HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-07-02, Page 3"Grace Eileen Keith Wed 'at Guelph ftf. .0-Heti)ers viy4g0..) .Fr-The Happy, Helpers 1119h Pfthtt met at Rev, West's ptsMR on..Inne 26th at• 4.10, The *0044 opened by playing games. • 4.12e mgmbera and the leaders had ,*..'4114r1f. party, Lunch was SerV- ,„ Donbledee read the story and finished the book, Vegt , read a prayer. Indian Customs,Told By Mass Williamson under the conVeneriship of Mrs, Jagk ,Lloyd, most of the members of Goforth Evening Auiciliary were able to sit down to a delicious pot- luck supper i,n a SWiSs setting o f retl-cheeked linen with brick-red geraratIMS. During the business part of the meeting, Ooforth members were asked to give d'OnatiOns Septem-i ber for a laYettet• to.. volunteer to help in daily vacation Bible Selio;1; to give articles auitable 'fOr Child- ren's Christmas gifts; tq give ex- poise money for sending a de!e-' gate to' Belleville, M10 M. Williamson; ;guest- speak- er of the evening, showed pictures Of the worrleri in the Bhil field in India where she workeil so long as a missionary. In modern India, men and women are eqnal in law. New women can inherit property, and they are accepted in 'business life: Formerly, according to Indian custom, it was not right for a fam, ily to' accept' help from daughters, rtev,. J. W. Buchanan WM- " tiz,ed Ronald Thomas, infant ann of Mr, ,and Mrse Arthur GlhOon their home on Monday evening, Vresent far 'the occasion were the two grandmothers, Mrs. Raehel Gibson Art Mrs. Beta Carson,and Mrs, Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gibson, 1.44,,, can, spent .Saturday with the for, mer's plotber, Mr's. Win, Gibson. Mr. and Mrs, Bob Mason of Sarnia were week-end visitora the home of Mr. and, Mrs, Art Wheeler. the church and then closed the meeting with prayer, of WlngbM Uniteda Chord]. held The Woman's orcoioeltnY, studyin the theme, "The Bible and Prayer", Mrs, Q, N, 'Underwood, had ,prepared the program and also presided„ After the opening prayer,t Mrs, W. J . 13. 1 different passages of ,Seriptare whieb Show, ed th'e vainc,of private -prayer in the hie of each individual, 4tra..1-317-ier';ocid. 'in 'sPeaki7Tirf the thleirie, said that it is a cause for regret, that in 'these days the 1 reading ,of the Bible has been crowded mit Of SQ• many lives, but thereEible i-ri‘ligsulobusslip, step for in our „expexi9 hnctese Through His, written, word, God speaks to the soul, Iii keeping with the theme, Mrs. N, Keating sang, "Sweet Hour of PraYer". Mrs, L. Hingston reviewed the chapter of the study on Japan, whOli told of •pther churches and other faiths in that country, Her talk was based on, the Scripture, Terry Nethery of Wingham were ushers, A reception was held in the Windsor Room of the Royal Hotel, Guelph, The bride's mother wore a two-piece ensemble of embroider- ed blue cryStallette with white accessories .and hey cogsage was pink Sweetheart roses and white carnations. Assisting in the re- ceiving line, the groom's mother wore blue Printed nylon With white Sweetheart atccessoies and 'a cors!eloif l ff il For a wedding trip •to Northern Ontario 'Mrs. Townsend wore mint green embroidered dress on princess lines with a matching duster.bier` accessories Were white and she wore a ,cersage of: yellow Sweetheart roses. Out-of-totvo guest's were from . London, Terentp, Wingliam, Tees- water, Pennsylvania and Pembroke. The bride is a graduate of Guelph General. Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend will live at 24 Park' Avenue, Guelph. At Wright Hone A social evening was held at the home of Mr. and, ' Mrs. Harvey. Wright recently when- their daugh- ter, Miss Faye Wright, entertained about 20 guests, several of whom were members of the graduate staff of the hospital, at a wiener roast. The occasion was in honor of Miss Beverley Gorbutt, prior to her marriage. During the evening Miss Gorbutt received a pop-up toaster and a box of groceries from her friends, and a teapot from Mr ,and Mrs. Wright. Dr, Alexander Nimrho officiated at • AndreW's ''Presbyterian Church on Saturday, June• 28 fot the wedding ceremon y of Betty Francis and' Henry Darling of To- rcinto. The btide'S parents are Mr. and Mra k:,GOrdchi Francis, Wing- ham, and the groom is the'son of Mr, :and Mrs, ,Staniey Darling of BlUeVale. Harold Victor Pym was organist. ' Mr. Francis gave his daughter in marriage.. , She wore an ankle length gown of lace over net and satin with long, . pointed sleeves. Her 'shoulde'r length veil fell from an Orange blossom• coronet and she carried a white Bible with ,a cor- sage of red roses, .1yfts..Doreen Francis of Kitchener waSyrnatren Of honor, .,.She wore a shoA' gown of yellow nylon net over nylon •lace and carried a. liourpret of ninths. Dittle Jean Campbell, of Bluevale', niece of the• groom was dressed in ,pink and serried buoquet of mums. James,Darling, Bluevale, was best man 'arid the 'Ushers were Eldon Francis, brother, of the bride and Donald' Darling,' brother 'of the grpoin: , ..„, reception was held at the Legion 'Home at 4 o'clock with guests ; present from Thorold, To: rorito, ,Wroiceter and Clarksburg. For et,. wedding' „trip to Sauble Be,a,ch Mra.Darling wore a light bine"summer tweed suit with white accessories. The young couple will live in Toronto. Extended Plays, Child' ren's Records, and 4 .".Hi=Ft Supplies -':WARREN HOUSE DI tGrON4L ROAD, WINGHAM REAL SAVING - AVON BRAND •,•:- FARCE • iiPPLESAUCE •FOR WRAPPING SANDWICHES, LEFTOVERS, RTC. SA .g•N WRAP. ECONOMICAL 1 Pi S. k TEA BAGS STOCK UP AT THIS PRICE! .LYNN VALLEY STD. GBEEN PEAS 82-0Z. JAR 1B-OZ. JAR SAVE Se - Bi dseye Fancy - 12 oz. Pkg. , SPECIAL GREEN PEAS l . ll . w....4 for '79c SAVE Economical- Convenient, Enomical - 8 oz.• SPEC/AL Swift's PIES , • 3 for 89c SAVE 4e, - 16 oz. pkg, Booth COD 'FILLETS . SPECIAL 25c Imported Delicacy - Oz, pkg. • . FEATURE State-o-Maine RAINBOW TROUT ll 63c No. 1 Ontario q ris io, ttretn: Large ,Virm Heads NEW CABBAGE 2 for 19c California Crisp, green Large Sire ao CELERY STALKS ...... - l - . . 23c California No. 1. Siveet Eating, Bed lb, ' CARDINAL GRAPES ......... , 29c Delirious, Juicy, Thin Skinned each WATERMELON - .. . 99c • .110$ Wingbam Advance-Times, WedneadaY, 41111Y 210110 xfYti8 rst,e „ ^ - WNS RECEIVESUTTER WROXEiER °Qther sheep have Z are not of this fold", and followed with al description of many different churches being established in dapan FROM LAURA COLLAR Grace Bileen Keith Of Guelph, be- came the bride of ,tilenneth Jo'i'n. Townsend on Saturday,: June 211 at 2,30 pan., in' a ceremony PerfOrMetl, by Rev. F, Plerce.,' at St. James the' Apostle Anglican Church, ..Guelph,. The bride is the daughter of Mrs, Wm. Keith of Wingham and the late Mr. Keith, While 'the groom is the 'son of Mr- and Mrs, Walter S, Townsend of Guelph, Given in marriage by her brother, John A. Keith. 'of •LondOti; the bride wore a white strapless taffeta gown topped 'with net, a colonial, of ""satin embroidered31-eiieket'e nhanced bsynoW,design . ',The jacket had lily-point ,sleeves. and from her mother pearl' crown headdress fell a shoulder length veil of tulle illusion touched' With embroidery: Her bouquet was a cascade of red • roses aad step-• hanetis. in these times. The president, Mrs. Vingiand, conducted the business ,niectiogy Mrs. N. McLaughlin said that four cartons of clothing .and quilts had been sent to Overseas Relief head- quarters In Toronto. Also, six Partons of new and used ,clothirigi were ,forwarded to the student min- ister, Jim Bynitar, for distribution at his miSelon field - Northern. Ontario, Mrs. Gowans 'read an Inter- esting letter from Miss Collar, describing her return lour- ney and safe arrival in Nigeria. Rev, C R. purrant spoke bi.jeft-q. about the missionary enterprise of The New .RECORD RELEASES • ' are All Here ,lock 'ft roll, he-lioP, diXieland, we don't care what you like,. We have•it: Home Freezers 15 CU. FT. $309.00 $369.00 PATTISON RADIO & ELECTRIC • TO x,,,ww IN TORONTO-Mr,' and Mrs. lifentm Darling, who were: marrled'on Saturday at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chtircli, The bride is •a 'daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon Francis of Wingliain and the groom is a, son or Air, and Mrs. Stanley Darling,iblucvale.--Rhoto• 10;y. *forst R. Msyk. , .„'. Widner Roast Held • • :TEACHER TEACHER , Johnny Mathis ' • Mrs, Terry Nethery of Wingham was her sister's matron of honor in powder .blue nylon with, French blue trim. She carried pink roses and white mums. Miss Betty Blake, Guelph, was bridesmaid. She wore yellow nylon chiffon with gold trim and her flowers were yellow roses and white mums. The junior bridesmaid was the groom's niece, Miss Janet Stephens, wearing pink nylon chiffon with ef deep pink trim, and her bouquet was made up of pink 'roses and white mums. All the attendants' dresses were fashioned alike with , back panels, shirred bodice and flared skirts. Lace veils fell from their matching bandeaus. ,The church was decorated with pink gkttlioli, white carnations and fern. -James Bard was the orga- nist, The best manewas First Lt, Don: aid Redknap, Petawavira~ and Hans Eckardt, Guelph and In foreign,` sections of the cities there are up-to-date modern apart- ments, six to eight stories high, but without electric • ranges. In native quarters, conditiOnS are not so good, 'Style is not a problem fon•Bhil *omen because all wear the same 'pattern, If a family has money, the women wear many silver decorations. They. wear ank- lets 'IriStead.•of wedOing. Houses are still ,primitve with earthen floori..Cets have four legs with cord woven on top. Women still pound rice to get the husks off ;and bamboo fences are neces- sary to keep out the wild animals, An interesting-feature of life in India is 'that the nursing profes- sion attracts many men,, as well as women, for women nurses would not be allowed to care for the men patients, Mrs. J, Day thanked Miss Wil- liamson for her interesting address, and Dick Scott, who showed the pictures on the screen, 7:BIG 11f.411.1St N --- Kalin Twins , AY -4. The Alines Bros. Betty Francis ToLive in Toronto stionwART OF LOVE Marty Robbins .04ik OH, FALLING KNT •LOV.V. AGAIN, = •' ,'• *M ATE *WITH, PAT *BOON Ali RETURN' TO, ME t Dean Martin ; F oo,'that VASE. i;ii'need to 'clisPlay your lovely summer bloOms, $4•._ ,.,see the shipment of attractive 'M "BRENTLEIGH" Enlish Vases • And 4, 1 !I "EVANGELINE, ", Vases from New Brunswick ALL, SHAPES AND SIZES, from $1.50 ' i at Hafermehl's Jewellery i HOME HELPERS' SEC. SPEAKS AT MEETING "Finest Quality and Service" EVENING DIAMOND APPOINTMENTS ON BEQUEST • ;Tholniminumniummumniamominicionsuurnionintimmilni001 .•• A The Home Helpers of the W.M.S. of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church met with the regular mem- bers on Thursday, June 26th. The .president, Mrs. A, Nimmo opened the meeting with a call to worship. After singing a hymn, Miss Leah . Currie read from St. Luke's gospel of the healing of the ten lepers, and 'gave a short meditation on the passage. Mrs. A. Homuth led in prayer. - Three letters from missionaries , in the foreign field, telling of their work in Formosa and India were read and enjoyed. Mrs. ' George .11entia pleased the members 'of the society by reciting a pOem by William Knox "Why Should the Spirit of Mortal Be Proud " A solo "Jesus Calls" sung by Mrs. Wm, Ford, accompanied by Miss K. pringle, was 'much enjoyed. Mrs. A, Nimmo introduced the gilest apeaker, Mrs, Robinson of Gorrie. Mrs, Robinson is 'Home Helpers secretary in the Maitland Presbyterial and 'brought a timely message to the meeting, From the missionaries' view, we ' are all Home Helpers and if we are dill- gent in keeping the home altars burning, the effect would. be felt by missionaries around the world. Miss 'Hannah Wilson thanked the guest speaker for her inspiring address. Mrs. A. Hastings dedi- cated the offering, and Mrs. J, H. McKay Closed the meeting with prayer. The social committee, under the convenor hip of Mrs, a V. Pym, served tea, The meeting was "arranged by Mrs. A, Homuth and 'Miss H, Wilson. ,7 4Km.vo siststi =WM OS= ROM .14144441 =RV Maw siosi!s lisite:SakWedaXI POSTAL CLERKS $2550, 3600. POST OFFICE Department WINGHAM, Ontario • Isave, eve 429°a week- Ou too foirMs at Post Offices, OrtLational Employment Offices and. the Civil Ser. iee.Commission. Apply before JULY 12, 1958, o; the. Civil Service commission, 25 St. Clair L ;A:Venue East, TORONTO 7, Ontario. at ION V •.,•••• tef. • " . miroam.moa...mwoamm n s it roxeter United Church *14Cer witian6 SO= EV,VM Vnts• • • • Extra Valuo-Scrve With Ice Cream • - AYLMER-CHOICE RED 4P .0 ase I ES • P I trir ED • Trousseau Tea tor . • .BeVerleyGorbutt Mrs, jack GOrbuti Sr: was hos- tess •;on Thursday afternoon of last week foratrolisseali teKinhoner of 'her' :daughter, Beverley, whose marriage Will' take place' on Satur- day. ', „ • Little Judith' daughter,. of Mr..and -MrS. Fred .'Ohm Oh Jr., was the door ,,attendant. The guests were :Welcomed by :Xi's. Gorbutt. the 'bride-elect ..and .the groom's Lambkin. MI•sl N.Jtifikreae and Mrs. Park- er. Campbell Poured; tea in the af- ternoith: and the guests were served by:, Mrs: Fred„ phitt Jr. and Mrs. Shiriers.Foxton. Miss Fannybelle Weif ,i .,,and',Mrs.- Norman Rintoul presided at. 'the .tea table in the evening and"Mrs. Jack Gorbutt Jr., Mrs,. Chas. 'Doll and Mrs. Olive Richey served the guests. The trousseau was shown by Mis,s,Corry Verhoef, assisted in the evening "by Mrs. George. Parrish, 'whose daughter, Linda, opened the gifts. • MiSs Faye Wright was in charge of the display of gifts. etttentuat unbap, 3ttip 60, 1958 SPECIAL ! 15-0Z. tmati.0 fe, TINS 1.744 • ;,,,;;;; 11 SMIa°"•.,*" tik11FIK:11Vhat • 77:•••••;'MKVVOMatrMIN:0:4••••MV:ii•XMQ:ip.•:f•••,•:: lllll llll 0 vviih, the nicriteur •' . TREAT YOURSELF TO suw,47.re LAICOUR SAVERS t *; ' .11 -- "A CENTURY OE CHRISTIAN WITNE4S" • • t Rev. W. O. Wylie, B.A., B.D., Wallaceburg • - '7.90 p.m. "THE CHURCH IN TILE NEW DAY" Rev. J. Semple, B.A., .T.B., ThD,, Egmondville CENTENNIAL BOOKLET litPECIAL MUSIC - ANTHEMS, SOLOS, MALE QUARTETTE BIRTHDAY CAKE - ,NOON LUNCH ti A Hearty Welcome to. All. 3 SPECIAL 1 490 CLOVER LEAF OR MAPLE LEAF 20-OZ. FANCY RED Sip 270 16-0Z. JAR 530 T-04 TINS Vus TIN • SOCKEYE mem SPECIAL: 25-FT. • 3 0 CLARK'S ASSORTED . , Choose Speaker for Pall Thank° f feting The Young Women's Mission Circle held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Miss Mary Stapleton on Thursday evening. The president opened with a poem which was followed by the hymn "0 What, Fellowship" and prayer. A study regarding Ceylon and India General Missions was' given in five parts: "Among the Muslim Women" by Mrs. Geo, Hotchkiss; "A Nepali Testimony" by Mrs, M. Cantelon ' mid "a Bible School Student" by Mary Hotchkiss; "Long- Tours in Pakistan" by Mrs. B. MacLean and "Allinclu, Sad and Lonely" by Mrs. P, "Ales and Did ,IVLy Saviour Bleed" was followed by the minutes of the last meeting, and 'the roll call, The president then read letters from the Pattersons In japan, the Smiths in South America and Mieg Thelma Clark' n Japan. It was decided to invite Mr. and Mrs. Smith, who work radio station HCUB "The Voice of, the Andes" to speak at the fall thank- offering meeting,' The picnic, will be held in the evening of July 101-1 at the home of Mrs, Glenn Scheifele, Mrs. B. Kilpatrick gave the des votional basing her remarks on Matt, 7:14. Mrs, P, Collar read two articles .regarding Missionaries "PerSonalized Prayer and Prayer and Ptaii10'1. A Sili.taeri et prayer follovved with Mrs, B. Ivraetean and Mrs. E. klipattlek taking part. the Meeting elOttect with the of My Life for Thee" and prayer IV Mary StaPle- ,was „served and a. Al:IiiiiblA110A11;111111(111A11111VIII1111011111111111111illifir111111111.10,101111111111(1111411'11111111114.1011011111111111114111111111A11111111111illitlilli111(1111A1111111111m1shimmiliiwifillinim; Sebial time enjoyed by all. 3-0Z. TINS COEFLIVO BAGSPKG 14' 0 I rlanfizTwhSil:Fd Bull KRAFT -PLAIN • SPECIAL 75 0-OZ, 4 SPECIAL! 450 M 21.0-IONZS. CLOVER LEAP - SOLID EAT WHITE TUNA FISH '4 36c KELLOGG'S ,„ SPECIAL ac ,1 CORN FLARES WI& LaY YELLOW SUGAR pcanmi 550. IIEDPATH FIRST GRADE ENO BUTTER ADDS ZEST TO SALADS I RICHMELLO - CREAMY""' • 660 1-LB. PRINT 630 330 MIXED PICKLES ;50., PICNIC BRAND -SWEET PICNIC SUPPLIES . SUPPER CLUB - WHITE s' ..,,330 SIDuiEREsylEwl:iTTE S Or 76 PAPER PLATES an 70. WisilAiksrPGA' ;TERRAINS 2 1P0Tt 9 . SALAD DRESSINGS ! llllll 81 11111111111111111111 1 1 1 1 0 1 11 1 111 111 1111111111 1 111(10 llll llllll 111111,1'101i 1111Y 111111 11 It 11ii II lll l 111111 llllllllll lo Ili 110 '11111,, ttt llll ll • ' . • Stuart House'. - Regular 1-LB. MARGARINE ... 2 for 49c 4111R/STIE'S VANILLA 11/2-0Z. PKG. BAKERY FEATURE - GILCHRIST'S Cherry Sponge Tom 210 Broken OLIVE'S IkAl. 290 * CLUB HOUSE -PIMENTO _ or Expert Body Repair the I.NGH A,M BODY ..51i01). 290 WAFERS AS YOU LIKE IT 1, " • ELLocourn. 334-1A 190 v.& •11.7•1,7?Cit', ..1r. FROZEN FOOD .FEATURES I PRESERVING SUPPLIES LIQUID Z T 0 T 310 BOTLE vAttris trimerivE nt AFTER 'and ,. BEFORE 4,4 PAROWAX 14.B, le4cGt, ' :••• ti,' ' 160 WINGNAM 31c • ALL MtnMANIA:W. '13UntliAStri AT /iltin DOM/Molt STORE IS UNCONDITIONALLY GUAAANTEED TO GIVE you loin& SATIStaCT/ON. COT FOOD 081r8 ;PIrjet,,?tit'o're *hotoS deMonstrate what din, Omer( Mbehanies ere able 16 at etiniplieli with modern "..i.,1409,10solpnion6 the Plante at the left shows. an auto With 'SOTO reef; and fender damage -at, the right, after it left onr shop, 't'• • 1, ,' W YOUR CAR NEEDS BODIt 'WORK -' CALL FOB "F*1..dt ItiSTIMA1* TODAY METAL JAR RINGS DOZEN IttIntru JAR RINGS PKO. . OF 12 bkoWN:-IVIEb/tillt SEALVIS DotEN 11211 100 UNTIL CtQSINO TIME SATOItoAi. 4rittle WIN6HAIVI BODY SHOP. Stone 746 Sid Mims .reins LIMITED ANC .J II A ly _tit • • ' IA.,4,444P110.441: 64 IL