HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-06-25, Page 4111rntit 'The W10104416 4.41144104. WIIIIIR6646•4 1:904- t t • ittrt,it".0",'"."”`trn" 1.• FOR SALE taVV's T4ua szKVICE and used, Furniture. We buy and sell, Phone 185, rrb. • MILK 1s.f.LTER8 for sale—"Rapid Arlo", 6 -inch, 79c; 6% -inch, 650 ••• Alexander's Hardware. • • QUANITn CIF If..Ay for sale. Phone Bob Hastie, Wroseter 1.1r5, 26b ONE 12 -FOOT BOAT like new for sale. 'Used only once, 'Phone •• • 1: 610-Wi., 25b ,1,1 %LUCKY SEVEN SALE continues all this week at McKibbons Drug Store. Don't miss the attractive sPecials. •25b •!tt "' FIVE -DRAWER oxEsT of draw- • ers, thr sale. Walnut finish $28.95, rit• R. A. Currie & Sons, Winghani. •25b rimca ACCORDION for sale,Low priee. Used one year, C. E'rie- burger..., 25b • MeCORXIM Deering Mower, Wagon, hay rack, barn jaelf, Chevear, wheel liarroW., for sale. Phone 626W3, 25* 1 . • • USED LLOYD lightweight' aunii- nrn baby carriage for sale. ,ver white with, grey check. R A. 4, Currie & Sons Whigham, •25b if.ROEHLER 65th anniversary -spec-, ials in davenport and bedroem. suites at the ,Mildmay Furniture Showrooms. Godfrey Schilett„ Mildraay. 18•25b ON'T MISS THE many special, lien's at McKiblions Lucky Seven: Sale, all this week. 25b McDOUGALL'S LAWN Mower Ser- vice—grass shears, scissors, et., sharpened.' Re-eonditioned rneW- ers for sale. Phone 553w. - 28,4,11,18,25* ROLL.WA.Y COTS, Spa,cesavers, bedding, Divans. Good selection at Schuett's Mildmay Furniture, fiee» deliiery. 18:25b MEAT 'Fait SALE—Good beef by the quarter„ 'Killed on premises. lospected »by Dept of Health. Yearling heifers. Top» quality., Lowest prices. Raynard Ackert, Apley, phone 24r30. 1.7rrb POULTRY FOR .SALE $000 MK ALB Pin„.1:47S. for sale. . Healthy, WO raisa, vaceinated, for bronchitis and NeWcaStle, 12 • Weeks old June 26th aild July 3rd. Digeounts on large orders. Free . delivery on »t1l erders of 200 or _ more. InsPection invited. Enquir- les promptly answered, Call or Write "MOORE'S POULTRY Fan” R.R. 3, Seaforth, Ontario phone 047r31. 1,1rrb FOR RENT TWO -ROOM APARTMENT with bath for rent on Josephine Street Apply to John Falconer, 913 Un- ion Street, Kitchener, or Harold ?bock. 1,11825b •CABINS light housekeeping for 2 or 3, Central location, $25 per •week for 2, • Write Box 59, 41 Woodward Ave,, Grand Bend, Ont. 1118:25•;2b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY DO YOU want to run a fine ser- vice station? Proven financial rettirns, rent very reasonable. Write R. E. McKinney, Box 508 Winghara. Confidential. • 11:18;25b SALES HELP WAD—MALE • RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Townships of Tur,nberry, East WaVtranosh, and West Wawanosh. • Trade well established, Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. F-453-189, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. , 25b MARRIED WOMAN for part time work in Dominion. Store Fridays • and •Saturcliya. Experience not ,necessary. See the manager, 25rrb TEACHER WANTED EXPERIENCED PROTESTANT Teacher for Union School No, 7, East Wawanosh , to start ' next Septentherr Apply stating salaiy, experience and qualifications to John A. MeBurney, ;RR. 1, Bel- • grave, SecretarrEast Wawanosh •Township School Area Board. 1825b EVES.' A,UCTION SALE—Saturtlaye. June 28t1i» o 2 0"cleck. at the of IanVilie e.mto,. Minter Street, where all the .household effects including. appliances, furniture, Ohildren's ,itenta •will be offered. Terms, cash, thing must be sold-. • CE25b ENTERTAINMENT each evening at the CliffOrd Inn. CE4rrb BRUSSELS IO.O.F. Celebration, Victoria, Park, Brussels, Satur- day, July 5. ;Amateur contest prizes, $12; $8; $5. Mail entry to Box 22 Brussels. Midway, modern and old time dancing. Brussels Pipe Band. Afternoon free, evening adults 50c. CE25:21i • • DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal, 'FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection Charge for small ani- mals, • Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, • or Dur- ham. 398, Gorden Young (Elioira) Limited, •'„ 6rrb HIGHEST, cash prices" paid • for. siak,• down and disabled Cows and Horses, also, dead cows:arid. horses et cash, value. Please phone promptly Bruce Marlatt, Call •collect 56r7 Brussels, 24 hour service. • ' 19rrb • MISCELLANEOUS MEDICALLY ,APPROVED Nia- gara Deep Massage, 'increases circulation, relieves »fatlgue and a,ching muscles. Effeetive for figure control. Local representa- tive Mrs. Walter Pocock, 'phone 993. 18rrb CARD OF THANKS We would like to, , express our Sincere appreciation for acts of kindness and messages of sym, pathy received frorri.„'"friends and relatives during Qui' •bereavement in the loss of a; dear sister, Mrs, ft" J. Scott...--The'Aitkep 25b CARD•OF THANKS I wish to° thank all those Who seat cards,thtters, treats and beautiful flOwers to me while I was in Wingham HoSPItal, also Dr, W. A. 1VitiKibbon, Mrs. X," Men rey and he ,nursing staff of the "hospital.—Mrs, Pearl, Walsh, 25* CARD:OF THANKS We would like at this time to • sincerely) thank our friends and neighbours of liovrick for the party and gifts received ,at 'S.S. .No. 4 Howick• A, special 'thanks tothe ones who - organized the •'Varty. YoUr kindness wfli afway's be' re- ineMbered.', Pearl, Giirdon and Raymond Wright.: 25* CARO OF THANKS • I wish to take this Way of eit- preSSing mmy» appretiation to, an my neighbours ancl•:friends for all kindness show,n toward me while a patient in Winghant General Hos- yvin Casemore. , 25* , CARD OF 'THANKS • • We wish •to - say, thank you, to our neighbors, relatives and friends for their lovely gifts, »c8rds andex- pressions of "Good Wishes" for our 25th WeddiongAnniversary,2Ethel and Russell. Gaunt. • 25b CARD OF THANKS Many many thanks to all those friends who sent cards, » letters and flowers, to Me while I was in the hospital, .also Thanks to all • the nurses.—Mrs. Elizabeth Naylor. •• 25* REPAIRS TO ' ALL MAKES of lawnmowers, power and hand: -Also a. number of 'used mathines • , BIRTHS for sale. From $3.50 to $7.50, de- pending on cendition. Jenkins 'Repair Service. Phone 694W, Wingharn. • rrb ANI,TOT.INOING—,The greatest • in- vention in hpuse-cleaning sine the vacuum cleaner. The ELUX- 0,M.A.TIC nets so many new feat- ures, You must see it to believe 20t, Call L. EL Reynolds,. 64031, iour Electrolux Dealer, rrb • "11 RENOVATOR Autoraagie Sham- ,' J; poo—Now you can renew the appearance of rugs, upholstery. Leaves no ring, odor or ''color .1411•14 change. Take half the »work ;out of your spring cleaning. Avail-: Able at Walker Home Furnish: fr. to EMPLOYMENT WANTED RELIABLE High School girl wants • babysitting for summer months. Phone 444, 25b BABYSITTING by the hour or by • the week, either at home or at Jake.—Mr.. Cliff Logan, • phone • 745W2. 2Kb lags. rrb • YOUR FEET CAN ealise painAri ankles, knees, hips and lOwei • back. Wor •definite lasting re-; suits check with J. A. VICKERS; Foot Correctionist, Queens Elotil, Wingliam, on Monday after, moons. 26rrb - SEE THE USED FURNITURE . at IL A. CURRIE & SONS It -tree -piece chesterfield suite, a bargain, $39.00; chesterbed with wood arms, to clear $29.75; dining xoom table with extension leaves, 47,00; Wooden kitchen stools, 63.80; Barge high back upholstered toeker, real eomfort for $5.00, • REAL ESTATE MODERN BUNGALOW for attl Phone 434 or 981. 25* .1.1.00M1„kR1Cit ionfor Sale.' Fully Modertized.• Phone 5723. 28trb STUCCO HOUSE for sale on Fran. ell Street, Winghatn. Six roome• 3-piehathitern, garage, garden, Splendid' Picittion, AVallable Jaly • 1st,—APPIY.' to 'Etta. Mabel Hare, 1. Hillside t., WitterlOP, Ontariti. phoi16 .shetwood 31.114: 11;111:25b, WIP.Tocic Jt,PY• ottivott ariktrLASti Pit)XY for ,Howarti VanCamp, aeneral ..Stota, tthei, Plidhe 3.e1, Btok. COS. 25°: • St. MCKIM tor see. iitobertltrel. 14'Wrexeter CittaZieefo-r ttus. •z•-: 0,1mo4 04014.• of Pigs for Me. hi I Mildniny. 28s ,t4,••01 'tit* WANTED Art A4Scott• Wingham 2rrb NEVBR »NEVER, never since the world began such • relief from sore, aching, burning feet, weak ankles, sore knees, hips •and •back, cramps in feet or legs. Corns, callouses, •bunions .dic, appear, arthritis pains fade Away, brings back circulation: Conshit W.• A. Kaufman, phone 9C Lis- towel, open Tuesday afternoon and evening, and at the Bruns- wick Hotel, Wingham, • On June 26 and July 10. Phone 666. rrb SEPTIC TANKS, Cesspoels, » etc., cleaned with »niodern equipment, ' All • work guaranteed. Louis l3lake, •R.R. 2, phone 42r5 Brtis sels. 26r1.25.7E* rs YOUR TELEVISION, properly insured fort all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew, USED WINDMILL, gasoline 'en gines and pump jacks wanted. Can be traded on prehsure sys- tems new or used. Ask us for an estimate without any'obligation, or,if you are needing any new roofing material we give you the .best value for your money Write or phone oollect to Iifing nyes at Glathis. Phone .Paisley 114r4. • 16A1t.Nov REPAIRS BUILDING • AND PLUmBING SERVICE—Repairing, remodel- ling, bathrooms, cupboards, We can supply you with all your plumbing needs. Bathroom fix- tures, McDougall pumps, electrie water heaters, pipe, arbotite, wall -board, floor tile, etc, George A. Carter,RR. Wlngham. Phone 713W1. '411;16:25b ,• ..11401ndE The Turriberry arid Minis .cltirnp In tritovale Will he Open on • Thuraclay afters -Wort Of each week from 2 to 4 ciselock, for further inforMation apply to Geo Green- away, 1118:25h LOST I.,CcVr on Main Street, brown leather changecbageptlre,clentaining aunt a money and Postoffice key. Finder pleate cl1 977, 25b AtriBtliAtive stxtvitt--- VARIES AMBULANCE, • bane• Safe, tourtemis Sett:dee Phone t1a 51ight, -tie or 830 13rtb FINANCING A CAM' Before ,Yint buy thlk about otzi LoW Cost Financing, Service With complete /nsitrande C6Versige. STEWART A 'SCOTT *Uwe tes • 1"14: STEIN -Ulf A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your ear or truck insurance. Yearly ,or six, •tnonths policies are available • Special rates for farmers, Foy further information phone 293 Winghatn. • •29rrb FOR ARTIFICIAL internination service or more information, telephone »the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association collect at Clinton HU 2-3441 or W011210Sa office, phone TeesWater, 126, be- tween 7,30 and 9,30 am. We supply service to top quality bulls of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire; Guernsey, Brown Swiss, Red ' Poll, Hereford (polled and horn- ed) Beef Shorthorn (polled or horned), and Dual Purpose Short- horn, Angus and 'Cliarelidse • breeds. 'The. cost is low. 23rrb GIBSON—in Winghant • llospital,, on Thursday, June 19, to Mr.. and Mrs, John Gibson, Wroxeter, a CAMPBELL -Mr. and Mrs: j. Robert Campbell, (nee ,rean Rin- •toul) are happy toannounce the birth of their son, Robert Bruce. lit Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, June 20, 1958. • REID—In Wingham Hospital, on • Friday, June 20, to Ivir. and Mrs. Vernori.Reid, Wingham, a son. NESBTTT—in Wingliarn Hospital, on Friday, June 20, to Mr. and krs. Douglas Nesbitt, Wingham, a son, PAYNE—In Wingharn Hospital, on Friday, June 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Payne, R.R. 1, Lis- towel, p, son. CAMERON, -,In Wingham Hospi• tal, on Friday, June 20; to Mr. and Mrs. AleX Cameron, R.R. 3 Brtissels;a daughter; EIEWITT—In Winghain Hospital, on Friday, June 20, to Mr. and Mrs. •Wilbert Hewitt, R.R. 4, Wingham, a. son, LOLITTIT—In Wingham 'Hospital, on: Saturday, June 21, to Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Louttit, B.R. 1, Gorrie, a son. SHIELL—In Wingham Hospital, on'Sitturday; June 21 ,to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shill, R.R. 3, Wing - ham, a son. SINNAMON—In Wingham Hospi- tal, oft Saturday,„June 21, to Mr. and Mrs, Robert • Sinnamon, Wingham, a son. FOXTON--In Wingharn Hospital, on Stinday, June 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Easton, R.R. Wirigharn, 'a son. _ TEME'ILEMAN—in Wingham Hos- pital, on Tuesday, June 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Templetnan, Wingham, a daughter. A STIAIVIE OF OCR AGE (the mixture of life in . the mass and alcohol) "Only an ostrich could be ex- cused for failing to see In this et - plosive doriibination. one of the shames of our age, Dor what *other single eleinent combines with life in the mass to produce a mix- ture that figures proMinently Lh almoat half of all tatel accidents On the highway? Or setS the stage for the corn- nielliett type of Murder or attends fifty to seventy per cent of all serldus misdemeanors and felcip- 100?Or trips to -many Athletic 14, men into harlots' Or turns so many Juveniles into delinquelitri? Or send t .16 •snarly marriages into diVerces and children to orphan. COS? Or SO many twisted perteen- alitieit into neuropsychiatric WardS? • Cat you ;name' one? not 2e6 lieW the -Chuh can any longer pottperity ethisiderettitin ofabstiliellet as a peaSible ", And plattabie fettottvioNetti the use of' - a1.,,,4tirbfe5Sor IdVerett tiften. , -215b • 4 • .s." • s • • 4 .1,o DIED JAAVIS--Suddenly at her ' home, 17 Bala Ave., "Toronto oii Mon- day, ,June 16,. Agnes Minulell, Widow of the late aeo. T. Jarvis, In her 79th year, Surviving are twp brothers, Folin Mundell of Illuevale and William, of Wing - ham, Service Was held on Wed- nesday„ conducted by the Captain of Mt. Dennis Salvation 'Amy Citadel, assisted by Rev. John Hutton of .Pine River. interment Kettleby CertteterY. litturance Agency TJlk IATE SMS, MAUDE WIN) polieyholders oit this business Please be advised that this 114000 ha been plirotiesed by gtevort A. Scott W1NGNAM �t, further .potioy Information' 1193 441,18;25 'i; . 120 Qii:ests,For institute Tea ST, HELMS—The Conininnity Hall, gay with many flowerswas the seen , of a nicely' arranged Flower Tea on Wednesday after- noon, Wider the auspices of the Women's. Instte. The president. Mrs. Chas. McDonald, received the guests, numbering around 120 *arid including members of the ImehnoW, Whitechurch and •Dongannem ;Metes. The guests were (Heeded to the tea tables by MisS Beatrice McQUillin and Mrs. jollies ARO - Win, while 8140f, Andrew GaoOt provided piano music. A program, presided over ,bY,Mrs, McDonald, 'opened with the singing of the. Institute Ode, followed by solos by Mies Margaret Rae -cif L•ueknow, and by Mrs. E W. Rice; a violin and piano duet by Jiminy Rost 'and George Cello of VV1iite- church; a piano 'solo by Mrs. Chester:Taylor.; a reading by Miss, Dean McLeod of .tueknow' and- a duet by Mrs. J, ..RiVett arid Mrs. Jones of Dungannoo, Mrs, Durnin Phillips, of Iltingan- non, as gtie4 speaker, delighted - the ladies with her talk on her =re- cent trip to d3ermuda.Mrs. Philhips was thanked and presented with a gift by 1V1rs. Ernest Gaunt. The singing of the national anthernand the Institote, •Grace was followed by the serving of afternoon'tea, The bazaartable, in 'cli,arge of Mrs, W. A. Humphrey, Mrs. Will Rutherford and Mrs. E. Gaunt, was well patronized, with 'o'er $45/00 being received. Proceeds from the tea, which was arranged by Mrs..E. Barbour, Mrs. L. WoOds, Mrs, E. W. Rice and Mrs. W. liumphreY amounted to around ,$30.00. Former 'Clerk Dies at Ripley Gideon Ruttle, 8-1,91 Ripley, well known to many here because of his activity in, pOlitical life, died early this week. Mr. Ruttle, who was a former clerk of Ripley, bad also »been road superintendent of - the county of Bruce. He is sur - vied by» his wife and one daugh- ter. Mr. Alex Reid of town » is a brother-in-law. Mother Passes At Kincardine • Mrs, :Tames Harris, 84, died - at Kincardine. The former Catherine E, Fisher, she is .survived by one daughter,- Miss Greta Hairis, » man- ager Of theStedman Store in Wing - ham; and three cons, Harold, To- ronto; Goldwin, Huron 'ToWnship and Eldred, Kineardine. ' Funeral 'service and interment were at Kincardine, • Continental. BED LEGS:- va,raztitt***4*-, Sturdy Steel Ctinstruetkin Set of 4 — $4.95 Set of 4 with tasters • . $6.95 r Can be fastened to any pring. Walker Home Furnishings WALKPilt Phong 106 Wirighbin .HELENS • 314, iltimstead of Meaford was a visitor last week • with her aunt, Mr, "Wrn. MacPherson . and Ober -relatives, • , Mr, arid AfrS, G, S..McIntyili and Doitad,.o ,Itraeellriclge, were visi- tom 'en Sunday with Mr, and Niirs. W; Mill0r, They, With Mr: anti Mrs. 4010.1. McIntyre of Paisley leave sliertly ort a motor trip to the West Coast.. • Thursday, July 3rd;:will be Child- ren's• Day at the Women's 'Instit-' lute meeting to be ,held at the COmmuniy Hall with "the program aid 'games IA charge Of the Hapii, Handicrafters Call "IvIerner7 d. bhr ieytmase,cphfl0000nill ettIeliaet:nch:11;(1:, 1'71 • Miss.Denna WOO; student'nurap ,the Kitchelier:Waterloq, $Qspt- ta1 - was :home `'do*ring;the weeft and 'Mrs. Lorne Woods ,en- jeked the bus trip to Vineland for. the Htiron County Fruit Growers on Monday. Mr, Woods is president' of the ''.Asseeiatien. °Re'. and Ivirs. a M. Wright and, daughter, Joan, of, ,Moriktan 'Were :callers in the, viliage on 'Tlinrsday. Wright .was a forhier minister in the United Church here. Bank Manager's Father Passes Williaip .R. .Struthers 78 a 'resi- dent of St Marys for some years 'and former .Ellice and Downie Township farmer, died at the week- end. ;He, is survived by three sorks, Orval,. manager of the Canadian 'Bank of Commerce in Wit:Wham; • s. Clarence of Stratford, and Fred •of Toronto, and one daughter,' Mit. Helen, Ord, of Stratford as'•Well as a sister, Mrs. Agnes Smith; West TvIonitton. Funeral service was held At, two o'clock Tue'sdky afternociri''at the Greenwood-Gilbart funeral Thome' in SOatkorcl, with interment in Elma Centre Cemetery, 'AtwoOd. 1 • " • Highest Cash Prices paid for old, sick or disabled Horses & Cows HIGHEST CASH VALUE' PAID IN SURROUNDING DISTRICT. /or DEAIECOVVS and HORSES/ irorProlupt: Sanitary„. Disposal, . or night OLD,„HORSES for Slaughter• •at '5e per pound. 24 IIOUR SERVICE Phone' LEROY ACHESON -AtwOod '153, collect GEORGE IIISLOP Wroieter, 2r15 • June30 t‘44.10 IS NICER- 1144'141 ette.:}tstikskittiv* ,FLOWERS ON INE.IA811?: Tho',:lheihiotti.!Arie,71:okOlitAveTry0EntSu".dhit as if it may be at a fairly high level this talt, rant we WOtild, atiggelitelf yeti feel that .YoAre,going to need a little eat** this winter, you would be wive to book your requireihnents . n�4' ; We *lit be gad to do thts for` you, we Aro reasonably Mire that it would' be to yonr eilvittitage to book your grain need $01tirl. WIN GO AI PIP, kW; 6A,IN FEED MILLS ,74 pvtus,,, 1 MWA .loutisteda . ItAteoti- , ommitsimummumo • "PitOramisrsTM. ; • ' motkovieWasohuts r7-7..AT AWItAtt d 4.4 Ow .N., upvir Ir • v..‘F‘F 1111 ; • .0110 *.* " ***.n 41111610* fr-Ji 1;11 si-i111171k• Mil • 1:::.C-41iiiin111111itIIIii • • .„ , CAN, COST.LESS THAN PAYING 'RENT FEATURING r*s(mEt.its NORTH 'STAR,:'only, , _ • PAY NO .A:i0NEY DOWN CYNLY $26 MON* DOMINION Orel -PAY NO mo.NEy DOWN • ONLY $40' MONT19, • . 4woomoscorta***4====..."..40,,,,,N4rIrr.1.2 • $ ',..murrART BRAND NOMES, 44411;-• ' •' ' • , , 11 N • : ------------------------------ THIS ,! A,6104.ittsaert.s,e137rdanrrdel'imomeorp iwhtifphrrninotiootAn iatial?toutHion,": •4494E.., ADDRESS RA; .1. irnk 1. 01.1.0 14 1;11 --- -- elminfololmt ATS—EI1140°°E 'R‘C?EPiaLEDREI:LSiS6TNED15A:Siel,LOWIt''i Attention fanners .Inquire about our Do-it-YoUrself, Pralabricated kirainv Buildings. e 4 MOTTART-l:BUJLDERS"-,.SUPPLIES (SARNIA) -LIMITER 781. CamPhell Street, , Sarinia, Ontario. • tic.z to• WATER .CONSUMER The nhours for •watering lawns and gardens are frOm .6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and . from 6 p.m. to 9 0.M. tutli 00 strictly ento.rced. An ANNUAL charie of $4.44 gross, lesS.Prompt payment -diaCountjnVit:per 'cent, is made; for the use of a hose :6"1:-:otaisjde tap for .the above .• 'note purposes. , Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who .his.not 'plaid for this service will be • bilkd accordingly. Wingham. Public etilitips:Commission C. E. Shera, .:,roAs$Ey•FERc..usgi,o ' NEW 50's and 65's . • NEW »HOLLAND BALERS USED TRACTORS 'NO: 44 Tractor • , I. NO. 20 Row Crop 1 No.40 StaUcl*td, USED EQUIPMENT, 1 4-16:,Combue, om'I'Aet -with imotor tcl 1 ft Swather 1 4.ft. One4ay'Oesh (for Pore] Or Ferguson tracto0 1 8 -ft, Hinder on lubber , 1 1:.ft., Binder. on tied , HARLES HODGINS • • . . • •".. • ...',.., • ,-