HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-07-02, Page 7fir LONNY BOARD PIt ESFNIS GIFT . . . m 3, ; ...11 •. ,AC , • • 11,REWEILL,AERMO 404 Sharon svtg., end with. 4,114 hirrn, ,and M. and Kra, GeOrit titito Mis. Harty ThorRp, end Colleen and Mri and ,es XliSabeth end 'Roe reY F1110.t" Sunday with. Mr. And Mrs, lito. Sanburn and Mr, and Mrs, Spence Scott re- cently married, were honored hy thefr friends •on Friday' evening and presented With e. Vleree of PloneeseDanelisg in Me comnannity, hall, was ee the Mink of Tiffin's Qrebestra, Mn, Mae Black and Mrs, Nellie Lillow Went, to Kinbro for :the Scottish Gaines on Dominion 1)&y:, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Horton and Miss. Eleanor Smith, were at Mild,• may tor the Oentennial Celebra- tion, • Mr. and Mrs, leek• ThoMpison spent the;holiday at Ra,Miltens WINciriAlkle ONTARIO, WeeDISTIOSPAY, iPfelsIt and, eyeig a1,44PV'MX---,Inhri .Fischer, ebairman, presided at the ,regtiler Pleating of 'the Binevale ;Pubile!LI Wry. Board !en Thursday evening, After the discussion of business, Mr. Fischer spoke of the • goat! interest Rev. aro* had .talon . the library and ..the time he had spent In belpingita!establisnitient.L. Mrs, James Johnston, on behalf Pf..' the board, presented Mr, and Stook with a, :Pair of brass Magee. Tine seeks. , • . Mr. Brook, in expretseing '' his thanks foe himself and Mrs. litrook, Said he had spent eight happy, years in Pluevale._ Be felt that the church was the most important factor in the life of the ,community and the library game pecend, ,A .social time was enjoyed and refreshments were served.. Others attending were. Mrs, Harry Elliott, librarian, Mrs. 3. V, Fischer, George Thomson, Mrs. Gordon Mundell, Mrs. Bert Garniss and Miss -Ruby Duff, 1341,1EVALE---41, largely attended service wns held in. the 'United Church on SundaY, when Rev. 134 Brook preached his last sermon in the'ehurch,. Using Paul's words, commend you to 'God and to the word, of Greve", he left a Message for all,. There were words of appreciation for the co-operation ,he had receiv- ed in the work of the •church. He mentioned especially •the officers of the -church and Sunday School, the organist and 'choir members and the caretakers, Mr, Brook has beep 46 years In the ministry, the last eight being in Bluevale, with the Whitechurch congregation 'added during the last font- years, He is retiring to live in his new home in Acton, He and Mrs. Brook will be greatly missed, Mrs. Brook for her work in Wo- men's organizations, Mr. Brook for his fine sermons, his efficient lead- ership and his tactful approach to all problems. The ;best wishes of the coramlin- itywill follow them in, their well- earned retirement. An important feature of the Sun- day service was the dedication of the communion table, presented to the congregation by Mr. and Mrs. John Wiclotead, in memory of Mrs. Wickstead's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton, who were for many years faithful mem- bers of the church, GORE United WMS Meets At Belmore Manse BELMORE—The Women's Mis- sionary Society of Belmore United Chuich held their June meeting, on Wednesday in the manse. Mrs. West was leader and •followed 'the programme on "Stewardship's. Hymn 26 was sung, and :all joined in repeating, the general -.thanit- offering prayer. The Bible reading was taken from Matthew 6:24-33.- Hymn 356 "Take My Life and Let It Be", vas then sung. Rev. West showed a eilm Japan, "The Younger Brother", which was much enjoyed bee all. Mrs. Leonard Metcalfe read the minutes of the last' meeting and after the business •was concluded Mrs. West closed the, meeting with prayer,. 1 Dinner Is Held on Silver Anniversary BLUEVA.e-E—Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Smith, Bluevale, were honoured with a dinner at the home of. Mrs. Lovina Berry, Brucefield, on Sun- day on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. A beautiful 400 day clock and silver casserole were gifts from the family. Guests were present from Erin, Bluevale, Stratford and Brucefield, • Mr. and Mrs, Smith were married in the Fordwich United Church manse, on July 1st, 1933, by the Rev. J. W. Button, and have resid- ed in Bluevale, where Mr. Smith has been postmaster since 1935. Prizes Awarded for Mr, and Mrs. Terry Honeynioon in States 14100 station oworiek Played tree," ditiOnal wedding eilnele and Miss Marjorie Wilson, ' soloist, sang 'Wedding Prriyee, Lord's Prayer° and "$140111,4Pvgly Thine, at the wedding of Marilyn Louise Moffett to Glendon Arthur TerrY On $41011#1,Y. Both Miss Goldrielt and Miss Wilsen are with the Earle Terry Singers, of which group the bride Is also a member. Rev, Q, P, Daniel, kiensall, per- formed the ceremony in Knox Presbyterian Church, Bluevale, on Saturday, June at 2 Rims The bride is the daughter of Mrs. ,Oliver Moffatt, and the groom is a sqn of Mr. and Mrs. 0, Terry of Lon- don, Rartild R, O. Moffatt gave his slater in 'Marriage. She wore an ankle-length sheath of bridal.taf- feta with, scalloped neckline, tiny puffed sleeves 'and. bustled over- skirt' of embroidered nylon, ae- eented with a large bow in back She carried a. bouquet of red roses. Miss Helen Coeltherd of London was the maid of honor, attired in blue embroidered' nylon; Mrs. J. George Moffatt, London, sister-in- law of 'the leride, as bridesmaid and Miss Beverly 3, Beattie, Clin- ton, junior 'bridesmaid and cousin of the bride, both wore yellow em- broidered nylon. The flower girls, Heather Ann Moffatt, niece of the bride and Miss Yield Anne White, niece of the groom were dressed in blue. William C, White of London was groomsman and the ushers were George Moffatt, brother of the bride and Albert A. Beinardo, both of London,• The bride's mother wore a mink shade silk dress with beige acces- sories and a corsage of Sunset roses, The groom's mother wore grey silk with white accessories and her corsage was pink carna- tions. Mr. and Mrs. Terry will reside in London folloWing their wedding trip to Michigan and Ohio. For travelling the bride wore a white cotton lace dress with yellow linen duster coat, 'white accessories and a corsage of orchids. Guests were present from Cleve- land, Ohio; London; Toronto Barrie, Clinton, Sirathroy, Inger- aol, Lambeth and Byron. Music ,Notebooks BLUEVALE —• Recently awards were made by Mn: Nora Moffatt, music 'supervisor for Tiernberty School Area, to Impels with, 'the best music.notebooks, for the year. They were judged by Other mnsie supervisors. Silver dollars 'were awarded' to Julia, Thornfon a1 Blnenaie School, Gailelienderson at Gilmoter's and. Phyllis' Grant ..at eKirtonee School, Mrs, Bill Thorntbn returned from Wingharn Hospital the first of last week and Mr. Manfred Irwin re- turned on Friday. Both are using crutches. Miss Marion Robinson returned home from the LIstowel Hospital on !Saturday. Mr. RoCert Wade and Paul, of Montreal, are holidaying with Mr, • And Mrs, Norman Wade. Mr, Ted Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Newton, Brian and Beverley ;spent Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. Bill Hart in Oshawa. Mr. and Mm, Hart moved last, week from St. Catharines to Oshawa, Mrs. Ted Newton, who spent the past week in St. Catharines and Oshawa, re- turned home on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. H, Strong, Mr and Mrs. Stewart Strong and Mr, Roy Strong attended the McKinney- Rauna wedding on June 28th in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, at Port• Credit and the reception in Applewood Acres Plaza. Congratulations to Miss Maureen Buchanan, who passed her Grade 7 piano examination of the Royal Conservatory of Music and to Miss Carol Robinson, who passed her Grade 1 Theory with first class honors. Mr, and Mrs. John Campbell 'Ricky and Susan of Seven Islands, uebec, and of London, were guests f Mr. and Mrs. Harry King over the week-end, Mr. Campbell, a former miller at Gorrie, has been in 'Seven Islands for some time. The fabally will move to Quebec this 7ekr.. M and Mrs. J. S. Reid, of Harts- ilton, spent the week-end with Mrs. Frances Strong, Mr. Roy Strong and other relatives, Miss Emily Potter is. e :patient in Victoria Hospital. `London. e-Saen and-Mrse Orville Tiffih, Mr. end Mrs. Jot Tiffin and family 'of Whitechurch were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Te L. McInnes. LIONS INSTAL NEW' DF/FICERS—Pictured at the Wingham Golfe Club dollowing thole .installation : by Charter President Ron Rae are the inembere.of Lions esteentive.• • In the top picture, from the left ace, Len 'Vance, see.; Norman Welweod, treas., Bill Cruiltshanic, second vice-piese Bill Conismes presidenteDr; W. A. Crawford, first vice-prey., astir elteaviesepaet • pees.,. and Currie, third vice-pres. In, the. lower picture, left. to,righe, Ted Shaunessy, director, Lloyd Casemore, director, T. A. Currie,'tail twister, Harry McArthurserear), lion tamer, and W. O. Struthers; director. „Absent when the picture 'was taken were Harold Viet& ,Pym, the club pianist and Dr. R. M. MacLennan, a director—Advance-Times photos. United Church News GIFTS PRESENTED .0011RIE • Ruby Sanderson Married Saturday George John Burgers of Bluevale took as his bride Ruby Jeannette Sanderson in a double ring cere- mony performed , by Rev. R, A. Brook 'in Bluevale United' Cheitch oir SainedaeeeJune:28th:The, bride is a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Sanderson, Bluevale, and the groom is a . scei of Mr. and Mrs. Arend Burgers of Snelgrove, Ont.' Mrs, Carl Johnston presided at the organ and Miss Marie , John- ston was soloist. Mr. Sanderson gave his daugh- ter in marriage,. She chose a bal- lerina length gown of Chantilly lace over white satin. Her bouffant skirt had tiers of lace and net pleating, with Is. fitted lace bodice and top inset of pleated net, The collar on the petal point sleeved jacket sparkled with cup se dins and seed pearls, Her fingertip veil was held by a tiara of white' satin trimmed with seed pearls and she carried a bouquet of Ted roses, Mrs. Hazel Ryan of Bluevale was her sister's attendant. She wore a ballerina length gown with fitted bodice of lace over pink satin, an overskirt of rows of pleated net and a lace jacket with threesqua.r- GIFTS PRESENTED BY. -SCI1001311PILS, BLUEVALE—On Thursday af- ternoon of last week the pupils 'of No. 2" Turnberry and their teacher, Mrs. Dorothy Thornton, held a special Junior Red Cross meeting, when presentations of gifts were given to Grade 8 and John ,and Donald MacTavish, who are mov- ing to London, Sheila Ross read an address to Grade 8, Phyllis Grant, Margaret Paulin and Gale Kirton received gifts presented by Doris Paulin, Shirley Ross and Francis Paulin. Jim Kirton read an address to the MacTavish children and John, Don- ald and Jean, were presented with gifts by Larry Elliott, Mac Harris, and Ruthann Paulin. An interesting program was pre- sented and lunch was served by the girls in Grades 6 and 7. Celebrates Eighty= Ninth Birthday GORRIE—The 'Wroxeter United Church will celebrate its 100th' ans niversety next Sunday; July' 6th, when Rev; George Wylie will 'be the.,guest epeaker, at 11 a.m. and Rev, J, Semple guest ppeaker at 7.30 p,m. Lunch will be served at the close of the morning service, There will be no service in Gor- rie United Chuich that day, 'as the congregation has been invited to join with Wrox,.eter an this special occasion. The Woman's Association will meet, at the home of. Mrs, Morley Bell on Thersday. evening, July. 3, 'at 8.e0, BLUEVALE •GORRIE—Mrs, Martha Brecken- ridge celebrated, her 89th birthday oil Wednesday on last week. She re-aides ' with 'her 'daughter, Mrs. Cameron Edgar: Her early life was spent at Jamestown and Wrox- eter. Her nusband, ,David Breck- enridge, died p. number of years 'ago. Mrs. Breckenridge was' suffering from a cold, but enjoyed her birth- day 'cake. •We join in best wishes, Wedding Vows at Molesworth Manse cORRIE — The Presbyterian manse in Molesworth was the set- ting for the pretty wedding on Sat- urday, June 21, of Reita Mae Da- vid, daughter of Mrs. Lillie Mae Vittie and Edward George David, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. David, all of Howick, Rev, W. J", S. McClure officiated. The bride chose a waltz-length gown of pale blue nylon over satin, steeled with a fitted bodice and bol- ero jacket, She also wore a cor- sage of red roses. • Miss 'Dell Irwin was, her only at- tendant wearing a waltz-length dress of white and pink nylon ov- er white satin. She had a corsage of pink roses and white mums, Mr. Robert McArthur was the best man. Following the wedding a recep- tion wag' held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. McArthur. The home was decorated with pink and white streamers and pink and white pe- onies, The bride's table was centr- ed with, a three-tier pink and white wedding cake, Serving the geests were Miss Edith Howes Mrs, Jack Bennett and Mrs, Bob Bridge. Followinea trip to Galt and Ni- agara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. David Will reside near Carrie. GORRIE SCHOOL PROMOTION LIST `Me. *and' are. Thos. , Penrose of HeMilton are 'visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Gled Edgar, . • Miss ,Ruth, Grstinget is ppengling two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Graingee at 17VallAceburg. Week-end guestt of Mrs. S. ,Zirn- nieerriary were -Mrs, Lorne Laird, Mrse Jely Clegg "and Mies Geor- gina Goodyear,, all of' Toronto. Mr. and Mee, Jack Shiell, and family of Whiteehurch visited On Sehday' at the eame home. Mr, and MM. Hereld Edgar and family. of Toronto spent. Saturday with Mr, Wand Mrs. Gordon Edgar. . Mr; and Mrs, Fleming Grainger, Jamestown' Mr. Clarence Nether- cott 'and' Mr. Ken Nethereott. of Atwood speneSiinday with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil. Greinger, , Bally Grain- ger, of Exeter, is holidanirig With thern, and Mrs. Geetied "dray, Su& purr, ' spent' 'the week-ehd with Mrs. Arthur thapmall. ,Sgt, and Mrs. 3-. A. Ward and son,: see Whitehorse, Yukon Terel- toilleft lastJvIonday returnt eke e. after spetteling a few days. with Mr, Wards listrehtsf Ben, and Mre. J. *W. let and Mrs. Newels Hird, and :daughter of Ow- en SOund, anent the Week-end" at the Smote hoMe. Miss Irene Holinet, Toronto,, is . visiting • her brothnee 'Mr, 'H. V. Ifolfrica, , etre. W, C, leing n vieltedseers, Ford iii Toronto nti Tuesday, Anglican Church GOARTM—On Sunday next there will be tervioe of holy eommunion In at, Stephen's , Church at 1.1.80 ash. Tin van do Hemp, t) Jim Hynti- P; Donnie Teinpleman, P. On Sunday, July 6th, there will be no service in the, United Church. On Sunday, July 13th, the newly appointed student minister, Mr. Alan H. ,Xeelan, will take charge. Mr. Bernard Lillow of London spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs, Nellie Lillow. Mr, A, D. Smith and Miss Elean' or were hi Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Irving MCCabe and family, of Wiridsor, were holiday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Carl Johnston. Mies Joyce Hoffman and her friend, Miss Barbara Luck of Barrie left on Saturday for a trip by train to Port Coquitlam, B.C. Mr. and Mrs, Ira Hertfekler, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Allan White and children of Clifford visited at the honie of Mr. ana Mrs. Jos. Hart= at the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser and two daughters, of Calgary, arc visiting Mr, and leis, J. V. Fischer and other relatives in this vicinity. Mr, Fraser Is the son of the late William Fraser, who was born hi Morris. Mr. anti Mrs. Alex Corrigan were in Galt en :Friday attending the funeral of the late Henry Regehr. Mr. and George Patterson, of Toronto, Were week-end visitors With Mr. and Mrs. John Wickstead. Mr, and Isere, Roy Welch and children, Mrs. 'Stewart Zoung and Mrs. Jennie Brown, all of Toronto, spent Saturday with friends in t3ittevaie and Winghani. Sunday with Mr, and Mee, Ralph Elliott hear Ripley., Bill Thompson, of the RCAF at Saskatoon, Seeks, visited with Mrs, Courtney" Gilpin on Saturday, Mr. 'and Mrs, Earl Toner and Mrs. Gil- pin accompanied him to London on Stinday to. visit his grandfather, CoUttney 'Gilpin, in- Victoria Hospital. He returned front Lon- don airport to Saskatoon, The Rev, Charles leleCarroll, of the Knollwood Park Presbyterian •Chttrch, London; and lertherly pas- .tor of Molesworth and Gorrie Presbyterian Churches; has been. called to Itriok leteebytelian Chnech in 'Hamilton, He Will assume hie hew dutiet. AUgust 1st, • , Mos. Gerdoil Ritchie of Tama- tee hat pueeinteed the former Sun 'son, residence on Main Street and gets. Oeseeeion July 5th. The •Rev; T. IC. Attwell attended a meeting. of Huron County clergy hi Goderich on Tuesday., 'Mrs. _Testle Zimmerman anti Harry, Mt, and Mese/tarry, Temple- man and family, Mr, and Mrs. Nor. Men Wade attended the Sethere eetelleil held at the itirttville arena on Saturday. MItil Mabel Irwin, 'Bari:Won, was' aweek.end .Visitor with her sister,• Miee Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Stinson, .De,, trolt, spent a few days here last week, Mrs. Karl King las returned from a trip to 'Ochre Rivet; Wet, Where she attended her brother's 'Wedding, Slit accompanied her fa- ther and mother. Mt, and IVIees 1.3".arVey Mains, Wroxeter, and het Sister, M. Win, Strothers, and Mes, Spenee Stott, tees ti Wits the feriner r4eiva thinimido OianOtiti Ph110001tla Ott the Mrs, W.11, Seett, ithtt, *to IN UNPAID STATIOMr. Married hi Philadelphia, the bride daughter of Mt. and Mks. Witham groom is the son of the late Mr. and Mr. Ralph Brook of Oshawa., Mr Howard Brook and Mr. and Mrs 'rhos, Gaston anti ebildren 4111 of Toronto, were with their parents Rev, and Mrs, R. A. Bret* for the week-end and attended the. closing service Of their father's ministry in the United dlitirch on Sunday. Friends Honor Edgar Fan it GORRIE—Mr, and Mrs. P. Edgar, who Moved recently to St. Thomas, were honored at a large gathering of friends in the Gorrie chinentinity hail On Friday evening A variety program was presented with Koh Edgar, VIrrOxeter, acting as `Mattes, of eerenaOhiee and en- tertaining with his "People Are Finite progeeM. Aniong 'those taking part hi the program were Sandra gclgar, Marie Haatie, Sand- ra, Wright, Mrt, Glad Edgae, David Neilson, Harold Robinson, Harvey Mrs. John Baylor, 'Yvonne aallagh and Retell Mithel, Mr, and Mrs. tclgar, Faye, Ruth and Lynne were called to the plat# form and Tom 'O'Itrafita 'read ail aPPreCiative address, after which gifts we're presented to each Melts bet of the 'Wally; a peatethen repelte or, electric toaster, lamps, table end crystal vase. There was a silver fork and. Spoon for Baby Urine. A SodiaT Hine was enjoyed anti eetrahniente served, Mr. and Mee. Pager have been :good eititehe and • Will be missed ih church and eGtlthi tiny, Senior Room Promoted to Grade 9---Evelyn Ste- Pliens; 'H.; Alex Strong, H; .Don Whitfield, H.;,,,Maureen Buchanan, Gwen 'Hyncianan, II; Nadine Cooke, H; Ken Fowler, P. I Promoted to Grade 8—Ruth ! Ed- gar, H; Alex I-lamilton, ' 1-1; Jo- anise Strong, H; Larry Simpson, H; Carol Robinson, H. Carol Weil, P; Bob. Templeman, Promoted to Grade 7—Bob Grain- ger, H; Tine van de Hemp, H; Ken Parrish, He Murray Latronica, P. Promoted to Grade es-Morrie Ab- ram, P; John de' Hemp, P; Bryan Underwood,. P. Toni U./erten-se, teacher • , Room Promoted to grade .5— -Myrna H; Donald Watson, II; Rich, ard .Collings, H; Promoted . to Grade 4— Lynda JOhlistate II; Judy Xing, H; Jan- lee V'(mtler, IT; eCermaii Hamilten, H; James 'graham, H; Ricky Ab- rams P; Ross Latronita.,, Promoted to Grade 3 Getty 'Watson, el; Teddy, Gratify-a. 11; Slieilii 13toolter, P; Barry ' Eiseli- her, P; Gerald liyininian,,P; Lyn- da tutronico, P. • Promoted to Grade • :2' bale Simpson, r=t; easels. Tonipientaii, H; Lemke Canon, 0; bonald Adams; hayiriond Peel, P. Ruth Mttenonald, Leacher The annual ty.01,4 and LOBA. service will be held St. Stephen's at 11,80 Lin, on Sunday,. July 18, With Rev, Attweil taking the Service. • The Rev,' E, b. and Mrs, Attwel and, bavid will be at church camp at Bayfield this Week and part' of next. On Monday they Were guests he the wedding of the Rev.. 14,, OarSoh of ,Paisley iii Sarnia, Mr, anti Mrs. Clovne Michel spent Sunday with relatives in 'Milvetton, Mts. Harry Ferguson, Mr.,and Mrs. Jack lebegustin and family spent Sunday with relatives iii sit !Craig. , Miss BetlY Wylie is attending the International tending Association Convention Convention in „Chicago this week. On 'Saturday the, was ghest at the ' wedding Of Mise Joan Chipitte in Toronto. " d. Passe ,acirrst,' St TtioniaS, lit the week-end with. Miss Kar- en Miring' and 'Mitt. tOth. Pcizar with Mr's. Mellen Udgar, Both girls left Monday to'' attend the Ca VI" &drip tit .Mit'ainacqii. Weal' M Port ehl, Also Attending the eerie Mei Maureen Buchanan and ,evc.'Nord, Att, and Mra, r. a Xing spent mo raa ter length- sleeves. Her headdress was a halo of net trimmed with seed pearls 'and she carried a bou- quet of yellow mums. Shirley Sanderson and Margaret Ann Edgar were flower lilies f(1" their aunt. Art Burgers of Elniira. *as :his brother's groomsman.' A receptiori was held et the home • of the bride's parents, when 100 guests from. Glerimorrie, Shel- , grove, Listowel, Monk- ton, Brussels, Wroxeter and Blue- vale 'were served by Mrs.` deo. Hetherington, Miss Dorothy Ham- ilton, Miss Helen Johnston, Miss Dorothy Prieburger and Miss Jeanie Jouwerea. Mr. and Mrs. Burgers, who will live in Bluevale, left for a wedding trip to Manitoulin Island. The bride wore a light blue suit with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses and lily-of-the-valley: BEFORE DEPARTURE • GORRIE—On' Thursday, evening thecongregetion the Gorrie .0' Church' met, in the church hall to honor-Rev. and Mrs. Buchanan and family prior to their departure to their new charge at Ayr. Mr. Buchanan 'showed his' colored Pies ttires of Ireland which were great- ly enjoyed, Ken Edgar then showed some movies of the Howick Centennial, which brought, back pleasant .memories, A' presentation was made to Rev, and Mrs. Buchanan and family. ,Len Ruttan. read the address and Mrs, 7'. McInnes . presented them with a purse of money on behalf of the W,A,' and congrega- tion, Mr; and Mrs. Buchanan re- plied; fittingly expressing their ap- preciation of 'the,support of the congregation throughout the years,, The 'Gorrie-Wroxeter Vele,U, held a highly successful social .evening in the Gorrie, United Church hall on Wednesday he luniour of Rev. and Mrs. W. '3. V. Buchanan arid Kelvin;, who are shortly moving to Ayr, The evening was spent in a variety of games followed by re- freshinenta. PeOlein 'was presented with a leather-bound hymn book with mu- sic, With his name friseribed hl gold: on the cover, • s eeseseeeeeeeseeeets'e