swimming Spot is a
popular` resort.
Union Services
At United Chruch
The first of -the summer union
services of St. Andrew's PresbY-
tian Church and Wingham United
Church was • held in the ' United
Church on Sunday with Rev, T.
Garnett Husser, B.A.., B.D., new
Minister of •that congtegettion in
charge. '
These services will be eontinued
in the church during July and will
move to St, Andrew's Church for
Special• music marked the ser-
vices in the Wingham• 'Baptist
Church on Sunday when the new
minister, ReV. Don Sinclair, was
in charge for the first time,
Mr Arno Kelly of Kb-mite-dine
was e guest soloist and Elmer
'Ohlbach or Lucknow preelded at
the new electrorile organ' at both
The organ was dedicated at the
morning service and Frank Collar
Speke words . of acknowledgment
follovving the • dedication.
Rev, and Mrs. Sinclair and their
two children moved to Wingham
laet Week from Slate. River, in the
Fort William area.
Ttalop's Bakery will 139 closed for
vileatien July 14th to AO "15 'in-
elusive. eeee.
and Mrs, James
BitieVale, wieh to ltrinduitee.theene
gageinent of their daughter, itath-
.leeri Melissa to Mt. Ronald Thomas
McIntosh, 80h of Mte, .Met Pepper
end the late David Meintoeie Sea-
forth, The• inerriage to tekos Plate
On AUgUat 2011.
4:16,e"Take heed unto 'thyself and
unto the, doctrine, continue in
them", Mr, Brown emphasized the
truth 'that God chooses' one and
sets him. apart to be- a -leader,
whose aim is to serve Gdd and man.
After being led to the font 'where
children' enter -the church- by bape
tism, to the. comMunion stable,
where the. sacrament is 'administer-
ed ...and 'to. the pulpit ..,from which.
the .e,vorcle of God isepreeched,
Husser was invested With his gown
and pronounced the benediction,
Tetro' .prayer; atheme, '"}Tide not
Thy. Face" . and' -"Veni %Creator",
were sting- by the ehdir under the
leadetship of A.' D. Bennett.
Following the seilvice a social
hour was spent in the school room,
When G, W. Tiffin and Hugh Car-
michael introduced Mr, and Mrs.
Husser and family 'to the .congre-
gation individually. Mr. C. Fing-
land was chairman for a short pro-
gram. Two musical numbers were
much 'enjoyed; a elstrionet 'solo,
"Bless This House", by Marjorie
Moffett accompanied by her
mother, and a duet, "The Lord is
my Shepher0 frOm Mr. and Mre,
°strain with A. D. Bennett at the
Rev, C. F. Johnsen spoke briefly,
bringing greetings from St. Paul's
Anglican Church while Envoy New-
man expressed the good wishes of
Wingham deny vacation Bible
Sehool s began Monday moening, at
nine. with ,the largest enrollnient
ever for the first day. Since many
children have swimming lessons
on. Monday, more began' the cours-
es on Tuesday. •
Here is the time-table:
9-9.30—Registration and singing.
9,.,30-10.15.,.711ible study in the
three dePartlximits„
10,3040 45—Milk and ceekles.
11,30,]1,46-L:Devotions; .
Since' the seho01 is• interdenomin-
ational, plans are Made for the'
Ministers .Or leacibre° of the Aqq1l-
can, Baptist, *Presbyterian Salva-
tion Army or United thureh to
conduct' the closing Woieihin sec
vier,' each enorthig.
All etilldreli, egos tti It are
welcome to attend the. school any
days they are able. Parents' Night
Is Slated Tot' jiffy 18„
At an executive meeting of the
*Ingham and District • ASSCMia•
thtn for Retarded. Children held
lag Week it, was decided that a
hi:tel fee retarded Ministers in
$e area will be. Opened en Sept-
egiber 15th, A tentative survey in-
dicates that there will be at least
'ten children ready for' enrolment
at that time.
The ,meeting, which was held in
tite council chamber on Wednes-
day evening was chaired 'by the
alSociation's president, Michael
it Ogled, of Wingham, The-fol.-per-
lieg were named to head the e'er-
corrimitteees which will carry
plans for the formation end
operation of the school: Warner
Collings Gorrie,' education; Robert
Walker, Brussele, finance; W T.
Cruickshank, Wingham, publicity;
Howard IVfachan, Winghane• trans-
pofrtation. e
It Is expected that the assoeia-
'on's .charter, will. be presented at
Jmeeting.• scheduled. for Septem-
e'r 24th, The local Organization is
(filleted with the •dominion-wide
Parent.apsoelation ewhich is able to
supply, a greatecleal of assistance
because of ,experienee in• the many
centres where, 'Retarded Children's
Associations have .been flinction-
nig over a period of years. •
Guest speakets at the meeting
wereLee VickerS Listowel` and
;reek Tait of Walkerton, both of
Whom have been very 'active In
the work of the association in their
respective communities.,
The Lions Club had completed
arrangements for most of the pro-
gram at the annual Frontier Days,
tejbe staged at the end of next
Highlighting the list' of visiting
stars is Gordie Tapp, well., known
;television viewers, who watch
CRC "country,,,, Hoeclown!'„
yv t With him' `Will IA" Uie'llaii=
sen %Sisters, equally interesting to
audiences. here, These visitors will
appear in a monster stage show to
be presented in' the Wingham
arena on .Friday evening, which
will be followed by dancing.
Some changes have been made
in the. prograni generally, one of
them being the concentration of
activity at the town park on Thurs-
day evening, Midway rides and
games of various kinds will be the
centre of attraction, The children's
parade, which has formerly 'been
held on Friday afterndon will this
year be combined with the big
parade on. Saturday afternoon,
when several outstanding bands
will be brought in to add color to
the gala occasion.
Saturday evening the arena will
be the setting for the CKNX.Barn
Dance Broadcast and the dance to
follow, an event which has drawn
record 'crowds for the past three
or four years. * '
we. sh Corner which has become
so much a Part of their lives, They
were -'particularly anxious ,to Pone
tinue the Sunday School which is
a strong and active one, with about
04 membees.
All the work of cleaning and
tidying the building prior to the
actual renovation was clone by
voluntary help by merribers of the
congregation and the PATIOS ter ,
work on the church were raised
before the work was started,
Improvements to the bedding in-
elude a new roof, new windows and
doors, new lighting and complete
redecoration of the interior and
refinishing of the pews,
special speakers
Almost 30 children 'in the choir
led the,singing at the morning
service when the geese speaker
was Rev, G, Dunlop of Cum-
berland, a former minister of the
church, In the evening Huron
Presbytery met there under the
chairmanship of Rev, C. D. Daniels
of Hensall, who was also the guest
speaker, He re-dedicated th0
building as Calvin-Brick United.
Church. The.choir sang "Bless this
House" and "0 'God Our Help in
Agee Past". A male quartette
Alex Robertson, Gilbert Beecroft,
Gordon IVIeBurney and John Mc-
Gee sang "To 'Know Him Is to
Love Him", Mrs, John McGee was,
the accompanist.
The Teetren-Maitland Presbytery,
of the Presbyterian Church plans
to erect a bronze plaque in mem-
ory of the Presbyterian forefathers
and the Huron Presbytery of the
United Church will provide a sim-
ilar plaque to honor the pjoneer
Methodists, These will be unveiled
at a special service early in Oc-
tober, when Dr, Alexander Nimmo
will be the guest speaker.
Ray Archer, 5, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Archer", Wingham, suf-
fered a painful accident On! Sat-
urday when both his arms were
caught by" and drawn' into, the
power wringer on a washing ma-
After 'first aid treatment at thirst
al the
Wingham Hospital child, was
allowed to return home,'
On the same day ReneGray,
aged nine, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Gray, of NorthBay, was
admitted to the Winghain Hospi-
tal, where it was fouled 'that she
had torn `the ligaments in her left
ankle, The girl was visiting near
Lucknow end twisted her ankle
while playing in' the barn. cast
rpllehdomarte.she was permitted
to returnp
who was honored at a special ga-
thering, of local Masons, who pre-
sented him with a 50 year' Past
Master's jewel last week. Mr.
Crawford is 83 years of age,
Bill Henderson
At. Camp PetaWawa
Pte. W. K. Henderson, son of Mr.'
and Mrs. Wm. Henderson, who has
been at RCAMC School, visited at
his home the week-end of July 1st.
Bill has been transferred to
camp Petawawa where he is with
the 4th Field Ambulance Corps,
Wilding and exterior, woodwork Palmed, NeW deities and inderehe
were also plated.—Ativatiee.Times