HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-06-25, Page 5IA
• heir? , . 5
• .11.01w a Genuine. EASY Spiralator Washer at ,,
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GIANT CAPACITY titanium enamel tubs.
SUPER SAFETY MUNGER, with. instant
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MECHANISM, three point, rubber-mounting.:
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,Smart modern styling and ,finish throlughatit
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• -1 " ICIEE
Tint o FA
than, Doi:lost
ft• a Awl,:
athoteing, , l td Vines A
life ague of a set of l
0v it
Without it,
wear twice as 'fast
talle al, big gront)lei In
on 1,,V1‘,IPUIVII! 'safell' *Ai
vino—look far the stkPL
with. 4.F.,Aft
Ole oltipny Ilear" Slgatl
Phone 355 Diagoual Road Wingham
Por Fun and Frog
Attena The
Bcilys" REV
iAn " -79
Tuesday, July lst
All Events to be Held- At
7111111111111114111119110CIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIMIIIIVIIIMIlla111141.111111111illIN1111.111 1 /11111.10I111140:
So start 'em on-
and grow 'em on
• Let us help you with all your dairy feeding orbblems,Drop
into the mill and let us outline the complete SHUR-dAIN
11 I
e •
Every calf born.earries these bred-in characteristics. Your interest is in
seeing all three cultivated through propel feeding and management so thitt
the mature animal is everything its breeding made possible. YOU CAN
You want to attain this end at the lowest possible cost so you cannot
afford to feed saleable milk to growing calves. You want also "to enil
up with strong healthy heifers with capacity and stamina for a long,
useful life, of heavy production. AND YOU, CAN DO IT1,
The SHUR-GAIN Calf Feeding program is the sure, direct, and inexpen-
'sive way to ensure complete developn,ient of your calves.
1 ,
_ • •
gaunt and famliY, Mr. and Mrs. Whigliaola Advanbaplia*10Wo4loa•davillMii
t Fate
.0i411.Ae that 040W-ea shah' the average huttaewife taltes
enoUgh steps tO the North Aram-hem eelitinent, Whielk is
thitoW theillaand •miles wide . and all Olds tvitheut leaving
heal own home:
Mot of na Plink We innst haw) Corns, entionae1 i.510:0111elit
Oat have Y011, before we' haw) Yeaf ato4 irekolk1:1).nring.thier
. tfi.0, $9,airs I have treated as' 'natty peapletwlia had, none Of
,these aihnenta, hut dld have pains in tinfil4,' aelatle' 044'; irii)
troulble or dower back ache, caused by pressure ae,,,a eaault of a
brealtdaWli of *the -holies In the feet;
Why suffer? Have 37;itiy 'feet checked•(Wiihout
obligation) by a•qualified,, ‘experienced foot
r r correatitenipt :
-'each .1,V1onday afternoon. Other times,
481 8th Avenue, Hanover. Plione 500
iL",.....40.........IAA.M.N111111.0 1.16011••••11.41111.0411124.11.111.11M110.14,041•011414111111.0.!1.041.MUINE.111.04111,
East Wawano,sh • Federation on Trip
The East Wawatieen l.ederation
of Agriculture sponsored 4 011a
trip Ito Threat'? Thorsday.
Twenty-one farmers front this area
visited the offices of the Cal' tarin
Hag Producers. C0-0,perative and
were welcomed by the evefetarY,
James Boynton, They were takers
n a conducted tour of the 'very
Modern and 44p-0i-date offiee$ „ „ .
• ,zfeInnis and ,T;'' KOWE;1*00r4sed
the tronp,a0d pointed.'•ent the ad;
vantages and henefita that the
farraara aye receiving since the dir,
eetional program of the Hog pro-,
(lacers co,operate game into, effect
„almost two years agp,
The group then visited th4 new
head offiee, warehouse and, cold
storage plant 'et the 'United Co-OP-
eratives of Ontario, and here they
Were Welcomed .by the pretident,
Mr.. McLean and taken on a: con
ducted tour of the entire plank and
Lunch was prepared for the
greup hi the cafeteria aadRebert
McKercher gave an interesting ad-
North Huron juolots
Win compe.tiOcm
* For the last three years 40.1 \the
local ilualor Farmer .arid junior,
'Institute Clubs In Huron. County
have competed for the ft, Halier
Meeting thiprovernent Trephy.
Bach year judges appointed. by
theAto ivaxt.oi ono Cluiztl Lye ajo hn n otore tihi'earchilneg
at their regular Meeting and.aeOre
the meeting, according to the htim'
bee who take part ill the PrOgr4 M
and the Siiitability of the -(0140
being Cliaeuasetl,
The reatilts.of this year's eourpe.,
ation were made known at the
Perth Harm) Junior Farmer Field
Day at the' Exeter community pen-
ire recently. North Huron topped
the •competition ,for the second year
in a row with a scare of 1270 Of a
possible AKIO point* 'second in the
cortMetition this year were the Sea-
forth Junior Farmers, the" 4P55
winners with a score of 1084 .points.
Clinton stood third with.100t fol-
Jewed by Colwanash with W46,
SoUth Huron with 1628 and 1-lowiek
with 991,
The presentation of the U. 12. Eitti,e, meeting Improvement Tro-
phy took place at the annual dance.
held following the Perth Huron
Field Day at. Exeter. Mr, Jim Bew-
man, president of the North. Heron
Junior Farmers received the trephy
and spoke on behalf ,of his 'dun A
suitable replica of the trophy in
the form of a gavel was also aWard-
tcl , to the North Huron' Juhior
Farmers on condition that it anust
he used at all regular club. ..Meet-,
lugs. -
The Junior Farmers hopb 'Le; im-
prove the calibre' of their regular,
club meetings through competition.
The results of the competition' for
the past three
years indicate, that
it is quite worth while and reeelv-
ea 'enthusiastic support from 'all
the Huron County
Groslcorth, 1st vice president of the
W.M.S. of the United Church, Pre-
sided-at the June meeting held pat-
Tuesday at the home, of Nrr. :6J:13ert
Coultes' Twenty-four' ladies were
present, Mrs. 'Groskorth led in the
Scripture readings from 'Romans,
Peter, Hebrews and John. Mrs.
Garnet Farrier and Mrs. Bee-
croft, led in the, meditation petiod,
speaking• on "What we miss byj hot
reading, more Of the Bible,. ,IAnd
time for personal prayer .,andi re-
flection.” Alf stood for two` min-
utes' ailenee, in remembrance of ,a,
departed member, Mrs. Herbert
Laidlaw, and Mrs. Groskorth read
the meinorial hymn, Mrs. Jas
2oner gave a reading, "Have.
Stood Quiet this Day 'to Hear My
Master's Voice?" and.Mrs. RusAell
Chapman • °
Bye two short readings/
"Jeggingf Along", ',and "Appreci7
atioa". •
Mrs, Ezra .Scholta read an 'in-
teresting chapter.° on the japaneee
religions from the study book,
"Crisis- • and grossess in Japan".
Miss Olive Terriff led in prayer
for the success of work of our
missionaries. Mrs, J. G, Gillespie
Was in charge of the temperance
elippixigs.. The meeting was closed
with prayer by Rev R , A Brook
MrS, -K. Dowling was. hi charge
of the W.A. meeting that followed.
Plans were made, to entertain the
Mission and Baby Bands at the
home of Mrs. J. b. Beecroft at the
July meeting. The ladies present-
ed Mrs.. Brook , with a parting
membrance, and„, -Mrs. Dowfixig
closed the meeting Mirth preYer. All
enjoyed the birthday tea that' fol-
lewad, .Nisi Olive Terriff had 'al,
basket of beautiful flowers, there;'
n Memory of her mother, the laid'
Mrs, Malcolm Ross, who passed
away a 'year ego.
meeting-Of the W:MS, -of the Pres-
byterian Cherch was held on
Thursday at 'the home of Mrs.
DonF,ilci Ross, With ,sixteen ladies
present. The president, Mrs, Dow-
'Son Craig, Presided, and gave the
call to worship, Mrs. Robert Ross
read the Seripthre lesson and Mrs.
Johnston 'Conn gave the meditation
tallcoliving together 'with fellovW
' Mrs. Wm, Rinteld and Mrs, W. B.
Purdon Were, in chame of the pro-
gram. Mrs, Prank 'Cotilter led'-in
the Glad Tidings prayer and Mrs,
Rittaell 'Ross gave a, reading, "The
'pot Sciler Is Still, the Bible”, Mrs,
Damson Craig, ,t who attended the
executive traorv.its meeting of Malt-
Mn and° 'Mrs, Walter Elliott
and kialr en ,visttpdApr4 fitiridaY
the home .6: her brother, Mr. jOhtl.
Forater of Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mason
and children visited on. Sunday'
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Cecil Skinner of Rxeter, *
Mr. and Mrs, Mason RObinsow
and' family visited 'Ph Sunday, With'
her patenta, Mt. and Mrs; Albert
Canierell'*'Of WehlieW,
Walker fanlilleS in Nast Wawa-
nosh attended the Snell' family
on Saturday at 'the -MemerieJ
Hall, LondeabOrOi when 145 relai
tivea were present, Mrs, Turner of
Grand Prairie, -Alta:, and" Kerr
brothel', Mr, John Snell, of Bran'
den,, Man., 'were -present for the
gathering,,and visited last 'week
at the home of Mr, and .'Mrs, Geo.
Walker and family in East Wawa-
Mr. and, Mrs. 'GershOrn Johnstor
visited on Sunday at the home of
their son,'Kennth Johnston and'
Wire, Johnston, Clinton.
Mr, and. Mrs. Ray White and
family, Belgrave, and her parents
Mr, and Mrs, Harry Cook, visited
on Sunday with Mrs and. Mrs. Har-
old Siesser of Glands, Mrs. Sles
ser -was a patient' in Kincardine
Hospital ,for a few days last week,
and Mrs, Cook visited at the.,Sles-
ser home ,at that time,
Mr. ,.and Mrs, Wm, Me,Pherson
and children, of St. Helens, visited
on Sunday with her parents, 'Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Elliott.
About seventy of the parents and
children of, Brick United Church
Sunday School, held their annual
picnic at 'the rlyeia.at the home of
Earl Wightman, 4th ConceS-
sion of W. Wawanosh on Saturday'.
Ivan DoW,.-Murray Shiell and Jim
Coultes were in charge' „,of the
races, contests- and ball garnet
Everyone reports'a good time: '
A special service will be held- al
Brick 'United Church on Sunday.
when' Coin union •service will ts,
observed and the church will Vier.
be officially closed, and the con;
gregation will move over to the
Calvin-Brick Church, ' which is
being re-decorated and prepared
for this special service, on Sunday
July 6. All are cordially invited tc
attend either or both services:
Mrs. Millan Moore, who had beer
a, patient in Victoria Hospital
London, for the 'past three weeks
was able to return home on Sundal
with Mr. Moore.
Mr., and Mrs. Robert Watt and
family of Mitchell visited. on Fri-
day- with his parents, Rev. and
Mrs. W. J. Watt,
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dowling
and Lyle, and Mr, 'and Mrs. Wm
Dowling, ell of Holstein, visited on-
Sunday ,at the home of their. bro:-
ther, Mr. Kenneth Dowling.
Mr. and.Mrs. Russell Walker of
Goderich„.visited, on Tuesday last,
with Mr. and Mts, Albert Coultes-
and Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Majury
of Paisley visited at the Coultes
home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mts. Carman 'Farrier .
'and children of Long Branch at-
tended the Higgihs family picnic
in Morris on Saturday, and also
visited with his parents, Mr. and
Mts., W. Fi„, FArrier.
;Geo'ge• Naylor, who has
beerya -patient in ,Wingham Hos-
pital fd.r' the pasrfew months war
able to leave there on Thursday
last and is visiting with Mrs.
Robinson, Wingham,
Miss Mary Ross of Toronto spent
the week-end with her parents, Mr
and Mrs. Frank Ross of Turnberry.
Mr.' and Mrs. Frank -McPhail of
Burford and Mrs. Nettie Haines of
'Gtielph spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Ross, and all 'attended
'the Turnbull family picnic at. Kin-
cardine on Saturday. Others who
attended were Mr. George Case-
more and Harold, Mr. Thos. Hen-
derson, Mr. ,and Mrs. Rapt. Mc-
Kague,IVIr. , and Mrs. John. Me-
Ka.gde, Mr. and Mrs. Wiifred Wal-
ters and family, Mr. and, Mrs.'
Leslie Bryce and Mr: 'and Mrs.
Alex Campbell.
The silo builders •from G,oderieli
`are'huilding a silo this week at. the
'horn& of"Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Eck-
Mr, Thos. Inglis and son, Tom
-and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Inglis visit-
ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Inglis of Fordvvich ad Mrs.
Alex Inglis stayed to Spend a few
clays there this week.
Afr. 'and Mrs, John Jamieson
and sons visited on Stuidaymith Mr.
and Mrs. George Turbull of Brus-
Mts. Chas. Congrath of Luek-5
now, is visiting for a few days al
'the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Chas. Shiell,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and
daughters visited on Sunday at the
home Of his sister, Mrs. Robert
Chambers of ,Harriston.
Mr. George Ross of Owen Souhd
-spent the week-end with his
Mother,- Mrs.' Robert Ross.
The =there 'and the younger.
children in S.S.-No. 10 Kinloss went
oh their annual trip this time to
Bervie, then on to Kincardine
beach for their Picnic -supper.
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. and
'Mr, and Mrs, Clark Johnston and
children were at, London on Sun-
day and visited with their uncle,
Mr. Lloyd Bell, a patient in Vie-
. The Congregation of the United
Church Will meet on Sunday, June
29 at '8 pat., wheli ReV: A. A. Brook,
Who has been at BlittiVale for
;Years and fit Whlteehtn'eh for 4 1-
ilienrs will preach his farewell
aerriaon. Rev, and Mrs. Brook
.move next week to their tit* borne
ai Aeton, and Mr, Brook will re-
John 044111t and family, Mr, and
Mrs, POMO Ross, and Po4giss, W. %I MO, Jas. Gaunt and baby,
Janet, te, Robert Reati. Mrs. Gee"
MeO1011ag'han, Mr, and Mts, Thos.
Ga,unt )4% Krn9fit cf!Arrtr 0, Mpg-
ham. MeCieneghan also.
accompanied, Mrs. George McCiene-
gban and visited with former
neighbour, Mrs. H. liosa Sca-'
Mrs. Gilbert Seecreft was, called
to flttleefield ,on Saturday on tar:.-'
count of the illness of her mother.
Mrs, Robert Wel.aell, whO was?
taken Se/404h Hospital,
Mr 'and' Mill, Owlet: varrfer,
Mrs, Ezra Seholts and Mrs.,Pan:
Tiffin, were at ZionVnited Church,
Ashfield, on Sunday, and -assisted
with the Music, Mrs, -Schnitz, Mrs.
Tiffin and Mr. Farrier sang two ,
numbers, "Heyond •'Today" and
"Resting in His Love". Rev, Rey
Kennedy of Dungannon was the
guest Minister,
Mr.' and Mrs, Ernest Charleton,
who, were visiting at the home of
Mr and Mrs. Cecil' Falconer, left
on Tuesday to visit with relatives
in London, Mr, and Mrs. A. K,
Purdon, of Lucknow ..accompanied '
them and visited for a few days
with Miss Bertha and Miss Agnes
MacKay of London.
Mn and Mrs, garnet Farrier and
Janie spent last week-end at Tor-
onto and with Mr, and Mrs, Car-
man Farrier of Long' Branch.
Mr. Thos. Purdon, Mrs. Wm,
Dawson and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Tiffin spent the weekend at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Heim-
Jerson of Brantfbrrl.
Mr. and 'Mts. Thos. McInnis of
Gerrie, and Mr. and Mrs, .Gordon
Janaiesort of Godertch visited on
Sunday at the home of their bro-
ther, Mr, Jas, McInnis,
The 'ladies of the Women's In-
stitute go 'on their. hue trip to
Leamington and. Kingsville on Mori-
day next,
Mr: and Mrs. Frank Eckenswiller
visited on Subday at the home of
her brother, Mr. Norman Liebold
of Mount Forest, and all went on
to Kitchener to the funeral home
from where Mis. Eckenswillers
grandmother, the late Mrs. Alfred
Widmeyer will be buried on Wed-
nesday, --with the service in the
Lutheran Church at Ayton and' in-
terment in 'Ayton Cemetery. Mrs.
Widmeyer was in her ninety-sixth
year, 'and five of her family of
six children were at Kitchener on
,Mr. and -Mrs, Clifford Neville
of Staffordville, visited on Monday
last with Mr. ant Mrs., Wm. Ken-
nedy of Marnoeh, and on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore of Dela-
ware and Mr. arid Mrs, Fred Jelfs
and children of Mt. Brydges and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Woodcock and
family of Glenannan visited at the
Kennedy home.
Mrs, Will Conn spent the week-
end at the hoine of her daughter,
Mrs. Hardie Simpson of Teeswater.
• The Ladies' Aid of the Presby-
terian Church met on Tuesday at
the home of Mrs. Frank Coulter
and were busy quilting a quilt.
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sheridno mitc. oat value in colorful On& .fireen, Hat the bonhty in; ,
for themoneey,‘"ti tih nt will endure till'ehghteht the ':Velte4'
atI)N-,1401r0114 Li mite
A. U, MiteWILLIAtit , , ' ' . ..
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,.,it,o,,I. row iatki 6.0, . lir,lid .ftitO'Verilson'AifegOr feantet ii)naler - . ., .
'inissionary, and giving a short re-
, rent of hit or 'her work, Mrs, John
'Craig led in the offertory prayer,
Wra, 11440111 had, charge Of
the chaptet in' the -stncly book
telling 116w 'the\ Jelainese Christians
are MiXincia to extend the work to
others, and Mrs, Rintoul led in
brayer NW these people, Mrs.
John McGee read a poem,
"Faith". Mrs. Earl Casliek read an tire from active preaching', All
interesting' rievVg letter from Rev, in the coriatnunity ate invited
Sits. DIkseri of Taipei teni)/s or his altend this final service, and
Wotk and COntaett with the people bin. in the Social half-hotir that
it's that Ian& Mrs, R. T. A. Mar.' Will folloW.
shall closed the nieeting`With Among those from this district
or: Mrs. 'Oetirge Illsiter awl' Mrs.. Who attended the Gaunt 16.1.1111y =
Icor ttnersort be lenders for - gathfsrhIg. held at Seaforth perk
t Meetingt The liosteat 8aturilay We're -IVfr, ;All -
screed hitteh. 1,kert2te, Mr. and ivirs, Russell „
land Presbyterial, held at Langside tbria. 140:vital; for the past week,
On Wednesday, gave as report of,,the Mr. and Mrs,"-Cecil Forster and
Meeting. The' roll call was an- children of Palmerston visited on Invered each naming a how ' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, AlC